In a dream I dreamed of a small child. Little children according to the dream book

In general, seeing children in a dream is good sign, which in most cases promises joy, happiness and peace in the family and in the home. But the final interpretation depends on the details of the dream and the events that occurred in it. For example, if the children are beautiful and happy, then some pleasant acquaintance is coming.

If a person wants to find out why small children dream, then he must learn that such a dream can be not only a decoding of future events, but also a symbol of what is inside a person, what he is worried about.

For example, small children in a dream can indicate that the sleeper has some childish character traits that he cannot or does not want to suppress in himself: carelessness, playfulness, carefreeness and others.

In addition, a woman who dreams of her children may well dream of a child. But, among other things, such a dream can also be a warning about future events. So, for example, an unfamiliar baby may be a sign that everything planned can come true, but this will require a lot of effort.

If a lonely lady dreams of a child, then this may promise a loss of morality and moral principles. A beautiful and healthy baby is a symbol of strong friendship, mutual and tender love. But if in a dream you have to rock or nurse a child, then you should probably be wary of deception or insincerity on the part of others. If in a dream the sleeper held a weak or sick baby in his arms, then mental anguish or sadness is coming.

If the sleeper saw many children in his dream, then he will probably soon have to solve many small problems and overcome difficulties. But all this will require a lot of effort and time, so you should stock up on strength and patience in advance.

If the small children in the dream were not entirely healthy, this may indicate that the sleeper will soon rejoice at the successes of his family, friends or loved ones. But a girl’s dream of naked children can promise an early conception or pregnancy. If the sleeper kisses children, then a measured, harmonious and calm life awaits him in the near future.

In addition, children are a symbol of development and prosperity, so everything will most likely be fine in career matters. But seeing how children study is a sign that a person’s financial situation will be stable and very good. If kids are upset or cry in a dream, then you should be wary of the tricks and machinations of enemies, as well as the intrigues and gossip of enemies.

If there were a lot of small children in the dream, then this promises profit or winnings. If the sleeping person beat children in a dream, then serious troubles and vicissitudes await him. If in a dream the sleeper visited an orphanage or shelter, then real life he can count on the support and help of family and friends. But the kidnapping of babies is a sign of a tempting, but very dangerous offer that may arrive in the near future.

What else can a dream tell about in which the sleeper saw children? For a person who is married or is about to get married, this is a very good sign that promises a long and happy family life. And if there were many babies in the dream and they were all crying, then this may mean that a global and extremely serious danger is coming, which threatens not only the sleeping person, but also other people.

If the sleeper saw disabled children in his dream, then he should take a more responsible approach to his health, in particular, refuse bad habits that cause discomfort to everyone around them.

If a person saw his own children, then this may indicate that in reality it is worth being more caring and courteous towards his family and friends.

If a person in a dream played with kids and enjoyed it, then this can promise the implementation of all plans and sincere joy from it. And if in a dream children are frolicking and fooling around, then probably the sleeper will have some not very serious worries that can distract him from some important event or matter.

If in a dream a person saw children crying loudly and heavily, then this is not a very good sign, which can promise troubles, difficulties in life and even illness. So you should be more careful about your health and life in general to avoid problems.

In conclusion, it remains to be reminded that you should not take all dreams literally and act in accordance with their interpretations. Yes, of course, it is possible to decipher what you see in a dream, but this is only advice for the future, and not an exact algorithm of actions for a person.

Dream Interpretation Children, why do you dream about seeing children in a dream?

Idiomatic dream book Why do children dream according to the dream book:

Children - “Like foolish children”, “fall into childhood” - become stupid; “baby talk” - unfounded arguments; “to experience childish delight” - naivety, freshness of perception; “child of nature” - naturalness, naturalness.

Children's dream book

Why do you dream of Children - Something will make you very happy in the near future, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book Why children dream according to the dream book:

  • Little Children are Beautiful, healthy children in a dream foretell extraordinary prosperity, happiness and well-being.
  • For a mother to see her child slightly ill in a dream means that he will always have good health, but she will be worried about other minor troubles associated with him.
  • Saddened or crying children are a sign of future troubles, anxious premonitions, deceit and imaginary friends.
  • Looking for children is a bad omen: you are unlikely to be able to find a way out of the current situation due to a number of minor troubles.
  • Seeing a dead child in a dream foretells anxiety and disappointment in the near future.
  • Seeing your child hopelessly ill or dead can mean that there is a serious threat to his well-being.

Symbolic dream book Dream book: Children if you dream

Why do little Children dream - This is joy or worries, worries of adults, success or failure (depending on how they look). A child means a business that has been started, so they say with pride about a certain result of work - this is my brainchild (creative, professional...). A child in a dream can also be some kind of creative idea, plan, idea, which is often painfully “gestated”, developed and, finally, “born”.

Dream book of psychologist A. Meneghetti Why children dream:

According to the dream book Children - Instincts or functions that are not fully developed, sometimes it is possible to establish from the context whether this is positive or negative for the individual, as the dream book says about this dream.

Dream Interpretation for the Whole Family Why Children Dream:

  • Seeing a child in a dream means that you will spend more money than you planned.
  • If you are nursing a baby in a dream, in reality expect an addition to the family or the arrival unexpected guest. Also, such a dream foretells success in business, but the path to success will be difficult.
  • A woman who dreams that she has become a mother of many children will have a meeting with old acquaintances, which will entail a lot of trouble.
  • Feeding a child in a dream means labor-intensive work that your boss will “push” onto you, but fulfilling your professional duties will bring you a large monetary reward.
  • Seeing a mute child or several children in a dream means that you will become a victim of gossip.
  • If you ask a mute child about something in a dream, you will soon learn about someone’s death.
  • A child whom you help get rid of a splinter in a dream promises you in reality a solution to many work-related problems, and you will also avoid major troubles.
  • Seeing a sick child in a dream is an unexpected nuisance that will disrupt the usual order of your home.
  • If you dream that your child (or another person close to you) is in pain, then you should be careful in reality so as not to make a fatal mistake.
  • A dream in which you see yourself giving birth to a sick child means that you should change your character and stop living with emotions. It only makes your life more difficult. Live in the present and do not burden your soul with vain fears. Otherwise you risk illness
  • If you visit a child in the hospital, expect some unpleasant news. If you dream that you yourself are sick and in the hospital, this promises you impending difficulties.
  • If in a dream you see a baby with a huge sore, be prepared for the fact that an unfortunate misunderstanding or an unfortunate combination of circumstances will disrupt your plans. In addition, monitor the health of your children: they may be at risk of infectious diseases.
  • If you see a crying child in a dream, it means that your health will deteriorate. The dream also promises fruitless efforts and unrealistic dreams.
  • Seeing a laughing and contented child in a dream means that a new love will appear in your life without betrayal.
  • Seeing a child walking alone is a sign of independence and an open-minded attitude towards life.
  • Nursing a child in a dream foreshadows in reality deception on the part of someone you unconditionally trusted.
  • If the child is a stranger, you will not make peace with the person who betrayed you.
  • If in a dream you yell at a child, then in reality you will experience mental and physical discomfort; you will have to do work that no one else wants to do.

Erotic dream book Why children dream:

If you see children playing in a dream, this means that happiness and prosperity await you in amorous affairs. Everything you plan will come true; everything you dream about will certainly come true. Seize the moment of luck while fate provides you with such a wonderful opportunity!

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream book: Children what does it mean

Kissing children means peace; hitting children means success, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do children dream in a dream?

See in a dream
  • Little Children - A dream in which you see children promises you joy and success in the very near future, very beautiful ones - to a pleasant or useful acquaintance, sick ones - to joy, crying - to troubles.
  • Lulling a child in a dream means that you will believe false promises and show excessive gullibility.
  • Seeing a small child in a dream is a sign of great surprise; an infant is a sign of well-being; beautiful - to joy, ugly - to unexpected worries.
  • If you dream that you are rocking a child to sleep, family joys await you.
  • For a man to see in a dream that his wife is breastfeeding a child is a sign of success in business.
  • Seeing a lot of children in a dream means money and profit.
  • Hitting children in a dream means trouble, kissing them or talking to them means success and joy, playing with children means you have to commit a reckless act.
  • For a pregnant woman to see a child on a man's shoulders in a dream - a boy will be born, for a woman - a girl.
  • Having a child means wealth.
  • Seeing a baby in a dream means well-being, success in business, someone else's baby means gossip and quarrels, breastfeeding a child means good health, nursing means profit.
  • A dream in which you learn about the birth of your daughter promises you a surprise; seeing her in a dream means mutual understanding in the family; if she dies, it means losses.
  • Seeing your son handsome and healthy in a dream is a good sign: honor and respect await you.
  • Seeing a foundling in a dream means profit, success and well-being; holding him in your arms means success and wealth; taking him into your upbringing means having an opportunity to do a good deed.
  • Visiting an orphanage in a dream means that in reality you can count on the help of friends in difficult times, being an orphanage yourself and leaving the orphanage means that your plans are full of illusions and you are unlikely to be able to bring them to life.
  • Seeing a baby carriage in a dream is a sign of loyalty and reliability of your friends.
  • If in a dream your child was kidnapped and they demand a ransom, it means that in reality you have made a minor but annoying mistake, because of which you will have a lot of trouble.
  • To participate in the abduction of children yourself means that they will make you a tempting and interesting offer, but some nuances may be hidden from you, thanks to which you can understand that this is a trap.
  • If in a dream you are annoyed by the child’s pampering, it means that you are tired of problems and difficulties, you need to rest! dream.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Why do you dream of Children - Worries. Beautiful, neat - a sign of joy and good luck. Ugly, dirty - a bad state of affairs and situations. A foundling is wealth.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why children dream:

  • Small children - Seeing beautiful children in a dream - foretells extraordinary prosperity, happiness and good.
  • For a mother, seeing her child slightly ill in a dream means that he will always have good health, but she will be worried about other minor troubles associated with him.
  • Seeing children working or studying portends peace and prosperity.
  • Seeing your child hopelessly ill or dead in a dream means that you have reason to be afraid, as terrible threats to his well-being arise.
  • Seeing a dead child in a dream means worry and disappointment in the near future.
  • Upset by something, crying children are a sign of impending troubles, anxious premonitions, deceit and unkindness of your imaginary friends.
  • Playing and messing with children means that you will achieve your goals in all commercial and love affairs.

Dream book of psychologist D. Loff Why do children dream according to the dream book:

  • Small children - Seeing children in a dream is an image that deserves special attention, because it conveys a true reflection of all our thoughts and experiences. Children are always afraid of what is worth fearing; they have a heightened sense of justice, they clearly distinguish between good and evil; They also tend to openly express their feelings to the objects of both adoration and hatred.
  • Do you dream of friendship with a child? The interpretation is ambiguous. If this child exists in your real life, then it is simply a projection of your desire.
  • If the child is unfamiliar to you, then perhaps it is you yourself in the past.
  • The main element of interpretation is how you behave and how you relate to this child.
  • If in a dream you become a parent and see your own children, it is likely that this is a common embodiment of desire. However, this may also be an indication that your relationship with your parents or other people important to you is not going well.
  • In addition, seeing yourself as a parent means the need to realize the desire to influence someone. For example, a relationship with someone around you is getting out of control, and you want to return everything to normal. And since most of us have experienced the domineering attitude of our parents, we can do the same thing in our dreams as adults.
  • Another possible variant is a dream in which you yourself are a child, while others show their authoritarianism towards you and try to control you.
  • For example, you dream that you, like in childhood, play dress up at work, and all your colleagues are ordinary adults. In relation to reality, this may mean that your colleagues are more authoritative than you.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation What does it mean if you dream about Children:

  • What do small children dream about?
  • If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, then in real life you are not behaving in the best way. Your childish antics are extremely inappropriate and offend those around you.
  • To see crying children in a dream - the dream foreshadows world danger. There will come a time when men will go to war, women will do things unusual for them, and children will shed a lot of tears. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies troubles from his children or the children of close relatives.
  • If you dreamed about disabled children, then your bad habits harm not only your health, but also the health of those around you. Sometimes such a dream prophesies an environmental disaster on the planet. If you saw your children in a dream, then you should be more careful in your relationships with your family. It is quite possible that your actions and words greatly offend them. Looking for children is a bad omen. You will not be able to find a way out of this situation due to a number of minor troubles.
  • Playing with children in a dream is a sign that in real life you are looking for a job you like, but despite your search, you will have to spend some more time at the old unloved job, which deprives you of your last strength.

Esoteric dream book If you dream about Children:

What children dream about – Kindness, kind attitude of people. Having your own children, who are actually not there, is a very successful event.

Small Velesov dream book Why children dream in a dream:

Children's dream book What does Children mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream Why do you dream about sick children - You will be pleased with the successes of your friends.

Why do you dream of Children playing? Your pleasure will not end any time soon.

Why do you dream about beautiful children? You will have a pleasant acquaintance.

Orphanage - To the illness of the parents.

Summer dream book Why do children dream according to the dream book?

What does it mean to see an orphanage in a dream - children from an orphanage dream of loneliness.

Why do you dream of a Child Killer? A Child Killer dreams of rumors about the appearance of a maniac. Seeing a dead child in a dream means a deeply stressful state in reality.

Spring dream book Why do children dream according to the dream book?

Seeing an orphanage in a dream means despondency, undeserved insult.

Dream Interpretation To see children in a dream - Joy, good luck in the near future; children playing - peace in the soul; Very beautiful - pleasant acquaintance, sick people - joy, crying - trouble, infant - surprise, well-being. Swaddling a baby - health, swinging - depression, thoughts of old age, hitting - trouble, kissing - luck, joy, playing - recklessness

I dreamed of kissing children - Calmness; infant to see - to prosperity, to improvement of affairs; seeing beautiful people means joy and health.

Child killer - Your relationship with your children could be better.

Why do you dream of a Child Killer? - To see someone killing a child in a dream is a sign of impending old age.

Modern dream book If you dream about Children:

Just seeing children means joy, good luck in the near future; children playing - peace in the soul; very beautiful - pleasant acquaintance, sick - joy, crying - trouble, infant - surprise, well-being. Swaddle a baby - health, swing - depression, thoughts of old age, beat - trouble, kiss - luck, joy, play - recklessness.

Dream Interpretation Many children

Why do many children dream in a dream?

