The cat has a wet nose. Wet nose in cats. When to contact a veterinarian

For a cat, the nose is a full-fledged organ, without which it is difficult to imagine the animal’s existence. Only according to him appearance the disease can be detected in a timely manner and measures taken immediately. It is a pity that many owners have no idea what the nose of a healthy cat should be like. Do you think this is a joke? Then take a close look at it: it can be wet or dry, and observing it is of great importance.


Nose of a healthy animal

In terms of its structure, a cat’s nose is no different from a human’s: two nasal passages separated in the middle by cartilage. The differences start further. These passages lead into a labyrinth of lattice shells that are very high sensitivity. If necessary, cats can retain a particular smell and even filter it from impurities in order to sense it as accurately as possible. Contaminants on the surface of the nose reduce its sensitivity, so it should always be clean.

A healthy cat's nose performs many other tasks. For example, the air inhaled by an animal is purified and heated. Outer skin covering has a high sensitivity to temperature, so it is easy for your pet to determine what kind of food is in front of them without even touching it.

The shape of a cat's nasal cavity may vary depending on the breed. Most healthy nose from the point of view of physiology in cats of traditional breeds. Conversely, pets with a flattened face very often have breathing problems due to irregular shape nasal openings and septum.

Many owners worry about what color a cat's nose should be? This directly depends on the color and age of the fluffy. So in older cats the color may be darker, and may even appear dark spots. Sometimes its color can change depending on the season, for example, by winter the hairline can noticeably darken. But this does not mean that the health of domestic cats is in any way threatened, even if it has changed in color.

So, having decided on the characteristics of this organ, we come to the question, what should a healthy pet’s nose be like? First of all, it’s clean. Otherwise, a cold nose that is slightly damp to the touch is considered normal.

Kitten's nose

For a kitten, its nose is even more important than for adult cat. From the first days of life, while a newborn kitten’s eyes are not yet open, it is with its help that it gets to its mother for feeding and warming. As in adult animals, the nose healthy kitten should be slightly damp and cool, but not dry. Only after sleep, active play or in a state of serious stress can it be warm or even hot. If the kitten’s nose is dry for several hours, then this is a reason to contact the veterinarian.

Why is your nose wet?

You may have wondered more than once: why is a cat’s nose wet? To understand the reason, you should turn to the ancestors of cats and remember who they are. All cats, without exception, have a predatory nature, their instinct is aimed at tracking down prey, so a moderately wet nose is more the norm than a deviation. A damp surface helps to better capture scent from the air, accurately identifying prey. Moistening the nose occurs in two ways: with the help of liquid released from the mucous membrane, and with the help of saliva when the cat licks its lips.

You should only be wary if the cat's nose is dry. This may indicate a problem with the intestines. The veterinarian will tell you which one, but most often this happens due to stagnation of fur in the body. As a preventive measure, you can give special food or paste for cats, but consultation with a specialist is required.

If the nasal surface long time remains dry, the problem may be much more serious. No one fully knows why this is so, but a cat's dry nose may indicate viral infection and cats. In this case, it is worth starting treatment immediately, at least with drops, and only then finding out the cause and waiting for other symptoms.

In any case, as you have already understood, if your nose is wet, this is absolutely normal, because it is a kind of indicator of good health. It helps to constantly monitor the pet’s condition and, if necessary, quickly take appropriate measures.

Video “Cat scratches its nose”

The video shows how funny a cat scratches its nose.

A cat's nose is one of the most sensitive organs, capable of recognizing the most subtle odors, but this is not its only function. The bare tip of the nose is a “mirror” of the state of your pet’s body. It is usually wet and cold. Its natural hydration occurs due to the mucus produced by the glands, which contributes to the most acute sense of smell.

If there is insufficient secretion of this secretion, the surface of the nose dries out on top, wounds or microcracks may form, which is painful for the animal. Do not confuse a cat's moderately wet nose with painful condition. Signs to look out for include snot and sometimes purulent or bloody discharge from the sinuses. In this case, you need to contact a veterinarian. Dry and hot nose in a pet may indicate the presence of illness or a recent awakening after sleep. Indeed, during the period of 10-15 minutes after the animal wakes up, the glands do not work as actively as during the period of wakefulness. Warm nose and ears can be the consequences of various events:

  • heat environment, due to which the mucus evaporates very quickly;
  • very dry air also contributes to accelerated drying of moisture in the nose;
  • increased body temperature in an animal during illness;
  • nervous stress in a pet provokes a reduction in mucus secretion;
  • inflammatory processes, injuries, infections.

