How can you wash the stomach. Rules for self-lavage of the stomach

In case of poisoning or general intoxication of the body, it is necessary to perform gastric lavage, which can quite often save from accidents.

The procedure can be carried out with stagnation of the stomach, to provide other assistance to doctors when you need to clear the stomach.

In general, you can do a gastric lavage yourself, but it is important to understand how to do a gastric lavage and not harm yourself.

Why flushing is necessary

In case of poisoning, doctors always send patients for washing, regardless of whether the poisoning was food, chemicals or other substances.

This is due to the fact that pathogenic organisms, poisons can enter through the gastrointestinal tract into other vital important organs and system, due to which there are complications and even death, due to cardiac arrest, breathing.

Therefore, in case of poisoning, the first thing to do is wash the stomach.

The most important thing in this state is to carry out the procedure on time. If you clean the stomach as quickly and efficiently as possible, then complications may not appear or appear in a minimal amount.

The bottom line is that the stomach is cleansed naturally, removing harmful substances from the walls of the mucosa, where poison and other toxins are most collected.

Indications and contraindications

The first thing to remember is that it is forbidden to wash the stomach by mechanical methods if the patient is unconscious.

A similar procedure is also not carried out in case of poisoning with various oil products or acid. When released, such substances can only exacerbate the problem, causing more harm.

  1. For diseases and problems with the heart and blood vessels.
  2. With diseases of the respiratory system.
  3. At high pressure.
  4. With internal bleeding.

People who have:

1. There is food poisoning, poison.
2. In acute disorder digestive system.
3. In some cases, cleansing can be carried out for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

To flush the stomach, you need to know the rules of the procedure, as well as the solutions that can be used.

Washing methods

Even before starting the procedure, you need to know some features and follow strictly according to the presented algorithm:

  1. The patient should be given as much water as possible. Behind a short time you need to drink solutions or water to completely fill the stomach.
  2. Next, the person should lean over the bucket or basin from a sitting position. It is important to lower the head below the level of the body.
  3. Press down with the left hand abdominal cavity, and artificially provoke vomiting with the right. To induce vomiting, it is enough to press down on the root of the tongue so that the stomach begins to contract.
  4. It is necessary to carry out such an action until complete cleansing, until clean water comes out of the stomach.
  5. The last step is to rinse your mouth. For recovery, it is recommended to drink some strong tea, but without honey or sugar.

Solutions for flushing

To flush the stomach, it will be more efficient to use not water, but special solutions that are easy to make at home.

Often, a solution of soda is used for the procedure, which is diluted in ordinary water.

To prepare the product, it is enough to dilute 1 tbsp. soda in a liter of water. Soda must be carefully diluted, and then leave the solution for some time so that gases come out of the liquid.

Such a remedy should be prepared immediately in the amount of 3-4 liters, since it is necessary to fill the stomach several times.

Based on the characteristics of a sick person, you need to make him drink as much as possible without stopping. For an adult, a single dosage is considered to be about a liter of solution.

After drinking the liquid, a feeling of fullness should appear. When the stomach is full, the walls stretch, and the water solution enters the folds, flushing out poisons and toxins.

After that, you need to induce vomiting and repeat the procedure 2-3 times. No less effective will be saline solutions, which also prevent toxins from entering the walls of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

For a solution of salt, you will need to add 2 tablespoons per 5 liters of liquid. salt and dilute it thoroughly to dissolve the crystals. After that, you need to drink as much as possible and carry out cleansing according to the already known method.

Solutions from sorbents help well in case of poisoning. Such products can absorb harmful substances, microbes and toxins, and also easily bring them out.

Due to this, sorbents in solution are used at the most different types poisoning.

To create a solution, you can use activated charcoal, which is taken based on the weight of the patient. For every 10 kg of weight, 1 tablet is needed.

The required amount is crushed into a powder state and poured with warm water. After dissolution, you need to wash the stomach according to a known method.

Potassium permanganate gives an excellent effect, and for washing it will be necessary to make a weak solution, which will be pale pink in color.

