Severe pain in one point of the head. What are the causes of the condition when the head hurts at the top left and in other places

why does the head hurt, causes, methods of treating cephalalgia

How does a headache (cephalgia) occur?

Cephalgia is the scientific name for headache. It occurs due to irritation or tension pain receptors after head injury, stress, expansion blood vessels. Receptors are located in different areas of the head and neck: in the veins, spinal nerves, muscles of the neck and head, lining of the brain. Having received the signal, the receptor sends it to nerve cells brain and reports pain in the body. Cephalgia does not occur in the brain, since it has no pain receptors.

The pain can last from a second to several hours, or even days. People rarely go to see a doctor with this problem, believing that it is nothing, and they try to treat even severe pain at home with painkillers that relieve the symptoms, not the cause.

Complaints of point pain

There are common cases when patients still come for a consultation after some period of time and complain of pinpoint pain or pain in one place. Moreover, for some it is always in the same place, for others the pain can move. Most often, this problem is localized in the area of ​​the eyes, temples, ears, and less often in the forehead area.

Migraine Headache has completely different characteristics. Here's a typical scenario: there is a lead-in period (minutes or even hours) before the headache ), during which the patient may feel tired or depressed, or have visual impairment, or other neurological problems- sparkles in the eyes, loss lateral vision, the ability to read or even speak is temporarily impaired.

Migraine occurs on one side of the head, and in each patient it is almost always the same side. The pain is pulsating in nature, usually begins in the morning and gradually, after 30 minutes - 1 hour, intensifies. Attacks may occur every few days or weeks; We are not talking about months. They last for several hours, but rarely longer than a day or two.

Migraine may be triggered by alcohol or certain foods, such as chocolate. They often happen after stress, when you are relaxed.

This type of headache is more common in people who suffer from migraines and cluster headaches. Injections, as a rule, occur in those areas of the head where headaches are localized during a migraine attack or Horton's cephalgia. Women suffer from this disorder 2-3 times more often than men.

Point headaches are usually localized in the forehead, temple, crown and eyes


As a rule, primary stabbing headache does not require treatment, since attacks are isolated and do not affect the patient’s quality of life and general well-being. When frequent attacks For pinpoint headaches, an anesthetic may be used.

  • The duration of the headache episode should be at least 30 minutes. Typically, for episodic TTH, it lasts from 30 minutes to 7 days. With chronic tension headaches, daily, almost continuous headaches are also possible.
  • The nature of the headache is not pulsating, but squeezing, tightening, squeezing.
  • The localization of headache can be bilateral. Typically, patients describe their condition as follows: “the head feels as if it’s being squeezed in a vice,” “compressed by a hoop, a helmet, or a helmet.”
  • Headache does not get worse with everyday activities physical activity, but can worsen professional activity and reduce the usual quality of life.
  • As the headache intensifies, accompanying symptoms may appear - intolerance to sounds, bright light, loss of appetite or nausea. As a rule, they are observed in isolation and are less severe than with migraine.

Causes of tension headaches

4. point on back side hands, between the thumb and index finger;

3. Headache that extends to your neck
"At benign tumor The headaches are constant,” says Dr. Holt. “Such headaches cannot be caused by meningitis or hemorrhage. So yes, call ambulance, especially if you have some kind of fever bacterial infection, skin rashes, or you can't think clearly."

If the headache is caused by a stressful condition, for several days in the evening, before going to bed, put one tablespoon of granulated sugar in your mouth, then drink a whole cup of water.

For chronic headaches, Vanga advised making a decoction of chabra (there should be a lot of water). In the evening, dip your head in a vessel with a decoction and hold it for 10 - 15 minutes, after which pour the same decoction over your entire body.

Walking through the dew at 6 – 7 o’clock in the morning is useful.

For headaches caused by overwork, a warm bath, lemon balm or chamomile tea will help. In some cases, valerian or a warm bath with sea ​​salt, herbs, oat straw, etc.

