Syndrome of movement disorders Syndrome of movement disorders. Diagnosis: Syndrome of movement disorders. What is Neonatal Movement Disorder Syndrome?

The motor activity of the baby is one of the main factors by which it is customary to judge the state of his health. But there are cases when the parents of a baby hear from a neurologist the diagnosis of "syndrome movement disorders". What is it? What are the symptoms of the disease? Is it possible to get rid of it? Are there ways to help avoid the appearance of such a nuisance? The article will discuss the answers to these and some other questions.

What is neonatal movement disorder syndrome?

This disease is diagnosed in cases where the baby has a decrease or increase in motor activity, and a weakening of muscle strength. Babies aged 2 to 4 months are most susceptible to it.

The syndrome of movement disorders is divided into several main types:

  1. Muscular hypertonicity.
  2. Muscular hypotension.
  3. Cerebellar Syndrome.
  4. Cerebellar dysarthria.
  5. Symmetric neck tonic reflex.
  6. Tonic labyrinth reflex.

Each type of disease has its own characteristics. We will talk about this later when considering the symptoms of the syndrome of movement disorders.

Causes of the disease

The syndrome of movement disorders in infants can occur as a result of exposure to several factors.

First, the cause of the disease can be hypoxia. This phenomenon is accompanied by a violation of the blood supply to the brain, which leads to its defeat.

Secondly, the syndrome of movement disorders can occur as a result of an intrauterine infection.

Third, common cause diseases are received birth injuries as a result of too large a mass of the fetus, breech presentation, incorrect insertion of the head, and so on. In all these cases, the spinal cord of the newborn may be affected.

The fourth and last reason is the wrong apparatus.

Symptoms of hypertonicity

The syndrome of movement disorders in a newborn, manifested in the form of hypertonicity, may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the body of the baby in the supine position is bent in the form of an arc;
  • the baby learned to hold the head, not even reaching the age of one month;
  • by the age of three months, the child has not learned to open the hand in order to take a toy or other object, he presses clenched fists to the body;
  • the baby's head is always turned in one direction;
  • if you put the baby on his legs, he will not stand on a full foot, but on one toe;
  • the child can roll over only through one side;
  • at the age of one, he does not use both hands, but prefers one.

All of the above signs mean that an excessive number of impulses are coming from the central nervous system. Don't put off going to a neurologist.

Symptoms of hypotension

Unlike the previous version, hypotonicity is characterized by a reduced flow of impulses from the central nervous system into muscle tissues, as a result of which their tension also decreases.

The syndrome of movement disorders of this type is accompanied by such signs:

  • lethargy of the baby, he makes very few movements with his legs and arms;
  • the baby cannot hold the toy in his hand;
  • the cry of the child is very weak;
  • baby is unable to hold his head in vertical position over a long period of time and constantly throws it back;
  • the baby does not start crawling, sitting and getting up at the right time;
  • the child begins to smile much later than the due date;
  • children with hypotonicity keep their balance very poorly while sitting: even at 6-7 months they sway from side to side.

This type of disease has a very bad effect on the spine and posture, there is a high risk of joint dislocations. Severe forms can make even such important processes as breast sucking, chewing and swallowing difficult. In addition, children with this type of disease do not show speech skills for a long time.

General symptoms of the disease

What else can accompany the syndrome of movement disorders? Symptoms that can be used to judge the disease are also the following:

  • The child cannot take pathological postures. It is very difficult for him to bend and unbend his upper limbs. In addition, he cannot bend his fingers.
  • Another sign is the monotony of the crying and crying of the baby.
  • Significant delay in auditory and visual reactions.
  • The kid falls behind physical development, it is more difficult for him to learn to roll over, sit down, keep balance and so on.

Diagnosis of the disease

Even if there is obvious signs problems should not be diagnosed independently and even more so self-medicate. You need to see a neurologist who will full examination and based on its results will be able to determine the presence of the disease and its type.

During the diagnosis, the perinatal history is taken into account first of all. The doctor needs to know if the child had past infections, toxic-metabolic disorders, or signs of hypoxia. Special attention is drawn to the assessment of the state of the newborn baby on the Apgar scale.

If there is a baby on examination who has not yet overgrown the fontanel, he is assigned a Doppler study of cerebral blood flow and neurosonography. In severe cases, CT or MRI of the brain may be needed.

Additionally, the child's skills are compared with the developmental standards at his age. Neurologists and pediatricians in this case use special tables.

