Gastroscopy of the stomach without. Gastroscopy of the stomach. Disadvantages of capsule gastroscopy

Today, many suffer from pain and constant discomfort in the stomach. And oddly enough, this is not at all surprising, given the modern ecology and rhythm of life. Until recently, the only method for diagnosing the mucous membranes of the stomach was a gastroscopy procedure. To date it has been developed the newest way, For stomach examinations without gastroscopy, called gastropanel. Only with the help of these two methods are such studies carried out.

What are the advantages and features of this method?

In addition to the fact that this test does not cause discomfort to patients, its use provides doctors with ample opportunities to quickly diagnose diseases. Here are its main characteristics:

The test is quite simple. In essence, this is an ordinary blood test, but its results give a very informative picture. The main feature is the ability to exclude the unreasonable prescription of a gastroscopy procedure.

During the procedure skin covering not exposed to piercing and cutting objects:

The method is as comfortable and safe as possible.
You won't have to wait long for the results of the study.

What diseases is the study aimed at diagnosing?

With the advent of this unique procedure, specialists can timely identify and assess the risks of the following pathologies:

Cancer, ulcerative lesions (there is a possibility of predicting their development).

Helicobacter infection.

Atrophic gastritis (the doctor can easily determine its location and severity, which makes it possible to identify the necessary area of ​​the stomach from where to collect materials for histological examination).

Dyspeptic disorders (unpleasant burning sensation, nausea, stomach cramps and pain).

If the need arises, it is permissible to repeat the procedure every quarter.

Purpose of the survey

Like any laboratory test, the gastropanel procedure is carried out with the sole purpose of making a correct diagnosis. It also becomes clear whether there is a need for endoscopic diagnosis and, if so, to recommend required deadlines carrying out.

Who needs it this study?

Continuous (or subsiding briefly) painful sensations in the stomach, belching, nausea, discomfort after eating.
Functional dyspepsia, ulcerative gastritis.
Has anyone in the patient's family had stomach problems (hereditary factor).
Impossibility of gastroscopy (contraindications).

How to prepare for research?

Any study requires some preparation on the eve of its conduct, because its correct results depend on this, and the gastropanel is no exception. So, necessary actions patient before the procedure.

Abstinence from alcoholic drinks, excessive sports activities, experiments in diet (you should not introduce new foods into the diet the day before the study), evening snacks, medicines(do not take drugs that promote gastric secretion for a week and neutralizers for one day before the test hydrochloric acids). Important nuance– patients who are unable to stop taking medications must definitely inform their doctor about this circumstance.

It is advisable to go to bed at your usual time, and get up at least one hour before the procedure. Quitting morning cigarettes.

Research process

You must appear in the treatment room in the morning, your stomach must be empty. The laboratory assistant will collect the amount necessary for diagnosis. venous blood. Next, to stimulate secretion, you need to drink the drink suggested by the doctor with soy protein, which it contains in a large dosage. If a patient has allergies to eggs, milk or soy, this should be known to the doctor. In such cases, it is recommended to take dissolved protein. After half an hour, the patient's blood will be drawn again.

As you can see, the gastropanel is very effective analysis. It is better to initially carry out this type of research, and only then, if necessary, resort to gastroscopy and biopsy.

Is there any way I can do it? gastroscopy of the stomach without swallowing the probe(this is what people also call an endoscope along with a hose and an intestine)?

This question is usually asked:

  • those who are about to undergo the procedure for the first time and, like everything new and unknown, gastroscopy scares them a little - will it hurt, what will I feel, how long will it take, etc.
  • or, on the contrary, those who have already done the procedure before and due to various reasons, she left a not very pleasant impression of herself.

And even despite the fact that modern gastroscopy of the stomach is performed with anesthesia, a thin endoscope and with comfort, human nature is looking for various loopholes and how to avoid this.

