There is no desire, there are reasons. Metabolic disorders in the body. Wrong fasting technique

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When appetite is disturbed, not all people perceive it as alarm symptom. And in vain: a change in appetite may be one of the signs (although not unambiguous) of diseases of the stomach and / or duodenum. Also, an imbalance of appetite is observed in other pathologies, for example:

  • infections of various types;
  • intoxication (poisoning);
  • problems with the endocrine system;
  • diseases nervous system, mental disorders;
  • beriberi, anemia and other malnutrition.

Increase and decrease in appetite: the main causes

Increased appetite is observed in patients with recovery period, also this syndrome often accompanies. Classic examples of perverted appetite are observed during pregnancy in women, as well as against the background of various violations psyche.

The symptom of "no appetite" may be a sign characterized by a decrease in pancreatic secretion. At oncological diseases() patients often reject a certain type of food, mainly meat and its derivatives, as well as a decrease in appetite up to anorexia - complete indifference to food. Sometimes experienced doctors correctly diagnose cancer based on a single sign: when a patient for a long time complains about poor appetite, lack of pleasure from taking even your favorite food, as well as a perversion of taste.

A special condition that should be distinguished from loss of appetite is sitophobia, refusal of food. This may be a consequence mental illness or an established fear of pain that worsens after eating - for example, in chronic ulcers. A perverted appetite with a desire to eat chalk, coal and similar substances is observed not only in pregnant women, but also in patients with gastritis with reduced or absent acid formation (achilic form).

Pathologies of the stomach and intestinal tract (duodenum) are rarely accompanied by an increase in appetite; they tend to have a poor appetite. The cider that occurs with peptic ulcer should be interpreted more as a need for frequent meals than as an increase in appetite: it is provoked by pain that occurs one and a half to three hours after eating (the so-called late pain) or after 5-6 hours (“ hungry pains). Also characteristic is the desire to eat as soon as possible, and in the supine position, for patients with disorders that have arisen after gastric resection; first of all, with the development of hypoglycemia - a complex symptom complex based on an imbalance in plasma glucose levels.

What is appetite?

The Latin word appetitus is translated as "desire, desire" and means the pleasure that a person receives in the process of eating. FROM medical point vision, appetite is a special physiological mechanism that forces a person to provide his body with nutrients in a timely manner.

Appetite is a complex and multi-valued concept. It is directly related to the work of a set of special structures of the brain, called the food center; its most active departments are located in the cortex of both hemispheres and the hypothalamus. So, we want to eat, first of all, with the head!

What determines the presence or absence of appetite?

All information related to food comes to the food center of the brain and is processed:

  • how and in what quantities it is received;
  • how it is digested;
  • what are the nutritional conditions;
  • how food is used up in the body.

Appetite does not arise when the food resources of our body have already been exhausted, but in advance; it is a proactive system. Therefore, with changes in the established diet, the brain can give an “alarm signal”, and the appetite-forming stimuli will begin to act differently, causing a decrease or increase in appetite.

Factors that affect the presence of appetite:

  • how is the intermediate metabolism in the body, what is the level of its products in the blood;
  • how well / poorly metabolic products are absorbed by cells;
  • how much water is contained in body tissues;
  • Is there enough fat stored?

Appetite is stimulated when the stomach is empty and its walls contract. To a person with low temperature body also want to eat. Work to increase appetite external factors for which the body has developed conditioned reflex: for example, view delicious dish, its smell (it's not for nothing that economical housewives always go to the store in the afternoon). Even the sight of a wall clock marking the beginning of the lunch break can act as an irritant!

Appetite is gradually inhibited during meals: the food taken stretches the gastric walls, its digestion begins, the cleavage products are absorbed, absorbed by the body, and accordingly changes hormonal background, and the food center gives the command - enough, the person is full!

Types of appetite and its disorders

There are varieties of appetite:

  • general, or simply “I want to eat!” When a person is ready to take any food;
  • specialized forms, when the appetite is directed to some kind of food and is dictated by the body's need for a specific group of substances: proteins or carbohydrates, fats, vitamins or minerals, etc.

