How long will your gums hurt if they were cut to allow wisdom teeth to grow? Possible complications. Removal of a hood over a wisdom tooth and rehabilitation after surgery Pocket on a wisdom tooth what to do

In dentistry, inflammation of the hood of a wisdom tooth is called pericoronitis. If swelling appears, this is obvious signs pericoronitis. In this case, it may sometimes be necessary to remove the wisdom tooth hood.

Wisdom teeth are the most problematic in oral cavity person.

They tend to appear later and quick removal, since almost immediately after eruption, this type teeth begin to destructure and change color.

These teeth have an individual development process for each person, that is, when they can appear depends on the shape of the jaw and hereditary factors.

For many, the stage of the appearance of a wisdom tooth is asymptomatic, and for some it makes them feel very unpleasant pain and spasms, worsens health and provokes swelling.

Process characteristics

In practice, dentists use certain actions to remove the hood of a wisdom tooth:

  1. At the very beginning, anesthesia is used so that the patient feels a minimum of pain during the procedure.
  2. Next, certain surgical accessories are used, with the help of which the doctor makes outlines of the affected area and cuts out the inflamed part.
  3. After this, you should wash the wound with the necessary antiseptics, which will help eliminate bleeding and prevent the possibility of infection.
  4. It is obligatory to use medicinal products, which promote the fastest and most effective healing.

Unfortunately, in practice, removing the hood over a wisdom tooth cannot always give full confidence that the inflammation has disappeared. It happens in such cases that it can begin to grow again. When the dentist makes an incision in the part that is affected, he slightly touches the healthy gum, but the restoration process does not last very long.

Always in mandatory you must follow all the instructions given by the doctor.

Possible complications

Sometimes it happens that the procedure for cutting out pericoronitis entails some Negative consequences. If you do not start treatment in a timely manner and do not attach special importance to the dental hood, then the person will not be able to physically open his mouth at all.

Pericoronitis (perikronaritis) – inflammation of the gum tissue surrounding the tooth

Due to the fact that the pressure on the masticatory muscle continues, the mouth may close completely, while the pus begins to increase and fill the entire oral cavity. These actions can lead to such complications that you will need emergency surgery outside the cheek.

Prerequisites for complications

In ordinary words, the hood on a wisdom tooth is the mucous membrane hanging over the uncut tubercles.

When the eruption action occurs, while only a small part of the crown has protruded, a certain place is created between the mucous membranes into which food particles tend to fall.

Accordingly, it is absolutely impossible to remove this food from there. This is what causes the creation favorable conditions for the appearance and development of harmful microflora, which contributes to the irritation process.

Signs of pericoronitis

If - this indicates inflammatory processes of the gums. They are characterized by corresponding pain in the area of ​​the wisdom tooth, swelling of the gums, unpleasant smell emanating from a sore tooth and a feeling of a strange taste. The latter symptoms appear due to the presence of pus and its constant new formation.

Hood over wisdom tooth

Depending on the form and level of the disease, other characteristic features diseases. These include:

  • Difficulty or inability to open the mouth due to swelling;
  • Pain during swallowing due to swelling;
  • Increased body temperature.

No visit to the dentist yet, but teething? There are some ways to relieve pain at home, but you should seek qualified help from a doctor in any case.

Medical assistance

On this moment used a little various methods for therapy, one of which is the extraction of the eighth tooth. , and what to do after removal to avoid complications - the doctor should explain. Negligent attitude to recommendations is fraught with serious consequences.

To other ways surgical treatment relate:

  1. anesthesia;
  2. excision of the mucosa;
  3. wound treatment;
  4. drug therapy;
  5. follow-up visit to the doctor for a final examination.

It happens that after the initial cutting of the hood, there is a possibility of its reappearance. Then the option of wisdom tooth removal appears.

It should be noted that a highly qualified dentist will be able to easily identify the specifics of the future growth of the eighth tooth. To avoid troubles and complications, it is better to pull out the tooth immediately than to carry out ineffective therapy.