The interpretation of a dream in which you saw many children depends on what kind of children appear in the dream - it depends on the context what exactly such a dream prophesies. So, many happy children dream of monetary gain.

Sad children in their sleep talk about possible problems soon. Crying children in a dream also do not bode well. If you dream of a bunch of children, then this portends that in life you will have to cope with various troubles and anxieties.

If there are a lot of children running and screaming in your dream, then most likely you will soon experience a feeling of fear. If a crowd of children in your dream is heading to school for classes, then this predicts career advancement.

Dream Interpretation many Children

Why do you dream about a lot of Children in a dream according to the dream book?

A dream where many children appear often foreshadows fuss and minor problems that will require a lot of time. Don't let minor problems ruin your mood. Remember: troubles always end.

According to another version, many children are an omen of profit. Possible as a bonus or increase wages, as well as gifts from relatives, friends or an unexpected inheritance.

How old were the children in the dream?

Why do many children of different ages dream?

If you dream about a lot of children of different ages, most likely, any new endeavor will be successful. The near future is a favorable period for moving, changing occupation, bold project, marriage or pregnancy.

I dreamed of a lot of children in the house

When you dream of many children in the house, family quarrels and disagreements are likely to come. It is possible that they will occur due to financial problems that will take a long time to resolve. However, then everything will return to normal.

If you dream about children, such a plot most often foreshadows favorable events for the dreamer. Luck will favor your career, business, and personal life.

In addition, such a dream may mean future changes in the dreamer’s inner world. The child that lives in the subconscious of every person sometimes requires the release of positive emotions. You probably need to please yourself, take a break from hard work, as well as vanity and petty worries.

However, there are also negative interpretations of this plot. Felomena's dream book advises paying special attention to the condition of the children you dreamed about. If they are poorly dressed, sick, unkempt, unhappy and crying, such a dream portends trouble. Most often, such a dream symbolizes difficulties in business or financial sector. But sometimes it also warns of health problems.

What gender were the children in the dream? How many children have you seen in your dreams? Whose children did you dream about? Did you dream about healthy children? What age did you dream about the children? Where were the children in your dream? How did children behave in their sleep? What did you do with your children in your dream? Have you dreamed of living children? What nationality of children did you see in your dream?

What gender were the children in the dream?

I dreamed about children: a boy and a girl

Seeing children in a dream, especially a boy and a girl, is a good sign. Large cash receipts are very likely. Hard work and competence have not gone unnoticed: they will soon be rewarded. In any endeavor, fortune will remain on the side of the sleeper.

How many children have you seen in your dreams?

A lot of children

Dreaming of three children

According to Felomena's dream book, three children are an omen of great luck. The time has come to do things that the sleeper could not decide to do before. For example, in business you can make deals that would otherwise seem risky.

Whose children did you dream about?

Other people's children

Dreamed of your adult children being small

A dream where your adult children appear small symbolizes the dreamer’s kindness, his constant desire to take care of others and help them. Surely you feel that these noble impulses require implementation. Try getting a pet or doing charity work.

Did you dream about healthy children?

Sick children

What age did you dream about the children?

Why do little children dream?

The interpretation of a dream about small children largely depends on their appearance. Healthy, neat, joyful babies promise a fun and carefree period. Dirty and unhappy little ones, on the contrary, warn of future problems and difficulties.

Dreamed of newborn children

Newborn children in a dream are often a good sign. It foreshadows the completion of affairs that have been weighing on the dreamer. It is also likely that one of the long-standing plans will be realized. Such a plot has direct meaning: For a woman, it can be an omen of a long-awaited pregnancy.

Where were the children in your dream?

Dreaming of children in water

If you dreamed of children swimming in water, you will probably soon be able to establish a relationship with someone. Reconciliation with a friend or even an end to a long-standing enmity is possible.

How did children behave in their sleep?

Dancing children

Children playing in a dream

A dream where children play symbolizes spiritual harmony. Experience has endowed the dreamer with wisdom, which allows him not only to live easily and happily himself, but also to help others.

Dreaming about how children disappeared

The dream book warns: missing children are often an omen of a large number of unpleasant little things and troubles. However, in the pursuit of eliminating them, do not forget about the really important things.

I dreamed of naughty children

When you dream of naughty children, it foretells minor troubles: a misunderstanding at work, misunderstanding in the family, or a short-term illness. Don't let what happened unsettle you: everything will get better soon.

What did you do with your children in your dream?

Why do you dream about adopting children?

Scolding children in a dream

A dream where you scold children reflects a subconscious fear for their fate. It is possible that the kids have grown up, which means it is becoming increasingly difficult to participate in their lives. Don't worry, because it's... natural process. Surely grown children will not forget your care.

Have you dreamed of living children?

I dreamed about hanging children

The dream book warns: hanging children are a harbinger of negative events that will affect the fate of the sleeping person. Most likely, they will be associated with excessive frankness, perhaps even with boasting. Be more restrained in your conversations.

Why do you dream about aborted children?

A dream where dead children appear is an omen of failure. Surely the dreamer does not have enough patience or strength to complete the project, to realize the idea. There may also be a negative impact from external circumstances.

What nationality of children did you see in your dream?

I dreamed about gypsy children

Gypsy children, according to the dream book, are a symbol of deception and insincerity. They are probably hiding something important from you. At the same time, both close people or a partner, as well as acquaintances or colleagues can deceive.

Many other people's children

Dream Interpretation Many Other People's Children dreamed of why there are many other people's children in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see many other people’s children in a dream by reading below free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Children

Dream Interpretation - Children

Dream Interpretation - Children

Imagine that you are playing with cheerful, healthy, pretty children.

Dream Interpretation - Children

Dream Interpretation - Children

Seeing many children in a dream is evidence that you have many small problems ahead, each of which will require additional time and effort from you. Perhaps such a dream prophesies an increase in the birth rate on the planet.

Dream Interpretation - Children (child, child)

A dream about children marks the strengthening of family ties or an upcoming wedding.

Beautiful, cheerful children - to joy and prosperity.

If children work or study in a dream, it means improved material well-being.

Kissing children means peace, playing with them means success in business, in love (sometimes - frivolity).

Beating children in a dream means big trouble in reality.

A baby - to profit, well-being.

Naked, sick, dirty, crying children - to all sorts of troubles for you and your family.

Seeing a seriously ill, dying or dead child in a dream means fear, disappointment, grief or changes for the worse in your destiny.

Just seeing a child means something amazing.

A child is a wonder in folk traditions.

If you see your child dancing in a dream, beware of his hearing and speech, protect him from diseases associated with deafness and muteness.

To lull a child is to naively believe flattering promises.

Dream Interpretation - Children

Seeing children means joy, success in the very near future / good or bad sprouts in your soul.

Children playing - contentment, peace in the soul.

Very beautiful children - a pleasant acquaintance.

Sick children are a joy.

Crying is a nuisance.

A lot of children are money.

To see a baby - surprise / worries / well-being / improvement of affairs.

Alien infant to see in your house - gossip, anger, enmity.

Foundling - wealth.

Naked babies are treason.

Swaddled - a disease.

Sucking someone's breast is a disease.

Breastfeeding - health / pregnancy.

Swaddle - health.

Babysitting is profit.

Download - sadness / thoughts about old age.

Hitting children - success/peace, joy.

Kissing is a nuisance.

Bathing means harm from deception.

Playing pranks with them, pampering them is a disease.

Playing with them is recklessness.

Talking is success.

Dream Interpretation - Children (see child)

Success in business // enemies; small, naked - soon to get pregnant (for a woman) // troubles, quarrel with a friend, gossip, misfortune, funeral, illness; feeding a child is loss; breastfeeding, nurturing children, nursing - illness, worries; rocking a child to sleep means illness; cheerful children are good news; crying children are sad news; bathing children means recovery.

Dream Interpretation - Children

Joy and success in the very near future.

Very beautiful - for a pleasant or useful acquaintance.

Sick children are a joy.

Crying children mean trouble.

Lulling a child in a dream means you will believe false promises and show excessive gullibility.

Seeing a small child in a dream is a great surprise.

An infant - to well-being.

A beautiful child is a joy.

An ugly child means unexpected worries.

Lull your child to sleep - family joys await you.

For a man to see in a dream that his wife is breastfeeding a child - to success in business.

Seeing a lot of children in a dream means money and profit.

Hitting children in a dream means trouble.

Kissing them or talking to children is a sign of success and joy.

Playing with children means you have to commit a reckless act.

To see a child on a man’s shoulders means a pregnant woman will have a boy, and a woman will have a girl.

Having a child means wealth.

Seeing an infant in a dream means well-being and success in business.

Someone else's baby - to gossip and quarrel.

Breastfeeding your baby means good health.

Babysitting a child means profit.

You learn about the birth of your daughter, surprise.

Seeing a newly born daughter means mutual understanding in the family.

The daughter died - to losses.

Seeing your son handsome and healthy is a good sign: honor and respect await you.

Seeing a foundling in a dream means profit, success and prosperity.

Holding a foundling in your arms is a sign of success and wealth.

Taking in a foundling is an opportunity to do a good deed.

Visiting an orphanage in a dream means you can count on the help of friends in difficult times.

Being an orphanage yourself and leaving the orphanage means your plans are full of illusions and you are unlikely to be able to bring them to life.

A baby stroller is a sign of the loyalty and reliability of your friends.

If you kidnapped a child and demanded a ransom - you have made a small but annoying mistake, because of which you will have a lot of trouble.

To participate in the abduction of children yourself - they will make you a tempting and interesting offer, but some nuances may be hidden from you, thanks to which you can understand that this is a trap.

Pampering a child is annoying - you are tired of problems and difficulties, you need to rest.

If you like the way your baby indulges, you are loved and life makes you happy.

Dream Interpretation - Seeing a lot of children

Many small newborn children

Dream Interpretation Many small newborn children dreamed of why there are many small newborn children in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see many small newborn children in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Newborn

A newborn son or daughter portends great happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Small

Seeing in a dream is incongruous small nose, mouth, ear, in general any organ of the body is a warning against indiscriminate choice of friends.

If you dream of a small animal, insect, bird or fish, such a dream warns that someone's treachery can cause serious harm to you if you do not exercise due diligence.

If your clothes are small or tight in a dream, this is a sign of bitter disappointment in love. A pillow or blanket that is too small foretells that you will soon awaken an interest in the profitable side of life and a desire for self-improvement.

Finding yourself in a small house or small room in a dream means that in reality you will feel short on funds.

Receiving a small amount of money in a dream instead of a large one due means unforeseen circumstances that will dramatically change the measured course of your life.

Dream Interpretation - Small

Play with small stones - a noble son will be born.

Small fish lay eggs - great happiness and benefit.

A small door to the room opens - predicts a love affair.

Small sprouts, opening buds - portends many unpleasant situations.

Seeing yourself in hemp thickets portends illness.

Dream Interpretation - Children

Seeing your children in a dream foretells happiness and prosperity if they look healthy, beautiful and elegant. If they are shabby, dirty and sick, it means that in real life they will always have good health. Seeing infants means your affairs will get better; cradling them means hearing promises in reality and believing them.

Playing with children in a dream means committing a reckless act in reality. Kissing children means peace and joy will reign in your home. Carrying children in your arms means minor troubles in the family. Placing them on your shoulders means you will have a boy if this is your first child, and a girl if this is your second.

Seeing children playing portends pleasure and fun. Seeing them in kindergarten means you will spend happy hours in peace and doing your favorite activity. If children say or sing something in a dream, in reality you will make a pleasant acquaintance. Crying children in reality will cause you a lot of anxiety.

To dream that your child has fallen and hurt himself is a sign of obstacles in his endeavors. Seeing children doing their homework and helping you with housework portends peace and prosperity. Seeing your child seriously ill suggests that in reality something threatens him and you should pay the most serious attention to this. If a child has a sore throat, do not worry - this is a positive dream, all fears will be in vain.

See in dead in a dream a child portends anxiety and disappointment in the very near future. Hitting children in a dream means family troubles due to one’s own lack of self-control and irritability.

If in a dream you punish your children, this means that in your heart you doubt the correctness of the educational methods you have chosen, which lack respect for children. Upset children complaining about something are a sign of impending trouble due to the cunning of people posing as your friends.

Doing something interesting with your children means that interesting purchases or gifts await you in reality.

Reading books to children and seeing them read them themselves means that you will find a common language with them and they will delight you with their successes when they grow up. Seeing children frolicking in a river, fountain, etc. is happy dream, foretelling good luck for you. For a mother to hear the voice of her child in a dream is a sign that she should be prepared for sad events.

Seeing mentally retarded children in a dream means grief and unhappy changes in life. If in a dream you protect children from angry dog or dangerous wild animals - this means that the enemies threatening you will succeed if you succumb to their tricks and evade fulfilling your debt obligations.

If, while visiting with your children, you feel ashamed of their ugly behavior, in reality this foreshadows your unfulfilled hopes in the future.

Dream Interpretation - Children

Seeing many children in a dream is evidence that you have many small problems ahead, each of which will require additional time and effort from you. Perhaps such a dream prophesies an increase in the birth rate on the planet.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, then in real life you are not behaving in the best way. Your childish antics are extremely inappropriate and offend those around you.

To see crying children in a dream - the dream foreshadows world danger. There will come a time when men will go to war, women will do things unusual for them, and children will shed a lot of tears. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies troubles from his children or the children of close relatives.

If you dreamed about disabled children, then your addictions harm not only your health, but also the health of the people around you. Sometimes such a dream prophesies an environmental disaster on the planet.

If you saw your children in a dream, then you should be more careful in your relationships with your family. It is quite possible that your actions and words greatly offend them.

Looking for children is a bad omen. You will not be able to find a way out of this situation due to a number of minor troubles.

Playing with children in a dream is a sign that in real life you are looking for a job you like, but despite your search, you will have to spend some more time at the old unloved job, which deprives you of your last strength.

