Cane Corso puppies: features of selection, feeding and care. Cane Corso height and weight standard by months Friendly behavior of the dog towards children

The Cane Corso breed is of ancient origin, its representatives are large and powerful, therefore they were originally used as watch dogs. Today, the breed is becoming more and more popular, because with proper upbringing, these dogs produce not only good guards but also loving pets.

Cane Corso puppy - photo by age

It is always interesting to know in advance what the future pet will look like at a certain age, the photos below will help in this. They will give you an idea of ​​the size of the puppy in 1, 2, 3, etc. months.

Photo of Cane Corso puppies 1 month old

Photo of a Cane Corso puppy, 28 days old.

Photo of a Cane Corso girl (Vot Fiesta, 1.5 months old)

Puppies aged 1.5 months weigh about 6 kilograms.

Cane Corso puppies photo 2 month old

Puppy 2 months old.

Weight norm for a two-month-old puppy of this breed:

  • males - 9 kg;
  • females - 8.5 kg.

Cane Corso puppies photo 3 month old

A three-month-old puppy weighs an average of 12.5 to 13.5 kg.

Cane Corso puppies photo 4 month old

The weight of a four-month-old puppy is from 16.5 (females) to 18 kg (males).

Cane Corso puppies photo 5 months old

A 5 month old puppy compared to an adult Great Dane.

Weight norm for a 5-month-old puppy:

  • males - 22.5 kg;
  • females - 24.5 kg.

Cane Corso puppies photo 6 month old

Cane Corso puppies of other ages

- charming bumpkins, growing very quickly in the first six months. Tiny paw month old baby by eight months it reaches the height of an adult dog, but the physical and mental development lasts another two years.

The first year of a dog's life is the most important. at this time, intensive growth of bones occurs, ligaments are strengthened, correct bite . Wrong diet, excess or lack of physical activity can cause defects in the exterior or even disease of the dog.

Having decided on the question of why a puppy of this particular breed is purchased and why it is taken, the owner comes to the breeder. But how to choose a cane corso puppy?

There are still a lot of cases when a pet is acquired spontaneously, at the first glance at a dog, but such behavior of a potential owner is erroneous.

The pet is chosen carefully, meticulously, as the dog will live in the family for ten or fifteen years. A mistake in the choice will surely respond with problems and troubles.

The choice of a male or female should not depend on the unwillingness of the owner to "endure". The behavior of the Cane Corso of different sexes is very different. Males are much more powerful, stronger and more stubborn than females, they tend to dominate, and it takes physical strength and a strong character to raise such a serious dog. Females are human-oriented, family-oriented, affectionate and tolerant of children.

A few rules for choosing a Cane Corso puppy, or what a dog should be like:

  • Not less than one and a half months old. At forty-five days, the livestock specialist examines the litter, puppy cards are issued for everyone, which indicates whether the baby meets the breed standard.
  • Nimble, independent and sociable. A kid with a normal psyche runs up to get acquainted with the guests, fiddles with littermates and is interested in toys. If the dog sits quietly, not trying to approach, or leaves with his tail between his legs, this is a sign of illness or cowardice.
  • Strong. A healthy Cane Corso puppy has a strong body, thick paws, and a large head. The movements are fast, elastic, confident. Wool is shiny. The belly should not be large or inflated, and the eyes should not be dull and watery. This is a sign of worms or poor rearing. The ears of a Cane Corso baby are uncropped at this age.

Weight and height of Cane Corso puppies by months

The owner of a Cane Corso puppy must take into account that in the first five months, the dog grows very quickly. In just four months, the height at the withers doubles, the weight of the Cane Corso puppy almost triples.

Experienced breeders, knowing the parents and ancestors of the puppy, can roughly determine what height and format the dog will be by the year. it important information, because if there are prerequisites that the dog will outgrow the limit set by the standard, then the exhibition score will be reduced. Such babies from four months they are fed ready-made dry food intended for adult dogs.

Approximate data on the growth and weight of a Cane Corso puppy by months can be presented in the form of a table:

45 days 25 cm 6 kg
2 months 30 cm 9 kg
3 months 45 cm 13.5 kg
4 months 55 cm 18 kg
5 months 58 cm 24.5 kg
6 months 62 cm 31.5 kg
Seven months 63 cm 37.5 kg
8 months 63.5 cm 40 kg
9 months 64 cm 42 kg
10 months 65 cm 44 kg
11 months 66 cm 45.5 kg
1 year 66 cm 47.5 kg

All data in the table is arbitrary, since all Cane Corso babies develop and grow in different ways. Females are usually a few centimeters lower, males are more massive. The weight of a Cane Corso puppy is not the main thing. An indicator of the health of the pet should be the physical condition: if the dog is not fat, not emaciated, then it is not necessary to weigh it.

