Sheltie: description of the breed, ideal friend and faithful companion from A to Z. Sheltie: description of the breed, character and characteristics Sheltie dog breed full description

Refined and elegant, the Sheltie is a miniature copy of the Scottish Sheepdog (Collie). But this is an autonomous breed, with its own standard and character.

Quick wit
Hair loss
Security guard
Difficult to care for
Friendly with children
Country of origin Great Britain
Lifespan 13-15 years old
Price25-45 t.r.
Male height35-39 cm.
Bitch height33-35 cm.
Male weight6.5-12 kg.
Bitch weight6.5-12 kg.

Origin story

The Shetland Sheepdog is a shepherd dog native to the Shetland Islands of Great Britain. Despite the external similarity with a collie, the ancestor of the breed is not she, but the border collie (the fruit of crossing with other herding dogs). Only at the beginning of the 20th century. breeders began to infuse the blood of the long-haired collie into the breed.

It is assumed that the Sheltie breed is the same age as the native islands, but evidence of this has not been found. It was originally called Tuni Dog, which is Gaelic for farm dog.

A small shepherd dog served as a shepherd, at that time this was likely, because it was not required to protect the herd, but only to manage it. The flocks were small and the sheep were not large, so the Sheltie coped with her duties excellently.

By the end of the 19th century, sheep farmers began to increase the number of flocks and it became difficult for short dogs to manage large herds. They were replaced by big ones, powerful dogs, which immediately affected the Sheltie. The breed began to rapidly disappear.

The situation was changed by her fans, who kept the dog as a companion.

In 1909, Scottish dog breeders founded a club, and the Sheltie dog breed was gradually recognized throughout the world. The original version of the standard stated that the dog must be a smaller version of a collie. At the same time, the breed received its official name.

Sheltie appearance

The Sheltie is a medium-sized, long-haired herding dog, energetic, strong, and lively. The silhouette of the animal is proportional and symmetrical. The gender characteristic is clearly expressed; females are more refined and elegant.

A rich coat, luxurious collar and mane, together with a correct head and a friendly, attentive look, are characteristic of the impeccable Sheltie.

Excessive fatness or thinness is considered a disqualifying defect.

The weight of an adult can range from 6.5 to 12 kg, with a height of 35.5 cm in females and 37 cm in males.


  • A graceful, wedge-shaped head should not be too light. The frontal part is flat, moderately wide. The occipital protuberance is poorly expressed. The transition from the muzzle to the forehead is smooth and can be easily felt. The straight bridge of the nose is parallel to the muzzle. Brow ridges smoothed out. Strong, well-developed cheekbones blend harmoniously with the silhouette of the muzzle. The lips are thin, pressed tightly to the gums.
  • Full teeth are a mandatory point of the standard. Strong, even teeth fit tightly into a lock. The jaw is deep and strong.
  • The nose is medium-sized, always black.
  • The eyes are almond-shaped and angled. The pupils are dark - brown color. Dogs are blue merle in color and may have a blue iris or with black spots.
  • Small ears have the shape of a triangle with curved ends should be facing the muzzle.
  • The proportionate body is slightly elongated, but not squat. The neck is high, graceful with a visible bend. The chest is powerful, deep, slightly tapering downwards. The back is straight with a high loin and a short sloping croup.
  • Limbs are strong and erect. The shoulder blades are brought together parallel to the shoulders. The hind legs are more muscular. The paws are round, compressed into a tight ball.
  • Saber tail middle length, has rich fringes. Throwing onto the back is not allowed by the standard.

Coat type and color

The Sheltie's coat is long, with luxurious feathering on the hips, tail, and neck. On the muzzle and paws - short, close-fitting. The guard hair is thickened and coarse. The undercoat is quite dense and thick, which allows it to give additional volume to the coat.

The standard allows four colors. But shades and intensity may be different.

  • Black and white. Light spots should not be located on the back or body.
  • Red and white. All shades are acceptable, from light to chestnut.
  • Tricolor. A combination of black, red and white.
  • Marble. The main tone is blue, the second is black. There may be light spots. Dark marks can be of any shape, but are not large.

All colors are allowed snow-white markings on the forehead, neck, tip of the tail and toes. Blue marble does not allow basic gray color, too large spots and uniform color.

Sheltie character

The Sheltie is a dog that is characterized by emotionality and self-esteem. The charming and noble breed has innate tact and delicacy. She will not impose her company if the owner is busy, but will quickly tune in to the game if an invitation is received.

The pet is loving and affectionate, but will not allow himself to be treated rudely. He can always stand up for himself.

The dog does not tolerate loneliness well and prefers one owner. It is to him that she will listen first, faithfully looking into his eyes. But this does not mean at all that other family members will be treated with disdain.

Like all shepherd dogs, Shelties are very efficient and efficient. They have no problem interacting with other animals and are friendly and willing to play.

Such a pet will good security guard, at the slightest danger or the appearance of strangers, he will notify the owner with a loud, ringing bark.

The Sheltie breed will become great friend for children of any age. An active dog will not let your baby get bored, involving him in new outdoor games. At the same time, a tactful pet will not offend the child, but will prefer to leave if due respect is not shown to his person.

Herding roots do not allow the dog to relax on a walk. She closely monitors her family members and will not allow anyone to “stray from the herd.”