Many people try to endure painful spasms while being treated with various folk remedies, in these cases it is possible to stop the inflammation, but for a short period of time. Because further complications will be more serious and lasting.

Features of gum excision

The action takes place under anesthesia. First of all, the doctor treats the gums and oral cavity.

Excision of the hood is carried out using accessories such as a scalpel or scissors, after which a gauze swab is placed in the wound.

The pain begins to dull a couple of days after the hood over the wisdom tooth is removed, and the gum healing itself occurs after about a week.

Removing a wisdom tooth hood: the cost of the issue

Very often, the price of this procedure also depends on which clinic the patient goes to, since the amounts in private and public clinics can vary.

The price itself must be directly determined by the attending physician. On average, for a surgical intervention such as removal of a hood over a wisdom tooth, the price will be $25-35.

Video on the topic:

For details about the troubles a wisdom tooth can cause you, namely the removal of the hood, the consequences of this procedure and what can happen after removing the hood of a wisdom tooth, watch the video:

According to medical research, in the process of evolutionary development, wisdom teeth lost their primary functions, and modern people they simply don't need them. However, for many they never appear.

Expert opinion

Biryukov Andrey Anatolievich

doctor implantologist orthopedic surgeon Graduated from Crimean Medical University. Institute in 1991. Specialization in therapeutic, surgical and orthopedic dentistry including implantology and implant prosthetics.

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I believe that you can still save a lot on visits to the dentist. Of course I'm talking about dental care. After all, if you carefully look after them, then treatment may indeed not come to the point - it won’t be necessary. Microcracks and small caries on teeth can be removed with regular toothpaste. How? The so-called filling paste. For myself, I highlight Denta Seal. Try it too.

According to some dentists, in a couple of centuries, the eruption of eights will be rare.

Now experts advise against removing molars - they may be needed when installing a prosthesis. The eruption of such teeth causes a lot of pain.

Main causes of pericoronitis

The eruption of wisdom teeth occurs between the ages of 18 and 25 years. The scientific name of the masticatory organ is “third molar.” When a gum appears between the chewing organ and the surface of the gum overhanging it, there remains a free space called the hood. Most often, food particles penetrate there and remain.

Over time, leftover food deteriorates, allowing microorganisms to develop. This provokes bad breath, inflammation of the hood and the formation of pus.

The main causes of inflammation in the hood area are:

  • dystopia of the third molar - its location at an angle or parallel to the row, often common for lower jaw;
  • semi-retention - a condition accompanied by the eruption of only part of the tooth, while the rest is still in the bone;
  • thickening of the oral mucous tissues in the area of ​​the wisdom tooth;
  • small width of the dental arch, which does not allow the figure eight to erupt normally.

All such cases are accompanied by the formation of a hood over the third molar, even if in the future it will take its usual position in the dentition.

Symptoms of pericoronitis

The early stages of the disease are practically asymptomatic. However, after a couple of days, the accumulation of food pieces provokes the development of inflammation. The process is complicated by the inability of saliva to penetrate under the hood. As a result, the acid-base balance is not maintained.

Signs of the development of pericoronitis are the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the gums;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • a person’s inability to fully open or close their mouth;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • putrid odor from the mouth;
  • elevated temperature;
  • advanced stages are accompanied by facial swelling.

Signs become sufficient to deteriorate a person’s well-being. If treatment is not timely, the results can be severe. The problem is that the infection spreads to nearby tissues.

These are the chewing muscles, as a result of which even a slight movement of the jaw is accompanied by acute pain.

Treatment methods for pericoronitis

When inflammation of the gum surface near the third molar occurs, therapy often involves removing the hood. If severe purulent inflammation is noted, then excision becomes undesirable due to the likelihood of developing inflammatory complications.

To facilitate the outflow of the purulent compartment, the hood is dissected, and then anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed. Complete elimination is carried out after suppression of active inflammation. In addition, sometimes it may be necessary to remove the eight.