Dream Interpretation - Children

Seeing many children in a dream means worries and troubles. Seeing that a child has fallen means that you will soon have many obstacles in your affairs. Crying children in a dream are a sign of deception and trouble through deceitful friends. Seeing children playing means good news, family peace, and joy. A dream in which you saw that a child is walking without adult supervision means that you may regret that you ignored other people's advice. Playing with them yourself means achieving the desired goal. Seeing a child accompanied by a nanny in a dream is a harbinger of a pleasant and relaxing pastime. Babysitting children yourself in a dream is an indication that friends or partners, whose help or support you were counting on, will betray you at a difficult moment. To see a dear child in a dream and be touched - means good news or a new and pleasant acquaintance. For those who are childless, dreaming that they have children is a sign that a happy and prosperous life awaits you. Seeing yourself in a dream as a father (for someone who does not have children) of several small children running around the room and playing is a sign that he will never have children, and his life will be full of troubles and sorrows. Seeing a child in a man’s arms or shoulders in a dream foreshadows the birth of a boy, and if in a woman’s arms, then a girl will be born into the family. However, this dream can only be interpreted in this way by those who are actually expecting the birth of a child. For other people, such a dream predicts troubles and concerns regarding business. Dropping a child in a dream is a sign of failed plans. For parents, such a dream predicts the illness of their child. Hitting a child in a dream means that success awaits you. Punishing a child in a dream is a sign that you should repent of your mistakes. Without this, you will not be able to succeed. Dirty and unwashed children in a dream mean big problems, lawsuits that will unexpectedly fall on your head. Seeing your child sick in a dream means minor troubles and domestic squabbles. If you dream that your child has heat or fever, then big ones await you soul feelings or melancholy. Seeing your child very sick or dead in a dream is a sign of danger looming over your family and your well-being. Often such a dream predicts the collapse of hopes or plans.

Seeing children working or studying is a sign of good hopes for the fulfillment of a wish. Illegitimate children in a dream are an omen of reproaches that others will shower you with. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you have many envious people who are just waiting for the moment to deal with you. Demented children in a dream predict new grief due to failures in business. Hearing a child's conversation (if it does not irritate you) means peace and well-being in the home. If in a dream you are fed up with the chatter of children, then in real life someone will tire you with false promises and their incompetence. For a growing child, seeing how he becomes prettier and changes before his eyes is a very good sign, foreshadowing an increase in prosperity and strengthening of his position. Seeing an empty stroller is a sign of chagrin due to one’s own instability and loneliness; with a baby, it is a sign of help from a faithful friend. Small children in a dream usually mean troubles. But seeing teenagers in a dream portends help and hope. If you dream of unfamiliar teenagers, then such a dream predicts your well-being and successful implementation of your plans. If in a dream you find out that a certain child is your relative, then expect to receive an inheritance or unexpected profit. Having an adopted child in a dream means that you will receive support in your business or someone will invite you to participate in profitable business. If in a dream you were unable to adopt a child, then your competitors will get ahead of you. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows failure in some kind of transaction. If you dream that you were adopted by rich people, then you will receive the support and patronage of influential people, which will ensure the successful implementation of your plans. See interpretation: baby, child.

Dream Interpretation - Children

Prosperity and happiness await you. Seeing yourself as a child in a dream means successful completion of trading operations or professional success; children playing - you will soon receive good news about the successes of your friends; admiring a beautiful child - symbolizes a meeting with a person who will cause you mixed feelings; see children laughing - get information that can turn your life around better side; bathing children - to a speedy recovery.

Imagine that you are playing with cheerful, healthy, pretty children.

Children - pupils orphanage- symbolizes the loyalty and reliability of your friends: visit an orphanage - in difficult times you can rely on the help of your friends; to be a pupil of an orphanage yourself - your plans will come true, no matter how illusory they may seem to others; take in children from an orphanage - soon you will have the opportunity to repay kindness for your kindness to the best friend; New children were brought to the orphanage - you will make new friends.

Imagine that you are playing with cheerful, healthy, pretty children.

Taking care of children in a dream means changes in the lives of you and your loved ones: many children - your family will face troubles related to everyday problems; nursing a naked child - family quarrels; breastfeeding a child - to the loss of a loved one; rocking children to sleep - a long-term illness awaits one of your family members; calm crying children - a family scandal can flare up due to gossip and empty talk; kiss your children - your household will delight you with their successes; swaddling a child - to family well-being; treat sick children - unforeseen circumstances will keep you away from home for a short time; punish children - your extravagance creates a hole in the family budget; holding a child in your arms - your family happiness depends on your decision.

Imagine that while caring for your children, you feel joy and are in a good mood. Try to experience these feelings in reality. Remember these feelings and return to them throughout the day as often as possible (see Joy).

Dream Interpretation - Children

Pretty kids dream of prosperity and happiness.

If a mother dreams that her child is slightly ill, he will actually have very good health.

Seeing children learn is a sign of peace and prosperity.

Upset about something, crying children dream of trouble.

If you played with children in a dream, you will achieve your goal in all commercial and love affairs.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga said the following about dreams in which children are present.

Seeing many children in a dream is evidence that you have many small problems ahead, each of which will require additional time and effort from you. Perhaps such a dream prophesies an increase in the birth rate on the planet.

If you saw yourself as a child, it means that in real life you are not behaving in the best way. Your childish antics are extremely inappropriate and offend those around you.

Crying children dream of danger. Such a dream prophesies troubles from one’s children or the children of close relatives.

A person who dreams of disabled children should know that his addictions harm not only his health, but also the health of those around him. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows an environmental disaster.

When you see your own children in a dream, think about whether you are offending your family? Try to be more attentive to them.

Looking for children in a dream is a bad omen. Minor troubles will prevent you from finding a way out of the current situation.

If you played with children in a dream, then in real life you are most likely looking for a job you like. However, you will have to spend some more time at your old, not very favorite job.

D. Loff said the following: “Children are an image that deserves special attention, because it conveys a true reflection of all our thoughts and experiences. Children are always afraid of what is worth fearing; they have a heightened sense of justice, they clearly distinguish between good and evil; They also tend to openly express their feelings to the objects of both adoration and hatred.

If you dreamed of friendship with some child you know, then this is simply a projection of your desire.

If the child is unfamiliar to you, then perhaps it is you yourself in the past. The main thing is to determine how you relate to this child and how you behave with him.

If you have children in a dream, then most likely this is a reflection of your desire. However, this may also be an indication that your relationship with your parents is not going well.

In addition, a dream in which you see yourself as a parent means your desire to influence someone. For example, a relationship with someone around you is getting out of control and you want to put this person in his place.

Most of us have experienced the domineering attitude of our parents, so as adults we do the same thing in our dreams.

A dream in which you yourself are a child may mean that your colleagues enjoy more authority than you.”

Dream Interpretation - Newborn

See Baby.

Dream Interpretation - Newborn

But, if any other and sinful person sees in a dream that he is born from his mother, then he will repent of his sins (that is, he will be reborn morally).

Why do babies dream? ..


Sergey Petrov

Women's dream book

Why do you dream of a Baby? A newborn baby in a dream portends a pleasant surprise soon. If a young woman sees herself as a small child in a dream, she will be accused of indulging in the dissolute pastime of some people. Seeing a baby bathing portends a way out of a difficult situation.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Baby - Much to your surprise; naked - to trouble.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Why do you dream of a Baby - To lose peace at night; to long-term insomnia.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Why do you dream of a Baby – Pure – good result, idea, invention; for a woman it is joy.

French dream book

Dream Interpretation Baby - Feeding a baby at the mother's breast means prosperity awaits you. If you hold a baby by the hand, the dream promises the successful completion of some risky business. A dead baby is a prediction that you will receive good news and perhaps improve your financial affairs.

Grandmother's dream book 1918

Why do you dream of feeding a baby - Much to your surprise; naked - to trouble.

Hasse's Dream Interpretation - interpretation of dreams

Dream Interpretation Baby - Seeing him - believe in your own strength and you will achieve well-being; kissing him will preserve your freshness until old age.

Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Baby - Surprise. Yours, in your hands, your plans can be unexpectedly destroyed.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Dream Interpretation Baby - Healthy - joy, happiness in love - sick - family troubles - to see him - believe in your own strength and you will achieve well-being - kiss him - you will preserve freshness until old age

Children's dream book

Dream Interpretation Infant - There will be a lot of worries and troubles, and maybe even surprises.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Why do you dream of a Baby (child) - Hearing a screaming baby in a dream means scandalous rumors about you.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Why do you dream of a Baby (child, child) - If you dreamed of a baby, expect a scandal in the family.

Dream interpretation of dreams

Why dream of feeding a baby - Seeing means a futile undertaking, great work and care, also marks children's stupid undertakings; Hearing a baby cry is a sign of repentance for the stupidity he has done.

Lunar dream book online

Infant - Labor.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Babies - Seeing a newborn baby means that a pleasant surprise awaits you in the near future. If a young woman sees herself as a small child in a dream, she will be accused of indulging in the dissolute pastime of some people. Seeing a baby being bathed foreshadows a happy way out of a difficult situation.

Anastasia Shevchenko

Yandex can help you


you'll get knocked up)

Margarita Kovalchuk

portends a pleasant surprise in the near future.


As usual, on to the news.


Our dreams are the result of the work of our subconscious.

Idiomatic dream book

Children - what does what they see symbolize

To correctly understand the dream in which you see children, let's remember what stable expressions we know with this word. So. If you dream of children, it means that you have some hobbies and passions unusual for your age - you have fallen into childhood. Or you behave frankly stupidly - like an unreasonable child. Sometimes, seeing children - to some kind of joy, delight in reality - you will experience childish delight. Child of nature - the dream also says that you are behaving completely naturally and naturally, a real child of nature. If you have some important meeting ahead of you and suddenly you see a dream in which children appear, this is a warning that you need to work through your arguments again, otherwise what you say may seem like baby talk to your interlocutor.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about Children?

  • Little Children dreamed - Beautiful, healthy children in a dream portend extraordinary prosperity, happiness and well-being.
  • For a mother to see her child slightly ill means that he will always have good health, but she will be worried about other minor troubles associated with him.
  • Saddened or crying children in a dream are a sign of future troubles, anxious premonitions, deceit and imaginary friends.
  • According to the dream book, to dream that you are looking for children is a bad omen: you are unlikely to be able to find a way out of the current situation due to a number of minor troubles.
  • Seeing your child hopelessly ill or dead means that there is a serious threat to his well-being.

The meaning of a dream about Children (Symbolic dream book)

Little Children - This is joy or worries, worries of adults, success or failure (depending on how they look). A child means a business that has been started, so they say with pride about a certain result of work - this is my brainchild (creative, professional...). A child in a dream is also a kind of creative idea, plan, idea, which is often painfully “gestated”, developed and, finally, “born”.

Seeing Children, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

  • Seeing a child means that you will spend more money than you planned.
  • If you are nursing a baby in a dream, in reality expect an addition to the family or the arrival of an unexpected guest. Also, such a dream foretells success in business, but the path to success will be difficult.
  • A woman who dreamed that she became a mother of many children will have a meeting with old acquaintances, which will entail a lot of trouble.
  • Feeding a child in a dream means labor-intensive work that your boss will “push” onto you, but fulfilling your professional duties will bring you a large monetary reward.
  • Seeing a mute child or several children means that you will become a victim of gossip.
  • If in a dream you ask a mute child about something, you will soon learn about someone’s death.
  • A child whom you help get rid of a splinter in a dream predicts that in reality you will solve many work-related problems, and you will also avoid major troubles.
  • Seeing a child sick is an unexpected nuisance that will disrupt the usual order of your home.
  • Why do you dream that your child (or another person close to you) is in pain? Then you should be careful in reality so as not to make a fatal mistake.
  • You see yourself giving birth to a sick child, which means that you should change your character and stop living with emotions. It only makes your life more difficult. Live in the present and do not burden your soul with vain fears. Otherwise you risk illness
  • If you dreamed that you were visiting a child in the hospital, expect unpleasant news. Why dream that you yourself are sick and in the hospital - this predicts impending difficulties for you.
  • You see a baby with a huge sore, be prepared for the fact that an unfortunate misunderstanding or an unfortunate set of circumstances will disrupt your plans. In addition, monitor the health of your children: they may be at risk of infectious diseases.
  • According to the dream book, if you see a crying child, it means that your health will deteriorate. The dream also predicts fruitless efforts and unrealistic dreams.
  • Seeing a child laughing means that a new love will appear in your life without betrayal.
  • Seeing a child walking alone is a sign of independence and an open-minded attitude towards life.
  • Nursing a child in a dream foreshadows in reality deception on the part of someone you unconditionally trusted.
  • If the child is a stranger, you will not make peace with the person who betrayed you.
  • If you yell at a child, then in reality you will experience mental and physical discomfort; you will have to do work that no one else wants to do.

Intimate dream book / E. Danilova

If you had a dream about Children

Seeing children is a positive sign. The dream predicts that happiness and success await you in love relationships. If you are in love and dream of something, then everything you have planned will certainly come true. You will achieve what you want, luck is on your side. Try not to miss this favorable moment and take full advantage of the opportunities that Fate provides you. Seize the moment of luck.

Why do Children dream (dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov)

You saw children in your dream, try to remember what exactly happened there. If you saw children, played with them, hugged, kissed them, the dream suggests that all your troubles will soon end. Prosperity and peace await you. If you suddenly saw yourself beating children, this is also a positive dream for you. It predicts that you will be able to achieve success in some business that interests you.

Danilova's children's dream book

When a child has a dream in which he sees children, this predicts that in the near future he will experience some kind of strong joy. Which one exactly - the content of the dream can tell. So, if you saw children playing, very soon you will experience the pleasure of some gift - your delight will truly know no bounds. If you dream of beautiful children, the dream promises some very pleasant acquaintance. Seeing sick children is also a good sign; you will be pleased with the success of your friends. And only if you suddenly dreamed of an orphanage is a warning about the imminent illness of your parents. Of course, there is nothing joyful in the last event.

Dream book of the 21st century

What do children dream about in a dream?

