If a dog whines when. Why does a dog whine: possible reasons. If behavior changes for no reason

This question worries many breeders and dog owners. Why is this happening?

  • Expression of animal emotions. Your furry pet cannot do this in any other way.
  • The dog got sick. The cause may be injury or pathology internal organs. With this behavior, he simply attracts attention to himself or asks for help from the owner. It is worth paying attention if the pet is whining, and in addition, he has a bowel disorder, he is shivering, the dog becomes lethargic, does not eat, or has a poor appetite.
  • To attract attention. With such signs, the animal asks to take a walk or play with it or treat it with something tasty.
  • The sadness of loneliness. If the owner is constantly traveling or at work, then the pet will often lack communication and affection.
  • Wild joy or delight. The dog jumps, barks, whines, runs around a person, expressing its emotions in such an unrestrained way, it can uncontrollably grab everything off the floor or land.
  • Apology, guilt. Sometimes a pet may whine after doing something wrong or being caught doing something wrong. Often such whining is accompanied by flattening of the ears and drooping eyes.
  • Nothing to occupy yourself with. Sometimes puppies and adult dogs are unable to entertain themselves on their own and, while for a long time within four walls, they begin to whine, and may even run away.
  • Defecation. We haven't walked the dog for a long time and bladder is overcrowded, so she is unable to restrain herself and needs to go to the toilet (how to train).
  • Fright. This reaction occurs when meeting an aggressive animal on the street, going to the veterinarian, traveling or changing the environment surrounding the animal.
  1. To attract attention. This is well observed in young puppies who are trying to get the affection and love of their mother or owner. In nature, the whining of puppies leads to the fact that adults are lenient towards the baby and do not offend him. In other words, nature has provided an option when whining acts as a defensive reaction to aggressive behavior adult relatives.
  2. When pregnancy occurs in dogs and subsequent births. The fact is that a dog whines when her puppies are taken away from her. This is clearly observed in females who have just given birth. False pregnancy can also cause this unusual phenomenon. In this case, the role of the puppy can be played by any soft toy, when weaned, the four-legged mother will definitely complain about it. In the latter case, in order to avoid health problems, it is better to sterilize the pet, provided that breeding work will not be carried out in the future.
  3. Recognizing your position in the pack. If the individual has done something wrong, and there was a conflict between the animal and the person, then after a while the pet may begin to whine. This behavior does not at all mean that the four-legged animal has realized its mistake and will not do this again, it means that it understands its position in the pack and accepts it and does not at all compete with the leader for the leading position. Therefore, in order to avoid conflict situations with your pet in the future, it needs to not only be raised, but also trained.
  4. The dog whines because he cannot get what he wants or because he is waiting for an event that is about to happen. In a number of individuals this is easy to see; just start getting ready to go outside. The dog’s excitement immediately reaches its limit and its first thoughts are that they are going for a walk with it.
  • If your pet whines and wags its tail, it means it is happy and happy. good mood. This is a very common misconception that needs to be understood a little differently. For example, on the street, seeing their four-legged fellow, a number of individuals begin to wag their tails and make whining sounds. This should not at all be taken as a joy from a meeting or a friendly attitude. This is just excitement, which can lead to irreparable consequences, just a little lower the dog's leash, this is especially true for animals that can show aggression towards relatives.
  • Whining is a sign of pain. This is also not a true statement, since the pain most likely causes a groan or scream. If you accidentally step on an animal's paw or tail, it will squeal in pain. Then the pet will stop making sounds, although the pain may not go away yet.
  • The dog whines specifically to spite its owner. In no case should you think so, because a four-legged animal is not as cunning as a person, and besides, whining is just communication, an opportunity to convey certain information to others and the owner.

In most cases, the dog whines to attract attention, thereby achieving the fulfillment of its desires. In this way, the animal can beg for food while the owner is eating, or ask to go outside by hanging around the door. Moreover, it doesn’t matter what reaction comes from the owner, because even grumbling or punishment is also attention, albeit negative.

Animals may whine in response to stressful situations. Animals experience severe stress when separated from their owner, especially if there is a change of owner. TO stressful situation This also includes traveling by car.

