What happens to a person in a dream. The value of sleep: what time is best to fall asleep and wake up?


What happens inside our body at night:

A person should spend a third of his life sleeping. Life ultimately punishes those who do not comply with this requirement with a whole bunch of diseases: from endocrine, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal to mental and oncological. Why? The answer is simple: the body periodically requires daily rest and “preventive maintenance” work. And they, as programmed by nature, are mostly carried out in our body at night. Therefore, daytime rest can never fully replace night sleep.

Look what happens inside our body at night:

22 hours. The number of leukocytes in the blood doubles - this is the immune system checking the territory entrusted to it. Body temperature drops. The biological clock they signal: it’s time to sleep.

11 p.m. The body relaxes more and more, but restoration processes are in full swing in every cell.

24 hours. Consciousness is increasingly dominated by dreams, and the brain continues to work, sorting out the information received during the day.

1 hour. The dream is very sensitive. A tooth that is not healed in time or a knee that was injured a long time ago can cause pain and prevent you from falling asleep until the morning.

2 hours. All organs are resting, only the liver is working hard, cleaning the sleeping body of accumulated toxins.

3 hours. Complete physiological decline: blood pressure is at the lower limit, pulse and breathing are rare.

4 hours. The brain is supplied with a minimal amount of blood and is not ready to wake up, but the hearing becomes extremely acute - you can wake up from the slightest noise.

5 o'clock. The kidneys are resting, the muscles are dormant, the metabolism is slow, but in principle the body is ready to wake up.

6 hours. The adrenal glands begin to release the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine into the blood, which increase blood pressure and make the heart beat faster. The body is already preparing to awaken, although the consciousness is still dormant.

7 o'clock - finest hour immune system. It's time to stretch your legs and get under cold and hot shower. By the way, medications are absorbed much better at this hour than at other times of the day.

You see what important restoration processes occur in the body when we sleep peacefully! And for all of them to go off without a hitch, the sleep must not only be long enough, but also of high quality: calm, deep, without causeless awakenings and snoring.

Science lists several dozen different sleep disorders, which affect 20% of the population. First of all, this is insomnia - insomnia, as doctors say. It is most often based on stress, neuroses, mental overstrain, shift work, and air travel from one time zone to another.

The situation is aggravated by the so-called “Edison effect” - the abundance of electric lighting in our homes. The fact is that the sleep hormone melatonin, which regulates sleep and wakefulness cycles, is produced by our pineal gland only in the dark. Moreover, constantly and in a certain rhythm, which provides such a hypnotic effect that no other pharmaceutical drugs you won't achieve it. Therefore, for those who want to be healthy, doctors advise not to sleep in the light, take care of the pineal gland and increase melatonin levels naturally. What is needed for this?
Avoid stress and don't overwork yourself.
Don't disrupt circadian cycles. You should go to bed at sunset - around 22:00 and get up at dawn every day, including weekends.
For dinner, it is better to eat foods rich in serotonin: tomatoes, celery, bananas, corn on the cob, oatmeal or rice porridge, and sea fish. Serotonin - one of the so-called “happiness hormones” - is the raw material for the production of melatonin.
You can treat yourself to carbohydrates. They also increase melatonin levels. Just eat them on an empty stomach and not mix them with fats and proteins. Avoid alcohol, nicotine and caffeine.
Make sure your food contains enough B vitamins: B3, B6 and B12, as well as calcium and magnesium.
Avoid excess electromagnetic radiation- it has a bad effect on the functioning of the pineal gland. Try to sit less in front of the TV or computer, and turn off all electrical appliances in the bedroom before going to bed.


To prevent sleep disorders, it is useful to drink a glass of sedative 30 minutes before going to bed. herbal tea. His recipe: mix equal parts chamomile flowers, fennel seeds, peppermint herb and valerian root. 1-2 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the collection and keep in a water bath for half an hour. Then cool, strain through several layers of gauze and squeeze.

