If you drink vitamin E. Instructions for using vitamin E in capsules: how to take, dosage and indications. In liquid form


E is a fat-soluble compound with pronounced antioxidant properties. The traditional name for vitamin E is also used -


In addition, due to the ability to maintain youth for a long time and the beneficial effect on


and gestation, tocopherol is also called the “vitamin of youth and beauty” and “fertility vitamin.”

Vitamin E is a mixture of eight bioorganic structures that have the same properties and are its varieties. These types of vitamin E are called vitamers and are divided into two large classes - tocopherols and tocotrienols.

Tocopherols and tocotrienols each include four vitamers E. In principle, all eight vitamers have almost the same activity, therefore they are not separated in the instructions for use and various descriptions.

Therefore, when talking about vitamin E, they use the name common to all vitamers - tocopherol.

But the first of the E vitamers was obtained and identified alpha-tocopherol, which is most often found in nature and is the most active. Currently, the activity of alpha-tocopherol is accepted as the standard, and it is with it that the activities of all other E vitamers are compared.

Therefore, in some very detailed descriptions any preparation with vitamin E can be seen that its content corresponds to N units equivalent to the activity of 1 mg of alpha-tocopherol. But nowadays the amount of vitamin E is usually expressed in international units (IU) or milligrams, with 1 IU = 1 mg.

Alpha, beta and gamma tocopherols have the most pronounced vitamin activity. And delta tocopherol has the most powerful antioxidant properties. Manufacturers of various medicines, depending on their purpose, the necessary type of vitamin E is added to the composition to ensure the most pronounced biological effect.

If a person has any of the above conditions or diseases, it is recommended that he take vitamin E in therapeutic dosages at least 100 IU per day.

Vitamin E when planning pregnancy

Vitamin E at

planning pregnancy

allows you to best prepare a woman’s body for conception and future bearing of a child, since it has a beneficial effect on the condition reproductive system. Vitamin E is recommended for all women to take when planning a pregnancy, and this should definitely be done by those who have experienced pregnancy loss in the past, for example,


Fading, etc. After pregnancy, vitamin E must be continued to be taken until

Since tocopherol reduces the risk of various complications, death, underdevelopment or deformities in the fetus.

Vitamin E should be taken during or after meals twice a day - morning and evening, dividing the daily dose in half. The dosage of vitamin E is determined by the purpose of its intake:

  • Preventive use to maintain normal functioning of the body - take 100 - 200 IU per day;
  • Reception for the purpose of inhibiting the aging process - 200 - 400 IU per day;
  • Dosage during pregnancy: 200–400 IU per day;
  • Elimination of hypovitaminosis - take 400 - 1000 IU per day;
  • Treatment various conditions, for which the use of vitamin E is indicated, take 200–3000 IU per day.

Preventive and rejuvenating intake of vitamin E can be carried out long-term, for several years without interruption. If vitamin E is taken in doses of more than 500 IU per day, then every three weeks you should take a break for 1 - 2 weeks, after which you can resume the course of using tocopherol.

Vitamin E plays important role in the state of our health. We suggest you figure out what its secret is and how to drink vitamin E correctly.

Should you take vitamin E?

“Elixir of youth” is the so-called vitamin E, because it has an antioxidant effect, making the body’s cells much more resistant to the effects of external factors. This helps to prolong youth human body, healing wounds and improving skin condition.

In addition, vitamin E strengthens the walls blood vessels, has a positive effect on metabolism and accelerates growth muscle mass at a sufficient level physical activity. Find out and consume as many of these products as possible, it will prevent the formation of blood clots, will increase the ability to conceive in women and improve sexual function in men.

Can I take vitamin E? You need to drink extra vitamin E if you are deficient in it:

  • poor skin condition,
  • irregular menstrual cycle,
  • dysfunction of the male reproductive system
  • decreased sex drive,
  • dry mucous membranes,
  • depression,
  • sudden change of mood,
  • sweating,
  • hypovitaminosis E,
  • threat of miscarriage,
  • eye diseases,
  • period of increased physical activity.

How to get vitamin E from foods

  • soybean oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, cottonseed oil,
  • corn,
  • oats,
  • rye,
  • wheat,
  • legumes,
  • beef,
  • milk,
  • halibut,
  • butter,
  • cod,
  • herring.

How to drink vitamin E correctly

To ensure vitamin E is well absorbed, do not take it on an empty stomach!

It would be optimal if you eat some fruits and nuts an hour before your main meal so that there is some fat in your stomach. Then drink vitamin E. And after an hour you can eat.

How much vitamin E should you take? The body should receive 400-600 IU per day so that the cells do not undergo deformation.