Easily excitable dogs may whine due to overwhelming emotions, for example, in anticipation interesting game, walks, the arrival of the owner, as well as when meeting another dog, if the pet is deprived of frequent communication with its own kind. This reaction is observed in dogs living in the yard of a private house, and some are very happy about contact with other dogs.

Some pets begin to whine to calm a person, for example, if he is depressed or in pain.

This behavior is observed in animals experiencing painful sensations, for example, with constipation, when animals try to relieve themselves, but nothing happens. In bitches this behavior is observed during pregnancy. If a dog whines and trembles, then this condition indicates a strong pain reaction, the beginning of labor, and fear. When signs are detected painful condition animal, injuries, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

When interacting with people or other animals, pets may whine, feeling a threat to themselves or their owner, or, conversely, feeling fear and submission in the presence of a dominant individual or directed aggression of the owner.


To understand your pet's language, you need to take into account its age, lifestyle and breed characteristics. Increased level anxiety is observed in decorative dogs(chihuahua, Yorkshire Terrier), huskies are prone to whining. Silent breeds that bark as a last resort include:

  • bullmastiff;
  • Deerhound;
  • Ridgeback;
  • Shar Pei;
  • Afghan Hound;
  • greyhound;
  • Russian greyhound dog.

However, even dogs that are not genetically prone to vomiting loud sounds, may start barking. This behavior is due to one or more of the following factors:

With puppies, by and large, everything is quite clear and simple. They really need the care, affection and attention of the owner, walks, drink and food. Otherwise, the puppy will begin to squeal, cry or whine. But when an adult animal begins to whine, this may be a sign of more serious reasons. The problem must be identified in order to solve it.

Health problems

If your animal whines, then do not get irritated or nervous. You just need to identify why your pet behaves this way, and not ignore these unpleasant sounds. First you need to contact a veterinarian. It is likely that your four-legged friend health problems appeared. Naturally, this does not apply to those animals that liked to whine from a small age. However, unexpected whining from a dog should alert you.

There are likely other factors that are associated with various diseases and injuries to the animal, causing the pet to whine and squeal.

You can independently determine the reasons that cause whining, but there are cases when you cannot do without the help of a veterinarian. You need to feel everything possible places injuries. The animal will certainly react if you touch the area that hurts. If you don’t understand or don’t know what you can do if your dog is whining, then be sure to consult a veterinarian. And, if the cause is identified, then you need to begin the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Behavioral problems

There may be anxious and restless dogs suffering increased nervousness, they are characterized by frequent whining for no reason. These behavioral problems can seriously ruin the lives of animal owners, as they begin to whine and bark, even with minor noise.

One can only remember what reaction usually occurs in dogs to the explosions of fireworks, firecrackers or other pyrotechnics. Your dog probably starts whining if you leave the house and leave him alone for a long time.

Hunting instincts

It is hunting instincts that can make a dog whine. As a rule, they appear during the discovery of prey, for example, a fox, which the animal cannot reach. The target could also be a squirrel in a tree, a bird, or a cat. To correct this problem quite difficult because it is genetic. But you can still do something.

The main task is to calm the animal and distract its attention from the prey. It is necessary to take the dog as far as possible from the place where the target was found or take it away from the premises if this happened in the house. If the target is located outside the window, then close the curtains or lower the blinds. In general, your main goal is to do everything to ensure that the pet calms down.

Also, the cause of whining can be that the dog is very nervous, excited or excited. Fighting dogs in some cases whine before a fight and this is not from uncertainty, fear, confusion and anxiety - it is more a sign of impatience and a desire to quickly engage in a fight.

By and large, unlike cats, dogs are extremely laid-back and emotional animals. Feelings rage inside these animals that they cannot contain.


All pets love attention, especially their owners. And in order to attract attention to themselves, they also begin to whine. You should not ignore this behavior, as the whining will not end and can last for quite a long time.

Other reasons

In some cases, the animal may squeal in its sleep. It has been noted that dogs can also have dreams, often associated with bullying, chases, injuries, and persecution. The pet owner can often witness this part of his animal's life. One way or another, if in a dream a dog not only squeals and whines, but also breathes heavily, which leads to its awakening, prolonged shortness of breath and respiratory failure, then this should alert you. You need to contact a veterinarian.