Potassium permanganate can stop the action of poisons and make them safe for the body, in addition, crystals destroy bacteria and other pathogenic organisms.

Filtration avoids burns and unpleasant consequences. After cooking, washing is carried out.

All the described means must be heated and used at a temperature of 36 degrees. This allows you to slightly stop the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, and also will not allow poisons to quickly move around the body.

Gastric lavage for a child

In general, the procedure for gastric lavage in children is no different from adults, but there are some features that need to be considered:

  1. For children, it is recommended to use a probe, but in this case, the procedure is best done in a hospital, so as not to damage the walls of the esophagus.
  2. At home, an enema can be used to cleanse the baby's stomach. In this case, the child is injected with solutions anus so that the liquid enters the stomach. After that, the child needs to lie on his stomach or side for about 5 minutes and you can put him on the potty for cleansing.
  3. For children, fluids should be used less than for an adult. The volume is calculated from the age of the baby. For a single gastric lavage in a newborn child, it is necessary to use 50 ml of the solution. Children from 1 to 6 months are injected with 100 ml at a time, from six months to a year - 200 ml, children older than a year need to be injected with 300 ml and 100 ml are added every year.
  4. It is necessary to take into account the volume of solutions that are introduced into the stomach. With a large amount of water or solution in children, poisoning begins, which can only be stopped by a doctor.

When a child is poisoned, it is best not to self-medicate, but immediately go to the hospital or call an ambulance. This will avoid complications and even death.

Common mistakes

People unknowingly often make mistakes during the cleansing of the stomach, in order to avoid them, you need to know them:

  1. An adult can drink a lot of water or solution at a time, but excessive fluid ingestion provokes the opening of the sphincter. After that, harmful substances from the stomach enter the intestines and the poisoning of the body continues. It is recommended to use a liquid at the rate of 5 ml per kilogram of weight.
  2. There is no control over how much fluid is injected and how much is excreted. If the liquid begins to be absorbed by the body, then there may be “water poisoning”. The difference between the inlet and outlet of fluid should be only 1% of the patient's weight.
  3. Often, when using solutions, especially potassium permanganate, people make very strong liquids, after which burns of the gastrointestinal mucosa and esophagus appear.

Gastric lavage should be carried out carefully and, if possible, it is better to seek qualified help, and not do the procedure yourself.

Gastric lavage can be done in a hospital or at home. Today, various assistant tools are used for this, but sometimes you can do without them. Flushing is effective if happened, alcohol intoxication, there is gastritis, accompanied by copious secretion of mucus.

Purpose of the procedure

Gastric lavage is necessary to solve two problems:

  • Therapeutic. The technique is performed by a tubeless method, gastric or through the nose. Effectively allows you to eliminate from the stomach factors that are provocateurs of poisoning.
  • Diagnostic. Some procedures require additional preparation. Thanks to the procedure, the doctor has the opportunity to accurately determine the localization of inflammatory processes, if any.

A diagnostic procedure is performed if there is a suspicion of the presence of or for flushing water. With the therapeutic direction, it becomes possible to eliminate congestion, to cope with uremia. The latter is characterized by a significant release of nitrogen-containing compounds through the gastric mucosa.


Is there enough a large number of indications for which gastric lavage is appropriate. These include:

  1. caused by different products, medicines or .
  2. Decreased tone muscular wall stomach and duodenum.

The procedure is set for high level acidity gastric juice, release of toxins at .


There are two main methods: probe and probeless. In the first case, a special probe or tube with a diameter of 10-13 mm is used.

The devices are inserted through the esophagus into the stomach. Liquid is delivered through a funnel or with a syringe, the end of which is inserted into the free edge.

The procedure may seem simple, but it is medical, so it is performed medical worker. If done incorrectly, there is a risk of complications.

At home, washing is carried out by the probeless method. To do this, a certain solution is drunk in the amount of 4-5 glasses, and then the shell of the horse of the tongue and pharynx is stimulated with the fingers. This leads to stimulation of the gag reflex.


