C43.0 Malignant melanoma of the lip. Skin melanoma: causes, symptoms and treatment

In its progressive form, melanoma in situ (translated as frozen in place) begins to change structure, color, consistency, and shape. The most common manifestation is the appearance of ulcers or periodically weeping surface with the release of infiltrate - ichor, lymph. Melanoma looks like a mole with irregular edges, unnatural color and irregular shape. At the in stage situ cancer does not spread deep into the body. If melanoma is diagnosed at this stage, there is a greater chance of complete cure than melanoma diagnosed at the second and subsequent stages.

The first symptoms of any melanoma are disturbances in the shape of one or more moles. This manifests itself in asymmetry, disruption of boundaries, proliferation, differences in color, diameter, or any other changes in the surface and texture of the mole. That is why examination of especially large moles of black or brown colors important for timely diagnosis cancer.

If any mole on the body changes shape, this is a reason to urgently contact a dermatologist, and then, if cancer is suspected, to an oncologist. Most effective method To avoid the progression of malignancy is to inform your doctor about any changes that occur with the mole, and regular screenings for cancer to diagnose it at the very beginning and prevent further development.

Symptoms of melanoma of the lips, eyelids, head, neck, torso, shoulder girdle, limbs, hip area

Symptoms of lip melanoma

Melanoma of the lip is commonly referred to simply as lip cancer. This type of cancer most often affects women aged 40 years and older, and men over 50 years of age. Characteristic symptoms lip melanoma:

  • pain in the lip area;
  • the appearance of an ulcer or thickened dark area on the upper or lower lip, or on inner surface mucous membrane;
  • neoplasm of red, black, wine, brown or white color;
  • bleeding from the spot;
  • swelling of the jaw, lack of appetite.

Melanoma of the lip may not manifest itself in any way, especially if it is located on the mucous membrane inside the lip. Sometimes it is noticed by a dentist during a routine examination.

Symptoms of eyelid melanoma

Oncologists estimate that eyelid melanoma accounts for approximately 1% of the total number of melanoma cases. It affects not only the skin of the eyelid, but also the conjunctiva. Asymptomatic melanoma can be defined as clearly defined dark spot on the century. If it begins to progress, the spot may release an infiltrate. Swelling of the eyelid and swelling of the half of the face on which the melanoma is located are also characteristic.

Melanoma of the scalp

The scalp is also susceptible to melanoma. Cancer can manifest itself in the form of the same moles with jagged edges, as well as on other parts of the body - ears, eyelids, arms, legs, pelvic area. The problem is further complicated by the fact that hair always or almost always grows on the surface of the head, and a person can unknowingly injure a mole when combing, styling hair, even when washing his hair.

On the surface of the head, melanoma sometimes appears as blue, dark blue, or red spots. It can be rough or shiny, convex or flatter. In addition, it sometimes appears as a growth that becomes crusty. If this crust is torn off, it will appear again.

Melanoma of the neck, trunk, shoulder girdle, upper and lower limbs, hip area

In the area of ​​the neck, torso, shoulders, limbs and pelvic part of the body, melanoma manifests itself in a similar way, as already described above. As with the location on the head, melanoma in these areas can be damaged more quickly than, for example, on the cheek. Since the torso is often in contact with clothing, as well as the neck, shoulders, legs and arms, you can inadvertently injure melanoma. If a mole on any part of the body becomes painful and secretes fluid, it is urgently necessary to diagnose it and establish the cause of this condition.

Treatment of melanoma

Treatment is carried out in several stages. First of all it is necessary accurate diagnosis type of melanoma. The most popular treatment method for early stages is resection or excision of this type of cancer.

The amount of skin that needs to be removed depends on the results of a biopsy, which determines how much tissue needs to be removed and what stage the melanoma is.

In recent decades surgery cancer treatment has significantly improved success rates, with far less tissue being removed than 10-15 years ago. After the operation there is a small scar that can be treated laser correction, especially when it comes to melanoma on the eyelid, ear, neck and other visible area of ​​the body.