Syndrome of movement disorders in children: treatment of the disease

Do not despair if the child was given such a terrible, at first glance, diagnosis. To date, many have been developed effective ways, which will help get rid of such a problem as the syndrome of movement disorders. Treatment may include massage, reflexology, osteopathy, physiotherapy exercises. Let's briefly review each of these methods.

Let's start with physical therapy and massage. For their implementation, the use of special ointments is usually necessary. Which ones - the specialist will tell you before performing the procedures. Particular attention in this case is usually given to lower limbs. There are two more small but important nuances: before starting the massage and physical education, you need to wrap the baby’s legs with wool clothes, and at the end, make baths with boiled oats or paraffin boots.

In order to determine the set of necessary exercises, the doctor focuses primarily on exactly where the violations are observed: in sitting, crawling, walking, and so on.

Children under the age of one year must undergo at least four courses of therapeutic massage and physical education. At the same time, one course includes about 20 sessions, which consist of a clearly defined set of exercises.

Parents need to remember that you should not relax in between sessions with a specialist. During this period, they should independently massage the baby.

Let's take a look at what osteopathy is. The procedure is an alternative official medicine. A positive effect in this case is achieved by influencing the desired points of the body and massage. internal organs.

Reflexology is used in cases where the syndrome of movement disorders in children is accompanied by delays in maturation and development. This type of therapy shows the greatest effectiveness.

In some cases, in order to eliminate the syndrome of movement disorders in newborns, the doctor may prescribe the use of homeopathic medicines. Their choice will depend on the nature of the course of the disease and the characteristics of the baby's body.

Not less than important role plays and properly formed diet of the child. It must contain a large number of vitamin B. Otherwise, injections will be required.

Forecast for the future

The extent to which the treatment will be favorable depends primarily on the type of disease.

Movement Disorder Syndrome light form(provided there is no persistent hypoxia) can be overcome already during the first year of the baby's life.

More severe types of the disease can cause many complications: mental retardation, epilepsy, difficulties with walking, learning and concentrating, meteosensitivity, headaches, manifestations of vegetovascular dystonia.

Disease prevention

The main prevention of the occurrence of a syndrome of motor disorders is to provide the child with freedom of action. Of course, within the safety rules. No need to limit its space to a cradle. If possible, it is recommended to allocate a separate room for the baby.

The kid must develop and learn something new. Colorful pictures, bright toys and so on can help in this matter.

Additionally, you can give the child to walk barefoot, work with him on a fitball, spend massotherapy and gymnastics. Touching objects of different textures is also very useful.

Summing up

Many mothers perceive the syndrome of motor disorders as a sentence and give up, having lost hope that their baby will recover. Under no circumstances should you do this! As you can see, this disease is no longer included in the group of incurable diseases, which means that the chances of a full recovery in a child are very high. As a rule, by the age of two, all signs of the disease disappear in 90% of children. This is especially true in cases where the problem was detected early enough and has not yet had time to worsen. The only thing that is needed from parents in such a situation is to show perseverance and patience. And then everything will be all right with their beloved baby. Be healthy!

In motion is life. This statement is especially true for young children. Indeed, according to the state of their muscle tone, how it develops, they judge the development of the baby. The motor activity of a newborn is one of the critical factors determining his state of health.

But what to do when parents notice that the baby's motor functions are not sufficiently developed? And if at the appointment with a neurologist they hear the diagnosis “syndrome of motor disorders” or its concomitant - “perinatal lesion of the central nervous system» (PPCNS)? Our article will talk about these diagnoses, the features of their manifestation, diagnosis, and in which cases the treatment will be most effective.

Clinical picture

The body of any person from birth has muscle tone. This is a certain muscle tension, due to which the position of the body, its postures are maintained and, of course, movements are carried out.

In the womb, the baby's muscles are in hypertonicity: the cams are compressed, the legs and arms are brought to the body, and this is a normal forced position. After birth, it lasts up to about 3 months, after which the tone returns to normal. In practice, this means that the muscles are not very tense, so that you can easily open the child's hand, bend the legs and unbend them. Movement disorders are spoken of in such situations.

Muscular hypertonicity

A sign that a large number of nerve impulses are coming from the central nervous system. Mom must show the baby to a neurologist in the following cases:

  • in the supine position, the child's body bends in the form of an arc;
  • the baby is barely a month old, and he perfectly holds the head;
  • after 3 months, the child does not open the hand to take on the toy, always clenching his fists and pressing them to the body;
  • the head is always turned to one side;
  • if you put the baby on the legs, it rests on the socks, and not on the full foot;
  • rolls over only one side;
  • under the age of one year, prefers one hand (babies should use both left and right hands equally well).