On the back of the head (below the scalp) or between the shoulder blades, as well as on the area calf muscles You can apply mustard plasters from grated horseradish or radish.

Sometimes garlic, boiled with beans, crushed with vegetable oil and applied to whiskey. This ointment should be applied to the temples at night.

In Bulgarian folk medicine used for headaches fresh berries field strawberries or common lingonberries, as well as fresh viburnum juice. Fresh Juice blackcurrant should be given to the child to drink 1 - 3 tablespoons three times a day for severe headaches. Juice fresh potatoes recommended for systematic headaches (1 - 3 tablespoons three times a day).

A decoction of meadow sint: pour one tablespoon of meadow sint herb into one and a half cups of boiling water, leave for one hour. Drink one third of a glass three times a day.

Underwent physical therapy permanent treatments medication once every six months, a course of vasodilator therapy, exercise therapy, I do it myself breathing exercises.Antidepressants are also prescribed, but they don’t help. I also wore Schantz’s collar, but it doesn’t help, it only supports.

A point headache can be a warning signal from the body about an emerging disease, so the appearance of prolonged attacks of such an illness should be alarming.

Nature of pain

Why is the phrase “headache” the first thing that comes to mind when you need it urgently? a respectful reason? Yes, because this will never raise doubts, since the disease itself is too common, familiar and literally painfully familiar.

It’s good when this is a banal excuse, but more often behind such words there is real suffering. It happens that the problem arises so suddenly and intensely that it is impossible not only to speak, but even to move.

A point headache is characterized by such insidiousness. As a rule, it is sharp and piercing. Wandering or clearly localized.

A “shot” of pain can be felt at one point in any part of the head (temporal, occipital), affecting the eye sockets and the area behind the ear (or the ear itself).

The attack (single or chronic) is not very long - usually only a few seconds. Rarely do you count the hours. But this does not mean that such symptoms and the causes of their occurrence should be underestimated and ignored.

What you need to know

The phenomenon of point-like “flares” itself is not very common and, fortunately, occurs only in adults. We will leave a clear classification with scientific terminology to specialists and try to describe the main characteristics of the problem.

Primary pain

Their origin, manifestation and disappearance are in no way related to other diseases and external influences:

  • A feeling of a powerful painful injection (or a series of injections) at one point.
  • Zone involved trigeminal nerve(and eye area).
  • The duration of pain is 1–10 seconds, the frequency is up to several times a day.

The reasons that provoke these symptoms are still not fully understood, so treatment methods also vary.

Only 2% of the adult population suffers from this disease, mostly women.

Cluster pain (“clusters” of pain)

A series of attacks following each other over several weeks. The following symptoms characterize the malaise:

  • Most characteristic time occurrence of an attack - at night (1-3 hours after falling asleep).
  • Pain, one-sided, localized in the temporo-orbital zone.
  • Associated manifestations are lacrimation, one-sided nasal congestion (or nasal discharge).
  • The duration of the pain syndrome is from 30 minutes. up to an hour.
  • Relapse is possible after a few months (years).

This rare form of illness occurs in most cases in middle-aged men.

The “female” version of the attack is shorter (from 1 to 45 minutes), more frequent (30-50 times) and does not depend on the time of day.

The occurrence may contribute to intravenous administration histamine, alcohol or nitroglycerin intake. It is possible that the syndrome is caused by a tumor or hematoma, and this requires a thorough examination.

Relationship between acupressure and other types of headaches

It happens that a point headache is a harbinger or one of the manifestations of migraine and a tension-type attack ().

A painful sensation can come from the crown, back of the head, crown, neck, eyes, frontal part, gradually developing into strong pressure, sharp pulsation or tightening of the surface of the head.

This affects women more often than men (ratio 23% to 18%, respectively).

The reasons and factors causing these painful symptoms, varied:

  • incorrect posture and spinal diseases;
  • inadequate rest;
  • stress and depression;
  • overexertion, fatigue;
  • problems with blood vessels;
  • stagnation in the intestines;
  • unhealthy frontal and;
  • hunger;
  • overweight;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • changes;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • hypothermia, injuries, elevated temperature bodies.