On the one hand, appetite ensures that the right type of food enters the body in certain quantities. On the other hand, it “turns on” the mechanisms necessary for its assimilation: salivation, secretion of gastric digestive juice. This is a well-established system by nature itself, and its impeccable work most often indicates that a person is well-being both in body and soul: a good level of appetite has always been considered a sign of health. But the loss of appetite, on the contrary, signals the unhealthiness of a particular system, organ. Anorexia (no appetite) or bulimia (abnormal increase) of appetite often indicates problems with the digestive tract, endocrine disorders, beriberi, mental disorders, and even brain tumors. To return a normal appetite, it is necessary to establish the correct meal schedule and, of course, begin to treat the underlying disease.

One of the most powerful factors that serve to excite appetite is a change in blood sugar levels, especially if it occurs abruptly. It is very easy for a modern person to provoke this: it is enough to eat a handful of sweets in a few minutes, drink a bottle of soda in one gulp on a hot day, or go to a restaurant to eat. fast food. Then everything goes according to the established scheme:

  • there is an excess of sugar in the blood (its level can increase by 100-200%);
  • the body "sounds the alarm" and launches a mechanism for the accelerated conversion of sugar into body fat;
  • the level of sugar falls sharply below the norm, and the food center again regards the situation as critical - you need to eat urgently!
  • a person experiences a new attack of appetite.

Appetite disorders of all kinds are sometimes combined under the general term - dysrexia. There are clear subgroups of pathologies:

  • hyporexia - a decrease in appetite;
  • anorexia - when a person has no appetite at all;
  • hyperrexia - pathological increase in appetite;
  • bulimia - an extreme version of hyperrexia, uncontrollable gluttony, "wolfish appetite";
  • pararexia - any perversion of appetite.

Sometimes dysrection is confused with its pseudo forms; there is even a special term - pseudodisrection. So, a very hungry person can “eat like a wolf”, and a very hearty breakfast can experience a decrease or lack of appetite at the traditional lunch time.

Gluttony and anorexia

An immoderate, uncontrolled appetite is colloquially called gluttony. This pathology is characterized constant desire to eat and the inability to stop eating even after the body is satiated. Gluttony leads to indulgence, obesity and all the problems associated with it, often very serious. Gluttony is a disease that needs to be treated!

Lack and loss of appetite (anorexia) today can develop against the background of a strict diet, which implies the maximum restriction of calories consumed by a person. The situation is traditional for women and some men who have a "fad" - they consider themselves to be overly full, even if in fact they tend to be rather thin. The situation is aggravated if, considering the diet an insufficient remedy, a person begins to take medicines (laxatives, diuretics), all with the same goal - to lose weight. And here is the result: the activity of the food center was disrupted - appetite disappeared, the body lost almost all of its fat reserves, exhaustion set in (not only of the body, but also of the psyche). Everything ends with a bouquet of serious diseases, and sometimes with real starvation. Similar cases were noted several years ago, during the period of "fashion" for super-thin figures of top models, advertised by the American and European media.

With bulimia, many patients find, it seems to them, the ideal way out of the “fight” with the disease: after eating, they induce vomiting or take powerful laxatives. The logic is simple - you can get fat from a large amount of food, so you just need to reject it until it is absorbed by the body. Hence the habit of most bulimic patients to eat alone, arranging real feasts with an incredible number of dishes and subsequent cleansing of the stomach. The danger of such a situation is that a person does not consider himself ill (because he does not gain excess weight) and does not resort to medical care. It happens that bulimia is " reverse side» anorexia, developing in a person after a long period of complete lack of appetite.

What to do if your appetite is disturbed or lost?

Any violation of the habitual attitude to food - a decrease or lack of appetite, its abrupt change - is a symptom of the body's troubles, which requires a visit to a doctor! Find out the causes of pathologies of appetite and help in its restoration can:

  • psychotherapist;
  • nutritionist;
  • specialist in the field of gastroenterology;
  • endocrinologist.

If you find it difficult to choose which doctor to contact, first consult with a general practitioner or family doctor.

A good appetite- one of the signs of health. And although many do not attach much importance to a decrease in appetite, this factor may indicate a disorder of body functions or emerging diseases. But, suppose that none of the doctors could tell you the reason why your appetite is decreasing and you are not even able to gain weight.

