How long should a baby sleep during the day? How much sleep does a one-year-old baby need? How much sleep and wakefulness does a child need?

How much should a 1 year old baby sleep? All parents ponder this question. It becomes especially relevant when the time comes to send the baby to preschool. It's no secret that children need an age-appropriate daily routine. And it doesn’t matter how old the child is: six months, a year, five, seven or ten years. Particular attention should be paid to sleep, since its lack has a negative impact on emotional state child, makes him irritable, capricious, aggressive.

A little about the importance of daily routine

Children aged 1 year need special attention, because every day is filled with discoveries. It is also important that in less than a year most of them will go to kindergarten. This means it’s time to start working on getting used to a new way of life. Having set out to find out at the age of 1, young parents study information on the Internet, consult with friends and relatives. There are often situations when data obtained from different sources contradict each other. And then the parents are faced with the question of what the daily routine should be. one year old child?

It is important to understand that everyone is exemplary. When compiling it, one should take into account not only the recommendations of doctors and psychologists, but also individual characteristics baby. However, parents should be careful not to change their usual way of life suddenly, since a child at such a young age cannot adapt quickly. Sudden changes can be a source of stress, so changes should be made gradually.

Basic Rules

Answering the question of how much sleep a 1-year-old child should have, most experts agree that a total of this process should be 12-13 hours. You should spend 8-10 hours sleeping at night, and the rest of the time during the day. When creating a daily routine for your child, it is important to adhere not only to these recommendations, but also to a few simple rules.

  1. Firstly, you should get up at the same time in the morning. The mother’s desire to lie down for an extra hour can have a negative impact on the baby, who will instantly sense the mother’s mood and react accordingly.
  2. Secondly, the beginning of a new day should become a ritual for the baby. You should teach him how to wash, get dressed and do exercises in a playful way. The process can be accompanied by thematic poems and songs.
  3. Thirdly, you should strictly adhere to the chosen meal time. You shouldn’t give in and let your baby chew something constantly throughout the day. In kindergarten he will not have this opportunity.
  4. Fourthly, walks should be daily. One in the morning, the second after afternoon tea. If the weather is not conducive to walking, then you can go out onto the balcony and watch with your child how it rains or snows.
  5. Fifthly, night sleep should be preceded by certain rituals. You should teach your baby to clean up his toys, and before bedtime the whole family can read a fairy tale and sing a lullaby. This will allow the baby to calm down and tune in to the coming sleep.

Daily schedule: half a day

It is better to wake up a one-year-old baby between 6:30 and 7:00. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the habits of other children, if there are any in the family.

Breakfast should be scheduled between 7:30 and 8:00. Before the first meal, the child will have half an hour to wash and do exercises. When choosing food for breakfast, you should give preference to cottage cheese, porridge, and omelet. These dishes will not only satisfy the child, but will also give the necessary boost of energy in the morning.

Your child should be given several hours to play independently. It is advisable to organize a second breakfast at 10:00-10:30. An apple, a banana or some other fruit, juice, yogurt - the choice of product depends on the baby's preferences. This meal should not be neglected, because digestive system a one-year-old child is still imperfect, and therefore prolonged fasting will not bring him any benefit.

Between 11:00 and 12:00 it is best to go for a walk. Outdoor games on fresh air will provide a good appetite during lunch and a sound midday sleep.

Afternoon routine

Lunch should be planned for 12:30.

The period from 12:30 to 15:00 is rest time. A 1 year old child's sleep should be approximately two and a half to three hours.

Between 15:00 and 15:30 the child should have an afternoon snack. After the next meal, it’s time for games.

16:30-17:30 - evening walk.

At 18:00 the child should be given dinner. After that it's game time. It is advisable to give preference to activities that will calm the baby after an active day and set him up for the coming sleep.

From 20:00, preparation for bed begins: washing, changing clothes, reading bedtime stories.

Due at 21:00. There is no need to put off bedtime and try to adjust the child’s sleep schedule to the parents’ habits. at 1 year old, it is assumed that the baby should sleep at least 8 hours at night. Otherwise, he will not be able to get enough sleep and the next day he will be moody and excitable.

