Allergies at home - what to pay attention to. Allergies in the apartment. Make your home a smoke-free zone

Every day we are surrounded by a large number of things: upholstered furniture, carpets, curtains, children's toys, flowers in a vase, Appliances and other household items. Many families have beloved pets: parrots, rabbits, cats and dogs. How to warn allergic reaction, if all this surrounds us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?

To begin with, you should follow basic rules hygiene. So doctors recommend doing wet cleaning in the house at least once a week. Dust is one of the most common allergens. Today you can find in supermarkets special means for caring for cabinet furniture and appliances with antistatic agents. For cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture There are a huge number of cleaning products, sprays, foams and powders that can be easily applied to the surface and removed with a vacuum cleaner. Developers of home care products have provided products for washing and disinfecting window sills, radiators and floors, without chlorine. The use of such preparations not only refreshes the room, but also promotes deeper cleaning and removes bacteria and allergens.

Pillows and soft children's toys are a perfect breeding ground for allergens and bed mites. That is why they need to be periodically cleaned with steam, and it is better to put anti-allergenic covers on pillows and mattresses.

The air conditioner blades and the corrugated tube of the vacuum cleaner... an allergen dream. Clean your favorite equipment regularly.

The bathroom, kitchen, corners and baseboards especially require your attention, because mold is best friend bacteria that cause an allergic reaction. Clean surfaces thoroughly with disinfectants.

If you have beloved pets in the house, you should take care of their hygiene as well. A dog that smells like shampoo is much less likely to cause a reaction in allergy sufferers, because... In most cases, an allergic reaction is caused by enzymes produced by the animal's skin. Dogs are also advised to brush their teeth and treat their ears and eyes. Rabbits, hamsters and Guinea pigs also need care. An animal cell is an excellent place for bacteria to grow.

In general, the main rule can be drawn: take care of your things and your home: wash, wash, repair and improve everything that is around you. And then you won’t be afraid of any everyday allergic reactions.

ABOUT home allergies

Allergy is a hypersensitive response of the human body to repeated exposure to an allergen. In order for an allergic reaction to develop, the allergen must enter the body. At the first such hit, the body does not react in any way (since the immune system does not have time to produce a sufficient number of antibodies to this allergen). If the allergen is exposed again Antibodies are produced, which results in an allergic reaction..

Household allergy refers to an allergy to dust., which consists not of one substance, but of many different allergens. House dust includes book dust, pollen home plants, fragments of animal hair, human hair and desquamated epithelium, excrement of various insects, and, in addition, fungal spores (for example, mold and yeast). An important allergen that is also part of house dust is dust mites. All these dust elements are invisible to the naked eye; they enter our body through the respiratory system.

Video - diagnosis and treatment of allergies, 12:17 min

And as you understand, Life is not easy for people who are allergic to house dust. After all, if it were an allergy to animal fur (cats and dogs), then one could avoid contact with them, not touch them on the street and not let them into the house. But in the case of an allergy to house dust, this will not work, since dust is always and everywhere and it is extremely difficult to achieve such cleanliness in the house that there is not a speck of dust.

Treating home allergies is better
don't study on your own

Causes of allergies at home

The main cause of allergies to house dust is hypersensitive immune reaction the human body to the components included in the dust. In addition, this type of allergy can be inherited (hereditary factor).

As mentioned above, the most important allergen that leads to the development of an allergic reaction to house dust, is a dust (household) mite. Household mites are not visible to the naked eye. Its size is on average 0.3 mm. Ticks feed on scales of the desquamated stratum corneum of the epithelium (human skin). Ticks live in bedding, pillows, mattresses, and blankets. Household ticks do not pose any danger - they cannot bite you or infect you with any skin disease, transfer the infection. But even the smallest particles of dead ticks, and especially their excrement, are considered a fairly strong allergen.