Doctors recommend this dosage: for children 5 mg. vitamin E, and adults - 10 mg. Natural nutrition provides a sufficient amount of vitamin E for the human body, but in the modern rhythm of life, vitamin E deficiency is not uncommon.

There is another trick for better absorption of vitamin E. Take the capsules along with rose hips, citrus fruits, green onions, and foods containing vitamin C.

Avoid overdosing on vitamin E to avoid causing an allergic reaction or poisoning.

Vitamin E should be taken 1-2 times a day, 100 mg. for muscular dystrophy, diseases of the tendon-joint system and the neuromuscular system. How many days should you take vitamin E? Course - 30-60 days.

To improve potency in men, you need to drink 100-300 mg per day. vitamin E, course - 30 days.

Pregnant women who are at risk of miscarriage should take 100 mg of vitamin E 1-2 times a day. within 7-14 days.

For skin diseases, it is correct to drink vitamin E 1-2 times a day, 100-200 mg, course - 20-40 days.

For treatment cardiovascular diseases and eye diseases add vitamin E: 1-2 times a day, 100-200 mg. It is combined with vitamin A. The course is 1-3 weeks.

Vitamin E, or tocopherol, is the most common antioxidant. Along with vitamins A and C, which also strengthen the immune system, vitamin E is produced by many pharmaceutical companies. However, with all undeniable benefits vitamin E, aspects of its use should not be neglected. Uncontrolled use of any drug can lead to various side effects, so you should be aware of how to take vitamin E.

Benefits of Vitamin E

As already mentioned, vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps stop the spread and activity of free radicals, specific compounds in the human body. Vitamin E is necessary to maintain the normal condition of skin, hair, nails, as well as for the prevention oncological diseases, negative effects of ultraviolet rays. This suggests that vitamin E is vital for people who spend a lot of time outdoors.

On the other hand, vitamin E deficiency greatly affects the condition of hair, nails and skin.

The instructions for use of vitamin E show that the indications for use of the drug differ - these are dermatitis, psoriasis, dandruff, blisters. Vitamin E is recommended for maintaining good condition walls of blood vessels, as it provides the necessary nutrition to skin cells, accelerates regeneration processes, and facilitates the treatment of various diseases.

During the cold season, you can take vitamin E at high doses, as it improves immunity, increasing the body's resistance to infections.

Indications for use of vitamin E include:

How to take vitamin E

Vitamin E is usually taken an hour after meals. But best effect is achieved when vitamin E is taken half an hour after eating nuts and fruits. The optimal dose of vitamin E for children over ten years of age is 8-10 mg daily, for pregnant women - no more than 10 mg, for lactating women - 11-12 mg daily. Children under three years of age also need vitamin E in a daily dose of 3 to 6 mg, and up to ten years - no more than 7 mg. The more precise required dose of the drug should be agreed with your doctor.

Muscular dystrophy, diseases of the neuromuscular system, diseases of the joint system and tendons require taking vitamin E in a dose of 10 mg 1-2 times a day for 1-2 months. For disorders of potency and spermatogenesis - range daily dose ranges from 10 to 30 mg. If there is a threat of miscarriage, women are recommended to take vitamin E at a dose of 10 mg 1-2 times a day for 1-2 weeks. In case of fetal development disorders, it is necessary to take vitamin E in the first trimester of pregnancy; the daily dose should not exceed 20 mg.

Vitamin E during pregnancy

Vitamin E is prescribed to almost every woman during pregnancy. Vitamin E reduces the risk of miscarriage, improves cellular metabolism and promotes good cell division, which significantly increases the chances of a fertilized egg attaching and continuing to develop in the uterus.

During pregnancy, vitamin E helps create a favorable environment in which the fetus feels comfortable even if there are circulatory problems or hormonal deficiency.

Vitamin E is recommended to be taken even at the planning stage of pregnancy. It is taken with every meal (3 times a day) from day 16 in a 25-day cycle. Vitamin E is similar to the hormone progesterone and is therefore prescribed in the 2nd phase of the cycle. Taking tocopherol promotes a high probability of conception in the most favorable conditions.

The daily dose of vitamin E is prescribed by a doctor and depends on the quality of nutrition of pregnant women, lifestyle, health status, and characteristics of pregnancy.

If a woman is healthy and pregnancy is proceeding normally, simply consuming foods with high content vitamin E. Tocopherol is found in plant foods– olive and sunflower oils, sea buckthorn, sprouted wheat grains, nuts, oatmeal, buckwheat, brown rice, seeds, green vegetables, fruits. It is also present in eggs and liver of animals.

How to take vitamin E during pregnancy

Vitamin E is taken from 12-14 weeks of pregnancy with short breaks (the ideal option is courses of 10 days). This is necessary for the fetal organs to form properly; vitamin E deficiency should not be present in the diet of a pregnant woman.