Remember, whining is an expression of an animal's request. For example, requests for a walk in order to relieve oneself quickly if it is already unbearable. Whining is often caused by loneliness. If everyone is at work, and the animal is alone at home, then it may whine from seeming uselessness and melancholy. You need to be attentive to your pet.

It happens that the dog cheats and whines in order to get something more than it should be. Probably, more attention to yourself or an extra portion of food is manipulation. However, unless the whining is related to wanting to go outside, thirst, or hunger, in which case simply try to ignore the behavior. Having realized that whining cannot help attract the owner's attention, the animal will no longer do it.

Why does a dog whine? The reasons for this behavior can be varied:

  1. A puppy can express his emotions through whining, because he does not yet know how to do this in other ways.
  2. Deterioration of condition, disease. The pain that a pet may experience due to some kind of illness or injury will certainly cause it to attract the attention of its owners and ask for help. But whining may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever, digestive disorders, lethargy, apathy, lack of appetite, and so on.
  3. Needs and desires. By whining, the dog can demand attention from the owner or in this way remind him that it is time to go for a walk or give some kind of treat.
  4. Loneliness. If the owner is often away from home for a long time, then the pet will probably lack attention, communication and care. And the dog will certainly try to communicate this by whining.
  5. Delight. Even adult dog may express his emotions uncontrollably, barking loudly or whining.
  6. If the pet has done something wrong and was caught or exposed by the owner, then through whining he can express a feeling of guilt or even try to apologize in his dog language. Voice signals can also be accompanied by behavioral ones. For example, the dog may flatten its ears, lower its eyes, or cling to you or to the floor.
  7. If you feel like your pet is whining for no reason, he's probably just bored. Try to lure him with a new toy or active game. If he appreciates your offer and accepts it joyfully, then probably the reason for the whining was precisely boredom.
  8. Stress, anxiety, fear. Remember after what events the dog began to voice. You probably recently moved, in which case the emotional state of your pet could be affected by the change in environment. The cause of fear could be a visit to the veterinarian or a sudden meeting with a larger and aggressive dog while walking.
  9. The desire to empty the bowels or bladder, in other words, to go to the toilet. Some breeds perceive urges emotionally. In addition, if the pet has been holding back for a long time, then the wait can become painful and painful for him.

Working with an adult pet

Often a dog comes into the home as an adult, fully formed individual, be it a dog adopted from a shelter, a foundling, or a pet of friends or acquaintances.

If a dog loses sight of its owner on the street and whines or makes these sounds in anticipation of some event, then such a pet should be taught to concentrate with the help of praise and goodies.

To train a dog to stop whining or howling indoors, use the same method as for a puppy. But remember that the process will take longer due to the age of the pet.

You cannot calm an animal down or praise it if it whines. She will take this as approval and will repeat this action over and over again. The owner should not aggravate the problem, but behave as if the owner of the pack is tough and fair.

You should not hit your pet; in rare cases, the strict command “Fu!”, spoken in a stern voice, is allowed. This way, the dog will feel inner strength and will probably obey. When obedient, grab your dog.

Another important point There is no need to let your pet out for a walk or open the door when she barks or whines. Say “Ugh!”, wait until she stops making these sounds and only then release her. If the animal is kept in an enclosure, then accustom it to the place. You should only pet and encourage her when she calms down and becomes silent.

If your dog whines while driving, as soon as he starts doing this, close the curtains to prevent him from looking out the window. Don't get distracted and don't shout, you can command “Ugh!” or “Place!”

If your pet howls or whines from loneliness, then take her for a good walk before work in the morning. A fed and tired dog will rest and sleep longer, and therefore whine less.

Don't forget to leave toys for your animal to chew on. It will calm her nerves, strengthen her gums, keep her busy. free time. And besides, you will protect yourself from torn slippers, chewed wires, etc.

Caring for a dog can be compared to caring for small child. The owner not only has to get up early for morning walks and feed on time, but also learn to understand the pet’s language. For example, a dog can bark to express joy, aggression or fear. What does it mean when a dog whines? This is one of the methods of communication by which they express their emotions or convey certain information. Let's try to understand the reasons for this behavior and possible reaction on him from the owner.