Symptoms of home allergies

Symptoms of house allergies are as follows:

  • Itching in the eye area, lacrimation;
  • Mucus discharge from the nose (rhinorrhea);
  • Sneezing, coughing, difficulty breathing.

The condition may worsen and symptoms may intensify at night, when a person goes to bed (if the main role of the allergic reaction is a household mite), or in the morning when waking up. Also general state a person may get worse when cleaning the room (when wiping dust, using a vacuum cleaner, beating carpets). Moreover, the person may experience allergy symptoms when indoors, which contains many objects that especially accumulate dust (for example, a room in which there are many soft toys, long-pile carpets on the floor, heavy curtains on the windows).

Alexander Sergeevich Puryasev -
Chief Physician of the ENT-Asthma Clinic, Dr. medical sciences

  • Try to know the substances to which you are allergic (pollen, house dust, animal dander)
  • If possible, avoid contact with the allergen, especially during an exacerbation of the disease
  • With prolonged contact with the allergen, overall performance decreases immune system, the risk of bronchopulmonary diseases increases significantly
  • Delayed diagnosis of allergies or incorrect treatment can cause very serious consequences.
  • And remember, disease is easier to prevent than to cure.

Puryasev A.S.

It is better not to treat home allergies on your own., because to receive good result specialist consultation is required. Home allergy treatment is carried out in our medical clinic"ENT-Asthma" on top level. Our experienced specialists will carry out qualitative examination, identify the cause of the allergy and prescribe effective treatment.

For successful treatment any allergy, it is necessary to establish the main factors, identify the allergens that cause the development of this allergy.

From diagnostic measures To establish a correct diagnosis, the following is carried out:

  1. Skin tests. To the middle third inner surface Suspected allergens (food, fungal, epidermal, etc.) are applied to the forearms in the form of drops. Then they make a small scratch on this place. Wait about 3-5 minutes, after which the result is assessed.
  2. Intradermal tests. With this method, an intradermal injection is performed and the allergen is introduced. This method is allowed to be used when allergy symptoms are not pronounced.
  3. Blood test for IgE content. This is the most reliable and reliable method. In addition, this study is considered the only possible one when it is unknown what kind of allergic reaction (strong or weak) should be expected from the patient when the allergen is introduced.

After identifying the cause of the home allergy, treatment begins. Treatment of home allergies is aimed at eliminating the occurrence of an allergic reaction against house dust by prescribing specific antiallergic therapy. At the ENT-Asthma clinic, our doctors quickly and efficiently determine the cause of allergies and prescribe treatment that helps get rid of or at least reduce the severity of its manifestations. In addition, our specialists correct immunity, which can be damaged by various factors, including congenital disorders of the immune system.

Video reviews about allergy treatment at the ENT-Asthma clinic

Anna Grigorievna, allergy treatment

Olga, 26 years old, allergy treatment

Videos and publications about allergies

Special interview about allergies in children

On August 24, 2011, in a live broadcast of the TDK TV channel “Our Children,” the chief physician of the ENT-Asthma clinic, Doctor of Medical Sciences Alexander Sergeevich Puryasev answered questions from viewers about allergies in children. Questions were raised about the causes of allergies, symptoms and types of allergies in children.

Cost of treatment

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Questions from users on our website about home allergies

What to do in this case: after working as a physical education teacher for 40 years, I developed chronic diseases. pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis, torments

dyspnea. Previously, all these diseases were considered occupational diseases, but now they have been removed from the list of occupational diseases and the attitude of doctors towards patients has changed. I would like to know the simplest and most effective, home treatment for such diseases from the lips of doctors, there are a lot of offers on the Internet, but only God knows who is right and who is wrong. Thank you.

Alexander Puryasev,
Sorry, but you want magic))). With such diseases as you have listed, and even in chronic form(!) “simple, effective, HOME methods” of treatment do not exist! Do not self-medicate, otherwise you will always be sick. Contact an ENT doctor and a pulmonologist.