Sheltie training

Dogs of this breed are a godsend for beginners; even a teenager can easily cope with training a Sheltie. The pet intuitively anticipates the owner’s wishes and strives to please.

The upbringing of a child begins from the moment he enters new house. It should be noted that no matter how cute and funny the puppy may look, you should not allow him to do anything that is unacceptable in his behavior. adult dog. By establishing rules of behavior and strictly following them, the owner helps the pet understand its place in the “pack.”

Early socialization is no less important. A timid dog by nature, it needs new experiences and constant contact with its relatives. Since the end of quarantine, it is worth regularly walking with your baby in crowded places and near the road. Having become accustomed to extraneous noise, your pet will feel more confident.

From 3.5-4 months you can start training. The course of obedience and restraint must be practiced until it becomes automatic, because it is these commands that ensure the safety of the pet and the peace of mind of the person during a walk.

A devoted companion, he is ready to do anything for the praise of his owner. Therefore, motivation should be the main principle of learning. The lesson should last no more than 15 minutes. During the walk, the teams should alternate with a fun game or jogging.

Important! The master's hands are a source of affection. Hitting a dog is unacceptable; if the pet does not react to a change in intonation, you can spank it with a lightly folded newspaper or slipper.

How to choose a puppy

Choosing a Sheltie puppy for participation in exhibitions and breeding work is much more difficult than choosing a baby of another breed. To do this, you need to know the standard, the peculiarities of the formation of puppies and be able to understand pedigrees. The best solution would be to consult a breed expert who will help you make the right choice.

Beginning dog breeders should know that early age It is difficult to determine the size of an adult dog even for a specialist.

Pedigree puppies are born not only from champions. Often dogs belonging to strong breeding lines produce higher quality offspring. Sheltie puppies of the “show” and “breed” class rarely fall into the first hands. Usually other well-known nurseries and breeders are waiting for such babies.

A puppy “for home” (“pet” class), for the average person is indistinguishable from a show one. They often turn into delightful, harmonious dogs, become the favorites of the children and the pride of the owner. The requirements for such a baby when choosing are simple: he must be healthy and independent.

You can pick up a puppy from a nursing bitch no earlier than 7-9 weeks of age. At this age, the dog should have straight, strong paws, without clubfoot or twisting.

  • The baby's fur is thick, shiny, without tangles or bald spots.
  • The eyes should be mischievous and shiny. The color of the cornea corresponds to the standard. A black dog's blue eyes will not darken with age.
  • The ears are clean, free of foreign odors and wax accumulations.
  • The baby's nose is moist and cool. Crusts, sores and cracks indicate a lack of vitamins.
  • The tummy should not be bloated.

Along with the baby, the breeder will provide a veterinary passport with vaccinations and puppy records, which are subsequently exchanged for a pedigree.

Interesting! When crossed with representatives of other breeds, Shelties actively pass on their color and breed characteristics to their offspring. Only a person who is closely involved in the breed can distinguish a mestizo from a purebred puppy.

Sheltie puppies in specialized nurseries can cost from 25 to 45 thousand rubles. The price will depend on the merits of the parents and the quality of the baby itself.

Features of feeding

The Sheltie dog breed has sensitive digestion, so food from the master's table, fatty meats and fish are strictly prohibited for them.

In order for the puppy to grow up healthy, develop properly and be active and cheerful, it is necessary to include at least 50% meat in the daily diet. It is given raw, but must first be frozen and doused with boiling water before feeding. Liver and offal can only be given to dogs from 4 months of age, 1-2 times a week, boiled.

Feeding a small shepherd requires a variety of cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal). It is advisable to combine cereals and boil them well. They should make up 25-30% of the total feed mass.

Important! Pearl barley is not digestible by the dog's stomach and can cause digestive problems (diarrhea, constipation, bloating).

Presence of raw egg yolk Shelties are a must on the menu, but protein should only be given in boiled form.

The Sheltie is a gourmet dog. She eats vegetables and fruits with pleasure. They can be given raw or boiled, added to porridge, or as an independent dish. Zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, cabbage will become a natural vitamin supplement for your pet. They should be present in the feed in an amount of 20-25% of the total mass.

Don't forget about fermented milk products. Kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese are an irreplaceable source of calcium and additional energy.

The list of prohibited products includes:

  • Beans and potatoes.
  • Smoked products, sausages.
  • Sweets.
  • Baking and pasta.

Dog care

Few owners think about the intricacies of caring for a Sheltie before purchasing a puppy. This is not true; you should learn about all the nuances in advance and prepare. Quality care is the key to your pet's health.


Cutting the luxurious Sheltie coat is strictly unacceptable. It leads to hormonal imbalance, which entails more serious problems. From the age of 3 months, the pet needs daily brushing.

Eye care

Inspected daily. If there is discharge, wipe with chamomile decoction. After a walk, it is advisable to use a cotton swab to remove dust and possible contaminants that have gotten under the eyelids during active games.

Ear care

Ear cleaning is done every week. Sinks are wiped with peroxide or a special lotion. Hair should be removed from the ear canal to prevent wax buildup.


Sheltie loves water bath procedures can become a daily ritual. But it is not recommended to wash your dog with shampoo more than once a month. Detergents can negatively affect the condition of the coat.