Possible reasons

If a dog whines, you need to first of all figure out the reasons, and not get nervous and scold your pet for such behavior. The reasons for whining can be different:

  • The need to satisfy physiological needs. For example, a dog may whine to express a request for a walk in order to go to the toilet sooner, or remind the owner that he forgot to feed the pet. But at the same time, begging should be distinguished in order to prevent manipulation. In any case, you should first calm the animal and then grant the “request” if it is justified.
  • Overwhelming emotions. This could be the joy of meeting the owner, receiving a tasty treat, or meeting familiar relatives while walking. The main thing is not to encourage this type of expression positive emotions, and from childhood teach your pet to behave more calmly.
  • Longing is another reason why a dog whines at night or during the day. In this way, mother dogs whose puppies have recently been taken away, puppies who are just getting used to new family and even adult dogs when the owners die or leave for a long time.
  • Guilt. In a pack of dogs, whining is perceived as a sign of submission and recognition of someone else's authority and is usually reinforced by a lowered head and tail. But pet dog may whine after being punished by the owner as an admission of guilt and a request for forgiveness. In this case, you should not immediately feel sorry for him. It is enough to lightly pat the withers and leave the room to mean in dog language “Apology accepted.”

  • Attention deficit and boredom. Sometimes a pet starts whining when left alone and then the neighbors have to listen to “serenades”. Giving a sedative in such cases is only a temporary solution that will help reduce the level of anxiety when the owner is not at home.

Important! If a dog whines for no apparent reason in the presence of its owner, you should not immediately calm it down. Otherwise, he will get used to seeking attention in this way and get rid of this addiction it will be much more difficult.

  • Fear when the dog not only whines, but also hides under the sofa or in the most secluded corner. You need to watch him to understand what causes fear: sharp sounds on the street, a thunderstorm, an overly strict attitude, or acquaintances who once behaved aggressively with the pet.
  • Anxiety. Animals feel when the usual rhythm of life around them changes, for example, a family is going on a long trip, and they try to deal with the situation in their own way: a dog may whine and not find a place for itself, run excitedly and constantly look around. In this case, it is better to calm him down gently.

Whining for no reason

If a dog whines without apparent reason constantly, and the factors listed above do not explain what is happening, she may have health problems. The most common explanation is various kinds of pain, in which the dog often twitches in his sleep and whines, and during periods of wakefulness he becomes less active, sometimes the temperature rises and rapid breathing appears. Depending on the location of the pain, other symptoms appear:

  • for problems with the paws - lameness or unnatural position of the limbs;
  • for problems with the ears, tilt the head to the affected side;
  • If you have stomach pain or dental problems, refuse to eat.

What should the owner do?

First of all, it is important to understand the reasons for your pet’s behavior, and only then take measures to correct the behavior. In most cases, it is enough to satisfy physiological or psychological needs. But sometimes pets begin to be cunning and get used to raising their voices without the slightest reason. In this case, it will be useful to apply the following recommendations:

  • Never encourage or praise your dog while whining, so that he does not consider such behavior to be the norm.
  • Ignore (do not look, do not talk) if there is no reason for whining, so that the pet understands that such behavior will not bring the desired result.
  • Play. You can show your dog his favorite toy and turn his attention to it. Moreover, this method will evoke more positive emotions in the animal compared to the previous option.
  • Distract. If the dog has mastered the commands, you can ask him to follow some of them so that he switches to a new activity.

Important! It is better to reward your dog for being quiet rather than punish or scold him for unwanted actions.

To prevent your pet from getting used to whining, dog breeders recommend:

  • Gradually teach him to stay at home on his own.
  • Feed him on time and take him for walks to burn off excess energy. To do this, you can create a schedule that will suit both the animal and the owner.
  • Pay attention and play more often.
  • Monitor your health and behavioral characteristics.
  • Study the animal’s fears and try to limit their impact.
  • Consider individual characteristics breed and the pet itself.

A dog's whining may only seem cute at first glance. If, without understanding its reasons, the owner immediately calms and caresses the pet, this will only worsen the situation. Therefore, it is important to carefully understand the reasons for whining in order to better understand your pet and prevent such behavior in the future.