A 1.6-year-old child has not been taken to the hospital; she has been suffering from a dry cough for 2 weeks; what could be wrong with this? How to treat it at home

home conditions?

Alexander Puryasev,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief Physician of the Clinic:
We take care of children from 3 years old. But dry cough for 2 weeks - bad sign. Contact your pediatrician or pulmonologist. Anything can be: obstructive bronchitis, and pneumonia. development of an asthmatic component

Last 2016, I was diagnosed with stable remission based on the fact that I was given a sample with house dust and I developed an allergic reaction.

reaction, maybe this indicates that I have asthma and the diagnosis is correct? Because of this, I was not accepted into the army, but I want to serve my homeland.

Alexander Puryasev,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief Physician of the Clinic:
I didn't understand much from your description. Moreover, I can’t figure out whether you have asthma or not. In general, the diagnosis of bronchial asthma is not easy to make right away, you need to analyze a lot of data: complaints, anamnesis (how the disease developed), blood tests (there are many of them), pulmonary function test, x-ray of the lungs, auscultation of the lungs, and... important! good specialist

During the year, the nose periodically swells, there is copious watery discharge, vasoconstrictors do not help, only a prednisolone injection temporarily stops it, it was revealed

allergy to house dust, but swelling does not go away after treatment prescribed by various allergists and ENT specialists. I ask for help, with respect.

Alexander Puryasev,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief Physician of the Clinic:
I'm waiting for you at the reception. We will try to solve your problem.

First of all, let's deal with the manifestations of allergies. Here are the main ones:
  1. All sorts of irritations appear on the skin: in the form of spots, bubbles and blisters. Their sizes depend on the severity of the disease.
  2. , as a type of rash on skin. It is accompanied by itching and burning.
  3. The nasal mucosa becomes inflamed, a runny nose appears, and the child’s breathing becomes difficult. Less commonly, Quincke's edema occurs in advanced stages of the disease. Most often, such symptoms are possible due to an allergic reaction to pollen and substances in household chemicals.
  4. Conjunctivitis, tearing and redness of the eyes.
  5. Difficulty breathing due to swelling of the larynx often develops into bronchial asthma. There are attacks of suffocation.

7 main allergens in our home

What in our homes can provoke intolerance in children? As it turned out, these are, at first glance, completely harmless things that are fraught with a threat:
  1. Indoor plants, or rather mold, which often appears in flower pots due to excessive watering. So try to keep an eye on your green friends.
  2. Pets. Any animal waste products can cause illness, since the protein that is found there is a strong allergen for babies.
  3. Carpeting, furniture and soft toys. All of them are big “collectors” of dust and small mites, which are known to us for their harmful secretions.
  4. Bed and pillows. Natural filler (down and bird feathers) often contains harmful microbes and the same mites mentioned above.
  5. Bathroom. Mold loves to live here due to the humid and warm air. It can be seen with the naked eye near the sink, toilet and in the joints between the tiles.
  6. Kitchen. Mold also often appears here, but mostly on food products.
  7. Air purifiers and air conditioners. If they are not cleaned on time, they become carriers of harmful microbes, dust and pollen.

How can I help the baby?

What to do if you notice signs allergies your his child in the apartment?
First of all, of course, you need to see a doctor to determine the allergen. Based on this, the baby will be prescribed medication. But to avoid negative consequences, you should stick to the basics preventive measures for caring for your home:
  1. Remove the allergen from your child’s habitat and diet
  2. Do wet cleaning more often
  3. Ventilate the room
  4. Clean the filter in your air conditioner every 6 months
  5. Minimize the use of household chemicals
  6. Limit contact with four-legged friends.

Runny nose, rash, excessive lacrimation, sneezing, difficulty breathing - these symptoms can turn into a real test for someone who is “attacked” by allergens. Each of us has at least once encountered these unpleasant reactions of the body. Moreover, most of the factors that provoke the development of allergic reactions are present in every home. The main ones are considered to be seven:

  • dust;
  • mold;
  • pet hair;
  • household chemicals;
  • paints and varnishes;
  • houseplants;
  • latex.

