What can you teach a puppy at 2 months old? First lessons with a puppy. Approximate puppy menu

Our educational complex is designed for puppies aged from one to three months.

The upbringing and adaptation of a puppy begins at one month of age, and it is better to adopt a puppy until it is three months old.
At this age, all phobias (obsessive fears), all incorrect behavior patterns are formed. And also all the right skills are laid.

What can we teach a puppy between the ages of one and three months? A lot:

Don't jump on the owner
sleep peacefully at night
run on the street after the owner's legs
sit quietly and wait for food to be served
Don't bite people's limbs or clothes
get to know the commands “come”, “fu”, “sit”

How to teach a child all this?
Your willingness and patience are required.

Many people ask: “What can and cannot be punished for a puppy at such a young age?” It is better at this age to do without punishment. Take care of yours and your puppy's nervous system.
I especially want to draw your attention to this listing.

Puppies under three months of age cannot be punished for:

  • piles and puddles on the floor or carpet
  • for all material damage. If at this age the puppy took out one of the valuable things and chewed it up, it means that you did not put it in a place inaccessible to the baby in time. If you have electrical or similar wires in an accessible place, remove them immediately. This is a favorite treat for many puppies.
  • running, jumping on furniture
  • biting pieces off the walls. If the puppy does this, consult a doctor, he may be lacking minerals and vitamins, or he has worms.
  • grabbing and ruffling your clothes as you walk by.
  • biting the owner's hands and feet. These are typical puppy plays and usually go away on their own once the teeth are replaced. Sometimes I even tell my clients: “If your puppy under the age of 4 months does not run after your legs and does not chew them, but lies quietly in the corner. He is sick. Take your puppy's temperature."

Maintaining a positive emotional state in dogs is essential. But in puppies from 1 month to 3 months it is necessary to evoke such emotions that strengthen the nervous system and in the future will lead the dog to balance and restraint. The dog will choose the right situation where you can throw out your emotions, and where you need to remain completely calm.

Puppies, from 1 month to 3 months, are raised in ways that bring them only joy and satisfaction and give them hope that everything will be fine. Therefore, methods of working with a small puppy are based only on positive reinforcement (affection, treats, play). Or targeted exercises based on the right to choose.

In order to start working with your baby, learn how to prepare a treat, give it correctly and, most importantly, learn the correct intonation of your voice. It will be preparatory stage for you. Until you master these exercises yourself, you should not start practicing with your baby.

Let's learn how to prepare a delicacy.

From today you have entered new form home clothes. It’s called “Master of a big pocket with cheese.” Carry the treat with you at all times, and for each right action Reward the puppy with treats and affection.

These can be tiny pieces of hard cheese. The cheese can become hard if it sits for a while without packaging.

The size of the treat is important. If the pieces are large, then the puppy eats up quickly, and further training he will no longer be interested. If the pieces are very small, they will fall out of the baby's mouth.

Therefore, we take the best option, about the size of a pea. It is not necessary to round them; the main thing is not the shape, but the size. I foresee a question: if my dog ​​is on dry food, can I give him cheese? I answer as a veterinarian: Yes. But only during classes. Another question: why cheese and not the dry food we feed? Because dry food is given strictly according to the norm - this is one thing, and secondly, the puppy can choke on dry pieces and will cough in the same way as from dry biscuits. Can I have some sausages? You can, of course, but your hands and clothes will be greasy, and this is simply unpleasant. So, cheese. Learning to give treats. It always lies in the right pocket of right-handers, and in the left pocket of left-handers. We do not use cellophane bags. Otherwise, the dog will react to the rustling of the cellophane. But we don't need this. Therefore, clothing is selected appropriately. We don’t mind getting it a little dirty, and these clothes have pockets.

No more than 5 seconds should pass between the dog’s actions and their reward. Otherwise, encouragement is not effective at all.

The treat is given in two ways. On an open palm and in a pinch (between the thumb and index finger). Both methods have their place. And in class we will use both.

So, the owner of the “big pocket of cheese” walks around the house and begins to teach the dog the correct behavior. You can train your puppy in parallel with several methods of correct behavior at once.

We accustom the puppy to his name.

You need to come up with a short and sonorous name for the dog. It may not coincide with the name from the pedigree. There are many names for dogs on the site, take a look and adopt one of them. Example: Siegfried is a good name, but very long to attract the attention of the puppy, better Sigi or Reed.

And when the baby grows up, you can also use full name. And he will respond to it. I like to teach the puppy a name through feeding. Take a bowl and call your baby in a gentle voice: “Zigi, Zigi, Zigi,” repeating the name often and several times. At the same time, show a bowl of food. From the second day, the baby will understand that it is his name and that he needs to run faster, as they will give him delicious food. In such a fun and pleasant way you will teach the puppy to respond to its name.

We teach the dog to respond to the word “Okay”.

The question is why do we need this, so that the puppy reacts to the word “Okay”. Everything is very simple. You won’t always be able to give your dog a treat on time for a job done correctly. For example, working at a distance means your dog is 10 meters away from you. And how can you let him know that you are happy with him? And like this. Say the word “good” and the dog will be aware of your mood. And this is how we teach the puppy. We hand him a treat and, saying the word “good” in a gentle voice, always affectionate, we hand-feed him delicious cheese. You have already read about the delicacy in the previous post.

You can stroke and caress the baby at this time. Learn to pet your dog correctly. Pat her lightly on the chest. Give it a whirl. But make sure that the puppy enjoys it. Do not stroke the head or back. I will explain why to those who will study in our virtual group.

Practice the skill only when the puppy is not doing anything illegal at that moment. For example, he is just lying still or has come up to you and has not yet put his paws on your lap. Praise and give treats.

Training puppies and raising them are two different things. Although, as the puppy grows up, both of these concepts should go side by side, complementing each other. Separately, these paths of influence cannot exist, otherwise you can get a trained dog, but at the same time it will be completely untrained and vice versa. In this article we will talk exclusively about training.

It is best to start training from 2 months of age. It would seem, what can such a puppy be trained to do? A lot, actually. A dog at this age is already beginning to understand commands such as sit, lie down, stand up and even fetch something small, and the dog already perfectly understands the calling order. Despite its small age, a small dog can already walk next to its owner and, if he stops, sit at his feet. All that is needed for this is the attention of the owner, who is constantly working with the pet.

