What to do if red spots appear on the head of the penis. Red spots and dots on the glans penis and foreskin in men

There are many diseases of the penis; they all manifest themselves differently. Most often among external manifestations there are red spots and dots that appear on foreskin, on the head of the penis. The reasons for this may be various diseases, most often candidiasis, herpes, infectious pathologies. If red spots appear on the foreskin and glans, you should not panic, but immediately consult a doctor and undergo an examination. Treatment cannot be the same for all cases; it is prescribed based on what exactly caused this condition.

Causes of red spots

The reasons for the appearance of red pimples on the head can be various diseases and other phenomena. Among them it is necessary to note:

  • mechanical damage to the head, trauma;
  • chemical injuries, such as burns, irritants;
  • infectious lesions;
  • fungal diseases are observed most often. It could be candidiasis, balanitis, etc.

During the examination, the doctor will determine what caused the spots and what measures need to be taken. You should not delay contacting a specialist, as this can lead to complex shape, difficult to treat.

Red rashes due to candidiasis

Some people mistakenly believe that thrush, or candidiasis, is unique to women, but this is far from the case. This disease is also diagnosed in men, and careful treatment is required. Thrush is infectious disease, the causative agent in this case is fungi of the genus Candida. One of the most characteristic symptoms are red dots that are accompanied by itching and discharge from the urethra.

If the disease is not treated, ulcers, erosions, plaque on the head, and pain when urinating may appear. The doctor usually prescribes a special antibacterial treatment. Lingerie should be used only from natural fabrics, and sexual intercourse should be avoided during the treatment process itself.

Red rashes due to herpes

Red dots appear on the head when the patient is a carrier of the herpes virus. Spots and rashes, ulcers appear on the skin, and pain is observed. During urination, pain and severe burning may occur. Gradually a blistering rash appears, from the glans area it penetrates the shaft of the penis, the scrotum, the entire groin area. The disease begins to cause severe discomfort, pain, and swelling is observed. There is swelling of the lymph nodes.

An urgent visit to a doctor is necessary for diagnosis and treatment, as herpes can lead to the most unexpected consequences. Infection itself can occur in different ways, for example, by airborne droplets, through unprotected sexual contact, or by touching the bubbles. Prevention measures may include strengthening the immune system and using contraception.

Other diseases

Spots on the head and foreskin can also appear due to other diseases. Among them, papilloma and psoriasis are considered common. Psoriasis is a dermatological disease, diagnosing it is problematic. Red spots may be accompanied by peeling, but this is not at all necessary, as with the classic form.

The causes of penile psoriasis are different:

  • disruption of the functioning of certain nerve endings in the spinal column;
  • constant depression, severe stress;
  • dysfunction of the pelvic organs;
  • if a form of classic psoriasis is already observed on any other part of the body.

The papillomavirus is transmitted only through sexual contact, initial stage red pimples appear on the head in the form of small rash.

If the disease is not treated, the rash quickly develops into growths in the form of warts, their stems are thin, and fluid can be released from them, which has an extremely unpleasant smell. Not only drugs are used for treatment, but also surgical intervention, laser, immunostimulants.

Symptoms of the disease

The symptoms that you need to pay attention to when the first red dots appear on the surface of the head of the penis are varied. It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as the following signs of the disease appear:

  1. The head of the penis becomes swollen, and a change in tissue color is observed.
  2. Blood flow to the organ becomes increased.
  3. Maceration of skin tissues is observed, they soften, and their structure is lost. This condition is similar to that observed after long stay in water.
  4. Worries about itching of the head, pain, possible appearance of plaque or discharge.

As soon as such signs arise, it is necessary not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor who will conduct the necessary examination and prescribe a course of treatment.

Forms of the disease

Red pimples on the head are not as harmless as many people mistakenly believe. May be observed various shapes, many of which are quite dangerous, they require immediate specialist intervention.