There are a number of contraindications to the gastric lavage procedure. These include:

  • Seizures. Because of them, a situation may arise when choking with vomit occurs.
  • Poisoning with chemical poisons. With such an effect on the tissues of the stomach, one should not induce vomiting. When thrown back, they can get on the throat membrane, thereby provoking a burn.
  • . This pathology is a contraindication for the tubeless method, since blockage of the esophagus may occur.

It is impossible to carry out washing in case of violations heart rate, bleeding of the esophagus, and mucous membranes. Contraindications include cerebrovascular accident, unconsciousness, all periods of pregnancy.


Used frequently:

  • potassium permanganate,
  • boiled water,
  • salt,
  • soda,
  • sorbents,
  • citric acid solution.

Boiled water

The method is good because it does not require the use of additional components. For getting desired result It is enough to drink 5 glasses of warm liquid. It remains only to place your fingers in your mouth, press on the root of the tongue.

The procedure can be repeated up to several times a day until clear water comes out of the stomach.

For gastric lavage, it is best to use boiled water. If this is not possible, then potassium permanganate is added to ordinary tap water.

Potassium permanganate

It can be used in any case, if there is no diarrhea. The temperature of the solution should be warm.

To prepare it, you need to take 3-5 liters of water, add potassium permanganate crystals to them at the rate of 1-2 crystals for a child per liter of water. Adults for the same amount will need up to 4 elements.

The peculiarity lies in the fact that the prepared solution must be passed through the filter. If undissolved crystals remain, they can burn the pyloric or gastric mucosa. In the presence of gastrointestinal pathologies, this method cannot be used. Even when using a weak solution.


This component has several properties - it reduces inflammation, draws toxins and toxic substances from tissues. saline solution usually used for poisoning.

Preparation does not take much time, since you only need to add 2 tablespoons of salt to 5 liters of clean water. Children from three years old add 1.5 tablespoons, and for babies, doctors recommend using ready-made saline.


It is used if poisoning has occurred with acids. It repays them, eliminates the negative effect of harmful substances on the body. Helps with alcohol poisoning. To prepare, take 1 teaspoon of soda per 1 liter. hot water. After stirring, you need to wait until the solution has cooled down.


To prepare the solution, you can use:

  • Activated carbon. You will need 5 large spoons of powder per 5 liters of water.
  • White coal. For the same volume of water, 5 teaspoons are taken.
  • Polysorb or - 20 tablespoons.

The best results can be achieved by using two different methods. For example, first rinse the stomach with salt water, then with sorbents, repeat the procedure with salt water.

Citric acid solution

This composition is only suitable for alkali poisoning. To prepare, you need to take 1 teaspoon of citric acid for five liters of clean liquid.

What is necessary?

For the procedure, you will need water, a composition that is selected depending on the cause of the poisoning.

Means for collecting wash water will come in handy. It can be a basin, a bucket, any other container with a sufficient neck.

Washed waters should be shown to emergency doctors, since sometimes a more accurate diagnosis can be made from them.

If two people are involved in the washing process, then a waterproof apron and gloves will come in handy to protect the assistant. Remember that vomit can contain viruses, bacteria, toxins.

When the fact of poisoning is not detected immediately, but after the passage of several hours, a cleansing enema is used, since toxic substances by this time can already move into the intestines.

Temperature and amount of water

The temperature of the liquid should be approximately 24 degrees. This is due to the fact that hot water can lead to vasodilation. Because of this, toxins can begin to be absorbed even faster.

The amount of fluid administered depends on the patient's age and weight. Adults will need 5-10 liters. In this case, the entire volume is not administered at once, but in small doses. When using the method without a probe, a smaller volume is required.

Gastric lavage technique

The technique depends on whether the procedure is performed at home or in a hospital setting.

At home: restaurant way

For him, you will need to take one of the solutions indicated above. Drink at one time you need no more than 500 ml. liquids. The total amount is brought to a volume of 5-10 liters.

Depending on the condition of the person, it is laid on its side or seated so that the head is lower than the torso. In the projection of the location of the oral cavity, a container for flushing water is placed.