Health and illness

The Shetland Sheepdog is distinguished by excellent health and strong immune system, their life expectancy is 13-15 years, but there is a predisposition of the breed to eye diseases genetically transmitted (cataracts, glaucoma). These diseases threaten vision loss, but timely diagnosis respond well to surgical treatment.

You can also inherit from your parents:

  • Hip dysplasia. Violation cartilage tissue leads to lameness; in advanced cases, the dog may completely lose the ability to walk.
  • Epilepsy. The severity of the disease can vary, from mild trimming to severe cramps. The seizures are not life threatening for the dog. Epilepsy has no cure, but regular therapy can reduce the number of seizures and reduce their intensity.
  • Yeast dermatitis. More often observed in allergenic animals that have problems with the immune system and pathological processes skin. Treatment is carried out with antifungal drugs.

Pros and cons of the breed

For novice dog breeders who have chosen Sheltie as their favorite, a logical question arises: “What are the advantages of the breed and its disadvantages.”

Positive traits

A reliable friend, owner-oriented and not prone to wandering. The Sheltie dog breed is not prone to destruction, provided there is sufficient physical and emotional stress.

Negative qualities

The Sheltie's rich coat requires careful and painstaking care. During the shedding period, there will be a lot of hair, even with daily brushing.

Sheltie photo

Below are photos of unique and self-sufficient Sheltie dogs.

The Sheltie has an unrivaled personality. She skillfully emphasizes the refined taste of the owner with her appearance.

Country of origin: Great Britain

The history of the Sheltie breed dates back to the northeast of Scotland, where these dogs were used by sheep owners. They were faithful assistants to shepherds until the end of the 19th century, when the breed almost ceased to exist. According to generally accepted standards, short stature is one of the characteristics of the Sheltie breed. Initially, this was quite enough, since the dogs were only required to manage the herd, and not protect it from wolves. However, from the end of the 19th century, the herds became larger and smaller assistant shepherds could no longer manage so many sheep. It was possible to save the Sheltie from extinction only thanks to enthusiastic connoisseurs. By that time, many already considered them canine partners. It is thanks to such people that this breed has not only survived, but has also been recognized internationally.

How does the breed characterize the owner?

According to the description, representatives of the Sheltie breed have extremely energetic character. Therefore, those who decide to get this dog themselves must be very active and energetic. In addition, her owner must be a patient person so as not to waste time caring for the wonderful coat of the Sheltie.

Briefly but accurately describes the characteristics of the Sheltie breed - an affectionate, intelligent, well-mannered fox. The Sheltie resembles a collie in appearance. However, Shetland Sheepdogs are an independent breed with clear standards of structure, appearance and character.

Many Sheltie owners believe that this breed was developed from Shetland Sheepdogs. There is some truth in this, but it appeared much earlier. The exact date and no one knows the history of origin. There is an assumption that the Sheltie was brought to the territory of continental Europe and England by sailors who called at the ports of the Shetland Islands and took the dogs with them.

The dogs were valued for their small size, they did not require much food, and their thick coat served as protection from snow and wind. From year to year the breed improved, becoming more resilient, calm and even intelligent. The final form of the standard for this breed appeared in 1948.

Description of the breed, photographs and appearance of the Sheltie

Sheltie standards: weight ranges from 7 to 11 kg, male height 37 cm, female height 35.5 cm.

Main characteristics of the breed:

  1. Format The dogs are a little stretched out, the skeleton is powerful. But the Sheltie's size allows her to remain a very nimble dog.
  2. Head resembles a blunt wedge. The bump on the back of the head is not pronounced, the skull is flat and proportional to the length of the muzzle. The jaws are strong and deep. The lips fit tightly to each other and are dry.
  3. Teeth strong and big. Scissor bite.
  4. Lobe nose always black.
  5. Eyes medium size, almond-shaped, dark. Acceptable Blue eyes and brown, with blue splashes, but the color of the dog should be blue merle.
  6. Ears small in size, very mobile, set high. Three quarters of the ear are in a standing position, the tips pointing forward.
  7. Back muscular and straight, the loin is convex and short, the shoulder blades are set obliquely.
  8. Neck medium length, muscular, deep chest. The stomach is slightly tucked.
  9. Hind legs compact and oval have narrow hips. The length of the lower leg corresponds to the thigh. The claws are strong and strong, the pads are hard and thick.
  10. Front legs closed with dense pads and strong claws.
  11. Tail The Sheltie is of medium length with long hair; when calm, it hangs down or is slightly curved with the tip up.

Dog color and coat type

In the description of the breed, a special place is given to wool. The coat is straight and long, the hair is hard. The undercoat is very dense and short. On the paws, ends of the ears and on the muzzle the hair is straight and short. At the withers and sides of the neck, the hair is longer and thicker, forming a mane. The tail has long hair. The hind and forelimbs also have thick and long wool. But on the metatarsus and pasterns the hair is quite short.

Dogs with the following defects are culled: wavy and curly coat, lack of undercoat, short and soft coat.

Sheltie color can be different:

  1. Black and white or black with red-brown inclusions.
  2. Sable. Can vary from golden hue to mahogany color.
  3. Tricolor or tricolor - deep black throughout the body with rich red-brown markings.
  4. Blue merle or blue merle. The color is silver-blue, with black inclusions and marbling. Preferably rich red-brown markings.

Character and temperament of the breed

The character of the dog can be called one of the most flexible. Shelties are very gentle, loyal and intelligent companions who are excellent with children.

