Ultrasound according to the cycle which day is done. On what day of the cycle is a gynecological ultrasound performed? Methods of conducting the examination

In order for ultrasound diagnostics of the uterus and its appendages to show the most accurate results, it must be done on certain days.

This is due to the features physiological processes in the female body. Many women are interested in which days of the cycle to do an ultrasound of the uterus. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

By general rule, gynecological ultrasound examination of the uterus is carried out after menstruation - on the third to fifth day. If you count from the first day from the beginning of a new monthly cycle, then it must be done no later than on the tenth day of the monthly cycle.

Why is keeping your period on time so important?

The fact is that in the first phase of the monthly cycle, the endometrium (uterine lining) is the thinnest and is very easy to see. And if he has pathologies such as polyps, fibroids, modifications of the mucous membrane, it will also be easier to examine them. If the thickness of the uterine mucosa is greater in the second half menstrual cycle, then it will be much more difficult to do this.

The need to adhere to this rule is also explained by the fact that women of childbearing age undergo cyclical changes in their bodies. And the results of the examination will depend on which day the ultrasound is best done.

In virgins

Sometimes ultrasound examinations can be performed on girls. In this case, if they have not yet had menstruation, it can be carried out at any time convenient for this. But if the girl has already had menstruation, then we need to start from the time it began and carry out an ultrasound examination within the usual time frame.

During menopause

If the patient has entered menopause, she can have an ultrasound of the uterus at any time convenient for her. And the question of which days of the cycle is better to do an ultrasound disappears by itself, because the endometrium is no longer exposed to such frequent changes. In some cases, the study can be carried out on other days of the monthly cycle. Everything will depend on the doctor’s testimony.

This examination is the most informative, but it can only be carried out on certain days of the cycle.

And depending on when the ultrasound is done and on what day of the cycle, the following changes may be indicated in the protocol:

  • In the regeneration phase (that is, on the third or fourth day), when the endometrium of the uterus is restored after the end of menstruation.
  • From the fifth to seventh day, the proliferation phase occurs (lasts until the 14th day). At this moment, a gradual thickening of the endometrium occurs, so if a specialist needs to see the dysfunctions occurring in the uterus, then the examination should be carried out as quickly as possible. In some cases, the gynecologist may notice changes such as a cyst, compaction and other phenomena that require more detailed diagnostics and treatment.
  • From the 15th day, the secretory phase of the cycle begins, when the maximum development of the endometrial glands, that is, the uterine mucosa, occurs (since under normal conditions it prepares to receive a fertilized egg). Sometimes the doctor needs to know the extent of changes occurring in the mucosa.

It must be remembered that the effectiveness of such a uterine examination directly depends on what day of the cycle it is done.

Every woman needs to know that on the 3-4th day of the monthly cycle, the thickness of the endometrium is from 3 to 4 mm (increasing by the time of the ultrasound to 9 mm). But in the second half of the cycle, the thickness of the uterine mucosa is maximum and can reach up to 13 mm.

The best time to examine the uterus

Woman in reproductive age must choose the most the right time for ultrasound examination of the uterus and ovaries depending on the day of the cycle.

Patients undergo ultrasound examinations at any age, since gynecological diseases can always appear. The doctor will tell you which days of the cycle are best to do an ultrasound. Regular gynecological diagnostics can be performed after menstruation, on any day of the cycle, the main thing is to tell the gynecologist the exact day.

The advantages of this type of examination are the absence of any inconvenience and discomfort, and it can also be performed on any day of the cycle

For the following indications, an ultrasound examination is performed on certain days:

  • uterine inflammatory process;
  • fibroids in this organ;
  • tumor processes varying degrees malignancy, stage of development and location;
  • the presence of cysts in the uterus;
  • permissible pregnancy;
  • different degrees of ovarian dysfunction.

In such cases, most optimal time for ultrasound examination– the first days after the end of menstrual flow.

It happens that a woman irregular cycle. You must definitely inform your doctor about this fact: he will select the most appropriate time for the examination.