Despite the seriousness of this type of cancer, surgery to remove thin melanomas can be done in a doctor's office in outpatient setting, under local anesthesia. After two weeks, the stitches are removed, it is recommended that all postoperative period Before removing stitches, avoid lifting heavy objects, sunbathing, or using cosmetics or makeup.

The operation begins with marking the tumor with a marker, a kind of “reserve” of healthy tissue is made for removal - this is necessary so that malignant cells located in more deep layers skin did not resume their reproduction after surgery.

Another treatment option is Mohs surgery. This is a more modern and less traumatic method of removing melanomas. During its use, special solutions are used that indicate the pigment cells melanocytes, which are the basis for the formation of melanoma. During the operation, areas where malignant cells still remain can be identified and removed. Thanks to this method, the removal of melanomas can now shorten the postoperative period.

Additional treatments that help immune defense- administration of the BCG vaccine, as well as interleukin, the use of special creams that alleviate the symptoms of melanoma and medications injectable drugs(Yervoy, Temodal).

Melanoma is resistant to chemotherapy, and even if its growth stops for a while, after a while it can begin to progress faster, so chemotherapy is rarely used, or when other treatment is impossible.

At later stages, melanoma progresses very quickly, so patients are treated primarily with interferon and interleukin-2. These drugs help the immune system fight the disease and make symptoms easier to bear.

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One of the types of skin cancer is mucosal melanoma. On initial stage Melanoma looks like a mole. The main characteristics of these malignant tumors are rapid growth and rapid metastasis to any other human organs. The origin of such tumors depends on the appearance of abnormalities in the pigment cells of the body containing melanin. Melanoma spreads throughout the body through the bloodstream or intercellular fluid into the lymph nodes, individual tissues and organs. It is difficult to diagnose and treat such a disease in a timely manner due to its accelerated development, which puts a person’s life at risk.

Melanomas on the mucous membranes are a malignant formation that poses a great threat to human life.

What is melanoma?

The process of development of this malignant tumor originates in cells - melanocytes. They are located in the lower layer of the epidermis, which borders the dermis. These cells produce a dark pigment - melanin, which is responsible for skin tone, hair color, eye color and the presence of birthmarks on the body. If pigment does not accumulate, melanoma grows without the appearance of symptoms of the disease. The boundaries of tissue damage are indistinguishable from healthy mucous tissue. With the accumulation of melanin, the tumor begins to rise above the level of the mucosa in the form of a dark brown node. The tumor may be asymmetrical, change its color, borders, and even bleed. The size of malignant formations can vary from a few millimeters to 3 centimeters.

Mucosal melanoma is the most common type of cancer among people in their 30s.

Types and localization of melanoma

Most of these formations are located on the human skin or organs of vision, and only in 5% of cases does such a tumor develop on the mucous membranes. Melanomas on the mucous membrane occur in people of both sexes and do not depend on geographic and individual living conditions. The types of tumor are determined by the area of ​​its location.

  • vulvovaginal - develops on the walls of the genital organs, vagina or vulva;
  • nasopharyngeal - affects the mucous membrane of the nose, pharynx, oral cavity, lips;
  • rectal - placed on the walls of the anus and rectum.

Reasons for education

The appearance of melanoma is facilitated by the transformation of a melanocyte into a cancer cell. The main reasons for the appearance of such a transformation are still unknown. Factors that provoke the appearance of melanoma include:

  • prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays on the skin;
  • weakening immune system person;
  • heredity or genetic predisposition;
  • malignant transformation of pigmented nevi, moles, birthmarks;
  • combination of negative environmental factors;
  • use of hormonal drugs;
  • presence of chronic injuries.