Today doctors distinguish several forms of redness of the foreskin:

  1. Erosive form. If balanitis is observed, then not only a red rash begins to appear on the skin of the head and foreskin, but also bluish defects and dark red spots of irregular shape. You can see erosions on the head, they cause a lot of inconvenience.
  2. The ulcerative form appears after the erosive one if treatment is not started. Simple red spots on the head and foreskin develop into ulcers, the depth of which becomes ever greater. A plaque of pus forms along their edges. At this stage, pain is observed, small ulcers merge, and the affected area becomes larger.
  3. Chronic form. This is one of the stages that is almost impossible to treat. It is characterized by the fact that acute forms of the disease periodically occur and resolve over time.
  4. The obliterating form is observed when the foreskin is covered with dense keratin foci, round spots of a whitish tint. Skin maceration may occur.
  5. One of the most dangerous is gangrenous form when deep soft tissue lesions appear on the surface of the head. Outwardly, they look like very advanced ulcerative balanitis.

What to do if red spots appear?

If pimples appear on the head and foreskin, then you should not panic, but consult a doctor. A dermatologist, venereologist or urologist can help. The doctor will prescribe appropriate examinations and tests to diagnose the disease. The choice of doctor depends on what other additional manifestations are observed. For example, if you are concerned about severe pain during urination, then it is better to consult a urologist. If you have discharge, an unpleasant odor or other symptoms, it is recommended to make an appointment with a venereologist. A dermatologist will be needed if only one spot or several have appeared, the affected area is itchy, swollen, and this is caused by allergic reactions or contact with irritants. When a diagnosis is made, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment to eliminate the cause that caused the red dots on the head.

Preventive measures:

  1. It is imperative to observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  2. Contraception should be used during sexual intercourse.
  3. Personal hygiene items such as towels and so on must be strictly individual. When visiting a sauna, steam bath or massage, beauty salons, you must use only personal or disposable items.
  4. It is best to wear underwear made from natural fabrics, as synthetics often cause severe irritation and allergic reactions, itching. The synthetic head can also become stained.
  5. It is necessary to monitor your health and follow the rules rational nutrition, maintain immunity at the proper level.

Red spots on the penis may be a sign various diseases, it is important to correctly determine the cause in order to begin treatment. Most often, spots are caused by allergic reactions, candidiasis. Similar condition causes a lot of trouble for men. In any case, you cannot self-medicate; you must immediately consult a doctor who will conduct a diagnosis and prescribe the required course.

Red spots and small rashes on the head of the penis can be the main symptoms of many diseases. Often such rashes are the only thing that bothers a man.

The most common cause is balanitis (inflammation of the head of the penis). Less commonly - dermatological diseases, allergic reactions, oncology.

Table 1 - Main causes of symptoms
Bacterial infection (nonspecific balanoposthitis)Streptococci, staphylococci, Gardnerella vaginalis
Protozoal infectionTrichomoniasis
VirusesPapillomaviruses, genital herpes
Benign dermatosesPlasmacytic balanitis
Circinar balanitis
Lichen planus
Precancerous conditionsBowenoid papulosis
Erythroplasia Keira
Penis cancer
Reception row medicines(salicylates, warfarin, etc.)
Mechanical injury
Allergic balanitis

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    1. Candidiasis

    Infection of a man with Candida fungi usually occurs during unprotected sexual intercourse with a woman suffering from. The disease develops over several days and is accompanied by redness of the head of the penis, the appearance of small red dots or, conversely, red spots with a whitish coating, itching (optional), dryness and flaking.

    A man may be bothered by swelling of the head, difficulty and pain when retracting the foreskin, discomfort during sex and pain when urinating. well treated by locals antifungal drugs(ointments and creams based on clotrimazole, miconazole).

    In addition, daily genital hygiene, changing underwear, and abstaining from sex during the treatment period are recommended. If the infection persists, frequent relapses must be excluded diabetes(glucose profile, glucose tolerance test, determination of glycated hemoglobin level), immunodeficiencies, etc.