It is easy to explain the dependence of the examination time on the day of the cycle. The fact is that the endometrium at this time has the smallest thickness. This way you can most easily recognize all changes in the uterine mucosa, including those that are difficult to diagnose.

But at the same time, there is no need to delay diagnosis and try not to do an ultrasound later than the 10th day from the start of the delay. This is explained by the fact that the mucous membrane of this organ undergoes significant changes, so it is much more difficult for a doctor to diagnose various changes in the female genital organs.

Ultrasound is safe for women’s health, so the doctor can recommend similar examinations to a woman on different days of the cycle. And when it is better to do an ultrasound in this case, only a specialist can tell you.

A woman, in turn, cannot ignore routine examinations: they help the gynecologist to detect dangerous pathologies in a timely manner.

Good days for diagnosing ovaries

Often such an examination is done for preventive purposes, during the annual medical examination. A woman can find out which day of her cycle is best to undergo this procedure directly from her doctor.

As a general rule, an ultrasound examination of the ovary is performed on the same day as the diagnosis of the uterus. This is the period between the 5th and 7th day of the monthly cycle.

However, the doctor sometimes needs to evaluate the functioning of the gonads on different days of the cycle. In this case, he prescribes additional examinations for the woman.

The appointment of additional examinations on different days of the monthly cycle is due to the fact that the follicles function differently. The doctor needs to monitor how the corpus luteum is formed, whether there are any pathologies in this process, the dynamics of which can be used to judge probable reasons infertility.

The most likely timing of an ovarian ultrasound will therefore be as follows:

  • from 5 to 7 days of the monthly cycle;
  • from 8 to 10 days;
  • on days 14–16 (after ovulation);
  • in the interval between 22 and 24 days of the cycle, that is, on the eve of the next menstruation.

Sometimes a woman may have a delay in her menstrual cycle even though pregnancy tests are negative. This is an indication for additional ultrasound examination to exclude a possible ovarian cyst.

Why should an ultrasound scan of the ovary be done in the first half of the menstrual cycle, that is, before ovulation occurs? The fact is that at the specified time it is possible to study the condition of the organ under study in more detail. At the same time, cysts and other formations in the ovary can be examined in more detail to determine their degree of malignancy.

Ovulation is the process by which a mature egg is released from the ovary. This phenomenon occurs approximately 14 days before the onset of menstruation

It often happens that in the second half of the cycle, the doctor cannot definitely say what type of cyst a woman has, since it is difficult to see.

Due to the fact that the functioning of the ovaries is different days the cycle is not the same, the doctor periodically needs to repeat the studies.

In particular, additional ovarian examinations are essential while determining the cause. female infertility and further identification of treatment options.

So, the effectiveness of an ultrasound examination directly depends on what day of the cycle an ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries is performed. And if such a diagnosis is carried out in the most favorable time frame, then the likelihood of establishing an accurate diagnosis increases significantly.

In some cases, examinations may be required on other days. In any case, your doctor will tell you which day of the cycle is best to do an ultrasound.

Of course, there is no need to be afraid of such an examination. Ultrasound is not dangerous to humans, and it can be used to diagnose internal organs as often as required.

Ultrasonography pelvis is considered one of the most reliable and precise methods diagnostics, which is used in gynecological practice. The advantages of this examination are the painlessness, accuracy and accessibility of the procedure.

Ultrasound reproductive organs can be transvaginal (in which the sensor is inserted into the vagina), transabdominal (passed through the abdominal wall), and also transrectal (the sensor is inserted through the rectum). In addition, a combined method can be used, in which the first two research methods are used.

Ultrasound examination of organs reproductive system prescribed in the following cases:

  1. Suspicion of pregnancy.
  2. Monitoring and monitoring the course of pregnancy.
  3. Violation of the monthly cycle (irregularity, scanty or heavy menstruation, delay, bleeding).
  4. Sharp pain in the lower abdomen.
  5. Vaginal discharge during menopause.
  6. Use of hormonal contraceptives.
  7. When using a spiral.
  8. To determine the follicular process in the ovaries with.
  9. Prevention of diseases of the reproductive organs.

