Acyclovir is a powerful word in antiviral therapy. Acyclovir ointment - composition, use, features and contraindications

Anyone who has encountered a “cold” on the lips knows how unpleasant and painful condition. Various antiviral medications are available to relieve symptoms and eliminate lip blisters faster. One of them is Acyclovir ointment, a powerful antiviral agent.

Instructions for use of Acyclovir ointment require using the drug strictly as directed and not only for “colds” on the lips. What kind of drug is this and what does it help with?

Description of the drug

Acyclovir is antiviral agent, which has a positive effect on the herpes virus, which affects the mucous membranes and epidermis of humans.

The pharmaceutical drug is available in the form of a whitish or yellowish ointment, packaged in aluminum and laminate tubes. Acyclovir for herpes is used only externally. To treat herpes on the skin, a 5% ointment is produced, and for the treatment of the eyes - 3%.

The mechanism of action of the ointment is quite complex, but to put it simply, the active substance of the ointment interacts with viral enzymes and interrupts its further reproduction. The ointment is quickly absorbed by the skin if it is not covered with a crust. Prevents the reappearance of rashes by curing existing ones.


The drug in the form of an ointment contains the active substance acyclovir. Among the auxiliary components, chicken oil, emulsifier No. 1, propylene glycol, nipagin, nipazole and purified water should be noted. It should be noted that the drug is available both in the form of an injection solution and in the form of tablets for internal use.

Cold on the lip. How to prevent and treat herpes? Video:

What is Acyclovir ointment used for?

What does Acyclovir ointment help with, besides curing the herpes virus? The range of its application is much wider. Due to active ingredients composition of the drug and the specifics of their effects, the drug is used to treat diseases such as:

How to treat herpes on the lips? Video:


The ointment should not be used if the patient has following symptoms or restrictions:

  • Individual intolerance to the active substance or auxiliary components of the ointment.
  • If there are purulent lesions or ulcers on the skin.
  • Cannot be applied to open wounds and bacterial lesions.
  • It is not recommended to treat children under three years of age.

Do not use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

It must be said that the use of ointment for pregnant women is permitted by the attending physician if the benefit for the woman is greater possible risk for a baby.

Side effects

Like all medicines, Acyclovir ointment has some side effects, where they distinguish:

  • burning sensation on the skin at the treatment site;
  • the appearance of dry skin;
  • peeling;
  • skin rash in the form of urticaria;
  • itching of the skin on the treated area;
  • erythema.

If the described symptoms occur, you should stop using the ointment - these symptoms do not require treatment, everything will go away on its own. But it is better to additionally consult with your doctor which ointment to use in the future.

Rules of application

Treatment of skin manifestations of herpes or its discharge on mucous membranes requires compliance with the rules for using Acyclovir ointment:

Acyclovir for chickenpox in children

Acyclovir for childhood chickenpox is prescribed if the course of the disease is too severe or the child is still small, under one year old. It is also used for congenital chickenpox infection. In infants, as a rule, chickenpox is severe, so they are prescribed not only ointment, but also Acyclovir tablets.

For older children who have passed the age of one, the ointment is prescribed for significant rashes on the body, if the child has severe intoxication of the body and a high temperature. The appointment must be made by the attending physician.

Only the blisters themselves need to be lubricated; adjacent areas of the skin should not be touched. A film immediately forms on the skin, which prevents it from breathing. You must follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor. It depends on the area of ​​treatment and the weight of the baby. You can lubricate the blisters from the first day they appear and do this for 5 days every 4 hours. Treatment cannot be carried out at night, because the skin needs to rest a little.

Acyclovir during pregnancy

While carrying a baby, you should not take either tablets or injections of Acyclovir. Ointment for external use can only be prescribed by a gynecologist. If herpes appears on the genital mucosa, then it is better to treat it ophthalmic drug– it is more gentle and cannot harm the fetus.

Even topical application of the ointment can be started in the third trimester of pregnancy to prevent infection of the baby during the passage birth canal. Before applying the ointment, the mucous membrane should be washed with warm water and dried with a towel. Apply the drug only to the affected areas every 4 hours for 5-10 days.

Acyclovir during breastfeeding

Quite often, herpes affects women who are breastfeeding. In this case, the doctor prescribes the woman a drug, not only for local use, but also in tablets. Although the active substance of the drug penetrates into breast milk, but this is a minimal percentage of what the mother drank and does not harm the child.