Cane Corso feeding: what and how much to feed puppies

What to feed?

Most breeders with large nurseries prefer to feed young prepared wet or dry food. They contain everything essential vitamins, perfectly digested and eaten with appetite by kids. Until the age of two months, elite Cane Corso puppies are with their mother, but they stop receiving mother's milk as early as a month and a half. The breeder tries to ensure that by the time he moves to new house pet completely switched to self-feeding.

The owner who plans feed an acquired friend with natural food, be sure to find out from the breeder the brand of food on which the baby was.

In the first week after moving in, the new tenant should be fed his usual diet, and only then can he be transferred to another type of food or another brand of food. This is necessary to minimize the stress received when parting with the mother and new living conditions.

Ideally, if the owner will raise the dog on ready-made super-premium food, appropriate for the age of the dog than to feed a Cane Corso puppy with the remnants of his meal. These feeds contain everything you need for proper growth minerals, vitamins, they are perfectly balanced in terms of protein content.

Natural food is considered the most suitable for dogs, but the diet for this type of food should be balanced, and vitamin and mineral complexes should be given as a supplement. Your puppy's diet should include:

  • Meat. raw beef, boiled turkey, chicken.
  • by-products. Liver (can be raw), heart.
  • Dairy. Cottage cheese, milk, kefir.
  • Chicken eggs raw.
  • Kashi from rice, buckwheat with the addition of oatmeal.
  • Boiled carrots and cabbage.
  • Fresh leaf salad.

How to feed?

Percentage the proportion of meat and offal in one serving should be fifty percent: thirty percent is porridge, the remaining twenty percent is vegetables.

Important! Cottage cheese can be given to a growing puppy every other day, mixing it with milk or fermented milk drinks. It is impossible to give cottage cheese every day, as it contains a large number of calcium.

Calcium is good for a growing puppy but an excess of this microelement leads to early ossification of growth zones and to various pathologies musculoskeletal system. For the same reason, puppies up to four months old, before the period of teeth change, should not be supplemented with calcium supplements.

A portion for a puppy is calculated empirically: little puppy eats as much as he needs. If the baby does not leave the bowl for a long time after feeding, licks it, then the portion can be increased. If you do not eat enough, then the amount of food is reduced.

The number of feedings for a Cane Corso puppy depends on the age. A two-month-old baby is fed four to five times a day, by three months they switch to three meals a day. After a year, a young dog is fed twice a day. Infrequent feeding is undesirable, as a large amount of food stretches the stomach and can cause stomach twisting at an older age.

Features of caring for Cane Corso puppies, vaccinations


If there is a Cane Corso baby in the house, puppy care is minimal, but the owner must inspect his pet daily to spend hygiene procedures. Daily inspection helps to notice any change in the condition of the pet in time, fever or allergic rash on the stomach.

Cane Corso puppies have a smooth, close-lying coat, comb through with a rubber brush. Soft rubber needles remove hairs and massage the skin.

You can wash your pet as needed, using a mild puppy shampoo for this. After bathing, the baby is dried with a towel and allowed to dry in a warm room.

Dogs of this breed may have sour eyes in the morning. This is a variant of the norm if the discharge is colorless. Eyes are wiped with a cloth moistened with warm boiled water. With yellowish or greenish discharge from the eyes, eyes are washed with water, and then a few drops of chloramphenicol are dripped. Levomycetin drops are purchased at a regular pharmacy.

Important! Purulent discharge from the eyes can be a sign of a viral or bacterial disease.


Puppies up to two months old have maternal immunity to most viral diseases. By two months, it weakens and babies are vaccinated against major diseases ( plague, hepatitis, enteritis and parvovirus) complex vaccines. Ten days before vaccination, the puppy is given a single dose of any anthelmintic drug based on his age and weight. Vaccination is done only for a healthy baby.

Re-vaccination with the same brand of vaccine is done twenty-one days later after the first, to develop a sustained immune response. A single vaccination does not protect a puppy from disease. For the entire period from the first vaccination to the second plus two more weeks after the revaccination puppy is in quarantine. This means that the baby is not allowed to contact other animals, is not taken out of the yard and protected from hypothermia.

Important! Vaccination should not be given to puppies during the change of teeth. Many vaccines cause darkening of the enamel of permanent teeth.

Puppies after changing teeth, at the age of six months, get another shot with the vaccine that protects, in addition to major diseases, from leptospirosis. This vaccination is required in the summer if the puppy swims in water, but it can be skipped if the dog lives in a private house and does not go outside the yard.