Coldness to food, if it is constantly present, will surely disturb you and lower the level vitality. It is hard to imagine a person who does not leave the gym or is able to work for 12 hours and raise three more children and still not eat anything))).

But in most everyday situations, you can eliminate this symptom, restore vitality and normalize body weight by cleansing the body and harmonizing metabolic processes.

This is our article, based on the experience of hundreds of people who have already used the Sokolinsky System. It is not aimed at a symptom - a decrease in appetite, but at eliminating possible causes why the body sends such signals.

The main causes of lack of appetite and what can be done

Loss of appetite is not a disease, but may be a symptom of a deeper disorder in the body. Among the reasons that most often cause a decrease in craving for food, in practice we see several main reasons:

1. Violation of the liver and gallbladder. Discomfort in the right side, heartburn, bitterness in the mouth, intolerance to fatty foods, bloating are typical symptoms and are accompanied by a loss of interest in food. The body can not cope with the digestion of food and therefore asks "do not send more." Recipe for use natural remedies with a tendency to stagnation of bile and in the presence of gallstones, you will find, and to support the liver at a deep level, we always use Liver 48.

This is a herbal formula of herbs, sulfur and iron with a history of use for several centuries, it is now produced specifically for the Sokolinsky Center and helps to harmonize the work of the liver when it is hard.

2. Problems with the intestines and stomach. Everyone knows that when you don’t go to the toilet normally, then food arises, if not disgust, then you definitely won’t eat much. With irritable bowel syndrome or chronic constipation, gastritis, the trouble is not only that the appetite falls, but also there is no normal absorption nutrients. From here there is no strength, immunity is violated, there is no way to gain weight.

At the same time, maintaining normal bowel function is not so difficult if you adhere to a reasonable diet and use natural remedies. Follow a natural course of cleansing and nutritional support.

3. Chronic stress. When you are busy with work or worries, that is, you usually do not want to. But if the stress lasts for months, then the loss of appetite can become uncontrollable. But there is a deep solution to this problem, when with the help of a unique set of Bulgarian herbs Nevrolaxin and natural remedy Biolan we protect nerve cells from damage. They are part of our copyright "". Of course, no herbs can change your attitude to the problem, but it is possible to give time to solve it calmly, to support the energy of the body when you need to get together.

5. Lethargy of appetite and digestion is associated with reduced function thyroid gland. If you live in conditions of iodine deficiency and do not take thyroxine prescribed by the endocrinologist, you can initial stages hypothyroidism (at least 30% of women over the age of 40 are in this state) use a combination of Biolan + a natural precursor of the thyroxin hormone - the amino acid Tyrosine and Spirulina Sochi with selenium. The course is 2-3 months. But Biolan we take 1 capsule per day (poured under the tongue) for only 20 days every month, and Tyrosine and Spirulina Sochi selenium every day.

Diseases and hormonal changes

Loss of appetite can be observed in many diseases, ranging from viral infections and flu, and ending with such serious illnesses, how kidney failure, heart failure, cirrhosis, hepatitis, etc. Decreased appetite is often a symptom of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. The desire to eat also disappears in case of autoimmune diseases (scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis), problems with the endocrine system (diabetes, hypothyroidism), tuberculosis, asthma and many other diseases. Moreover, in some cases, it is the loss of appetite that is the first signal of a developing disease.

Emotional states and mental pathologies

Appetite can disappear with a variety of psychological problems oh and because of nervous strain. Stress, depression, phobias, neurosis and other conditions can lead to loss of appetite. This problem may also occur when mental illness such as anorexia, schizophrenia, dementia, etc. But this is not the topic of our article.

Taking medications

Lack or excess of substances needed by the body

The cause of loss of appetite can be both hypovitaminosis and hypervitaminosis. In addition, even a lack or excess of any one substance can affect appetite. For example, interest in food often disappears with a lack of zinc. This can be corrected by taking the mineral in an easily digestible form of Spirulina Sochi Zinc, only 1 tablet per day, in the afternoon, without combining it with cereals and tea in time.

A similar situation occurs when the body is oversaturated with vitamin D. To reduce the risk of overdose, with long-term vitamin D intake, such as osteoporosis, we recommend using a high-tech liposomal aerosol formula. It is not sold in pharmacies, but the Sokolinsky Center can order vitamin D in an aerosol for safe use.