Do not forget that every dog, like a person, has its own individual characteristics not only the psyche, but also physiology. It should be remembered that the main reaction at this age is food, i.e. Food is very valuable for your pet. Thus, to stimulate training, it is necessary to stock up on your favorite treat.

For a pet, the touch of its owner's hands means encouragement and affection. For the purpose of praise, these movements are priceless and timely, but if incorrect dog posture needs to be corrected, this should be done with caution, since the dog will become euphoric from the touch and completely forget about your commands.

Self-control of the owner himself is very important during training. A puppy at this age is guided by the timbre of the owner’s voice, his facial expressions and even behavior.

An important point in the pet’s denial during the training process will be ignoring it. It is acceptable at this time to say “bad” using a low timbre of voice. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to pull the leash, spank the dog or shake it. With such behavior you will not achieve anything from the dog except complete refusal to obey.

The most common misconception during training is using a leash on the dog. Almost up to 5 months, a dog leash is used exclusively as a means of control, which does not allow the dog to leave the work area. The leash is held with a hand or foot. Under no circumstances should you pull the leash just to change the position in the desired position. Constant tugging will only result in your pet not being able to work without a leash. That is, if you let him off the leash, he will immediately forget all the commands.

Continuous work with the animal cannot last more than 15 minutes. A certain command can be executed no more than 5 times in a row, otherwise this can lead to overload for nervous system animal.

The pet must work exclusively in a positive mood and finish it in the same way. It is better to start training before feeding, and the dog should have time to go to the toilet. A pet that has eaten will want to sleep and will not be able to assimilate orders, the same goes for the toilet.

A small pet needs to be picked up correct collar and a leash. The collar should not put too much pressure on the throat. There are a number of exercises to accustom your dog to them. For the first time, it is recommended to wear this equipment at home so that the leash can drag freely behind the puppy.

Learning the first commands

Practicing commands should begin in a quiet home environment so that the pet is not distracted by anything.


When saying “Sit” to the animal, you need to show him a treat.

When the puppy begins to be attracted to food, begin to move this piece upward so that he begins to reach for it while crouching.

After this has happened, you need to repeat the command and give your pet a treat. Try not to touch it while learning.

"To me"

This command should be pronounced at the moment when the pet is close to you.

As soon as the baby runs up to you, wait until he sits down, as with the “sit” command, and give him a treat.


While exploring, entice your baby with a small piece. Wait until your pet is interested and hide the treat under your arm, pressing it to the floor.

To get to the treat, the baby will lie down. Repeat the command again and reward the animal.


Take a piece of treat in your hand and hold it at eye level with your pet. The hand movement should be stopped as soon as the puppy begins to move.

Confidently repeat the command and give a treat four-legged friend for success. This should be repeated several times.


Before you start learning this command, you should tire out the puppy a little, so leave it for last.

Fasten the leash and train your dog to move near your left leg.

Keep the leash length short. Give your pet a chance to calm down and say “Nearby,” then feed him with your left hand.

Having fed 5 pieces in this way, make the pet sit down.

"Fetch" and "give"

While playing with your puppy with a small toy, begin training him to fetch the object. First of all, study what things are pleasant to your baby, and what things he ignores. Throw the toy a short distance; the command should be spoken when the pet runs after it. Before the puppy lets go of the object, you need to intercept it using the “give” command.

When the item is in your hands, reward the animal. It is possible that you will need the help of an instructor when learning these commands. There's nothing wrong with that.


This command is practiced immediately before bedtime, after the pet has refreshed itself. As soon as he begins to doze, pick him up and take him to his immediate location, remembering to repeat the command.

What to feed a one-month-old puppy is one of the expenses of a dog owner and the most significant factor in the success of breeding work. You absolutely cannot skimp on food. The quality of the litter and the survival rate of puppies depends on the nutrition of the bitch during whelping and lactation. Health and Fertility adult dog, learning and performance of teenage puppies is largely determined by the correct feeding of the pups.

What to feed a one-month-old puppy

For the first 14 days of life, puppies feed exclusively on mother's milk. The main emphasis at this time should be on the caloric content and nutritional value of the lactating bitch's food. If she does not have enough milk, the puppies can be placed with another nursing bitch. The lack of milk is indicated by the anxiety of the litter: the puppies sleep poorly and little, crawl, squeak and whine. Well-fed cubs fall asleep immediately after eating and sleep soundly and for a long time. An indicator of the sufficiency of milk in a bitch is also a constant increase in their weight. After birth, the cubs must receive colostrum from their mother, otherwise there is a high risk of death of the litter.

In the absence of a nurse, puppies are fed using a bitch's milk replacer purchased at a veterinary clinic or pet store, from a bottle with a nipple. If the bitch is kept with the litter, then the puppies always have the opportunity to suckle when they get hungry. If the bitch is separated from the litter for some reason, or the puppies are being fed by another, milkier bitch, then they need to be placed on the nipples at least 12 times a day.

First feeding

In the third week of life, puppies suckle their mother or nurse at least 8 times, and in the fourth week - at least 6 times a day. At this time, complementary foods should be introduced. If the litter is large - more than 8 cubs - or the bitch has little milk and the puppies are fed by a nurse or artificially - with a milk replacer from a bottle - then complementary feeding is introduced at 7-10 days, when the puppies begin to see the light.

The first food is warmed goat or sheep milk. Add a fresh egg to it and stir well. Eggs must be tested for pathogenic bacteria. Milk is first offered to puppies from a bottle with a nipple, and when they taste it, it is poured into a saucer. The cubs begin to lick it, poke their faces into the food, gradually learning to lap it. After feeding, each muzzle needs to be wiped. When they learn to eat, you need to offer them liquid porridge with milk from oatmeal or ground oatmeal. 1-2 eggs for the entire litter are beaten into the porridge.

It is also necessary to introduce calcined cottage cheese to prevent rickets. It is prepared as follows: pour 4 tablespoons of calcium chloride into a liter of boiling milk and mix. The cottage cheese is discarded, then kneaded and diluted with whey to a liquid porridge. The whey remaining after making the cottage cheese is fed to the nursing bitch.