Sheltie dogs are wonderful companions for the whole family.

Dogs are wary of strangers, so they always notify their owners when guests are approaching. If you accustom a dog to society as a child, the pet will understand in what cases it can be allowed into the house strangers, and in which ones you need to serve.

Shelties need communication with their owners. Therefore, this breed should be owned by people who have a lot of free time, otherwise, due to lack of attention and boredom, the dog’s character may change, and not for the better.

Since the Sheltie is a family dog, she not only requires constant affection and hugs from family members, but also tries to please them in everything.

Important. This breed has highly developed intuition, as well as sensitivity to the surrounding atmosphere. If there are constant squabbles and misunderstandings among people in the house, the dog will not withstand this tense environment.

Sheltie training and education

As stated in the characteristics of the breed, the dog is extremely smart. Therefore, she is easy to train and educate. New commands are picked up by the pet on the fly. And praise forces the dog to give all his best in order to be noticed and appreciated.

Sheltie can be called the best friend for people different ages– from diapers to 100 years. They are great for families with children who admire the dog's unusual habits and gentleness. If the baby falls or cries, the Sheltie will certainly rush to feel sorry for and lick the child.

This breed is also suitable for active people. The dog will accompany them everywhere - on a walk, on a picnic or on a hike. Shelties also get along with other animals, and can become inseparable friends with cats and rodents.

Required care and maintenance

The Shetland Sheepdog is a fairly easy breed to keep. To keep your dog's fur in good condition, it needs to be combed at least once a week, using a massage brush.

The Shetland Sheepdog's thick coat requires regular brushing.

Important. Combing must be done correctly. First, apply a moisturizing spray to the coat, and then start combing from the very base of the hair.

Dogs of this breed do not shed much. Females come twice a year, and males once. Because the Sheltie's coat has a waterproof coating, dirt and moisture are repelled from the hair. Therefore, it is necessary to bathe the animal rarely, only if there is visible dirt.

You need to monitor your ears weekly, treating them with a special solution.

Your pet's teeth should also be brushed once a week to prevent tartar and gum disease.

Nails are trimmed once a month, but the dog can grind them down on his own.

Balanced diet and feeding your dog

The Sheltie is one of those breeds that can eat almost anything. The main thing is the correct introduction of complementary foods to puppies. Typically, breeders raise puppies themselves, giving them the opportunity to eat mother's milk for up to 2.5 months, gradually accustoming them to adult food.

Important. In any case, up to 1.5 months, mother’s milk should be the main food for babies.

After you buy a puppy and bring it home, veterinarians recommend feeding it millet or rice porridge boiled in water. And before the baby turns 4 months old, there should always be a bowl of milk and water near him.

Sheltie dogs are fed meat with the addition of cereals and vegetables.

When the puppy grows up, you can feed him porridge with meat. It is best to choose beef for this. But you should give up chicken.

Approximate puppy diet:

  1. Morning - dairy products, including cottage cheese.
  2. Lunch – boiled meat with vegetables.
  3. Afternoon snack – porridge with meat broth or milk.
  4. Dinner – a piece of meat scalded with boiling water.

By 6 months, you can begin to switch your dog to meat, while simultaneously introducing dry food. Many breeders are wary of ready-made food. However, recent studies have shown that ready-made industrial food not only does not harm the dog’s health, but, on the contrary, improves it. After all, in balanced diet contains all the necessary microelements and vitamins that are difficult to obtain from natural food.

After six months, the dog is fed twice a day, and the largest portion is in the evening.

If you feed a natural Sheltie, you can give her the following foods:

  1. Offal.
  2. Rice, oatmeal, buckwheat.
  3. Vegetables.
  4. Greenery.
  5. Fish.
  6. Fruits and berries.

If you feed your pet with ready-made food, then give preference to more expensive manufacturers. Only premium food contains everything necessary for the growth and life of a dog. The following brands of food are suitable for Sheltie dogs: , .

Sheltie dogs can be fed not only natural food, but also dry food.

It is best to purchase a puppy from breeders who will not only give the necessary guarantees regarding the purebred of the breed and the health of the puppy, but also teach how to properly care for the pet.

It is best to adopt a puppy at the age of 12 weeks, when he can already eat cereals and vegetables. By this time he should have already received the necessary vaccinations.

When choosing a Sheltie puppy, pay attention to his appearance. He must be well-fed and have dark eyes with shine, thick undercoat. The baby’s behavior should cause joy, that is, the puppy should be active and look at you with “puppy” eyes. You can also examine the mother, who should also be healthy and not malnourished.

Show puppies must have a White wool, but not more than 50% of the total cover. In ordinary puppies, which are taken as a simple pet, there may be many times more white wool.

The cost of puppies varies and depends on the pedigree. On average, the price ranges from 25,000 to 60,000 rubles.

How to Prepare Your Home for a Sheltie

Sheltie is very hyper as a puppy active dogs. That's why they often get various injuries due to its clumsiness and mobility. New owners should prepare the apartment before bringing the puppy there.

First of all, hide expensive shoes and other valuables. The puppy will certainly want to taste everything. Remove small objects that your puppy might swallow.

Don't forget to remove the wires too. All cables that get in the way of the puppy will be chewed and dragged to different corners of the apartment.