What should you do if your beloved pet suddenly starts whining anxiously from time to time? How to help your pet? How to recognize the reason for this behavior? Some dogs are not very social, so whining on their part is immediately perceived as a sign of discomfort. Others are more emotional, which means their whining may well be a behavioral problem.

Why does a dog whine?

There can be a lot of reasons for this behavior; you should always pay attention to the situation in the house, the breed and age of the animal, and its condition - both physical and emotional.

If a dog ruins your item and whines pitifully, hiding its muzzle, this does not mean that it is trying to apologize in this way, contrary to popular belief. With this behavior she shows that she recognizes your leadership. Dogs, as you know, are pack animals, and their owner is part of the pack.

With the help of whining, the dog can ask for more food or simply tries to beg for something tasty if this happens during the owner’s lunch. In this case, it is better to ignore the whims of your pet, since in raising dogs, as in raising children, you cannot indulge, thereby encouraging such behavior.

Emotional and physical state

As mentioned above, it is necessary to pay attention to the physical and emotional state of the pet. Often the owner thinks that the dog is whining for no reason, but this is unlikely.

If an animal is in pain, it has no other way to notify its owner than to whine pitifully, asking for help. If you have the slightest suspicion that your pet has a disease or injury, you should immediately contact medical care to the veterinarian. It is not difficult to understand why a dog whines if he is sitting next to him. front door or even scratches her. If she has already developed a walking routine, you should listen to her requests and take her for a walk.

A dog may whine out of boredom, thereby attracting attention, or, conversely, whine if it is happy to see the owner or another animal, if it was limited in communicating with its own kind. Perhaps she is concerned about the behavior of one of the owners or his condition. Or she got scared while watching the quarrel.

Some dogs, watching their owner, try to adopt his communication style and begin to whine, wanting to interact with him in his usual way - with his voice. Of course, we won’t be able to understand this way. Therefore, it is recommended in this case to simply ignore such attempts.

Stress is a fairly common reason why a dog whines. Any changes in the usual routine of life can cause anxiety in a pet; this could be a recent move, a change of scenery, a long journey, a meeting with an aggressive relative, a visit to veterinary clinic and so on.

Why does a dog whine at night?

Typically, there are two main reasons:

  • Dogs dream too. Perhaps the dream caused a strong emotional outburst in the animal, joyful or negative experiences, as a result of which the dog whines in his sleep.
  • The dog experiences anxiety in the absence of the owner, cannot sleep, and worries. In this case, it would be advisable to move the bed to the bedroom for a while, and then move it a little closer to its usual place every night, allowing it to get used to sleeping alone.

How to stop a dog from whining

Before you take any measures to eliminate this problem, you need to find out why your dog is whining. The reasons do not always lie on the surface, and to detect them you should pay close attention to your pet and monitor its condition.

Education methods

Some trainers advise punishing a dog for breaking silence by saying “ugh!” in a threatening tone, and repeating this action until progress is made. Others insist that punishment in this case is ineffective. It will be much more effective, on the contrary, to encourage her good behavior and praise her for maintaining silence.

If the dog begins to whine when the owner moves out of sight, it is necessary to accustom him to his absence. To do this, you need to make her understand that when a person leaves, he will definitely return. The best way will close the pet in the room, leaving it alone for 10 minutes, and praise it if during this time it does not start whining. Next, you need to increase the time of absence, bringing it to an hour. The dog will develop a strong understanding: the owner will return.

If the reason lies in the stress of the animal, it is worth providing support, surrounding it with care and increased attention in order to quickly calm it down and make it clear that everything is fine. Play with him, give him a treat.

If in your case we are talking about a young puppy, you need to help him adapt to a new place, get used to new people, praise him more often for good behavior, be patient with the emotions and fears he experiences, spend time with him more often, and show care.

Folk signs

If you believe folk signs, a dog whining in the house foreshadows the illness of one of the family members or perhaps even his death. It is believed that they feel the approach of an illness and thus show their sadness and try to convey their experiences to the person.

The main rule to follow is: if you want to understand a dog’s language and find out the reason for whining, you should not use aggressive training measures. Make sure your dog is not stressed or upset, and do not scold him unless you are sure he is healthy and well, as you risk losing his trust. Remember, fear does not mean respect.