In some cases, the cause of an allergy can only be determined by a specialist in the appropriate field: an allergist, by taking a special sample.

There are fewer and fewer people who are never allergic to anything these days. If you notice that your tears, runny nose and sneezing begin soon after you wiped dust from the mezzanine or smelled geranium, and a rash on your hands appears with enviable frequency after washing dishes, the following information is for you.

So, let's start in order:

1. Household dust

The most insidious allergen. After all, there is no exact formula for the composition of dust. If you look at dust under a microscope, it consists of: dead particles of the epidermis (that is, our own skin), hair flakes, dandruff, pollen, mineral components, cellulose particles, chitinous particles of insect shells, pet hair, mold, bacteria and other unpleasant components. It is completely impossible to get rid of household dust, because people themselves are partly its “producers.”

Even if you regularly clean your house and maintain literally perfect cleanliness, household dust will still be present. It accumulates invisibly in various corners of the house - on shelves, in books, soft toys, home textiles, bedding and furniture. It is impossible to completely get rid of household dust, but you can take some measures to combat its habitats.

Symptoms of a dust allergy are:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • runny nose;
  • itchy skin;
  • sneezing;
  • rash on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • cough (dry, spasmodic);
  • development of eczema.

These symptoms are present in humans all year round, especially pronounced in autumn and winter time, when a person is forced to spend most of his time indoors rather than outdoors.

The most dangerous consequence Allergy to household dust is bronchial asthma, and this disease can be triggered by the dust itself and other manifestations of allergies (for example, the notorious rhinitis). Therefore, doctors recommend not to ignore a runny nose in the morning, periodic hives or lacrimation while cleaning premises - these phenomena are already a reason to visit an allergist, and to observe the following at home Rules for dealing with household dust:

1. Reduce the number of places where dust can accumulate. You will have to slightly change the design of the room: remove carpets and rugs, change curtains to blinds, change velor furniture to leather, in a word, minimize fabrics that tend to hold and accumulate dust on their surface. It is also worth taking care of how to store books and soft toys - they, like clothes, should be put in closets.

2. Think about what you sleep on. It is better to replace your usual mattress - a lot of dust has probably already accumulated in it, so it would be advisable to purchase one that can be easily cleaned using a non-chemical method. A new mattress needs to be fitted with a cover that will completely cover it. This will extend its service life. But even the most expensive and comfortable mattress needs to be changed every 8-10 years.

If you still sleep on down and feather pillows, replace them with products with synthetic filling. And change every 2-3 years.

When choosing a blanket, preference should be given to products made from easily washable, lint-free fabrics. Bed sheets It is advisable to wash twice a week, using special products that can destroy dust mites.

3. Carry out wet cleaning of the house every day: wipe the dust, wash the floors.

4. Take care of additional purification and humidification of indoor air - install air purifiers, ionizers, and air conditioners with a humidification system. And change filters regularly, because mold can form on them - another dangerous enemy of our immune system.

2. Mold

Mold is a very aggressive “household” allergen that can cause a severe reaction. In the house it lives in places of high humidity (kitchen, bathroom), and can also live on walls. Today, more than 20 varieties of mold fungi are known that negatively affect human health.

When mold is inhaled, a person will experience the following symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing and shortness of breath;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • cough;
  • itchy skin, small red rashes (urticaria);
  • bouts of sneezing;
  • runny nose;
  • in rare cases: nausea, upset stomach, sometimes pain.

The danger of mold is that it can multiply very quickly and penetrate into places that are difficult to clean. To prevent mold from blooming wildly in your home, you will need to carry out a number of preventive measures:

1. Mold loves moisture. The humidity level in the house must be constantly monitored using a special device. Readings of no more than 40-60% are considered normal.