Organization of daytime sleep

When the baby turns 1 year old, most parents begin to switch him to a single nap during the day. Until this moment, many children in daytime hours slept two or three times a day. During this period, parents should be patient and not impose a new daily routine, otherwise whims and hysterics are guaranteed. If it is difficult for the baby to fall asleep alone, then the mother can lie down next to him. At the same time, it is important to understand that the child should not get used to sleeping with his mother, otherwise he may have difficulties in kindergarten. Don't expect instant results. It is important to understand that it will take more than one day to get used to it.

Preparing for evening sleep

Evening is a time for quiet games. It is better to postpone outdoor games until the morning. It is important for the child to tune in to the upcoming sleep, so it is best to offer the child activities that do not require high physical activity. This could be drawing, modeling, reading books. An evening warm bath is another way to relax after have a long day. If the child was weaned relatively recently, and it is still difficult for him not to receive food at night, you can give him a glass of kefir or warm milk before bed.

Let's sum it up

Only parents can decide how much sleep a 1-year-old child should sleep. Not only the recommendations of specialists - psychologists, pediatricians - are important, but also the child’s personality, his habits and character. At the same time, it is important to be critical of the advice of friends and family from whom you find out how much children sleep.

Stories about how the neighbor's boy Vova or girl Lera live will certainly be useful, but only as an example. You cannot transfer the habits and developmental characteristics of one child to another. How the baby lives, what interests him, how he falls asleep, how he wakes up - only the parents have this information. Therefore, it is they who should create the daily routine of a one-year-old child.

Finally, your baby has become quite an adult, I’m sure that you didn’t even have time to notice how quickly he grew up. Many have already learned to walk independently, some to speak simple words, such as: mother, father, woman and others. As for the daily routine of the baby at 1 year old, then everything finally began to improve. You know exactly when he will be especially active and you will go to the playground, and when he wants to sleep. Today I propose to discuss the topic of sleep, its place and duration in the daily routine.

Let's find out how much a 1-year-old child sleeps, and what to do if he sleeps poorly or does not sleep at all during the day or at night.

For children of this age it is very difficult to name clear standards. After all, they are all completely different, they themselves and their systems develop differently. Some may need more sleep, while others require more frequent feeding. Based on these features, let's look at several options for how much a child can sleep at 1 year old. So, daily norm sleep is 13-14.5 hours. Night time is 10-12 hours, and the remaining time he sleeps during the day.

As for the features of a child’s daytime sleep at 1 year old, there are two options:

  1. For some children, it is enough to sleep once a day, but for 2-3 hours, the rest of the time they are awake, playing and enjoying life. At the same time, they are always cheerful and do not feel a lack of rest.
  2. At the same time, there are children who lack one nap during the day, they become capricious, and it is difficult to distract them and keep them occupied with something. In this case, the daily rest is divided into two times of 1.5 hours each, or one is possible. long sleep, for example, 2-3 hours, and the second, very short, for 20-30 minutes, when the baby gets tired again.

You must monitor your baby and adapt to his needs. If he is not ready to sleep 1 time per daytime, then there is no need to force him. Otherwise, such changes will not add peace of mind to either you or the baby.

Features of sleep during this period

At this age, children have two sleep-related features: difficulty falling asleep and frequent awakenings at night. Let's take a closer look at each of them. So:

  1. Now your baby has become quite an adult. Believe me, he experiences unreal sensations and feelings if he has already learned to walk independently. In addition, this achievement also becomes a test for his nervous system, since so many new horizons have opened up for the child that he has not yet explored. As a result of all these innovations, the baby may have difficulty falling asleep. Think about how you can sleep when there are so many interesting and unknown things around. Soon his sleep will again become much stronger and calmer, this will happen as soon as he gets used to his new abilities.
  2. You may again feel that the child has a fear of moving away from his mother. He may not let you go for a long time, demand your constant presence, this may become the reason frequent awakenings crumbs.