As you know, there is a supply for demand, and a fashionable topic has appeared on the market - capsule gastroscopy. It is also called virtual gastroscopy.

Let's figure out what it is and is there any point in doing it instead of the usual procedure?

Capsule gastroscopy

This is an inspection gastrointestinal tract(Gastrointestinal tract) using a small capsule with a built-in camera.

You swallow it, and while the capsule passes through your gastrointestinal tract for several hours, the camera takes tens of thousands of pictures, which are transmitted to an antenna placed on your body and recorded in the memory of the receiving device.

The capsule usually comes out naturally within 24-48 hours.

Main application of capsule endoscopy– is the ability to obtain images at the sites small intestine, unavailable for classical gastroscopy and colonoscopy options.

In all other respects, capsule endoscopy before traditional methods loses significantly.

Disadvantages of capsule gastroscopy

Disadvantage 1. When a doctor conducts an examination using a gastroscope, he goes through every centimeter and makes 360 degree view in good lighting. With this approach, it is possible to consider all inner surface stomach completely, without missing anything.

Capsule gastroscopy of this doesn't allow me to do it because it only films what falls within the capture angle of the front of the camera capsule.

Moreover, she is not able to fully examine such an organ as the stomach - she simply passes along one trajectory into the duodenum, leaving a lot of uncovered places.

As a result, the doctor does not receive a complete picture of what is happening inside the gastrointestinal tract. This does not eliminate the risk of cancer, and also complicates the diagnosis.

Disadvantage 2. With capsule gastroscopy it is impossible to perform a biopsy(taking a small tissue sample for analysis under a microscope). A biopsy is necessary if there are any neoplasms in the organs or changes in the mucous membrane are present in order to exclude oncology, as well as to accurately establish the diagnosis.

It turns out that if the images from the capsule show that a biopsy is necessary, then you will still have to do a traditional gastroscopy.

Gastroscopy of the stomach is most often carried out using a special device - a probe, which helps to examine the organ, as well as determine acidity, take material for a biopsy, and also set a number of other parameters.

But for patients, this procedure is extremely unpleasant and they try their best to avoid it.

Gastroscopy of the stomach without swallowing the probe is possible and is already being actively implemented and is a salvation for people in whom the probe causes fear and goosebumps.

Is it painful to swallow a tube?

People are often frightened by gastroscopy because they need to swallow a special tube, and the tube looks very large and long. In fact, the procedure really has little pleasure, but it can be performed on a larger circle of people.

More details in the video:

Pain may indeed occur when swallowing the tube, but the patient is first given anesthetic mouth irrigation.

Thanks to this procedure, the hose passes painlessly into the esophagus through the root of the tongue, during which discomfort rather than pain occurs.

Alternative to probing

Swallowing a capsule with a camera is a good alternative to a tube. And yet it performs fewer functions.

Patients often prefer any other examination rather than swallowing a tube. In most cases, such a procedure has no alternative, since it is more informative and allows not only to examine the stomach, but also to necessary research using a probe.

But still, patients often ask what can replace gastroscopy.

There are some alternatives:

The camera in the intestines lights up and periodically takes pictures.

Such procedures are purely diagnostic and do not allow you to check the stomach for acidity, or take material for a biopsy.

Therefore, if the doctor detects a suspicion of a tumor, then gastric or duodenal intubation will still have to be performed, so your expenses will only increase.

Plus, these methods are not always reliable, since they do not allow one to see the beginning of changes in the mucous membrane, as well as small stomach ulcers and neoplasms on the initial stage development.

Pros and cons of capsule diagnostics

A painless replacement for probing has already been developed by scientists and is being actively implemented in modern medicine. This method has certain advantages and disadvantages, which we will now consider in more detail.