Excision of the hood over the wisdom tooth

The method involves excision of the overhanging mucous tissue over the molar, which has begun to appear. The procedure involves eliminating conditions for the development of pathogens. This is a microsurgical intervention that is characterized by low trauma. In rare situations, a large amount of gum tissue is excised.

Excision of the hood over the wisdom tooth is performed by a dental surgeon and is used local anesthesia. When visiting a competent specialist and using the correct anesthesia, the procedure is painless.

Pain occurs after the anesthesia wears off (after half an hour), for this reason, it is better to take an analgesic before the pain appears.

Excision involves the following stages:

  • use of local anesthesia;
  • direct excision of overhanging gums. A dental surgeon uses a scalpel and surgical scissors;
  • disinfection of the wound using special antiseptics;
  • application of iodoform turunda to the site of the excised hood.

The procedure ends with receiving medical recommendations, scheduling a re-examination.

Wisdom tooth hood removal

Removing the hood of the third molar is quite simple operation. Local anesthesia is used for this procedure.

The procedure is facilitated by the presence of one of the prerequisites:

  • crowding of the masticatory organs;
  • no need for the third molar to function;
  • insufficient jaw width.

Features of gum excision

The manipulation of removing the hood itself does not present any particular difficulties. But it requires compliance with certain medical recommendations, which will help prevent relapse. Typically, excision is performed as follows. The dentist consults the patient and provides some details of the procedure. After this, anesthesia is applied based on the collected medical history.

The operation is performed with a scalpel or surgical scissors. The dentist makes an incision into the soft tissue, then cuts it away from himself. This procedure ensures the release of the molar crown.

In this case, the gum lobes occupy an extreme position from the masticatory hillocks. The procedure will provide the patient with normal oral care, as the mucous membrane will move away from the crown part of the molar.

Usually, the dentist prescribes a therapeutic course that includes baths. This is easy to do at home. Most likely you will need a regular salt solution or chlorhexidine. When taking medications, do not forget about mandatory consultation with a specialist. This is due to the likelihood of complications, as well as bleeding. As a rule, the dentist takes into account the level of complexity of the disease when identifying purulent inflammation antibiotics are prescribed.

It is important to remember that cutting the hood does not always guarantee protection from problems caused by the growth of wisdom teeth in the future.

There are often cases of re-covering a molar with gum. This is usually caused by the slow growth of the rudiment. If the molar remains partially impacted after the procedures, it is removed.

In what cases is a wisdom tooth removed?

Often, removing the hood over the third molar is not enough. Therapy of this kind does not provide the desired effect in the following situations:

  1. The oral cavity does not have enough space for further tooth eruption. Extraction is prescribed when it is directed towards adjacent masticatory organs or bone tissue.
  2. Absence of adjacent molars to wisdom teeth. Such situations are of no use for the safety of the eight. For this reason, it is removed before it begins to cause problems for the patient.

The hood forms exclusively on wisdom teeth that have not fully erupted. This means that the procedure for removing them will be quite difficult. There is no access to remove the element from the socket using simple dental devices. To do this, a drill is used to divide it into several parts. After this, the dentist carefully removes the molar particles from the alveolar process.

The peculiarity of wisdom tooth extraction with a hood is the complexity of its implementation. The process entails additional difficulties. The operation lasts much longer than the usual cutting off of excess soft tissue. This puts stress on most patients, especially those suffering from dental anxiety.

For such cases it is used general anesthesia. It helps to immerse the patient in a peaceful sleep and lack of reaction to the specialist’s manipulations. Panic fear is not the only reason for using anesthesia.

It is activated when a person has an increased gag reflex. While performing an operation, the dentist may catch the tongue, causing vomiting reflex. To prevent unpleasant embarrassment, it is better to completely turn off a person’s reflexes through general anesthesia.

Do you feel nervous before visiting the dentist?


Due to the short duration of the operation, the anesthesia used does not pose a danger to the body. Despite this, women are not recommended to use such painkillers during the first and last trimesters of pregnancy.

The effect of anesthesia on the fetus has not yet been fully studied, however, it is not always possible to exclude such a complex operation that requires general anesthesia.