How to help your little one sleep more peacefully

  1. If your baby demands your presence and wakes up as soon as you leave, stay close to him. Talk, tell about tomorrow's plans and promise your baby that you will definitely come when he calls. Of course, you need to keep your promises; if you don’t do this, the little one may lose trust in you.
  2. Never forget about the daily routine and those procedures that tell the baby that it will soon be time to rest. If before this time he was not interested in books, then perhaps now is the time to try to get acquainted with reading again. In addition, some quiet games, for example, putting together puzzles or arranging toys in their places and saying goodbye to them, will help the baby calm down after a busy day. Another ritual - or simply in cool water - is useful not only for newborns, but also for older children.
  3. Of course, if you know that something is bothering the baby, for example, teething, then especially before bedtime you should help the baby and remove discomfort special medicine. Be sure to check with your local pediatrician which drug may be right for your baby. In addition, the baby may suffer, then you definitely need to pay due attention.
  4. A very important skill for a 1-year-old toddler is: falling asleep independently. As soon as you see that he is already falling asleep, put him in the crib and let him fall asleep there on his own. If he falls asleep with you only after being rocked to sleep or with a pacifier, bottle or breast, then you should gradually wean him from such habits. For example, the baby fell asleep with the breast, after a while he wakes up, and neither you nor the breast are there. Of course, what may be further actions?! Of course, he will start looking for you, get up in the crib, call, and your rest will be interrupted. Therefore, at this age it is very important to learn to sleep on your own.
  5. Now the baby is at an age when he wants to control the whole world and confirm his importance every time. In this case, he may demand to continue the game when it is already time to sleep. To avoid evening quarrels and arguments, provide your child with an alternative that, at the same time, suits you. For example, you can ask your child: “What pajamas do you want to sleep in today?” or “Are we going to bed right now or in 5 minutes”? Whatever answer your little one chooses, it will suit you, and the baby will feel important and independent.
  6. Spend your waking hours actively. If your baby can play on his own, great. If he doesn’t have enough of your company to have fun, don’t be lazy and give your little one this time. When he plays enough, his sleep will be much stronger and longer.

Does a child need a regimen at 1 year old?

At this age, the regime is not only necessary, it is one of the main titans, on which not only the physical, but also the mental and emotional development of the little one rests. Knowing the daily routine, the baby feels comfortable and safe.

1 year old baby's night sleep

Indeed, at this age he may often wake up at night. As we discussed above, the reason for this is overstimulation during the day or the lack of what he fell asleep with: rocking, a bottle, a pacifier or music. Most often, if you exclude these moments from your lifestyle, then restless rest will not bother you in the future. However, there is another unpleasant moment associated with sleep. When a child turns 1 year old, he becomes quite old and independent. Now, if he wakes up and does not find you nearby, he may decide to go in search of you, trying to climb over the railing of the crib. As you yourself understand, such tricks are quite dangerous for children.

Therefore, you can take a number of measures to keep your baby safe. To do this you need:

  1. Lower the mattress lower. In this case, it will be much more difficult for your little one to climb the wall of the crib. And at 1 year old he is unlikely to be able to overcome an obstacle of such height.
  2. Remove all toys and pillows from inside. Your little one can use them as steps to get to the top.
  3. Follow him during the day. Stand in a place so that you can control the baby's actions, but at the same time, he cannot see you. As soon as you see that he has begun to climb up the wall of the crib, immediately approach him and calmly but confidently explain that he cannot do this. He may not remember this rule the first time, but after the second or third ban he will stop doing this.
  4. Even if the baby wakes up in the middle of the night and asks you to play with him, or walk around, or do something else, do not agree. Put the baby to bed and talk to him for a short time, try to explain that now is time for rest and everyone around him has gone to bed, including all his toys. He must get used to it and know for sure that night time is for sleep, and it cannot be any other way.


I suggest you watch a short video that tells you about all the rules that parents should follow so that their 1-year-old child’s sleep is sound and long. In addition, you can learn about possible problems and ways to solve them.

As the famous pediatrician Komarovsky says, a dream is considered healthy when not only the child, but also the mother and father can sleep soundly, and it does not matter at all how old your child is: 1 month or a year.