Advantages of capsule diagnosticsDisadvantages of capsule diagnostics
The examination is painlessThe test takes about eight hours until the capsule passes the entire gastrointestinal tract
Does not require special patient preparationOnly easily accessible parts of the intestines and stomach are checked (bends sometimes remain hidden for the camera)
The capsule is easy to swallow, it looks like a vitaminThe test is carried out by attaching special electrodes to the patient’s abdomen, which allow the camera to send a signal
The capsule is released naturally with feces and does not cause problemsIt is extremely rare that the camera can get stuck in the intestine, but this happens sometimes and only with intestinal obstruction
The examination can be carried out in a hospital inpatient setting, or after receiving the capsule you can do your own business at homeCapsule gastroscopy is expensive and not everyone can afford it.
Using the capsule, you can examine the small intestine, since it is inaccessible to probesPregnant women, children under 12 years of age, as well as people with increased blood pressure and those with pacemakers, the procedure is prohibited
A gastroscopy examination with a capsule does not require the patient to go on a hunger strike or diet

Survey methodology

Gastroscopy with and without a probe, as well as transnasal gastroscopy, have their own characteristics and are very different from each other. Patients should consider many factors to choose an alternative and most appropriate method for examining the stomach and intestines, as well as the esophagus.

Contents of the capsule
Gastroscopy with probeCapsule gastroscopyTransnasal gastroscopy
Time spending5-7 minutes.Eight hours or more.About ten minutes.
Inserted deviceA rounded end endoscope with a camera and light bulb on one end and a doctor's eyepiece on the other.Capsule camera.The endoscope is the same as in the first case, but thinner.
Device dimensionsTube diameter 13 mm, length 30-100 cm.1 cm by 2.5 cm, weighing 4 grams.Diameter less than 10 mm, length up to a meter.
How is the device inserted?The probe is inserted through the mouth.The capsule is swallowed and washed down with water.FGDS is performed through the nose.
Price of the procedureFrom two to ten thousand rubles, depending on additional research.From 20 to 50 thousand rubles.About four thousand rubles.
Possibility of additional examinationsYou can measure the acidity, take material for a biopsy, and wash the mucosa.Absent, some types of capsule robots can measure temperature and determine the acidity of the stomach.Absent.

The general scheme of classical sensing looks like this:

  1. The patient is placed on his left side.
  2. The oral cavity is irrigated with anesthetic and a mouthpiece is inserted.
  3. An endoscope is inserted and the patient is asked to swallow.
  4. The examination lasts for some time, then the probe is pulled out, and the doctor is ready to announce the results.

Transnasal study It is performed in the same way, only the probe is inserted through the nose and the patient does not need to swallow.

Capsule diagnostics involves swallowing a capsule with water, attaching a sensor to the stomach, which is removed after the camera comes out naturally. Then the camera is given to the doctor and he deciphers the results.


People with strong nervous disorders during probing they may prescribe sedatives, or conduct a gastroscopy examination under anesthesia.

Gastroscopy during pregnancy

Capsule gastroscopy is prohibited for pregnant women, due to frequent compression of the intestines by the enlarged uterus, which can cause stagnation of feces and, accordingly, the chamber.

Conventional intubation and transnasal probing are allowed for pregnant women only until the third trimester.

Where to do a gastroscopy

Gastroscopy can be performed in a hospital and in special diagnostic centers. A list of similar establishments in various cities is shown in the table.

CityStreetClinic namePrice
Moscow Spartakovsky Lane, 2Best ClinicRUR 79,900
Saint Petersburg Morskoy proezd, 3Consultative and diagnostic center with clinic30,000 rub.
Krasnodar St. Novitsky, 2/4LLC "Marimed"50000-70000 rub.
Kyiv st. Families Idzikovsky, 3Treatment and diagnostic center "Dobrobut"12800 UAH
Dnepropetrovsk Capsule diagnostics cannot be performed, only conventional


Prices by country will vary depending on the type of study and its completeness (in the case of classical sounding). Average prices can be seen in the table.

