Birch: medicinal properties. Wood species

The beautiful white-trunked birch has long been considered a symbol of Russia; it seems to personify the nature and soul of the Russian person. And just for globe There are more than 100 species of birch, and not all of them have the white bark that is familiar to us. In our country, the most common birches are silver (warty) and downy.

Silver birch is a tree from this family. birch trees up to 30 m high with smooth, white, easily exfoliating bark. In old trees, the bark at the base of the trunks is black and gray, with deep cracks. The branches of the tree are usually drooping (hence the name), young shoots are covered with resinous “warts”.

Activated birch is obtained from birch wood through dry distillation. charcoal. After appropriate purification, preparations are prepared from it that are used in the treatment of poisoning by poisons and bacterial toxins. Birch bark (the outer layer of bark) is used to prepare Birch tar, which serves as the basis for cooking medicinal oil. Tar and its oil are used as external medicine for ulcers and skin rashes.

Birch buds are harvested in winter or early spring, at the very beginning of swelling. At this time they are pointed, sticky, covered with tile-like scales. At the same time, it is important not to waste time and collect the buds before they bloom and the bud scales open, until the tips of the green leaves appear.

Branches with buds are tied into bundles and in this form they are dried in the open air or in dryers at a temperature of 25...30°C. After drying, the buds are threshed. Dried buds should be dark brown in color with a pleasant odor, bitter taste and shiny surface due to the presence of a significant amount of resinous substances in them.

Birch buds have the richest chemical composition. They contain up to 5% essential oils, up to 5-7% tannins, a lot of saponins and vitamin C. Fresh buds emit volatile phytoncides that have a detrimental effect on microorganisms.

Young birch leaves are collected in May-June, when they are still sticky and fragrant and have not become coarse. They are collected in the morning and dried in a dark, well-ventilated area at moderate temperature.

Birch sap has long been very popular among our people. It is collected in early spring, before the leaves bloom from the cuts in the trunk, but this must be done very carefully so as not to destroy the tree itself. To do this, you need to carefully drill a small hole in the trunk and insert a groove into it, along which the juice will flow.

After collecting the juice, this hole must be covered with wax or plugged with a wooden stopper. But, unfortunately, due to careless implementation of this work, many trees often die. During the collection of sap, one mature healthy tree can produce up to 50 liters of sap or more.

From time immemorial, birch sap has been widely used in Russian folk medicine. It has a rich chemical composition, contains a large number of glucose, fructose, organic iron and a lot of vitamin C. By the spring, vegetables and fruits prepared in the fall for future use lose their nutritional value. Therefore, birch sap is the best vitamin remedy in the spring for scurvy and vitamin deficiencies.

The juice has a beneficial effect on the general water-salt metabolism, is useful for gout and rheumatism, and has the ability to dissolve urinary stones of phosphate and carbonate origin.

As a diuretic, birch sap is used for edema and diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is also useful for flu, colds, various infectious diseases. It is a good diaphoretic and removes waste products from the body. And if you add a tablespoon of honey to a glass of birch sap, then this medicine helps well with insomnia, neuroses, coronary disease heart, osteochondrosis.

The juice is very strong antiseptic effect, therefore used externally for skin diseases, including for eczema. IN medicinal purposes Birch sap is taken 1 glass 3 times a day.

By evaporation, birch sap can be thickened to a syrup that has the thickness of honey.

Chaga is an ancient Siberian folk medicine used for gastrointestinal diseases and tumors.

You can practically collect chaga all year round, but it’s easier to do this in winter, when its black growths are clearly visible on leafless trees. And the content in chaga is biological active substances at this time it reaches its maximum.

Chaga is an excellent biological stimulant, has positive influence to the central nervous system, metabolism, increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

There are few plants in nature that would have such a variety of valuable medicinal properties and such a wide range therapeutic effects like a beautiful birch.

Water infusions and decoctions of birch buds and alcohol tincture are used as a strong diuretic and choleretic agent for diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, Bladder, gout, joint damage, bronchitis, tracheitis, as an expectorant and disinfectant, in the treatment of acute and chronic eczema.

The most wide application In both official and folk medicine, birch leaves and buds are used in the treatment of almost all colds.