Symptoms of melanoma formation

The presence of melanoma on the mucous membranes is accompanied by the formation of spots, blisters, and wounds.
  • Availability birthmark, moles that begin to change parameters and color;
  • the appearance of a painful wound on the mucous membrane, which begins to itch and bleed;
  • the formation of a smooth, unevenly colored spot;
  • the emergence and spread of flaky flat spots on the mucous membrane;
  • the appearance of a painful seal on the skin;
  • increase lymph nodes in the groin;
  • the appearance of a voluminous neoplasm on the vulva.

Diagnostic measures

Diagnosing such formations is difficult due to the location of melanoma in a hard-to-reach place. Great value In determining the initial stage of the appearance of melanoma, self-examination of moles and other formations on the skin is necessary. If asymmetry appears, or changes in the size, number, or color of such formations, it is necessary to urgently check with a dermatologist. There are several methods for diagnosing the disease. The main ones are summarized in the table:

The skin protects against external influences and maintains balance internal environment in the human body.

People do not think about maintaining its health, so there is a gradual increase in skin cancer, including that localized on the nose. It is more often observed in older men.

The type of nasal skin cancer is determined by histological structure and growth pattern.

  1. Basal cell carcinoma is a form of carcinoma that grows from epidermal cells capable of forming hair follicles. The nose is a favorite location. Basal cell carcinoma does not metastasize, but it grows into surrounding tissues and damages cartilage, periosteum and bone.
  2. Squamous cell carcinoma– an aggressive form in which pathological epithelial cells in the spinous layer of the skin form carcinoma that can spread in different directions. More often it grows into underlying tissues. Capable of metastasizing to regional lymph nodes. On late stages takes the form of an ulcer.
  3. Melanoma– type of aggressive malignant neoplasm. Comes from melanocytes - cells that synthesize melanin. Its purpose is to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. On the nose it often occurs as a type of lentigo maligna - less aggressive form. It appears as dark brown spots or plaques.


The nose is an exposed area of ​​the body, so most causes of cancer are due to external influences.

  1. Solar radiation and ultraviolet radiation . Long-term exposure matters, often starting in childhood. Exposure to the sun is most dangerous during its hours. increased activity– from 12 noon to 17 pm in summer.
  2. Carcinogens and pollutants– soot, resins, tar, coal dust when working in harmful conditions get on the face and remain in contact with the dermis for a long time.
  3. Prolonged thermal exposure, for example, among workers in hot shops in factories.
  4. Immunosuppression leads to an increase in the number of pathological cells, because the ability of leukocytes to destroy changed cells decreases.
  5. Radioactive radiation.
  6. Traumatization with the formation of small scars promotes cell proliferation and the appearance of pathological ones.

Symptoms and stages

Each type of nasal skin cancer has its own development process. Basalioma initially resembles a flesh-colored pimple or a deeper pink one, the surface of which is covered with small capillaries. Occasionally, dark-colored formations occur, which makes diagnosis difficult.

The tumor increases in size and takes on the appearance of a pea, flattened on top. The skin over it becomes thinner, and the basal cell carcinoma itself changes color to a more intense one. An inflammatory cushion forms around it. An ulcer covered with a crust gradually grows in the center. The ulcer grows in depth and breadth and, if untreated, can invade underlying tissues.

Squamous cell carcinoma is different from basal cell carcinoma. Macroscopically it develops in the form of an ulcer, node or plaque. The ulcerative form has the appearance of a wound with raised dense edges surrounding it like a cushion.

The bottom of the ulcer is uneven, with bloody-serous discharge. It dries out and crusts form. Often present bad smell. The ulcer is actively growing both in width and depth.

The tumor node resembles cauliflower or a mushroom on a wide stalk with a bumpy surface. The consistency of the tumor is dense, the color is red with a transition to brown. Erosion and ulcers may appear on its surface. Carcinoma progresses rapidly.

Plaque-like carcinoma appears lumpy, with a dense structure, red in color. It grows superficially, spreading to the sides from the site of the primary focus, and gradually grows into the depths. Its surface often bleeds.

Squamous cell carcinoma is characterized by the appearance of pain after germination to underlying tissue. Its surface may become infected, then the pain will be caused by inflammation.