Then they give the solution to drink and wait for the contents to come out. In the absence of spontaneous vomiting, lightly press on the root of the tongue with a spoon and finger. The procedure is considered completed when the waters become clear.

hospital method

It implies two types:

  • through a thick probe,
  • through a thin probe.

This tool is an elastic tube with a rounded end. Near the latter are two small holes.

Execution algorithm through a thick probe

Additionally, you will need a funnel with a capacity of 0.5-1 l, a mug. First, make sure the patient is conscious.

Attach correct position body. You can sit sitting, closer to the back, lying on your side. In the latter case, you can not use a pillow. Cover the patient's chest with an apron or diaper.

Now you need to determine the desired length of the probe. To do this, measure from the lips to the ear, then down the sternum to the lower edge of the xiphoid process. Mark a point on the probe. Treat the rounded end of the probe with glycerin or petroleum jelly. Stand on the side that your hand is dominant.

Place the rounded end on the root of the tongue. The patient should make several swallowing movements. Then continue to advance the tube through the esophagus.

Attach the funnel to the tube, start pouring 500-1000 ml. water. Raise the funnel slowly to face level. As soon as the water reaches the level of the mouth of the device, lower the funnel below the level of the stomach. After that, the liquid will begin to pour into the prepared container.

The procedure should be stopped immediately if there are problems with the introduction of the probe, the patient began to cough, choke.

The procedure must be repeated until clear waters. When doing this, make sure that the funnel is not completely empty. Otherwise, air will enter the stomach, which will make washing difficult.

With a thin gastric tube

A thin gastric tube is inserted in the same way as a thick one. Sometimes it is injected through the nose. To do this, a passable nostril is determined, the required distance for insertion is measured.

First, insert the probe into the nasal passage by 15-18 cm, then the patient should tilt his head forward. You just have to promote the tool by back wall throats. The patient must remember to swallow.

If the swallowing reflex is disturbed, give a glass of water and a straw. Let the patient drink in small sips. This will help to properly advance the probe.

As soon as the instrument has reached the stomach, Janet is injected with 20 ml of air using a syringe.

Listen to the stomach area with a phonendoscope. Then you need to draw the contents from the stomach into the syringe. It remains with the help of the latter to introduce liquid. And then with his own help to suck him. Repeat the procedure until the solution runs out.

Carrying out the procedure in children

During the procedure, it is best to place the child in the arms of another adult. Since babies often resist, the torso and arms need to be fixed quite tightly.

You can use a sheet for this. The child's legs are pinched between the legs of another adult. The free hand of the assistant is placed on the forehead to fix the head.

If a probe is used, its diameter should be small. The procedure is carried out according to the standard scheme. For children under three years of age, it is best to give a solution of sodium chloride to cleanse the stomach.

When using the probeless method of cleansing, you need to give a glass of solution to drink. An adult should wrap his fingers with a napkin, lightly press on the root of the tongue. Drink fluids and induce vomiting until the water runs clear.

The volume of the solution depends on age:

  • Newborns can be given no more than 50 ml,
  • Up to 6 months - 100 ml,
  • Up to a year - 200 ml.

At an older age, the formula is used for calculations: 100 ml. multiplied by the child's age minus one year. To the result is added 200 ml.

Features of carrying out in an unconscious state

In such a situation, due to the danger of aspiration of washing water, tracheal intubation is first performed by doctors. If you are just waiting for an ambulance, washing is done with a probe, but subject to some rules:

During the procedure, the patient should be in the supine position on the left side. Left leg should be straightened, right - bent at the knee and hip joint. Left hand stretches along the body from behind, and the right hand is placed under the head with the palm.

When inserting the probe, make sure that it is in the correct position. It may end up in the trachea. If the probe is in the stomach, you can notice the secretion of gastric juice.

Preference is usually given to a thin probe that is inserted into the nasal passage. It needs to make an additional 2-3 holes. Removal of the remnants of vomiting from the mouth occurs using a cotton swab.