Massage is effective for muscle tone

With muscle hypertonicity in newborns, motor skills are incorrectly formed. After the child learns to walk, gait and posture disorders may occur. And since such a condition is just a symptom indicating the pathology of the central nervous system, it can provoke the development of cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy).

Muscular hypotension

Occurs when the number of impulses coming from the central nervous system to the muscles is greatly reduced. As a result, muscle tension also decreases. The symptoms of this condition are as follows:

  • the baby is lethargic, makes some movements with arms and legs;
  • cannot hold a toy in hand;
  • weak cry;
  • the baby begins to smile late;
  • since the occipital muscles are weak, it cannot hold the head in a vertical position for a long time, constantly throwing it back;
  • children with muscle hypertonicity, when trying to plant at 6-7 months, stagger to the sides, it is difficult for them to maintain balance;
  • the child does not crawl, does not get up, does not sit at the right time.

Fitball exercises improve muscle tone

The syndrome of movement disorders in the form of muscle weakness negatively affects the posture and spine, and joint dislocations often occur. With severe hypotension, it is difficult for a child to suckle the breast, chew or swallow food on their own. For a long time there is no manifestation of speech skills.

Muscular dystonia

A condition in which muscle tone is changeable: sometimes there is hypertension, sometimes hypotension of the muscles. Or one muscle group is in tension, while the other is too relaxed.


Often, children with a pronounced syndrome of movement disorders have a history of pathologies of the nervous system that developed during fetal formation or during childbirth. That is, muscular dystonia occurs as a result of damage to the central nervous system (for short, perinatal damage to the nervous system is called PTCNS). Factors provoking the development of pathology:

  1. Hypoxia is the main cause of damage to the brain of the fetus or newborn due to impaired blood supply in it.
  2. , which often occur with breech presentation, large fetal mass, improper insertion of the head. In all these cases, damage may develop spinal cord.

How the disease is diagnosed

The diagnosis is made by neurologists after a thorough examination. This takes into account the perinatal history: were there any manifestations of hypoxia, toxic-metabolic disorders, past infections; attention is drawn to.

Neuropsychic development is assessed by months

Necessarily, a baby with an ungrown fontanel is prescribed neurosonography and a Doppler study of cerebral blood flow. In severe cases, an MRI or CT scan of the brain is recommended. Pediatricians and neurologists have tables with the norms for the development of motor and psychomotor skills by months. Based on this table, an estimated comparison of the results achieved is carried out.


Recovery methods, that is, treatment, will depend on the severity of the baby's condition. Of the medicines prescribed medicines that reduce neuromuscular impulse conduction or improve it.

Treatment with massage, electrophoresis, physiotherapeutic methods is widely used. Practice on fitball. Doctor tells parents how to organize proper nutrition. A mother can perform some exercises with a child at home, but only after she receives the appropriate instructions.


The consequences of PCNS can be very different, depending on the severity of the damage to the nervous system. In the most problematic cases, epilepsy develops, mental retardation, difficulty walking. With mild degrees, the child may be hyperactive, experience learning difficulties, it is difficult for him to concentrate and remember information. Headaches, meteosensitivity, manifestations of vegetovascular dystonia are possible.

The syndrome of movement disorders is treated as effectively as the affected nervous system allows it to be. However, in most cases, when the diagnosis is made in polyclinics and in the absence of persistent hypoxia during childbirth, muscular dystonia returns to normal by the end of the first year of life.

Often in the medical records of newborns you can see the abbreviation PEP, which frightens young mothers. The term itself perinatal encephalopathy" was proposed in 1976 and comes from four Greek words: the prefix "peri" - located near, with something, "natus" - birth, "pathos" - illness and "enkefalos" - the brain.

The perinatal period is the time from 28 weeks of pregnancy to the seventh day after birth (up to 28 days in premature babies), and encephalopathy is a term that refers to various pathologies of the brain.

Thus, PEP is a kind of collective diagnosis for designating neurological disorders in newborns, and the specific symptoms, causes and severity of this condition may be different.

IN international classification exist different kinds encephalopathy, their names indicate the cause of the onset of the disease (for example, hypoxic or diabetic encephalopathy), but there is no perinatal form, since this term indicates only the time interval for the onset of disorders.

IN last years Domestic pediatric neurologists are also increasingly using other diagnoses, such as perinatal asphyxia and hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy.

The prenatal development of the brain and the nervous system as a whole is affected by various adverse factors, in particular the health of the mother and the state of the environment.

Complications can also occur during childbirth.