  • Little Children - You saw children in a dream, predicts joy and success in the very near future, very beautiful ones - to a pleasant or useful acquaintance, sick ones - to joy, crying - to troubles.
  • Lulling a child in a dream means that you will believe false promises and show excessive gullibility.
  • Seeing a small child is a great surprise, an infant is a sign of well-being; beautiful - to joy, ugly - to unexpected worries.
  • Why dream that you are rocking a child to sleep - family joys await you.
  • For a man to see that his wife is breastfeeding a child is a sign of success in business.
  • Seeing a lot of children in a dream means money and profit.
  • Hitting children in a dream means trouble, kissing them or talking to them means success and joy, playing with children means you have to commit a reckless act.
  • For a pregnant woman to see a child on the shoulders of a man - a boy will be born, for a woman - a girl.
  • Having a child means wealth.
  • Seeing a baby in a dream means prosperity, success in business, someone else’s baby means gossip and quarrel, breastfeeding a child means good health, nursing means profit.
  • You will learn about the birth of your daughter, which predicts a surprise; seeing her in a dream means mutual understanding in the family; if she dies, it means losses.
  • Seeing your son handsome and healthy is a good sign: honor and respect await you.
  • Seeing a foundling means profit, success and well-being; holding him in your arms means success and wealth; taking him in for upbringing means having the opportunity to do a good deed.
  • To visit an orphanage in a dream - that in reality you can count on the help of friends in difficult times, be an orphanage yourself and leave the orphanage - means that your plans are full of illusions and you are unlikely to be able to bring them to life.
  • Seeing a baby stroller is a sign of the loyalty and reliability of your friends.
  • If in a dream your child was kidnapped and they demand a ransom, in reality you have made a minor but annoying mistake, because of which you will have a lot of trouble.
  • To participate in the abduction of children yourself means that they will make you a tempting and interesting offer, but some nuances may be hidden from you, thanks to which you can understand that this is a trap.
  • If in a dream you are annoyed by your child’s pampering, you are tired of problems and difficulties, you need to rest! -.- gels, you like the way your baby indulges - it means that you are loved and life makes you happy - this is the interpretation of Children according to the dream book.

Why do Children dream in a dream (according to the Wanderer’s dream book (T. Smirnova)

The children you see symbolize the worries that overcome you in reality. The state of your affairs can be determined by what kind of children you dreamed of and what they looked like. If you saw beautiful and neat children who were pleasant to look at, the dream turns out to be a good omen for you and promises joyful events and success in business. On the contrary, if the children were dirty, unkempt, sick, it means that the situation will not develop at all the way you want, and your affairs are in a truly deplorable state. If you dream that a child was given to you, rejoice, a significant improvement in your financial situation awaits you, probably wealth.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do children dream in a dream?

  • Small children - Seeing beautiful children in a dream - foretells extraordinary prosperity, happiness and good.
  • For a mother, seeing her child easily ill means that he will always have good health, but she will be worried about other minor troubles associated with him.
  • Seeing children working or studying portends peace and prosperity.
  • Seeing your child hopelessly ill or dead means that you have reason to fear, as terrible threats to his well-being arise.
  • Seeing a dead child means worry and disappointment in the near future.
  • Upset by something, crying children are a sign of impending troubles, anxious premonitions, deceit and unkindness of your imaginary friends.
  • Playing and messing with children means that you will achieve your goals in all commercial and love affairs.

The Dream Guide by David Loff

Psychological analysis of dreams where Kids dreamed

  • Small children - Seeing children in a dream is an image that deserves special attention, because it conveys a true reflection of all our thoughts and experiences. Children are always afraid of what is worth fearing; they have a heightened sense of justice, they clearly distinguish between good and evil; They also tend to openly express their feelings to the objects of both adoration and hatred.
  • Do you dream of friendship with a child? The interpretation is ambiguous. If this child exists in your real life, then it is simply a projection of your desire.
  • If the child is unfamiliar to you, then it is you yourself in the past.
  • The main element of interpretation is how you behave and how you relate to this child.
  • Becoming a parent and seeing your own children is a common wish come true. However, this is also an indication that your relationship with your parents or other people important to you is not going well.
  • In addition, seeing yourself as a parent means the need to realize the desire to influence someone. For example, a relationship with someone around you is getting out of control, and you want to return everything to normal. And since most of us have experienced the domineering attitude of our parents, we can do the same thing in our dreams as adults.
  • Another possible option is a dream in which you yourself are a child, while others are showing their authoritarianism towards you and trying to control you.
  • For example, you dream that you, like in childhood, play dress up at work, and all your colleagues are ordinary adults. In relation to reality, this means that your colleagues are more authoritative than you.

The meaning of a dream about Children (Vangi's Dream Book)

  • Children are small - seeing a lot of children is evidence that you have many small problems ahead, each of which will require additional time and effort from you. Perhaps the dream prophesies an increase in the birth rate on the planet.
  • If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, then in reality you are not behaving in the best way. Your childish antics are extremely inappropriate and offend those around you.
  • Seeing children crying - a dream foreshadows world danger. There will come a time when men will go to war, women will do things unusual for them, and children will shed a lot of tears. For the dreamer, the dream prophesies troubles from his children or the children of close relatives.
  • If you dreamed about disabled children, then your addictions harm not only your health, but also the health of the people around you. Sometimes a dream prophesies an environmental disaster on the planet. If you saw your children in a dream, then you should be more careful in your relationships with your family. It is quite possible that your actions and words greatly offend them. Looking for children is a bad omen. You will not be able to find a way out of this situation due to a number of minor troubles.
  • Playing with children in a dream - in reality you are looking for a job you like, but despite your search, you will have to spend some more time at the old unloved job, which deprives you of your last strength.

Esoteric dream book

Children in night dreams

If you see children in a dream, this is a good omen. It says that your life is filled with goodness and prosperity, you enjoy the love and respect of others, and attract people who treat you with great kindness. If you suddenly dreamed of your own children, which, in fact, you do not have in reality, the dream predicts your participation in some kind of enterprise that will bring you great benefits.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the Children dreamed

The children you see in your dreams symbolize instincts or functions that you have not fully developed and are in a “childish” state. When you dream of children, in order to establish whether it has a positive or negative effect on your personality, you should consider in more detail the context of the dream, the events that occurred in it. If you yourself want to understand what meaning this dream has for you, try to determine what impression it left on you. When you woke up in the morning, were you happy or depressed? Or this dream completely passed your attention.

Why Children Dream (Small Velesov Dream Book)

When you see certain children in your dreams, the dream has a very ambiguous interpretation. To better understand its meaning, try to remember what the children in your dream looked like and what exactly happened there. In general, children can equally portend success in business and be a symbol of the enemies you have in reality. If the dreamer turns out to be a young woman and she dreams of small, breast-naked children, the dream often warns of an imminent pregnancy. To a man similar dream predicts troubles in business or an unexpected quarrel with a friend. Small naked children in a dream can dream of various misfortunes, including illness or funeral. Sometimes they represent gossip that will circulate around you. Feeding a child from a bottle or spoon is a sign of impending loss. If in a dream you saw that you were breastfeeding your children, it means worries or illnesses. The dream in which you are nursing, nurturing, rocking a child has the same meaning. Bathing children in a dream - a dream promises you recovery from an illness. If you dream of cheerful children, you will receive them soon good news, on the contrary, if children cried in a dream, expect bleak and sad news for you.

Danilova's children's dream book

Seeing Children in a dream, what does it mean?

Sick children - You will be pleased with the success of your friends.

Children playing - Your pleasure will not end any time soon.

Beautiful children - You have a pleasant acquaintance ahead of you.

Orphanage - To the illness of the parents.

The meaning of a dream about a Child (Modern dream book)

The meaning of the dream in which you see children should be determined in conjunction with its other circumstances. If you simply dreamed of some children, but did not remember other details, this predicts quick success in business or some joyful events in the near future. Seeing joyful children playing means peace and tranquility in your soul. Beautiful, smartly dressed children in a dream predict a pleasant acquaintance with you. Seeing sick, suffering children, oddly enough, predicts some kind of joy for you. But crying children dream of various troubles. If you see infants in a dream, unexpected prosperity or some kind of surprise awaits you in reality. Swaddle a baby - to good health, recovery, if a sick person sees a dream. Rocking a baby in your arms means depression, sad thoughts about approaching old age. Hitting children in a dream means trouble, kissing them means good luck. If you dream that you are playing with children, in reality you will commit some very reckless act.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does it mean to sleep with Children, taking into account the date of birth?

In the spring, what do orphans dream about - despondency, undeserved insult. Child killer - Dreaming of someone killing a child means impending old age.

In the summer, what children from the orphanage dreamed about was loneliness. Child killer - A child killer dreams of rumors about the appearance of a maniac. Seeing a dead child means a deeply stressful state in reality.

In the fall, why did you dream of kissing children - Calmness; to see a baby - to well-being, to improvement of affairs; seeing beautiful people means joy and health.

In winter, what do children dream about - joy, good luck in the near future; children playing - peace in the soul; very beautiful - pleasant acquaintance, sick - joy, crying - trouble, infant - surprise, well-being. Swaddle a baby - health, swing - depression, thoughts of old age, beat - trouble, kiss - luck, joy, play - recklessness.

A child is a symbol of hope and the future.

If you dreamed that a child was bitten by an animal, then this dream indicates that in the future a large number of vampires will appear on Earth, who will primarily pose a serious danger to children.

For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with the Antichrist, who will want to make him his disciple.

Seeing a pregnant man in a dream is a sign that in the future what has been talked about for many years will still happen, that is, the man will become pregnant and give birth to a child.

Perhaps this will not happen without the intervention of dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his child throughout the world.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then such a dream warns all of humanity about the danger posed by our polluted atmosphere.

For the dreamer, this dream prophesies a meeting with a person who will greatly need his help.

To see a dirty child in the arms of a fallen woman in a dream - the dream suggests that the Earth is in very great danger.

In the future, an unprecedented number of people will be infected with AIDS, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction.

But when it seems that nothing can change the plight, a person will appear who will invent a cure for this terrible disease.

If you dreamed of a child who has no limbs, then such a dream indicates that the Earth is in a real threat.

Because of environment is very heavily polluted, many children will be born with various physical disabilities, as well as mental disorders.

Seeing a healthy smiling child in a dream is a happy sign.

A happy time will finally come on Earth when love will rule the world.

People will stop being afraid of wars, poverty and hunger, and therefore many healthy, beautiful children will be born.

Seeing a child running on the ground in a dream means renewal and symbolizes a new humanity.

A dream in which a child squeezes or kills a snake predicts that humanity will find a way to prevent the threat nuclear war.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, this is a sign that you have come to the point in life when you need to reconsider and change your life.

Seeing a crying child means endangering your future.

Looking for your child in a dream means trying to find lost hope.

Seeing a child picking flowers in a dream means spiritual enlightenment.

Holding a baby in your arms in a dream means trying to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Nostradamus

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For some, any mischievous trick of the kids causes tenderness and a smile, while others are annoyed even by their presence. Why do little children dream? The dream book ambiguously interprets the plot with children in a dream: the interpretation may depend both on the details of the dream and on your emotional mood towards the baby.

For a loving mother, seeing young children healthy and beautiful in a dream is a good sign: the dream book predicts a happy and prosperous period in life. Even if your own children get sick in a dream, this is still considered positive - they will very rarely get sick.

If you play with other people's children, then in reality you cannot decide which activity you like. It’s better to wait a little while changing your profession to your favorite one, anyway this moment nothing will work out.

If a business man dreams of small children, then the dream book associates them with a recently started business. Do you remember the emotional coloring of the dream, how did you feel about the guys? If you have experienced irritation and anger, then in reality business will not give you pleasure.

If the general mood of the dream was positive, then the goals you set for yourself will be achieved with incredible ease. In addition, you will enjoy achieving them, and the profit you will receive in the end will be higher than all expectations.

Small children are often dreamed of by those who, for whatever reason, cannot have their own. This is a reflection of the subconscious desire to find a strong, friendly family and home comfort. Don’t worry, all this is achievable, the main thing is to show the will and take a step forward.

If you often see your own children in your dreams, then the dream book gives a warning that they really need you. Pay more attention to your kids, even if they don’t particularly require it from you. Also, this may be a subconscious personification of concern for their fate and future.

Depending on the situation, the dream book gives other predictions about why small children dream. A woman who has acquired numerous offspring in a dream can expect to meet an old friend. This event will entail troubles and troubles.

Why dream of feeding babies in a dream? You will receive a difficult assignment at work. Although you will have to spend the lion's share of moral and physical strength on it, the reward will be higher than deserved, the money will flow like a river.

Interpretations of the dream book depending on the gender and age of the children

For a girl, small children and boys in a dream are a harbinger of the dream book about the appearance of numerous suitors. If the boys are also well-dressed and have a good-looking face, then the fans will be all right—wealthy and handsome.

A woman can have no doubt why she dreams of such a picture: she will receive significant funds, and for this she will not have to undertake any labor costs. But the boys are fighting, then in reality you need to be wary of dubious events - they will lead to ruin.

If in a dream you saw little girls, and the children were strangers to you and entered the house, then the dream book predicts the arrival of unexpected guests. Moreover, whether this surprise will be pleasant or not depends on the behavior of the girls. If they were noisy, then the guests will only bring chaos and confusion into the house.

And well-mannered, calmly behaving girls in a dream predict a pleasant company of good people, with whom you will enrich your horizons. It’s bad if girls pester you and ask a lot of questions; it is possible that after a pleasant evening with friends they will spread gossip about you.

Why do you dream of seeing your children when they are small? The dream book advises to at least call them, or better yet come. Now more than ever they need support, and it is the parental society, a conversation with relatives, that will help them come to their senses.

Also, if adult children dream of being small, then this may be a subconscious reflection of your desire to take care of someone. You are tired of loneliness, and the dream book advises you to gather around you as much as possible more people, and the state of mind will immediately return to normal.

If you dreamed of a lot of small children, and you kissed them, hugged them, showed affection, then the dream book predicts that in reality life will go on a calm course, scrapes and troubles will end, and you will only have to live and enjoy unprecedented harmony. Even such a negatively colored plot as beating children in a dream is deciphered by the dream book as a positive forecast: success awaits you in any endeavor, fortune favors you.

Foundlings in a dream are a good symbol. In real life, you will be randomly given a job that will be to your liking and will bring stability to your life. financial affairs. The plot with children is interpreted negatively only if they are capricious and mischievous - minor troubles and tedious matters are guaranteed to you.

Why do children dream?

English dream book

If married woman sees small children in a dream - this means completely special condition her soul and body.

Seeing your own childhood in a dream is a harbinger of good luck in trade, or professional pursuits, or in courtship and marital affairs.

If you see yourself as a child in a dream, this is not a very favorable dream.

Eastern dream book

Why do Children dream in a dream according to the dream book?

Many children are a warning that you have to solve many small problems, each of which will require a lot of time and effort.

Playing with children is evidence that you are looking for a job you like, but, despite your efforts, you will have to spend some more time at the old unloved job, which deprives you of your last strength.