All people know that sleep is important for proper functioning human body. Its deficiency can lead to much more severe consequences than reducing food and fluid intake. At the same time, most mothers, being attentive to the nutrition of small children, do not pay close attention to the issue of healthy and adequate children's rest.

The meaning of sleep for a child

Dream- a significant component for full development child's body. It is at this time that important physiological processes occur.

  1. Relaxation of the limbs.
  2. Tissue restoration.
  3. Formation of energy reserves.
  4. Processing and assimilation of information received while awake.
  5. Formation of melanin - the hormone responsible for the growth of the child.
  6. Formation and restoration of immunity.
  7. Active work of internal organs.

How much sleep should children sleep per year?

For good rest Children, just like adults, need to sleep a certain number of hours a day. For each age, this figure and the composition of sleep are different. For a one-year-old baby, sleep duration is 12–14 hours. In this case, night sleep lasts 10–12 hours, and daytime rest 2–3 hours. Daytime rest at the beginning of the second year of life is further divided into two segments of 1–1.5 hours.

For a one and a half year old child, these numbers change slightly. The total sleep duration of a one and a half year old child should be at least 10–12 hours. At night he should sleep 10–11 hours. But the day's rest by this time takes 2–2.5 and is not divided into parts.

Of course, you should not force your child into a certain time frame that strictly determines the number of hours of sleep and wakefulness. Small deviations from the norm do not indicate that a child has problems with dreams.

Sleep disorders

So, having decided how much sleep you should sleep one year old child, parents can rely on these numbers when allocating rest time and periods of activity for their children. Deviations from these limits of an hour or two are not a problem. But if a child sleeps more or less than most of his peers by two or more hours, then you need to be wary. Only by carefully observing your child can you determine whether this deviation is an individual characteristic of the baby, or whether there is a violation of the body’s recovery function.

Signs of sleep deprivation in 1-year-old children may include:

Ignoring signs of lack of sleep at 1 year of age can lead to nervous system disorders, behavioral disorders, chronic fatigue, decreased immunity, slowed down the speed of reactions and information processing processes in the brain.

To correct sleep disorders in children at any age, and especially in infants, a stable daily routine must be maintained.

Daily routine for children aged 1 year

When developing a daily routine for your child, you can follow the recommendations of pediatricians and psychologists. But the basis for a child’s daily routine should be his individual characteristics and needs.

Daily regime

A one-year-old child receives a lot of new information. To successfully master it during the day, he needs 12–14 hours of rest. Night sleep a child at the beginning of the second year of life should last 10–12 hours. Most experts say that the optimal time to fall asleep in the evening is 21:00. This is dictated by the characteristics of the child’s body. Sleep from 21.00 to 1.00 is considered the most productive from the point of view of physiological processes.

The child's wake-up time should not be adjusted to the wishes of the parents. If a little person wakes up in the morning at 6–7 o’clock, this is normal and acceptable. During the day, a one-year-old baby sleeps for approximately 2–3 hours. It is better to divide this time into two parts of 1–1.5. A child’s body at this age is not always ready for a long period of wakefulness. At 1 year it is 3–4 hours. The first half of this time is devoted to active games and walks in the fresh air. In the second half of the waking period, it is advisable to occupy the baby less active species activities (drawing, reading books, playing with blocks). This will help him both spend energy during vigorous activity and prepare for daytime sleep.

At one year of age, in most cases, a child cannot fall asleep on his own and talk about his fatigue. The task of attentive parents is to notice their baby’s fatigue in time and help him fall asleep. If you skip this moment and continue playing, it will be quite difficult to put him to sleep. You can tell if your little one is ready to sleep in one of two ways.

By watching games, you can identify the baby’s actions that indicate his fatigue:

When putting your child to sleep, based on the recommendations of specialists, it is necessary to record the time when this process takes place as calmly and quickly as possible. In this case, you need to start preparing for falling asleep in advance, 15–20 minutes in advance.

General rules for getting ready for bed

To form positive habits in young children, a consistent sequence of actions is important and must remain the same every day. This statement is also true for the organization of a healthy and strong baby sleep.