  1. Hypoxia. When a child in the womb or during childbirth lacks oxygen, all body systems suffer, but above all the brain. The cause of hypoxia may be chronic diseases mothers, infections, incompatibility by blood group or Rh factor, age, bad habits, polyhydramnios, malformations, dysfunctional pregnancy, unsuccessful birth, and many others.
  2. Birth injury, causing hypoxic or mechanical injuries (fractures, deformities, hemorrhages). Can cause injury: weak labor activity, quick delivery, poor fetal position or obstetrician error.
  3. Toxic lesions. This group of causes is associated with bad habits and the intake of toxic substances during pregnancy (alcohol, drugs, certain drugs), as well as environmental influences (radiation, industrial waste in the air and water, salts of heavy metals).
  4. Maternal infections- acute and chronic. The greatest danger is the infection of a woman during the bearing of a child, since in this case the risk of infection of the fetus is very high. For example, toxoplasmosis, herpes, rubella, syphilis rarely cause symptoms in the fetus. infectious disease, but are the cause of serious disorders in the development of the brain and other organs.
  5. Developmental and metabolic disorders. These can be congenital diseases of both the mother and the child, prematurity of the fetus, malformations. Often the cause of PEP is severe in the first months of pregnancy or preeclampsia in the latter.

These factors can cause various types of disease. The most common are the following:

  • hemorrhagic form caused by hemorrhages in the brain;
  • ischemic, caused by problems with blood supply and oxygen supply to brain tissues;
  • dysmetabolic is a pathology of metabolism in tissues.

Symptoms and prognosis

Immediately after birth, the baby's well-being is assessed on a ten-point Apgar scale, which takes into account the heartbeat, respiratory rates, muscle tone, skin color, and reflexes. Scores 8/9 and 7/8 are obtained by healthy newborns without signs of perinatal encephalopathy.

According to studies, the severity and prognosis of the disease can be correlated with the scores obtained:

  • 6-7 points - mild degree violations, in 96-100% of cases recovery without the need drug treatment and without further consequences;
  • 4-5 points - the average degree, in 20-30% of cases leads to pathologies of the nervous system;
  • 0-3 points - severe degree, most often leads to serious violations of the functioning of the brain.

Doctors distinguish three stages of encephalopathy - acute (during the first month of life), recovery (up to six months), late recovery (up to 2 years) and a period of residual effects.

Neonatologists and obstetricians talk about encephalopathy if a child under the age of one month has the following syndromes:

  1. Syndrome of depression of the nervous system. It is characterized by lethargy, decreased muscle tone, reflexes, consciousness. Occurs in children with medium degree the severity of the disease.
  2. coma syndrome. The child is lethargic, sometimes to such an extent that there is no motor activity. Inhibited cardiac activity, breathing. The main reflexes (search, sucking, swallowing) are absent. This syndrome occurs due to hemorrhage, asphyxia during childbirth or cerebral edema and leads to the need to place the child in intensive care with the connection of an artificial respiration apparatus.
  3. Increased neuro-reflex excitability. Anxiety, trembling, causeless frequent crying, similar to hysterical, poor sleep, hands and feet. Premature babies are more likely to have seizures, for example, when high temperature up to development. This syndrome is observed in mild forms of PEP.
  4. Convulsive syndrome. Unmotivated paroxysmal movements of the head and limbs, tension of the arms and legs, shuddering, twitching.
  5. Hypertension-hydrocephalic syndrome. characterized by an increase in the number cerebrospinal fluid and increased intracranial pressure. At the same time, the head circumference grows faster than the norm (more than 1 cm weekly), the size of the large fontanel also does not correspond to age. The child's sleep becomes restless, there is a monotonous prolonged crying, regurgitation, tilting of the head and bulging of the fontanel, as well as a characteristic trembling of the eyeballs.

During recovery period Perinatal encephalopathy is accompanied by symptoms:

  1. Convulsive syndrome.
  2. Syndrome of increased neuro-reflex excitability.
  3. Syndrome of vegetative-visceral changes. In a child, due to the pathological functioning of the autonomic nervous system, there is a delay in weight gain, regurgitation, disturbances in the rhythm of breathing and thermoregulation, changes in the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and "marbling" of the skin.
  4. Hypertension-hydrocephalic syndrome.
  5. Syndrome of movement disorders. Normally, in a child up to a month, the limbs are half-bent, but easily unbent, and then immediately return to their original position. If the muscles are flaccid or so tense that it is impossible to straighten the legs and arms, then the cause is a decreased or increased tone. In addition, the movements of the limbs must be symmetrical. All this interferes with normal physical activity and purposeful movements.
  6. Syndrome of delayed psychomotor development. A child later than the norm begins to raise his head, roll over, sit, walk, smile, and so on.