For bronchitis and flu, a collection consisting of equal shares of birch buds, oregano herb, St. John's wort and yarrow herb is effective. To prepare the infusion you need 1 tbsp. l. Pour the crushed mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 12 hours, strain. Use the infusion 1 glass 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

In folk medicine, warm birch sap and a decoction of birch buds or leaves are widely used for bronchitis. To prepare such a decoction you need 3 tbsp. l. birch leaves pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and cook over low heat until evaporated by half, strain, sweeten with honey. Take 1 tbsp. l. many times a day or warm your nose with this decoction for a cold.

At acute bronchitis A useful collection consists of 1 part of birch buds, 2 parts of knotweed herb, 1 part of yarrow herb and 1 part of coltsfoot leaves. To prepare the infusion you need 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture, leave in a thermos for 8 hours, strain. Take 0.3 cups 3 times a day.

For sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, it is useful to drink without restriction warm Birch juice. For sore throat, it is useful to gargle several times a day with warm birch sap.

At colds, pneumonia and pulmonary tuberculosis, many herbalists use an alcohol tincture of birch buds with honey. To prepare it you need 3 tbsp. l. crushed birch buds, pour a glass of vodka, leave in a dark place at room temperature 6 weeks, strain. Add 1 tbsp to the infusion. l. honey and stir well. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

A mixture of alcoholic tinctures of birch leaves and garlic with honey is even more effective for these diseases. To prepare it you need 3 tbsp. l. pour crushed birch buds into a glass of vodka and leave in a dark place for 40 days. Then strain, mix with garlic alcohol tincture in equal parts, add 2 tbsp. l. honey boiled in a boiling water bath and stir everything well. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Helps well with coughs oil infusion kidneys with honey. To prepare it you need 2 tbsp. l. crushed birch buds mixed with 50 g unsalted butter, put on low heat, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Simmer over low heat or in the oven for 1 hour. Cool until warm state, strain, add 100 g of honey boiled in a water bath, stir well. Take 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day before meals.

For colds with a runny nose, use a mixture consisting of 1 part of birch leaves, 3 parts of burdock leaves, 4 parts of coltsfoot leaves, 8 parts of leaves black currant. To prepare the infusion you need 1 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture, leave in a thermos for 2 hours, strain. Take 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

In the same case, use a mixture consisting of 1 teaspoon of birch leaves, 2 teaspoons of mint leaves, 6 parts of string grass. To prepare the infusion you need 1 tbsp. l. collection, pour a glass of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 3 hours, strain. Take 0.3 cups 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

For pleurisy, herbalists recommend a complex mixture consisting of 2 parts of birch buds, 2 parts of calendula flowers, 2 parts of horsetail herb, 1 part of hawthorn flowers, 1 part of elecampane root, 1 part of oregano herb, 1 part. licorice root To prepare the infusion you need 1 tbsp. l. crushed collection, pour a glass of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 3 hours, strain. Take 0.5 cups 4 times a day.

At bronchial asthma use a collection consisting of 3 parts of birch leaves, 6 parts of string grass, 3 parts of plantain leaves, 2 parts of chamomile flowers, 2 parts of nettle leaves, 2 parts of ephedra herb, 2 parts of knotweed herb. To prepare the infusion you need 2 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture, leave in a warm place for 20 minutes, strain. Take 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day after meals.

Birch leaves and buds are widely used in the treatment of skin diseases. In the treatment of acne and skin irritation, lotions, rubs and compresses from a decoction of birch buds help. The same decoction is used for inflammatory diseases skin and itching.

Helps with skin diseases medicinal baths with infusion of birch buds. To prepare them you need 10-12 tbsp. l. raw materials, pour 3 liters of boiling water, leave in a warm place for 3 hours, strain, pour into a bath with water temperature 36...37°C. The duration of the procedure is 12-15 minutes, the course of treatment is 10 baths.

And if you go to the bathhouse, then make brooms from birch branches. They cleanse skin well when prone to rashes and pustular diseases, accelerate wound healing, relieve pain in muscles and joints after physical activity, improve lung ventilation.

Birch buds are also included in the anti-inflammatory collection. It consists of 3 parts of birch buds, 2 parts of elecampane root, 1 part of wormwood herb, 2 parts of dandelion root, 1 part of tansy flowers. To prepare the infusion you need 1 tbsp. l. collection, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Use 0.75 cups 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Remember! Infusions and decoctions of birch buds and leaves should be taken, especially for a long time, with caution due to the high content of resinous substances in them. This should only be done under the supervision of the attending physician.