Most modern qualified dentists do not support the removal of wisdom teeth, as they may be useful for further prosthetics. Others, on the contrary, strongly recommend removing it. This will avoid dental problems.

Most people various reasons are afraid of visiting the dentist, this is a condition painful eruption wisdom teeth People act intuitively and turn to folk medicine. It is important to know that such actions are wrong; they will only temporarily relieve the symptoms without solving the root of the problem. In addition, it can lubricate big picture, act as the source of the progression of the disease.

It is not recommended to resort to independently purchasing and taking bactericidal drugs. Because such drugs have local influence, the process of inflammation will only deepen its impact. The process may be purulent complications on the lymph nodes and pharynx.

Removal of the wisdom tooth hood is performed frequently. Wisdom teeth begin to appear during adolescence. This process can be lengthy and fraught with complications. One of the most common is the formation of a hood over the tooth. This happens because it is cut gradually. The gums rise, swell, and then the process stops. As a result, the gum hangs over the tooth.

In the resulting cavity, food debris accumulates, which is quite difficult to clean out with a toothbrush. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor, and he will be able to remove excess tissue. Excision should only be performed in a clinic. The operation takes a few minutes and will help prevent the spread of bacteria in the oral cavity. Excision of the hood over any wisdom tooth takes place under local anesthesia. This lasts no more than a minute.

In medical terminology, the “hood” is called pericoronitis. This process can take several forms of flow. With periodic manifestations of gum inflammation, you will feel pain, bad taste and smell. Pus may even collect in this area. If the disease progresses, there may come a time when it will be difficult for you to open your mouth. The muscles that are responsible for this function will be swollen, and pain will appear when swallowing. It's a dull pain appears at rest.

Chewing will become difficult for you. Inflammation of the hood of any wisdom tooth can recur. If this process is started, an abscess may form and even phlegmon may develop, which requires surgical intervention in the hospital. In some cases, external incisions may need to be made.

Why does a hood appear over your wisdom tooth? Dentists diagnose congenital pathologies when cutting through it.

This pathology must be treated. There are several options. A person does not need wisdom teeth for the chewing process, so when medical indications agree to deletion.

  • On initial stage the resulting hood is removed and the eruption of the wisdom tooth will become painless for you;
  • You can remove the gum along with the tooth. The hole will heal and you will not remember about it.

Read also:

Counting the roots of a wisdom tooth

If the soft tissue hood over your wisdom tooth is inflamed, you need to see a doctor urgently.

Both operations take place in dental clinic, outpatient. The hole heals within a few days. You can rinse your mouth with herbal infusions or soda for disinfection purposes.

How does the procedure work?

If the doctor's prescriptions are followed in full, the development of an infection in the oral cavity will not threaten your health. When a tooth is completely removed, the postoperative period will be the same.

Traditional methods

Any dentist can remove the hood from the gum above a wisdom tooth. Experts say that this radical way allows you to get rid of this problem forever. It is better to remove it before complications arise. There are cases when relapse occurs. The hood is re-formed. Therefore, wisdom tooth removal is necessary to get rid of the hood and all pain will go away.

Doctors are ambivalent about treatment at home. Because it doesn't bring desired result. This approach leads to complications, tooth loss and the development of complex diseases. Some procedures can be done at home, but only after visiting a dentist. In the case of wisdom teeth erupting, it is necessary to rinse the mouth. This will promote wound healing. So that the resulting wound does not become a site for the development of infection, which will subsequently cause harm to the entire body.

If you are very patient and take good oral care, you can avoid complications. For this they use pharmaceutical chamomile, furatsilin solution, soda and salt. You need to make a warm solution from one component and rinse your mouth. You can make lotions, but for this you will need sterile cotton wool and tweezers. Healing will occur quickly and you will be able to eat any food.

Read also:

Tooth extraction and alcohol: is it possible?

In such a situation, doctors will insist and recommend carrying out procedures at home. But only after recommendations and visiting a doctor. If you develop pericoronitis, be sure to contact your doctor. The sooner you remove it, the less of a health hazard there will be.