With a sufficiently organized diet, the dose of vitamin E in a pregnant woman per day can be limited to 10 mg. However, the doctor may increase the dose to 30 mg per day. This is determined by abnormalities in fetal development or the threat of miscarriage. However, the maximum safe daily limit of tocopherol is 100 mg. Its uncontrolled use and excess may pose a threat to the development of birth defects in the fetus.

Denial of responsibility: The information presented in this article about vitamin E is intended to inform the reader only. It is not intended to be a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.

We have known about the beneficial effects of vitamins on a living organism for a long time, and today it has already been proven that a lack of these substances in the diet leads to serious disruptions in vital processes. Let's look at the benefits for humans hidden in vitamin E, and how its use will affect your beauty and health.

What is vitamin E good for?

IN in kind This organic compound is a combination of substances similar in composition and action: tocopherols and tocotrienols. The composition of the synthetic product, which is sold in pharmacies, mainly includes only one form of vitamin E - alpha-tocopherol. This drug is often also called tocopherol acetate. Vitamin E is fat-soluble, so it should be consumed in recommended doses to prevent it from accumulating in excess. But with its deficiency, the body feels a lack of resources for the correct flow of many processes.

The most important quality of vitamin E is that it is an antioxidant and protects cells from oxidative processes. This substance helps fight premature signs aging. Capsules of this drug are often prescribed for conditions where it is necessary to accelerate skin regeneration. It is also useful for functioning circulatory system: increases the elasticity of blood vessels, reduces increased capillary permeability and the destruction of red blood cells. There are additional benefits for different genders from taking advantage of the beneficial properties of vitamin E.

For men

Normal level the entry of this substance into the body helps stronger sex be active and resilient. Vitamin E for men is one of the regulators hormonal levels, participates in the secretion of testosterone. It is often prescribed to regulate the processes of the reproductive system, as it has a beneficial effect on the composition of seminal fluid. In men who smoke, taking this drug reduces the risk of prostate cancer. According to scientific research, vitamin E prevents cancer Bladder, and is also capable of slowing down age-related changes retina of the eye.

For women

Vitamin E capsules are very often prescribed by gynecologists when planning pregnancy; it is often even called the fertility vitamin. It is involved in the production of hormones that stimulate the functioning of the ovaries, helps the egg to form correctly, and the uterine cavity to prepare for the attachment of the fetus to it. Often, capsules of this substance are prescribed for use during pregnancy if there is a threat of its termination. Vitamin E for women is also very useful for beauty: it has a beneficial effect on skin elasticity, good color face, strengthens hair.

How to take vitamin E

Before you start using such a synthetic substance in capsules, tablets or in the form oil drops, do not neglect consultation with a specialist. An experienced doctor will help you choose the dosage of the drug depending on the expected effect and the presence of certain diseases. This way you will prevent unwanted side effects and be sure that you are taking the vitamin based on your age and health conditions.

For nails, hair and skin

The use of this product in capsules is often found when recommending additional personal care, but do not forget that beauty is also external manifestation health and good physical shape. When starting to take care of your appearance, first of all think about a diet containing a sufficient amount of foods rich in vitamin E. In such an accessible biological form, it will bring greatest benefit for your appearance and the whole body long period.

You can use such beauty recipes that have received positive responses from many girls.

  • To strengthen your nails, moisten them twice a week for 2 months with an oily liquid of vitamin E or the contents of capsules, rubbing the composition into the nail plate.
  • To soften the skin, prevent harmful effects at her sun rays Periodically use vitamin E in liquid form instead of cream.
  • To improve the condition of your hair, use a heated mask burdock oil– 3 tbsp. l. and vitamin E – 1 tsp. It should be rubbed into the roots and washed off with shampoo after 20 minutes.


Vitamin E for facial skin in sufficient quantities is one of the main factors in maintaining its youth. When taken orally, such capsules harmonize the work of the ovaries and the production of estrogen - a hormone that helps the skin to be tightened, elastic, and radiant. To delay the aging process and the rapid appearance of wrinkles, in addition to the drug in capsules, pay attention to multivitamin complexes. The combination of vitamin E with other antioxidants and microelements is a real rejuvenating cocktail for your appearance!

For facial skin against acne

The use of such a remedy as a medicinal one to get rid of acne causes conflicting responses. Some people take vitamin E capsules orally or external application An oily solution helps get rid of the rash, and in others it can even cause it to spread. It is important to establish exactly why the skin has become problematic: due to hormonal imbalance, skin irritation, digestive disorders, etc. The use of vitamin E capsules is justified if it can influence the source of irritation.