    2. Genital herpes

    This viral infection transmitted from an infected person during unprotected sex and most common among young men 14-49 years old. Infection often occurs from a virus carrier who has no symptoms. The first signs may appear several weeks after infection and include fever, general weakness, decreased vitality.

    First, red spots appear on the head, on which, after a few hours, vesicular rashes appear, filled clear liquid. At the moment of their appearance, a man may feel pain and burning, they often itch.

    The blisters burst and turn into superficial erosions (similar to herpes on the lips). They become crusty and gradually heal. Therapy includes the prescription of antiviral drugs: acyclovir, valacyclovir or famciclovir.

    3. Papillomas and condylomas

    Papillomas and genital warts are benign neoplasms that arise. It is transmitted during sex (oral, vaginal, anal). The maximum incidence is recorded at the age of 15-25 years among sexually active individuals.

    The first signs of the disease appear several weeks or months after infection. Papillomas are pink, dome-shaped protrusions of skin. The growths may be flesh-colored, red, or Brown color. Genital warts with their growths resemble cauliflower.

    Formations can occur on the shaft of the penis, foreskin, scrotum, perineal skin and around the anus. In most cases, their appearance is not accompanied by any symptoms; less often, a man may be bothered by itching and discomfort.

    Treatment is complex and includes removal of tumors using local drugs or surgical microsurgery and systemic immunotherapy (Panavir, Interferon-alpha).

    Rice. 1 – Multiple genital warts of the glans penis

    4. Contact dermatitis

    The appearance of red dots on the head may be a sign of contact dermatitis (simple or allergic). Allergies can develop to almost any known chemical substance.

    Most often, the reaction occurs to spermicides (components in contraceptives), lubricants, washing powders, men's shower gels, soap. Contact dermatitis It can also develop when wearing tight, synthetic underwear, after violent or prolonged sex (especially if the vulva and vagina of the partner are dry).

    In addition to redness and a small rash, a man is bothered by moderate pain, dry skin and swelling. The described symptoms disappear by limiting contact with the allergen, prescribing sexual rest and prescribing reparative ointments (Dexpanthenol, Bepanten). Allergic reactions quickly relieved by ointments with glucocorticoids (Advantan, Elokom, etc.)

    5. Plasmacytic (Zoon) balanitis

    Rice. 2 – Zoon-balanitis

    A benign non-venereal disease of the penis, which is characterized by the appearance of a single red-orange, well-circumscribed plaque on the head. Most often it develops in middle-aged and elderly men who have not gone through.

    The exact cause of the pathology has not been established, but the main predisposing factors are phimosis, constant irritation and mechanical damage skin.

    Apart from the plaque, a man may not be bothered by anything; pain and burning during urination are less likely to occur. Circumcision eliminates the manifestations; local ointments based on glucocorticosteroids and 5% imiquimod are also used in treatment.

    6. Circinar balanitis

    It occurs in 12-70% of men with () and is characterized by the appearance of well-circumscribed, moist, red spots with an uneven contour on the head of the penis.

    In circumcision patients, the lesions have a dry, scaly surface and can mimic psoriasis lesions. Most often in pathological process the skin around the external urethral opening is involved.

    Rice. 3 – Circinar balanitis

    7. Psoriasis

    Psoriasis is chronic illness. The lesions appear as well-demarcated areas of bright red color with flakes of exfoliated skin.

    The process can involve both separate areas penis and the entire skin of the perineum. The diagnosis is usually established after examination by a dermatologist ( typical signs- psoriatic triad, localization of plaques, progressive nature of the disease).

    Treatment is combined, long-term, includes mandatory lifestyle and nutrition correction, local application glucocorticoids, salicylates, ultraviolet radiation and other techniques.

    Rice. 4 - Psoriatic rashes on the penis

    8. Lichen planus

    In approximately 25% of patients, the skin of the penis may also be involved in the process. The head is most often affected: pale pink or violet-pink papules with a flat surface and shine are identified on it.