In addition, the components of the medicine are eliminated from the body after 3 hours, so you need to take the tablet immediately after feeding and maintain a period of time.

Skin manifestations of herpes should be treated with ointment and strict hygiene should be observed so as not to infect the baby.

Apply ointment to affected areas 5 times a day. If herpes occurs on the chest, then using Acyclovir is not recommended - the doctor should choose a less dangerous drug. The affected area on the chest must be covered with a bandage to prevent contact with the baby's skin. Both mammary glands affected exclude breastfeeding. If only one breast is affected, then you can feed the healthy one and express milk from the sick one.

Acyclovir for acne

Sometimes girls use Acyclovir ointment for acne on their face. I must say that you won’t be able to get rid of them quickly with this ointment.

However, when applied regularly to pimples, they disappear. The ointment effectively fights viral rashes on the face, and acne has a bacterial nature of the lesion.

Why does it help eliminate red pimples and whiteheads? Because Acyclovir promotes the release of its own interferon in the body, albeit in minimal quantities. It helps boost immunity, which leads to quick treatment of acne. In addition, the components of the ointment cleanse the skin, which helps relieve inflammation and fast healing wound.


Analogues of Acyclovir ointment are produced based on the active substance acyclovir, such as:

  • Avicin;
  • Acigerpin;
  • Acyclostad cream;
  • Vivorax cream;
  • Zovirax – it comes in the form of an ointment for the skin and eyes.

How much does Acyclovir cost? If you take domestically produced ointment, then the price of a standard tube is from 15 rubles. Imported drugs are much more expensive - from 70 to 200 rubles.

What is better Zovirax or Acyclovir? If you treat a “cold” on the lips, then products in the form of ointments act the same way. It should be noted here that both drugs also have other forms of release: tablets and injections. Zovirax is also available in powder form. Both drugs contain the same active substance and their mechanism of action is the same. The main and significant difference between them is the cost: Zovirax costs several times more than its analog Acyclovir. It can be purchased at a pharmacy at a price of 200 rubles and more.

Acyclovir ointment is cheap and effective drug for the treatment of viral rashes on the skin and mucous membranes. Don't look for something better - many ointments that will be offered to you are made on the basis of acyclovir, but they can cost more and have more side effects.

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An effective way to combat herpes is Acyclovir ointment: an antiviral drug that brings results. Its actions prevent the development of the virus; the active substance has an effect on infected areas. The ointment has a pale yellow color and is used externally. The concentration of the substance entering the bloodstream upon application is unknown. Not found in urine a large number of acyclovir.

There are two types of ointment, differing in the concentration of the active substance.

  • 5% - used to combat herpes on the skin and mucous membranes.
  • 3% - used to treat eyes.

For what diseases is it used?

Acyclovir helps remove affected areas in various diseases.

  1. Herpes simplex type 1. The appearance of watery, small blisters on the mucous membranes of the mouth. It’s simpler – a cold on the lips. Infection occurs through direct contact, by airborne droplets, through household items used by an infected person.
  2. Herpes of the second type (genital): primary, recurrent (repeating). Accompanied by a burning sensation of the external genitalia in places where a bunch of blisters appear, turning into ulcers.
  3. Varicella (chickenpox). A viral disease characterized by the appearance of a rash and fever. Transmitted by airborne droplets.
  4. Shingles. Infection characterized by skin lesions. Usually accompanied by pain.

Contraindications for use

The safety level of the drug when used is quite high. However, improper use of the ointment (long-term use, neglect of the expiration date), individual intolerance to the components contained in Acyclovir can cause adverse reactions in the body.

  1. Pain following application of the drug.
  2. Inflammation of the external genital organs of women.
  3. The occurrence of urticaria, itching.
  4. Dry, flaking skin.

If such symptoms are detected, you must stop treatment and consult a specialist. These actions will contribute to the disappearance of unpleasant reactions.

Cannot be used by children under 3 years of age.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

It is not advisable to use the ointment for nursing mothers or pregnant women. The first and second trimester of pregnancy are characterized by the formation and growth of the child’s internal organs. The use of the medicine has adverse influence on development processes. In the third trimester, consultation with a gynecologist is necessary before use.

Acyclovir should not be used during lactation. The active substance that gets into mother's milk negatively affects the functioning of the baby's kidneys.

Correct Application

Following several rules will ensure the effectiveness of treatment.