Why does appetite decrease?

Loss of appetite may be the only sign pathological condition but is most often accompanied by other symptoms. For example, in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nausea, vomiting, bloating, belching, pain, and subsequently, against the background of this, a fear of eating develops and appetite disappears. This is typical for ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis and other diseases.

If at first the appetite disappeared, and soon the temperature rose, there was general weakness, this may indicate ARVI, influenza, colds. When, along with a decrease in appetite, there is a decrease vitality in general (drowsiness, fast fatiguability), there may be problems with the endocrine system.

Thus, if the problem is chronic and not associated with mental pathology, then it is quite possible to cope with it by natural means through the impact on the causes. In case this side effect medications - consult your doctor, and the same should be done when the failure of appetite is accompanied by acute manifestations of infections or pathology gastrointestinal tract.

Influence causes! Start feeling better with detoxification and microflora reset

Here you will get acquainted with a very convenient system of health promotion with the help of natural remedies, which are enough to add to your regular diet.

It was developed by renowned Russian nutritionist Vladimir Sokolinsky, author of 11 books on natural medicine, member of the National Association of Nutritionists and Dietitians, the Scientific Society of Medical Elementology, the European Association of Natural Medicine and the American Association of Nutrition Practitioners.

This complex is designed for modern man. We focus our attention on the main thing - on the causes of poor health. This saves time. As you know: 20% of accurately calculated efforts bring 80% of the result. This is where it makes sense to start!

In order not to deal with each symptom separately, start by cleansing the body. So you eliminate the most common causes of poor health and get results faster.
Start with cleansing

We are busy all the time, often break the diet, suffer from the highest toxic loads due to the abundance of chemistry around us, and we are a lot nervous.

This system is suitable for everyone, safe, easy to perform, based on an understanding of human physiology and does not distract you from ordinary life. You will not be tied to the toilet, you do not need to take anything by the hour.

"Sokolinsky System" - gives you a convenient opportunity to influence the causes, and not only deal with the treatment of symptoms.

Thousands of people from Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Israel, USA, European countries successfully used these natural remedies.

The Sokolinsky Center in St. Petersburg "Health Recipes" has been operating since 2002, the Sokolinsky Center in Prague since 2013.

Natural remedies are produced specifically for use in the Sokolinsky System.

Is not a cure

Always complex!

"Complex deep cleansing and nutrition + normalization of microflora" universal and very convenient in that it does not distract from ordinary life, does not require binding "to the toilet", reception by the hour and acts systematically.

It consists of four natural remedies that consistently cleanse the body and support its work at the level of: intestines, liver, blood and lymph. Reception within a month.

For example, either beneficial substances or toxins from "blockages", products of inflammation due to irritable bowels, can be absorbed from your intestines.

NutriDetox - powder for the preparation of a "green cocktail", not only deeply cleanses and soothes the intestinal mucosa, softens and removes blockages and fecal stones, but also provides at the same time the richest set of bioavailable vitamins, minerals, vegetable protein, unique chlorophyll with anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory, anti-aging effect.

Accept you need it once or twice a day. Simply dilute in water or vegetable juice.

Ingredients of NutriDetox: Psyllium seed powder, spirulina, chlorella, inulin, plant enzyme papain, microdoses of cayenne pepper.

On the next level Liver 48 (Margali) supports enzymatic activity and activates liver cells, this protects us from the penetration of toxins into the blood, reduces cholesterol levels. Improving the work of hepatocytes immediately increases the level of vitality, supports immunity, improves skin condition.

Liver 48 (Margali)- a secret Mingrelian recipe of herbs in combination with ferrous sulfate, which was tested by experts in classical medicine and showed that it is really able to maintain the correct structure of bile, the enzymatic activity of the liver and pancreas - to cleanse the liver.

Take 1 capsule 2 times a day with meals.

Active ingredients:milk thistle fruit, nettle leaves, plantain leaves, iron sulfate, immortelle sandy flowers, milk thistle extract.

This from the first days reduces the toxic load and helps to restore the self-regulation of the immune and endocrine systems.

The action of Zosterin in relation to heavy metals is so well studied that even methodological guidelines for its use in hazardous industries have been officially approved.