After the washing procedure, it is recommended to introduce absorbent and laxative agents that reduce the absorption of toxins. It could be like special preparations and vaseline oil. The latter is not absorbed in the intestine, actively binds fat-soluble toxic substances.

Possible difficulties and errors

If a probe is used, you will notice that the amount of water coming out is less than the volume that was infused. There may be several reasons for this outcome:

  • there was a bend in the tube;
  • the probe is inserted too deeply or not enough.

If the removal of fluid from the stomach has completely stopped, it can be assumed that the tube is clogged with blood clots, mucus, and food debris. If the mucosa is damaged, blood is found in the washed waters. The danger is that it may fall into Airways. Sometimes it indicates the onset of bleeding.

Carefully monitor the amount of water that enters the stomach. If there is too much of it, the opening of the sphincter at the exit is provoked. This leads to the penetration of harmful substances, aggravation of signs of poisoning.

Many people, being in stressful situation, forget that you need to monitor the amount of fluid injected. In this case, too much absorption of it into the body occurs. What causes water poisoning.

After washing, rest is recommended in a well-ventilated area, as well as plenty of warm drink. Sometimes doctors recommend giving a diuretic after the procedure, and after 10 minutes a sorbent once. Laxatives are prohibited.

If in the process of washing the patient begins to lose consciousness, let him smell the ammonia. Carry out massage movements, stay with him in constant verbal contact.


Gastric lavage is a procedure that requires a lot of effort from both the patient and the doctor. Experts do not recommend doing it yourself at home. This is due to the fact that the violation of technology can lead to serious complications.

The cost of the procedure is from 650 rubles. It depends on the method used drugs. The probe method will cost the most. Its cost starts from 1000 rubles.

Thus, timely gastric lavage helps prevent severe poisoning of the body, disruption of the kidneys and liver. The procedure also avoids damage to the central nervous system. Therefore, everyone needs to know the technique.

Video on how to perform a gastric lavage:

This procedure allows you to eliminate the toxic product from the body. However, not everyone knows how to wash the stomach at home.

What to do in case of poisoning

First of all, you need to call an ambulance. In the hospital, the victim will undergo all necessary procedures only However, it should be borne in mind that the "ambulance" may be delayed. Therefore, it is important to know how to wash the stomach at home.

If the first signs of intoxication occur, then you should drink a large amount of water, and then artificially. This can be done by touching the root of the tongue with several fingers. It is this action that will provoke. Of course, this is not very pleasant, but necessary. Otherwise, the toxic product will remain in the body and continue to poison it. It is worth noting that as a result of such a procedure, the consequences of intoxication will not be so serious. After all, the poison will not have time to be absorbed into the walls of the stomach, and then get into the blood.

Next step

Since it is not entirely easy to wash the stomach at home, a strict sequence of actions should be followed. After the toxic product has been removed from the stomach due to vomiting, you can proceed to the main stage. If there are no contraindications, then you can start gastric lavage. To do this, you can use solutions from products that can be found in any medicine cabinet or in the kitchen (we will talk about them later).

After preparing the drink, the victim should be seated on a hard chair and allowed to drink the liquid. If an adult is poisoned, then he needs to take at least half a liter of solution at a time. More if possible. It is necessary to completely fill the stomach with a prepared drink so that the walls of the organ begin to stretch. So the solution can get into each fold and thoroughly wash the toxin.

After that, you need to provoke again vomiting reflex. Of course, gastric lavage is not the most pleasant event. However, this is the most efficient method for food poisoning.

What to do after washing

So, how to wash the stomach, figured out. But what to do then? At the end of the procedure, the patient should lie down a little, about 10 minutes with a heating pad, of course, warm on the stomach. Here, too, there are nuances. The heating pad should not be too hot, as this can only aggravate the patient's condition. It should be applied only through a thin diaper.

soda solution

So, how to wash the stomach in case of poisoning? The first thing that comes to mind is a conventional solution. It is prepared very simply. It is necessary to take water, preferably at room temperature, and dilute the powder in it. Only one tablespoon of soda is required per liter of liquid. All components should be thoroughly mixed so that the powder is completely dissolved. For the procedure, you will need up to four liters of such a solution. It will be necessary to wash the stomach several times to completely neutralize the toxins.