For effective struggle with herpes on the skin and mucous membranes, you need to remember the following points:

  • The procedure for treating affected areas includes the use of medical gloves or finger pads.
  • The entire affected area needs to be treated. Daily use is 5-6 times, the medicine should be applied at intervals of 4 hours. Elderly people and those with kidney disease should limit themselves to 2-3 procedures.
  • The treatment period is 5-10 days. The therapy will contribute to the drying of the blisters that have arisen, the formation of a crust, and the complete healing of the affected areas. Extension of therapy is possible if prescribed by a doctor.
  • It is recommended to wash and shower after applying the medicine 1.5-2 hours later.
  • Acyclovir does not protect against the virus. Avoiding direct contact with other people will prevent infection.
  • Chickenpox occurring in children in mild form, does not require the use of the drug. For adults who suffer from a severe illness, on the contrary, the use of ointment is recommended.
  • The product for external use should not be applied to the eyes, mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, or vagina.

The following rules will help neutralize the virus that attacks the organ of vision:

  • The ointment should be placed in the lower conjunctival sac, located between eyeball and eyelid, maximum daily use is 5 times.
  • It is advisable to carry out the course of treatment without the use of contact lenses.
  • Having gotten rid of the symptoms of the disease, extend the course of treatment for 3 days, maximum duration is 10 days.

The effectiveness of treatment will increase the timely start of therapy, drug interactions, the latter must be agreed with the doctor. It is worth remembering that the virus is capable of developing resistance to the active substance if used frequently during relapses of the disease.

Mechanism of action

A characteristic feature of external herpes is the rash of blisters on the skin, inside of which there is a liquid carrying the virus. The ointment, applied in a thin layer, penetrates inside. Through a series chemical reactions, acyclovir is transformed, the active substance - triphosphate - appears. The reaction medium is infected cells. The transformed substance is integrated into the DNA of the harmful carrier, blocking its reproduction. The virus stops affecting the body, as a result of which the symptoms of the disease disappear.


One drug goes by many names. The international one receives the main active ingredient, the trade one is given by the manufacturer.

Acyclovir – international name. "Zovirax", "Gerpever", "Vivorax", "Ciclovir", "Virolex", "Acyclostad" - commercial.

Any drug in this series will show the same treatment result.

The mechanism for fighting the virus remains unchanged. The difference is: price, release form, dosage.

The disadvantage of the product is considered frequent use, so Valaciclovir was developed. The drug, created on the basis of acyclovir, is better absorbed by the body, the daily intake of the drug is reduced to 2-3 times. There is a possibility of viral resistance to acyclovir, leading to treatment failure. Similar situation necessitates the use of the following means:

  • Famvir. Antiviral drug, used to combat infections caused by herpes with reduced immunity. Dosage form: tablets. Daily use – 2-3 times.
  • Fenistil Pentsivir. The drug is recommended for treatment purposes herpes simplex when reappearing on the lips. Application should take place every 2 hours, not counting night time. The treatment period is 4 days. Cannot be used by children under 12 years of age.

Acyclovir ointment effective, accessible remedy, which helps rid the body of two types of herpes simplex, chickenpox, herpes zoster. Pregnant women should use after consulting a doctor. Side effects are extremely rare. The course of treatment lasts a minimum of 5 days and a maximum of 10. The number of daily applications is 5-6. Prolonged or improper use can cause addiction; for such cases there are various analogues.

Acyclovir ointment is a drug with antiviral activity, intended for external use only. The instructions for use of this medicine indicate that it may be prescribed to treat certain types of viral diseases with manifestations on the skin and children. Acyclovir acry ointment is similar in composition; several more subtypes of this ointment can be purchased in pharmacies - the additional prefix to the main name indicates only the manufacturing company of the drug.

Composition and pharmacological properties of Acyclovir ointment

Basics active substance ointments – acyclovir belonging to the group synthetic analogues deoxyguanidine. This substance is a component of DNA. Acyclovir is active against herpes simplex viruses type 1 and 2, which cause not only herpes, but also shingles and chickenpox. The ointment exhibits moderate activity when exposed to Epstein-Barr viruses and cytomegaloviruses.

After application to the skin, acyclovir ointment penetrates directly into cells infected with a microorganism, that is, a virus. In cells, acyclovir interacts with viral enzymes, disrupts their normal development and thus breaks the chain of reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. The drug has no effect on healthy cells.