You need to take Zosterin only in the first 20 days, first ten days, 1 powder 30%, then another ten days - 60%.

Ingredients: Zosterina - extract of the sea grass zoster marina.

The fourth component of the methodology is a complex of 13 probiotic strains beneficial bacteria Unibacter. Special Series. It is included in the "Sokolinsky System" because the reboot of the microflora - rebiosis is one of the most modern ideas about the prevention of the so-called. "diseases of civilization". Proper intestinal microflora can help regulate cholesterol, blood sugar, reduce inflammatory response, protect the liver and nerve cells from damage, enhance the absorption of calcium and iron, reduce allergies and fatigue, make stools daily and calm, correct immunity and have many other functions.

We use a probiotic with perhaps the most profound effect on the body as a whole, the formula of which has been tested by decades of practice.

The goal of the entire program is to eliminate deep reasons feeling unwell, to restore self-regulation, which would then be easy to maintain healthy eating and adjusted m way of life. Moreover, using the complex you simultaneously act in different directions to support your health. It's smart and profitable!

Thus, in 30 days you cleanse at three levels at once: intestines, liver, blood, remove toxins and activate the most important organs on which well-being depends.

On the website you will find even more information.Read more about this unique body cleansing system!

Food must be taken in sufficient quantities. Food is strength, health, mind, endurance. By skipping meals, we deprive the body of those substances that it needs so much. Where else to take strength, except from food? Unfortunately, man has not yet learned (and is unlikely to ever learn) to draw energy from sunlight for his body.

The reasons for which may be different - the problem is very common. In some cases, a person seems to understand that he will feel bad without food, but he cannot force himself to eat. This is not about any mental disorders (for example, anorexia), but about the state when there is no urge to eat.

In adults and children, it can appear completely unexpectedly. In some cases, the cause is not always easy to determine. What to do if the reason is clear? You just need to remove it, and everything will return to normal.

Lack of appetite: causes

Problems with eating can arise due to some kind of disease. It's not just about indigestion or any other digestive organs - a common cold can lead to loss of appetite. When sick, a person cannot eat, but in order to recover, he needs to eat normally. So it turns out that in such a situation it is necessary even through force.

Loss of appetite, the causes of which we are considering, can be caused by severe stress. This is quite understandable, since severe stress affects the state of the whole organism. Also, the causes include mental disorders like depression and apathy. They are directly related to the fact that a person loses the desire to live, move and seeks to move away from the outside world in every possible way. The mood in such cases is always bad. Refusal of food can last for a very long time, and the consequences will be that you will lose weight and weaken. win without healthy food mental disorder very difficult.

Loss of appetite, the causes of which are not always easy to determine, often occurs in people who move very little. Try to work physically - you will instantly want to eat, and very much. Moving, man burns a large number of energy, which, in turn, receives from food. Hunger is a signal that it's time to eat. What can a person who sits at home all day long expect? Yes, problems with appetite are guaranteed to him.

Periodically, the appetite disappears in pregnant women. It's quite normal phenomenon and there is nothing abnormal about it.

How to increase appetite?

First of all, I would like to advise you to move as much as possible. Sports are encouraged. No one forces you to become athletes - even a banal run will have a lot of benefits.

Loss of appetite caused by stress can only be cured with rest. Take a vacation and go somewhere where you really feel good. It is important to unwind and move away from the gray everyday life as much as possible. The same can be recommended for depression. New experiences will help you fall in love with life again and restore your appetite.

It is recommended to take vitamins and mineral complexes. Force yourself to eat fruit, meat, fish. Be sure to drink milk - it's really a wonderful product. Healthy food, used even through force, will help to quickly return to normal.
If there is a suspicion of any disease, be sure to go to the doctor and do everything necessary tests. Remember that health issues are very important. Give them maximum attention, and no ailments will cause you trouble.

Do you know what many people who want to lose weight dream about? Not?! Yes, just like that, for no reason, the appetite disappeared ... But not the desire to eat is a state that does not at all indicate health and the correct course of processes in the body. Why? Because many reasons can lead to loss of appetite and not only self-tuning. Very often, appetite disappears due to stress, psychological problems, nervous disorders. Sometimes lack of appetite may be due to long-term use of certain medicines. These may be some types of antibiotics, drugs for the treatment of arthritis, to reduce blood pressure, elimination of edema, painkillers. But there may be other reasons as well.