Prepare toys for your baby. You can buy them in the store, or you can prepare them yourself. To do this, you only need to thoroughly wash the potatoes, carrots or apples. These fruits and vegetables will provide great entertainment for your Sheltie.

The floor surface should not be slippery. Clumsy puppies can easily slip and sprain their paws.

Health and life expectancy

On average, Shelties live to be 13 years old. Proper maintenance and care of the dog will help achieve this. Like many other breeds, the Shetland Sheepdog has a predisposition to certain diseases.

Sheltie dogs can suffer from cataracts, entropion, congenital deafness and other diseases.

List of possible pathologies:

  1. Dermatomyositis.
  2. Anomaly of the eyes.
  3. Polyarthritis.
  4. Corneal dystrophy.
  5. Hemophilia.
  6. Congenital deafness.
  7. Patent ductus arteriosus.
  8. Hip dysplasia.
  9. Turning of the eyelids.
  10. Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis.
  11. Hypothyroidism.
  12. Neoplasms of the nasal cavity.
  13. Progressive retinal atrophy.
  14. Von Willebrand's disease.
  15. Gene mutations.
  16. Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease.
  17. Testicular neoplasia.
  18. Loose wrist ligaments.
  19. Cryptorchidism.

Important. The breed is extremely sensitive to some medications. For example, milbemycin and ivermectin (these dogs are contraindicated with drugs and others that contain the above active ingredients).

Disadvantages of the Sheltie breed

Despite its many advantages, Sheltie also has a number of disadvantages:

  1. The need for regular and thorough grooming.
  2. Possible formation of lumps on the fur.
  3. Increased activity of the dog, which causes certain difficulties when walking.
  4. Shyness. The dog can be extremely shy and hide from guests in the house.
  5. Increased need to live in a calm environment. If a dog feels uncomfortable in the middle of the night, it can express its dissatisfaction by barking loudly, which seems to the owners to be causeless.

By visiting the collie and sheltie forum, you can understand how this animal manifests itself when living in a family and what habits it has in general. Let's say some animal lovers don't see the difference between a collie and a sheltie. But I would like to say that this is not correct. There is a difference, and it is significant. Anyone who is interested in this breed or runs a Sheltie kennel will say this with confidence.

The history of the origin of this breed suggests that they appeared on the Shetlen Islands, namely in the northern part of Scotland. They are considered a separate breed. But it is important to note that the most significant influence on the formation of this breed was exerted by husky dogs. They were brought to the islands by fishermen who lived in Greenland.

The main task of the Sheltie was to play the role of a shepherd. Therefore, the owners tried to have small animals with good working functions. The main feature of this is that they have good intellectual abilities. They developed due to the fact that the animal had fairly close contact with humans. And, at the same time, she spent most of her time isolated from other dogs, alone with a person.

If you look at a photo of a Sheltie, at first glance it will seem that visually they are very similar to a Collie. But, again, this is only at first glance. Of course, there are differences between them, and they are considerable. Especially in character. This dog is perfect for anyone who wants a loyal, alert, but not aggressive dog. It can be kept both in an apartment and in a private house. You just need to walk the animal in a timely manner. And constantly play sports with him. They need good physical activity; there should be a large walking space so that they can run around to their heart's content. But there is also a plus in that during walking they do not really need the owner’s attention. They can keep themselves busy with something.

A little about the history of the breed

Many owners of this breed call their pets cute foxes. Of course, there are some external similarities between them. But if you look into history, it becomes clear that shelties and foxes were no longer friends with each other. These dogs with all their zeal defended the chicken coops of their owners from the attacks of wild foxes. There is also information that somewhere at the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth, this breed was transfused with the blood of Scottish shepherds. From this we can conclude that the two breeds are similar in appearance.

As mentioned above, Shelties appeared in the vastness of the Shetland Islands. This place is located on the border of the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. Namely, closer to the northeast of Scotland, somewhere near the warm Gulf Stream. Due to the fact that the inaccessible lands of the Shetland Islands are dotted with coastal cliffs, seals often swim there. Birds from all over the area also flock here. This is their favorite place to hang out.

Due to certain weather conditions, there are practically no trees in this area. And the whole ground is covered with short, rough grass. This is an excellent place for grazing. This is where shepherds like to graze their sheep. It is worth noting that there is moisture in this place for almost two hundred days a year. Although in principle, the Scots are accustomed to humidity and fog. He's everywhere here.

But why be surprised, these islands were once the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Accordingly, people inhabited this archipelago only a couple of thousand years ago. The first inhabitants also brought some animals with them. They mainly brought with them sheep, chickens and shepherd dogs. These islands are considered the birthplace of the first Scottish Sheepdogs.

If you study the characteristics of the Sheltie breed, you can find many explanations for why these animals did so well in this area.

Character and characteristics of the breed

If we talk about the character of this dog, it should be noted that they are considered excellent guards. Moreover, they can protect both the house and the chicken coop with equal quality. For a long time they lived together with their owners on the territory of the household. Therefore, they are also called “tuni”, translated this word means “farm”.

Another important characteristic of this one is related to its original purpose. We are talking about the dog's intellectual abilities. Due to the fact that the Scots had only sheep, goats and ponies as domestic animals, almost all of them were shepherds. As you know, there are almost no predators on the island, so there is no need to protect the herd. But make sure that sheep or ponies don’t run away different sides- need to. And here the Sheltie did this job perfectly. Their task was to guide the cattle in the right direction and ensure that they did not run away. For a small dog. This task was quite easy.