Daytime nap

The benefits and necessity of daytime sleep for a year-old baby’s body have been repeatedly noted. During daytime rest, the child processes information received in the morning, muscles and limbs rest and relax, and the baby stores energy for active activities in the afternoon.

How many times a one-year-old child should rest during the day depends on his individual characteristics and physical activity. Up to one and a half years, the norm may be alternating one and two daily naps. At this age, daily refusal of a daytime rest period is unacceptable. This phenomenon is a significant deviation from the norm and requires decisive action from parents.

There are several reasons for refusing to fall asleep during the daytime:

Infrequent cases of refusal to sleep may not be considered a deviation. But even if the baby refuses to sleep, he should have time to rest during the day, when his body is in a state of relative rest. If a one-year-old child does not fall asleep, then he should not get out of bed and start playing instead of sleeping. You can occupy your sleep by reading a book, singing a calm song, or telling a fairy tale.

To help your baby fall asleep easily, you can use some simple techniques. Mom can lie next to him during the period of falling asleep and stroke his back, head and arms. Physical contact calms and gives a feeling of comfort. Ventilation and daily wet cleaning of the room for children's sleep are mandatory! It is not advisable to put your baby to bed immediately after feeding.

The quality of night rest directly depends on a sufficient amount of it during the day. If your baby has slept little or not at all during the day, he will not fall asleep faster in the evening. On the contrary, his overexcited nervous system will work to the limit and will not allow him to calm down and go to the kingdom of Morpheus.

Bedtime plays a big role in the quality of your night's sleep. You cannot adjust a baby’s sleep schedule to the needs and desires of adult family members. Children under the age of one and a half years should already be asleep by 10 p.m., no matter how many times they nap during the day.

A consistent ritual will help you prepare for bed at night. In the evening hours, quiet games without active movement. An hour before bedtime (approximately 20–20.30) you need to start preparing for bed: collect toys and put them to bed, take water treatments, read a book. Just like during the day, one of the parents should be nearby during the process of falling asleep (in the evening it can be dad).

Sleep at night is rarely uninterrupted throughout the night. How many times a baby wakes up during the night depends on the individual characteristics and conditions in the children's room. If a one-year-old child wakes up 1-2 times during the night, this is normal.. The reason for this may be the desire to go to the toilet, abdominal discomfort, scary dreams, hunger. If the toddler does not have problems sleeping, then he will easily fall asleep again after satisfying his needs. But more often than not, one-year-old children cannot fall asleep on their own at night. The mother should help them with this by stroking them in a quiet, calm voice, setting the child up to continue dreaming.

Separately, it is necessary to touch upon the topic of the baby’s comfort during sleep. Nightwear should not restrict movement, should be made of breathable materials and be comfortable to the touch. Compliance with the ventilation, humidification and cleaning of the premises will also provide the child with a healthy, relaxing rest.

How much sleep should a child sleep per year? Such a strict formulation of the question may not be entirely correct, since the child does not owe anything to others. Parents, relying on the recommendations of specialists and the individual characteristics of their children, must create a certain daily routine and development conditions under which the children can fully rest at night and during the day.

Sleep norm for children of different ages is different. The need for rest is greatest in infants. During sleep, the baby not only gains strength, but also grows. However, an older child also needs full-fledged healthy holiday V different time days.

Bedtime for a newborn

A newborn baby sleeps almost around the clock: from 15 to 20 hours a day, it all depends on individual development baby. Average daily requirement at this age it is 19 hours. Such a long rest is necessary for full growth and strengthening of the nervous system.

The baby's periods of wakefulness are mainly during feeding, their duration is up to 2.5 hours.

In order for the baby to regain strength and have a good rest, parents must create comfortable conditions in his room. It is important to pay attention to humidity and temperature parameters. For babies optimal temperature– 22 degrees.

Parents should learn to recognize the signs of drowsiness so they can get their baby to sleep on time.

Basically, babies begin to be capricious, rub their eyes and yawn actively. From birth, it is important to accustom your baby to the correct routine: spend more time in a noisy and bright environment during the day, and create a cozy, soothing atmosphere in the evening, ideal for relaxation.