Situations often occur when a cat sticks out its tongue, what does this mean? There are many reasons for this behavior:

  1. During sleep, the muscles of the tongue relax and it becomes longer.
  2. High room temperature.
  3. Specific or malocclusion in an animal.
  4. Stressful situation, change of place of residence, car trip, etc.

A cat's tongue sticking out may indicate a number of diseases:

  • poisoning;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

What to do, if pet began to behave strangely, his nose became drier and warmer? Don't panic right away. First of all, you need to exclude all the factors affecting the condition of the nose described above. If the manipulations performed are not successful, you should immediately contact a veterinarian for diagnosis.

Due attention should be paid to caring for the cat's nasal cavity, especially for flat-faced breeds. Due to their physiology, these procedures are quite difficult for them to carry out efficiently, much less independently. It is recommended to periodically monitor the condition of the nasal openings and remove crusts, if any.

Animals are deprived of the ability to talk, so conscientious owners can only carefully look at their behavior and condition; this is the only opportunity to suspect a disease in time and provide help to their pet.

There is an opinion that if a cat has a wet nose, it means it is healthy. With her nose she recognizes any, even very subtle odors. The sense of smell is very important for a cat in nature, thanks to it it skillfully recognizes and tracks its prey.

Wild animals sneak up on prey from the leeward side, this is the easiest way to catch the scent. And it is a wet nose that allows the cat to understand which side is leeward. Representatives of felines have amazing ability“holding” the smell in the nose, so she can easily recognize the smell she needs.

Structure of a cat's nose

A cat's nose has two nasal passages, separated by cartilage. This organ contains special glands that secrete watery mucus. This mucus protects the nose from drying out and cracking. It is the water on the surface of the nose that allows the cat to distinguish between different odors. The molecules of the substance settle on the sticky surface of the nose, and information about the smell goes further into the respiratory tract.

The structure of a cat is designed in such a way that it does not sweat, but in hot weather it is the nose that regulates heat exchange in the body; temperature is regulated through it. The animal's body may have increased temperature or excessive activity. The nose allows the cat to cool down faster. Thus, nature itself made sure that cats were healthy.

An attentive owner should carefully monitor the health of the pet and check from time to time this body. A healthy cat almost always has a moist and cool nose. But don’t worry if the nose becomes warm and dry; perhaps the pet has just woken up and crawled out of the warm shelter in which it was resting. But if any crusts or peeling have formed on the nose, it is recommended to show the cat to a veterinarian; do not try to remove the peeling yourself, this can cause negative consequences.

You can often tell from a cat's nose whether she is sick. Just as people touch their foreheads in order they touch a cat's nose. If the nose is hot for a long time, then it is necessary to give the cat special antipyretic medications.

You can determine any disease by the color of your nose:

  • A pinkish, smooth, cool nose means the pet is healthy.
  • White nose - changes in work circulatory system body.
  • Red, inflamed nose with discharge.
  • A bluish nose means a lack of oxygen or changes in the cardiac system.
  • A yellow tint to the nose means problems with the kidneys or liver.

Of course, it is easiest to notice such changes for those whose pets have light-colored noses; those with dark-colored noses are advised to carefully monitor their health, and, if anything happens, immediately contact a specialist.

Nose care

As a rule, a clean pet always carries out all nose care procedures on her own. If the nose is dirty, then the cat will definitely wash it with the help of its tongue and paws; if the nose is dry, it will moisten it by licking it.

But the cat is unable to clean its own nose if necessary. This is where the help of an attentive owner is needed.

Firstly, it is worth remembering that Under no circumstances should cotton swabs or any other means be used to penetrate the inside of the nose! If any dirt gets inside, the nasal mucosa itself will help remove it. Your task is only to clean visible part nose This could be snot crusts or persistent nasal contamination. It is necessary to clean the nose carefully and delicately so that the cat does not get scared and run away. When cleaning, you must use soft cotton buds, using gentle movements from the inner edge of the nose to the outer edge, remove dirt.

If your pet has a runny nose and the nose is not breathing, then consult a doctor immediately, because this may be caused by dangerous infections, tumors, dried blood and much more. An experienced doctor will examine the animal, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Never rub your animal’s nose with various antibacterial wipes! Strong perfumes may cause allergies in sensitive cats. If you need to remove excess moisture from your nose, use a small piece of tissue and gently blot your nose. Also, you should not treat your nose with brilliant green or iodine if there are scratches or injuries on the nose - this can cause a severe burn respiratory tract and lead to serious complications.