Metastases in regional lymph nodes are palpated as dense formations that are not fused with the surrounding tissues. As the nodes progress, they lose mobility, pain appears, and metastases disintegrate to form ulcers.

Nasal melanoma may visually resemble a mole. Signs of instability are often present:

  • uneven, blurry edges;
  • increase in size;
  • uneven color;
  • hair growing from the formation;
  • inflammatory rim around the mole.

These symptoms indicate the formation of a pathological form, the degeneration of a mole into cancer.

Melanoma has the appearance of a flat formation, for a long time can grow deep, and then spread hematogenously, lymphogenously to various organs - liver, kidneys, lungs, brain. The tumor behaves aggressively and can begin to actively grow after accidental injury or intentionally as a result of self-medication (an attempt to bandage the base, exposure to chemicals).

The stages of nasal skin cancer are as follows:

  • Stage 1– a tumor up to 2 cm in diameter, distributed only in the superficial layer, surrounded by healthy tissue. No pain.
  • Stage 2– carcinoma more than 2 cm in diameter, invades all layers of the skin, but does not involve the subcutaneous tissue.
  • Stage 3– damage to the entire thickness of the skin and soft tissues underneath.
  • Stage 4– for basalioma, this is damage to adjacent cartilage and bone. Squamous cell carcinoma at this stage is characterized by multiple metastases in internal organs.

The stages of melanoma development vary.

  • 0 – non-invasive lesion, melanocytic dysplasia;
  • 1 – tumor thickness up to 1 mm, melanoma without ulcer up to 2 mm;
  • 2 – melanoma more than 2 mm, non-ulcerated up to 2 mm;
  • 3 – any tumor with metastases in the lymph nodes;
  • 4 – melanoma with metastatic damage to internal organs.


  1. Inspection. Visually, you can determine the changed skin of the nose and the growth pattern of the formation. In older people after 50 years of age, the first thing to suspect is malignant tumor. Using a dermatoscope will allow you to examine in detail the structure on the skin and the location of blood vessels.
  2. Cytological examination. A scraping of the discharge is taken from the surface of the ulcer and sent for diagnostics to identify atypical cells.
  3. Biopsy used for histological analysis. It can be of two types. Incisional biopsy - removal of a piece of tumor using a scalpel and sending it for pathological examination. A total biopsy is complete removal pathological focus and examination of its various areas.
  4. Since squamous cell carcinoma metastasizes, regional lymph nodes must also be examined. Held Ultrasound of lymph nodes(submandibular, parotid, occipital).
  5. If melanoma is suspected, perform Ultrasound of organs abdominal cavity, radiography chest.
  6. CT and MRI used to detect metastases of squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma.
  7. If symptoms of bone damage appear, carry out osteoscintigraphy or radiography.


  1. Surgical removal within healthy tissue. This means that the surgeon good effect from the operation it is necessary to capture part of the unchanged nasal tissue. With a small tumor this is not too traumatic. Subsequently executed Plastic surgery to replace the defect. For large tumors that grow into the cartilage, all altered structures of the nose are removed.
  2. Radiation therapy effective against basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Optimal for older people. In most cases, a depigmented spot remains at the site of pinpoint irradiation. A combination of cryodestruction and subsequent irradiation is also carried out. Liquid nitrogen is used as a coolant.
  3. Chemotherapy is the method of choice when large sizes neoplasms, when surgery is impossible. Also prescribed as additional treatment in case of relapses, the presence of carcinoma metastases.
  4. Photodynamic treatment consists of prescribing photosensitizers that increase the sensitivity of cells to a certain type of light wave. After this, irradiation is carried out with a special lamp.

    This method of treatment is convenient when the tumor is localized on the nose, because Radiation therapy can have negative effects on the eyes. When treating melanoma, this method helps curb its growth.