From 2 weeks, raw frozen and thawed meat is introduced: veal, turkey or rabbit. The meat is ground into mince and given after the puppies have suckled their mother or nurse.

Feeding at 1 month

By this age, the cubs are accustomed to milk, porridge, cottage cheese and meat. They are placed next to the bitch 4-5 times a day, and they are offered other food the same number of times. In a month, the food should already be combined: cottage cheese at one feeding, meat at another, milk and egg at the third, porridge at the fourth. New products are gradually being introduced. Here's something else you can feed a month-old puppy: kefir, natural yogurt, boiled egg yolk, congee, meat broth from meat familiar to the cubs, boiled meat, meat soup in broth with carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, sweet peppers, rice or oatmeal, seasoned with very finely chopped herbs (dill, parsley, young nettle).

By one and a half months, the puppies suckle their mother 3-4 times a day and prepare for weaning. Weaning ends by 2 months. RKF allows the sale of dogs from 45 days of age, so by this time the puppy must be fully accustomed to food, and the bitch’s milk must be additional items his power supply scheme, which he can easily do without.

Feeding at 1.5 - 2 months

This is the age at which cubs are weaned from their mother and can be sold. IN new family A place, bowls, and toys have been prepared for the baby. And the owner always wonders what to feed a two-month-old puppy. His diet should be designed so that it resembles the breeder’s diet: meat, dairy products, cereals, soups. At this age, you can offer boiled and deboned lean fish a couple of times a week, washed and sliced ​​fruits (apples, pears, bananas) and vegetables (cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes). A puppy accustomed to them from childhood will eat them with pleasure when he grows up.

Feeding a 3-5 month old puppy

What to feed a 3 month old puppy and older? The young dog's menu remains the same. It is based on meat and dairy products as the main sources of essential animal protein. Protein is also obtained from fish, but it is not recommended to give it too often. Cereals, fruits, vegetables and herbs are sources of carbohydrates and vitamins. Additionally, the puppy is accustomed to fats (sunflower, flaxseed, pumpkin oil, fish oil) and food additives (blood meal, meat and bone meal, fish meal). Among the new products that the pet gets acquainted with, one can note boiled liver, boiled lungs, tripe, large marrow bones to strengthen teeth (they are allowed to gnaw after changing teeth). New types of meat are being introduced - beef, chicken.

How often should you feed your puppy?

A dog should develop a diet from childhood. Feed her preferably in equal portions at regular intervals. Violation of the regime provokes dogs to wander in search of food. At 1.5-2 months, the cubs are fed 6-8 times, depending on the caloric content and nutritional value of the food. From 2 months, feeding is reduced to 5-6 times. At 3 months, puppies eat 4-5 times.

How many times to feed a 4-month-old puppy depends on its growth rate and the quality of food. Typically, 3 meals a day are sufficient for well-growing dogs. In the evening, you can give them some warm porridge or milk for a more restful night's sleep.

The question of how many times to feed a 5-month-old puppy is solved by owners in different ways: some repeat the feeding pattern for the previous month, others gradually transfer it to the adult dog regimen and feed it twice a day. If the dog is trained on positive reinforcement in the form of food and receives treats throughout the day in the form of dried or dried meat dog treats and vegetables, then this regime is considered normal. If the puppy does not receive any food or treats between main meals, then this regime is not suitable for him. In this case, he must eat at least 3 times a day. The “adult” two-a-day diet is optimal for dogs from 8 months.

All products to be fed to a dog must be High Quality and fresh. The portion should be calculated according to the weight and age of the dog. Overeating should not be allowed, but underfeeding is also very harmful. Feeding with industrial feed is considered ideal. They are completely ready and balanced. There is food for puppies from 3 weeks and special food for preparing for weaning from a bitch. Dry food is diluted with water and kneaded into a paste. Pates and wet food no need to breed.

What do you prefer to feed your pets?

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    Porridge with various additives 46%, 8156 votes

Care and raising of a puppy from one to three months

The puppy was brought home

All your household members greet you, eager to see the new family member.

There is no need to loudly show delight, clap your hands, or jump for joy. This especially applies to children. It is also not necessary for your children to bring a bunch of children to play with the puppy in the first days of the puppy’s stay in the house.

Communication and appeal

You lowered the puppy to the floor. He is scared, everything is incomprehensible and alien everywhere. No mother, no sisters and brothers, no familiar corner and familiar smells. But during the move, he already realized that he could receive protection, warmth and help from you. He is already relying on you. Therefore, come to his aid now. Talking affectionately, walk the puppy around the entire apartment, show him everything you have and what interests him. Talk to him more. Of course, he doesn’t understand your words and doesn’t know the purpose of many things. But don't let this bother you. From this age, the dog should already get used to it and become familiar with normal human speech. There is no need to distort words, no need to talk to the puppy in a lisping and unnatural tone. Speak to him correctly, calmly, kindly, confidently. Never deceive a puppy or an adult dog! Take care of his faith in you! The puppy and then the adult dog must trust you unconditionally. And this faith begins to be laid and formed from the first minute of your communication with him.

The dog should constantly hear different intonations of your voice. Here is the affectionate, joyful intonation at the meeting; here is a warning intonation, warning of danger, when a puppy does something that could threaten his health or life; here is the intonation of prohibition; a perky and enthusiastic intonation when you invite your puppy to play. Puppies and adult dogs react extremely subtly to the intonation of the owner, and this should be used in building your relationship with them.

The question is often asked: at what age should you start training a dog? There is no need to wait any time: education and training begins from the first minute, as soon as the puppy falls into your hands. The only difference is that as the dog ages, the methods of education and training become more complex and the requirements for their implementation increase.

Learn how to pick up a puppy correctly. You cannot grab him by the paws, lifting him up - turn his paws out; You cannot pull by the skin - you will stretch the skin, it will hang unsightly, and you will cause pain to the puppy. Under no circumstances should you take it under the stomach - this place is not protected by skeletal bones, but soft inner fabrics and organs can be damaged from excessive pressure. The puppy must be picked up with both hands at once, grasping the area of ​​the shoulder blades and chest, that is, from the sides. You can take it, supporting it under the chest with one hand, and put the puppy on the other hand, as it were. In all cases, make sure that the nimble and impetuous puppy does not slip out of your hands and fall to the floor.