Children's dream book

Children - something will make you very happy in the near future.

Sick children - you will be pleased with the success of your friends.

Players - your pleasure will not end any time soon.

Children are beautiful - you have a pleasant acquaintance ahead of you.

Idiomatic dream book

“Like foolish children”, “fall into childhood” - become stupid; “baby talk” - unfounded arguments; “to experience childish delight” - naivety, freshness of perception; “child of nature” - naturalness, naturalness.

Italian dream book

Children are instincts or functions that are not fully developed; sometimes it is possible to determine from the context whether this is positive or negative for the individual.

Maly Velesov dream book

Children - success in business / enemies; small, naked - soon to become pregnant (for a woman) / troubles, quarrel with a friend, gossip, misfortune, funeral, illness; feeding a child is loss; breastfeeding, nurturing children, nursing - illness, worries; rocking - to illness; cheerful children are good news; crying children are sad news; bathing children means recovery.

Lunar dream book

Kissing children means peace; to see the chest - to well-being, to improvement of affairs; seeing beautiful people means joy and health.

Maly Velesov dream book

Rocking children means grief, crying, illness.

Newest dream book

Why do children dream in a dream?

Children - to recovery, prosperity, success, including in love. Good news; love languor.

New dream book 1918

An ugly child is a lawsuit; lull - flattering promises; chest - well-being.

Russian dream book

Children - to profit; boy - warning; in your hands - to losses;

Family dream book

Pretty kids - dream of prosperity and happiness.

If a mother dreams that her child is slightly ill, he will actually have very good health.

Seeing children learn is a sign of peace and prosperity.

Crying children, upset about something, dream of trouble.

If you played with children in a dream, you will achieve your goal in all commercial and love affairs.

Symbolic dream book

Children are joy or worries, worries of adults, success or failure (depending on how they look).

Children also mean a business that has been started, so they speak with pride about a certain result of work - this is my brainchild (creative, professional...).

Children in a dream can also be some kind of creative idea, plan, idea, which is often painfully “gestated”, developed and, finally, “born”.

Slavic dream book

Children - to lasting family life.

Dream Interpreter

To see a child with a wet nurse in a dream - foreshadows a long-term dangerous illness; but if a pregnant woman has such a dream, it means that she will give birth to a daughter who will not live long, or that she will soon lose her husband; to see a wax child - in a dream there is a sign of important friendship; to see many children running around the house - foreshadows the troubles of business for one who does not have children, and this dream reminds one who has children to take more care of raising them; this dream portends pleasure, joy and prosperity.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Children?

If you dream of many beautiful children, the dream predicts prosperity and tranquility for you.

For a mother to dream that her child is a little sick means that he is in good health, but other small worries will bother the mother.

Seeing children working or studying means a calm, peaceful life and prosperity.

To see your child hopelessly ill or dead in a dream means that you have good reason to worry, since there is a threat to his well-being.

Seeing a dead person means frustration and disappointment in the near future.

Distressed children are an omen of troubles that your enemies will bring you, and anxious forebodings caused by the secret intrigues of hidden ill-wishers.

Playing with children means success in business and love.

Swaddle a baby - health, swing - depression, thoughts of old age, beat - trouble, kiss - luck, joy, play - recklessness.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did Children dream in a dream?

A dream in which you see children promises you joy and success in the very near future, very beautiful ones - a pleasant or useful acquaintance, sick ones - to joy, crying - to troubles.

Seeing a small child in a dream is a great surprise; an infant is a sign of well-being; beautiful - to joy, ugly - to unexpected worries.

If you dream that you are being lulled to sleep, family joys await you.

For a man to see in a dream that his wife is breastfeeding his children - to success in business.

Having children means wealth.

A dream in which you learn about the birth of your daughter promises you a surprise; seeing her in a dream means mutual understanding in the family; if she dies, it means losses.

If in a dream you are annoyed by your child’s pampering, it means that you are tired of problems and difficulties, you need to rest!

If you like the way your baby indulges, this means that you are loved and life makes you happy.

Dream book of the future

Children - to a strong family life, prosperity and happiness; playing and fiddling with children in a dream - success in work and love awaits you.

Vanga's Dream Book

Seeing many children in a dream is evidence that you have many small problems ahead, each of which will require additional time and effort from you. Perhaps such a dream prophesies an increase in the birth rate on the planet.

If you dreamed about disabled children, your addictions harm not only your health, but also the health of those around you. Sometimes such a dream prophesies an environmental disaster on the planet.

If you saw your children in a dream, you should be more careful in your relationships with your family. It is quite possible that your actions and words greatly offend them.

Looking for children is a bad omen. You will not be able to find a way out of this situation due to a number of minor troubles.

Dream book for lovers

If you dreamed that you were playing with children, this means that happiness and success await you in love.

Healthy children portend good luck, a happy marriage and a strong family.

Dream interpretation horoscope

Many children mean trouble at work.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Seeing your children good as adults is fortunate; bad - secretly worry about them.

Seeing your little children as adults is help, hope.

Seeing children means joy, success in the very near future / good or bad sprouts in your soul; those playing - satisfaction, peace in the soul; very beautiful children - a pleasant acquaintance; sick children - joy; crying - trouble; a lot of children - money; to see a baby - surprise / worries / well-being / improvement of affairs; to see someone else's infant in your home - gossip, anger, enmity; foundling - wealth; naked babies - treason; swaddled - illness; sucking someone's breast - illness; breastfeeding - health / pregnancy; swaddle - health; babysitting - profit; swing - sadness / thoughts about old age; hitting children - success / peace, joy; kissing is a nuisance; bathe - harm from deception; Playing pranks with them, pampering them is a disease; playing with them is recklessness; talking is success.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing children in a dream means that you will spend more money than you planned.

If you are nursing a baby in a dream, in reality expect an addition to the family or the arrival of an unexpected guest. Also, such a dream foretells success in business, but the path to success will be difficult.

A woman who dreams that she has become a mother of many children will have a meeting with old acquaintances, which will entail a lot of trouble.

Feeding a child in a dream means labor-intensive work that your boss will “push” onto you, but fulfilling your professional duties will bring you a large monetary reward.

Seeing a mute child or several children in a dream means that you will become a victim of gossip.

If you ask a mute child about something in a dream, you will soon learn about someone’s death.

A child whom you help get rid of a splinter in a dream promises you in reality a solution to many work-related problems, and you will also avoid major troubles.

Seeing a sick child in a dream is an unexpected nuisance that will disrupt the usual order of your home.

If you dream that your child (or another person close to you) is in pain, you should be careful in reality so as not to make a fatal mistake.

A dream in which you see yourself giving birth to a sick child means that you should change your character and stop living with emotions. It only makes your life more difficult. Live in the present and do not burden your soul with vain fears. Otherwise, you risk illness.

If you visit a child in the hospital, expect unpleasant news.

If you dream that you yourself are sick and in the hospital, this promises you impending difficulties.

If in a dream you see a baby with a huge sore, be prepared for the fact that an unfortunate misunderstanding or an unfortunate combination of circumstances will disrupt your plans. In addition, monitor the health of your children: they may be at risk of infectious diseases.

If you see a crying child in a dream, this means that your health will deteriorate. The dream also promises fruitless efforts and unrealistic dreams.

Seeing a laughing and contented child in a dream means that a new love will appear in your life without betrayal.

Seeing a child walking alone is a sign of independence and an open-minded attitude towards life.

Babysitting a child in a dream foreshadows in reality deception on the part of someone whom she unconditionally trusted.

If the child is a stranger, you will not make peace with the person who betrayed you.

If in a dream you yell at a child, in reality you will experience mental and physical discomfort; you will have to do work that no one else wants to do.

Dream book for a bitch

Children - joy, profit, prosperity at home.

Playing with children brings satisfaction and happiness.

Teaching children anything is success in business and in love.

A sick child means good health in reality, but a lot of behavior problems.

Dream Book of David Loff

Children are an image that deserves special attention because it conveys a true reflection of all our thoughts and experiences. Children are always afraid of what is worth fearing; they have a heightened sense of justice, they clearly distinguish between good and evil; They also tend to openly express their feelings to the objects of both adoration and hatred. Do you dream of friendship with a child? The interpretation is ambiguous.

If you dream of adopted children, perhaps you are trying to satisfy someone's need for additional care and guardianship. Or maybe you are looking for this yourself.

If this child exists in your real life, it is simply a projection of your desire.

If the child is unfamiliar to you, perhaps it is you yourself in the past. The main element of interpretation is how you behave and how you are connected with this child.

If in a dream you become a parent and see your own children, it is likely that this is a common embodiment of desire. However, this may also be an indication that your relationship with your parents or other people important to you is not going well. In addition, seeing yourself as a parent means the need to realize the desire to influence someone. For example, a relationship with someone around you is getting out of control, and you want to return everything to normal. And since most of us have experienced the domineering attitude of our parents, we can do the same thing in our dreams as adults.

Another possible option is a dream in which you yourself are a child, while others are showing their authoritarianism towards you and trying to control you. For example, you dream that you, like in childhood, play dress up at work, and all your colleagues are ordinary adults. In relation to reality, this may mean that your colleagues are more authoritative than you.

Children's playgrounds are the object of our most pleasant childhood memories. In a dream about a playground, the person accompanying you, as well as your age, is of great importance. Dreams in which the sleeper is shown as the only child among adults or the only adult among children are quite common. Such dreams usually indicate a discrepancy between the actions you take in the real world and your usual behavior. Perhaps you should consider self-improvement or start taking yourself seriously. It depends on those images that are most clearly visible in your dream. Equally important in a dream is the presence of certain friends or family members. This is especially significant if these people died in reality, but participate in the dream as living characters. Dreams of this kind often indicate the incompleteness of relationships, which are either an exact copy of the real state of affairs or require reflection and revision.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Child killer - your relationship with your children could be better.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Child killer - dreams of rumors about the appearance of a maniac.

Having fun playing with your children in a dream means family harmony.

Seeing a dead child in a dream means a deeply stressful state in reality.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

To see someone killing a child in a dream is a sign of impending old age.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream about Children in a dream?

A child on a man’s shoulders means a boy will be born; those playing - pleasure and fun; with mother - happy hours; nice - make a pleasant acquaintance; having your own means happiness and prosperity; to see it fall - obstacles in your endeavors; seeing a lot is anxiety.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing beautiful children in a dream foretells extraordinary prosperity, happiness and goodness.

Seeing your child easily sick in a dream means that he will always have good health, but she will be bothered by other minor troubles associated with him.

Seeing your child hopelessly ill or dead in a dream means that you have reason to be afraid, as terrible threats to his well-being arise.

Upset by something, crying children are a sign of impending troubles, anxious premonitions, deceit and unkindness of your imaginary friends.

Playing and messing with children means that you will achieve your goals in all commercial and love affairs.

If you dream of a baby stroller, this is a reminder that you have a very faithful friend who can do you a lot of good and even give you a surprise.

Chinese dream book

If you hug your son or daughter, it foretells a squabble.

The death of children speaks of a verbal quarrel.

Seeing newborns portends great happiness.

Seeing a marriage ceremony or children worshiping their parents portends misfortune.

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Small children are good news.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Children in a dream?

Seeing your children in a dream, if they look healthy, beautiful and elegant, portends happiness and prosperity. If they are shabby, dirty and sick, it means that in real life they will always have good health.

Seeing babies - your affairs will get better; cradling them - in reality you will hear promises and believe them.

Playing with children in a dream means committing a reckless act in reality.

Kissing children means peace and joy will reign in your home. Carrying children in your arms means minor troubles in the family. Placing them on your shoulders means you will have a boy if this is your first child, and a girl if this is your second.

Seeing children playing portends pleasure and fun. Seeing them in kindergarten means you will spend happy hours in peace and doing your favorite activity.

If children say or sing something in a dream, in reality you will make a pleasant acquaintance. Crying children in reality will cause you a lot of anxiety.

To dream that your child has fallen and hurt himself is a sign of obstacles in his endeavors.

Seeing children doing their homework and helping you with housework portends peace and prosperity.

Seeing your child seriously ill means that in reality something threatens him and you should pay the most serious attention to this.

If a child has a sore throat, do not worry - this is a positive dream, all fears will be in vain.

Seeing a dead child in a dream foretells anxiety and disappointment in the very near future.

Hitting children in a dream means family troubles due to one’s own lack of self-control and irritability.

If in a dream you punish your children, this means that in your heart you doubt the correctness of the educational methods you have chosen, which lack respect for children.

Upset children complaining about something are a sign of impending trouble due to the cunning of people posing as your friends.

Doing something interesting with your children means that interesting purchases or gifts await you in reality.

Seeing children frolicking in a river, fountain, etc. is a happy dream that foretells good luck for you.

Seeing mentally retarded children in a dream means grief and unhappy changes in life.

If in a dream you protect children from an angry dog ​​or dangerous wild animals, it means that the enemies threatening you will succeed if you succumb to their tricks and evade fulfilling your debt obligations.

If, while visiting with your children, you feel ashamed of their ugly behavior, in reality this foreshadows your unfulfilled hopes in the future.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Beautiful, healthy children in a dream portend extraordinary prosperity, happiness and well-being.

For a mother to see her child easily ill in a dream means that he will always have good health, but she will be worried about other minor troubles associated with him.

Seeing children working or studying portends peace and prosperity.

Seeing a dead child in a dream foretells anxiety and disappointment in the near future.

Seeing your child hopelessly ill or dead may mean that there is a serious threat to his well-being.

Playing with children in a dream is a sign that in real life you are looking for a job you like, but despite your search, you will have to spend some more time at the old unloved job, which deprives you of your last strength.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, in real life you are not behaving in the best way. Your childish antics are extremely inappropriate and offend those around you.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Children according to the dream book?

Children are worries.

Beautiful, neat - a sign of joy and good luck.

Ugly, dirty - a bad state of affairs and situations.

Foundling - wealth.

Children's room - feelings associated with growth, care, joy, parental duty.

Baby carriage - a relationship can lead to the desired marriage.

Dream Interpretation of Signs

Beautiful well-groomed children - good luck, good luck.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

To see healthy and cheerful unfamiliar children in a dream - they are waiting for you.

Dreaming of unfamiliar sick children is a sign of a great joyful event.

You dreamed of children in carnival costumes- you will get sick soon.