In addition, it allows you to diagnose the following pathological conditions uterus or ovaries, namely:

  • Salpingo-oophoritis
  • Salpingitis
  • Endometritis
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Endometrial hyperplasia
  • Oncological diseases
  • Pathological processes of the cervix

More information about ultrasound of the pelvic organs can be found in the video:

This applies diagnostic method may also be used to identify disorders related to urology, for example, in cases of complaints of frequent urination, with inflammatory processes of the urethra, urinary incontinence.

Transabdominal ultrasound is used to examine pregnant women. This method is also suitable for girls who have never had sexual intercourse. In this case, transrectal diagnosis can also be used.In other situations, transvaginal or combined examination of the genital organs is indicated.

On what day of the cycle can an ultrasound be done?

Often, women who are referred for an ultrasound of the pelvic organs have a question about when is the best time to carry out the diagnosis, and on what day of the cycle the results will be more informative and accurate.

Experts say that it is advisable to do the procedure from the fifth to the seventh day of the menstrual cycle. This feature is explained by the fact that during this period (namely after the end of menstruation), the structure of the ovaries and uterus is determined more accurately and clearly.

At this time, various formations can be diagnosed, for example, endometrial hyperplasia and polyps, the size of fibroid nodes.

During ovulation, due to the volume and looseness of the uterine mucosa, such formations are not very clearly visible.

However, if a woman has an irregular cycle, a delay or absence of menstruation, then an ultrasound examination can be performed on any day of the menstrual cycle.

Ultrasound examination in obstetrics and gynecology is one of the most informative and safe methods examination of the internal genital organs. For him, as for many types of examination, a certain kind of preparation is important. Therefore, it is important to understand how to correctly and at what period it is better to do an ultrasound to identify problems in the functioning of the female genital organs.

Transabdominal examination

Diagnostic methods

It is possible to obtain reliable information about the condition and anatomy of the internal genital organs thanks to high-frequency ultrasonic waves. Using ultrasound, you can evaluate the organs being examined in real time and check the blood flow in the vessels. The duration of the procedure is short.

Examination of the pelvic organs using ultrasound allows you to evaluate the structure and condition of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. This study is carried out for fibroids, cysts, inflammatory diseases and other pathologies of the pelvic organs. Ultrasound is performed in three ways:

  • Transvaginal examination. An ultrasound scan through the vagina will help diagnose the presence of genital pathology as accurately as possible. Thanks to the introduction of a special sensor into the vagina, clear visualization of all parts of the examined area is ensured. Transvaginal examination allows for a procedure such as folliculometry, which is a method of performing ultrasound of the ovaries in women. It becomes possible to assess the degree of maturation of follicles in the ovaries. Considering physiological characteristics the functioning of the female reproductive system, be sure to discuss with your doctor on what day the procedure should be performed. For the purpose of diagnosing infertility, using the transvaginal method it is possible to assess the patency of the uterine or, as they are also called, fallopian tubes.
  • Transabdominal examination is carried out by guiding the sensor along the surface of the anterior abdominal wall, that is, non-invasively, without penetration of the sensor into the patient’s body. At this method It is allowed to conduct an ultrasound during menstruation.
  • Transrectal examination, which is an alternative to transvaginal examination, can be performed on virgins by inserting a probe into the rectum.

Methods of gynecological ultrasound examination

Indications for testing

Gynecological examination for preventive purposes is recommended to be carried out at least once a year for all women. Frequency of examination, if any chronic diseases, such as fibroids or cysts, may be enlarged. Also, the gynecologist may prescribe an unscheduled and sometimes emergency examination if the patient has the following symptoms:

  • Painful menstruation;
  • Delayed or absent menstruation (amenorrhea);
  • Irregularity of menstruation (cycle failure when there are less than 20 and more than 35 days between menstruation);
  • Sudden spotting or bleeding between periods;
  • Pain during sexual intercourse;
  • Suspicious vaginal discharge;
  • Atypical enlargement of the uterus, which is detected when examining the uterus in speculum or two-handed examination;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Infertility.