This video shows an operation to remove basalioma of the skin of the nose, followed by plastic surgery:


To reduce your chances of developing cancer, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  1. Don't be in the sun daytime . Wearing a hat provides some protection and shade, but ultraviolet radiation can be reflected from surrounding objects and irradiate the skin of the nose, even if it is in the shade. Blondes and albinos are more susceptible to it.
  2. Do not visit the solarium often. Additional insolation may be useful in winter period, when there is not enough sunlight, in order to support immunity and the synthesis of vitamin D. But these should be short courses with a minimum period of irradiation.
  3. Use creams with UV protection factors.
  4. Cleanse the skin in a timely manner. Residents rural areas– immediately after working in the field, for city workers – after coming home from the street. In this case, the unfavorable exposure factor is multicomponent dust, which contains carcinogens.
  5. If working in hazardous conditions involves exposure to temperature, use a special heat-resistant mask. Protect the skin of the nose from contamination.
  6. Support immunity during periods of weakening, accept multivitamin complexes With antioxidant protection. The main vitamins are A, E, C.
  7. Avoid injury skin nose, do not squeeze out blackheads, pimples, use special cleansers.
  8. Treat precancerous diseases in a timely manner.

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Women between 30 and 40 years of age are most often affected. Melanoma may cause the spread of metastases. If it is not treated in time, the outcome can be sad.

Symptoms of the disease

During the examination, the doctor will notice changes in the skin. Namely, outwardly, melanoma protrudes slightly above the surface of the tissue and has an ulcer in the center.
It usually affects the lower lip.Melanoma characteristically change its shape, and it can also increase significantly in volume. Sometimes melanoma looks like a papilloma or fissure. At the initial stage, you might think that a small ulcer has appeared on the lip. But it penetrates deeper into the tissue, while affecting neighboring tissue.
During the onset of this disease, metastases grow very quickly. Good specialist can immediately distinguish it from a common wart or other form of facial rash. It's hard to do this on your own.

Signs of melanoma

The characteristic features are:
  • it can be more than 6 mm wide, if the melanoma becomes even larger - this is a clear sign of its growth inside;
  • it has an irregular shape;
  • color change.
If the latter symptom occurs, it is better to immediately consult a doctor for help.
Initially, melanoma may also bleed. If it has already metastasized, then the person quickly loses weight, feels tired, and has bone pain.

Causes of the disease

As a rule, the cause of melanoma on the lip is Duray melanoma or moles that have changed into malignant ones.
There are three types of this disease:
  • intradermal;
  • epidermodermal;
  • mixed.

The main causes of melanoma on the lip are:

  1. The influence of ultraviolet rays;
  2. Injury;
  3. Hormonal disbalance;
  4. Disturbance in the functioning of the body.
Lip disease
Melanoma is caused by a disease of the lips. Here's what influenced it:
  • smoking cigarettes;
  • infection with viruses and infections;
  • Sun;
  • constant chewing of tobacco;
  • temperature changes;
  • drinking strong coffee;
  • strong alcohol;
  • and of course lack of hygiene.
Before starting treatment, carry out full examination person. Only an experienced specialist will be able to recognize this tumor upon examination. Next, a number of tests are prescribed to confirm the diagnosis. And after that the specialist prescribes treatment. Melanoma on the lip can be cured by immunotherapy, chemotherapy, medication, removal of lymph nodes, and more. Take care of yourself and be healthy!
Video: “Lip cancer first symptoms”

Melanoma is one of the most common malignant tumor diseases. It appears on the skin, including the face. According to statistics, it occurs in medical practice ten times less common than cancer, but very dangerous. Every year the number of patients increases.

Melanoma occurs on soft tissues, including the lips

The risk group includes women aged 30-40 years. Mucosal melanoma affects soft fabrics and causes the spread of metastases to different organs. If the disease is not diagnosed in time and its treatment is not started, death is possible.

Symptoms of the disease

Upon external examination, you may notice a small growth or lump on the skin. As a rule, it protrudes slightly above the surface of the skin and has an ulcer in the center.