If you dreamed of children with wreaths on their heads, beware, you may become a victim of an accident or a fatal accident.

Crying children mean that you will soon learn important news.

You caressed children - expect trouble.

Beating your children in a dream means trouble in business.

If you dreamed that you beat children you didn’t know, your endeavors will be successful.

Feeding children means illness.

You dreamed that you were killing children - something important will happen soon and happy event.

Freud's Dream Book

Children are a symbol of genitals in general, that is, both male and female. It is often assumed that a boy is a symbol of male genitalia and a girl is a symbol of female genitalia, but this is not necessarily the case.

If you play or babysit children, you have a very strong craving for self-satisfaction, which you cannot, and do not want, to resist.

If you punish or spank a child in general or a child of the opposite sex, then this also indicates your desire for self-satisfaction.

But if you punish a child of the same sex as you, this may indicate your desire for a non-traditional sexual orientation.

If you save a child from danger, for example, drowning, this indicates your desire to have a child, possibly an adopted one.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Kissing children means calm; hitting children - success.

Child - great surprise; chest - well-being; beautiful - joy; naked and dirty, ugly - litigation, unexpected worries.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

If you saw beautiful children in a dream, this means happiness, goodness, and prosperity.

If you dream of children at work or study, it means peace in the family and prosperity.

If you dreamed that you were playing with children, you will achieve your goal in love and commercial affairs.

If you dreamed of crying children, your premonitions are well founded. There may also be troubles caused by the actions of your imaginary friends.

Medieval dream book

Playing with children is a joy.
Seeing children and drinking with them is a sign of joy.

Universal dream book

Think of the children you saw in your dreams as the beginning or outline of the shape your life will take.

The most obvious concepts associated with this symbol are playfulness, innocence and openness to the world. Perhaps this is how you perceive life at the moment. Do you feel like a cheerful and innocent creature? Are you surprised by everything you see in life?

What are children doing in your dreams? If you play with him (them), this indicates your desire to calm down, relax and learn to take life less seriously. Or do children irritate you and you think that they distract you from your work?

Children also symbolize blissful naivety. Perhaps you are naive about something or someone in life and are getting into trouble because of it. Perhaps such a dream speaks of your immature behavior towards someone or something. Perhaps in a certain situation you behave like a child, when you should remember that you are an adult.

What people did you see next to you in your dream? What is your relationship with them like in real life? - perhaps something in your life is developing more successfully than you expected. For you, is this matter solved easily, like child’s play?

What kind of child do you think you were? Did you excel at school and in your hobbies from an early age, were you always active, or were you an underdeveloped “ugly duckling” who blossomed as an adult? - in other words, do you think that a person receives all the joys of life in his youth or do they still come to those who are willing to wait? It doesn't matter what exactly you think. Age is a state of mind!

Esoteric dream book

Children are kindness, kind attitude of people.

Having your own children, who actually don’t exist, is a very successful event.

Erotic dream book

If you see children playing in a dream, this means that happiness and prosperity await you in amorous affairs. Everything you plan will come true; everything you dream about will certainly come true. Seize the moment of luck while fate provides you with such a wonderful opportunity!

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Children according to the dream book?

According to the dream book, children are a symbol of some new enterprise; they also correspond to the negative or positive emotional state of adults.

If there are a lot of them, there will be a lot of hassle that will take a lot of effort and time.

If you dream that you are playing with your children, you are busy looking for something that will bring you true pleasure, while in the meantime you will have to perform onerous duties.

Giving a child something to eat means some kind of loss, breast-feeding- portends troubles or deterioration in health.

If you dreamed of a baby, your lucky streak will begin and you will live in abundance.

If he cries, your hopes will not come true, and your efforts will be fruitless.

If he is not alive - to serious chagrin.

Bathing children in a dream means improving their well-being; kissing them means harmony with yourself and the world around you.

A child with special needs signals that with your rash actions you are making things worse for yourself and those around you.

If you dreamed that you gave birth to a child, you will get rich; if he is not entirely healthy, this is a sign that you need to become more restrained and correct your shortcomings.

Refusing it - perhaps in reality you are not acting very wisely with your own child, infringing on his sense of self-worth.

If they are mentally handicapped, changes for the worse await you.

A dream in which you take the lives of children portends happiness for you.

If you search for them, you will become entangled in your own problems and will not be able to make a worthy decision.

If you dream about yourself as a baby, it means unfavorable events.

When you dream of many children, the dream foreshadows the appearance of a number of small difficulties and difficulties in life. And you will have to spend a lot of effort on each problem, the solution may take a lot of time.

Dream Interpretation Children, why do you dream about seeing children in a dream?

Idiomatic dream book Why do children dream according to the dream book:

Children - “Like foolish children”, “fall into childhood” - become stupid; “baby talk” - unfounded arguments; “to experience childish delight” - naivety, freshness of perception; “child of nature” - naturalness, naturalness.

Children's dream book

Why do you dream of Children - Something will make you very happy in the near future, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book Why children dream according to the dream book:

  • Little Children - Beautiful, healthy children in a dream foretell extraordinary prosperity, happiness and well-being.
  • For a mother to see her child slightly ill in a dream means that he will always have good health, but she will be worried about other minor troubles associated with him.
  • Saddened or crying children are a sign of future troubles, anxious premonitions, deceit and imaginary friends.
  • Looking for children is a bad omen: you are unlikely to be able to find a way out of the current situation due to a number of minor troubles.
  • Seeing a dead child in a dream foretells anxiety and disappointment in the near future.
  • Seeing your child hopelessly ill or dead can mean that there is a serious threat to his well-being.
  • Playing with children in a dream is a sign that in real life you are looking for a job you like, but despite your search, you will have to spend some more time at the old unloved job, which deprives you of your last strength.

Symbolic dream book Dream book: Children if you dream

Why do little Children dream - This is joy or worries, worries of adults, success or failure (depending on how they look). A child means a business that has been started, so they say with pride about a certain result of work - this is my brainchild (creative, professional...). A child in a dream can also be some kind of creative idea, plan, idea, which is often painfully “gestated”, developed and, finally, “born”.

Dream book of psychologist A. Meneghetti Why children dream:

According to the dream book Children - Instincts or functions that are not fully developed, sometimes it is possible to establish from the context whether this is positive or negative for the individual, as the dream book says about this dream.

Dream Interpretation for the Whole Family Why Children Dream:

  • Seeing a child in a dream means that you will spend more money than you planned.
  • If you are nursing a baby in a dream, in reality expect an addition to the family or the arrival of an unexpected guest. Also, such a dream foretells success in business, but the path to success will be difficult.
  • A woman who dreams that she has become a mother of many children will have a meeting with old acquaintances, which will entail a lot of trouble.
  • Feeding a child in a dream means labor-intensive work that your boss will “push” onto you, but fulfilling your professional duties will bring you a large monetary reward.
  • Seeing a mute child or several children in a dream means that you will become a victim of gossip.
  • If you ask a mute child about something in a dream, you will soon learn about someone’s death.
  • A child whom you help get rid of a splinter in a dream promises you in reality a solution to many work-related problems, and you will also avoid major troubles.
  • Seeing a sick child in a dream is an unexpected nuisance that will disrupt the usual order of your home.
  • If you dream that your child (or another person close to you) is in pain, then you should be careful in reality so as not to make a fatal mistake.
  • A dream in which you see yourself giving birth to a sick child means that you should change your character and stop living with emotions. It only makes your life more difficult. Live in the present and do not burden your soul with vain fears. Otherwise you risk illness
  • If you visit a child in the hospital, expect some unpleasant news. If you dream that you yourself are sick and in the hospital, this promises you impending difficulties.
  • If in a dream you see a baby with a huge sore, be prepared for the fact that an unfortunate misunderstanding or an unfortunate combination of circumstances will disrupt your plans. In addition, monitor the health of your children: they may be at risk of infectious diseases.
  • If you see a crying child in a dream, it means that your health will deteriorate. The dream also promises fruitless efforts and unrealistic dreams.
  • Seeing a laughing and contented child in a dream means that a new love will appear in your life without betrayal.
  • Seeing a child walking alone is a sign of independence and an open-minded attitude towards life.
  • Nursing a child in a dream foreshadows in reality deception on the part of someone you unconditionally trusted.
  • If the child is a stranger, you will not make peace with the person who betrayed you.
  • If in a dream you yell at a child, then in reality you will experience mental and physical discomfort; you will have to do work that no one else wants to do.

Erotic dream book Why children dream:

If you see children playing in a dream, this means that happiness and prosperity await you in amorous affairs. Everything you plan will come true; everything you dream about will certainly come true. Seize the moment of luck while fate provides you with such a wonderful opportunity!

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream book: Children what does it mean

Kissing children means peace; hitting children means success, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do children dream in a dream?

See in a dream
  • Little Children - A dream in which you see children promises you joy and success in the very near future, very beautiful ones - to a pleasant or useful acquaintance, sick ones - to joy, crying - to troubles.
  • Lulling a child in a dream means that you will believe false promises and show excessive gullibility.
  • Seeing a small child in a dream is a sign of great surprise; an infant is a sign of well-being; beautiful - to joy, ugly - to unexpected worries.
  • If you dream that you are rocking a child to sleep, family joys await you.
  • For a man to see in a dream that his wife is breastfeeding a child is a sign of success in business.
  • Seeing a lot of children in a dream means money and profit.
  • Hitting children in a dream means trouble, kissing them or talking to them means success and joy, playing with children means you have to commit a reckless act.
  • For a pregnant woman to see a child on a man's shoulders in a dream - a boy will be born, for a woman - a girl.
  • Having a child means wealth.
  • Seeing a baby in a dream means well-being, success in business, someone else's baby means gossip and quarrels, breastfeeding a child means good health, nursing means profit.
  • A dream in which you learn about the birth of your daughter promises you a surprise; seeing her in a dream means mutual understanding in the family; if she dies, it means losses.
  • Seeing your son handsome and healthy in a dream is a good sign: honor and respect await you.
  • Seeing a foundling in a dream means profit, success and well-being; holding him in your arms means success and wealth; taking him into your upbringing means having an opportunity to do a good deed.
  • Visiting an orphanage in a dream means that in reality you can count on the help of friends in difficult times, being an orphanage yourself and leaving the orphanage means that your plans are full of illusions and you are unlikely to be able to bring them to life.
  • Seeing a baby carriage in a dream is a sign of loyalty and reliability of your friends.
  • If in a dream your child was kidnapped and they demand a ransom, it means that in reality you have made a minor but annoying mistake, because of which you will have a lot of trouble.
  • To participate in the abduction of children yourself means that they will make you a tempting and interesting offer, but some nuances may be hidden from you, thanks to which you can understand that this is a trap.
  • If in a dream you are annoyed by the child’s pampering, it means that you are tired of problems and difficulties, you need to rest! dream.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Why do you dream of Children - Worries. Beautiful, neat - a sign of joy and good luck. Ugly, dirty - a bad state of affairs and situations. A foundling is wealth.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why children dream:

  • Small children - Seeing beautiful children in a dream - foretells extraordinary prosperity, happiness and good.
  • For a mother, seeing her child slightly ill in a dream means that he will always have good health, but she will be worried about other minor troubles associated with him.
  • Seeing children working or studying portends peace and prosperity.
  • Seeing your child hopelessly ill or dead in a dream means that you have reason to be afraid, as terrible threats to his well-being arise.
  • Seeing a dead child in a dream means worry and disappointment in the near future.
  • Upset by something, crying children are a sign of impending troubles, anxious premonitions, deceit and unkindness of your imaginary friends.
  • Playing and messing with children means that you will achieve your goals in all commercial and love affairs.

Dream book of psychologist D. Loff Why do children dream according to the dream book:

  • Small children - Seeing children in a dream is an image that deserves special attention, because it conveys a true reflection of all our thoughts and experiences. Children are always afraid of what is worth fearing; they have a heightened sense of justice, they clearly distinguish between good and evil; They also tend to openly express their feelings to the objects of both adoration and hatred.
  • Do you dream of friendship with a child? The interpretation is ambiguous. If this child exists in your real life, then it is simply a projection of your desire.
  • If the child is unfamiliar to you, then perhaps it is you yourself in the past.
  • The main element of interpretation is how you behave and how you relate to this child.
  • If in a dream you become a parent and see your own children, it is likely that this is a common embodiment of desire. However, this may also be an indication that your relationship with your parents or other people important to you is not going well.
  • In addition, seeing yourself as a parent means the need to realize the desire to influence someone. For example, a relationship with someone around you is getting out of control, and you want to return everything to normal. And since most of us have experienced the domineering attitude of our parents, we can do the same thing in our dreams as adults.
  • Another possible option is a dream in which you yourself are a child, while others are showing their authoritarianism towards you and trying to control you.
  • For example, you dream that you, like in childhood, play dress up at work, and all your colleagues are ordinary adults. In relation to reality, this may mean that your colleagues are more authoritative than you.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation What does it mean if you dream about Children:

  • Why do you dream of small children? Seeing many children in a dream is evidence that you have many small problems ahead, each of which will require additional time and effort from you. Perhaps such a dream prophesies an increase in the birth rate on the planet.
  • If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, then in real life you are not behaving in the best way. Your childish antics are extremely inappropriate and offend those around you.
  • To see crying children in a dream - the dream foreshadows world danger. There will come a time when men will go to war, women will do things unusual for them, and children will shed a lot of tears. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies troubles from his children or the children of close relatives.
  • If you dreamed about disabled children, then your addictions harm not only your health, but also the health of the people around you. Sometimes such a dream prophesies an environmental disaster on the planet. If you saw your children in a dream, then you should be more careful in your relationships with your family. It is quite possible that your actions and words greatly offend them. Looking for children is a bad omen. You will not be able to find a way out of this situation due to a number of minor troubles.
  • Playing with children in a dream is a sign that in real life you are looking for a job you like, but despite your search, you will have to spend some more time at the old unloved job, which deprives you of your last strength.

Esoteric dream book If you dream about Children:

What children dream about – Kindness, kind attitude of people. Having your own children, who are actually not there, is a very successful event.

Small Velesov dream book Why children dream in a dream:

Success in business // enemies; small, naked - soon to get pregnant (for a woman) // troubles, quarrel with a friend, gossip, misfortune, funeral, illness; feeding a child is loss; breastfeeding, nurturing children, nursing - illness, worries; rocking a child to sleep means illness; cheerful children are good news; crying children are sad news; bathing children means recovery.