    They tend to merge and form round or ring-shaped plaques. Scales are visible on their surface; when processed vegetable oil dots and stripes appear (Wickham's sign).

    Usually, rashes are found on other parts of the body: torso, arms, forearms, legs, and in the mouth. In rare cases, ulceration occurs.

    The diagnosis is based on examination data; if there is doubt about the diagnosis, a biopsy of the papules is performed.

    Rice. 5 – Lichen planus

    9. Taking medications

    The appearance of red dots and spots on the head may be associated with constant use of antibiotics (especially tetracycline, sulfonamides), salicylates, Phenacetin, Co-trimoxazole and some other drugs.

    The rash has a clearly defined round or oval shape and bright red color, a bubble of liquid may form in the center of the spot.

    In most cases, discontinuation of the drug leads to gradual resolution of the rash. Sometimes the prescription of glucocorticoid ointments is required. Healing is accompanied by the formation age spots.

    10. Precancerous conditions

    10.1. Bowenoid papulosis

    The disease develops against the background of infection. Rashes in the form of papules, multiple, small, appear on the head and foreskin and gradually merge into one large, flat plaque, their color is red-brown or gray-brown. Bowenoid papulosis can transform into cancer.

    The main method of treatment is surgical excision/cauterization of the affected areas (CO2 laser, cryodestruction).

    10.2. Erythroplasia Keira

    Malignant tumor of the head of the penis in situ (non-invasive tumor). The foreskin may also be involved in the pathological process (single or multiple neoplasms red, with clear edges).

    The disease affects men who have not undergone circumcision. Over time, the tumor may grow deeper into the tissue. The main treatment is surgical excision. The patient is also recommended to undergo circumcision.

    11. Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin of the penis

    This form makes up 95% of all malignant tumors penis. Peak incidence is 40-50 years. Risk factors are phimosis, balanitis obliterans and other precancerous conditions, frequent change of sexual partners, infection.

    Squamous cell carcinoma practically does not occur in men after circumcision. Red, compacted areas with unclear contours may appear on the skin of the head; in some cases, the tumor protrudes significantly above the skin.

    Tumor germination is accompanied by superficial ulceration and bleeding. Examination and treatment are prescribed by an oncologist. The treatment regimen depends on the stage of the tumor and may include surgical excision, radiation, chemotherapy, or laser removal neoplasms.

    Rice. 6 – Squamous cell carcinoma of the head of the penis

Every man is very sensitive to his dignity. Therefore, even the slightest deviation from the norm is regarded as a mortal danger. Often, men after unprotected regular sex, oral or anal, may notice the appearance of red dots on the head of the penis. And these could be symptoms like venereal disease, as well as any other inflammatory or skin disease. But even diseases of the venereal type cannot always affect a person only through sexual contact. You can also pick up an infectious microbe when visiting public places, through contact with the blood or seminal fluid of a patient, or when using common funds hygiene.

What diseases can cause rashes on the penis?


The main and most common disease that accompanies red dots on the penis is balanitis. This is an inflammatory lesion skin head of the penis, often this inflammation also affects the area of ​​the foreskin - balanoposthitis. There are several types of this disease:

  • Irritative balanitis appears as a result of excessive irritations of a various nature:
  1. mechanical
  2. chemical
  3. bacterial
  4. fungal
  5. and so on

Symptoms of simple balanitis include the following:

  1. swelling of the head of the penis
  2. increased blood flow to the vessels of the penis
  3. maceration of the skin, that is, softening of the upper tissues, as with a long stay in water
  4. soreness
  5. itching of the head of the penis
  • Erosive. With this form of balanitis, dark red and bluish defects appear on the upper skin membranes of the head of the penis - erosions.
  • Ulcerative. This form of the disease is expressed by the appearance of deep ulcers with purulent plaque around the edges.
  • Chronic balanitis has a feature in which there is a constant manifestation acute form a disease that cannot be cured.
  • Balanitis obliterans characterized by the presence of whitish round spots and dense keratin lesions on the head and inner part of the foreskin. Maceration of the skin is also observed.
  • Gangrenous form It has characteristics in the form of deep damage to the tissues of the penis due to advanced ulcerative balanitis.