For sleep disorders, the famous neurologist Konstantin Umansky advises making a special therapeutic pillow: pour hop flowers into a canvas bag and sew it to a regular pillow for several months. The volatile substances of hops have a calming effect on the nervous system. The bag can be filled with other herbs. When the aroma of mint, chamomile, sweet clover and other plants is in the air, you sleep much better.
You can also fill the air of your bedroom with healing aromas using an aroma lamp. The smell of roses and lavender will calm the nervous system, pine needles will relieve fatigue, laurel will prevent spasms, rosemary will alleviate the condition of chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

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We go to bed late and dig our own grave!

I am writing this article after a sleepless night. How often do we, wonderful wives, mothers and just women, go to bed late! I think more than once, having finally put the children to bed, they sit at the computer or in front of the TV until one o’clock or even later. Someone is doing household chores or part-time work, and it’s already past midnight. At the same time, it’s no secret that you need to go to bed early. But why? It’s time to figure it out and find out why going to bed late is dangerous, especially for women.

1) Mental exhaustion
Your brain is actively resting from 21:00 to 23:00. If you go to bed after 23:00, then gradually over time you will become mentally exhausted.
If you don't sleep from 11 pm to 1 am, your vitality will suffer.
You have a nervous system disorder. Symptoms: weakness, lethargy, heaviness and weakness.
If you don't sleep from 1 to 3 a.m., you may become overly aggressive and irritable.
Your beautiful brain needs rest to function better. The better sleep you get, the better your work will be for the day. Sleep is not a time “crossed out” from active life, but a process during which your body gains strength, preparing you for next day. Good dream gives you strength, you feel fit, you think clearly. It allows you to concentrate on your work throughout the day. The best way do everything you planned to do - give your body time to rest while you sleep.
Scientists claim that lack of sleep, which has become chronic, reduces the ability to analyze information, negatively affects memory processes, and significantly reduces the speed of a person’s reaction to external stimuli. It is these reasons that prevent a sleep-deprived driver from driving a car, because lack of sleep leads to inhibited actions, not much different from the effect on the brain alcoholic drinks. So getting enough sleep is your insurance against accidents while driving.

2) Fading beauty
Sleep is not only vital, it is also the most effective and completely free way to maintain beauty. It is during sleep that active cell renewal and tissue restoration occur.
I even read about a special technique for rejuvenation in a dream. To do this, before going to bed, you need to mentally imagine yourself 15-20 years younger. You can look at a photograph of yourself from those years and keep your image in your thoughts until you fall asleep, and do this every day. The authors of the method claim that positive results will be noticeable within a week! And after two months of daily exercise you will look younger than years on 10.

Over time, the body increases internal tension, which the body normally gets rid of during sleep. As a result, chronic fatigue and inability to self-heal occur.

4) Overweight
American scientists have proven that women who regularly lack sleep recover faster. Lack of prolonged sleep worsens metabolic processes in the body, so if going to bed late is your lifestyle, then you risk gaining weight 2 times faster, even if the rest of your behavior is absolutely the same.
According to research, people who sleep poorly consume about 15% more food than those who sleep properly.
The body begins to accumulate fat, perceiving fatigue as a sign of an approaching crisis.
Other studies show that lack of sleep can disrupt the body's balance of hormones responsible for burning calories. Experts are unanimous in their opinion that with the help of diet or physical exercise without good sleep won't achieve magical results. Therefore, get enough sleep, look good and look younger!

5) Weakened immunity
Everything is obvious and simple: at night the body recovers, renews itself, neutralizes the negative effects of wakefulness, which helps strengthen the immune system. During the night, immune system cells are activated, destroying everything pathogenic microorganisms, entered the body during the day. With a constant lack of sleep, the risk of getting a cold, flu or acute respiratory viral infection increases three times.
Clinic expert Mayo, doctor medical sciences Timothy Morgenthaler explained why sleep is so important in the fight against disease. The fact is that during sleep, proteins (known as cytokines) are produced that fight infection.
However, too much sleep also causes various problems health issues, including obesity, heart disease and depression. Adults need 7-8 hours of sleep to be healthy.
Sleep is also a preventive measure. serious illnesses. Today, lack of sleep is not a risk factor that provokes the pathology of the cardiovascular system and diabetes, as well as other chronic diseases, although it has reason to be there. If a person sleeps less than eight hours a day, then the risk of these diseases increases by 20%, less than 5 hours - by 50%.
Sleep also affects hair health. Lack of sleep activates the production of cortisol, which is a stress hormone. It can cause depression, and also negatively affects many processes, leading to chaos in the body, one of the consequences of which is impaired hair growth.