At first, especially at night, the puppy may cry and whine. Practice shows that monthly (up to about 2 months) puppies often wake up at night around 3 o'clock. They whine and worry. At this time, you need to turn on a dim light so as not to disturb other family members from resting and not to create an overly stimulating environment, and give the puppy the opportunity to play and move around a little. Then he will do his “business”. Clean up after him. All this should take you no more than half an hour, but this will be enough for the puppy to get tired, make sure that he is loved, that he is not forgotten, that he is taken care of, and he will calmly fall asleep in his place again.

If you have a smooth-haired puppy and the room is cool, you can cover the puppy with a not very warm blanket. After all, in their native nest, puppies sleep in a bunch of brothers and keep each other warm. And suddenly he was left alone with you, and naturally he felt uncomfortable and cool.

You have a lot of toys prepared for your pet. Show him where these toys are and how to play with them. Sitting on the floor, roll a ball with your puppy, drag a rag along the floor so that the puppy catches it and grabs it. Playing together will bring you a lot of fun and will help strengthen the bond between you and your dog.

Start building your future relationship with your dog now. After your absence, even a very short one, when you come home, rejoice at the puppy, pet him, praise him, say a lot of kind words, encourage his joy caused by your appearance, start a short but fun romp. Then calm the dog down and go about your business.

Age-related developmental features

In their development, puppies go through several stages - from embryonic (intrauterine) to young dogs. The periods of interest to us will be considered step by step.

We get a one-month-old puppy in the third period of its development. This period is called exaltation. Lasts from 5-6 to 8-^12 weeks, that is, from 1.5 to 2-3 months. During this period, puppies move away from their mother and actively become acquainted with environment. This is the most important period for the possibilities of educational work with a puppy. An important feature of this period of a puppy’s life is the ability to quickly produce conditioned reflexes. Puppies are highly active in getting to know their environment, and the so-called exploratory reflex is strongly developed.

For the correct physical development of the puppy and the accumulation of life experience during this period, daily walks are necessary with a change of routes, and, therefore, of the stimuli encountered.

Puppies are immensely happy and rejoice at everything new, not yet knowing fear, they boldly start the most risky games, stick their noses anywhere, and pull everything they can put in their mouth.

After two months, a period of desperate biting begins. The puppy constantly wants to bite; he can grab his teeth into the hand of the owner and other family members, as well as guests. There is no need to be afraid of this: by three and a half to four months it will pass. If the puppy is not vicious by nature, then one day the biting will “go away.”

The period of exaltation is one of the brightest and most interesting periods in the life of dogs.

Walking and physical development

A one-month-old puppy should be taken out for walks very carefully. At first - for 5-10 minutes, depending on the time of year and the outside air temperature. Then the duration of the walk must be gradually increased to half an hour. By two months you can walk for about an hour, by three months - even longer. The puppy must be carried up the stairs in your arms for up to three months - fragile ligaments on the legs and back can form incorrectly and subsequently spoil your dog’s appearance.

On the first walks, it is advisable to hold the puppy in your arms and only lower it to the ground for a short time. At the first sign of fear or fatigue, he must be picked up and “protected.” This should only be done for a few days. The puppy will quickly get used to it, become bolder and in the future will not want to sit in your arms.

On walks, make the puppy run and move more. Move a short distance away from him and gently call him to you, clapping your hands to attract attention. Run a short distance away from the puppy running after you, dragging him along with you.

Distract your puppy from strangers. Pet the puppy that comes up to you, pet it and give it a treat as a reward, let it go play or explore the area. Then take a stick, rag, twig or large leaf away from the tree and call the puppy to you, play with him again. Don’t let the puppy look around boredly, not knowing what to do, while you stand sadly nearby. Do not have long conversations with friends and acquaintances on the street, leaving the puppy to its own devices.

During walks, try to teach the puppy to overcome small obstacles - sidewalk curbs, ditches, teach him to walk on parapets, etc. All this helps physical development puppy, strengthens its ligamentous apparatus, develops muscles, instills in it courage and self-confidence.

When you have already established a strong connection with your puppy, taught him to follow you, play together on the street, come to you, you can take care of finding friends that are age-appropriate or slightly older. Naturally, such dogs must be domestic, completely healthy and kept in good conditions. Playing puppies with each other is the key to excellent physical and mental development. Well, you will make new friends and acquaintances.

You should not walk with your puppy during rain or strong wind.

Educational work

With the acquisition of a dog, you took on the responsibility of not only raising it, but also raising it correctly and training it.

The process of education begins, it would seem, with “little things”, with the instillation of useful skills and the elimination of unnecessary ones.

From one to three months, the puppy should learn and learn to carry out just a few very necessary commands. He must understand and remember his name. To do this, call him by name at every opportunity. Pronounce the name clearly, affectionately. He must also learn the rewarding word “good.” Let's give a few examples.

Example one. The puppy's name is Chico. You hold him in your arms or fiddle with him on the floor, saying: “Chico, Chico, okay! Chico is good! Caress him. The puppy must learn to come to you when you call. After approaching, reward him with a treat.

Example two. You must say: “Chico, come to me!” - attract the puppy's attention by clapping your hands. The puppy came up, you say several times: “Okay, Chico, okay! Come to me, okay!” Pet the puppy, caress it, play with it for a short time and immediately release it, treating it with a treat.

Example three. The puppy must know the place and time of food. It's time to feed - call him: “Chico, Chico, eat! Fine! Eat!". Encourage your puppy to quickly run to his table.

Example four. The puppy must know the place where he sleeps. Little puppies sleep a lot. A puppy can fall asleep instantly, unexpectedly, where he fell asleep: among toys, during vigorous play, sometimes even while running. He should be picked up and carefully moved to a certain place, saying: “Chiko, sleep, place, place, good.” Very soon the growing puppy will run to his place on his own.