Optimal timing

If we delve deeper into the physiological characteristics female body, you can figure out on your own which day of the menstrual cycle to do a gynecological ultrasound. Favorable time for ultrasound, this is the first 3-5 days after menstruation, counting from the very first day of the onset of menstruation. However, it is not recommended to conduct the study later than 8-10 days of the menstrual cycle. The appointment of gynecological ultrasound exclusively in the first phase of the menstrual cycle is not accidental.

This is due to the fact that it is in this period time, the mucous membrane of the uterus, the so-called endometrium, has minimal density. And with a reduced endometrial layer, pathologies of the uterine cavity such as fibroids, hyperplasia, cysts and polyps are quite easily visualized. Therefore, only a qualified specialist can correctly set the date for an ultrasound scan.

In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, a significant thickening of the endometrium occurs, therefore, the smallest pathologies may be hidden in its layers, which will go unnoticed in a given time period.

It is noteworthy that during the period from the middle and in the second phases of the menstrual cycle, small cysts with a diameter of about 2 cm can alternately form in the ovaries. As a rule, this is either a follicle that should ovulate in the near future, or a kind of cyst corpus luteum, which forms at the site of a burst follicle and can last up to two weeks. Both formations are physiological structures characteristic of the female body. Therefore, when performing an ultrasound in this phase, it can be difficult for gynecologists to determine exactly what structure these formations have.

The indication for an ultrasound before menstruation is the diagnosis of the formation and development of the follicle to ascertain the completed phase of ovulation. Usually this procedure carried out for the examination and treatment of women with infertility or in preparation for in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages, as well as the fallopian tubes, must be performed within the above-mentioned periods, namely, on days 6-8 of the menstrual cycle. But there are circumstances in which the doctor needs to assess the functionality of the ovaries, namely the development of the follicle and the subsequent formation of the corpus luteum. In such cases, the question arises when is it better to do an ultrasound of the ovaries. It should be noted that this examination must be carried out several times throughout the menstrual cycle, for example, the first time on days 8-11 of the cycle, the second time on days 15-18, and the third time on days 23-25.

If a patient who contacts a gynecologist complains of pain in the lower third of the abdomen, purulent discharge or excessive heavy menstruation, then on what day of the cycle an ultrasound is done is not significant. If menstruation is delayed, the procedure is carried out upon request to exclude serious pathological processes.

Apparatus ultrasound diagnostics

Ultrasound during menstruation

Before going to the doctor, many patients wonder whether it is possible to do an ultrasound during menstruation? The answer to this question is quite ambiguous. Carry out routine examination if available bloody discharge is not recommended, as this can create additional discomfort and pain for the woman, and the existing blood in the uterus can significantly complicate the examination, interfering with the view, and making the procedure insufficiently informative. In general, this is not a contraindication and an ultrasound can be done during menstruation, for example, in case of emergency.

Common diseases

As a result of the study, many diseases can be identified, for example:

  1. Uterine fibroids are a neoplasm in muscle layer benign uterus. The use of ultrasound for fibroids is mandatory method diagnostics For of this disease Characteristic symptoms that depend on the size of the tumor and its location: periodic It's a dull pain lower abdomen, prolonged menstruation and uterine bleeding in the middle of the cycle. On the monitor, in the presence of fibroids, an increase in the volume of the uterus and the formation of a myomatous nodule are noted. Ultrasound of uterine fibroids can detect even small nodes, up to 1 cm in diameter.
  2. Endometriotic polyps are uneven growth of the inner mucous membrane of the uterus. This disease is most often asymptomatic and the main study in this case is ultrasound. Sometimes there are separate pathological symptoms in the form of infertility or spotting in the middle of the menstrual cycle.
  3. Endometriosis is a pathological process of proliferation of the inner mucous membrane of the uterine body, lining its cavity (endometrium). The disease is characterized by extremely painful periods, unpleasant smell vaginal discharge and the occurrence of bleeding in the middle of the cycle. Ultrasound examination for endometriosis, unlike ultrasound of uterine fibroids, is not a reliable method of examination, but helps to prescribe additional diagnostic measures to make a diagnosis.
  4. Ovarian cysts are round formations filled with fluid and located in the ovarian cavity. Common symptoms include menstrual irregularities, painful sensations in the lower abdomen, infertility. If you have this disease, you can do an ultrasound even during menstruation.