It should be noted that these animals maneuvered very well between the sheep population. They easily jumped over them and loudly clicked their teeth, so they understood which direction they needed to move. Another feature of the animal was that they knew how to find their own food. It could be birds or rodents. Thanks to this, dogs could completely replace humans and take on the responsibilities associated with herding the herd.

But this situation was not always the case. After some time, farms began to grow and the need for small shepherds disappeared. This led to the Sheltie breed almost disappearing completely.

Today, there are special nurseries that deal with Sheltie brood in Moscow. Their address can be found on a specialized forum or website on the Internet.

Information from dog owners

If you go to the forum of collie and sheltie lovers, you can see that the owners of such animals are crazy about their pets. Again, if you look into history, you can find many interesting facts. For example, the first Sheltie fans were not involved in professional dog breeding, but at the same time they sought to study this breed and were ready to invest all their strength and love in their upbringing.

It is known that the Sheltie's ancestors were Scandinavian and Icelandic dogs, as a result, the resulting dog turned out to be quite hardy and at the same time moderately calm. Then they began to cross it with other breeds, namely:

  • with collie;
  • with a border collie;
  • Pomeranian Spitz;
  • papillons;
  • Well, with a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

And literally by the beginning of the twentieth century, the sheltie began to completely resemble a miniature collie.

Many owners of dogs of this breed are sure that they have their own character. Not like the temperament of a collie or any other animal. We must remember that this dog has good intelligence, it cannot be brutally trained, and there is simply no need for this. After all, in order for him to repeat the command, it is enough to show it several times. It is also worth remembering that to beat this dog- in no way possible. Otherwise, she will become too aggressive or, conversely, cowardly. Another feature of the animal is its loud bark. It was with the help of barking that they notified their owners that a thief had entered a home or barn. Therefore, if you do not deal with the social orientation of the dog, as a result he may become too angry or noisy.

By the way, you need to remember that Shelties love to bark and growl. This habit has its roots from the times when they performed the role of a shepherd. But, if you use the right commands and train the animal, the dogs will instantly fall silent.

You should also remember that a Sheltie dog needs regular walking; they are very active and must maintain their physical shape, which can be understood if you look at a photo of the animal. They are quite active and love sports. If you deprive this dog physical activity V the right quantity, then she will quickly become depressed. This animal will not be able to be alone for a long time. Therefore, if the owner works all day long and locks the dog at home himself, it can quickly get sick and even die. At the same time, they can damage furniture, bark and howl loudly.

What features does the Sheltie have?

If we talk about the main characteristics of this pet, it should be noted that they are of average size, approximately from 34 to 38 centimeters. And their weight is approximately 5 - 10 kilograms.

But there are also cases when Sheltie puppies are born larger than expected. This is normal, because, as you know, they have an admixture of blood from other breeds that have big sizes. But, in any case, if these dimensions exceed two and a half centimeters, then this is no longer correct.

The Scottish Shepherd is very emotional. It can grumble, moan, squeal, purr like a cat and show its mood in other ways. If a stranger approaches them, they may treat him with caution, but at the same time they themselves can freely approach to a stranger or an animal.

The Sheltie's character is quite soft. They are very friendly and loyal to their owner. But this dog does not tolerate cruelty towards itself.

Usually, it is purchased for private country houses. Where there is a large space for the dog to walk, there are always people or other animals nearby. If you bring it into the apartment, then you need to understand that you cannot leave the animal for a long time alone and take regular walks.

As for behavior with strangers, this dog is quite reserved in communication. But at the same time, he does not show excessive aggression and nervousness. If you read the Siberian forum, where collie and sheltie owners communicate, it becomes clear that these pets have their own special character. Shelties have a sense of self-esteem. If the owner is busy, she will not bother him. But if you pay attention to her, she will immediately join the game.

They are highly trainable. At the same time, he carries out commands meaningfully. She looks persistently into the man's eyes and listens carefully to his command. It is believed that these dogs copy the character of the owner and can change to suit him. The same collie and sheltie sib forum contains information that they are very brave and can become an excellent guard. In addition, dogs get along well with other pets. If we talk about children, they treat them very kindly and tenderly. This breed is great for families with children or for single people.

How to properly keep dogs?

Firstly, they need proper care. Secondly, they require specific nutrition. If we talk about care, the main problems arise with combing the dog’s coat and regularly bathing the dog. To do this you need to have at least several combs. This:

  • metal with sparse teeth;
  • a comb made of metal that has only fine teeth;
  • metal, which has both frequent and sparse teeth;
  • massage brush;
  • bristle brush;
  • and, of course, a slicker.

You need to comb the animal's fur at least once every ten days. You will have to tear apart the fur that has crumpled into clumps.

But you don’t need to bathe too often. Once a month is enough. It is important to remember that you do not need to pour shampoo directly onto your pet’s fur; it is better to dilute it in a container with water and simply pour it over the dog. During the molting period, you can bathe more often and in this way. Well, you will have to scratch the dog every day during this period.

As for the pet’s health, the Sheltie has excellent health. They were hardened by the harsh Scottish climate. Their life span reaches twenty years, and the charisma that is inherent in them does not change until the end of their years.