Potassium permanganate solution

If there is no soda in the house, then everyone has it in the first aid kit. So, how to wash the stomach with potassium permanganate? To prepare the solution, you should take the drug and filter it with a paper filter. This will exclude the possibility of large crystals of powder entering the stomach, which can cause enough severe burn. After that, potassium permanganate should be diluted with water so that a pale pink solution is obtained.

If the victim has it, then use this drug strictly prohibited.

Who should not have a gastric lavage

Since everyone can flush the stomach at home, there are contraindications to this procedure. Everyone should remember this. So, do not wash the stomach for those who have an ulcer and there is a risk of bleeding. Also, you should not this procedure if there are burns in the oral cavity or inflammatory processes. Contraindications are also cardiovascular diseases.

In these cases, the consequences can be simply unpredictable. That is why experts recommend waiting for an ambulance or taking the victim to the hospital on their own.


Now you know how to wash your stomach at home and not harm your body. By following all the rules of procedure and preparation of solutions, you can save a person's life. The main thing is not to panic, and if " ambulance» delayed, provide first aid to the patient, following the instructions above.

Gastric lavage is very unpleasant procedure, which can be carried out at home or in a hospital using a special device - a funnel and a probe. The need to perform a washing procedure may arise due to poisoning, abundant mucus formation in gastritis, narrowing of the esophagus, perforation of the esophageal wall, and also, if necessary, diagnostic washing with a subsequent study of the washing water and to cleanse the body of toxins if you want to lose weight. How to wash the stomach at home yourself or with the help of loved ones?

Solutions for flushing

SORBENTS. For food poisoning, the most effective method is gastric lavage with water with the addition of sorbents to it, i.e. substances that remove toxins and poisons from the body. The most common drug from this group is activated charcoal, which is available in almost every home. The drug should be added to the liquid for gastric lavage, depending on the body weight of the patient, based on 10 kg of weight 1 tablet. Before use, the charcoal tablet is finely crushed and added to water. Activated charcoal can be replaced with enterosgel or polysorb.

SODA. In case of acid poisoning, add a solution to the water baking soda. In case of alkali poisoning, a little citric acid is added. Water for gastric lavage, carried out at home, should be heated to 37 degrees, so as not to cause hypothermia of the patient's body and prevent the occurrence of a burn of the esophagus and gastric mucosa.

MANGANESE. Often, a solution of potassium permanganate is used to wash the stomach at home. Before use, the agent must be well filtered, for which the potassium permanganate solution is passed through gauze several times, since the penetration of potassium permanganate crystals into the esophagus can cause severe burns.

SALT. If poisoning occurs in a child, then gastric lavage should be carried out using a solution table salt, for which 2 tbsp. salts dissolve in 5 liters of water. Salt prevents toxins from entering the intestines.

Washing with drug poisoning

When drug poisoning occurs, gastric lavage at home should be carried out every 6 hours, since it is likely that poisons will penetrate from the stomach into the intestines. In case of poisoning drugs or overdose requires hospitalization of the patient and mandatory medical supervision.

In some cases, the procedure for gastric lavage at home is carried out with slagging of the body. Thanks to the cleansing of the stomach from stagnant unnecessary food, the body is cleansed, and a certain amount of extra pounds goes away. Many people use this procedure modern women, because after getting rid of toxins, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, improves appearance and well-being. Before “cleansing the body” with gastric lavage, you should seek the advice of a specialist, since this method has a number of contraindications. Self-lavage of the stomach is not recommended in the presence of peptic ulcer, colitis, etc.

The gastric lavage procedure should be carried out in the morning, on an empty stomach. 1 tsp is added to 1 liter of water for washing. salt. Water used for gastric lavage at home with slagging should be boiled and cooled to 40 degrees. The procedure itself consists in consuming as much saline as possible, after which the stomach is emptied. Vomiting is caused several times until the water coming out becomes translucent. Cleansing the body using this method is carried out 5 days in a row 2 times a year. After the procedure, you need to have breakfast. It is recommended to use oatmeal, fresh fruit and natural juice. If the state of health worsened after gastric lavage, it is recommended to stop such self-purification.