In general, the puppy's name is not a command. It only serves to attract the puppy's attention. After pronouncing the nickname, when he pays attention to you, you must either give some kind of command, or respond to his silent question in some other way.

In general, train yourself not to “tug” the dog in vain without any particular reason, and do not constantly call when the puppy is playing enthusiastically or carefully examining something.

From two months old, you can and should accustom your puppy to a harness or collar. The puppy must learn not to be afraid of these items and let him put them on calmly. A puppy in a harness or collar is easier for you to control and, if necessary, you will grab it not by its fur, but by these mandatory accessories of a dog’s “equipment.”

A growing puppy, starting from two months old, will show disobedience and disobedience to you. And from this time your “big work” begins. However, at his young age, you can still get by with a simple technique of distracting the puppy’s attention and switching to another activity.

Puppies at this age are still very absent-minded. Their attention does not concentrate on one subject for a long time and easily switches to new stimuli. This should be widely used for educational purposes.

Care appearance

Caring for the appearance mainly means hygienic maintenance of the puppy. If your dog has a smooth coat, then grooming will be easy. It is advisable to brush the puppy every day with a special stiff brush. Thus, you will remove all dirt from the wool, comb out dead hairs, and massage the skin, which increases vitality animal. If your dog has long hair or is expected to have long, thick hair in the future, then from the very beginning early age We need to teach her to comb her.

It is best to do hygienic treatment of a puppy when the puppy is out for a walk, tired, resting and does not want anything. It is very difficult to force a awake puppy to lie still and allow itself to be brushed and examined. Therefore, use rest time after long walks for this procedure. While brushing your puppy, talk to him affectionately. Accustom him to an invitation that sounds something like this: “Let’s comb your hair,” or “Come on, I’ll comb your hair,” or something else. It doesn't matter what you call this procedure, it is important that the puppy gets used to it and loves it.

Until about five months, puppies wear puppy fluff rather than fur, which is then replaced with real fur. But you also need to take care of the down. The coat should always be shiny, combed, and fluffed. The combing procedure must be combined with the flea catching procedure. Basic advice on this issue will be given in the chapter “ General care for the dog."

Next, you should examine the puppy's ears, teeth, claws and paws. Although up to three months there are practically no complications with these parts of the body. And the examination comes down to a symbolic examination of the puppy and accustoming him to this procedure. The exception is puppies, who must have their ears cropped (at 8-10 weeks of age). Since ear cropping conducts veterinarian or an experienced specialist, then you will receive instructions from him on how to care for your puppy during the postoperative period. General advice this cannot be the case, since the operation and the condition of the puppy after the operation are always strictly individual. Follow the advice of a specialist surgeon and breed specialist without the slightest deviation.

After the first walks on the street, the puppy must be taught to wash its paws. A one-month-old puppy should be comfortably picked up and its paws washed under the tap. But, as the puppy grows, its paws should be washed in a small basin. Never allow a puppy or adult dog with unwashed paws into your apartment. You need to get used to washing your paws from a young age. Use warm water to wash your paws. Paws are washed without soap and wiped dry with a well-absorbing cloth. If necessary, these rags are washed or replaced with fresh ones.

Don't forget to keep the floors in your apartment clean. It is very important. The floors in an apartment where there is a dog must be washed frequently. You can and should use disinfectant solutions, the use of which must be alternated. Flea eggs accumulate on dirty floors and viruses are “sown” various diseases, which you can bring on shoes from the street. Therefore, you cannot enter the rooms in street shoes. Shoes must be removed at the entrance and, preferably, washed immediately. By fiddling around on a dirty floor, the puppy gets its fur dirty and becomes unkempt. In such conditions, he can even become infected with some disease at home.

The following disinfectant solutions are used for washing floors: vinegar dissolved in water, a pale solution of manganese, ammonia dissolved in water, a weak solution of creolin, as well as some other disinfectants that can be purchased at the pharmacy. Pharmacy workers will tell you how to use them.

In addition, the puppy constantly, at least three to five times a day, leaves puddles and heaps on the floor. Puddles are wiped with a slightly damp cloth, which must be rinsed immediately under the tap. Never leave rags soaked in urine unwashed. Heaps of feces are raked onto a tray with a broom or onto paper and thrown into the toilet, and their place on the floor is washed with a disinfectant solution.


We have come to the most difficult and troubling issue for you. The normal condition of the puppy largely depends on proper feeding.

At this age, food for a puppy should be soft, semi-liquid. Vegetables - mashed with a fork or masher. Do not give food that is too liquid or hard. The puppy will simply refuse the solid one, but the liquid one will choke, cough, and sneeze. Liquid food can enter the bronchi and cause pneumonia. The meat should either be passed through a large grinder or finely chopped with a knife. In the first days, while you have not yet figured out the puppy’s tastes, for “insurance” give him semolina porridge, oatmeal on milk, dairy products, cottage cheese with milk, thick vegetable soup, finely chopped meat.

A puppy aged one to two months should be fed six times a day, at regular intervals.

Approximate diet of a one-month-old puppy

8 o'clock - milk porridge from buckwheat, rolled oats, minced through a meat grinder mixed with cereal.

11 o'clock - raw minced meat, homemade, with finely grated carrots and butter.

2 p.m. - meat soup-porridge with mashed boiled vegetables and finely chopped boiled meat.

17 o'clock - milk porridge with butter.

20 o'clock - milk porridge, fresh kefir, dietary or calcined cottage cheese, carrots stewed in milk.

23 hours - raw minced meat with stewed mashed carrots.

The puppy should be fed after a walk. Insufficient or excessive stay on fresh air, reduces your dog's appetite.

Mineral supplements should be added to the puppy's food twice (morning and evening). Its stock is prepared in the following composition:

All these preparations are crushed in a coffee grinder, mixed thoroughly and stored in a glass jar with a plastic lid. It is necessary to add the mixture to food, starting with an amount less than half a teaspoon, and, as the puppy grows, increase to a tablespoon per feeding. It is imperative to take into account the breed of your puppy, the specific requirements for its exterior, its weight, height, and physical development.

New foods should be introduced carefully, gradually, starting with small quantities. The food must be absolutely fresh.