The only thing owners of this breed need to worry about are the eyes. They may inherit eye disease. Sometimes a tendency to dislocate the kneecap may develop. Or, hypothyroidism will appear. Often these diseases are inherited.

It should be remembered that this animal should not be overfed, as they gain excess weight very quickly.

But, if you properly care for your pet, he can easily live up to fifteen years, and in many cases, up to twenty. They can be introduced into families with children without the slightest fear. The main thing to remember is that there is no need to show aggression, either towards the dog or among each other. Then the purchased puppy will grow into a wonderful guard and trusted friend. It will be fun and interesting to be with him, because he is very easy to train and you can do any active sport with him. Based on everything stated above, it becomes clear that this is a very affectionate and intelligent dog that does not require special care.

What does the Sheltie dog breed look like? was last modified: May 27th, 2016 by Maxim Bartsev

The Shetland Sheepdog, or sheltie, is a herding dog native to the Shetland Islands. Many consider the Sheltie to be a smaller version of the Rough Collie. Yes, indeed, they are very similar, but the Shetland Sheepdog did not come from him at all, but from the border collie. It was only at the beginning of the 20th century that the breed began to be crossed with the long-haired collie.

Due to its compact size and short stature, the Sheltie worked for a long time on pastures, where it managed small flocks of sheep. At the end of the 19th century, the number of sheep on farms began to increase, and the small dog could no longer cope with the increased amount of work. Shepherds increasingly began to resort to the help of more large Shepherd dogs and the Sheltie breed were on the verge of extinction. The situation was saved by connoisseurs of the breed, who considered shepherd dogs to be a decorative breed, suitable for keeping only as a pet. Dog lovers in Scotland formed the Scotland Club in 1909, and the Shetland Sheepdog soon began to gain international recognition.

Gallery: Sheltie breed (25 photos)

Sheltie dog breed: description

Shelties are elegant small dogs, completely devoid of clumsiness. They are proportionally built, have chic lush fur, forming an elegant collar and pretty feathering on the paws. Short-haired representatives of the breed are discarded.

Shetland Sheepdogs are reserved, intelligent, but at the same time vigilant. Sheltie has the following external characteristics:

  • The head is wedge-shaped, elongated, noticeably narrowing from the ears to the nose. The skull is moderately wide between the ears, the occipital protuberance is not visible. The muzzle is round in shape with flat cheeks. The lips and nose have black pigmentation. The jaws are set symmetrically, smooth, with a pronounced jawline. The lips close tightly. The snow-white teeth form a scissor bite. The dentition is complete - 42 teeth.
  • The eyes are dark brown, slightly slanted, small, almond-shaped. Dogs with a Merle coat color may have blue eyes, or they have heterochrony - one eye is brown, the other is blue. The look is interested, attentive.
  • The ears are small, wide at the base, semi-erect, close to each other, the corners are curved downwards, in a calm state they are slightly tilted back, in case of alarm they are directed forward.
  • The neck is long, strong, with a graceful curve, giving the animal an aristocratic, proud appearance.
  • The limbs are straight set, proportional, with flexible pasterns and strong joints.
  • The chest is deep, goes down to elbow joints. The back forms a straight line, smoothly transitions into a convex lower back. The ribs are well arched.
  • The tail is set low, slightly curved upward, its length reaches the hock joint, and is covered with thick hair. When moving, it can rise slightly, but not higher than the back. A broken tail is considered a defect.

Mini-shepherds move gracefully, smoothly, pushing off with their hind limbs.


According to the standard, dogs of the “little collie” breed can have the following types of colors:

  • Tricolor - rich black with bright colors on the body red-brown marks.
  • Sable - pure or with shades from light golden to juicy mahogany. The shades should be bright.
  • Blue merle. The fur is soft blue with a silver tint, and has beautifully arranged spots and streaks of black.
  • Black with red-brown spots or black and white.
  • Markings white on the paws, chest, forehead and tail in any color are desirable, but not required.

Character traits

The character of miniature shepherd dogs makes them ideal companions - loyal, gentle and intelligent. These are very friendly and active dogs, they easily fit into the family and adore all members of the household, especially their little owners. Shelties are distrustful of strangers, so they bark when a stranger approaches their home. It must be said that with timely socialization, the pet will see the difference when a stranger is allowed to enter the house, and when it is necessary to block his path.

Many are sure that they are ordinary empty-headed dogs, raising their voices at every rustle and barking into a frenzy. However, this is not entirely true - big meaning has an upbringing here. The dog can be trained to warn of intrusion with a short bark, after which it will silently wait for the owner to appear.

The Shetland Sheepdog is a loving, charming creature that really needs the attention of its owner and his affection. Therefore, it is better not to get such a dog for very busy people who are rarely at home and do not have the opportunity to devote time to their pet. After all, this little shepherd will not sit quietly waiting for the owner, but will find entertainment in damaging the owner’s things, furniture and other destructive actions.

Shelties love communication and are quite active in expressing their emotions. The owner, who returns home even after a short absence, will receive a huge portion of indescribable delight and tenderness. The main thing in the Sheltie's character is the desire to constantly please its owners.