When applied to intact skin, the ointment is practically not absorbed. When treating damaged skin, the components of the drug penetrate into the general bloodstream in small quantities, but are quickly excreted by the kidneys.

Acyclovir for external use is available in three different types, This 5% ointment And 5% cream, And three percent ointment, intended for treatment ophthalmological diseases. In addition to stopping the virus from multiplying when applying any of the following products to the skin:

  • Pain sensitivity decreases.
  • The likelihood of further spread of rashes throughout the body is reduced.
  • The risk of complications is reduced.
  • The formation of a crust is accelerated.

The use of Acyclovir allows you to minimize recovery time, and reviews from people who use this ointment have repeatedly confirmed this fact.

Indications for use

Traditionally, the drug is used against herpes, but the scope of its use is much wider. The instructions for use of Acyclovir ointment indicate that it can be prescribed for the treatment of:

  • Herpetic eruptions at the second or third stage of their development.
  • Herpetic keratitis.
  • Shingles and chickenpox.

The use of acyclovir ointment for herpes helps prevent further spread of blisters. The drug is effective not only in the development herpetic rashes on the skin, it is also prescribed for treating the mucous membranes of the external genitalia. The ointment can be used in the treatment of herpetic stomatitis.

It is best to start applying the medicine at the earliest stage of an exacerbation of herpes. Only in this case the manufacturer guarantees the highest therapeutic effect. The drug is also effective in exacerbation of herpes infection that occurs after chemotherapy, in postoperative period and in HIV infected people.

Is it possible to apply acyclovir to the eyelids and mucous membranes of the eyes? To treat the eyelids, you can use regular 5% ointment. But if treatment is required inner eyelid, then a special eye ointment, containing only 3% acyclovir.

Acyclovir acri ointment is used in the same cases as the regular drug. Both drugs have the same properties and mechanism of action on the virus.

Contraindications for use

Acyclovir in the form of an ointment is not prescribed if the body's sensitivity to the main component of the drug or to the auxiliary ingredients is increased. No extended clinical trials during pregnancy and lactation period. Therefore, Acyclovir ointment during pregnancy and throughout breastfeeding should be prescribed strictly by a doctor.

Features of treatment with Acyclovir ointment

To bring the drug maximum benefit and did not lead to the development of side effects, you need to know how to apply Acyclovir, how much to use and the frequency of application per day. Basic rules for using Acyclovir ointment:

  • Before applying the ointment, it is necessary to remove all cosmetics and other medications from the site of the rash.
  • The ointment is applied only with a glove or with one finger in a fingertip.. This is necessary to prevent the herpes virus from entering healthy areas of the skin.
  • Apply the drug from the periphery to the center. The layer of medicine should be thin, but dense enough and covering the entire area of ​​the rash.
  • Frequency of ointment use per day – 5-6 times, the interval between applications should be at least 4 hours. When treating elderly patients, Acyclovir is prescribed with a frequency of application no more than three times per day.
  • After drug distribution Avoid exposure to water for at least an hour and a half.
  • Treatment must be continued until the resulting rash dries. But the course of therapy should not be less than five days, even if all the rashes have disappeared. And the duration of treatment should not exceed 10 days. If the symptoms of herpes do not disappear during this time, you should consult a doctor.

When a child develops chickenpox, Acyclovir ointment is used only if the disease occurs with high temperature and a large number of blisters on the body. In addition to the external use of the medicine, the doctor may prescribe such children treatment with systemic antiviral agents and the use of antipyretics if necessary.

Acyclovir for chickenpox in the form of an ointment is most often prescribed to adults. This infection in adult patients is usually more severe, and the use of ointment reduces painful sensations and prevents further formation of rashes on the skin.

Important! It must be remembered that applying Acyclovir to the skin does not prevent transmission of infection to other people. Therefore, during the period of exacerbation of herpes infection, contact with other people should be limited.

Acyclovir eye ointment, that is, a 3% drug, is prescribed for the treatment of herpes keratitis and other viral diseases of the mucous membranes of the eye.

Its application has its own characteristics:

  • The ointment must be placed behind the conjunctival sac.
  • The medicine is used no more than five times a day, and the general course of therapy is no more than three days. Compliance with this rule reduces the side effects of Acyclovir.
  • Contact lenses are avoided throughout the treatment.

It must be remembered that for some diseases, applying only antiviral ointment is not enough. The ophthalmologist may also see the need to use eye drops with a specific mechanism of action.