Moscow 40,000-110,000 rub.
Saint Petersburg 25000-40000 rub.
Kyiv 11000-22000 UAH
Odessa 11000-13000 UAH


A replacement for FGS (fibrogastroscopy) is gastroscopy of the stomach without swallowing the probe, which is performed without the use of a tube. Such modern way checking the condition of the patient's gastrointestinal tract is considered safer, indicated when panic fears patient before swallowing a probe with optical system. It also allows for a more accurate examination of the gastrointestinal tract.

What is gastroscopy of the stomach

In medical terminology, gastroscopy of the stomach is understood as a type of endoscopic examination. The procedure involves visual inspection of the walls of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum using a gastroscope - an endoscopic probe. The latter is a thin flexible tube with an optical system. The procedure is not the most pleasant and is accompanied by discomfort, so a replacement was invented - an examination of the stomach without gastroscopy.

How to check your stomach without swallowing a tube

The advantages of classic light bulb gastroscopy are the ability to take tissue for biopsy or cauterize bleeding throughout the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. For those patients who are afraid of the classical procedure because of negative reviews or has contraindications to it, an alternative to FGDS has been developed:

  • capsule endoscopy;
  • virtual colonoscopy;
  • computed tomography of the gastric cavity;
  • replacement with X-ray contrast examination;
  • electrogastrography and electrogastroenterography (special devices are used).

Gastroscopy without swallowing the probe

Popular modern method is capsule gastroscopy or video pill. It's less invasive method gastrointestinal tract examination, which conducts examinations and shows the results very accurately. What differs from gastroscopy with swallowing a probe is that it provides more information about the condition small intestine and the ability to detect diseases at early stages. After such an examination digestive tract a correct diagnosis can be made.

Instead of a conventional camera, biomarkers are built into the capsule, tuned to respond to specified substances. The body is examined more slowly. A research option is to swallow a capsule measuring 11*24 mm with a built-in sensitive video sensor. He takes several thousand frames, from which the doctor makes a conclusion about diseases.

Indications for gastroscopy

Like the classic FGS procedure, Painless gastroscopy of the stomach without swallowing the probe is performed for the following indications:

  • detailed study of the mucous membrane of the stomach, esophagus, duodenum;
  • suspicion of tumor, bleeding, stomach ulcer;
  • treatment of diseases of gastritis, duodenitis, esophagitis;
  • clarification of the diagnosis of pathology for allergies, neuroses;
  • detection of stomach acidity.
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • hypertension;
  • pronounced curvature of the spine;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • a history of cerebral infarction or stroke;
  • varicose veins of the esophagus;
  • narrowing and ulcer of the esophagus;
  • hemophilia;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • obesity;
  • exhaustion;
  • endemic goiter of the thyroid gland.

Advantages and disadvantages

Examination of the stomach with this method has the advantage of eliminating the need to swallow the tube (reducing fear and panic attacks in patients before manipulation), high information content, exclusion discomfort and pain without anesthesia. Diagnostic procedure Suitable for those people for whom classic FGS with tube insertion is contraindicated. The disadvantages of capsule endoscopy include the following factors:

  • the procedure is expensive;
  • there is no possibility to collect material for a biopsy;
  • it is impossible to specifically examine the pathology of the stomach walls;
  • there is no possibility of carrying out therapeutic measures– removal in the presence of polyps, stopping gastric bleeding.


There are contraindications for performing gastroscopy without swallowing a flexible probe:

  • impaired swallowing function (dysphagia);
  • age up to 12 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • increased gag reflex;
  • closing the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract (organ obstruction);
  • the presence of a pacemaker and an implant powered by electricity, neurological electrical stimulators;
  • intestinal obstruction due to the presence of a mechanical obstruction, impaired peristalsis;
  • narrowing of the intestine due to fistulas and strictures (openings and closed spaces).