About 20–30% of children diagnosed with PEP recover completely, in other cases, complications develop, depending on the severity of the disease, the completeness and timeliness of treatment.

Perinatal encephalopathy can lead to the following consequences:

  • syndrome and attention deficit;
  • delayed speech and mental development, brain dysfunction;
  • epilepsy;
  • cerebral palsy (children's cerebral paralysis);
  • oligophrenia;
  • progressive hydrocephalus;
  • vegetative dystonia.


Perinatal encephalopathy is diagnosed by a pediatrician and a pediatric neurologist based on the data of the examination, tests and examinations of the child, as well as information about pregnancy, childbirth and the health of the mother.

The most efficient and modern methods diagnostics are as follows:

  1. Neurosonography (NSG) – ultrasound examination brain through the fontanel to detect intracranial damage and the state of brain tissue.
  2. Electroencephalogram (EEG) - registers the electrical potentials of the brain and is of particular value in the diagnosis of PEP with convulsive syndrome. Also, using this method, you can establish the asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres and the degree of delay in their development.
  3. Dopplerography to assess blood flow in the tissues of the brain and neck, narrowing or blockage of blood vessels.
  4. Video monitoring. Video recording is used to establish spontaneous movements.
  5. Electroneuromyography (ENMG) - electrical stimulation of the nerve to determine the violation of the interaction of nerves and muscles.
  6. Positron emission tomography (PET), based on the introduction into the body of a radioactive tracer, which accumulates in tissues with the most intensive metabolism. It is used to assess metabolism and blood flow in various departments and brain tissues.
  7. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - the study of internal organs using magnetic fields.
  8. Computed tomography (CT) is a series of X-ray images to create a complete picture of all brain tissues. This study makes it possible to clarify hypoxic disorders that are not clearly identified in NSH.

NSG and EEG are the most informative and most often used for diagnosis. IN without fail the child should be sent to an ophthalmologist for an examination of the fundus, condition optic nerves and identification of congenital disorders.

It is worth noting that, according to various sources, in Russia, perinatal encephalopathy is diagnosed in 30–70% of newborns, while according to foreign studies, only about 5% of children really suffer from this disease. There is overdiagnosis.

Reasons for this may include non-compliance with examination standards (for example, diagnosing hyperexcitability in a child examined in a cold room by strangers), attributing transient phenomena (for example, tossing of limbs) or ordinary signals of needs (crying) to pathology.


The central nervous system of newborns is plastic, capable of development and recovery, so the treatment of encephalopathy should be started as early as possible. It depends on the severity of the disease and specific symptoms.

If the brain dysfunction is mild or moderate, the child remains on home treatment. In this case, use:

  • individual mode, calm atmosphere in the house, balanced diet, lack of stress;
  • assistance of correctional teachers, psychologists, speech therapists with alalia and dysarthria
  • massage and physiotherapy exercises to normalize tone, develop motor functions and coordinate movements
  • physiotherapy;
  • phytotherapy (various sedative preparations and herbs for the normalization of water-salt metabolism).

With severe motor, nervous disorders, delayed child development and other AED syndromes, drugs are used. The doctor prescribes drugs, as well as other methods of treatment, based on the manifestations of the disease:

  1. With motor disorders, dibazol and galantamine are most often prescribed. At increased tone muscles - Baclofen and Mydocalm to reduce it. These drugs are introduced into the body, including using electrophoresis. Massage, special exercises, physiotherapy are also used.
  2. If PEP is accompanied by a convulsive syndrome, anticonvulsant drugs are prescribed by the doctor. With convulsions, physiotherapy and massage are contraindicated.
  3. Delayed psychomotor development is a reason for prescribing drugs to stimulate brain activity, increasing blood circulation in it. These are Actovegin, Pantogam, Nootropil and others.
  4. With hypertension-hydrocephalic syndrome, phytotherapy is used, and in severe cases, Diakarb is used to accelerate the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid. Sometimes a part of the cerebrospinal fluid is removed through a puncture of the fontanel.

For the treatment of PEP of any severity, B vitamins are prescribed, since they are necessary for the normal development and functioning of the nervous system. In many cases, swimming, salt baths, or herbal preparations, osteopathy.