In most cases, the seal appears on one side lower lip. It has a dense structure and can change size and shape over time, as the tumor can grow. Sometimes melanoma appears as a papilloma or fissure that has a scaly surface. When such a disease occurs, minor bleeding may occur. At the first symptoms, it looks like a small ulcer has appeared on the lip. It gradually penetrates into the tissue structure, affecting the nearby one.

With melanoma, metastases spread quite quickly. Qualified specialists quickly recognize a new growth on the skin, but for people without medical education, they appear to be ordinary moles. It is necessary to know the main features of the disease in order to diagnose it in time.

The following features are considered characteristic signs of melanoma:

  • asymmetry of formation, in which an irregular or jagged shape is observed;
  • color change, which becomes the first signal about a visit to the doctor;
  • the size of melanoma can be more than 6 mm; if it becomes larger, then this is a clear sign that the tumor has begun to grow.

The first signs of the disease include an increase in size and color. After some time, ulceration and bleeding may be added to them. In the first stages of development, there may be no symptoms. Already when metastases appear, the patient begins to feel unwell, see worse, feel pain in the bones and rapidly lose weight. So as not to miss the moment when benign tumor has become malignant, it is necessary to consult a doctor promptly if any neoplasms appear on the skin.

A tumor developing on the lip is most often presented in the form of squamous cell carcinoma, which can be of two types: keratinizing and non-keratinizing.

In the presence of a keratinizing form, metastases practically do not spread. The course of the disease is slow and superficial.

In the case of non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma, infiltrative growth is observed, during which ulcerations appear and metastases spread.

Melanoma on the lip appears as an asymmetrical spot

Classification of the disease

The disease can manifest itself in two forms: exophytic and endophytic.

  1. Exophytic cancer is presented in the form of warty and papillary type formations. The appearance of warts causes increased keratinization of the skin. In such cases, several growths may appear on the lip. If a papilloma is present on the surface, it can develop into papillary type cancer. It gradually grows and takes the shape of a circle. Having reached a certain stage of development, the appearance of a scab and infiltration at the base of the formation is observed. After that, the papilloma disappears, and the infiltration process intensifies significantly.
  2. The endophytic form is presented in the form of the appearance of ulcers or ulcerative-infiltrative formations. A malignant course of the disease occurs, followed by penetration of the ulcer into the tissue structure. Infiltration of the epidermis is observed, but there is no pain. Such manifestations are a clear sign The fact is that the tumor has long developed into a malignant one, so it is very important not to bring the disease to such symptoms.

Endophytic melanoma manifests as lip ulceration

Causes of the disease

Melanoma of the lip can be caused by various factors, but the main cause of the development of the disease is Durey's melanoma, as well as acquired and congenital moles which have developed into a malignant tumor. The disease may have different localization. Depending on the location of the disease, melanoma is distinguished:

  • epidermo-dermal;
  • intradermal;
  • mixed.

In the first case, the disease spreads on the surface, in the second - inside the tissue structure, and in the third - there is damage to both external and internal tissue.

The causes of melanoma on the lip may be the following factors:

  • disruptions in the functioning of the body;
  • previous injuries;
  • violation hormonal balance;
  • exposure to ultraviolet rays.

According to statistics, in 40% of cases, the disease develops as a result of trauma. In countries located in the south, the disease is mainly caused by increased exposure sun rays on the skin. In practice, there are also cases when, if the hormonal balance is disturbed, the development of melanoma, on the contrary, regresses.

When examining the skin, it is necessary to pay attention to nevi that have a dry and smooth surface. There is also no hair on such formations. In size, they do not exceed 1 cm.

Another fairly common reason why melanoma develops on the lip is lip disease, cheilitis. The reasons for their appearance may be the following factors:

  • changes in temperature and humidity;
  • eating hot or cold food;
  • systematic chewing of tobacco;
  • drinking strong coffee;
  • the influence of the sun's rays;
  • strong alcoholic drinks;
  • infections and viruses;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • long-term smoking.