What are the reasons for the appearance of such a disease? Non-compliance elementary rules hygiene, creating best conditions for the proliferation of microbes and the development of infection. A weakened body and reduced immunity also play a role important role in the development of this disease. With a careless attitude towards one's own health and the lack of proper treatment for simple balanitis, the disease develops into more severe forms: ulcerative, chronic, erosive, gangrenous, and only balanitis obliterans is an independently acquired disease. Doctors still cannot figure out the causes of this form of the disease.

Another cause of inflammation of the head of the penis may be previous severe infections body, endocrine disorders, a consequence of dermatological diseases or immune deficiency.


An infectious disease of the urinary and reproductive system, where the causative agent is fungi of the genus Candida, also have in its symptomatic manifestations such a factor as red dots on the penis. Along with rashes, other signs can be noted:

  • Discharge from the urethra white, leaving a residue
  • Swelling and inflammation of the head of the penis
  • Redness of the glans, foreskin and urethral opening
  • Severe itching
  • Ulcers and erosions

You can get candidiasis through sexual intercourse without contraception, at home, when using common objects, such as a towel, wearing synthetic underwear, and during prolonged antibiotic therapy.

Herpes virus

Men who are carriers of herpes type 2 virus also have a history of skin manifestations on the head of the penis. These can be either red dots or blisters and sores. But the defeat of herpes viridae HSV-2 is characterized, in addition, by a number of other symptoms:

  • Scabies
  • Mucus discharge from the urethra
  • Pain and burning sensation when urinating
  • Spread of vesicular-ulcerative rash throughout the genital area: penis, scrotum, anus
  • Swelling of the inguinal lymph nodes
  • Chills, temperature

The main reasons for contracting the virus are unprotected intimate relationships and contact routes of infection: touching a rash, for example. It is also possible to transmit herpes airborne droplet way.

Chlamydia, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis

All these infections of various pathogenic flora in advanced forms lead to balanitis, since they are infectious inflammations caused by bacteria:

Treponema pallidum is a long, thin bacteria with a protective shell that causes diseases such as syphilis. It is possible to become infected with this disease through close contact: sexual intercourse of any kind (vaginal, anal or oral), intrauterine (from mother to baby), or through blood transfusion. The symptoms of syphilis include red spots on the penis, which quickly develop into rotting ulcers, and after 2 months the patient’s entire body is covered with a rash. Without proper treatment, syphilis can be fatal.

  • Burning and pain when going to the toilet
  • Copious urethral discharge, even purulent
  • Inflammation of the head of the penis, urethral opening and foreskin

Gonorrhea can be treated with simple antibiotics.


This viral disease, a sexually transmitted disease, is also marked at the initial stage by a red rash on the penis. The rash then develops into warty growths on a thin stalk, secreting a liquid with an unpleasant odor. This is one of the most popular diseases today. The treatment uses special highly toxic compresses, laser, surgery, antiviral drugs and immunostimulants.


Manifestations of this dermatological disease truly multifaceted. Genital psoriasis is not venereal disease, but it is quite difficult to diagnose, since the red rashes on the head of the penis and the inner edge of the prepuce are not accompanied by peeling, as with classic psoriasis. Reasons for manifestation of this disease may be the following reasons:

  1. Disruption of nerve endings in the spine
  2. Dysfunction of organs located in the pelvic area
  3. Stress and depression
  4. Classic psoriasis of any other localization

Mother of pearl glands

The presence of pink bumps located at the edges of the head of the penis, similar to pimples, is not a pathological manifestation. These are pearly papules that have nothing to do with sexually transmitted diseases. These glands appear during puberty and remain in only 30% of the stronger sex. These bumps are harmless and not dangerous. But if they start to bother you: they itch, hurt, become swollen, red and enlarged The lymph nodes, then you should consult a doctor to examine these pimples and to rule out any infectious disease.