Perinatal encephalopathy is one of the most common diagnoses of pediatric neurologists. This is due to the fact that PEP is a collective term for disorders of the brain of a child in the perinatal period, which have various causes, including maternal health, pregnancy, lack of congenital diseases, complications during childbirth, ecology and other circumstances.

Symptoms can be different, relating to disorders of the nerves, muscles, internal organs, metabolism, therefore, for accurate diagnosis the doctor should not only examine the child, but also collect the entire anamnesis regarding the health of the mother and father, complications during pregnancy, labor activity, as well as appoint additional examinations.

The central and autonomic nervous systems are laid at an early intratubal stage of fetal development. They continue to develop throughout the pregnancy. Evolution and adaptation nervous activity the baby passes up to 3-4 years. Therefore, the syndrome of movement disorders can be a consequence of pathologies that have arisen on different stages the formation of a fetus or a born baby.

The syndrome of movement disorders in children can manifest itself in the early newborn period in the form of a lack of important reflexes. Also, the pathology may begin to appear closer to the age of 5-6 months. Parents may notice the lethargy and apathy of the baby, initially taking it for a feature of the child's character. In fact, any apathy on the part of the baby and his lack of a keen interest in environment speaks of dysfunction of higher nervous activity.

Violation motor functions subdivided into spinal and cerebral types. In the first case, damage to the nerve fiber responsible for the organization of motor motility occurs at the level spinal column. This may be a complication of labor, fetal malposition, hemangioma, incorrect position of the vertebral bodies, etc.

The cerebral type of pathology may be associated with hypertonicity on the background incorrect operation cerebral cortex. This structure, with improper development, cannot qualitatively process the signals coming from the peripheral nervous system. As a result, there is an impossibility of making movements in full. Mild paresis and paralysis may occur, the most dangerous complication is cerebral palsy (ICP).

It is very important to recognize the syndrome of motor dysfunctions in a child on early stages. Pathology associated with the innervation of that muscle tissue, which does not develop and does not work properly.

In the early infancy clinical signs may be an increase or decrease in muscle tone (up to complete paralysis or flaccid paresis), the absence of reflexes or their excessive manifestation, the appearance of pathological mobility or stiffness. With moderate severity of their symptoms, a course of therapeutic massage and gymnastics can help. If timely apply for medical care, then it is possible to avoid the formation of cerebral palsy in an expanded form.

This article tells about the mechanism of development of pathology, distinctive Clinical signs, types of disorders and methods for their correction without the use of potent pharmacological drugs.

If your baby is showing signs of impaired motor function, don't waste time waiting for it to go away on its own. Until the cause of developing disorders is found and eliminated, the disease will progress. Even a month later it may be too late.

In Moscow, you can sign up for free admission to a neurologist in our clinic manual therapy. All patients are provided free consultation. The doctor conducts an examination, establishes a preliminary diagnosis and gives individual recommendations for additional examination and treatment.

Causes of movement disorder syndrome

The syndrome of movement disorders in children under one year old can be triggered by abnormal development of the fetus at the prenatal stage. This may be hypoxia, cord entanglement, improper presentation, etc. Install true reason syndrome of impaired motor activity can only be a neurologist. Do not try at home to independently diagnose and even more so treat.

When conducting differential diagnosis the doctor first of all determines the type of violation: hypotension or hypertonicity of myocytes is observed. Then the site of the lesion of the nerve fiber and the alleged cause of this violation are established. And only after that, effective and safe treatment can be started.

Muscle hypotension is characterized by the absence of resistance to forced movement of the arms and legs. If the baby is laid on his back and try to bend the arms and legs, spread them apart and bring them back together, then you can feel resistance. This is the effect of the peripheral nervous system, which does not have time to process the signal from the myocytes. With serious lesions of the spinal cord and central nervous system, the child can become like a “rag doll”.

Movement disorders syndrome can develop in children for the following reasons:

  • hypoxia suffered in the prenatal period of development;
  • hypoxia of the brain, which develops during labor, for example, when entangled with the umbilical cord;
  • asphyxia of the child with amniotic fluid in case of violation of the technique of providing obstetric obstetric care;
  • damage to myocytes and their insufficient development against the background of inferiority of the capillary bloodstream;
  • violation of nerve connections in the pathology of the development of the structure of the central and peripheral nervous system;
  • traumatic impact in the spine, head;
  • incorrect position of the first cervical vertebra and its displacement;
  • assimilation of the first cervical vertebra occipital bone;
  • compression of individual large branches of the peripheral nervous system (femoral, sciatic, ulnar, brachial, radial);
  • hereditary genetic abnormalities in development;
  • improper metabolism and much more.