One month old baby's sleep

On the question of how much sleep a small child should normally have one month old baby, it is necessary to focus on the child’s health status and his individual characteristics. In general, the duration of rest differs little from the time in the first days and weeks after birth - about 16 hours.

You should not let your baby become overtired during the day, so wakefulness intervals should be no more than an hour and a half.

Deterioration in health can be determined by frequent whims and weight loss. If the baby is comfortable, then there is no reason to worry about lack of sleep on schedule. In any case, if a parent is worried about how much a month-old baby sleeps during the day, it is better to contact a pediatrician.

To establish the correct daily routine, you can try taking your baby for walks in the fresh air more often. When the lungs are saturated with oxygen, the rest will be deeper and more beneficial.

The total time spent sleeping during the day should be at least 8 hours (4 times), the same amount at night. The schedule of one-month-old children also includes, on average, 6 meals a day and hygiene procedures.

Norms of daytime and night sleep for children under one year old

As the baby grows, the interval of wakefulness gradually expands. This is due to improved adaptation to environment. At the same time, the time for rest is reduced. The baby gets tired quickly from strong emotions and impressions, so he must sleep most of the day.

The goal of parents is to ensure that the sequence “activity - feeding - rest” is observed.

In the period up to 3 months, the time of night sleep should be increased, the duration of daytime sleep should be about 2 hours. Maximum time without food, which is acceptable at this age - 5 hours.

How long does he sleep? Small child at 4-6 months and then up to a year:

  • from 17 to 18 hours at the age of 4-5 months;
  • 16 hours – from 5 to 7 months;
  • 15 hours, from 7 to 9 months;
  • 14 hours – from 10 to 12 months.

During the period when the baby is six months old and beyond, the duration of rest during the daytime is reduced to one and a half hours. The baby begins to actively show interest in everything around him, so he doesn’t want to sleep as often as before. As children grow, they rest less often during the day: by the age of one year, the amount decreases to 2 times.

How many times should a 1 year old baby sleep?

Despite the fact that the baby has become quite large, rest during the day is mandatory. It is recommended to put him to sleep once for at least 2 hours (this regime continues for up to 5 years). Some children find the transition from frequent naps difficult. Pediatricians advise alternating days for the first time: if the baby gets tired quickly, put him to bed 2 times a day, if he is active and cheerful - 1 time.

The duration of night rest is equal to the interval from 9 to 11 hours.

It is important to ensure that the night passes peacefully, without awakenings. From the early age Parents should try to follow the schedule, then children will wake up in the morning exactly on the clock. If the baby is too active and it is difficult to calm him down, you need to let him throw out all the excess energy: this can be running or outdoor games. Gradually you need to move on to quiet activities.

When waking up at night, due to excessively accumulated emotions during the day, you should try to calm him down and put him back to sleep. Children at this age are actively developing, learning new things, so stress is inevitable. At the right approach On the part of parents, many problems can be avoided.

How long do children 2-4 years old sleep?

The recommended rest time at this age is about 13–13.5 hours. How much of this period should a child (aged 2 to 4 years) sleep at night? At least 11 hours. Accordingly, daytime rest takes about 2 hours. The difference between a child’s and an adult’s sleep lies in the frequent transitions from one stage of rest to another, that is, he wakes up more often. Therefore, parents should ensure that the baby lies down independently in a calm state.

It is best to put your baby to bed between 8 and 9 pm, then he will wake up earlier, but you should prepare for a fight, because children are reluctant to go to bed.

At this age, fears may appear: fear of monsters, darkness, loneliness. This is just part of normal development. You need to treat this with understanding, you can’t let children go to bed restless, otherwise sooner or later it will affect their psyche.

Sleep norms for children aged 5-7 years

Preschoolers do not need to rest during the day; it is enough to get a good night's sleep. The recommended time is from 9 to 11 hours. In this case, you need to focus on his employment, level of activity and physical condition.

Parents should take into account that due to hobbies computer games and frequent television viewing, nightmares may occur at night, and difficulty falling asleep may occur. Inadequate restless sleep leads to learning difficulties, sudden changes mood and capricious behavior. Therefore, the role of rest cannot be underestimated.