If you have red dots on the penis, you need to contact a dermatologist, urologist or venereologist to promptly diagnose and identify the causes of this rash, as well as timely treatment diseases. To avoid infection various infections, follows:

  • Maintain hygiene
  • Use contraception
  • Use personal items
  • Wear underwear made from natural fabrics
  • Monitor your health and support your immune system

Red dots on the head of the penis are always a sign of disease. Therefore, when they appear, you should immediately contact a urologist or dermatovenerologist. This rash should not be confused with common acne, which are blackheads that affect the organ. Pathological rashes are small red dots, which can subsequently merge with each other and form spots. Depending on the causes, the symptoms may be supplemented by the presence of itching, discomfort and pain when urinating, plaque in the foreskin and other changes. Let's consider why spots appear on the head of the penis, whether it needs to be treated and what treatment should be given if the genital organ is affected.

If red dots appear on the head of the penis, you should immediately consult a urologist

The reasons for the appearance of red dots on the genitals in men are usually associated with the presence of infection. The lesion of the glans penis itself is called balanitis. And its etiology can be varied. So, if rashes appear, this may indicate the presence of the following reasons:

  • Allergic reaction.

An allergy may be to the latex from which the condom is made, to lubricant components, or to spermicidal contraceptives. Obviously, rashes in the form of red dots or small spots will appear after sexual intercourse. They are often accompanied by itching. It is typical that a rash on the head of the penis will be observed only after repeated contact with the allergen. Unlike them, black acne spots appear regardless of any factors.

Symptoms also appear after sexual intercourse, but without the use of barrier methods of contraception and spermicides. Only special treatment will help get rid of the rash in the form of red dots.

  • Candidiasis.

Often, the genital organ in men is affected after unprotected sexual intercourse with a woman suffering from vaginal candidiasis, or, more simply put, thrush. In this case, the rash may be accompanied by a plaque in the form of a cheesy mass, which is located in the area of ​​the foreskin and on the head. It should be noted that itching is also characteristic.

Candida bacteria can cause redness and itching

  • Injury.

The genital organ in men can be injured during active friction. In this case, after sex, irritation in the form of small dots is observed.


Treatment must begin with identifying the cause. To do this, the doctor usually prescribes a test to determine infectious agents.

If the cause lies in allergies, then eliminating the allergen and taking antihistamines quickly relieves symptoms. If there is an infection without a course of antibacterial or antiviral therapy not enough. Candidiasis in the foreskin area also requires medication, but in this case it will be antifungal agents. Basic treatment should be supported by good personal hygiene, proper nutrition and the fight against bad habits. Also, during the course of therapy, you should refuse intimate intimacy and resume it only after complete recovery.

At proper treatment rashes, itching and other unpleasant symptoms will quickly disappear. If you do not treat and wait until the red dots affecting the genital organ go away on their own, then over time the disease will progress, until the development of disorders reproductive function, and treating complications will take much more time and effort.

Red dots in the area of ​​the head of the penis may be the first sign of a serious pathology in men. Therefore, if they appear, consultation with a specialist is necessary to determine the cause and choose treatment tactics. Remember: the earlier treatment is started, the higher the likelihood of a quick recovery without complications.

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In its turn, pink spots on male organ may be a sign and pityriasis rosea. With lichen, a rash that has pink color at the beginning of the disease, over time it turns yellow and peels off. After the dry skin particles fall off, the effects of the disease become pink again.

Sometimes men have brown spots on the penis. This can occur due to skin damage, excessive sex, or prolonged masturbation. Over time, such a spot may disappear completely; this phenomenon is not dangerous to health.

Red spots on the penis, in most cases, are pathological. Any red, large or small, irritation on the penis can have dire consequences, so you need to immediately consult a doctor and start treatment as quickly as possible. Advanced diseases of the reproductive system can result in impotence and infertility.


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