V. Loiko

(Gardener No. 27, 2011)

Birch as a diuretic

Currently, after a long oblivion of the merits of " green pharmacy", All more people turns to medicinal plants, since they have a number of advantages over chemicals. This suggests that the aphorism of ancient physicians is still true: “The doctor has three tools - the word, the plant and the knife.”

Studying therapeutic effect medicinal plants shows that their past use as medicines, based on observations of many generations, receives scientific justification. Moreover, in many cases herbal medicines have their advantage, because don't give serious side effects when used correctly and skillfully.

Therefore, in continuation of the topics raised earlier on the pages of our newspaper, we continue to publish interesting materials about those widespread tree species that grow not only in the forest, but also on every summer cottage, and which are of significant interest as medicinal plants. Try this forest pharmacy too.

The beautiful white-trunked birch has long been considered a symbol of Russia; it seems to personify the nature and soul of the Russian person.

Russian doctors more than a hundred years ago established the diuretic effect of birch buds. They are harvested in winter or early spring, at the very beginning of swelling. At this time they are pointed, sticky, covered with tile-like scales. At the same time, it is important not to waste time and collect the buds before they bloom, before the tips of the green leaves appear.

Branches with buds are tied into bundles and in this form they are dried in the open air or in dryers at a temperature of 25-30°C. After drying, the buds are threshed. Dried buds should be dark brown in color, with a pleasant smell, bitter taste and shiny surface due to the presence of a significant amount of resinous substances in them.

Young birch leaves are collected in May-June, when they are still sticky and fragrant and have not become coarse. They are collected in the morning and dried in a dark, well-ventilated area at moderate temperature. Their effect on the human body is milder, because... they contain few resinous substances that negatively affect the kidneys.

In folk medicine there are many recipes for medicinal use birch in the fight against a wide variety of diseases. Both buds and birch leaves are widely used for diseases urinary tract and kidneys.

An infusion of birch buds has long been used as a very strong diuretic. To prepare it you need 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of raw materials into 1 glass of boiling water, heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, leave in a warm place for 40-45 minutes, strain.

You need to take this infusion 1 tbsp. spoon warm 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. This infusion can be prepared for 3-4 days, but it must be stored in a cool place. Birch sap has the same effect.

For the same purposes, it is widely used alcohol tincture birch buds. To prepare it, birch buds must be poured with alcohol in a ratio of 1:5, left for 10-12 days in a dark place at room temperature, and strained. Take 1 teaspoon of tincture 3 times a day.

A decoction of dry birch leaves has a strong diuretic effect. To prepare it you need 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of dry leaves into 1 cup of boiling water, leave in a warm place for 30 minutes, strain, add a little on the tip of a knife baking soda. Take 0.5 cups 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Russian herbalists have long used a mixture consisting of 3 parts of birch leaves and 1 part of dandelion root as a diuretic. To prepare the infusion you need 1 tbsp. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture, leave in a warm place for 1 hour, strain. Take 0.25 cups 4 times a day 20 minutes before meals...

V. A. Loiko

A birch tree must grow for about 70 years in order to become a raw material for the wood processing industry. Its wood makes a pleasant impression: light, milky white, with an admixture of yellow and pink flowers. The severity of tree rings is assessed as weak.

According to the international standard DIN 4076, birch is designated by the abbreviation “BI”.

After atmospheric drying, at a material moisture content of about 12%, its density is approximately 650 kg/m?. This indicator corresponds to the average value between medium-heavy and heavy types of wood. Birch material is quite soft, for this reason it is sometimes classified as a soft-leaved species, prominent representatives of which are poplar and linden. This is not entirely true. It is more correct to consider birch as a material of medium hardness. In addition, birch wood has high elasticity and toughness, it is difficult to split and is characterized by an average bending strength.

Birch trees belong to the non-core species: sapwood and heartwood are very similar in appearance, have the same color, from yellowish-beige to pinkish, reddish spots may occur. There is a silky shine.

Sometimes the age of a tree can be determined by its color: in older specimens, the kernels have a reddish or brown tint. Birch wood fibers are rare, sizes vary from small to medium, and the pores are scattered.