How to behave if you cut off the hood on a diseased wisdom tooth? It is recommended to see a doctor, take an x-ray of the root, take medications to relieve inflammation.

Hygiene and possible pathologies

Teeth require special care throughout your life. You need to get used to caring for them from childhood, there is nothing difficult about it. When choosing a paste, they differ in their composition. The brush must be of the required stiffness. You need to clean them twice a day and rinse after every meal. Visit your dentist twice a year. These are the most common rules.

The eruption of wisdom teeth has nothing to do with your wishes or oral care. This process can occur up to 25 years, or maybe much later. The older the person, the more painful it will be. This is explained by the fact that the jaw has already been formed, all the teeth have firmly taken their place, and the appearance of another one at the end of the row can become painful. It may grow incorrectly, to the side or to the side.

Teething in young children is accompanied by pain, increased salivation. The child is capricious and cries, sleeps poorly. In adults, pain is felt when opening the mouth or chewing. If a hood forms from the gums, an inflammatory process may begin and the body temperature will increase.

You will not be able to know in advance how and when wisdom teeth will appear. But it's better in initial stage see a doctor and you can avoid possible problems. If a hood forms, an abscess is dangerous. May be required long-term treatment and surgery. It should also not be started due to inflammation of the periosteum.

It’s rare that a wisdom tooth appears and grows without problems. Many of us note that the third molar takes a long time to come out, is very painful and often with complications.

One of the most diagnosed complications is pericoronitis. This is an inflammation that develops in soft tissues covering the figure eight (aka under the hood).

General overview

The hood over the wisdom tooth is a formation formed from the gingival mucous tissue located above the erupting unit. They form a dense, but not hermetic cover.

Small food fragments easily fall under the formation, and it is impossible to remove them yourself with a toothbrush. It creates an environment favorable for microorganisms, the activity of which subsequently leads to infectious process in this area.

Typically, pericoronitis develops on the lower jaw, and mainly in adolescents and young adults during the eruption of their third molar, and in isolated cases in older people.

The first and main reason for the development of the process– reproduction pathogenic microorganisms in the tissues of the problematic fragment. The second factor is severe mechanical trauma to the gums.

When a wisdom tooth appears, the gum tissue becomes uneven and loose, making it easy to damage (this can happen even when chewing hard foods).

Complications and symptoms

During the first few days, the inflammation that has begun is asymptomatic. Over time, the following signs of the disease appear:

  • swelling of the gums;
  • unpleasant putrid odor;
  • soreness in the area of ​​the erupting figure eight.

If treatment was not started at the initial stage of the disease, the list of symptoms expands and their manifestations intensify:

  • swelling increases, and now it spreads to the face;
  • pain develops when trying to open the mouth, when chewing, swallowing food and talking;
  • jaw mobility worsens;
  • the temperature rises sharply to high values;
  • submandibular lymph nodes become inflamed;
  • purulent exudate appears, which begins to flow out even with slight pressure on the hood.

Against the background of these symptoms, there is malaise, general weakness and headache.

Important! You should not wait until more severe symptoms of the disease begin to appear. This is very dangerous for your overall health. It is necessary to apply for medical care at the first signs of pericoronitis.

Indications for excision

There are often situations when the inflammation of the hood is so severe that lightly touching it or moving the jaw causes unbearable pain.

Considering the consequences and extent of the spread of the disease, specialists perform excision of the hood if the following are observed:

  • unpleasant putrid odor, developed due to the formation of a purulent mass under the tissue cover;
  • acute gingivitis, in which constant severe pain prevents you from leading your usual lifestyle, eating, and can lead to migraines and lumbago in the ears;
  • swelling that spreads to the cheeks and gums when a person cannot open his mouth normally;
  • pain when chewing and swallowing food;
  • enlarged lymph nodes due to the penetration of pyogenic microbes into them;
  • heat against the background of a general painful condition.

Removal of the hood in dentistry is a classic method of treating pericoronitis, since drug therapy in most cases it stops the disease only temporarily or does not give any result.