6) Aging
During night sleep, skin cells are restored, blood flow improves, due to which the cells are saturated with oxygen and amino acids. Expression wrinkles are naturally smoothed out, skin color and smoothness improve. However, these beneficial processes are possible only with a sleep duration of at least 8 hours a day.

Lack of sleep reduces overall protective functions body, which leads to premature aging. At the same time, life expectancy is reduced by 12-20%. According to statistics, in the 60s of the last century a person spent 8 hours sleeping, now it is approximately 6.5.

See what happens inside our body at night:
22 hours. The number of leukocytes in the blood doubles - this is the immune system checking the territory entrusted to it. Body temperature drops. The biological clock signals: it's time to sleep.
11 p.m. The body relaxes more and more, but restoration processes are in full swing in every cell.
24 hours. Consciousness is increasingly dominated by dreams, and the brain continues to work, sorting out the information received during the day.
1 hour. The dream is very sensitive. A tooth that is not healed in time or a knee that was injured a long time ago can cause pain and prevent you from falling asleep until the morning.
2 hours. All organs are resting, only the liver is working hard, cleaning the sleeping body of accumulated toxins.
3 hours. Complete physiological decline: blood pressure is at the lower limit, pulse and breathing are rare.
4 hours. The brain is supplied with a minimal amount of blood and is not ready to wake up, but the hearing is extremely sharp - you can wake up from the slightest noise.
5 o'clock. The kidneys are resting, the muscles are dormant, the metabolism is slow, but in principle the body is ready to wake up.
6 hours. The adrenal glands begin to release the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine into the blood, which increase blood pressure and make the heart beat faster. The body is already preparing to awaken, although the consciousness is still dormant.
7 o'clock— the finest hour of the immune system. It's time to warm up and take a contrast shower. By the way, medications are absorbed much better at this hour than at other times of the day.

"Owls" and "Larks"
Many of you may be thinking, “But I am "owl" and getting up early is “not given to me,” which means I won’t develop this habit in vain.” Especially for you, scientists have proven that every person’s body obeys unique biological rhythms that “tell” it what time it is better to go to bed and what time to get up.
In accordance with these biorhythms, the human body experiences several physiological ups and downs during the day. The most favorable time when you need to go to bed, between 21:00 and 22:00, since one of the physiological declines occurs from 22:00 to 23:00, it is at this time that you can easily fall asleep. But at midnight you will no longer want to sleep, because at this time the body is awake and a physiological rise occurs.
The same thing happens in the morning. It is easier to get up at 5-6 am (physiological rise) than at 7-8 am, when the decline in activity begins again.
Biological rhythms Everyone acts the same, which means that all people should be early risers. If you go to bed on time, then waking up early will not be difficult. It's all a matter of habit.

And now some advice for those who want to be healthy, young, beautiful and go to bed on time.
Let's start with the fact that our sleep has phases that are divided into one and a half hours, that is, at the end of every 90 minutes of our sleep, we wake up a little, but we naturally do not notice this. And it is recommended to get up at the end of the sleep phase to feel alert and well-rested. But this does not mean that you can sleep for an hour and a half and wake up refreshed; at a minimum, you need to sleep in two phases, that is, three hours.
For example: you go to bed, look at the clock, and it’s 22:00, take 7 minutes to fall asleep (this is the average time for a person to fall asleep), it turns out that you need to set the alarm clock at 4:07, or at 5:37, and so on.
Of course, you can take all this lightly and say: “I go to bed at midnight and nothing happens to me.” But not all at once, after a couple of years, or maybe more, you may feel how your strength and beauty begin to fade due to accumulated fatigue over many years.
For those who are still thinking, I want to remind you: "Those who want are looking for opportunities; those who don't want are looking for excuses". This is your life, your beauty and your choice!
Natalia Gray

The most important vital functions human body during sleep they are not interrupted for a moment, and the organs responsible for their work never fall asleep.