Preparing for the study

Although the patient may be tested for at will However, you should first consult with your doctor on which day of the cycle is better to do an ultrasound.

Before the procedure, you should empty your bladder, undress to the waist and lie down on the couch. Before a transvaginal examination, the doctor puts a special attachment on the transvaginal sensor and treats it with a gel that improves the passage of ultrasound waves. There is no discomfort when inserting the sensor.

Thanks to ultrasound, the level of diagnosis gynecological diseases has improved significantly, and the number of accurate and timely diagnoses has increased. Only the treating gynecologist can say with confidence on what day it is worth doing an ultrasound of the uterus. By following the recommendations for conducting an ultrasound gynecological examination taking into account the menstrual cycle, the doctor will be able to correctly and accurately make a diagnosis and begin timely treatment.

Regular examinations help a person prevent or detect many pathologies in time. Without modern technology specialists cannot correctly diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment. Medicine develops every year: the 21st century has become a period when therapy brings positive results even in the most dire situations.

From this article you will learn about diagnostics that are intended for the fairer sex. It's called a gynecological ultrasound. On what day of the cycle to do it depends on the situation. Let's consider all cases.

Purpose of the examination

Gynecological examination is necessary for women at least once a year. If there are any complaints, the doctor may prescribe an additional examination. The following symptoms will be the reason for diagnosis:

  • prolonged menstruation or breakthrough bleeding in the middle of the cycle;
  • pain in the lower segment of the peritoneum, general malaise and weakness;
  • discharge with an unpleasant odor and unusual consistency;
  • delayed menstruation in the absence of pregnancy;
  • suspicion of pathologies such as endometritis, endometriosis, salpingitis, etc.
  • the presence of neoplasms in the pelvis: fibroids, ovarian cysts and endocervix.

Ultrasound diagnostics are also performed for women receiving therapy. In this case, it helps to study the effectiveness of the selected treatment. Doctors often prescribe complex studies, which, in addition to ultrasound, include a lot of laboratory diagnostics.

Free examination

IN last years Almost all representatives of the fairer sex are aware of where ultrasounds are performed. The research can be carried out both in the state and in private clinic. In order for the diagnosis to be free, you must receive a prescription from a doctor. To do this, contact your doctor and tell us about your disturbing symptoms. If you have a passport and insurance policy, you will be ultrasonic x-ray. In this case, the client will not have to pay.

Some representatives of the fairer sex still prefer to go to private clinics. This makes a certain sense, for example, if ultrasound is performed in government agency, then there is always a queue for the procedure. Many have to wait for weeks. But untimely manipulation can show, accordingly, an incorrect result. It will all end with the diagnosis being incorrect and therapy being useless. That is why it is important for every woman to know when a gynecological ultrasound is performed (on what day of the cycle). You can find out later in the article.

Paid research

If you wish or your doctor recommends, you can visit the ultrasound medical center. In such institutions you do not have to wait at all. Experienced specialists will quickly diagnose and give you the result. Moreover, in some paid clinics There is the latest equipment that helps to accurately examine all parts of the pelvis.

The most popular clinics are “Medicine 21st Century”, “Ultramed”, “City-Lab”, “Invitro”, “Zdravitsa” and so on. They employ only experienced and qualified specialists. They will help you correctly calculate the day of the examination. After all, a lot depends on the individual situation. Most patients are interested in how much such a gynecological ultrasound costs? The price can vary from 500 to 3000 rubles. It will be announced to you before the examination. If there is a need for additional manipulations, the cost may be higher.