Antibiotics only stop inflammation for a while, and as soon as their use ends, it continues. This is explained by the fact that food debris constantly gets under the tissue cover, and there is a continuous development of pathogenic microflora there.

Antibiotics stop their development only for the period of treatment, but the problem recurs as soon as the drugs stop working.

Important! If the operation is not performed in a timely manner, then subsequently you will have to treat not only the inflammation of the gum tissue, but also the complications that the disease led to.


Since the procedure for removing a hood over a wisdom tooth is a surgical procedure, the patient undergoes standard preparation before the procedure.

It consists of several mandatory examinations, allowing to evaluate general state person, develop a plan for the upcoming treatment, select the type of anesthesia.

Preparation includes a number of activities.

History taking

An analysis of general medical information about the pathologies a person has at the time of his visit to the doctor is carried out, and it becomes clear causative factor manifestations of inflammation of gum tissue.

Complete examination of the patient

It is carried out to prevent the development of unforeseen complications both during the operation and after its completion.

The patient is asked to undergo tests standard for all surgical interventions:

  • general urine analysis;
  • clinical and general tests blood;
  • examination for the presence viral forms hepatitis A;
  • analysis for syphilis and HIV infection.

On at this stage the body’s response to drugs is also determined, which are supposed to be used during the operation. If an allergy to at least one of them is detected, it is replaced with another, non-allergenic one.

Examination of the dentofacial apparatus

Appointed CT scan and radiography. Both examinations provide a projection of the inflamed area in three planes.

Using the image, it is convenient for a specialist to examine and study the condition of the jawbone, the correct growth of the third molar, the number of roots and the features of their structure.

Availability of images helps the doctor make a decision about further actions, accurately calculate time, sequence and volume upcoming operation, prepare the necessary tools.

If it is clear that the third molar is growing correctly, a decision is always made to preserve it, and then only the inflamed tissue above it is removed.

Oral preparation

If the inflammation is acute, specialists always decide to stop this process. For this purpose, the patient is prescribed mouth rinses. antiseptic solutions and applying compresses with a disinfectant composition.

Simultaneously therapeutic measures to improve oral health and prevent development postoperative complications, i.e. performed:

  • professional dental cleaning;
  • anti-inflammatory therapy;
  • treatment of caries and other dental diseases.

For the entire period while the preparatory stage for excision is in progress, The patient is prescribed painkillers or dental drops that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Only after all the above measures have been completed, the date of the operation is set.

Course of action

Removing the tissue covering the third molar is a simple procedure performed on an outpatient basis. The operation takes place in the following sequence:

  1. Introduction of anesthetic. If there is no allergy, local anesthesia is given.

    IN special cases when we mean individual intolerance certain group medications and pregnancy, manipulation can be performed without anesthesia.

    After administration of the anesthetic drug (after 10-15 minutes), sensitivity is lost and excision can begin.

  2. Removing the hood. The specialist marks the area to be removed and, using a scalpel (laser), excises the fragment so that the coronal part of the tooth is completely exposed.
  3. Treatment with an antiseptic with the addition of hemostatic drugs. The doctor thoroughly washes the wound area, removing pus, food debris, and blood.
  4. Applying a compress With antiseptics(ointments). But the application is carried out only after the bleeding has stopped.

Upon completion of the operation, the doctor sets a date for a return visit, and based on the severity of the condition, medications are prescribed that will recovery period must be taken by the patient.

Important! Antibiotics are prescribed by the dentist according to the patient’s individual indications.

Watch the video to see how the laser excision procedure is performed.

Recovery period

Despite the fact that excision of the hood is considered a simple operation, it takes some time for the patient to recover and heal the wound area.

How long the pain and discomfort will last and how long the tissue will heal depends on individual characteristics the human body and the rigor of following medical recommendations.

Throughout this period, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. For the first few hours after surgery, you should not eat or drink anything.
  2. All food taken in the future must be room temperature, soft. Hard and tough foods should be excluded.
  3. During the first days, try not to chew on the operated side.
  4. Gently brush your teeth, trying to avoid the wound area, and do not rinse your mouth vigorously.
  5. Eliminate heavy physical exercise, visiting a bathhouse, sauna.