The dog really needs strong friendly family, since the tense situation and constant quarrels between the owners have an impact on Negative influence on the animal's psyche. But if the noise is associated with general fun, the shepherd will not be embarrassed at all, the pet will gladly join the holiday and will rejoice along with everyone. The mini shepherd loves to be with family members, especially when they caress and cuddle him.

When purchasing a Sheltie puppy, you need to remember such breed quality as timidity:

  • The pet may get a nervous shock from previously unknown phenomena (loud music, sudden traffic, etc.);
  • The dog experiences criticism painfully during the training period.

Of course, such qualities are not characteristic of all representatives of this breed, but they are characteristic behavior. But on the other hand, shepherd dogs also have some positive qualities that are worth evaluating:

  • They are very positive and active;
  • have high intelligence and a desire to learn something new - this allows dogs to instantly master tricks and commands of any complexity;
  • have a high adaptive ability - they experience almost no stress when moving, traveling and other changes in the situation;
  • thanks to hypersensitivity and charm easily fit into the family, almost immediately becoming a full-fledged member of the household.

Considering the past of the Shetland Sheepdog, one should not be surprised by their excellent protective reflexes. Suspiciousness towards strangers is in the blood of these dogs. Therefore, with appropriate upbringing, a dog can become a watchman. Without special training, guard qualities will also appear, but the dog will begin to avoid conflict situations.

Shelley gets along well with other four-legged inhabitants of the apartment, including those of her own kind. However, it is still better if the Sheltie is in the company of cats and other pets while still a puppy. This will guarantee the peaceful coexistence of the Shetland Sheepdog and other pets.

Education and training

Training a Shetland Sheepdog is quite easy. Both the owner and the pet are satisfied with the process. The Sheltie's obedience and high intelligence make it possible to entrust training even to a child. But proper training requires compliance with certain rules. For example, during the training process, physical violence and rudeness towards a pet are strictly prohibited. But verbal praise and gentle persuasion form the basis of fruitful interaction.

Mini-shepherds understand the command the first time, and the second time they execute it perfectly. However, do not forget about the mandatory securing of the material. Considering the natural timidity of the Sheltie, training must begin in the absence of external stimuli, and then gradually add them. To attract your dog's attention, you can use various methods- affection, treat, toy.

A positive, healthy dog ​​will never refuse to follow commands. If the dog starts to play around, you don’t need to punish it right away - just ignore these manifestations, and your pet will soon realize that with such behavior he risks being left without a treat.

Shetland Sheepdog puppies are very curious and quite actively get to know their surroundings, often using their little teeth. This is not possible leave without attention, but you shouldn’t physically punish either. In such a situation, it will be enough to spoil the dog’s pleasure. For example, you can spray a special safe remedy on a chewed thing.

Representatives of the breed are the happy owners of luxurious wool that needs special care. It must be regularly combed and cleaned with special brushes. Keep an eye on the undercoat and do not let it roll into lumps. But at the same time, you should not be too zealous when combing. If you follow the rules of hair care, there will be practically no dog hair in the house - the shortened, thick and dense undercoat firmly holds long hair.

To care for the coat of a Shetland Sheepdog, you need to purchase the following equipment:

  • A massage brush with metal teeth on a rubber pad;
  • combs with frequent and rare teeth;
  • natural bristle brush.

The dog must be thoroughly combed 2-3 times a month, and during the molting period - daily. But you should bathe your pet no more than 1-2 times a month, using special detergents that are first diluted with water, then sprinkle or water on wool. At the end of the procedure, the animal’s coat is wiped with a towel and dried with a hairdryer.

It is not advisable for long-haired dogs to wear chain collars, as this can lead to the appearance of mats. A leather collar would be an ideal option.

Carry out regular inspection of your pet's ears and if you find any dirt, remove it using a damp cloth.

The claws are carefully trimmed with a nail clipper 2 times a month, the sharp edges are smoothed with a nail file.

When discharge appears, the dog’s eyes must be rinsed with tea leaves, and if they become red, have excessive discharge or tearing, it is imperative to contact a specialized clinic.

Sheltie teeth require preventive cleaning even if the dog is well fed.

It is necessary to inspect the paw pads daily for wounds and cracks.

How long do shelties live, dog health

The average life expectancy of dogs of this breed is 13-15 years, which is generally a good indicator. Representatives of the Sheltie breed may suffer from the following diseases:

  • Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system: congenital dislocation of the elbow or knee joint, joint dysplasia, polyarthritis and arthritis.
  • Eye diseases: retinal dystrophy and atrophy, coli eye anomaly, cataracts turning into glaucoma, extra eyelashes or their wrong growth, entropion (inversion of the eyelid).
  • Muscular dystrophy is very rare.
  • Skin problems: histiocytoma, dermatitis (usually yeast), pemphigus foliaceus (a rare autoimmune disease).
  • Pathologies of the thyroid gland: hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism and others.
  • Von Willebrand's disease - causes sudden bleeding from the mucous membranes.
  • Thrombosis, hemophilia and other hematopoietic diseases are typical for the Shetland Sheepdog, but they are very rarely diagnosed.
  • Cryptorchidism.
  • Testicular tumor, including malignant.
  • Congenital deafness.
  • Rarely diagnosed: dwarfism, epilepsy, pancreatitis, acquired or congenital kidney disease.

This dog will be for you good companion And true friend, he is elegant, affectionate, sociable and easy-going. Give him your love and give more attention - he will be happy to reciprocate your feelings.