Contraindications for gastric lavage

Gastric lavage should not be performed on a person if he is unconscious, as well as in case of poisoning with oil products (kerosene, gasoline, liquefied gas), since these substances cause a burning effect.

In addition, contraindications for gastric lavage at home are:

  • availability is very severe pain in the abdomen;
  • occurrence of stomach bleeding;
  • the onset of myocardial infarction;
  • the presence of high blood pressure;
  • diagnosing heart failure.

Stomach problems occur at least once in a lifetime in every person. Options for their elimination are determined based on the cause that caused the violation. Washing is one of the methods.

The need for gastric lavage occurs when bad feeling becomes a consequence of the ingress of toxic, poisonous substances that cause severe intoxication, nausea, weakness. In such situations, the faster the harmful components are removed from digestive tract, the sooner improvement occurs, complications are excluded.

The following indications can be distinguished:

  • poisoning in acute form- the result of eating stale food, poisonous mushrooms.
  • Alcoholic or drug intoxication.
  • Weekend Anomaly gastric department in the form of a contraction.
  • Decreased tone of the walls of the food-digesting organ.
  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Chronic pathologies that provoke the entry of dangerous substances into the lumen of the stomach (for example, kidney problems).

There are also a number of contraindications. We are talking about a narrowing of the esophagus of an organic type, severe bleeding in the stomach or esophagus, burns of the larynx and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract with alkali or acid, the absence of such reflexes as cough and laryngeal. Also, the procedure should be treated with caution if an adult or child is diagnosed with an impaired cerebral circulation, heart rhythm abnormalities, convulsions. Absolute contraindication becomes unconscious unless intubated.

Variants of methods and solutions

To solve the problem of how to wash the stomach at home in case of poisoning, you can use the so-called "restaurant" method. IN medical institution a probe can be used, special solutions and devices are used. Each method has its own characteristics, but in any case, napkins or a towel, dishes for the outgoing liquid must be at hand.

1. With probe.

In case of severe poisoning caused by alkali, acid, vinegar or household chemicals, washing is carried out only in a hospital with a thick or thin probe. In the first case, the device for the procedure is a tube made from a rubber mixture, the length of which is from 80 to 120 cm, and the diameter is about 12 mm. There is a cut at one end of the tube, the other is equipped with side holes and has a rounded shape.

To flush the stomach with a thick probe, prepare at least 5 liters of liquid (maximum 10 liters are poured). Boiled water cooled to 20 degrees is suitable, prepared from five liters of water and a couple of tablespoons of salt, a composition that helps stop the movement of toxins through the digestive tract. You can also use a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, which is an effective antiseptic and antimicrobial agent, or a similarly prepared salt soda mixture. If children are affected by poisoning, it is important to correctly determine the volume of liquid. Approximately proceed from the need for an infusion of 5 ml per kg of weight. When choosing a washing technique using a thin probe, the diameter of which does not exceed 9 mm, similar solutions are used.

3. Without additional devices.

At home, the procedure for poisoning can be carried out using the already mentioned "restaurant" method. To do this, one of the solutions described above is drunk on its own, after which vomiting is caused. A single volume of a serving of liquid is not more than 500 ml. The total amount reaches 5-10 liters.

If washing is carried out at home, it is advisable for the person who helps to carry out the procedure to wear gloves and an apron protecting clothes so that the contents with pathogenic bacteria do not get on the skin or things and the infection does not spread further.

How is washing done?

With the probeless option, the following algorithm of actions is provided:

  • The patient is seated or laid on its side, with the head lower than the body.
  • In the projection of the oral cavity, a container for flushing water is placed.
  • The prepared solution is given to drink and the contents that cause intoxication are expected to come out. In the absence of spontaneous vomiting, lightly press on the root of the tongue with a spoon or finger.