When going to bed in the evening, we hardly think about what processes happen to us during. Let's figure out whether we are actually sleeping.

Studies have shown that when you fall asleep, the muscles of the body relax one by one. When the turn comes to the muscles of the pharynx, snoring occurs, which intensifies when lying on the back. It sinks rear end language. It is impossible, just like avoiding a typhoon.

Children, old people and the Chinese often sleep with their eyes slightly open (they have this eye structure). The ears are open during sleep, but not completely. The small muscle in the middle ear relaxes and the interaction between the bones that sense sound vibrations, is violated. That's why we can sleep peacefully to the murmur of quiet conversations - we do not hear them.

Often people in a dream are so animated and excited that it is hard to believe that they are sleeping. They can talk, laugh, cry, moan, smack, wince, flinch, gesticulate, and grind their teeth. There are no people who are motionless during sleep. In the stages of drowsiness and sleep spindles, the greatest motor activity is observed.

Movements in deep delta sleep are often followed by shallow REM sleep, as expected, and the person wakes up. Apparently there is a feedback connection between the activating system and the course of sleep - the system turns on so that sleep does not deepen indefinitely. You can move from deep sleep to superficial sleep without movement, and this happens much more often, but the general pattern remains: as sleep deepens, the number of transitions increases.

All people sudden muscle contractions – myoclonic twitching. They often accompany rapid eye movements in paradoxical sleep.

If twitching occurs at the stage of drowsiness or sleep spindles, then they cover several muscle groups at once, then the sleeper produces it with the whole body, head, arms, and legs. In left-handed people, myoclonic jerks occur less frequently in the left hand than in the right. In right-handed people, on the contrary, it is mainly the left hand that twitches.

Researchers suggest a connection between twitching and vestibular activity. But why does this apparatus come to life at night and why are these movements still unknown to science? It’s interesting to watch how she winks at herself, while the cat’s whiskers twitch.

But let's return to other body functions during sleep.

Breath becomes rarer and louder, but less deep. In delta sleep, it slows down even more and becomes irregular. In REM sleep, sometimes slow, sometimes with stops - this is how we react to the events of the dream we are watching.

Pulse during the stages of drowsiness and sleep spindles, it becomes less frequent, blood pressure decreases, and blood flows more slowly. But as soon as we reach delta sleep, the pulse quickens and the blood pressure rises. Blood in some parts of the brain circulates intensely all night, there.

Body temperature does not respond to changes in sleep stages. It decreases in women to 35.7 degrees, in men to 34.9.
Brain temperature depends on the sleep phase. Due to active metabolism and increased blood flow, the temperature decreases in slow-wave sleep, and rises in fast sleep and is higher than in wakefulness.

Wet palms- a sure sign of excitement. But not in a dream, even if we moan all night.

Fewer tears are produced during sleep, so we rub our eyes if we want to sleep, and when we wake up, we open them.

Stomach In slow-wave sleep it works sluggishly, but in fast sleep it works actively.

During sleep, the body reduces " " - cortisol level secreted by the cortex of the adrenal glands.

A growth hormone, on the contrary, reaches maximum concentration in the first stage of slow deep sleep. Apparently, these hormonal changes trigger metabolic processes.

During the final part of sleep, the body prepares for subsequent wakefulness: body temperature and cortisol levels begin to rise, and the sleeper changes position more often.

All people love to sleep. This process brings not only pleasure, but also helps to restore physical and moral loss of strength. Lack of sleep is one of the reasons for frequent illness and rapid wear and tear of the body.

Science has proven that people who do not get enough sleep regularly are unable to think adequately. This common reaction body due to lack of rest. The completeness of sleep is indicated by the number of hours and time of day. Perhaps it’s high time for you to pay attention to your daily routine for the sake of your health?

Sleep phases

The value of sleep is determined by the time spent on it. There are several stages:

  • Stage 1 - state of half-asleep;
  • Stage 2 lasts the first 30 minutes and is characterized by light sleep;
  • Stage 3 - beginning of slow-wave sleep;
  • Stage 4 - deep dream, during which a person dreams.