As a rule, the following are prescribed for the entire postoperative period:

  1. Taking analgesics. To relieve pain, Ketanov, Ibuprofen or Ketorol tablets are usually prescribed (no more than 4 tablets per day).
  2. Rinsing with antiseptics Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Furacilin, oral baths prepared on the basis of infusions medicinal herbs(usually chamomile, sage or calendula), or compresses with Cholisal gel.
  3. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs (antibiotics). They are prescribed in extreme cases when the body cannot cope with the consequences of inflammation on its own.

Important! Usually, with strict adherence to all medical instructions, recovery takes about 7-10 days.

The need for figure eight extraction

In some cases, excision of the hood above the figure eight may not be enough. This manipulation will not work if:

  1. There is not enough space on the jaw arch so that the third molar can erupt without any complications. A unit is removed if its growth is in the wrong direction.
  2. Units adjacent to the wisdom tooth are missing. Then there is no sense in keeping it, and it is better to remove it before it begins to cause some difficulties for a person.

It is noted that the hood is formed only over elements that have not yet erupted. Their extraction in dentistry is considered complex operation, since there is no approach for extracting a tooth with conventional instruments.

The dentist has to cut the problem tooth into pieces with a drill. Only after this can the unit be carefully removed from the hole.

The operation of simultaneous excision of the hood and extraction of the third molar entails some additional difficulties for the doctor and the patient.

The time required for the procedure increases significantly, and there is a risk of accidental damage to the tongue. In the person himself, the simultaneous implementation of two manipulations causes panic fear and stress.

Usually, before such an operation, general anesthesia is given, thanks to which the patient does not notice all the doctor’s actions and tolerates the procedure easily, and the specialist calmly carries out the manipulation, avoiding unpleasant embarrassment.

Important! The procedure lasts about an hour. It is effective and completely safe for the patient, even though general anesthesia is administered.


The cost of an operation to excise the hood consists of the price of anesthesia, additional examinations, the procedure itself, and associated medications.

The estimated average cost is 2-3 thousand rubles. (it all depends on the status of the clinic and its location).

If the hood and third molar are removed simultaneously, the cost increases and reaches 4 thousand rubles, and in some clinics up to 7 thousand rubles.

Therapy at home

For some reasons, people come to the dentist when unbearable pain appears and complications appear. The same thing is observed with pericoronitis.

People try to suppress the first signs of the disease with folk remedies. They really help relieve symptoms for a while, but do not fight the cause of the phenomenon itself.

If you still can’t get an appointment with a doctor, you can alleviate the condition by doing the following:

  1. Rinse your mouth with a solution of soda and salt every 2 hours (1 teaspoon of salt and soda per glass of warm water).
  2. Lubricate the inflamed area with iodine. But here it is important to do everything extremely carefully so as not to burn the mucous membrane.
  3. Rinse your mouth with an infusion of medicinal herbs - chamomile, oak bark, calendula, sage (pour 1 teaspoon of each plant with a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain and use as directed at least 4 times a day).

If the pain intensifies, the temperature rises, general malaise appears, home therapy should refuse and seek immediate medical attention.

The inflammatory process develops very quickly. Only a doctor can correctly assess the condition and prescribe appropriate treatment. This is why self-medication medicines also unacceptable. Improper use can lead to worsening of the disease.

Important! You can’t delay visiting a doctor if your wisdom tooth is difficult to erupt, because this can lead to the development of dangerous problems. general health complications.

Problems in case of refusal of treatment

Without treatment, it is impossible to stop the rotting of food debris and inflammation. Acute form The disease quickly becomes chronic, characterized by a sluggish course of suppuration and frequent exacerbations.

Inflammation in this form affects not only the tissues surrounding the third molar, but also neighboring ones, spreading to the bone jaw tissue, chewing and facial muscles, leading to more serious pathologies:

  • changes in bone structure;
  • formation of phlegmon and abscess;
  • osteomyelitis of the jaw.