Ear cropping in Cane Corso

In the past few years, the breed standard has been amended to allow do not crop cane corso ears. Moreover, dogs with cropped ears cannot be shown at shows in some European countries. Therefore, acquiring purebred puppy, it is worth consulting with a breeder or an experienced breeder Is it worth it to cut the baby's ears.

If the question rests only on a beautiful appearance ( cropped ears give the dog a more intimidating appearance), it is better to feel sorry for the pet. Ear cropping in Cane Corso is carried out under anesthesia, after the operation, the ears heal for a long time and painfully.

The cut ear must be glued, so that the cartilage gets used to holding its shape. Puppies do not like to walk with a band-aid in the form of a crown on their heads, they strive to remove the structure. Such stubborn people have to wear a special collar.

Growing a pet of the Cane Corso breed is an interesting and rewarding activity. During the time spent caring for the baby, walking and training it, the friendship between people and the dog grows stronger, mutual understanding and love are born.

Useful video

Video about Cane Corso puppies:

Cane Corso or Corsican dog is a very active animal, ready to move a lot. And if such a need of the dog is satisfied, then in order to maintain health and good shape, it needs proper feeding.

What to feed a Cane Corso puppy adult dog? How to do it right and what should not be given to the animal? This will be discussed in this article. The choice of diet for each dog is determined by the conditions of its maintenance, age and health.

Cane Corso is a breed of late maturation and this is reflected in the feeding of puppies. So they are fed up to five months of age up to six times a day. After and until the full maturation of the animal at the age of one and a half years, daily ration is split into three parts.

Feeding the Cane Corso with natural food

To the usual diet of feeding a Cane Corso puppy, they begin to gradually accustom from the age of three weeks. It is best to feed your baby on a schedule, at regular intervals. It is better to place a bowl of food on a vertical stand at a level chest baby above.

Then he will not hunch his back while eating. In the diet of both puppies and adult dogs, there should be a balanced amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals.

Wherein natural food should be sufficiently diverse, on which health depends, as well as the life expectancy of the animal. Protein sources for dogs are:

  • meat,
  • fish,
  • milk.

Until the age of 10 weeks, the meat for puppies is crushed - scraped. It is better to give raw beef, boiled chicken and rabbit meat without bones, blood is also useful. Minced meat is less digestible by the dog's body and it is better to limit its consumption.

From six months, offal can be added to the puppy's diet - more often than once a week. Raw beef bones are given for nibbling, especially from 5 months, which contributes to the change of teeth. Boneless sea fish begin to be given once a week from the age of 4 months, without combining it with meat. From the egg, a raw yolk or a fully boiled egg is given. Dairy products are also needed:

  1. cottage cheese,
  2. kefir,
  3. milk,
  4. curdled milk,

It is useful to cook cereals in milk: buckwheat, oatmeal, rice. Valuable sources of fat for Cane Corso are sour cream and butter. Their lack in the diet can lead to inhibited development and growth of the puppy, skin diseases, disruption of normal coat pigmentation, vitamin deficiency. True, you can not overfeed fatty foods. This can cause indigestion. For Cane Corso daily rate fat intake is 2.6-2.7 grams per 1 kg of body weight.

Cane Corso also needs vegetables:

  • cabbage,
  • carrot,
  • beet,

as well as pitted fruits and berries will be very useful for the dog:

  • apples,
  • raspberry,
  • Strawberry,
  • cherry,
  • sweet cherry,
  • apricot,
  • watermelon.

They should be 15-16 g per kg of dog weight per day. They are given in the form of salads seasoned with sour cream or vegetable oil. Together with meat food, it is recommended to feed the puppy Rye bread, soaked in low-fat broth.

Cane Corso dry food

The dog needs to choose the highest quality dry food that is most suitable for its state of health and age. An active adult Cane Corso requires approximately 700-800 grams of pellets per day. You can calculate the feed depending on the weight of the animal: 20-40 grams per 1 kg of dog body weight.

For dogs that are used for official work, the rate should be slightly higher. Although in any case, you need to carefully study the instructions of the feed manufacturer. Transferring the dog to new food, about the first two months, you need to carefully monitor its physical form.

Overfeeding with high-calorie foods can lead not only to, but also to the acquisition of a very serious illnesses: musculoskeletal disorders and diabetes. old and not active dogs due to illness, lighter food is selected and the daily portion is divided into two or three times.