What to consider when using Acyclovir

It is advisable for patients with herpes to always keep Acyclovir ointment on hand.. This will allow you to start using it immediately after the first signs of an exacerbation of the virus appear - burning and soreness. As practice shows, only earlier application of the ointment can avoid the formation of a large number of painful rashes. The ointment should be prescribed to children only according to indications; it should not be used for mild cases of chickenpox.

When using Acyclovir as a topical treatment for genital herpes, you must remember that this drug will not protect your sexual partner. Therefore, for the entire period of the rash, sexual contact should be prohibited..

The therapeutic effect of Acyclovir is also determined by the state of the immune system. In case of severe immunodeficiency, it is necessary to use not only external, but systemic antivirals, as well as immunomodulators.

What to choose: acyclovir cream or ointment?

These two dosage forms have the same content of the main active ingredient - 5% acyclovir. They differ in texture. The ointment contains more fat base, so it is denser and therefore acts longer and better. The texture of the cream is light and is usually recommended for use when treating the mucous membranes of the genital organs and inside lips for herpetic rashes.

When applying the ointment, pain and burning may increase. Some patients experience allergic reactions in the form of swelling, redness, small rash. If these changes are detected, the ointment is washed off from the skin, and further treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

Be sure to store the ointment correctly. An unopened tube is stored in a cool place for 2 years from the date of release. An opened tube should be used within a year, after which it should be disposed of.

Cost of Acyclovir and drugs with similar effects

The price for a domestic drug is the most affordable - a small tube of medicine costs from 15 rubles. Acyclovir Sandoz ointment, produced in Germany, is distinguished by its high cost. Its cost starts from 150 rubles, although in terms of composition and mechanism of action it does not differ much from the Russian drug.

The most famous and frequently prescribed analogues of Acyclovir ointment based on the active ingredient:

  • Zovirax
  • Cyclovir
  • Vivorax
  • Virolex
  • Herpesin
  • Lisavir
  • Provirsan
  • Medovir

Herpes infection is a disease that cannot be completely defeated. To reduce the likelihood of another exacerbation, you should contact a qualified doctor who will prescribe treatment based on the diagnosis. And Acyclovir can be included in this treatment regimen not only in the form of an ointment, but also in the form of tablets.

All people who are periodically exposed to herpes infection regularly try to get rid of its consequences, which is sometimes possible to do with great difficulty. Modern medicine There are eight types of herpes infection. Each of these viruses “specializes” in its own specific area of ​​the body or organ, but most often the rashes appear on the lips, wings of the nose, genitals and back. To get rid of this unpleasant and dangerous disease they use antiviral medications, among which “Acyclovir” cream is especially popular (instructions for use are in each package). In this article we will talk about what effect it has on the body, how to use it, its composition and preparations with similar properties.

"Acyclovir" - what is it?

This medicine is an antiviral drug. It has an inhibitory effect on certain herpes viruses. In the body of a cell infected with the herpes virus, under the influence of the drug, a series of reactions occurs, as a result of which acyclovir is transformed into mono-, di- and triphosphate of acyclovir. Then acyclovir triphosphate is inserted into the viral DNA chain, which allows blocking the synthesis of the virus.

This drug has specificity and very high selectivity of action, which are due to its concentration in cells attacked by the herpes virus. The medication exhibits high activity against Herpessimplex types 1 and 2, the virus that causes chickenpox, herpes zoster, Epstein-Barr virus. Moderate activity is observed against cytomegalovirus. For herpes, helps prevent the formation of new rashes, accelerates the formation of crusts, relieves attacks pain with herpes zoster. When using Acyclovir cream according to the instructions for use, its components are well absorbed by skin cells in the area of ​​application. It practically does not enter the systemic circulation.


The drug prescribed for the treatment of the following pathologies:

  • Skin infections caused by Herpes simplex viruses types 1 and 2 (the cause of genital and oral herpes), both primary and secondary, not excluding genital herpes.

In addition, the medication is prescribed for the prevention of secondary infections as in patients with normal immune status and in HIV-positive patients. This is confirmed by the instructions for use. “Acyclovir Hexal” (cream) will be discussed below.