Table - sleep norms for children

You can get acquainted with how much sleep a child of different ages (newborn, infant, preschooler) should sleep using the information from the table (time is indicated in hours). Try to adhere to the norms of daytime and nighttime sleep so that the child does not confuse day with night and stays awake during the day. dark time days.

Age Nap time Number of dreams during the day Total sleep time during the day Sleep time at night Sleep time per day
Newborn 2-2,5 At least 4 to 10 9-9,5 16-20
1-2 months 2-2,5 4 until 9 8-9 16-18
3-4 months 2 4 up to 7 11 16-17
5-6 months 2 3 until 6 11 15-16
7-8 months 1,5-2 2 up to 4 11,5 14,5-15
9-11 months 1,5-2 2 until 3 11,5 14-14,5
1-1.5 years 1,5-2 1-2 until 3 10-11,5 13,5-14
2-4 years 1-2 1 up to 2 At least 10 12-13,5
5-7 years Optional 9-11

Newborn babies sleep almost all the time, waking up to feed. Periods of wakefulness increase as the baby gets older. Take care of correct mode Sleep is the main task of parents, because the successful development and growth of the child largely depends on it.

How long does a child sleep after one year? The younger the child, the more time he needs to recuperate... Usually this is individual, but statistics...

Insufficient sleep inevitably leads to nervous exhaustion. This manifests itself especially quickly in young children, because their maturing bodies get tired faster than usual, which means they need to sleep longer. Moreover, the younger the child, the more time he needs to restore strength and energy. Usually this is individual, the child sleeps as much as his body requires, and yet many parents worry whether their child is getting enough sleep.

The most pressing issues related to sleep standards and routines arise after a year, because kindergarten is just around the corner with its own rules and routines.

How to tell if your child is getting enough sleep

Babies who have just been born sleep up to 17-18 hours a day. With each month, the time spent in the arms of Morpheus gradually decreases, and by the year the little one should sleep only 13 or 14 hours.

These are the norms. In life, many babies deviate from the indicated figures by 1-2 hours, which gives their parents another reason for concern.

Lack of sleep can really have a bad effect on the health of a little person and lead to serious neurological disorders.

To exclude it, watch your little one:

  • How quickly does he concentrate and how long can he maintain his attention on a subject?
  • Are there situations when he “freezes”, looking at one point for a long time?
  • Have you noticed how he often rubs his eyes, is lethargic and sleepy while awake?
  • Do unreasonable whims and hysterics often arise?

If most of the answers are in the affirmative, then you need to change something in your routine and increase the amount of sleep. Now let's consider the opposite situation: what if your child sleeps too much. Oversleeping may also indicate possible problems.

The child is one year old, however, his daily sleep is 16-17 hours. What to pay attention to: weight gain; how inquisitive and active he is while awake. If everything is fine, then most likely you just gave birth to a sleepyhead!

Norms and numbers for children from one year old

How long does a year old sleep? A baby of this age should sleep about 14 hours, of which 2.5 are in two daytime rests, and 11.5 in the dark. The first daytime sleep occurs after about 3-4 hours of wakefulness. Usually it is shorter; the baby will settle down for the second time during the day, also 3-4 hours after waking up.

How long does a child sleep after one year? Nothing much will change in the coming months, except that he will sleep only once during the day. Optimal time wakefulness before falling asleep in the evening is 5-6 hours for a child of 18 months.

At the same time, children with increased excitability of the nervous system get tired much faster than their calm peers, because they spend more energy. Such children, even at 18 months, sleep twice during the day, needing shorter periods of wakefulness. In the evening it is also better to put them to bed early.

What time should you put your toddler to bed? It is best if at 20:00-21:30 the baby is already asleep. This period is closest to biological rhythms babies, which means rest will bring the greatest benefit.

By the age of two, babies should sleep only 11 hours at night and 1.5 during the day.

Peculiarities of sleep of one-year-olds

The sleep patterns of young children are different from those of adults. Babies fall asleep faster and their sleep becomes deeper sooner. However, it is not so continuous; for example, infants in the first months of life wake up after 3.5 hours.