To establish the objective reason for the lack of a normal need for food, you need to undergo an examination. Very often, apart from psychological reasons, lack of appetite may be due to some painful conditions. This can serve as an alarm signal that not everything is fine in the body, and there are serious changes in work. internal organs.

Therefore, if you feel frequent, prolonged loss of appetite, it would be right to contact your local therapist, or consult a specialist gastroenterologist, psychologist or nutritionist.

Some reasons for not wanting to eat

As we have said, loss of appetite can be due to health problems. Most common causes are:

Violation normal operation gastrointestinal tract: The occurrence of gastritis, cholecystitis, dysbacteriosis. These diseases are often accompanied by pain, weakness, nausea, which often leads to a lack of desire to eat, leading to severe exhaustion.

Errors in the diet: If you want to get rid of excess weight, a person exhausts himself with a diet. As a result, nutrition becomes irrational, restrictive. The diet lacks a certain category of food, useful substances. Rapid weight loss begins, accompanied by loss of appetite. All often ends with the occurrence of anorexia.

Starvation: With a long or one-day refusal to eat, there is often a complete loss of appetite. Especially if fasting passes without medical supervision. It is very dangerous to carry out such fasting on your own, since in the presence of diseases for which hunger is contraindicated, their exacerbation may begin. This is very often the reason total loss appetite.

Wrong treatment, unhealthy products: Long-term use of potent drugs, medicines, herbal infusions, decoctions, without a doctor's recommendation or with an incorrect diagnosis - one of the reasons for loss of appetite. Also, refusal to eat can be provoked by drug use, smoking, alcohol abuse, certain weight loss products, and the use of low-quality medicines.

Improper (irrational) nutrition: Appetite disappears due to a violation of the diet, expired, stale foods, the use of which leads to the formation of poisons and toxins. Hitting these harmful substances into the blood lead to feeling unwell when you don't feel like eating.

Psycho-emotional state: Under stress, disorders, after conflicts, quarrels, troubles, a person often withdraws into himself and refuses food

Consequences of loss of appetite

Of course, every person experiences this state at least once in their life. With a short-term violation, nothing terrible will happen, since the body is capable of self-healing. However, if you do not want to eat long time and this condition happens frequently – it can lead to very adverse health effects. With prolonged fasting, hunger is felt by all internal organs, tissues of the body, including the brain.

Especially dangerous is the consequence of starvation - anorexia. This disease occurs against the background of prolonged hunger, is caused by psychopathological disorders. AT recent times widespread, the so-called anorexia nervosa. First, a person seeks to correct the shortcomings of his figure, refuses food. Then the appetite disappears completely. In the process of starvation, muscle atrophy occurs, the functioning of the musculoskeletal system is disrupted, and the functions of entire systems and individual internal organs are disrupted. How longer man starves himself, food completely ceases to be absorbed by the body. This is a very dangerous condition and requires long-term treatment.

Take long walks to regain your good appetite. fresh air, exercising sports. Infusions and decoctions from medicinal plants that stimulate the appetite. Prepare infusions from the herb of wormwood, mint, yarrow, calamus roots, spring.

Freshly squeezed lemon juice will help restore a good appetite.

But it is often possible to increase the desire to eat only after treating the underlying disease that caused the loss of appetite. In this case, as well as with the appearance of anorexia, only a doctor can help. Especially if this condition is caused by prolonged starvation and changes have begun in the body - dysfunction endocrine system, inflammation of the liver, stomach, pancreas. Consultation and treatment by an endocrinologist, psychotherapist, gastroenterologist will quickly ensure a full recovery and restore appetite.

If you have lost your appetite, then in order to track the causes of this condition, you need to seek help from specialists. medical field. So approach the problem with full responsibility. A good appetite will provide a positive attitude towards yourself and your life, restore health and good mood for many years. Be healthy!


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Violations of well-being can unsettle for a long time. Even if unpleasant symptoms occur only periodically, it still interferes with normal life, spoils general well-being and impairs performance. The most common ailments include disturbances in the activity digestive tract. They can develop quite unexpectedly, in response to dietary errors or an unhealthy lifestyle. Let's clarify why there is a loss of appetite, nausea, weight loss.