Release forms

The drug comes in the form of: tablets, ointment for external use 5%, cream for external use 5%, eye ointment 3%, concentrate for preparation injection solution. In addition to the active substance, the cream contains auxiliary components in the form of:

  • Medical vaseline oil.
  • Cetostearyl alcohol emulsifying type A.
  • Poloxamer 407.
  • Propylene glycol.
  • Dimethicone.
  • Purified water. This is indicated in the instructions for use for Acyclovir cream.


There are generally accepted dosage standards for the drug, which we will briefly discuss. The cream is applied to the area of ​​skin affected by the rash. Also, the medicine is applied to the lips and genital area, if there are herpetic manifestations in these areas of the body. The cream is used five times a day at intervals of four hours. The duration of treatment is usually up to five days. For herpes zoster, the cream is applied to the affected areas of the skin two to three times a day, the course of treatment lasts seven days. After the effect of using the drug has occurred and there are no more manifestations on the skin, treatment must be continued for about three more days for preventive purposes. If there is no improvement in the condition of the skin or reduction in the rash, then the course of treatment, in consultation with the attending physician, should be extended to ten days. Acyclovir Belupo (cream) is used according to the same scheme. The instructions for use confirm this.

Application of Acyclovir cream

Ointment and cream are used to treat rashes caused by the herpes virus on the skin and mucous membranes. Before using the cream, the skin should be disinfected with Chlorhexidine, Furacilin solution or regular medical alcohol. After this, you can begin the main treatment.

When treating with ointment or cream, you must remember the following rules:

  • The ointment is applied using medical gloves or a special pad.
  • The interval between applications of the ointment should be about four hours, that is, it should be applied five to six times a day.
  • The use of the ointment should be continued until crusts form at the sites where the herpes rash appears (usually this occurs on the fifth to tenth day after the start of treatment). If positive results no, you should consult a doctor.
  • Do not shower after applying the cream for 1.5-2 hours.
  • The product is applied only to areas of the skin where there are rashes, in a thin but dense layer. What else does the instructions for use indicate about Acyclovir cream?

If symptoms of chickenpox appear in children, the medication should not be used, since the disease is childhood It is much easier and does not require medical intervention. Separately, it is worth mentioning the use of the ophthalmic version of this drug. Patients in their reviews claim that only ointment should be used.

  1. The ointment is used no more than five times a day for three days. This dosage does not pose a danger to the patient’s visual organs.
  2. The medicine is applied by placing it behind the conjunctival sac.
  3. Wearing contact lenses is prohibited during eye treatment.
  4. For some eye diseases Acyclovir alone is not enough, so it is often used additional funds, but only as prescribed by the attending physician.

The use of the described cream prevents further spread of the rash, reduces the likelihood of the virus appearing on internal organs, relieves pain in acute period diseases, promotes the formation of crusts on wet areas affected by herpes. If the use of the cream does not give sufficiently stable results, then it may be necessary to use systematic treatment, that is, take Acyclovir tablets together with the cream. This is confirmed by the instructions for use.

"Acyclovir Sandoz" (cream) is an analogue. Reviews confirm its effectiveness in treating the problem.

Side effects

In general, this drug is well tolerated and the appearance adverse reactions practically not observed, since the active substances do not enter the systemic circulation. Side effects appear allergic manifestations and can be expressed in the form skin rash, itching, urticaria and swelling. In extremely rare cases, the development of angioedema is observed (expressed in swelling of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, most often localized in the face or genitals). If side effects occur, use of the drug must be stopped. This is indicated in the instructions for use for Acyclovir cream. For children, it must be prescribed by a doctor.


In case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug, its use is contraindicated. When allergic reactions(skin rashes, itching, urticaria) it is also not recommended to use the drug, it is necessary to replace it with another.

special instructions

According to the instructions for use, Acyclovir 5% cream should be used as early as possible, at the first symptoms of infection. This medication is taken only as prescribed by a doctor, since self-treatment may lead to complications. The medicine is not able to prevent transmission of infection when sexual contacts, therefore, during the treatment period you should abstain from sexual activity, even if there is no clinical manifestations diseases. Patients should be aware that they are carriers of genital herpes during rashes, as well as in the case of asymptomatic disease. Before you start using the cream, you should read the instructions and pay attention to the following instructions:

  • Acyclovir cream cannot be used to treat herpetic manifestations in the eyes. For this purpose, the medicine is specially produced in the form of an eye ointment.
  • If there is no significant effect from using the cream, you should consult a dermatologist or infectious disease specialist. Perhaps in your case systemic therapy is necessary and the doctor will prescribe it together with local treatment and taking pills.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding the use of the cream is allowed since the active substance is not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream.