Always monitor the condition of your pet's nose. Healthy cat has a moist shiny nose. If you detect the slightest signs of disease, do not delay and immediately take your pet to the veterinarian. Remember that your pet's health largely depends on you. Do not forget to give your beloved pet due attention and care, because only then will she be truly happy.

Cats are mysterious and amazing creatures. Truly, they evoke tender feelings in almost any caring person. These creatures bring a lot of joy to those who cannot imagine life without a touching purring lump. And how much happiness it brings a pet to its owner! If you do not take into account damaged furniture and minor pranks, then a cat in the house becomes an inexhaustible source of inspiration.

For many, she is the only companion and devoted friend. Many owners seriously think about why their cat has a wet nose? It seems that this is a long-known truth, however, it is completely incomprehensible to the majority of the population. Some people never think about such questions in their lives; they take reality for granted. Why are cats wet and cold nose? Let's try to figure it out!

Health indicator

From a medical point of view, the animal’s nose must be moist and slightly cool. A hot olfactory organ almost always indicates the development of a disease, even if it occurs in a latent form. If something is wrong with your pet, his nose will tell you that it's time to sound the alarm. Often it is precisely for this reason that caring owners begin to take significant measures to treat their four-legged friend. Otherwise serious illness may remain invisible to the human eye, and this is fraught with additional consequences.

Protective properties

A cat's nose is designed in an absolutely amazing way. He performs protective function, protects the animal from penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the body. This is why in some cases cats sneeze - this is how they get rid of fine dust particles and various bacteria. This fact explains why cats and dogs have wet noses. Due to their vital activity and natural curiosity, animals must have a sensitive sense of smell, extremely receptive to a variety of all kinds of odors.

Ability to understand the environment

This instinct is inherent in the nature of all representatives of the cat family. If you are attentive to your pet, you will notice that he begins to sniff every time a new smell appears in the air. Understanding the environment is a natural need that cannot be replaced by anything. For a cat to do this easily, its olfactory organs must be in healthy condition.

When thinking about why a cat has a wet nose, you should pay attention to the peculiarities of its daily behavior. The animal, in most cases, is quite active and loves to be played with. The nose plays a decisive role in studying the environment. It is worth remembering at least how long a cat can sniff in an unfamiliar environment. Until she explores all the smells and penetrates into the most hidden corners of the apartment, she will not calm down. Only after examining everything thoroughly can the animal finally feel completely safe.

Sensitive sense of smell

There is a very widespread opinion among experts in the field of felinology that if a cat could speak and had a human mind, it would certainly become a professional perfumer. This animal has a rather sensitive sense of smell, which is only slightly inferior to that of a dog. Why does my cat have a very wet nose? Otherwise, the animal simply would not have the opportunity to perceive the surrounding reality at the proper level.

If the cat did not have such an amazing sense of smell, it would not be able to hunt small rodents and birds. And although at home there is absolutely no need to maintain its natural talents, the animal still remains a predator with sharp claws and has quite strong jaws.

Reasons to worry

Caring owners sometimes wonder: is there any reason to worry if the olfactory organ has become dry and warm? Why does a cat have to have a wet nose all the time? This is the only way an animal can maintain its natural apparatus at the proper level. If its condition changes, the reasons must be sought in caring for the animal. An important factor influencing the health of your four-legged friend is food. To maintain a cheerful state of health, it is necessary to pay special attention to this issue. Responsible owners, at the first symptoms of trouble, will try to find out the cause of the ailment and will try to eliminate it as soon as possible.

Thus, when answering the question of why a cat has a wet nose, one should take into account its physical nature. The structure of the animal’s olfactory organ is such that it helps to distinguish the finest odors. Thanks to its nose, a cat can explore the most hidden corners of the territory in which it is located. Owners should only worry when this organ ceases to be wet and cold. If the animal also feels unwell, it is recommended to immediately consult a veterinarian.

Very often the cause of concern for cat owners is pet's hot dry nose. It is believed that dryness of the organ of smell certainly indicates the presence of a pet disease. However, is this so?

In a normal healthy state, a cat’s nose should be slightly moist and cold due to the fact that a certain secretion of its mucous membrane constantly appears on the surface of the olfactory organ, and also because the animal often licks it.

What does a hot and dry nose mean (reasons)?

A cat's body temperature is different from a human's body temperature. a couple of degrees higher. This fact can mislead the owner and touching the cat’s nose and ears can cause a false alarm.


However, false dryness and increased temperature may be present for several other reasons, and if you discover them, you should not panic:

  • the animal is sleeping;
  • cat only after sleep;
  • lying in the sun for a long time or near a stove or fireplace;
  • excessive heat in the house.