It’s probably no secret to anyone that a dog never whines or growls into space without a reason. Dogs, especially german shepherds, are quite patient animals, and if this is noted, then this is a clear symptom that something is wrong with the pet. And so the pet owner must figure out what this could mean and why the dog is whining?

Since a dog is a completely sociable and pack animal, the sounds that the pet makes, including barking and whining, are an option for expressing feelings and emotions, as well as transmitting some information to the people around them. So the animal whines for very logical reasons. If you are her friend, then this cheekbone should not be ignored.


With puppies, by and large, everything is quite clear and simple. They really need the care, affection and attention of the owner, walks, drink and food. Otherwise, the puppy will begin to squeal, cry or whine. But when an adult animal begins to whine, this may be a sign of more serious reasons. The problem must be identified in order to solve it.

Health problems

If your animal whines, then do not get irritated or nervous. You just need to identify why your pet behaves this way, and not ignore these unpleasant sounds. First you need to contact a veterinarian. It is likely that your four-legged friend has health problems. Naturally, this does not apply to those animals that liked to whine from a small age. However, unexpected whining from a dog should alert you..

There are also other factors that are associated with various diseases and injuries of the animal, forcing the pet to whine and squeal.

You can independently determine the reasons that cause whining, but there are times when you cannot do without the help of a veterinarian. It is necessary to probe all possible places of injury. The animal will certainly react if you touch the area that hurts. If you don’t understand or don’t know what you can do if your dog is whining, then be sure to consult a veterinarian. And, if the cause is identified, then you need to begin the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Behavioral problems

There may be anxious and restless dogs that suffer from increased nervousness; they are characterized by frequent whining for no reason. These behavioral problems can seriously ruin the lives of animal owners, as they begin to whine and bark, even with minor noise.

One can only remember what reaction usually occurs in dogs to the explosions of fireworks, firecrackers or other pyrotechnics. Probably, the dog starts whining, if you leave home and leave him alone for a long time.

Hunting instincts

It is hunting instincts that can make a dog whine. As a rule, they appear during the discovery of prey, for example, a fox, which the animal cannot reach. The target could also be a squirrel. on a tree, bird, cat. It is quite difficult to correct this problem because it is genetic. But you can still do something.

The main task is to calm the animal, distract his attention from the prey. It is necessary to take the dog as far as possible from the place where the target was found or take it away from the premises if this happened in the house. If the target is located outside the window, then close the curtains or lower the blinds. In general, your main goal is to do everything to ensure that the pet calms down.

Also, the cause of whining can be that the dog is very nervous, excited or excited. Fighting dogs in some cases whine before a fight and this is not from uncertainty, fear, confusion and anxiety - it is more a sign of impatience and a desire to quickly engage in a fight.

By and large, unlike cats, dogs are extremely laid-back and emotional animals. Feelings rage inside these animals that they cannot contain.


All pets love attention, especially their owners. And in order to attract attention to themselves, they also begin to whine. You should not ignore this behavior, as the whining will not end and can last for quite a long time.

Other reasons

In some cases, the animal may squeal in its sleep. It has been noted that dogs can also have dreams, often associated with bullying, chases, injuries, and persecution. The pet owner often can witness this part of the life of his animal. One way or another, if in a dream a dog not only squeals and whines, but also breathes heavily, which leads to its awakening, prolonged shortness of breath and respiratory failure, then this should alert you. You need to contact a veterinarian.

Remember, whining is an expression of an animal's request. For example, requests for a walk in order to relieve oneself quickly if it is already unbearable. Whining is often caused by loneliness. If everyone is at work, and the animal is alone at home, then it may whine from seeming uselessness and melancholy. You need to be attentive to your pet.

It happens that the dog cheats and whines in order to get something more than it should be. Probably, more attention to yourself or an extra portion of food is manipulation. However, unless the whining is related to wanting to go outside, thirst, or hunger, in which case simply try to ignore the behavior. Having realized that whining cannot help attract the owner's attention, the animal will no longer do it.