By 12 months, the baby's sleep is interrupted much less often, and he sleeps until the morning. What problems might arise?

Children who are one year old can be difficult to put to sleep and may have trouble sleeping at night, waking up constantly. This is due to the acquisition of new skills - walking and standing. The little one enjoys training them again and again so much that he does not pay attention to the inappropriate time of day for this.

And yet the baby will have to explain that the night is intended for rest. Someone leaves the child in the crib to calm down and “scream” on his own, someone distracts the baby with a fairy tale and conversations. The weakest ones try to put the rebel to sleep using “sleeping” means, such as motion sickness, or succumb to “persuasion” and play with him in the middle of the night.

Features of sleep at 1.5 years

Starting at 18 months, some children may interrupt their rest and crawl out of their crib. This is fraught with possible falls, so you need to prepare: lower the mattress; remove from the crib everything that can help the fidget get out; Cover potentially dangerous areas with pillows.

Also, don't express admiration when you see your baby climb out of the crib on his own during the day. When the time comes to put the baby to bed, stand nearby, but not in his field of vision, in order to stop attempts to “escape” in time.

How to change your sleep pattern

Although at the age of 1 year - 18 months it is still too early to say whether the baby will be an “owl” or a “lark”, some sleep more during the day and are difficult to put to sleep in the evening, others, on the contrary, go to bed by 7 pm and wake up early in the morning.

If you are not satisfied with what time your child goes to bed and gets up, you should not suddenly change your daily routine. It is better to do this gradually, putting him to bed 15-30 minutes earlier or later than usual.

Calculate how long your baby sleeps, when he goes to bed and when he wakes up. If your baby falls asleep later than 16:00 during the day, it will be difficult to put him to bed before midnight.

If the baby has difficulty getting up in the morning, first of all, the parents themselves should not be lazy and get up. By allowing yourself to sometimes sleep longer than usual, you yourself are disrupting your child’s routine.

If it is difficult to put your child to bed, a short evening walk should help. The main thing is that there are at least 30 minutes left before going to bed, otherwise the child’s activity will increase and he will sleep poorly.

A warm bath with a few drops of lavender oil will calm down a “furious” fidget.

A child should not play in his own bed. Having allowed you to frolic in it once, then it will be difficult to explain that the bed is needed to sleep in.

3 rules for parents

If your baby is difficult to put down, try following these expert tips.

  1. Enlarge physical exercise and duration of walks during the day.
  2. Don't overload nervous system crumbs for the night: refrain from shouting and conflicts, exciting games and entertainment.
  3. Lead by example. To ensure that the child does not resist being put to sleep, adults must maintain sleep hygiene themselves.

Alternate days with one nap and two, depending on how and how much the child slept at night. This will make it easier for him to switch to a one-time “quiet hour.”

Why do children wake up

It is understandable that sick children have sleep disturbances, but why does a healthy 1-year-old child wake up in the middle of the night and sleep poorly?

First, he may be thirsty. All parents know that there should be clean and cool air in the children's bedroom, but they still lay down carpets, turn on heaters, and close the window. As a result, mucous membranes respiratory tract dry out, and the baby does not sleep well at night.

Secondly, children may grind their teeth at night. There are no exact explanations for this phenomenon, but, ultimately, it leads to the fact that the child can ruin his teeth and sleep poorly.

Even if the baby is only a year old, he also has nightmares. He wakes up in the middle of the night and cries loudly, without reacting to adults. And although the nature of dreams has not been studied at all, this often happens due to emotional overload during the day.

After 18 months, children's imagination works better and better, which can be the culprit for the appearance of the first fears. Because of them, kids have trouble falling asleep and are afraid to be left alone. Parents need to treat such phenomena with respect, try to eliminate the irritant (if you are afraid of the dark, turn on the night light) and under no circumstances make fun of the baby.

No matter how old children are, they have two problems with sleep - it’s difficult to put them to sleep and they don’t sleep well. Both of them can be solved only by clear and consistent actions of parents: routine, control of emotional and physical stress, hygiene of the sleeping area. Teach your child to have order from childhood, and then you won’t have to worry in the future!