Such reasons are called domestic. As a rule, they are not associated with pathologies, and there is no need to worry. You should give your pet time to recover from sleep, place it in a cooler place, and check again after some time.


Pathological causes of dry and hot nose and ears can be due to overeating, leading a sedentary lifestyle, the presence inflammatory processes, dehydration, high temperature bodies.

Signs of diseases and treatment

The most alarming symptom in the presence of a dry and hot nose, along with hot ears, the animal is lethargic, apathy, constant drowsiness, fast fatiguability, loss of appetite.

Should listen pet's pulse. If there are diseases, it will be more frequent. In this case, deep breathing, sneezing, and possibly coughing are observed.

Depending on the disease that affects you, the following may appear:

  • diarrhea,
  • vomit,
  • animal anxiety,
  • hair loss,
  • nasal discharge.

The cat does not respond to the owner's call; the pupils may be dilated. Most often, of the above, the pet exhibits two or three symptoms inherent in any one disease.

Another sign of an unhealthy condition can be the strange behavior of a cat when it strives to hide in a dark corner.

Examination of the mucous membrane and bladder

When examining the oral mucosa, the normal condition should be the pallor of the latter.

If the mucous membranes are inflamed or there are wounds on it, ulcers are a sign stomatitis. Presence of pathologies digestive system can be determined by palpation by feeling the pet’s belly. Soreness always indicates the presence of a disease.

Should be investigated fullness Bladder to exclude pathologies genitourinary system. Take a close look at the animal's excrement for uncharacteristic consistency, impurities, and worms. And also examine the urine for blood, mucus, changes in color and odor.

Establishing diagnosis

When starting treatment for your pet, you should make sure that the diagnosis is correct.

The most frequent pathologies associated with increased temperature inflammatory in nature. When stomatitis is diagnosed, treatment should begin immediately. It is recommended to treat the affected oral cavity with disinfectants. To do this, it is permissible to use a solution baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, weak solution of potassium permanganate, furatsilin.

You can moisturize with syringes. Wounds and ulcers are lubricated Lugol's solution with glycerin, methylene blue. In case of multiple lesions, the use of antibiotics is indicated - oxytetracycline, erythromycin. For general support and speed up healing - vitamins.

Nasal discharge

If a concomitant symptom is nasal discharge and a diagnosis of rhinitis is established, the first aid will be rinsing with warm water and removing dried crusts. Drug treatment prescribed by a veterinarian.

Treatment of diseases of the digestive system

Treatment for diseases of the digestive system will depend on the specific pathology identified. General purpose a course of antibiotics will be used to avoid complications in the form of other infections, anti-inflammatory drugs.

Treatment aimed at eliminating symptoms: antiemetics, antispasmodics, painkillers, anti-diarrhea medications. Mandatory use of a gentle or starvation diet, depending on the illness.

Availability accompanying symptoms in the form of difficulty urinating, it indicates the development of pathologies of the pet’s genitourinary system.

Blockage of the urinary tract

If the urinary tract is blocked, therapy will consist of the following components:

  • antispasmodics – no-spa, atropine sulfate, papaverine;
  • sedatives – rovatin, sodium bromide;
  • analgesics – analgin, aspirin, paracetamol;
  • disinfectants for the genitourinary system - biseptol, bearberry decoction;
  • diet.

At severe course– catheterization.


No less dangerous illness may be inflammation of the bladder - urocystitis. First aid is warmth and peace. At elevated temperature It is strictly forbidden to warm the cat's groin and belly.

The next step in treatment is a diet in the form of vegetables, cereals, broths, and free access to drink.

Drugs used for urocystitis: antibiotics, sulfa drugs, analgesics, antispasmodics. In severe cases, rinse the bladder through catheterization.

Cat cold

Often a dry nose is explained by a common cold, but one should not discount the danger from such an illness.

A lethargic animal is a sponge that absorbs various side infections, so a cold must be treated.

  1. You should immediately provide the cat with a calm, dry and warm place.
  2. Give him a warm drink, maybe heated milk.
  3. Warm compresses and heating pads only in the absence of fever.
  4. To improve blood flow in the superficial skin vessels, you can apply a light massage of the animal’s entire body.
  5. Treatment is symptomatic. If lacrimation occurs, use is acceptable. antiseptics, for washing the eyes - potassium permanganate or furatsilin.

A runny nose that appears can be treated by washing the nasal passages with a solution of novocaine with adrenaline, ethacridine, tannin, solution boric acid, zinc sulfate. Nasal drops are prescribed in the form of a methanol solution with fish oil. In parallel, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and vitamins are used.