If cleaning with a thick probe is necessary, the following washing algorithm is provided:

1. The patient is seated or laid on one side, removing the pillow from under the head, a diaper is placed on the chest.

2. Determine the required length of the probe by measuring the distance between the lips and the earlobe with the tube itself, then descending to the edge of the xiphoid process of the anterior abdominal wall. The resulting point is marked on the probe in order to enter it exactly at this size.

3. The rounded end is well lubricated vaseline oil(glycerin is also suitable) and put it on the root of the patient's tongue, who will have to make a couple of swallowing movements that contribute to the uniform movement of the device along the esophagus.

4. This technique requires especially careful actions so that the probe does not get into the larynx (cough, lack of air becomes a sign). If the advance of the tube causes a strong gag reflex, pre-irrigate oral cavity anesthetic in the form of a spray with lidocaine.

5. When the probe is at the required level, a funnel is attached to it and the first 500-1000 ml of the solution is poured. When the liquid reaches the level of the mouth of the funnel, it is placed below the level of the stomach, initiating gastric lavage.

6. It is important that the funnel is not completely empty to avoid air ingress. Purification is carried out until clean water is obtained.

It should be remembered that the volume of injected fluid may exceed the amount of outgoing masses by a maximum of 1%, since in the case of absorption of solutions, the condition worsens.

When used for washing a thin probe, it is inserted through the nose, after determining the most "breathable" nostril. The procedure begins with measuring the required distance to the stomach, inserting the probe into the nasal passage (with the head thrown back) by 15 cm. After that, the patient should lean forward and make swallowing movements, ensuring that the probe moves along the wall of the larynx and esophagus. ABOUT correct introduction indicates the ability to freely speak and breathe. In order for the probe to move as smoothly as possible, it is suggested to drink water in small sips with the head tilted forward.

The technique of washing with this method is different in that the solution is injected through a syringe, after which it is pumped out of the stomach in a similar way and poured into a prepared container. Actions according to the specified algorithm are repeated using the entire volume of liquid.

If poisoning is diagnosed in a child

Washing in children, in addition to correctly determining the amount of fluid required, has a number of nuances:

1. It is advisable to fix the child in the arms of an adult, who should wrap his legs around the baby’s legs and hold the forehead and arms of the little patient with his hands. Children early age swaddled beforehand.

2. For children, the volume of the solution depends on weight and age. For newborns, this amount does not exceed 50 ml, for babies up to six months - 100 ml, for children aged 6-12 months - 200 ml. After a year, the following formula is used - 100 ml is multiplied by the age of the child reduced by a year, after which 200 ml is added to the result.

What points should be paid special attention to?

In order for washing during poisoning to be successful, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

1. When using a probe, less water may leak out compared to the infused liquid. This phenomenon occurs due to the bending of the tube when it is too deep or insufficiently inserted. The movement of the probe and its correct placement in the stomach helps to correct the position.

2. If the liquid stops flowing from the probe during gastric lavage, this indicates a blockage of the tube opening with food residues or mucus. To eliminate the problem, the probe is removed, cleaned and the procedure is repeated.

3. With an excessive volume of one-time incoming water, the opening of the sphincter at the outlet of the organ is provoked, which leads to the penetration of harmful substances into the intestine and aggravates the signs of poisoning. Therefore, the indicated dosages must not be exceeded.

4. When choosing compositions, you need to be especially careful with potassium permanganate, since exceeding the concentration is dangerous for burning the mucosa of the esophagus and stomach.

5. After the liquid enters the stomach, the nausea accompanying the poisoning may increase, but this disappears with the release of the washing solution.

If, as a result of poisoning, the body spontaneously gets rid of harmful substances through the abundant release of vomit, measures may be required to stop this process. Help with vomiting is needed because of the risk of dehydration. To alleviate the condition of the house will come out by taking sorbents (at the same time they eliminate nausea) and special antiemetic drugs. The use of the latter is allowed only with the exception infectious process if vomiting is prolonged and debilitating vitality organism.