One full cycle lasts about one and a half hours. Five complete cycles are considered sufficient for full recovery body. Getting enough sleep is extremely important for human health.


During sleep, important hormones such as:

  • melatonin or “sleep hormone”, which takes part in the synchronization of biorhythms and participates in the formation of the body’s hormonal and immune systems;
  • growth hormone, responsible for the rejuvenating and restorative effect, growth of bones and tissues;
  • sex hormones that affect appearance a person, his character, sensitivity and intelligence, sexual and life activity;
  • leptin (satiety hormone) and ghrelin (hunger hormone), actively involved in energy metabolic processes body;
  • hormones thyroid gland, enhancing the respiratory activity of cells, stimulating tissue growth and brain development.

Their production is necessary for the regeneration of all body systems and takes a certain time. Thus, the start time of melatonin secretion is approximately 20 hours, the peak occurs in the dead of night from 00 to 4.00 in the morning.

The production of growth hormone is associated with the moment of immersion in sleep, the maximum concentration is achieved in the first 2 hours in the slow-wave sleep phase.

Thus, by not getting enough sleep and not adhering to a sleep schedule, you are committing a crime against your body, which leads to disruption of vital biochemical processes. Sooner or later this will negatively affect your health and psycho-emotional state.

Valuable hours of rest

A healthy person needs 12-14 hours to regain strength in a day. You don't have to sleep 12 hours a day. Knowing the value of every hour of sleep, you can plan your rest and restore lost strength in an hour or two.

The sleep value chart will help you properly allocate your rest time to get enough sleep.

Clock for sleep Value
19.00 - 20.00 7 o'clock
20.00 - 21.00 6 hours
21.00 - 22.00 5 o'clock
22.00 - 23.00 4 hours
23.00 - 24.00 3 hours
0.00 - 1.00 2 hours
1.00 - 2.00 1 hour
2.00 - 3.00 30 minutes
3.00 - 4.00 15 minutes
4.00 - 5.00 7 minutes
5.00 - 6.00 1 minute

Clarifying the value of sleep by the hour, the table makes it clear that if you fall asleep at 22:00 and wake up at 5:00, the body will gain 10 hours and 52 minutes of rest. This maximum amount time, despite the fact that adults need 7-9 hours of sleep.

Best time

Each person needs a different number of hours to sleep. However, experts are confident that the total duration of sleep should be at least 10 hours. The most useful time for sleep - the period until midnight, because that’s when it happens active recovery our cells.

Sleeping hours from 22.00 to 0.00 are the time for regeneration of the nervous system. This is why people who go to bed after midnight are extremely nervous and need to rest during the day.

Esotericists are convinced that waking up at 3-4 am is easy, and this ability can be developed. The period from 4 to 5 am is the time of sunrise, the birth of a new day. The morning time from 5 to 6 o'clock is marked by calmness, and from 6 to 7 am by vigor.

Using these studies, you can choose best time for sleep, save time and fully recover for new victories.

The benefits of siesta

All children of preschool and younger school age sleep during the day - that's known fact. Even a short break gives new strength, restores performance and increases concentration by at least 50-60%. Many people feel the urge to take a nap at lunchtime. This is due to the fact that during this period a person feels a loss of strength.

Scientists call the daytime nap a siesta. Its benefits have been known for a long time. In Japan, many European countries and the States, organizations have introduced a daytime sleep break into the working regime. Thus, in the German city of Vechta, municipal employees are allowed to pokemar for 20 minutes a day when needed. This helped save money on additional staff by increasing the productivity of already hired specialists.

Researchers from the United States have found that napping during the day is beneficial for good visual concentration. The vision reaction during the day is 10 milliseconds, and in the evening it is already 40. If a person sleeps a little at lunchtime, then by the evening the speed will remain equal to 10, i.e. just as quickly as in the morning.

How much sleep during the day

When you find time to take a nap, remember to sleep no longer than half an hour. Long daytime naps cause headache and provokes irritability. Some researchers dispute this statement and are convinced that a daytime nap lasting 1-1.5 hours contributes to better assimilation and processing of information after waking up.