How to stop a dog from whining

What can you do if your dog constantly whines? If the causes are identified, then your main goal will be to eliminate them. The following actions are possible:

Identify the root causes of whining and be patient to wean your dog off it. bad habit. By and large, there are plenty of reasons for a dog to whine. a large number of. And you must determine these reasons if you are a friend.

Attention, TODAY only!

Doctor Davydov V.B.

One of common reasons for an urgent visit to a doctor (orthopedist-traumatologist or neurologist) are seizures acute pain in dogs. The animal shows pain in different situations and by various reasons. The first question facing the owner and the doctor is what is its location, or more precisely, where exactly does it hurt. To understand the cause of pain, observation is very helpful, since often it is the characteristics and conditions of pain that often or in most cases lead to a correct diagnosis rather than an examination. It is important to understand that dogs squeal only if the pain is acute and intense; with chronic, constant and less pronounced pain, animals show it differently: they become less active, lie down more, refuse to make previously performed movements (but these symptoms no longer too specific, like a sharp squeal).

Let's consider the most typical scenarios for the manifestation of squealing as a sign of acute pain.

Dogs yelp when rising from a lying or sitting position. After standing up and doing some activity, the pain may not appear. Often this type of pain occurs at night when the dog lies motionless for some time and periodically changes position, which is accompanied by pain. The opposite situation is when a dog walks and cannot lie down or sit down, this occurs due to the complexity and painfulness of changes in the curvature of the spine.

The dog squeals when picked up. This feature applies more to small breeds of dogs, which are picked up much more often than others. Moreover, dogs can squeal even if you lightly touch it (this could be the head, lower back, thoracic region). In this case, the pain is not caused by your light touch, but in the dog’s motor reaction to this light touch, as well as an increase in the sensitivity of skin receptors when neurological diseases(so-called hypersthesia). The dog may walk with its head hanging down and not raise its head due to neck pain.

All of the above situations are manifestations of acute pain and squealing in their external manifestation associated with diseases of the spine and/or spinal cord. And much less often in other disorders, such as kidney, liver, and heart diseases.

Diseases most often manifested by squealing and acute pain:

1., discospondylitis (usually bacterial inflammation intervertebral disc and adjacent bone tissue bodies of two adjacent vertebrae), (lumbosacral syndrome, occurs as a result congenital anomaly development sacral region spine). More common in large dogs and manifests itself as pain when getting up and lying down.

2. Instability of the first and second cervical vertebrae (atlantoaxial instability and other types of malformation occipital bone and the first vertebrae). Typical for small and miniature breeds dogs (Yorkshire terrier, Chihuahua, toy terrier, etc.). As a rule, the pathology manifests itself in dogs up to one year old.

3., as a rule, of the first type (according to Hensen I). Pain occurs when the animal moves or when picked up. Typical for dog breeds prone to chondroid disc metaplasia (dachshund, French Bulldog, spaniel, poodle, Pekingese, etc.). Type II hernias (Hensen II) rarely cause pain, but more often cause slowly developing neurological damage.

4. . Typical for small and miniature breeds of dogs (Yorkshire terrier, Chihuahua, toy terrier, etc.). As a rule, the pathology appears after 2 years of age, but it also occurs in young dogs.

5. Myelitis, often in combination with encephalitis. The same as with the diseases indicated in paragraph 4, this is typical for dogs small breeds(Yorkshire terrier, Chihuahua, toy terrier, etc.).

6. Tumors and other compression and inflammatory diseases spine and spinal cord.

Sometimes other reasons such as gallbladder disease or intestinal problems can lead to this, but this is very rare.

It is important to understand that most of the listed diseases require, if not urgent surgical care, then attention, first of all, to a neurologist. And with complete paralysis of all four or only the hind limbs, in which the pain often disappears, help is required in the coming hours.

The main methods for diagnosing the above diseases, which make it possible to detect spondylosis and discospondylitis, are a set of methods such as myelography, MRI, CT, radiography (allows us to detect spondylosis, vertebral neoplasms). Most informative method is an MRI with contrast agent. The sequence, methods and area of ​​examination for diagnosis are determined by the doctor. A visit to the doctor is necessary before the examination, as it is very important to determine the area in which it is localized. pathological process and, if you independently decide to perform an MRI, there is a danger of examining an unaffected area, which means that a diagnosis will not be made.