In such cases, the headache occurs at one point, as an “accompaniment” to the main nature of the ailment, and the choice of therapy is purely individual.

For the control method to be effective, a number of studies, tests and analyzes are required. Let's entrust this to the doctor.

It is better to act independently in non-medicinal ways: maintain a daily routine, eat right, get some fresh air, adjust the amount of muscle, mental and visual stress, monitor your blood pressure, use breathing exercises and relaxation techniques (for example).

Sometimes a thermal procedure (heating pad, hot bath, baths for hands and feet). In some cases, the head requires not heat, but cold (a heating pad with ice or any item from the refrigerator will do).

Excellent filming pain syndrome physiotherapy, physical therapy, and acupressure for headaches. The technique of the latter is quite accessible, and the result is obvious!

A little about massage

What to do when your headache is not very “timely”: you don’t have it at hand suitable remedy, is the pharmacy far away? Massage several active points on the body.

Headaches of any nature (including acupressure headaches) can be affected by this effect. If possible, try all the proposed options to identify the most suitable ones for further use.

We will talk about pairs of symmetrically located points:

  • on the temporal sockets, midway between the outer corner of the eyes and the nearest hairline;
  • in the depressions at the outer edge of the eyebrow (very easy to feel);
  • points above the highest point of the eyebrow;
  • in the depressions at the junction of the bridge of the nose and the line of the eyebrows;
  • in the recesses where the finger will fall if it is led from the inner corner of the eye down along the nose (nostril area);
  • put your finger over highest point auricle and lead towards the face;
  • stop approximately 1.5 cm to the border of the scalp;

  • on a convexity at the base thumb palms at the top of the muscle; connecting the big and index fingers(attention: the point is contraindicated during pregnancy, as it can provoke premature birth!);
  • on outer surface wrist - a depression in the middle of the hand just above the bone and folds in the skin;
  • on the elbow. Bend your elbow at a right angle. The end of a fold of skin when folded with outside and there is active point;
  • from the junction of the 2nd and 3rd toes (with top side, and not along the sole) set aside a distance approximately equal to the length of one of the fingers;
  • on the outer arch of the foot, in the depression at the base of the little toe;
  • With inside ankles approximately a fingertip above the bone.

You can work with the paired points listed above simultaneously. However, there are cases when only alternating exposure is required.

Find the required point by smoothly sliding your finger. The location you are looking for will be the most sensitive.

Direct the pressing (massaging) movements vertically, not at an angle. You can work with one or two fingers.

If the massage is done with the palm or its edge, try to ensure that the active point falls approximately in the center of the impact. Don't try to cover a large area. Our goal is to carefully study each site.

The pressing force should be inversely proportional to time.

The action can be continuous (3-5 seconds of direct pressure or circular movements of a small radius) or pulsating (three times 2-4 seconds of pressure + the same break).

Acupressure for headaches can also act as an “ambulance” for sudden attack, and as a preventive measure.

But like any remedy, it has its contraindications and limitations.

When starting a new method, be careful and not be too active. May it bring you relief and help you reduce your use.

We wish you good health!

In contact with

Man Woman Hands Belly Back Skin Legs Rib cage Pelvic region Neck Head Miscellaneous Headache Sore throat Headache Eye hurts Ear hurts Tongue hurts Throat hurts Tongue swollen Swollen gums Bleeding nose Bloodshot eyes Bleeding gums Bleeding from the ears


Headache- this is the most common, most annoying and aggravating type of pain. Entire textbooks have been written about it. Its range is very wide.

Most of us experience mild headache when we are worried, hungry, tired, constipated, or have strained our eyes for too long. We may complain of nausea after going to the dentist, after a long plane flight, or when we are cold or have been drinking.

There is, however, another type of pain - sudden, unexplained, new. It starts for no apparent reason and doesn't want to stop, or if it ends, it comes back again. It's a pain that bothers you.

Let's explore the most possible explanations for headaches.