Children's dream book What does Children mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream Why do you dream about sick children - You will be pleased with the successes of your friends.

Why do you dream of Children playing? Your pleasure will not end any time soon.

Why do you dream about beautiful children? You will have a pleasant acquaintance.

Orphanage - To the illness of the parents.

Summer dream book Why do children dream according to the dream book?

What does it mean to see an orphanage in a dream - children from an orphanage dream of loneliness.

Why do you dream of a Child Killer? A Child Killer dreams of rumors about the appearance of a maniac. Seeing a dead child in a dream means a deeply stressful state in reality.

Spring dream book Why do children dream according to the dream book?

Seeing an orphanage in a dream means despondency, undeserved insult.

Dream Interpretation To see children in a dream - Joy, good luck in the near future; children playing - peace in the soul; very beautiful - pleasant acquaintance, sick - joy, crying - trouble, infant - surprise, well-being. Swaddling a baby - health, swinging - depression, thoughts of old age, hitting - trouble, kissing - luck, joy, playing - recklessness

I dreamed of kissing children - Calmness; to see a baby - to well-being, to improvement of affairs; seeing beautiful people means joy and health.

Child killer - Your relationship with your children could be better.

Why do you dream of a Child Killer? - To see someone killing a child in a dream is a sign of impending old age.

Modern dream book If you dream about Children:

Just seeing children means joy, good luck in the near future; children playing - peace in the soul; very beautiful - pleasant acquaintance, sick - joy, crying - trouble, infant - surprise, well-being. Swaddle a baby - health, swing - depression, thoughts of old age, beat - trouble, kiss - luck, joy, play - recklessness.

Dream Interpretation Son is small

Why do you dream about a small son in a dream according to the dream book?

If you dreamed of a little son, your soul probably requires changes. It is worth listening to your desires. A change of workplace, relocation, or awakening of creativity is likely.

A dream about a little son sometimes simply reflects your feelings for him. This plot may appear during a period of long separation from your offspring or during his illness, which worries you.

What happened to my little son in his dream?

Why do you dream about a little son coming to visit?

The dream book warns: when a little son comes to visit, in reality you should be careful in making decisions and be guided by logic. Surely, at the moment you are craving fundamental changes, but now is not the time for this. Selfishness can cause quarrels.

An adult son is small in a dream

A dream where an adult son appears small speaks of your desire to take care of an already independent offspring. There is a fear that the child will neglect communication with you and will no longer consider you an authority. Don't worry, he will never forget your love.

Adult son dreamed of being a child

Dream Interpretation: Adult son dreamed of being a child dreamed of why in a dream you dreamed of an adult son as a child? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see an adult son in a dream as a child by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Son

Seeing your son handsome and healthy in a dream foretells receiving news of his happiness and well-being. But if in a dream you see that he is sick, wounded, pale, etc., then expect bad news or troubles.

If you dream that your son killed you, then after your death he will inherit your fortune. A dream in which you saw that your son died portends you great concern about his well-being. Sometimes such a dream may indicate that your child is in excellent health and your worries are unfounded. If your son calls you in a dream, then soon he will need your help. If you dream that you have a son, although in reality you do not have children, then you will have to bravely endure future troubles or material losses. Sometimes such a dream warns of great experiences. See interpretation: children, relatives.

The dream in which you saw that you had a son foreshadows worries and worries.

Dream Interpretation - Son

Seeing your son healthy, handsome, cheerful - to success and health for you and for him.

If you do not actually have a son, a dream about a son predicts success in some enterprise or a happy marriage.

If you dream that your son has died, expect a joyful event.

The behavior of a son in a dream means for a woman her husband’s attitude towards her, and for a man it means the resumption of some relationships and affairs or his own behavior and condition.

If a woman does not have a husband and children, a dream about a son characterizes her love affair or her feelings and moods.

Dream Interpretation - Son

Seeing your son dead will be a joyful event with an addition.

If you hug your son or daughter, it foretells a squabble.

The death of a son speaks of a verbal quarrel.

The son of a concubine is dreamed of under a wall - foreshadows career advancement.

The son of heaven, the rightful ruler, grants you permission to sit in his presence - there will be wealth and happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Son

If you have a son and you see him handsome and obedient in a dream, it means that you will have something to be proud of, and you will strive for high honors.

If you dream of a crippled or suffering child, then you should be afraid of some kind of trouble.

If a mother dreams that her son fell to the bottom of a well, and she hears his cry from there, it means that a lot of grief awaits her. But if in a dream she manages to save her son, it means that the danger threatening this dream will be immediately removed, and the dream should be taken as an incentive to be careful.

Dream Interpretation - Child

Dream Interpretation - Child

Dream Interpretation - Son

If you dream of your future son, whom you see as a handsome and well-mannered boy, in real life this means that your career will go uphill and this will become a source of pride for you. You will strive for a higher position.

If you dreamed that your son is not good-looking or suffers from some kind of abnormality, then in reality beware of trouble.

A dream in which you see your son screaming and begging for help portends grief and failure in business.

Dream Interpretation - Son

A dream in which you see yourself as a woman in labor and they announce to you that you have a son - this means that you will be able to oppose your will and determination to evil intentions, thereby preventing tragic events. If you have a freak son, this means painful experiences and bitter disappointment; handsome, strong son - arrange your wedding safely.

To experience strong anxiety about the fate of your son in a dream means that you will learn things that you would prefer never to hear.

Dream Interpretation - Child

Dream Interpretation - Son

A happy son in a dream portends health and success for you and him.

A suffering son is a warning about the hassle associated with troubles.

If you do not have a son, but you see him, a happy marriage or universal respect due to your success awaits you.

Seeing an adult child as a small child

Dream Interpretation Seeing an adult child as a small child dreamed of why in a dream Seeing an adult child as a small child? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see an adult child as a small child in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Child

If in a dream you are nursing a child, this may indicate the approach of grief and sadness.

If you dream of a sick child, this may predict the death of a relative.

Dream Interpretation - Small

Seeing an incongruously small nose, mouth, ear, or any organ of the body in a dream is a warning against indiscriminate choice of friends.

If you dream of a small animal, insect, bird or fish, such a dream warns that someone's treachery can cause serious harm to you if you do not exercise due diligence.

If your clothes are small or tight in a dream, this is a sign of bitter disappointment in love. A pillow or blanket that is too small foretells that you will soon awaken an interest in the profitable side of life and a desire for self-improvement.

Finding yourself in a small house or small room in a dream means that in reality you will feel short on funds.

Receiving a small amount of money in a dream instead of a large one due means unforeseen circumstances that will dramatically change the measured course of your life.

Dream Interpretation - Small

Play with small stones - a noble son will be born.

Small fish lay eggs - great happiness and benefit.

A small door to the room opens - predicts a love affair.

Small sprouts, opening buds - portends many unpleasant situations.

Seeing yourself in hemp thickets portends illness.

Dream Interpretation - Small

Dream Interpretation - Little girl

Dream Interpretation - Child

If you see your own real child in danger, it is very rarely related to him.

Usually, the presence of your child in a dream indicates that you yourself need protection during this period.

Within a few days after a nightmare, suddenly the dream turns out to be prophetic! It is necessary to strengthen child supervision. But after a certain time, pay attention to your “inner child”, your weaknesses and insecurities.

Even awareness of your own fears and insecurities will give you strength and help you solve your problems like an adult and responsibly.

A child in a dream Shows that some of your character traits have matured.

Pay attention to your inner growth.

A child of the same gender as the dreamer is his “inner child.”

A child of the opposite sex shows a lack of gentleness in men and steadfastness in women.

Seeing an unfamiliar child in a dream is a sign that your new plans will come true, but will require a lot of effort.

Seeing your child - relationship with him

Dream Interpretation - Child in a strange hat, (

An attempt to change oneself, sometimes only externally.

Dream Interpretation - Child

Dreams can contain a significant amount of accurate information regarding what the individual himself actually thinks about himself, and not what he demonstrates to others.

However, unconscious judgments about oneself significantly transform behavior.

Dream Interpretation - Child

If a child laughs in a Dream, it means that the angels are amusing him.

Dream Interpretation - Small house or house where the individual was born

Mother's body, womb: perhaps a regressive fantasy of avoiding problems.

Stable home life.

An adult a child

Dream Interpretation of an Adult as a Child dreamed of why an adult dreams of a child in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see an Adult as a child in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Child

A child is a symbol of hope and the future.

If you dreamed that a child was bitten by an animal, then this dream indicates that in the future a large number of vampires will appear on Earth, who will primarily pose a serious danger to children. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with the Antichrist, who will want to make him his disciple.

Seeing a pregnant man in a dream is a sign that in the future what has been talked about for many years will still happen, that is, the man will become pregnant and give birth to a child. Perhaps this will not happen without the intervention of dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his child throughout the world.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then such a dream warns all of humanity about the danger posed by our polluted atmosphere. For the dreamer, this dream prophesies a meeting with a person who will greatly need his help.

To see a dirty child in the arms of a fallen woman in a dream - the dream suggests that the Earth is in very great danger. In the future SP I Dom, an unprecedented number of people will be infected, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction. But when it seems that nothing can change the plight, a person will appear who will invent a cure for this terrible disease.

If you dreamed of a child who has no limbs, then such a dream indicates that the Earth is in a real threat. Due to the fact that the environment is very polluted, many children will be born with various physical disabilities, as well as mental disorders.

Seeing a healthy smiling child in a dream is a happy sign. A happy time will finally come on Earth when love will rule the world. People will stop being afraid of wars, poverty and hunger, and therefore many healthy, beautiful children will be born.

Seeing a child running on the ground in a dream means renewal and symbolizes a new humanity.

A dream in which a child squeezes or kills a snake predicts that humanity will find a way to prevent the threat of nuclear war.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, this is a sign that you have come to the point in life when you need to reconsider and change your life.

Seeing a crying child means endangering your future.

Looking for your child in a dream means trying to find lost hope.

Seeing a child picking flowers in a dream means spiritual enlightenment.

Holding a baby in your arms in a dream means trying to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Dream Interpretation - Child

Dream about a child: giving birth to a child means wealth. How to dream of an overweight child - these are worries for the good; thin, whiny, worries about the bad. Seeing a small child in a dream is a big hassle. Child - argument, fight. If a woman dreams that she is pregnant or nursing a newborn, there will be profit. An old woman will see the same dream - it foreshadows severe illness and death. If you dream that a child is sucking on piles, then there will be poverty that cannot be unhooked. A child is an attack, a quarrel, troubles. A child on the table comes to life - the death of this child. Many children - anxiety. A child on a man’s shoulders (on korkoshas) means a pregnant woman will have a boy, on a woman’s shoulders a girl will be born.

Dream Interpretation - Child

A cheerful, cute child dreams of mutual love and strong friendship.

A crying child means poor health and disappointment.

A child walking alone is a sign of independence.

A woman who is nursing a child in a dream expects deception from the person she trusts most.

Nostradamus believed that a child dreams as a symbol of hope and the future. He interpreted dreams about a child as follows.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then this dream prophesies to the dreamer a meeting with a person who will greatly need his help.

Seeing a healthy, smiling child in a dream is a happy sign. A dream in which a child runs on the ground means renewal.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, then you have come to the point in life when you need to reconsider and change your life.

If you see a crying child, know that you are putting your future at risk.

If you were looking for your child in a dream, you will find lost hope.

Dreaming of a child picking flowers signifies spiritual enlightenment.

If you held a baby in your arms in a dream, you will try to find a way out of a difficult situation.

And here is D. Loff’s interpretation: “As the object of your dreams, a child represents something that requires care and attention. Here it is important to determine whether the sense of responsibility comes from yourself or is it imposed from the outside.

A dream involving a child can be dreamed by women of childbearing age as a reflection of the instinct of childbearing inherent in them. In men, such dreams signal a certain amount of anxiety, especially for sexually active men, which seems to be related to fear of the obligations of fatherhood.”

Dream Interpretation - Child

A child (child) is a symbol of the continuation of life, but also of troubles and anxiety. If you dreamed of a child, then we can say with confidence that in reality you are very worried about what is happening around you, something does not give you peace. A crying child in a dream means that despite your efforts, you are not getting desired result. Holding a baby in your arms and rocking it to sleep will require a lot from you, and the path to success will not be easy. A dream in which you feed a child promises you a troublesome task, but it will bring you moral and material satisfaction. Punishing a child in a dream means that in reality you experience great inconvenience, and you have to do work that you do not like.

Dream Interpretation - Child, child

When they take excessive care of someone or patronize them, then in this case they say: “Seven nannies have a child without an eye.”

Probably one of the most common expressions is the following: “Whatever a child enjoys, as long as it doesn’t cry.”

A child is a symbol of troubles, anxiety, capriciousness, inconstancy, so if you dreamed of a child, then we can say with confidence that you are very worried about what is happening around you, something is not giving you peace, and as a signal of your state of mind in the dream it appears child.

If you dreamed crying baby, then this is a sign that despite all your efforts, you will not get what you want.

Holding a child in your arms, rocking him to sleep, putting him to sleep - in reality you will be required to work hard, because the path to success will be very difficult.

A dream in which you are feeding a child promises you a troublesome task that will end with benefit for you and will bring moral and material satisfaction.

Punishing a child in a dream means that in reality you will experience inconvenience and discomfort, because you will be doing work that you do not like.

Dream Interpretation - Child

Seeing crying children in a dream means poor health and disappointment.

A cheerful, clean child means rewarded love and many good friends. A child walking alone is a sign of independence and disregard for unworthy opinions. If a woman dreams that she is nursing a child, she will be deceived by the one she trusts most.

It is a bad sign to dream that you are picking up your sick child if he has a fever: this dream foreshadows mental suffering and sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Child

Crying children in a dream portend deterioration in health and disappointment. A cheerful, cheerful child dreams of mutual love and many good friends. A child walking alone is a sign of independence and contempt for everyday vulgarity. If a woman sees in a dream how she is nursing a child, she will be deceived by the one whom she trusts most. It is a bad sign to take your sick, feverish child in your arms in a dream: such a dream foreshadows mental suffering and sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Child, baby, boy

if this infant, then in a dream it indicates anxiety, care, weakness and fatigue from the flattery of the ignorant. And a boy who has reached maturity is good news. See in a dream healthy baby getting rid of life's problems and happy love. See sick baby troubles. Whoever sees that he is holding a child in his arms will acquire property. If a person has a child in a dream, then in reality he will have troubles and worries. If in a dream you teach a child the Koran or something good, then you will greatly repent of your sins.