One of the most valuable properties The beauty of birch is its unpretentiousness; it grows in almost any conditions. It is important that the growth process occurs quite quickly.

Birch wood is easily subject to rotting, so if the finished product is planned to come into contact with water, treatment with antiseptics is considered mandatory.

Features of downy, silver and dwarf birch wood

IN Central Europe The most common species are silver birch and downy birch.

  • Downy birch, unlike silver birch, is heavier, more viscous and has relatively thin fibers;
  • Silver birch has a twisted wood structure, due to which it forms beautiful game light and color. Crossing or propagation allows this characteristic to be reproduced in subsequent generations of trees.

Dwarf birch grows short, its industrial value is low due to the small size of the tree itself.

Application in industry and everyday life

In modern production, the use of birch is quite widespread: it is used to produce medications and pasok (birch sap). For heating residential premises, they prefer to use birch firewood, since it does not contain harmful resins and does not form soot during combustion, which allows you to cook food without danger. Such wood burns for a long time, evenly.

Elite varieties in furniture production They consider Karelian and burl birch. These rocks are practically not subject to decay, in Ancient Rus' they were used to make boats, boxes, tues and other utensils for the home and kitchen.

The hardness and strength of wood allows it to be used in the manufacture of furniture and laminate flooring, parquet boards and decorative veneer, skis and plywood.

In Russia and the Baltic countries, birch has great economic value. Veneer and plywood are obtained from it, and solid wood is used in the production of furniture elements. It is used as a raw material for firewood in relatively small volumes, mainly in the home heating segment.

Birch is easily processed using planes and other hand-held machine tools. It is used to make turning parts, holds fasteners (screws, nails) well, and adheres perfectly. Milling and planing birch does not cause difficulties, so its wood is often used as a raw material for the manufacture of children's toys and small decorative elements.

Silver birch is one of the most industrially widespread tree species. It is used to produce a variety of construction parts and furfural, veneer for plywood, cross-country skis, high-quality cellulose, parquet, and gun stocks. It also serves as a raw material for charcoalization and pyrolysis. Karelian birch is less common and is usually used as a decorative material. Yellow birch has found its application in mechanical engineering.

The excellent ability of birch wood to be tinted opens up unlimited possibilities creating decorative elements for interior decoration. It is used to make furniture, fittings, household utensils and a wide variety of household items.

To obtain the most effective material for production, birch trees need to be cut down at the age of 60 to 80 years. Trees aged from 40 to 60 years are best suited as raw materials for heating. Birch is practically not used in construction due to its increased tendency to rot.

Dense birch wood has excellent strength and is slightly susceptible to splitting, which is why it is often used in the production of plywood. High Quality, skis and toys.

An important type of ornamental material can be called burl - large growths on the roots and trunks of birch. The cut of such a growth has a complex ornate pattern, which explains its popularity in the production of various boxes, cigarette cases and boxes.

In the creation of artistic products, birch in last years It is rarely used, despite its suitable qualities: it lends itself well to polishing and painting, and bends easily (when steamed).

Iron birch is of industrial interest. Its lifespan is up to 200 years, it reaches a height of 20 m, with a trunk diameter of up to 65 cm. This wood is not subject to corrosion and decay, which makes it an ideal raw material for the production of boats and ships. It is bulletproof, and its strength is 3.5 times higher than that of cast iron.

During the period of sap flow, the birch bark is removed from the birch using a special knife, which has a depth limiter. In its place, a thin brown “barma” quickly grows, which ensures the normal functioning of the tree. It is best to collect birch bark from a fallen tree; it is highly resistant to bacteria and fungi. Birch bark is used in the manufacture of household items, baskets and boxes, ladles, shoes, and previously served as a material for writing and creating books.

Birch is one of the most recognizable trees of the deciduous genus. The type of plant contributed to this. The tree is characterized by white bark with black spots, small pointed leaves and a spreading crown. Birch lives in natural conditions about 150 years. A tree planted in a summer cottage can live longer with initial care. Its lifespan can reach 200–300 years. The common birch is a tree that is often found in the Northern Hemisphere. The history and culture of the Slavic and Scandinavian peoples are closely connected with it, as a symbol of purity and wisdom. Now she has taken pride of place on the list ornamental trees, suitable for planting in cold-temperate climates.