It is not uncommon for a syndrome of motor disorders to be present in children who do not undergo rickets prophylaxis. With vitamin D deficiency, pathological deformities in the structures of bone, tendon and muscle tissue. Which can subsequently lead to the appearance of reduced or increased muscle tone.

Types of movement disorder syndromes

The division into types of syndrome of motor disorders is carried out according to whether the muscle tone is lowered or increased. There is hypotension, hypertonicity and mixed type, in which some muscles may be in a tense state, while others at this time may not be able to make movements at all. The latter is the most severe form of the disease.

Also, pathology is divided into stages of development:

  1. the initial symptom complex is characterized by a slight increase or decrease in muscle tone. Characteristic signs can only be recognized by a doctor (children often have convulsions, they do not show interest in the bright things around them);
  2. the second stage is a developed symptom complex, which becomes obvious even to parents who do not have a special medical education(a child at the age of 1 year cannot hold his head on his own, when he tries to sit, stand or crawl, he falls in unnatural positions);
  3. the late period occurs at the age of 2.5 - 3 years (the child cannot sit, walk independently, there is a secondary delay in psychomotor development).

At the first stage, it is possible to completely cure the child without retaining residual signs of disorders. At the second stage, treatment can give a noticeable improvement in the condition, but some flaccid paresis and paralysis may persist. The third (late) stage of the development of the disease is characterized by the fact that the deformation of the skeleton and the delay in psycho-emotional development are irreversible phenomena. Such a child can only be partially adapted to the social environment. It is no longer possible to completely eliminate the consequences of motor disorders in this case.

Symptoms of movement disorders in infants

With careful attention to the child, the syndrome of motor disorders in infants can be noticed at about the age of 4-5 months. Children at this age are already beginning to hold their heads tightly, reaching for toys and bright objects. If the baby does not show such skills, then you need to contact a neurologist as soon as possible.

Need to pay attention to the following symptoms syndrome of movement disorders:

  • movements become slow, as if "cotton", not sharp;
  • there is a constant decrease in muscle strength in the arms and legs;
  • showing signs of exhaustion muscle mass(legs and arms become thinner);
  • tendon reflexes can either increase or decrease;
  • in severe cases, paresis and paralysis develop;
  • at the slightest psycho-emotional or muscle tension may develop convulsive syndrome;
  • if you watch the child, you can notice the presence of a variety of movements that may be unnatural, chaotic, meaningless;
  • grasping and sucking reflexes are disturbed;
  • the child is not able to bend his knees, hold his head, raise his arms;
  • the process of turning over from the stomach to the back and back is disturbed;
  • crying becomes monotonous and unemotional;
  • the child rarely smiles, practically does not express emotions;
  • skin may be pale with a bluish tinge.

Clinically, the syndrome of motor disorders in infants can give a variety of symptoms, but the most basic are those described above.

Consequences of movement disorders syndrome

The syndrome of impaired motor functions in the early stages can be corrected and the baby does not have any pathological signs of trouble. In advanced cases, the consequences of the movement disorder syndrome are more serious. Oligophrenia and other disorders of psycho-emotional development may develop. There are various deformations of the skeletal part of the musculoskeletal system. With the defeat of large muscles, the ability to serve oneself, sit, walk is impaired. Speech function in such children is not developed.

Parents need to start treatment for movement disorder syndrome as early as possible.

Treatment of movement disorder syndrome

Timely treatment of the syndrome of movement disorders allows you to fully restore the health of the baby. For effective treatment important A complex approach. The use of potent pharmacological agents does not always bring the desired result and often gives complications.

The use of reflexology allows you to coordinate the work of the entire neural network and restore the throughput of the peripheral nervous system.

Osteopathy and massage are aimed at restoring the tone of the muscle fiber, enhancing the microcirculation of blood and lymphatic fluid.

Therapeutic gymnastics allows you to completely normalize the state of the musculoskeletal system, eliminate the consequences of flaccid paresis and paralysis. If necessary, electromyostimulation can be included in the course of therapy.

The recovery period for the syndrome of movement disorders can last from 3 to 10 months, depending on the severity of structural disorders. At this time, it is necessary to strictly adhere to all the recommendations of the attending physician. In our clinic of manual therapy, the course of treatment includes only sessions of osteopathy, kinesiotherapy, reflexology, massage, etc. An experienced neurologist gives comprehensive recommendations on exercise therapy at home, catering, baby's daily routine, walking, developing muscles and tendons.