When planning a pregnancy

An exact recommendation on what dose of vitamin E will help you conceive a child should be given by your gynecologist, taking into account the characteristics of your body and medical history. It is not worth experimenting on your own in this matter, because we are talking not only about the health of the woman, but also the unborn baby. In most cases, according to the recommendations of doctors, the dosage of the substance for women who want to become pregnant is 100 mg, but according to individual indicators it can be increased to 200 mg for 1-2 months.

Instructions for use of tocopherol

It is important to remember that independent, uncontrolled, high-dose and long-term use of vitamin E is self-medication, which can bring harm, rather than benefit, to your health. Stop taking the drug if you develop allergic reaction. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose of the substance, this will cause decreased performance, weakness in the body and will only harm the body.

Vitamin E is prescribed orally after meals, in doses selected by the doctor. The capsule should be swallowed without chewing and washed down with the required amount of water.

The dosage of vitamin E in capsules is:

  1. for antioxidant treatment- 200-400 mg 1-2 times a day;
  2. for prevention and treatment embryonic pathologies of the fetus-100-200 mg 1 time per day;
  3. For miscarriage prevention- 100 mg 1-2 times a day, 10-14 days;
  4. at disorders menstrual cycle - 300-400 mg per day, starting from the 16th day of the cycle, carry out 5-6 courses;
  5. for inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system— 100 mg 1-2 times a day, course 1-2 months;
  6. endocrine disorders- 300-500 mg per day;
  7. at eye and skin diseases- 100-200 mg 1-2 times a day along with vitamin A;
  8. at impotence- 100-300 mg per day, course 30 days.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect

  • Alpha-tocopherol acetate, which is part of the drug, exhibits antioxidant properties;
  • Accelerates metabolism in tissues;
  • Protects blood vessels and blood cells from damage;
  • Supports the function of the sex glands;
  • Slows down degenerative processes in the cardiovascular system;
  • Protects cell membranes from the damaging effects of free radicals;
  • Accelerates protein formation and slows down cholesterol metabolism.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Absorbed from the intestine in the presence of bile acids, bioavailability is about 50%. It is transported in the blood using specific transport proteins.

Peak plasma levels are reached 4 hours after administration. Failures in protein metabolism impair the transport of tocopherol acetate.

Accumulates in the liver, adrenal glands, reproductive and endocrine glands, and adipose tissue. Metabolized in the liver, excreted in bile and urine.

What is vitamin E capsules good for?

Genitourinary system

  • responsible for the health of the reproductive system;
  • increases the likelihood of conception and normal fetal development;
  • alleviates the condition of breast cancer and premenstrual syndrome;
  • increases libido.

Musculoskeletal and cardiovascular system

  • prevents thrombosis and stabilizes vascular walls;
  • makes muscles strong and resilient, prevents cramps;
  • facilitates the course of infectious and inflammatory diseases joints.

Immune system, skin and mucous membranes

  • relieves diabetes symptoms;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • accelerates the regeneration of skin injuries;
  • slows down skin aging, makes it elastic and smooth.

Why do you need vitamin E capsules?

Vitamin E capsules are prescribed in the following cases:

  • infertility;
  • vitamin E deficiency;
  • developmental disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • inflammation of ligaments and joints;
  • menstrual disorder;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • low sperm motility;
  • increased physical activity;
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases skin;
  • recovery after illnesses and surgical interventions;
  • as an antioxidant for inflammatory diseases;
  • in old age to slow down aging.


Taking vitamin E capsules is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • cardiosclerosis;
  • acute condition during myocardial infarction;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • overdose of vitamin E;
  • Use with caution in children under 12 years of age.

Vitamin E preparations in capsules

Vitamin E preparations

Vitamin E Vitrum - price in the pharmacy and capsule composition

Transparent soft capsules, 60 pieces in a glass bottle or 12 in a contour package.

One capsule contains 400 mg of alpha-tocopherol acetate in terms of pure substance.

Additional components- gelatin, glycerin, purified water.

Price - 35 / 117 UAH / 95 / 340 rubles.

Aevit - price in the pharmacy and capsule composition

Soft capsules yellow color with seam, 10, 20 or 50 capsules per package.

One capsule contains 100 mg vitamin E and 100,000 IU vitamin A.

Additional componentssunflower oil, gelatin, glycerin, additive E 218, E 216.

Price - 15 UAH / 44 rubles.

Acevit - price in the pharmacy and capsule composition

Soft gelatin capsules red, 30 pieces per pack.

One capsule contains tocopherol acetate 22.8 mg, beta carotene 5.1 mg, ascorbic acid 70 mg.

Additional components— red palm oil, aerosil, gelatin.

Price - 210 UAH / 580 rubles.

Vitamin E capsules - reviews

Most reviews of vitamin E capsules are positive. Depending on the indications, the drug had pharmachologic effect specified in the instructions. Side effects manifested themselves rarely, mainly in the form of skin allergic reactions.