2. When cleaning the house, you need to especially carefully clean the places where mold is most likely to accumulate: bathroom, kitchen, toilet, ventilation grilles, pantry. Dry the tiles on the walls and floors in the room after taking a bath (shower). For high-quality cleaning of these places, it is recommended to use soda solution(per liter hot water 3 tablespoons of baking soda) or replace it with special mold-fighting products. Pronounced foci of mold should be wiped with a solution of table vinegar (1 tablespoon per 200 ml of warm water).

3. Ventilate your home more often.

4. Books, in which mold also loves to “settle”, need to be vacuumed from time to time, ventilated, dried in the sun and, if necessary, irrigated with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide (from a spray bottle).

5. If you are allergic to mold, it is advisable to avoid indoor flowers. Or at least monitor the condition of your plants: wipe the leaves, monitor the condition of the soil.

And let us remind you that since mold is a very aggressive allergen, these measures are rather auxiliary against the background of drug treatment, which should be prescribed by a doctor.

3. Pets

Alas, this is true: our pet can cause a deterioration in our health.

The reason for this is the protein contained in saliva, sweat, particles of their skin and fur. Therefore, an allergy may well occur to an animal that is not particularly fluffy.

You may notice allergy symptoms from the first hours of an animal's appearance in the house, but the disease can develop much later.

Typical pet allergy symptoms include:

  • sore eyes and excessive lacrimation;
  • skin itching, redness and rash;
  • frequent sneezing and unexplained runny nose;
  • shortness of breath due to difficulty breathing;
  • in especially severe cases, an allergy to a pet can provoke the rapid development of angioedema or anaphylactic shock.

According to doctors, allergies most often appear to cats, but the same reaction of the body can develop to rabbits, dogs, goats, birds, horses, cows and rodents, in general to any domestic animal. Therefore, doctors do not recommend close contact with pets. For people prone to this type of allergy, it is better, sad as it may be, to give their pet into good hands and not have any more pets. If parting with your beloved cat is not possible, then Please pay attention to the following points:

1. The animal's habitat is in the apartment. Do not allow him to enter your room or kitchen.

2. Frequent walking. Let your animal spend time in the fresh air more often.

3. Discipline. We'll have to ban for a pet lie on a bed, chair or walk on tables.

4. Places where protein secreted by animals can accumulate. Wash your bed linen at least twice a week, vacuum your mattress, pillows and furniture covers more often (after all, particles of animal hair and skin are also part of the dust).

5 .Ventilation of premises. Drafts should be created more often in the bedroom and other rooms in the house.

6. Carpets and rugs. They are also dust and fur collectors, so they will have to be removed.

7 .Room humidity. As stated above, optimal level humidity in the room is 40-60%. Carry out wet cleaning in the house regularly - dust and wool should not “fly”.

8. Air purification. An air purifier is a useful thing in all respects.

9 .Health and hygiene of your pet. You need to bathe your pet regularly and take care of its health - give it multivitamin complexes, provide balanced diet, because our smaller brothers can also suffer from allergies.

For the treatment of severe manifestations of allergies to pets in humans, antihistamines, symptomatic agents and sorbents.

4. Household chemicals

Those household chemicals that we come into contact with every day can cause allergies. The fact is that dishwashing detergents, tiles, plumbing fixtures and floors contain chemical components, and each of them can become a powerful irritant. So read the ingredients carefully.

Most often this allergy manifests itself in:

  • formaldehyde (included in mold killers);
  • nitrobenzene (used to prepare floor and furniture polishes);
  • phosphates (found in almost all washing powders and detergents);
  • dyes/flavors/fragrances (included in every household chemical product).
  • Allergens found in household chemicals can affect the body in different ways:
  • through the skin (if a person does not work with household chemicals wearing gloves);
  • through Airways(since small particles of allergens tend to evaporate from surfaces);
  • and even through contact with bed linen and clothes that are not rinsed enough after washing.