Dream Interpretation - Child

If you feel worried and worried about your own child: in reality, nothing serious threatens your family happiness.

At the same time, if your child seems hopelessly ill or dead to you, this means that you anticipate a real threat and you should be on alert.

Such dreams usually call on you to take some urgent action.

Playing with children and enjoying it: a sign that all your plans can lead you to success.

A lot of frolicking children in your dream: portend some fuss and not very serious troubles. Perhaps something will distract you, interfering with your main activities.

Crying children in a dream: foreshadow troubles and annoying obstacles in business.

Seeing yourself as a small child: a sign of a problem that you cannot cope with.

Usually such dreams warn you not to take on any business in which you understand little.

Seeing someone you know as a small child: foretells that you will have to correct other people's mistakes or solve other people's problems.

Dream Interpretation - Child

A small child is a great surprise, beautiful - the joy of being naked and dirty - trials, unexpected worries.

If a mother dreamed that her child was slightly ill, in reality he would not be threatened serious illnesses, but minor troubles can happen to him.

If you dreamed that your child was very sick or died, in reality there are serious reasons for concern.

If you just dreamed of a dead child, you will soon experience anxiety and disappointment.

Why see an adult son as a small child in a dream? +



If in a dream your adult son appeared before you in the guise of a child,
such a dream suggests that he is tired, has taken on an unbearable
I bear responsibility and need your help or advice.


There may be unexpected troubles. But everything will turn out well.

Seeing an adult son as a child

Dream Interpretation - Son

For the father, he himself and his hopes, fortunes, achievements, possibilities (based on appearance and behavior). For the mother, a symbol of her guardian angel, helper; emotional condition, relationship with husband. Left unhappiness in the family, a breakdown in relationships. For a childless woman, her feeling for her beloved, the situation with him. The son died, died and left the family; joyful event, peace. Sometimes “mother-son” relationships (their images in dreams), thanks to the formed broadband energy connection, go beyond typical symbolism and report on any actual events in reality (more often tragic) happening to them. This is how a mother can feel and see the death of her son through a dream (often such a “vision” occurs even in reality).

Dream Interpretation - Son

Seeing your own son in good health means you will achieve great heights in life.

Imagine your son healthy, beautiful and successful.

Dream Interpretation - Son

If the mother had a dream, everything is fine.

If the father had a dream, his son may have serious problems in the near future. To help him cope with them easily, give your son a family heirloom.

Dream Interpretation - Son

Dream Interpretation - Son

The Son - Who actually does not exist - is a reminder that you have not yet created what you should, have not accomplished the work of your life. They kill, they die - time is running out, we urgently need to “come to our senses”. Being born is a favorable opportunity for self-realization. Existing in reality is a reminder that it is time to analyze your relationships and, depending on the context of the dream, resolve the issues that have arisen.

Dream Interpretation - Son

If you have a son and you saw him handsome and obedient in a dream, you will have something to be proud of in reality, and your desire to take a high position in society or at work can be very successful. If your child looked sick or suffering in a dream, you should be wary of some kind of trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Son

If you have a son and you dreamed about him being handsome and obedient, then you will have something to be proud of.

If in a dream you are for some reason unhappy with your child, then you should be wary of trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Son

Communication with your son - he has problems, he needs your help.

Dream Interpretation - Small

Become small size, growth in a dream (especially in comparison with someone) means fear, danger that you are afraid of, defenselessness, weakness of spirit. Such a dream also means that you have a strong enemy. If you dream that some objects have decreased in size, then see the interpretation: them by name. Such a dream foreshadows a weakening of the meaning of these objects. See interpretation: little things.

Dream Interpretation - Little girl

The dream promises losses in the house. Perhaps one of the relatives (close or acquaintances) will leave home or city forever. If a girl talks to you in a dream, then one of your friends will die a “not natural” death.

A dream in which you see a little girl whose hair someone is braiding, foretells the appearance of a child in your home. A child will naturally require care and attention, but will also bring with it a lot of joy and pleasure. Perhaps the plans you have made will come true. If you have adult daughter, time to take care of the dowry for her.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about losing a Child?

What a child dreams about depends on the details of the dream. A baby can symbolize gushing energy, joy, and carefreeness. But it can also indicate helplessness, anxiety, and minor troubles.

  • Seeing a dead child means serious problems and disappointment.
  • A baby crawls in a dream - in reality you will be faced with a situation where you need to quickly make a decision.
  • A sleeping baby hints at your shyness and excessive gullibility.
  • If in a dream you dreamed of a child talking cheerfully, it means that you will soon receive pleasant news, a gift from fate.
  • A favorable interpretation also applies when you lead your baby by the hand. In reality, you will be able to find a way out of the deadlock situation.

Psychological interpretation of dreams according to Ivan Furtsev

What did Children dream about?

Why do you dream about a child? Take a close look at the dreaming baby. It's likely that this is yours inner child. This is who you are deep down. His appearance, words, behavior indicate your psychological state.

  • Seeing a whining, sad, lost child means, deep down in your soul, admitting to yourself helplessness. You are worried about some situation, something is haunting you.
  • If you see that you are holding a sick child on your lap, it means that you are cut off from the rhythm of the Universe. You do not feel supported either by people or by external forces. Mental loneliness depresses you.

Romantic dream book

Why do you dream about a Child?

  • Very often, a child symbolizes an immature relationship. You or your partner are acting like children, not understanding the seriousness of the situation.
  • If you see a baby of the same sex as you, you do not feel affection or warmth from your other half. Confidential conversation will help strengthen relationships.
  • Why do you dream Small child, largely depends on the situation in reality. For a young woman, a dream predicts an early pregnancy. An adult lady can find out about her daughter or son’s intentions to get married.
  • A man who dreams about a child advises him to reconsider his sexual behavior in his relationship with his wife.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about a Child?

  • Crying children in a dream portend deterioration in health and disappointment.
  • A cheerful, cheerful child may dream of mutual love and many good friends.
  • Why do you dream of a teenager walking alone - a sign of independence and contempt for everyday vulgarity.
  • If a woman sees how she is nursing a child, she will be deceived by the one whom she trusts most.
  • It is a bad sign to take your sick, feverish child in your arms in a dream: the dream foreshadows mental suffering and sadness.

Child according to Maly Velesov’s dream book

  • Child - work, dispute, fight, misfortune, troubles, wonder;
  • feed - profit (young) // illness or death (old);
  • sucks the breast - the enemy will cling; fat baby- pleasant worries;
  • a thin, whiny child, a boy or girl in a dream - unpleasant worries;
  • a dirty child craps himself - illness;
  • baby - empty affairs, troubles;
  • cries - to cry about his stupidity;
  • why do you dream of seeing big guys - help;
  • many children - troubles, anxiety;
  • on the shoulders of the husband - a son will be born;
  • the wife has a girl - this is the interpretation of a Child according to the dream book.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about a child in a dream? Children

  • According to the dream book, to give birth to a child is wealth.
  • If you dreamed about an overweight child, these are worries for the good; thin, whiny - worries for the bad.
  • Seeing a baby is a big hassle.
  • If a woman dreamed that she was pregnant or nursing a newborn baby, there would be profit.
  • The old woman will see the same dream - it foreshadows severe illness and death.
  • To see that a newborn is suckling, there will be poverty that will not come off.
  • What does a child dream about - attack, quarrel, troubles.
  • Seeing a lot of children is alarming.
  • Why do you dream of a child on a man’s shoulders (on korkoshas) - a pregnant woman will give birth to a boy, on a woman’s shoulders - a girl will be born.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a child in a dream?

  • Seeing a child cry in a dream means poor health and disappointment.
  • Dreaming of a cheerful, clean child portends love and many good friends.
  • A child walking alone in a dream means independence and disregard for unworthy opinions.
  • A woman dreamed of nursing a child - deception from someone she trusts.
  • An unfamiliar child in a dream - new plans will come true, but will require a lot of effort.
  • Seeing your child in a dream means a relationship with him.

Islamic dream book

The birth of a child - what does it mean for the dreamer

  • If you dream of a small child who is known and familiar to him, this means fun.
  • If the child seeing the dream is not known and familiar, then care and sadness will befall him, and an enemy will appear to him, but not a strong one.
  • If you dream of an adult in the form of a child, then he will do something that will bring reproaches on him.
  • Why does a beggar dream of a child - he will achieve pleasures and relaxation, and if a rich man dreams, then some other person will take possession of his property.

The Dream Guide by David Loff

Psychological analysis of a dream where the Child dreamed

  • As the object of your dreams, a child represents something that requires care and attention. Here it is important to determine whether the sense of responsibility comes from yourself or is it imposed from the outside.
  • Why do women of childbearing age dream about a dream involving a child as a reflection of the instinct of childbearing inherent in them?
  • In men, such dreams signal a certain amount of anxiety, especially for sexually active men, which seems to be associated with fear of the obligations of fatherhood.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why do you dream about a Child?

  • A child is a symbol of hope and the future. To dream that a child has been bitten by an animal, this dream indicates that in the future a large number of vampires will appear on earth, who will primarily pose a serious danger to children. For the dreamer, the dream prophesies a meeting with the Antichrist, who will want to make him his disciple.
  • Seeing a pregnant man means that what has been talked about for many years will still happen in the future, that is, a man will become pregnant and give birth to a child. Perhaps this will not happen without the intervention of dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his baby throughout the world. If you saw a disabled child, then the dream warns all of humanity about the danger posed by our polluted atmosphere. For the dreamer, this dream prophesies a meeting with a person who will greatly need his help.
  • Why dream of a dirty child in the arms of a fallen woman - the dream suggests that the earth is in very great danger. In the future, an unprecedented number of people will be infected with AIDS, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction. But when it seems that nothing can change the plight, a person will appear who will invent a cure for this terrible disease.
  • If in a dream you dreamed of a child who has no limbs, then the dream indicates that the earth is in a real threat. Due to the fact that the environment is very polluted, many children will be born with various physical disabilities, as well as mental disorders.
  • Why do you dream about a child? A healthy and smiling baby is a happy sign. A happy time will come on earth when love will rule the world. People will stop being afraid of wars, poverty and hunger, and therefore many healthy, beautiful children will be born.
  • Seeing a baby running on the ground means renewal and symbolizes a new humanity.
  • If a child squeezes a snake or kills it in a dream, it predicts that humanity will find a way to prevent the threat of nuclear war.
  • You saw yourself as a child - you have come to the point in life when you need to reconsider and change your life.
  • Seeing a crying child in a stroller means endangering your future.
  • Seeing your child falling into the water in a dream means trying to find lost hope.
  • Seeing a baby picking flowers in a dream means spiritual enlightenment. Holding a baby in your arms in a dream means trying to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Universal dream book for the whole family

Child's Interpretation

  • Child (child) - A symbol of the continuation of life, but also of troubles and anxiety. If you dreamed of a baby, then we can say with confidence that in reality you are very worried about what is happening around you, something is not giving you peace.
  • A crying child with a disability means that despite your efforts, you are not getting the desired result.
  • Holding a baby in your arms and rocking it to sleep will require a lot from you, and the path to success will not be easy.
  • You are feeding a newborn, promises you a troublesome task, but it will bring you moral and material satisfaction.
  • Punishing a child means that in reality you experience great inconvenience, and you have to do work that you do not like.

Esoteric dream book

Child in night dreams

  • Why do you dream of an unfamiliar child - The attitude of someone around you towards you.
  • The baby is crying, dissatisfied - you call negative emotions by your behavior.
  • If you dream of a child - Playing, jumping - the attitude towards you is businesslike, serious.
  • To see a baby who laughs and rejoices - you are treated with love, you evoke positive emotions.
  • According to the dream book, the child is sick, ugly - negative attitude to you threatens to escalate into open war.
  • To see a child who is beautiful and strong - you can rely on those around you and count on their unselfish participation and support.
  • If there is a person you know next to your child, then this is the attitude towards you of him and those who are at the same time with them.

Aesop's Dream Book

Allegories about Children

When they take excessive care of someone or patronize them, then in this case they say: “Seven nannies have a child without an eye.” Probably one of the most common expressions is the following: “Whatever a child enjoys, as long as it doesn’t cry.” A child is a symbol of troubles, anxiety, capriciousness, inconstancy, so if you dreamed of a baby, then we can say with confidence that you are very worried about what is happening around you, something is not giving you peace, and as a signal of your state of mind in a dream, it appears child.

  • If you dreamed of a crying child, then despite all your efforts, you will not get what you want.
  • Why dream of holding a child in your arms, rocking him to sleep, putting him to sleep - in reality you will be required to work hard, because the path to success will be very difficult.
  • You are feeding a newborn, promises you a troublesome task that will end with benefit for you and bring moral and material satisfaction.
  • Punishing a child in a dream means in reality experiencing inconvenience, discomfort, because you will be doing work that you don’t like, this is how the dream book Child that you dream about is interpreted.

Rick Dillon's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a child in a dream?

  • I dream of a handsome man, healthy child symbolizes a warning; patient - disappointment and worries.
  • Rocking a child in your arms in a dream portends that you will have to make a lot of effort to achieve your goal.
  • I dreamed of a child in the arms of a pregnant woman - a direct sign indicating the gender of your baby.
  • I dreamed of a large child - surprise.
  • Seeing a baby in a dream means well-being.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why do you dream about a child in a dream?

  • Child in a coffin - Success and prosperity.
  • Why do you dream of a child - on a man’s shoulders a boy will be born, on a woman’s shoulders a girl will be born.
  • Why do you dream of a child playing - pleasure and fun, with his mother - happy hours.
  • A cute child in the water, according to the dream book, is a pleasant acquaintance.
  • I dreamed of a fallen child - an obstacle in an endeavor.
  • Seeing a child with a wet nurse - a dream foreshadows a long-term dangerous illness; but if a pregnant woman has a dream, it means that she will give birth to a daughter who will not live long, or that she will soon lose her husband.
  • There is a dream of children running around the house - the dream foreshadows the troubles of business for those who do not have children, and this dream reminds those who have children to take more care of their upbringing; this dream portends pleasure, joy and prosperity.