If a healthy puppy does not eat all the food offered to him, then the amount of food must be reduced by the amount he left. Belching and regurgitation of food, sometimes vomiting after eating, indicate that the puppy is overeating. It will always seem to you that the puppy is eating little and not eating well. This is wrong. The food intake of a one-month-old puppy is determined individually depending on the breed and development. Overfeeding and underfeeding a puppy are harmful. However, in practice, overfeeding is more common. Therefore, do not try to feed the puppy “to its fullest”! Let him always be a little hungry. If your puppy instantly eats all the food and licks the bowl, then, naturally, the amount of food needs to be increased. Much depends on the breed of the dog, its size, and growth rate.

A dog's diet should include porridge - always well boiled. Up to one and a half months of age, porridge can be cooked from buckwheat, rolled oatmeal, minced through a meat grinder, or ground bran. After two months, you can gradually switch to feeding from rolled oats, buckwheat, wheat, barley, rice, and millet cereals. The best option- complex, when all these grains are cooked together, taken in small quantities.

Meat is the main building material for bones and muscles. Meat gives the puppy strength, growth, and health. The amount of meat must be determined depending on the breed.

You can start feeding fish at 2 months of age. river fish needs to be cooked.

Eggs are very useful product nutrition. Until two months, it is better to give the puppy only one yolk. You can do it every day if it does not cause diathesis. Then you can give one full egg 2 times a week.

Vegetables and fruits are an essential component of food. Cottage cheese, milk, kefir - too.

Preparation of calcined cottage cheese: 0.5 liters of milk is heated to 60-70 degrees, 1-2 tablespoons of calcium chloride purchased at the pharmacy are added to it. The milk protein coagulates almost instantly and greenish-yellow whey appears. Milk should not be brought to a boil. Remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool. Then the whey is drained, the curdled milk is strained through cheesecloth or a small colander. Calcium chloride can also be added to cold milk, the effect will be the same. The cottage cheese obtained in this way is very tasty, dogs love it. Cottage cheese obtained from 0.5 liters of milk is enough for a puppy for one feeding.

A lot of literature has been written about feeding dogs. In addition, almost all breeders (owners of whelping bitches) try to provide puppy buyers with instructions developed specifically for their breed. Therefore, when purchasing a puppy, ask for feeding instructions. If the breeder does not have instructions, then you can try to purchase it from the head of the corresponding breed or from the club.

Please note that until 2-3 months, puppies practically do not drink water. But sometimes some puppies enjoy drinking sweet tea, rosehip infusions or various beneficial herbs.

Puppies, depending on the breed, need to add soft (sugar) bones and cartilage to their diet. Should not be given to dogs under any circumstances tubular bones, because gastric juice does not digest them, and the sharp ends of the bones can injure gastrointestinal tract. Decorative dogs and collie-type dogs with poorly developed jaws should not receive bones. The lack of bones and cartilage can be compensated by adding meat and bone meal to the diet.

Possible diseases of puppies

Up to three months, the puppy is quite well protected by the immunity received from the mother. In addition, you keep the puppy in isolation from outside world. You keep your home clean and hygienic. That's why infectious diseases At this age, the puppy is most often walked around.

The first thing that a puppy owner usually encounters in the first days of his stay in a new home is regurgitation or vomiting after eating, and sometimes an upset stomach.

There are several reasons for this. A change in living conditions, a sharp separation from the mother, a complete transition from mother's milk to independent nutrition, lack of habit of new food and overeating. The enzymatic systems of the body have not yet had time to rebuild their work and establish their functions. Overeating increases stress. However, such violations do not affect the puppy’s life activity, fun and games.

1. Reduce the amount of food at each feeding. Do not under any circumstances reduce the number of feedings.

2. Don't rush to introduce new products.

3. Prepare food by kneading it thoroughly.

4. Give food exclusively fresh and warm.

5. After eating, do not excite the puppy, do not play with him and do not allow him to run or jump.

6. From medical supplies you need to give abomin - a drug containing a sum of enzymes from the mucous membrane of lambs and calves milk age. This natural drug, not "chemistry". Abomin promotes digestion, breaks down proteins in the contents of the digestive tract.

By following these tips, you will protect your puppy from troubles, and yourself from unnecessary worries and cleaning.

If a puppy suddenly suddenly loses weight, becomes weak, refuses to eat, refuses to play, lies quietly in its corner for a long time, vomits and loose stool, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

It happens that there is no way to urgently contact a veterinarian. Then you need to take preliminary measures yourself.

Here are some tips:

2. Dilute 10-15 drops of iodinol in half a glass of boiled water; Give 1-2 teaspoons of this solution to the puppy with food or pour it into the mouth behind the cheek. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times a day. An overdose of iodinol is not dangerous.

3. You can use a well-known folk remedy: prepared in advance, thoroughly washed, dried and ground into powder. inner shells, taken from chicken stomachs, add to food on the tip of a knife or teaspoon.

4. You can also give a quarter of the powder of furazolidone, immodul, intestopan.

5. During the period of indigestion, give the most dietary food, aimed at consolidating stool and eliminating infection.

It is also advisable to cover the puppy with a warm blanket or even place it on a warm heating pad. The first measures have been taken. Now, as already mentioned, be sure to seek advice from a good veterinarian.

The second problem may be associated with the presence of worms in the puppy. Make it a habit to always look at your puppy's and adult dog's stool. The feces should be dark brown in color, shaped like a sausage, and without a strong unusual odor. Thin, light yellow, white, green, or bloody stool indicates a possible intestinal disease. The presence of undigested pieces of food, streaks of blood or worms in the stool should also alert you. Hard, dry, crumbly feces indicate a nutritional disorder.

Worms. Typically, puppies are more often affected by roundworms (round, long worms Pink colour) or cucumber tapeworm (flat, pink-white segments, like cucumber seeds).

All roundworms are expelled by piperazine, pyrantel, vermox, and decaris. These drugs are purchased in pharmacies. Please carefully read the instructions for use in the instructions supplied with the medicine. The dose should be calculated as follows: one month of a dog’s life is equivalent to one year of a child’s life. This calculation is made for a medium-sized dog: collie, Airedale, German Shepherd. Naturally, when calculating medication for your puppy, take into account its breed, size, age, weight.