Tension pain and migraine make up 90% of all cases headache. The most common of the two is tension pain, which can be recognized by the following characteristics: The pain is usually felt most strongly in the back of the head and neck and is rarely one-sided; it can continue for weeks and even months, with only very short periods of respite, although this strength may vary; attacks begin at any time of the day (there are other types headaches, as you will see, which begin mainly at night or when you wake up in the morning); patients usually describe the feeling of a “tight bandage”, squeezing but not pulsating; it is never accompanied by fever.

If patients are sincere with the doctor, then with such a headache they admit that they have personal problems and they live in constant voltage, under stress.

Migraine Headache has completely different characteristics. Here's a typical scenario: there is a lead-in period (minutes or even hours) before the headache), during which the patient may feel tired or depressed, or have visual disturbances or other neurological problems - sparkles in the eyes, loss of peripheral vision, or the ability to read or even speak is temporarily impaired.

Migraine occurs on one side of the head, and in each patient it is almost always the same side. The pain is pulsating in nature, usually begins in the morning and gradually, after 30 minutes - 1 hour, intensifies. Attacks may occur every few days or weeks; We are not talking about months. They last for several hours, but rarely longer than a day or two.

Migraine may be triggered by alcohol or certain foods, such as chocolate. They often happen after stress, when you are relaxed.

Migraine often accompanied by nausea and vomiting and relieved by sleep.

Headache concentrated in one place, is a type of migraine. It occurs mainly in men, while typical migraines tend to affect women, especially those with mitral valve hearts, and disappear after menopause.

Headache, pulled into one place, is often felt behind the eyes, occurs suddenly, without warning, reaches a maximum after 5-10 minutes and disappears in less than an hour. It is often triggered by alcohol. Sleeping doesn't help with it. In fact, such pain wakes you up. It happens several times a day for a week and then stops.

Headache caused by brain tumor, also has specific features.

It does not fluctuate in intensity, but becomes stronger and stronger over time. It is stronger in the morning. It intensifies with movement, stress, coughing, sneezing, lifting heavy objects and weakens when lying down. The pain is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

There is another serious type of headache, which occurs mainly in older people suffering temporal arteritis- inflammation of the arteries of the temporal region. These patients have difficulty chewing, blurred vision, pain in other parts of the body, as well as fever and weight loss. However, the most distinctive symptom of the disease is headache. It lasts for days or weeks on one side of the head and is so tightly localized that you can pinpoint the spot with your finger. The diagnosis of this disease must be confirmed by a biopsy of the affected artery. If treatment is not started immediately, stroke or blindness may occur.

Frequent the cause of headache is inflammation paranasal sinuses nose, so common that they are sometimes suspected of it, even when they are innocent.

How can you recognize a valid headachedue to sinusitis?

It usually begins during or after severe hypothermia. There is a deep nasopharyngeal runny nose. It is localized in one place of the face or head and plays out very quickly. The pain is worse in the morning because the mucus has not had a chance to drain completely. It gets worse with coughing, sneezing and sudden movements of the head.

Headache due to sinusitis worsened by alcohol, with sudden temperature changes and, in winter, when moving from a warm room to a cold one.

There are other, rarer causes of headaches.

Trigeminal neuralgia (known as painful tics). It develops when one of the main nerves of the face becomes inflamed. It is observed mostly in older people who experience a sharp shooting pain that lasts only a few seconds. Brushing your teeth, chewing, and even touching a sensitive spot on your face can trigger attacks of these pains.

Fever with any illness it can cause a headache.

Head injuries are a common cause of headaches.

In older people, even a slight blow to the head can cause internal bleeding. Accumulated blood, called subdural hematoma, puts pressure on the brain and this leads to headaches as well as behavioral changes. The diagnosis is confirmed by computed tomography scanning or magnetic resonance imaging.

Various vision problems, from incorrect glasses prescription to glaucoma(increase intraocular pressure), can give headache.