The purulent exudate that has accumulated under the hood begins to flow out, causing inflammatory process in the oral cavity. There is inflammation cervical lymph nodes, there is pain in the submandibular areas.

If lymphatic system cannot fight the infection, patients in such cases are diagnosed with lymphadenitis.

Pericoronitis also provokes ulcerative stomatitis and actinomycosis. If the proliferation of microorganisms under the tissue cover is not stopped, they quickly enter the respiratory, digestive and circulatory systems, leading to all kinds of diseases.

If, simultaneously with inflammation of the hood, there are problems with the correct eruption and growth of the figure eight, the following complications may be added to these complications:

  • complete or partial destruction of the roots of units adjacent to the third molar;
  • change in bite;
  • erosion and suppuration on the cheek;
  • neuralgic change in the trigeminal nerve;
  • numbness of the jaw;
  • destruction of the jawbone;
  • distortion of the face shape.

Important! These consequences require complex and lengthy inpatient treatment, and in almost all cases it will not be possible to avoid surgical intervention. Therefore, treatment should begin as early as possible, at the first symptoms of the pathology.

The video presents the dentist's opinion on the procedure for excision of the hood above the figure eight.

Inflammation of the tissues around the last chewing element during its growth and eruption is common. The stretched mucous membrane turns into a tubercle. Accompanied painful sensations. The hood on a wisdom tooth is a chewing element covered with gum. The danger of the condition lies in the appearance of infiltration, with severe swelling and increased body temperature. In most cases, removal of the wisdom tooth hood is required.

Overgrown gum tissue over the future last chewing element

If pus appears in the place where the wisdom tooth grows, this indicates a pathological proliferation of bacteria that causes an inflammatory process.

Sometimes even after the hood has been removed from a wisdom tooth, it can form again. The unpleasant picture is complemented by the peculiarity of the structure and location of the roots. They can sometimes push against neighboring teeth and destroy them internally, both during growth and later.

How does a hood appear on a wisdom tooth? Treatment

Long before the wisdom tooth erupts, the hood hurts; in turn, it can appear if there is an accumulation of a large number of pathogenic microorganisms. The visible problem will become larger and gradually increase. Long before this, pain is felt due to compression of the nerve endings, which causes unpleasant feeling. And only then the hood of the wisdom tooth grows, stretching the mucous membrane.

An extremely positioned figure eight with such a pathology should be examined by a dental surgeon.

You may need:

  • excision of the wisdom tooth hood, followed by rinsing the cavity with antibacterial agents;
  • and prescribing anti-inflammatory therapy.

And in cases where the hood on a wisdom tooth was cut off and there was pus there, therapy is supplemented by oral antibiotics.

Inflammation and infection of the soft structures surrounding the figure eight during its eruption

Is it necessary to remove the hood over a wisdom tooth?

A common problem, when wisdom teeth hurt under the hood, most often requires surgical incision of the gums. This will help resolve the process less painfully. If there is a small hood over the wisdom tooth, treatment can be carried out by reducing the reaction at the local and general level.

Can be taken:

  • antihistamines (suprastin, diazolin);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, diclofenac; paracetamol);
  • Make local applications with dioxidine and lidocaine ointment.

If there is a small hood on the wisdom tooth, treatment at home can of course be carried out, but after consultation with a doctor. Since at first it may be minor swelling, and then an infiltrate will appear.

Clinical resolution of the problem will resolve inflammation more quickly. For this, local anesthesia is performed. And then the excision is done.

What to do after removing the hood from a wisdom tooth, what to rinse with

The recovery period after surgery includes oral care. Although this is not a significant penetration, the incision area is open wound, in which inflammation was present. She needs special attention.

Let's consider the remedies for cases where the hood on a wisdom tooth has been cut off, what to rinse and what to use:

  • weak solution of Furacilin;
  • Cholisal, with analgesic and antibacterial effect;
  • Miramistin.

Do not actively rinse. It is better to use the products in the form of irrigation or applications.