Tapeworms are expelled by mebenvet, Kamala, and Filixan. This veterinary drugs. Now there are new drugs that are available to veterinarians.

Good results for the prevention and expulsion of worms are obtained by using pumpkin seeds. 100 grams of shelled seeds are ground in a mortar, poured with 2-3 tablespoons of boiled water, a teaspoon of honey is added, and mixed. Puppies are given a teaspoon 2-3 times a day for 3 days. You can choose a different recipe. Still wet seeds (200 g) taken from a fresh pumpkin are passed through a meat grinder, a little water, honey, and oil are added. Give to the dog in the morning feeding. This porridge is tasty, and puppies usually eat it with pleasure.

At the age of 2-3 months, the puppy should be vaccinated against distemper and enteritis. After 3 months, vaccination against plague can no longer be done, since the replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones begins, and vaccination when changing teeth can lead to lifelong damage to teeth and enamel.

If for some reason you were unable to get vaccinated, you should take care to strengthen immune system dog's body. At the age of up to 4 months, the drug decaris is quite suitable for this purpose, which, in addition antihelminthic action, can also be used as an immunostimulant.

By 3 months, seaweed powder can be used as a general tonic, which is added to food in half or one teaspoon, ascorbic acid, multivitamins. Depending on the condition of the puppy’s body, sometimes it is necessary to give him vitamins A and D2 in oil. In the summer, when there is a lot of sun, vegetables, fruits, you can refuse vitamin supplements. In general, the use of vitamins must be approached individually, based on the breed and physical condition of the puppy.

Puppy care It is necessary to plan in advance, even before the dog gives birth, to take care of all the necessary conditions for the birth of newborn babies.

The birth of puppies is a very joyful, but at the same time very important moment for which you need to prepare in advance.

Caring for puppies after birth or how to care for very small puppies?

First of all, you need to allocate a special place where the mother and her babies will be. You should equip it with everything necessary, make soft warm bedding, prepare an electric heating pad, it may be needed to warm the puppies, an electric scale for weighing the puppies, as well as a dog milk replacer in case the milk is not enough or the puppies are so weak that They will not be able to suckle milk on their own and will have to be given a milk replacer from a syringe.

Be prepared that in the first days of life of newborn puppies you will need to constantly be close to the dog and its puppies, this is especially true for a young dog that is bringing a litter for the first time. To do this, take a vacation and ask for help and share the schedule of care and control of the puppies and their mother with someone from the household.

If the dog is experienced, then caring for newborn puppies will not require a lot of effort and attention from you. Dogs that are not mothers for the first time are distinguished by a very attentive and caring attitude towards puppies; they lick them especially carefully and regularly, which is very important for the life of newborn puppies. The fact is that licking stimulates blood circulation, digestion and bowel movements, as well as breathing of the newborn puppy. Newborn puppies cannot defecate on their own; it is the licking of the mother dog that stimulates this process. In the first days of the puppies' life, they lie clean and dry precisely thanks to such careful care on the part of their mother. If the dog is inexperienced or in a weakened state after caesarean section and cannot lick puppies often, then you will have to periodically wipe the puppies’ bellies with a damp cloth and thus stimulate their vital processes.

From the first days of life, blind and deaf puppies are able to suck milk, making pushing movements with their front and rear paws; these actions create a massage of the nipples and stimulate milk production. It is very important that puppies first feed is colostrum. This is the first portion of milk that a dog produces during the first 3-5 days. The composition of colostrum has unique qualities; this milk contains nutrients and immunoglobulins that protect the weak organisms of puppies from various infections.

The sucking reflex is fixed from birth; puppies do not need to be taught this. However, there are situations when puppies are so weak that they cannot suck on their own or stay on the nipple. Then you need to help, hold the puppy, open his mouth and put the nipple in his mouth, first you need to massage the dog’s mammary glands so that colostrum is released from the nipple. The smell of colostrum will trigger the puppy's sucking reflex. If the puppies are very weak and are not able to suckle on their own, then they will have to be syringe-fed every 2 hours with a dog milk replacer. The first volumes of syringe feeding are 0.5-1 ml of milk; upon reaching a two-week period, the puppy can consume 5-10 ml of milk or milk replacer.

It is very important to monitor the weight of babies. Starting from the second day of life, puppies must be weighed daily and must gain weight daily. If this does not happen, it means the puppies are not getting enough nutrition, the mother does not have enough milk and you need to additionally feed them with milk or a milk substitute from a syringe.

Keep an eye on your dog's mammary glands; if there is an excess amount of milk, she may develop mastitis, which can be identified by swollen, hard and painful glands, they are hot and have a lumpy surface. At the first signs of mastitis, it is necessary to lubricate camphor oil these glands affected by mastitis and perform a gentle massage to get rid of congestion in the mammary gland. If this doesn't help, be sure to contact your veterinarian!

Separate care should be taken to maintain warmth in the area where the puppies are located. Newborn puppies cannot control their body temperature and are susceptible to hypothermia. Puppies are warmed by their mother with her body, and puppies also warm each other by being in close contact. During the period when the mother is absent, she is on a walk or has gone to feed, the puppies need to be provided with additional heating, for this you need to use an electric heating pad.

Caring for newborn puppies requires constant inspection. On days 7-10, you need to start trimming the puppies’ nails, just a little bit, just sharp hooks. Nails need to be trimmed once a week. This must be done so that the puppies do not injure the delicate skin of the mammary glands of the mother dog with their claws.

You also need to be especially careful to ensure that there is no inflammation of the navel stump in puppies. To do this, you need to lubricate your navel with brilliant green twice a day, morning and evening.

As puppies grow, they become more active; if at first they only sleep and eat, then from the third week of life, puppies begin to actively walk, defecate independently, play and fight with their brothers and sisters.

At the fourth week, the puppies have their first teeth, which means it’s time for complementary feeding. Gradually, the share of mother's milk in the puppies' diet will decrease; milk will be replaced by other foods.