Reception medicines can also cause headaches. In cardiological practice, the main offenders of this type are nitroglycerin and related drugs (isosorbide dinitrate). These substances dilate not only the arteries of the heart, for which they are prescribed for angina pectoris, but also the vessels on the head, which causes headaches.

If you start taking any new medicine , whether it's an antibiotic, hormones, or something for the heart, and you get headaches, think about medication first.

High blood pressure may cause throbbing headache, which is usually localized in the back of the head and is especially noticeable when you wake up in the morning.

Sudden, vision-impairing diffuse headache, which persists, especially pain accompanied by stiffness of the neck, indicates the possibility of hemorrhage in the brain. This is usually the result of a ruptured artery in young people if the walls were congenitally weak.

In other people, especially those with high blood pressure, the blood vessel bursts as it cannot withstand the unforgiving high pressure, manifesting itself for a long time.

List of possible diseases:

Constipation Difficult, slow or insufficiently frequent bowel movements. Fever A nonspecific typical pathological process, the most striking example of a prolonged hypermetabolic “resistance” to unfavorable environmental factors. Meningitis Meningitis is inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord. Runny nose Runny nose is a syndrome of inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Cold Cooling of the body or its individual parts, as a result of which certain diseases develop (influenza, pneumonia, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, rheumatism, etc.).

Headache (cephalalgia, cephalalgia) is a symptom. Especially if it is sudden and intense, it may indicate a serious illness, life threatening person. For example, if the neck also hurts, this indicates a violation cervical spine spine.

Headaches can be divided into:

  1. Primary (the disease is one of the manifestations of a non-lethal, chronic, paroxysmal disorder).
  2. Secondary (occurs as a symptom of another disease).

The most important task during the examination of a patient with cephalalgia is to determine the exclusion of serious secondary headaches that could endanger the patient's life.

An alarming situation occurs if:

  1. The first headache attack occurred in a person over 40 years of age;
  2. The pain is sudden, intense, throbbing,headache in one spot;
  3. An atypical headache gradually develops, unresponsive to traditional therapy;
  4. Headache occurred in a patient with cancer or HIV infection;
  5. Along with the head, the neck and/or back of the head hurts a lot;
  6. If there are any neurological disorders of consciousness.

The reason for a visit to the doctor is if the pain occurs suddenly, the head or neck hurts very badly.

Migraine is, as a rule, a throbbing pain that is localized in one place on the side of the head: on the right or left, rarely on the top; lasts several hours, and in some cases is accompanied by visual or sensory symptoms, known as aura. Neck pain is extremely rare. Migraine is a very common phenomenon among the population, affecting mainly the female gender.

Stimuli that lead to a migraine attack include the following:

  1. Hormonal influences – migraine is often associated with menstrual cycle in women, it mainly occurs at the beginning of menstruation, when there is a large fluctuation in estrogen levels. Similar problems arise during pregnancy or menopause.
  2. Food – chocolate, alcohol (wine and beer), glutamate (a common component of Asian cuisine), etc.
  3. Stress and lack of sleep – excessive stress (professional, physical and mental), lack or, conversely, excess sleep.
  4. Changes environment– especially sudden changes in pressure and weather conditions.
  5. Chronic use of medications – medications that lead to worsening of migraines include oral contraceptives and medications with vasodilating effects.

In 20% of patients, the attack itself is preceded by an aura phase. The most common is the visual aura. A sensitive aura and paresthesia of the face or extremities may also be present. Rarely manifests itself as paralysis.

Migraine patients should avoid triggers.

Treatment of the disease consists of 2 main components: acute and preventive therapy.

If the headache is not very severe, taking Paracetamol or NSAIDs will help.

If the pain is severe and throbbing, 5-hydroxytryptamine agonists (triptans), opioid analgesics or dopamine antagonists (Prochlorperazine) will be taken on site.

This type of disease is typical dull ache, mainly bilateral (localized on the right and left), from mild to moderate intensity, and without significant accompanying symptoms(vomiting, visual disturbances, focal neurological symptoms). The pain is not throbbing; Sometimes the neck or back of the head hurts.