The birch genus has more than a hundred varieties. Only four of them grow in Russia. Shrub trees can be distinguished. Their wood is not used in production, but only as decoration. The common birch shown in the photo is not one of them. This type is widely used in the woodworking industry.

The plant becomes suitable for industrial processing only when it reaches 70 years. The wood material of birch is the lightest of all tree species in the forests of the Northern Hemisphere. In the photo you can see the texture and color of products made from common birch using parquet as an example. Both the bark and parts of its trunk can be involved in production.

Among physical properties The characteristics of the species include: high strength, impact resistance and a structure that differs from other deciduous trees in its uniformity. The trunk of the common birch is not used in construction. It is used in the production of wood materials for furniture assembly. The growths that form at the very roots of the birch have an intertwined structure. They are suitable for the production of boxes or individual furniture elements, as they have increased density.

Physical properties

The best way to reveal the properties of birch material is the possibility of mechanical processing associated with high level rock hardness.

The properties of wood characterize in detail the material obtained from this type of tree:

  1. Density. This is a proportional ratio of equal parts of wood by mass. In this case, one of them should have a minimum amount of moisture, and the second should be at the limit of hygroscopicity. Birch is characterized by the following density indicators: at a humidity of 12% – 0.65–0.67 g/cubic meter, and at 25% – 0.7–0.71 g/cubic meter. As it grows, the density of wood only increases.
  2. Strength. The value characterizes the property of resisting mechanical damage. Common birch belongs to species with medium strength. The material obtained from them is characterized by average impact strength. With a radial split, the birch trunk has low level strength. Therefore, tangential splitting is preferable, in which the material reaches high performance strength, which significantly expands the range of its application.
  3. Hardness. This value is determined using a special Brinell technique. According to Brinell, this type of wood has average hardness However, wear resistance allows it to be put on par with raw materials made from hard rocks. The hardness of birch is 38.6 MPa.

  1. Weight. The weight of any tree species depends on the percentage of cellular tissue in the structure of the plant, its moisture and hardness. The birch family belongs to medium-heavy species. During growth, the weight increases significantly due to the development of the tree's root system, and this increases the consumption of moisture from the soil. Common birch needs about 200 liters of water per day.
  2. Thermal conductivity. For the entire family of birches, the thermal conductivity at a humidity of 12% is 630 kg/m3. meter. When materials obtained from the trunks of this family are ignited, a significant temperature of 1547 degrees is reached. At the same time, the ignition point of dry wood of this type is very low and ranges from 300 to 400 degrees Celsius, and the coals retain heat for a long time. These features, characteristic of any kind of birch, require mandatory impregnation of solid wood with fire retardants, otherwise the material from this tree species can easily ignite even with slight contact with fire.
  3. Humidity . The indicator for the entire birch family is the same. Before drying begins, it reaches a level of 78%. Wood of this type of deciduous tree actively absorbs moisture from the air. At the same time, moisture transfer is minimal. For reliable moisture insulation, special impregnation is required.

How is birch used?

Common birch wood is used to produce high-quality chipboard sheets. This type of raw material makes it possible to make a truly durable material, which is often used to assemble furniture structures. The mechanical properties of wood from this type of plant make it possible to produce durable chipboard sheets, which, in comparison with many analogues, have good performance elasticity and strength.

Birch is used to produce high-quality veneer and plywood sheets. Samples can be seen in the photo. Solid, prepared wood is usually used for the manufacture of individual elements of furniture structures.

Birch board is impregnated various oils, prone to polymerization (stabilization). This treatment significantly increases the service life of products made from this species, increases strength and resistance to mechanical damage. The homogeneous structure makes it easy to polymerize the raw material. After impregnation with oils, birch, unlike other species, can be easily processed. This type of material is used in the manufacture of carved furniture elements.

Birch wood has a uniform structure. It contains practically no natural resins. Materials made from this wood have high strength, especially under impact loads. Often used for furniture production.

Birch comes to the market in the form of round timber, lumber, as sliced ​​or peeled veneer, and also in the form of plywood. The material is very easy to process, does not chip, is easy to paint, polish, and bends well when steamed.

Birch wood has the necessary properties that allow it to be widely used in interior finishing work. Birch boards can easily be imitated to resemble most valuable tree species.