Symptoms There are many allergies to household chemicals.

  • itching and redness of the skin;
  • frequent sneezing and excessive lacrimation;
  • nasal congestion;
  • dry cough;
  • headache;
  • drowsiness.

Repetition of these unpleasant conditions should be a reason to visit an allergist. Only a specialist can accurately determine the cause of the allergy.

1. Give preference to hypoallergenic products. They do not contain phosphates, chlorine, dyes, parabens and fragrances.

2. When cleaning the house and washing dishes, use a protective cream and wear rubber gloves.

2. For cleaning, it is better to use natural, “grandmother’s” products: mustard, baking soda, vinegar, salt, ammonia and lemon juice.

4. Ventilate the premises thoroughly after cleaning.

5. Don't wash by hand - leave it to the washing machine, and always set it to an extra rinse cycle.

6. By the way, oh washing powder: It is better to give preference to liquid products, including cleaning products.

At drug treatment For allergies to household chemicals, doctors usually prescribe creams/ointments based on corticosteroid drugs, antihistamines, and symptomatic medications.

5. Paints and varnishes

Everyone knows that low-quality paints and varnishes contain a lot of potential allergens. But it can be provoked not only by construction or finishing materials, but also by printing, textile, and cosmetic paints.

In this case, the allergy will manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • rashes, peeling, itching and redness on the skin;
  • sore throat and cough;
  • nausea;
  • pain in the eyes and profuse lacrimation;
  • dizziness;
  • suffocation.
  • At severe course allergies to paints and varnishes may develop bronchial asthma, seizures, eczema and anaphylactic shock.

Quite often, allergies are triggered by cosmetic hair dyes or decorative nail polish. Materials and compositions for repairing premises are also dangerous.

To minimize the risk of developing these reactions, you should follow the recommendations of specialists:

1. Any artistic and painting work should be carried out only in well-ventilated areas.

2. When working with any paint and varnish materials, use gloves.

3 .Work in a special respirator mask.

4. Before using cosmetic dyes (for example, hair dye), you must test on a small area of ​​skin, usually the skin of the wrist.

5. If possible, avoid working with materials that can provoke a strong allergic reaction; it is advisable to replace them with hypoallergenic ones (for example, water-based varnishes and paints are much safer than acetone-containing ones).

6. Houseplants

Houseplants, like any living organism, breathe and release various substances into the air - they can provoke a severe allergic reaction. Also, dust or mold may accumulate on the leaves of indoor plants, which is a reason for an inadequate reaction of the body.

Neighborhood with indoor plants may result in the following symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • runny nose and sneezing;
  • dry cough.

Most often, allergies are caused by plants that release essential oils into the air.

These include geranium, pelargonium, hydrangea, ferns, indoor maple, cyclamen, dracaena, primrose and many others. Plant pollen is also very insidious. To get rid of allergies, you need to get rid of the source of the irritant and undergo a course of treatment with antihistamines prescribed by an allergist.

1. Carefully choose plants for your home, excluding those that are likely to cause allergies.

2. Do not place plants in the bedroom (the same applies to vases with bouquets).

3. Once a week, remove dust from the leaves of plants - wipe the leaves with a damp cloth or give the plant a “shower”.

4 Spray and fertilize plants outside or on the balcony.

5. Try not to inhale pollen.

7. Latex

Latex is contained in a large number of objects that surround a person - toys, rugs, chewing gum, gloves, hosiery, condoms, clothespins, kitchen utensils and many others. Latex can cause quite severe allergies, which will manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • itching and swelling of the skin;
  • nasal congestion;
  • redness and itching of the eyes.
  • In especially severe cases: rapid heartbeat or a sharp slowdown in pulse;
  • severe swelling of the tongue, lips, face, neck and/or genitals;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • fainting, blue lips;
  • apathy or, conversely, excessive nervous excitability.