When it comes to properly raising a large breed dog, the first and most basic success factor is maintaining and strengthening the joints. Since the first 3 years of life, the skeleton is actively growing and gaining muscle mass, it is important to maintain a strict balance. Proper feeding Cane Corso, like any other dog, implies a balanced intake of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements. In theory, everything looks quite simple, but in practice, owners often make mistakes in compiling the diet of their pets.

Before you buy a puppy and even more so plan a diet for a Cane Corso, you should understand all the subtleties regarding metabolic processes this breed. To begin with, we note that allergy sufferers are often found among these giants, and this is quite difficult problem. If you look at the issue globally, then you can name two types of allergies - food or any other substances from environment. Acute reaction food can be avoided in two ways:

  • Determine the allergen by elimination and remove it from the diet.
  • Switch your dog to hypoallergenic food.

Second extremely important question This is the control of the dog's weight. Even in puppyhood, excess fat can have an extremely negative effect on the condition of the dog's joints. There is a set of rules that will help control the weight of a pet at any age:

  • Feed Cane Corso strictly observing the daily allowance. You can divide the food into 2-3 meals, but do not overfeed the dog.
  • The amount of carbohydrates should be compared with physical activity. If you are forced to reduce the load, then the calorie content of the diet must be reduced.
  • When kept on an industrial diet, the pet may ask for supplements. The specificity of the feed pellets is such that they gain volume after entering the stomach, that is, the pet does not immediately feel full. If your heart can't handle pleading eyes, it's best to give your pet a dried tendon bone, but again, don't overfeed. In the case of a natural diet, the pet can eat moslak or soft cartilage.
  • Weigh your four-legged regularly. This elementary procedure allows you to fully control not only proper development, but also the rate of mass gain.

Read also: It is important to play with the dog

Industrial or natural food?

Perhaps you have already become a participant in disputes about which way of feeding is better, healthier, more natural. Reasonable person is unlikely to take a one-sided position, since both industrial and natural foods are suitable for keeping a dog, the question is in their quality and method of feeding.

Let's briefly review the main points below:

  • Cane Corso is considered one of the most expensive dogs to keep. Everything is quite simple, the tendency to allergies obliges the owner to buy hypoallergenic dry food for Cane Corso for life, and this is a considerable expense.
  • Natural food is considered more natural for digestion and there is some truth in this.
  • Premium quality commercial pet foods (selected for age, weight and breed) contain full complex vitamins and minerals, which greatly simplifies the preparation of the diet. In fact, you only need to follow the instructions.
  • If you're worried that your dog will get tired of eating only dried food, you can alternatively dilute the diet with semi-moist foods of the same brand.
  • Drawing up a natural diet will require regular adjustments, depending on the season of the year and the condition of the pet. In addition, do not forget that even the most quality products will not provide the quadruped with the necessary amount of vitamins and trace elements.

Note! One of the main advantages of dry food is long shelf life. You can be sure that you can feed the dog on a trip or leave dinner at automatic feeder, in case there is a possibility of being late from work.

Whichever way you choose to feed, it is worth remembering that a dog is not a person and does not need a riot of tastes and variety. It is strongly not recommended to mix industrial and natural food, otherwise you deliberately harm digestive system ward. If you feed the dog dry, then the treats should be industrial, in the case of the “natural”, you can use your favorite foods or pieces of dried meat as “sweets”.

Read also: We teach a puppy to a leash: detailed instructions

We compose a diet

So, by choosing industrial feed, you make your life easier, because calories and grams are already counted. On the back of any specialized product there is a table that indicates the feeding rate for an adult Cane Corso, a teenager, a puppy or a pregnant dog. If the food is universal, that is, "For large breeds”, You need to navigate by the weight of the pet.

Advice! Choose food strictly appropriate for the age and activity of the dog. A young and active pet should not receive food for older dogs, but a puppy for adults. Lack or excess of vitamins, and even more so calcium, is a secretive, but formidable enemy of the health of your ward.

The next point that requires acute attention is the nutrition of Cane Corso up to a year. Growing organism requires more nutrients, primarily we are talking about proteins - milk, eggs, fish and meat. At the age of 1 month, the breeder weans the babies from maternal feeding by introducing complementary foods. If the cattery adheres to the industrial diet, then after the purchase you need to continue to feed the four-legged familiar food. The adaptation period is 10-14 days, after which you can gradually transfer the puppy to the “natural”. Based on the weight and activity of the baby, the total daily food intake is calculated, half of which consists of animal proteins.