Most of the wood produced today goes into the production of veneer and plywood. Despite its pliability, flexibility and elasticity, it is not popular among craftsmen.

Birch boards are a common lumber for work around the house. As a result of the fact that birch wood is quite elastic and soft, it is easy to process, and at the same time it is much harder than poplar or linden.

Solid dry birch board is used only for interior work. It is not suitable as a material for building a house because it is highly vulnerable to fungus and moisture.

Such properties indicate the successful use of birch veneer plywood as a material for interior decoration and furniture production, but it is not recommended for outdoor use, because this wood is susceptible to rotting and warping in conditions of high humidity. Birch plywood is much stronger than other types, easy to process and optimal for further painting or any other type of finishing.

Application areas of birch wood

Birch wood is widely used in carpentry and furniture production and for the manufacture of various household crafts.

Birch plywood is widely used by home craftsmen. Various wall shelves, openwork flower stands, and light furniture are made from it. Plywood is also used for cladding wall panels indoors, to create various partitions, and to change the interior. It should be noted that birch plywood can be successfully used instead of drywall.

The furniture is made from solid birch, or I use birch veneer for cladding. Wherein external surfaces either they are tinted with stains, or they leave the natural color of the wood, because birch itself has a beautiful light pattern.

Birch wood parquet has high performance properties; the service life of such flooring is many years.

Birch is widely used for making various crafts at home. Kitchen cutting boards, knife handles, spoons, combs, various stands, boxes, toys, chess pieces, etc.

Birch can be turned very well on lathes, so a large number of different items are successfully made from it. Containers for bulk products, trays, vases, plates, candy bowls, various souvenirs.

Due to the fact that birch is cut in various directions without chipping, it is widely used by woodcarvers. It is especially suitable for small works, various miniature figurines, small carvings on products, small wooden paintings, and icons. Birch slats are used to make carved frames for mirrors, paintings and photographs.

Birch veneer is widely used in marquetry and intarsia. The blanks can be etched with stains, which results in a wide range of colors, or you can select raw veneer according to natural shades to create pictures on furniture surfaces.

Home craftsmen make tool handles and axes from birch.

This wood is used in the manufacture of stocks for hunting rifles, sports spears and discs, and skis. Individual parts musical instruments They are also made from this wood. Bushings, bearings, and gears are made from pressed birch.

Barrels made of birch wood do not give off any odor, so they are widely used for storing food.

In industrial production, high-quality cellulose is produced from birch, which is subsequently used as raw material for paper mills.

Scientific classification Physical properties
Domain: Eukaryotes Average Density: 610-650 kg/m³
Kingdom: Plants Density limits: 460-830 kg/m³
Department: Flowering Longitudinal shrinkage: 0,6 %
Class: Dicotyledons Radial shrinkage: 5,3 %
Order: Beech-flowered Tangential shrinkage: 7,8 %
Family: Birch Radial swelling: 0,29 %
Genus: Tangential swelling: 0,41 %
International scientific name Bend strength: 120 N/mm²

Betula L. (1753)

Compressive strength: 60 N/mm²
Type species Tensile strength: 137 N/mm²

Betula alba L.,nom. utique rej. = Betula pubescens Ehrh.

— Fluffy birch Thermal conductivity:
0.142 W/km
Fuel properties

4.3 kWh/kg

Types of birch

  • Cherry birch ( Betula lenta). View from North America with shiny reddish-brown or almost black bark.
  • Dwarf birch ( Betula nana). A shrub usually no more than 1 m high with small rounded leaves; grows in Europe in swamps and swampy pine forests.
  • Low birch, or squat birch ( Betula humilis). Shrub up to 2 m high with elliptical leaves; grows in Europe along the banks of reservoirs and in swamps.
  • Silver birch, or Warty birch, or Drooping birch, or Drooping birch ( Betula pendula). A species widespread in Europe and Siberia; also found in northern Africa. The bark is snow-white to grayish-white. The height is usually 10-15 m, sometimes up to 30 m. Young shoots are bare and warty (unlike pubescent birch, whose young shoots are pubescent and without warts).
  • Birch is useful ( Betula utilis). A species from the Himalayas, up to 18 m high, with light, smooth bark.
  • Downy birch, or pubescent birch ( =). In the European part of Russia it often grows next to the warty birch. For information on how to distinguish these species, see above. It is a nomenclature type.
  • Black birch ( Betula nigra). View from eastern North America. Young trees have white and smooth bark, while older trees have dark, wrinkled bark. Presumably ancestral species
  • Erman Birch, or Stone Birch ( Betula ermanii). Found in Kamchatka, Sakhalin, and along the shores of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Named stone for extremely hard, dense and heavy wood that sinks in water.