How is an ultrasound done?

All studies are divided into two types: vaginal and transabdominal. One method or another is selected in accordance with individual characteristics patients. Also play a role potential opportunities apparatus and doctor's qualifications.

Vaginal diagnostics

This method is used most often. It uses an oblong device called a sensor. It is covered with a special condom and lubricated with gel. After this, the sensor is inserted into the vagina and transmits the image to the screen. Using this device, many pathologies can be reliably identified. The duration of the study ranges from 5 to 20 minutes. Before the manipulation, the woman needs to cleanse the intestines and urinate.

Transabdominal examination

How is an ultrasound done through the abdominal wall? To carry out such an examination, it is necessary to first fill the bladder. Thus, reproductive organ will be in the most favorable position for diagnosis. Before the procedure, the specialist applies a gel to the lower abdomen, and then uses a sensor to determine the condition of the organs on the screen. This type of study is prescribed for girls who do not have sex life, - virgins. The manipulation is also carried out for expectant mothers and if vaginal examination is not possible.

Gynecological ultrasound: on what day of the cycle?

Many experts advise diagnosis immediately after the end of menstruation. However, similar recommendations cannot be made for all patients. Some women are still advised to wait until the middle of the cycle or its end. The duration of bleeding also plays an important role. Standard ultrasound recommendations are to conduct the study from the 5th to the 7th day of the cycle. Let's try to understand each case separately.

Routine examination

If you are scheduled for a gynecological ultrasound, on what day of your cycle is it best to visit a doctor? Works in this situation standard method. It is better to carry out diagnosis immediately after the end of menstruation. However, it is worth paying attention to the duration of the cycle.

  • At medium length period (28 days), the study conducted on the 7th day will be the most informative. At this time, the growth of new follicles has not yet begun, and the endometrium has a minimum thickness.
  • If your cycle is short and is approximately 21 days, then it is better to diagnose on the 3-5th day, because ovulation may already occur on the 7th day. In this case, under the influence of progesterone, the endometrial layer will thicken. The data obtained will not be completely informative and accurate.
  • Some women may have a long cycle. The duration of the period varies from 35 to 40 days. In this case, diagnostics can be carried out a little later. Dates from 7 to 20 days are considered normal.

Ovulation tracking

If you need to track a follicle rupture, it is recommended to visit an ultrasound medical center several times per cycle. This procedure is called folliculometry. The doctor will correctly calculate the days of the examination. Usually it is performed 5-6 days before expected ovulation, and then based on the results of the examination. Here are some roughly calculated days:

  • at normal cycle: 10, 12 and 14 days after the start of menstruation;
  • in the short term: 5, 7 and 10 days from menstruation;
  • a long cycle involves diagnosis on the 16th, 18th and 22nd day.

Depending on the results obtained, the specialist may shift the timing of the examination in one direction or another.

Establishing pregnancy

If a woman suspects that she is pregnant and wants to establish this fact using an ultrasound, then the timing of the diagnosis will be different. The manipulation can show the correct result only two weeks after the delay. In a short cycle it will be the 35th day, in a normal cycle it will be the 42nd day, and in a long cycle it will be the 49th day.

Some modern devices are able to detect the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity as early as 3 weeks after conception (7 days delay). However, they are more common in private clinics than in public medical centers.

Ultrasound during menstruation

Can it be done during bleeding? If the discharge is recognized as menstruation, then such a diagnosis does not make sense. At the time of the procedure, the reproductive organ will be filled with blood. It is not possible to see any neoplasms or pathologies.

When bleeding is in no way related to menstruation, it is permissible to do an ultrasound. With the help of such an examination, it will be possible to reliably determine the source of the discharge and its cause.

How to decipher indicators?