The transition from milk to other products must be done gradually, and the condition of the puppies must be monitored. If the puppies are still weak, do not rush to switch them to another food. A gradual change in diet should take place in stages, first add one complementary food a day so that the puppy gets used to it, look at his reaction, then twice a day, then three, four, five, six until the mother’s milk is completely replaced.

What to feed the puppy?

Grow puppies, feeding, care- this is very important question, there are two possible options here. Either you prepare food for your pets yourself, or you buy ready-made dry or wet food.

You cannot combine these types of feeds, as this will cause digestive upset. In addition, there is a possibility that feeding both prepared foods and additional food products will cause an excess of vitamins and minerals in the puppies’ diet, and this in turn will negatively affect the development of growing organisms.

The advantage of ready-made food is that it is developed by specialists taking into account all the puppy’s dietary needs. Ready-made food contains an optimal combination of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, and also contains omega-3 fatty acids, which ensure normal development of vision and the nervous system.

But you need to choose food not of economy class, but of super premium class. Only super premium food contains natural products, they are free of chemicals, dyes and GMOs. Moreover, in a wide range of foods you can find a variety of dog foods different ages, the degree of activity of the pet’s lifestyle, and also takes into account the needs for diet if the pet has certain diseases.

The German company Bosh produces food super premium class for pets. Among the great variety of food there is food specially developed for small Bosh Puppy puppies. This food contains powdered milk to facilitate the start of complementary feeding and ensure the smoothest possible transition for the puppy to a new diet. This food is designed for puppies up to 3-4 months; other foods for young dogs no longer contain powdered milk, since over time, dogs’ ability to digest milk decreases. The package also indicates the diet and serving size for the puppy depending on its weight and age.

As a rule, small puppies up to a year are fed 4-6 times a day, then the number of feedings is reduced and by the age of one year it reaches 1-2 times a day.

Care and maintenance of puppies largely determine the health of dogs in adulthood.

To care for your puppy in your home, you will need to organize a place for him to sleep and feed. Buy a carrier to transport your dog. Take it for growth, taking into account the future size of the maturing puppy. You will need to take your puppy to the veterinary hospital for vaccinations and routine examinations more than once.

Buy food and water bowls. Wash them thoroughly, change the water in the bowl, it must be fresh. Choose a cozy bed for sleeping. Ask the breeder to bring with you bedding with the scent of the puppy’s mother, this will make it easier for the puppy to adapt to the new place. Remember, the moving process is new place and separation from its mother is stressful for the animal, try to make the process of getting the puppy accustomed to your home as comfortable as possible.

Find out what kind of food your puppy was fed from the breeder, ask about the feeding regime and serving size. Buy your puppy a variety of toys and balls, choose products made from safe materials, without small parts that the puppy can swallow.

Find out if the puppy is toilet trained. Remember that you can take your puppy out for a walk only after all vaccinations have been completed and quarantine has been completed.

Set up a special place in the apartment where the puppy can relieve himself, lay a diaper or newspaper there. You can purchase a special tray. Teach your puppy to wear a special diaper, wherever he is at that moment, spread the diapers in different places in the house. Then place the sheet on the tray. This will make it easier for him to understand what is required of him. Unfortunately, even if a puppy goes to the toilet in one specific place, this does not mean that he will not make a puddle in another place. Therefore, at this time it is better to remove the carpets in the apartment and cover the furniture with film.

Veterinary examination of a puppy

But that’s not the only thing they get used to puppies, care, vaccinations play a key role in keeping dogs healthy. Therefore, dogs are taught to visit the veterinarian from a very early age. The first vaccinations should be given at the age of 2 months. Only healthy puppies are vaccinated; the puppy must be dewormed 15 days before vaccination; this is done before each vaccination.

There are two types of vaccinations - single vaccines (against one type of disease) and complex vaccines (against several diseases, for example, plague, rabies, hepatitis, enteritis, etc.). Complex vaccines are preferred.

After vaccination, a very important period of quarantine begins, which lasts about two weeks. During this period, the puppy’s body is weakened and susceptible to diseases, so it is necessary to protect the puppy from all potentially dangerous places of infection with any diseases. The puppy may have a fever, weakness, and diarrhea.

After 3 weeks, a secondary vaccination with the same vaccine takes place, this time the puppy survives it much easier. Again, you need to wait for a two-week quarantine and only then are you allowed to walk the puppy. Next period Vaccination at 6 months includes a rabies vaccination and a complex vaccine against several diseases. At this age, it is prohibited to vaccinate; if a dog’s teeth change, you need to wait until all the teeth have changed, only then vaccinate. The third vaccination is required at one year of age with a complex vaccine. And then vaccination is carried out on an annual basis with the same complex vaccine.

After the second vaccination and the quarantine period, you can start walking the puppy. At first, you need to walk the puppy often, 6-7 times, in the morning after sleep, before bed, after each meal. The puppy should get used to going to the toilet outside, so don’t expect piles and puddles to immediately disappear from your apartment. These little troubles can last until the dog is 6-7 months old. Over time, the number of walks can be reduced, the animal will get used to being patient.

Puppy hygiene procedures

Puppy care also manifests itself in hygiene procedures grooming. It is necessary to bathe the puppy with special shampoos for puppies. They take into account that a puppy's coat is softer than an adult dog's. If you are bathing your puppy with shampoo for an adult dog, then the shampoo should be diluted with water. You need to bathe your puppy no more than once a month. Blow dry your puppy on low setting. Get your puppy used to brushing, especially if your breed has thick, fluffy fur. Some breeds require special haircuts and special care for fur, so it is advisable to contact specialists, where your puppy will be provided with professional grooming services, given the correct haircut, and advised on how to care for your pet’s coat.

Active lifestyle of a puppy

Are important games. Caring for puppies is to maintain an active image
dog's life. Without communication and active games with the owner, it is impossible for a puppy to develop harmoniously. Spend enough time to communicate with your new friend. The dog needs your communication with it. For a dog, the owner is his whole family. Games allow you to release energy, develop muscles, get your blood pumping, and keep your body healthy and strong. In the article “Raising a Puppy” you will learn in more detail how to organize a dog’s daily routine, how to teach it to certain actions, what to prohibit or allow your dog, and much more!

Love animals and take care of them!⁠