Loss of appetite, weight loss

Appetite can deteriorate or decrease due to many factors. Sometimes this symptom is explained by intoxication of the body caused by inflammatory processes or poisoning. During the height of a disease or poisoning, the body does not have the strength to digest food, it throws all its strength into removing toxins and the most different products decay.

Appetite often disappears during an exacerbation of ailments of the digestive tract, which are accompanied by painful sensations and general discomfort.
Sometimes such a violation is explained by endocrine disorders - a decrease in the activity of the thyroid gland, a decrease in the activity of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus.

In addition, appetite may worsen due to metabolic disorders, including those that have developed against the background of oncological lesions.
Another alarming symptomatology is sometimes explained neuropsychiatric disorders(neurosis, depression, etc.).

If you notice that your habitual attitude to food has been disturbed - your appetite has decreased or disappeared, or you have changed dramatically taste preferences, be sure to consult a general practitioner, psychotherapist, nutritionist, gastroenterologist and endocrinologist.
If there is no appetite for a long time, weight loss is the least evil that awaits such a person.

Nausea, weight loss

Nausea is pretty unpleasant symptom, which can be described as the appearance of a painful sensation in the epigastric or throat. This feeling can lead to vomiting. There are quite a few factors that can cause such a violation. It is clear that in this state you do not want to eat. If this condition is delayed, then the person will begin to lose weight.

So, nausea can develop in patients with gastritis or peptic ulcer. In this case, it appears shortly after the meal, the patient is also worried about heaviness in the stomach, heartburn and burning.

Sometimes such a violation of well-being is explained by the consumption of drugs, for example, antibiotics, antiviral drugs or vitamins etc.
A feeling of nausea can occur in people who have had a concussion. In such a situation, the patient is also worried about dizziness, and the nausea itself is permanent.

An unpleasant painful sensation in the epigastrium is a classic violation of the well-being of pregnant women in the first three months of bearing a child. Such a symptom is usually considered as a variant of the norm, and it goes away on its own.

Sometimes nausea is a formidable manifestation of meningitis. In such a situation, it is accompanied by fever, photophobia, a feeling of pressure in the back of the head, etc.

In the event that, with nausea, you are also worried about bitterness in the mouth, fullness in the stomach area, pain in the right hypochondrium, most likely, you are faced with a gallbladder disease.

Quite often, such an unpleasant disturbance of well-being is explained by the development acute pancreatitis or exacerbation chronic form of this disease. In this case, nausea develops shortly after eating, accompanied by soreness in the right hypochondrium and noticeable bloating.

If nausea occurs in combination with pain near the navel or in the right side, such a violation may indicate the development of appendicitis.

Among other things, this condition also occurs in case of poisoning. With such a lesion, nausea develops two to three hours after consumption of insufficient quality products nutrition. It can be supplemented by vomiting, stool disorder, and even an increase in temperature. In this state, there is no appetite, nausea and vomiting stop only after gastric lavage.

This condition is also possible if you inhale paint vapors. Usually then a headache also joins the nausea.

Even nausea sometimes becomes a manifestation of inflammatory kidney damage. In such a situation, it is usually accompanied by an increase in temperature and ongoing pain in the lower back.

With the appearance of systematic nausea, it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist.

Weight loss

Weight loss can occur due to external or internal factors.

It can be caused by food restrictions caused by:

Disturbances of consciousness (TBI and strokes);
- swallowing disorders (tumor lesions, narrowing of the esophagus or larynx);
- loss of appetite ( anorexia nervosa and intoxication), etc.

Sudden weight loss may be due to digestive disorders:

Disturbed digestion of proteins and fats (atrophic gastritis, gastrointestinal ulcers, pancreatitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver);

Violated absorption of nutrients (celiac disease, enteritis, colitis).

In some cases, weight loss occurs due to metabolic disorders, when the processes of destruction prevail over the processes of synthesis. Similar situation may be observed at severe injuries, burns, oncological lesions, endocrine pathologies and connective tissue diseases.

If a person has nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss inexplicable nature you need to see a therapist first. You may also need to consult an endocrinologist, oncologist, gastroenterologist, psychologist and infectious disease specialist.