If you require complete treatment syndrome of movement disorders, we recommend that you make an initial free appointment with a neurologist at our clinic for manual therapy. During the consultation, the doctor will conduct an examination, make a diagnosis and talk about how the therapy will be carried out.

Syndrome of motor disorders in infants is a disease in which the baby has impaired motor activity (decrease or increase), weakening of muscle strength and muscle dystonia.

Most often, this disease affects infants aged two to four months. The risk of getting this disease increases if the child has suffered hypoxia (oxygen starvation) or brain injury. Like many other diseases, movement disorder syndrome (MSS) is divided into several types.

Types of SDS

  • Muscle hypertonicity - increased muscle tone. The child is not able to keep balance for a long time.
  • Muscle hypotonia is decreased muscle tone. This type of SOS also applies to older babies.
  • Cerebral palsy -.
  • Cerebellar syndrome is a disorder of the work and functions of the cerebellum. (Drunken walk).
  • TLR - tonic labyrinth reflex. Children cannot move into a sitting position, cannot roll over from one side to the other.


  1. Complications during childbirth. Quite often, an impatient obstetrician-gynecologist, in order to speed up the process of the birth of a child, begins to push the baby out, using force, which has an adverse effect on the fetus, injures it, as a result of which the baby gets SOS.
  2. If the mother during pregnancy or the child suffered during childbirth oxygen starvation(hypoxia), then you can be sure that the baby will get SOS.
  3. Infection of the nervous system. The source of this infection is a sick mother who infects the fetus through the placenta.
  4. Incorrectly formed apparatus of the musculoskeletal system.

It is very important to diagnose SDN as early as possible. Therefore, a young mother should take full responsibility for the health and behavior of her child, especially in the first months of his life.


  • Weak muscle strength is the main symptom of the disease. All movements of the baby occur "in slow motion." A child without assistance cannot hold his head, neck, lift arms and legs.
  • The kid is not able to take pathological postures. Difficulty, almost impossibility, in flexion and extension of the upper and lower and upper limbs. The child cannot bend fingers.
  • The monotony of crying and screaming is also feature movement disorder syndrome.
  • The facial expressions of a sick child are significantly different from the facial expressions of a healthy one. She is quite poor, the baby starts to smile late. For example, if a healthy baby begins to please his parents with his smile in the first month of life, then an infant suffering from movement disorder syndrome shows a smile in best case- at the age of three months.
  • Visual and auditory reactions are significantly delayed.


Osteopathy, massage, physiotherapy exercises, and reflexology rank first in terms of the effectiveness of treating the syndrome of movement disorders in children. In any case, the child must be observed by a neurologist and undergo the treatment prescribed by him.

Osteopathy is an alternative to conventional medicine. It is a milder way to treat SDN in children than medication and invasive treatment. Therapeutic action It turns out with the help of massage of internal organs, in particular - the impact on the desired points of the body.

Massage and physiotherapy exercises. Children under the age of one year must undergo at least 4 courses of physiotherapy exercises and massage. One course consists of at least 20 sessions, the session consists of a specific complex therapeutic exercises. In the intervals between courses, parents should independently massage the child.

To perform massage procedures, it is necessary to use ointments. What kind of ointment you should buy for your baby, a specialist should tell you.

For getting desired result Special attention should be given to the lower extremities. Before starting the exercise, wrap your baby's legs in wool clothes. After finishing gymnastic exercises, you can make paraffin boots or baths with boiled oats.

The attending physician of your child must necessarily conduct a special diagnosis, which contributes to the specific definition of types of disorders. (Sitting, walking, crawling, etc.)

Having made results on this basis, the neurologist can prescribe a number of homeopathic medicines and formulate a child's diet. In particular, with SDN, the baby should eat foods containing vitamin B. Or prescribe injections.

Reflexology. This type of treatment is most effective if the child has a delay in the development and maturation of the nervous system.


Provide your child with complete freedom of action (Do not overdo it. Nobody canceled the safety rules.) Do not limit him to a narrow cradle. If possible, it would be nice to provide the baby with a separate room. The child must develop, have an interest in life, knowledge of the world around him. Provide him with more objects to explore: bright toys, colorful pictures, etc.

Another important and useful for the development of the nervous system of children is barefoot walking, gymnastics, therapeutic massage without fail. Classes on a big ball () also provide positive effect in the prevention of CVD.

Play finger games with your child as often as possible, touch him, walk on embossed surfaces.

Modern mothers perceive the diagnosis of “motor impairment syndrome” as a sentence, despair and give up. This is the wrong response! This disease is curable, it must be fought. And if you really love your child, you will never back down, but will fight for the health of the child to the end.