Useful tables

The strength of wood is 12% humidity

Type of birch With static bending When fibers are compressed For radial chipping For tangential cutting
Daurskaya 1202-105 Pa 601.44-105 Pa 125-105 Pa 152-105 Pa
Ribbed 1265.6-105 Pa 628.32-105 Pa 138.43-105 Pa 172-105 Pa
Stone 1266-105 Pa 609-105 Pa

Specific gravity indicators

Changes in the properties of thermally modified birch and spruce wood in comparison with unmodified wood

Wood sample



ρ b












Birch thermo.






Birch unmodified








Spruce thermo.





Spruce unmodified







Specific (specific, mass) thermal capacity of deciduous wood

The amount of heat (thermal energy) required to heat a substance by 1 degree. Category. State. Units of specific heat capacity. The value of specific heat capacity. Type of information in the table. A source of information.
Specific heat capacity of BIRCH Thermophysical properties Natural deciduous tree from the birch family kJ/kg per 1 degree 1.25 Reference data Directory of physical properties of substances and materials.

general characteristics
Birch is a deciduous tree and shrub species. Trees are most widely represented, but shrub forms are also found. Scientific name Betula, birch family. In nature, there are more than a hundred species of these tree species growing throughout the Northern Hemisphere. The most common in Russia are weeping birch (warty birch) and downy birch. These species occupy more than two-thirds of all deciduous Russian forests. The birch tree is rightfully considered the national symbol of the Russian people.

Birch is a tall tree, reaching a height of 30 to 45 m, with a trunk diameter ranging from 40 to 70 cm, but larger specimens are also found. Life expectancy is on average 100-120 years; there are some long-lived specimens (up to 400 years).

Birch grows on any soil, forming a powerful root system that goes deep into the ground.

Birch bark has a characteristic White color with black markings, but there are also trees with yellowish or gray bark, it all depends on where it grows.
Commercial timber is harvested from trees 60-80 years old. Trees over 40 years old are harvested as fuel (birch firewood is considered the best).

Growths called burls often form on birch trunks; this is a valuable ornamental material.

Physical properties

Birch is a tree species that does not have a core. The central and peripheral parts of the trunk are almost the same in color. Birch wood has a light color, with a slight yellow or pinkish tint. Older trees sometimes develop false heartwood, when the central part of the trunk turns yellowish-brown or red-brown.

In tangential and radial cuts, the wood has a pleasant soft silky shine.

Birch wood is dense and uniform, so the texture has a faint wavy pattern. Tree rings are not visible in longitudinal sections; they can only be seen in transverse sections in the form of narrow strips of late growth wood.

The medullary rays are very narrow, visible only in radial sections as shiny small ribbons of a dark color, this gives the texture pattern a noble appearance.

The texture pattern of birch wood is characterized by reddish spots scattered randomly on the cut plane.

Birch wood is strong, uniform and dense. In dry condition (at 12-18% humidity) specific gravity averages 650 kg/cub.m. The density range is from 540 before 700 kg/cub.m.

A living tree has high humidity, especially in spring, when intense sap flow begins. At this time, wood moisture content can reach 200%.

Birch is a highly drying species; the shrinkage coefficient in the longitudinal direction ranges from 5 to 8%.

The thermal conductivity of birch wood is almost 2 times greater than that of species such as pine or spruce. This is due to the fact that birch has a high density.

The heat of combustion of birch firewood is one of the highest, so this type of fuel is the most popular in those houses where there are fireplaces.

Mechanical properties

Birch wood has high strength, resists shock loads well, and is difficult to split. Bending strength is average, bends well, elasticity is average.

Wear resistance is high, in these parameters it is almost not inferior to oak wood.

Resistance to fungal diseases and damage by insect pests is low. In the open air, birch products quickly become rotten and destroyed. Therefore, measures should be taken to protect wood from negative external factors, apply treatment with antiseptic materials.