And yet, the vast majority of experiments indicate that sleeping a lot during the day is harmful. Long, deep daytime sleep disrupts the biological clock. The person will be completely asleep and will confuse day with night, perhaps never fully awakening before dark. This reduces work efficiency to zero.

Benefit nap, is undoubtedly high, but its duration is individual. You may feel energized after just 10 minutes of napping, or after 30, 40, or 90 minutes. But the shorter the siesta, the easier it will be for you to wake up and get back to work.

Let's summarize what exactly naps do:

  • stress relief;
  • psychological relief;
  • rapid energy recovery;
  • prevents spiritual exhaustion and stress;
  • reduces total daily sleep time;
  • increases performance.

You should remember that you should not go to bed after 17.00. This is the period of the beginning of sunset, during which there is a strong outflow of energy. Sleeping after 17.00 will give worst results than before. Even if you feel exhausted after 16.30, it is better to endure and go to bed at the right time.

Modern humanity, following the path of development and progress, has reached great achievements. DNA molecules, the secrets of genetics, the depths of space and the structure of the atom have been explored long ago. A person has been thoroughly studied from all sides. But on the other hand, only human body, but there is also a soul and spirit. For many years, numerous psychologists have been trying to unravel the secrets of the subconscious, but, unfortunately, so far they have not succeeded. Thus, both in man himself and in the universe there remains a lot of unknown.

Human sleep also falls into the category of the unknown. A person spends approximately a third of his life sleeping. But why can’t people give up sleep, what happens to them in their sleep? Science does not yet have answers to these and many other questions regarding sleep.

Science began to study dreams at the end of the eighteenth century. One of the first more or less serious works on this topic is the work of Dr. Nudov, “An Experience in Constructing a Theory of Sleep,” which appeared in 1791.

According to the famous American philosopher Emerson, people study dreams not to predict their future, but to better understand themselves. A similar idea was developed by the founder of psychoanalysis, S. Freud. According to the scientist, dreams arise in the realm of the unconscious. It has nothing to do with the future, but is only a reflection of the present and the past. Thanks to sleep analysis, you can understand a person’s hidden fears and aspirations, which are very difficult to approach in any other way. Often a person has strong desires that fundamentally contradict his psychological attitudes and education. But a person is afraid to admit them to himself, so during the day, during wakefulness, these desires are sent to the sphere of the unconscious. However, in a state of sleep, a redistribution of psychic energy occurs.

In 1957, the American scientist N. Kleitman and his two graduate students, Yu. Aserinsky and V. Dement, published research results according to which sleep is not a single homogeneous process, but consists of two phases that are clearly different from each other and alternate - fast and slow sleep. sleep.

REM sleep is usually accompanied by increased heart rate and breathing, rapid eye movements, and rising blood pressure, that is, the same indicators that are characteristic of the waking state. In another way, REM sleep is also called paradoxical, since during such a dream a person becomes a participant in exciting, rapidly developing events, but at the same time he does not have the opportunity to react to them physically. His legs and arms are inactive, his neck muscles are practically paralyzed, and only eyeballs actively moving.

In such a dream everything physiological functions are activated, motor activity increases and eye movements appear, which indicates that the person is dreaming at this time. At the same time, it must be said that during REM sleep a person sleeps much more soundly than during slow sleep.

Scientists conducted experiments with sleeping people, as a result of which they came to the conclusion that if a person is deprived of REM sleep, then even with sufficient general sleep within a week he may begin to experience mental disorders.

There is also restful or slow-wave sleep, in which the rate of breathing and heartbeat decreases, muscles relax, and range of motion is reduced to a minimum. During this period of sleep, a person does not dream.

Human sleep consists of several cycles, each of which lasts approximately 1.5 hours. In turn, each cycle consists of 4 stages of slow-wave sleep and 1 stage of REM sleep. The stages of slow-wave sleep are light sleep, napping, delta sleep, and deep delta sleep. All four stages of slow-wave sleep prepare a person for the stage of REM sleep, in other words, for dreaming.