After you have completed the decryption of the data, it is carried out by a gynecologist. Please note that the physician performing the procedure cannot diagnose you. He only issues a conclusion. After this, you need to re-visit your gynecologist and get a final verdict. Norms of indicators may vary depending on the day of the cycle. Let's consider what numbers and values ​​women undergoing examination on the recommendation of a doctor at the beginning of the cycle should see. The following indicators are normal:

  • reproductive organ size 50-54-35 millimeters, where length, width and thickness are indicated;
  • echogenicity should be homogeneous, and the contours should be clear and even;
  • the thickness of the mucous membrane (endometrium) depends on the day of the menstrual cycle;
  • The ovaries before the follicles mature have a size of 37-20-26, while the right one is always larger in diameter.

The size of the fallopian tubes is usually not determined, since normally they are simply not visible. In some cases, a specialist can indicate the length and condition internal pharynx(closed).

Any deviations from the specified values ​​can be either normal or pathological. Typically, the ultrasound protocol always indicates acceptable indicators for a specific day of the cycle.

A little conclusion

From this article you can learn about the features of gynecological ultrasound. The readings should only be deciphered by a doctor. Please remember that the findings do not constitute a diagnosis. The specialist only describes what he sees on his monitor. Further actions undertaken by the attending gynecologist. You may have to surrender additional tests or undergo research to clarify the picture.

To obtain the most accurate data using ultrasound, it is necessary to conduct the study on certain days. If you need to assess the condition of the uterus, then it is advisable to choose the first half of the cycle, since in the second part the endometrial layer can hide minor defects and neoplasms. Contact your doctor and find out more information about this. All the best!

Many ladies are concerned about issues related to women's weddings. diagnostic procedures. Why is pelvic sonography prescribed? Is it acceptable to do an ultrasound during menstruation? Is it possible to have sex the day before the examination? How to properly prepare for research so that the result is as reliable as possible?

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) – high informative method examination of internal organs without damage skin. The technique is safe, painless and widespread, as it allows reliably diagnosing many various pathologies. After the procedure, no medical supervision is required, which means it can be performed on an outpatient basis and go home the same day.

In the ultrasound room

What research methods are used in gynecology?

Most often, a gynecologist prescribes an ultrasound of the pelvic organs. In this case, the uterus with the cervix, fallopian tubes, ovaries, bladder and rectum are visualized. You can clearly examine the shape of the organs, the thickness of their walls, the presence of liquid contents, and determine pathological formations(cysts, tumors). There are some special types of ultrasound examination:

  • echohysterosalpingoscopy - assessment of the patency of the fallopian tubes after filling them with a contrast agent or saline solution, used in the diagnosis of infertility,
  • folliculometry - examination of follicles in the ovary at any stage of development,
  • Dopplerography is an assessment of the intensity of blood flow in certain vessels, which is especially important when examining pregnant women.

How is the procedure done?

There are 4 ways to examine a woman with an ultrasound probe.

  • Transabdominal - through the anterior abdominal wall. The patient lies on her back and exposes the abdomen from the sternum to the pubis. The doctor applies a special gel and places the sensor at different angles.
  • Transvaginal - with the introduction of a special sensor into the vagina. The woman lies on her back with her knees bent. This method is considered the most accurate, since the sensor is as close as possible to the organs being studied. To maintain sterility, a condom is placed on the sensor. If necessary, it is permissible to perform an ultrasound during menstruation.

Transvaginal ultrasound

  • Transrectal - with the introduction of a special thin sensor (also in a condom) into the rectum. Many girls are concerned about whether ultrasounds are performed on virgins. It is in this way that women who have not begun sexual activity are examined. The method is as informative as the transvaginal method.
  • Intrauterine: the sensor looks like a thin probe and is inserted deep into the uterine cavity. The study is used to diagnose pathological processes in the uterine wall.

How to prepare for research?