To dry birch wood, gentle conditions must be followed, as warping and cracking are possible. When drying under natural conditions, lumber must be bundled, which reduces the risk of warping of the workpieces. Drying under such conditions can last up to two years. In this case, the ends of the workpieces must be painted over with lime, paint, or sealed with paper using PVA glue. This will reduce cracking of the workpieces and minimize defects.
The fasteners hold well, but it is advisable to drill holes before using them. Although it is easier to screw a screw into a birch board than into an oak board, it also requires more effort.


Although birch wood is dense, it can be easily processed with any tool, both manual and mechanized. Processing on planing machines, manual milling machines, turning on lathes allows us to obtain clean surfaces of a high class of cleanliness. At the same time, the likelihood of chipping on products is very low, and with certain skills it is reduced to zero.

Cutting with chisels or knives both along and across the grain allows you to get very clean cuts. The main condition for this is a sharp tool. According to these characteristics, birch wood is superior even to linden wood.

Due to the fact that birch is very finely porous and dense, it lends itself well to grinding operations. The resulting surfaces are very smooth and have a silky soft shine.

The process of gluing birch wood blanks does not cause any difficulties; the glue adheres tightly to the wood, forming strong joints.

Mordants and stains perfectly color wood, and an imitation of mahogany or walnut is easily obtained. Varnishes and polishes easily adhere to birch wood, forming high-quality external coatings.


Birch wood is widely used in carpentry and furniture production and for the manufacture of various household crafts.

Birch plywood is widely used by home craftsmen. Various wall shelves, openwork flower stands, and light furniture are made from it. We can say that the scope of application of such material is limited only by the imagination of the master.

Wall clocks with a dial made of plywood, tinted to resemble mahogany or simply coated with colorless varnish, look very noble and sophisticated.

Plywood is also used for cladding wall panels indoors, to create various partitions, and to change the interior. It should be noted that birch plywood can be successfully used instead of drywall.
The furniture is made from solid birch, or I use birch veneer for cladding. In this case, the external surfaces are either tinted with stains or left with the natural color of the wood, because birch itself has a beautiful light pattern.

Birch wood parquet has high performance properties; the service life of such flooring is many years. A light floor always creates a feeling of peace and comfort in the room.

Birch is widely used for making various crafts at home. Kitchen cutting boards, knife handles, spoons, combs, various stands, boxes, toys, chess pieces, etc.

Birch can be turned very well on lathes, so a large number of different items are successfully made from it. Containers for bulk products, trays, vases, plates, candy bowls, various souvenirs.

Due to the fact that birch is cut in various directions without chipping, it is widely used by woodcarvers. It is especially suitable for small works, various miniature figurines, small carvings on products, small wooden paintings, and icons. Birch slats are used to make carved frames for mirrors, paintings and photographs.

Birch veneer is widely used in marquetry and intarsia. The blanks can be etched with stains, which results in a wide range of colors, or you can select raw veneer according to natural shades to create pictures on furniture surfaces.

Home craftsmen make tool handles and axes from birch.

This wood is used in the manufacture of stocks for hunting rifles, sports spears and discs, and skis. Certain parts of musical instruments are also made from this wood. Bushings, bearings, and gears are made from pressed birch.

Barrels made of birch wood do not give off any odor, so they are widely used for storing food.

In industrial production, high-quality cellulose is produced from birch, which is subsequently used as raw material for paper mills.

Birch has always been considered the patroness of women. That is why birch jewelry - brooches, necklaces, beads, bracelets - are so popular among women. They not only decorate, but also protect its owner from evil spells (as experts say).

Making such a decoration is not difficult for the craftsman, and it will be a very nice gift.

Special mention should be made about products made from birch burl.

Burl is considered a valuable ornamental material, as it has a beautiful texture.
It is not for nothing that this material can be compared in value to precious metals. This is due not only to the beautiful texture, but also to the fact that it is very difficult to find good raw materials. Only 5-10% is suitable for artwork.

Exclusive vases and boxes, knife handles and coffee tables, chessboards and table lamps are made from it. In terms of beauty, such products are in no way inferior to Karelian birch.

But working with burl requires special skills, since conventional wood processing techniques are not suitable here. In addition, preparing the burl for processing can take from one to three years.