  • 2 months- 6 feedings a day.
  • 3 months- 5 meals a day.
  • 4 months- a transitional stage lasting an average of 60 days. During this period, you need to reduce feeding to 4 meals.
  • 7 to 9 months We reduce the diet to 3 meals a day.
  • 9 to 12 months, gradually accustom the dog to 2 meals a day, in the morning and in the evening. Given the slow metabolism and propensity to gain excess weight, Cane Corso is recommended to be kept on 2 meals a day and at an older age.

As representatives of this breed are described - strong, powerful, but elegant dogs, fearless guards and devoted friends. rather large animals and require special nutrition. Proper Diet provide good condition muscle corset, bones and joints - it is these parts of the body that usually suffer from big dogs as a result of non-compliance with the rules of feeding. So what can you feed Italian Molossians?

A similar question is faced by all newly minted owners of a small pet of any breed. But in the case of Cane Corso, most often breeders and owners give preference, since Cane Corso have a tendency to food allergies. In this case, there is a question about the constant purchase of expensive hypoallergenic diets, and this is a rather costly business.

The advantage of dry rations is their ease of use and accurate dosing - just study the information indicated on the package. And if the pet starts to “be capricious”, then you can diversify the menu with canned food, but preferably of the same brand as the main food.

If the problem is like allergic manifestations, bypassed, then you can give preference and natural nutrition, but it must be balanced, include only permitted products and be adjusted regularly, depending on the time of year, the growth of the pet and its condition.

And it is worth remembering - if the dog eats drying, then it is better for him to get “sweets” from the pet store, but when natural feeding, you can choose a treat from your pet's favorite foods or dry the meat and use it.

What to feed a Cane Corso puppy

Compared to representatives of other breeds, Cane Corso maturation lasts quite a long time, and throughout this period the pet must be fed according to a special, “puppy” diet. This also applies to the frequency of feeding - it will last longer than other dogs.

It is possible to transfer a puppy to a new diet only after 2 weeks, after he has settled in a new home. And at first, it is advisable to adhere to the schedule that was used when the baby lived with his family. You should decide on the feeding regimen, making equal time intervals between meals.

Such a large, muscular dog needs increased amount proteins of animal origin. And the sources of this component are meat, fish, offal, eggs. Babies under 2.5 months old are given meat cut into small pieces, but twisted minced meat is practically not absorbed by the puppy's body.

Beef, veal, rabbit meat are suitable for feeding the baby. A couple of times every 7 days, a pet can be treated with a fish - low-fat, sea, boiled and deboned. Large beef bones are allowed to be given to a puppy at 5-6 months, when teeth begin to change.

From six months, you can include a tripe (gastric tissue of herbivorous cattle) in the diet, although in nutritional terms it is much poorer than meat, but it contains a large amount of enzyme substances that have a positive effect on the work digestive tract. When giving this product, it is worth remembering that it should make up no more than half of the daily meat part.

What to feed an adult Cane Corso

And in adulthood, the Cane Corso needs protein, so meat is the basis of the diet, and the pet is also given offal and sour-milk products. The ideal fish for the diet of dogs of this breed is whiting, it is given in its entirety, and it is also a good idea to supplement the pet's menu with salmon breeds. Fish is given every 3-4 days, 1 kilogram at a time.

The menu should also include cereals cooked in vegetable or meat broths. They add pieces of meat, vegetables, you can season with both vegetable and butter. Also, the dog should eat vegetables regularly: cabbage, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin are allowed. Fresh herbs can be added to dishes.

As a treat, the dog can be given fruits: pieces of apples, pears, apricots, peaches. Diversify the menu will help fresh berries: raspberries, lingonberries, blueberries. You can make salads - vegetable dressing a small amount vegetable oil, fruit - low-fat yogurt without additives.

When feeding dry rations, it is important to follow the instructions. And be sure to provide the dog with plenty of water.

What Not to Feed a Cane Corso

The following foods can be harmful to health:

  • boiled bones, tubular ();
  • pork;
  • salo;
  • chicken and goose skin;
  • marinades, pickles, spices, smoked meats;
  • confectionery, pastries;
  • River fish.

In addition, owners should be aware of foods that can cause allergies: eggs, chicken, mackerel, water containing impurities, complex vitamins, some types of feed.

How many times a day to feed a Cane Corso

Given the intensity of the growth of the animal, the puppy will have to be fed 5-6 times a day for up to 5 months. Then gradually reduce the number of meals: 5-6 months - 4-5 feedings; 6-8 months - 3-4 feedings; 8-10 months - 3 feedings. From 10 months, the dog is ready to switch to 2 meals a day.

Cane Corso Italiano - a dog with watchdog qualities, serious appearance and strong body. But in order for the pet to remain active and have excellent external data, you need to feed it properly.