The disease affects both female and male genders equally.

The frequency of tension headaches divides the disease into episodic and chronic forms.

Basis for successful treatment disease is a thorough psychological examination (identification of unfavorable factors that negatively affect mental balance).

If there is an episodic form of the disease, the first choice drugs are acetylsalicylic acid derivatives, peripheral analgesics (Paracetamol). Another group is represented by NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Naproxen, Diclofenac).

If there is chronic form diseases, Amitriptyline is prescribed; SSRIs (Citalopram, Fluoxetine...) are less effective.

This disease is a group of primary headaches characterized by unilateral pain(manifest on the right or left, the neck is not affected) with ipsilateral autonomic symptoms. This group includes:

  1. (affects mainly the male gender).
  2. Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania (affects mainly females).
  3. Hemicrania continuum (mostly female).
  4. SUNCT syndrome (male gender).

Trigeminal autonomic cephalgia is relatively rare disease, and are therefore often omitted from primary care. All diseases of this group are also found in pediatric practice.

This is a type of pain of an acute nature, very strong intensity, affecting mainly the male sex. If a person develops a disease, he cannot lie or sit, painful sensations They force him to constantly walk, while he is not able to do usual things. Why the disease occurs is currently unknown. Often attacks occur at night. The pain is localized on one side of the head, right or left, usually in the eye area, and is accompanied by lacrimation, runny nose and Horner's syndrome. The neck and back of the head remain unaffected by the disease.

Treatment – ​​what to do for cluster pain?

Oxygen inhalation, sumatriptan, and, in severe cases, corticosteroids are used therapeutically.

Differential diagnosis is aimed primarily at excluding aneurysm rupture - MRI, angiography, and ultrasound are performed.

This is a primary headache that most often affects females and is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. At least 20 episodes severe pain 5 attacks per day (or less), localized on one side of the head, lasting for 2-30 minutes.
  2. At least 1 of the following symptoms is present along with the headache:
  • lacrimation;
  • nasal congestion;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • sweating on the forehead and cheeks;
  • miosis and/or ptosis.

Treatment - what to do for chronic paroxysmal hemicrania?

In treatment, the drug of first choice is Indomethacin. If intolerance to Indomethacin is present, it is prescribed acetylsalicylic acid or Verapamil for prevention.

The disease most often affects females, lasts for at least 3 months without relief, is characterized by unilateral, variable pain (sometimes the neck may also hurt) of moderate to severe intensity and is accompanied by at least one of the following symptoms:

  • lacrimation;
  • nasal congestion;
  • ptosis and/or miosis.

Shows changes in the mesencephalon, which distinguishes the disease from cluster headaches and migraines.

Treatment - what to do with hemicrania continuum?

In therapy, Indomethacin is used at a dose of 75-150 mg/day. Treatment with this drug can be continuous, although the dose may be reduced over time.

SUNCT syndrome is a rare disease. It affects predominantly males, most often in the middle age group. The typical patient is a 50-year-old man who has at least 20 episodes throughout the day, lasting from a few seconds to several minutes. The pain is unilateral, localized orbitally, on the temples and face with ipsilateral lacrimation. Soreness can be caused by touching the affected side of the head.

This syndrome can mimic pituitary or posterior fossa tumors. This is why patients with such clinical symptoms MRI should be performed.

Treatment - what to do with SUNCT syndrome?

Therapy is symptomatic, often aimed at alleviating symptoms. According to some studies, successful treatment can be achieved by taking Lamotrigine, Gabapentin and Topiramate.

This is a relatively common disease. At various time intervals (1-10 years), in the periods between classic headaches, less intense painful sensations begin to appear, which appear more and more often, eventually becoming permanent. The disease loses its original character and classic features. The neck, back of the head, and shoulders may hurt.

Risk factors for transformation:

  1. Abuse of analgesics (especially in combination with codeine; a maximum of 5 tablets per month is considered a safe limit).
  2. Neurotic personality (tendency to depression).
  3. External stressful situations(work, family).
  4. Menopause.