The causes of the disease can be different factors, but regardless of their origin, the disease develops rapidly if treatment measures are not taken.

Sun rays activate the process of melanoma formation

Diagnosis of the disease

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis. An experienced specialist identifies a malignant tumor during the initial examination. Next, a series of tests are prescribed to confirm the diagnosis. The list of basic diagnostics includes the most effective, as medicine believes today, actions.

  1. Dermatoscopy. When determining a malignant formation on the lip, a procedure is used that allows you to visually enlarge it and examine it in more detail.
  2. Biopsy. During this procedure, skin tissue is taken and examined under a microscope. It uses a thin surgical blade to cut upper layer skin. Very often, this method is used to determine basal cell carcinoma. There are also other methods for performing this procedure, depending on the type of melanoma on the lip.
  3. Lymph node biopsy. It is carried out in cases where melanoma has already been diagnosed. It is necessary to detect the spread of cancer.
  4. Secondary tests. These include: blood tests, computed tomography and positron emission tomography.

Secondary tests are aimed at identifying the extent of cancer development. When donating blood, the lactate dehydrogenase level is examined, an increase in which indicates the spread of metastases.

Computed tomography allows you to examine internal organs and determine the presence of metastases in them. Staging is also used, which allows you to determine the size of the tumor and the extent of its spread.

The choice of method depends on the type of melanoma on the lip.

Using a dermatoscope, the doctor examines the formation

Treatment of the disease

After a thorough diagnosis, it is prescribed complex treatment. It consists of various procedures and medicines. The list of main treatment methods for melanoma of the lip includes:

  • Mosa - micrographic surgery;
  • surgical intervention;
  • cryosurgery;
  • chemotherapy;
  • immunotherapy;
  • removal of lymph nodes;
  • use of monoclonal antibodies;
  • use of BRAF inhibitors;
  • radiation therapy;
  • palliative care;
  • use of medications.

The choice of method is based on the stage of the disease, how general state the patient and his age.

The main treatment method is surgery, regardless of the stage of melanoma. Most lesions are removed after biopsy analysis. If cancer cells remain after the procedure, an additional operation is performed in which nearby tissue is removed.

Radiation therapy is one of the methods of treating the disease

More about methods

The Mohs method is also often used for melanoma of the lip - micrographic surgery, which involves the sequential removal of thin layers of skin. After each operation, each layer is examined using a microscope, which allows you to view the presence of cancer.

The use of cryosurgery involves the process of freezing tissue, resulting in its destruction. This method is used extremely rarely.

One of the most common methods of treating melanoma on the lip, which has reached advanced stages of development, is chemotherapy. This is a rather radical measure, but it is also effective. Chemotherapy drugs are used during the procedure strong action. The complex also includes immunotherapy, which is aimed at strengthening the patient’s immunity so that it can cope with cancer cells. It is used after chemotherapy to prevent the appearance of new tumors in the body.

Also, the treatment complex often includes taking BRAF inhibitors and monoclonal antibodies. They allow you to overcome activity cancer cells and reduce their development.

Application radiation therapy, which is aimed at eliminating painful sensations caused by cancer. For melanoma of the lip, it is used extremely rarely.

Palliative therapy is aimed at improving the patient's condition. It helps to cope with pain and prolong life.

Taking medications is aimed at eliminating painful sensations, as well as eliminating inflammatory process and suppression of cancer cells. Most often, the list of medications includes:

  • 5-Fluorouracil;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Imiquimod;
  • alpha interferons;
  • vemurafenib;
  • monoclonal antibodies.

Taking such medications should be carried out in courses, following all the doctor’s instructions.

Treatment is selected individually, depending on the stage of melanoma. For it to be more effective, it is necessary to diagnose the disease in time and not bring it to a critical state when it is necessary to apply radical measures. In some cases, even their use becomes useless, since the disease has reached its final stages. Therefore, it is very important to contact a specialist when new growths appear, their color and size change.