According to research published almost immediately after the discovery of REM and NREM sleep, most people who wake up during REM sleep and 5-10 percent of people who wake up during NREM sleep can remember what they saw in their dreams.

It is noteworthy that sleep is divided into slow and fast sleep not only in humans, but also in some animals and birds. So, for example, crocodiles, snakes, turtles and lizards do not have REM sleep at all, and among mammals only the echidna does not.

A person needs sleep no less than food, and perhaps much more, because if a person can live without food for about two months, then without sleep - only a day of the week.

Scientists were also able to establish that in a sleeping person, the frequency of the rhythm of brain biocurrents is 5-6 times less than in a person who is awake. It was also established that dreams, rich in content, which seem very long to a person, actually last only a few seconds. And all because the ideas about space and time in a dream are greatly disturbed.

To this day, a huge number of dream books have been published that try to interpret dreams. At the same time, the approaches of various psychiatrists, psychologists and physicians, as well as representatives of esoteric science - healers, contactees, psychics - often differ greatly in understanding the sleep process itself. On the other hand, some phenomena that occur in a dream are considered to be studied to one degree or another. So, in particular, no one doubts or is surprised by the fact that in a dream a person can speak, pronounce individual words, feel pain in an organ that outwardly looks completely healthy and does not hurt during the day. In addition, it is also not surprising that in a dream a person can see the so-called prophetic dream which comes true after some time, or to find a solution to some problem that could not be solved during the waking period.

According to some esotericists, sleep consists of seven stages-cycles. A person can wake up during any of these cycles, but if it turns out to be complete, then the person will sleep. According to the supporters of this theory, a person can even program himself for the time when he needs to wake up by turning on the so-called internal alarm clock. And if in a dream a person wants to get an answer to some question that interests him, before going to bed he needs to mentally ask about it. In addition, when falling asleep, you must ask Higher power about dreaming something good, and when you wake up, be sure to thank for waking up and ask for a good day.

Esotericists are confident that in a dream a person communicates with astral world, from which the theory of this communication follows. However, neither this theory, nor other esoteric theories, nor even scientific approach to this problem cannot explain the essence of what actually happens to a person during sleep, leaving sleep an unknown mystery.

There are many questions to which it is very difficult to give unambiguous answers. So, in particular, it is interesting why the famous scientist Mendeleev saw his table in a dream, why do musicians hear music in their dreams, and writers hear texts? Why do people often dream of dead people before weather changes, snow or rain? Finally, why does a person weak psyche Is it possible to talk in a dream, ask him questions and receive quite intelligible answers, while the sleeping person himself will not even suspect that he is being interviewed? What happens to a person who sleeps under hypnosis?

If we analyze all these questions, the sleep process can be divided into several categories. The first category includes people who become contactees in a dream. There have been many similar cases, so it makes sense to dwell on the most famous ones. So, in particular, Moscow programmer S. Tyulyukov saw in a dream a work colleague who had recently died. The dream was strange, then, as in life, these people practically did not communicate. After this dream, the man came to the revelation that in the Universe time exists simultaneously as past, present and future. A little later, Tyulyukov understood what human destiny is. This concept came in a dream in the form computer game with 12 tracks with multiple lives on each. There were no rules of the game, no decoding...

The artist I. Kuznetsova saw her paintings in a dream, which she then transferred to canvas. They possessed enormous energy and were very closely connected with the fate of the woman herself. According to the artist, when she was working on her next painting, from another room she heard the voice of her sleeping son, who asked her not to do this. The woman obeyed, put aside work, and soon her life changed dramatically.
The second category includes dreams in which people miraculously move through time, find themselves in Parallel Worlds, but at the same time remain in their civilization. Similar dreams are confirmed by scientific experiments, when a person under hypnosis can remember his past life.

And the third category includes dreams in which the soul leaves for a while physical body and flies outside its boundaries. So, for example, there are cases when, during an abortion, women under anesthesia saw their own physical body as if from the outside.

However, despite the division into categories, none of them gives a complete interpretation of what processes happen to a person in a dream; therefore, dreams remain unknown to this day. This is a mystery and a mystery for scientific world, and for the person himself.

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