In pharmacies, this medicine is sold freely, without a prescription. If you have any questions or doubts during treatment, you should consult your doctor. When treating herpes in the lip area, care must be taken not to infect healthy people in your environment (use of individual utensils and personal hygiene items). This is confirmed by the instructions for use. Acyclovir Acri cream is very effective.


As we have already mentioned, the active ingredients of this drug are not absorbed into the systemic circulation, and that is why cases of overdose are not observed. This is confirmed by most consumer reviews.

Terms and conditions of storage

Best before date medicinal product- two years from the date of manufacture. But from the moment the package is opened, the medicine must be used within one month. Store the cream in a dark place, out of reach of children, at a temperature of +15-25 °C. Acyclovir Acri cream and ointment (the instructions must be strictly followed) has a large number of analogues.


There are a lot of drugs on the pharmaceutical market with similar effects: “Acyclovir Belupo”, “Acyclovir Hexal”, “Acyclovir Sandoz”, “Acyclovir Forte”, etc. The composition of these drugs according to the main components and their concentrations in the preparation there is little difference from each other. The principle of action is the same: the active substance penetrates the infected cell and is modified into a substance toxic to herpes. These drugs do not destroy the infection, but they reduce the concentration of HSV/Varicellazoster and help immune system in the fight against it. The indications for use of all these medications are the same. Therefore, if the use of any of these remedies does not bring the expected results, you should consult a doctor for advice.

We have reviewed the instructions for use for Acyclovir cream.


The cost of the drug is very affordable, about 50 rubles. May depend on the location of sale.

The drug "Acyclovir" (ointment), the instructions for use of which are in front of you, is a medicine that is used to treat various infections mucous membranes, skin, which are caused by the herpes simplex virus, herpes zoster. The medicine is also used as complex therapy chicken pox. Acyclovir (eye ointment) is used to treat severe complications herpes, which can affect the organs of vision. The drug has a pronounced antiviral effect.

Medicine "Acyclovir". Release form, composition

Medicinal substance It is produced mainly in the form of an ointment in aluminum tubes, which are placed in cardboard packs. One gram of the drug contains fifty milligrams of the active substance - acyclovir. Excipients The drugs are low molecular weight and high molecular weight polyethylene glycol.

Medicine "Acyclovir" (ointment). Instructions: pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics

The drug for local application is not able to penetrate the bloodstream; its concentration in this tissue is negligible (0.01 mmol/l). The mechanism of action of the main component is a competitive interaction with active substances virus (transaminase). As a result, a phosphorylation reaction occurs, which results in the formation of acyclovir phosphates. They are integrated into the DNA of the virus and suppress the processes of growth of their genetic material. This activity is manifested against the Epstein-Barr simplex virus. The main substances of the drug prevent the formation of new morphological elements of the rash, reduce the likelihood of skin dissemination, visceral complications, accelerate the formation of crusts, and help reduce pain in the acute phases of herpes zoster.

Medicine"Acyclovir" (ointment). Instructions: method of application, doses

The drug is intended for external use only. It must be applied to the hearth five times during the day, maintaining an interval of four hours. Therapy should begin with the appearance of the first signs of the disease (first blisters, tension, itching). The course of treatment is ten days. The ointment is also applied to areas that border the skin affected by herpes.

Pharmaceutical product"Acyclovir" (ointment). Side effects, contraindications

The drug has the following side effects: itching, burning, soreness, local irritation of the mucous membrane, which disappears after withdrawal medicine, and also peeling of individual areas skin(with prolonged use, vulvitis may develop).

Among the main contraindications we should highlight increased sensitivity to individual components, pregnancy, lactation.

The drug "Acyclovir" (ointment). Instructions: drug interactions, special instructions

When taking the drugs Interferon and Acyclovir together, the antiviral effect of the latter is significantly enhanced due to the increase in the rate of metabolic processes in the affected cells.

During lactation and pregnancy, the drug should be used with extreme caution, or it is better to avoid using it altogether. The medicine does not have any effect on the ability to operate machinery, vehicles.

Medicine "Acyclovir" (ointment). Instructions: symptoms of overdose

If the dose of the drug is exceeded, characteristic clinical signs appear:


Neurological disorders;

Vomiting, nausea;

Renal function disorder;


To eliminate them, hemodialysis is necessary.