Preparation for the procedure depends on how it is performed. During any ultrasound (not only gynecological, but also abdominal cavity) for two days before the examination, it is better to adhere to a diet that does not allow excessive gas formation - refuse white cabbage, black bread, carbonated drinks, whole milk, legumes. During the last 12-24 hours before the examination, it is advisable to take simethicone preparations (for example, Espumisan) several times - they will eliminate even minor gas bubbles in the colon, which will increase the accuracy of the examination.

The examination is carried out with a “full bladder”. To do this, you need to drink about 1 liter of liquid an hour before the procedure (for example, while already in line for an appointment) or simply not urinate for 2-3 hours.

Before examination using a vaginal probe, it is recommended to perform hygiene of the external genitalia, especially if an ultrasound is performed during menstruation. Gynecologists do not prohibit having sex before the procedure unless there are other contraindications.

For transrectal access, the rectum should be free of feces. To do this, before the study, take a laxative or microenema or glycerin suppository 10-12 hours before the study, and then give a small cleansing enema.

Intrauterine examination does not require special preparation on the part of the patient or even a filled Bladder. However, it is advisable to examine the vaginal microflora in advance so that during the procedure you do not transfer the infection from outside to the uterine cavity.

When to perform an ultrasound of the female genital organs?

Certain organs are most accessible for examination in different periods menstrual cycle. Most often, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs is prescribed 5-7 days after the end of menstruation, when the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterus, which grows every month and is rejected during bleeding) is quite thin, and its smallest changes (polyps, tumors, myomatous nodes) can be better seen. . Also during this period of the cycle, it is possible to distinguish pathological ovarian cysts from similar physiological formations - a follicle that has enlarged at the time of ovulation or a corpus luteum that has arisen after the release of the egg.

Tubal patency is assessed on days 5-20 of the menstrual cycle, but it is preferable to perform the procedure on the eve of ovulation (days 8-11 of the cycle), when the cervix is ​​most dilated and the fallopian tubes least spasmodic - all these are necessary conditions for the meeting of an egg and a sperm in natural conditions.

The timing for an ultrasound of the pelvic organs is determined by the doctor based on the purposes of the study.

In any case, this issue must be agreed with the attending physician, who recommends the ultrasound procedure. Depending on what disease he suspects, the timing may be adjusted.

In emergency cases, the examination is done regardless of the day of the cycle; an ultrasound can be performed during menstruation.

Indications for the study

  • pain in the lower abdomen or during sexual intercourse;
  • non-menstrual bleeding, including after sexual intercourse;
  • purulent vaginal discharge;
  • amenorrhea;
  • infertility;

A married couple at an appointment with a reproductive specialist about infertility

  • finding the intrauterine device;
  • signs of diseases of the urinary system.

What pathology does a gynecological ultrasound show?

The examination allows you to examine in some detail internal organs in the pelvis on any day of the cycle and identify the following deviations.

  • From the uterus: birth defects development, inflammatory processes, the presence of polyps or tumor formations, the thickness of the endometrium (readiness for IVF), the consolidation of the embryo after fertilization, the pathological contents of the uterine cavity (blood, pus, remains of the fertilized egg), the position of the intrauterine device.
  • Ovaries: their number and anatomical location, size of follicles and corpus luteum, cysts and neoplasms, inflammation.

  • Adjacent space: availability adhesive process, abnormal fluid accumulation, signs of inflammation.

The condition of the rectum and, if sufficiently full, the condition of the bladder are also assessed. A common finding during research in Lately polyps and neoplasms began to appear in these organs.

Ultrasound during pregnancy

A separate line should be discussed about the use of ultrasound diagnostics during pregnancy. A screening program has been developed, according to which every pregnant woman must undergo an ultrasound procedure three times:

  • at 10-14 weeks,
  • at 20-24 weeks,
  • at 30-34 weeks.

These examinations are extremely important for mother and baby. They show the number of fetuses in the uterus, the correspondence of their growth rate to the gestational age, the presence of congenital anomalies and malformations already in the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as deviations during the second and third trimester, which can be corrected. All this allows a woman to endure a pregnancy with a minimum number of complications, prepare for childbirth and give birth to a healthy child.