Treatment – ​​what to do for chronic daily headaches?

  1. Elimination of medications taken.
  2. Treatment concomitant diseases– in particular, depression.
  3. More rest and fresh air.

Headaches are localized. This is a condition in which the head hurts in one point on the left, behind, in front, etc. In this case, the syndrome can be sharp and intense. Most often, the pain point is localized in one place, but it can also wander, covering the eye sockets, areas behind the ear or on the temple.

Usually point painful sensations very short. The attack ends 1-2 seconds after the start, but in 1/3 of the cases it can last more than 10 seconds. In people in at a young age These conditions are very rare, most often affecting women over 47 years of age.

Symptoms of point headache

Scientists cannot say for sure what causes point pain. In 50 years of pathology research, the issue has not been resolved. Only the symptoms of the disease have been accurately established:

  • pain syndrome, which is characterized by a sharp blow or several blows at one point;
  • most often appears in the area where the trigeminal nerve is located (on the temple, near the eye, etc.);
  • lasts 1-2 seconds, can appear several times during the day.

It is also known that pinpoint headaches do not accompany any pathological conditions and are not caused by diseases internal organs. In this regard, they have another name - primary. Secondary headaches are a consequence of traumatic brain injuries, cerebrovascular diseases, tumors, etc.

Since the causes of the primary pain syndrome have not been established, when making a diagnosis it is necessary to carefully analyze the conditions and accompanying ailments. Thus, many patients indicate frequent occurrence point pain during migraine. Patients indicate bright painful flashes of colecharacter, located on the left or right side of the head behind the eye or in the temples.

In some cases, the pain is accompanied by dizziness, severe nausea, tearing or the appearance of spots before the eyes. But this is an exception, as usual point pain have no accompanying phenomena. It is stated that all of the conditions listed above can occur or worsen when exposed to bright light, stress or movement.

Return to place: What type of pathologies should differentiate point pain?

If a person has a headache, the pain goes from one point to another, he involuntarily thinks about the reasons that could cause such a phenomenon.

In some diseases, conditions resembling point pain syndrome occur.

First of all, it is a migraine. During an attack, several main symptoms of the pathology may appear:

  • moderate or severe pain;
  • pain is located above or below on one or both sides of the skull;
  • the pain is pulsating;
  • weakness, which is accompanied by incapacity;
  • nausea with or without vomiting;
  • intolerance to loud sounds and bright light.

Before a migraine attack, zigzag lines of light, flashes, and black circles may slowly appear in the eyes. There may be problems with speech and tingling in the arms or legs.

Point headaches are often confused with tension headaches. Tension is a pain syndrome that occurs under the influence of stress and psycho-emotional tension. As a rule, middle-aged people are susceptible to such conditions, since they are the ones who most often find themselves in stressful situations. This syndrome is usually episodic, appearing several times a week and lasting no more than 30 minutes. The pain is dull in nature and occurs in the back of the head, neck or forehead on the right or on the other side.

Unlike episodic tension syndrome chronic pain continue long time, sometimes disturbing a person for several days. At the same time, they have a pulsating, moderate or weak character and can either subside or arise with renewed vigor. Despite the fact that the location of chronic tension pain syndrome is similar to migraine pain, it can deprive a person of his ability to work and does not affect his vision or coordination of movement.

The next pathology with which pinpoint headaches are often confused is histamine pain. The main symptom of histamine pain is expressed in the form of severe and persistent pain, which is located around the eye on the left or on the other side, lasting from half an hour to 2 hours. In some cases, the pain can spread to the entire half of the skull. Other symptoms of the syndrome may include nasal congestion on the side where pain, redness, watery eyes, and swollen cheeks appear.

As a rule, histamine pain syndrome appears at night (at least an hour after falling asleep). Men aged 20 to 40 are most susceptible to it, although it also occurs in women. The intensity of histamine pain may vary, but it does not damage brain cells or lead to the development of other pathologies.