An allergy to latex can occur immediately after contact with the product, or after several hours. It is noteworthy that people with latex allergies also have food allergies: for cherries, potatoes, bananas, kiwis, peaches, avocados, nuts.

The fact is that both latex and the listed food products contain the same protein - it is this protein that provokes allergies.

To exclude an allergy to latex, you just need to prevent any contact with products made from it.

Restore the body during symptoms developing allergies Antihistamines and symptomatic medications can be used.

Allergens are hidden everywhere in our home. You can try to exclude them from Everyday life, you can endlessly put things in order and stop using chemicals. But what about outside world? Dust, flowering plants, painted objects, car exhausts also await us on the street... This is where allergists will come to the rescue - they will not only find out exactly what irritant negatively affects the body, but will also prescribe effective treatment.

All more people V modern world suffers from allergies. According to statistics, among our compatriots more than 50 million people face immune system disorders due to systematic contact with allergens. Many people mistakenly believe that the sources of allergies are only found outdoors. In fact, they lie in wait for us at home too. The well-known household dust allergy is one of the most current problems modernity, because it is almost impossible to get rid of the smallest particles of dust during cleaning. Let's try to figure out what house dust is, what allergens it contains and how they affect our health.


It is almost impossible to avoid pollen from entering your home. The smallest particles penetrate into the room through door and window openings and remain on a person’s clothes and shoes. Once in a living room, pollen can be stored there for years in places that are difficult to reach for regular cleaning. Accordingly, people suffering from seasonal allergies on plant pollen, can feel unpleasant symptoms all year round, without even realizing that the irritant is still in their home.

Dust mites

These microorganisms most often live in bedding (mattresses, pillows), carpets, upholstered furniture, and soft toys. For the unarmed human eye dust mites invisible. Meanwhile, their numbers are very high. Surprisingly, one gram of house dust can contain up to 30 thousand dust mites! In this case, allergies are caused not by mites themselves, but by their metabolic products, or more precisely, by the digestive enzymes they contain.


More than one hundred thousand species of molds found in house dust are known. The most common species found in homes are Aspergillus, Alternaria, Penicillium, Cladosporium. Mold spreads through the air and, when it enters the human body, causes the development of asthma and chronic bronchitis. Mold also accumulates in the soil of flower pots.


Contrary to popular belief that pet fur and fluff are strong allergens, in fact, allergens are found in the saliva, urine and gland secretions of animals. However, wool, like dust, acts as a carrier of these allergens throughout the apartment.

In addition to carpets and furniture upholstery, there are many other items in the house where dust accumulates - in plush toys, which become a real breeding ground for dust mites, and in books, and especially in the bed, where dust accumulates. a large number of dead skin particles, warm and cozy. All this creates favorable conditions for ticks. And feather pillows can be called an ideal home for these pests.

Every time you sit on the sofa, close or open the curtains, and even vacuum, a huge amount of dust and allergenic particles rise into the air.
It would seem that if the room is systematically cleaned, carpets and furniture are vacuumed, then the amount of dust in the room should be minimal. In reality, everything is much more complicated. Cleaning with a regular vacuum cleaner in most cases leads to aggravation of the problem: tiny particles dust is not retained by the vacuum cleaner and goes back into the air, long time after that, remaining in a suspended state. Allergens that were previously localized on the carpet enter the air and “scatter” throughout the room, and their concentration in the air increases several times. As a result, we inhale dust along with allergens. That is why it is so important to approach the choice of a vacuum cleaner with all responsibility. The Dyson Cinetic cyclonic vacuum cleaner effectively traps allergens in the dustbin as you clean and releases clean, dust-free air. The model is recommended for use by people prone to allergies by two of the most authoritative organizations: the Swiss Association against allergic diseases and the British Allergy Foundation - because it even captures mold, pollen and bacteria particles smaller than 0.5 microns.