Before undergoing capsule endoscopy, the patient must perform a number of actions to facilitate the procedure:

  • within two days, start eating only liquid or solid food;
  • do not consume cabbage, legumes, alcohol, milk, fresh baked goods, carbonated drinks;
  • take medications that reduce flatulence 24 hours before;
  • on the evening before the study, to cleanse the intestines, take the medicine “Fortrans” - from 16.00 to 20.00, drink a liter of suspension (one sachet per liter);
  • stop eating food altogether within 12 hours;
  • the procedure lasts 6-8 hours, the capsule is washed down with plain water, taken on an empty stomach;
  • During the procedure, you can play sports, but do not make sudden movements or lift weights;
  • after a certain time, which is prescribed by the doctor, the patient comes to the hospital to remove the capsule; this must be done naturally.

How does the procedure work?

Once in the esophagus, the capsule begins to work and take photographs. For eight hours it moves through the gastrointestinal tract along a natural trajectory. During this, the patient is in the hospital or at home, without performing heavy loads. There is no discomfort during the procedure. The doctor receives data from her notes, after which after 1-2 days the capsule leaves the body naturally. The diagnosis obtained by this method is highly accurate.


You can perform an analogue of FGS - gastroscopy without swallowing a probe to examine the stomach in the usual free clinics upon doctor's prescription and if you have a compulsory health insurance policy, or in private hospitals. Approximate prices for the capsule method of checking the gastrointestinal tract in Moscow:


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Video capsule endoscopy is an absolutely unique examination method that allows you to look into the work of your body from the inside. Most often, doctors resort to this procedure when they need to examine colon- Perform a capsule colonoscopy. But today in many clinics, including in Russia, you can examine the functioning of the esophagus, stomach and small intestine absolutely comfortably and safely. Gastroscopy of the stomach without swallowing a probe is an innovative technique for examining the digestive system. What it is, how it is carried out and how much it costs – this will be discussed below.

Alternative method of examining the stomach

Video capsule gastroscopy allows you to examine the entire digestive system person, pass it from the oral cavity to anus, without using any probes, tubes, except for one tiny and unique device - a computerized capsule. This video tablet, used to check the condition of the stomach, intestines, consists of a miniature camera, a flashlight and a transmitter.

Israeli specialists came up with such a device; today it is used in many developed countries.

To obtain a high-quality, reliable treatment result, you must:

  • Attach a receiver with electrodes to the patient’s stomach, which will record from the camera. At the end of the study, the device is removed from the body, the doctor inserts it into a computer that reads the video. Then the doctor looks at a whole series of images and draws conclusions based on them.
  • Swallow the capsule. You just need to take it like a regular pill.

Once in the mouth, the video tablet passes through the esophagus within a few minutes. Then it moves to the stomach, where she takes pictures for 2 hours. Then it ends up in the small intestine. Moving along it, as if along a serpentine road, up and down, the camera takes a series of pictures, 2 frames per second. After 7–8 hours it enters the large intestine. A day later the capsule comes out human body naturally together with feces. That's it, it is at this stage that the tablet finishes its work. There is no need to look for it and get it out of the feces. All information recorded by the camera is transferred to the recording device.

During capsule gastroscopy, you should exclude physical activity. It is also important to avoid areas with strong magnetic field. If complaints or complications occur, you should immediately notify your doctor.

Who is suitable for capsule gastroscopy?

This non-invasive method of examining the stomach and small intestine is recommended for the following patients:

  • People with unknown pain, the causes of which were not established during conventional gastroscopy with swallowing of the probe.
  • Patients with bleeding unknown etiology(blood in stool).
  • People with Crohn's disease, which affects both the large and small intestines, and who cannot be examined with a colonoscope.
  • Patients who do not dare to undergo a conventional gastroscopy of the stomach are afraid of the manipulation, experience fear, or have a pronounced gag reflex.
  • People who have the following complaints: nausea, abdominal pain, heartburn, bloating, burning sensation in the stomach, sensation of a lump when swallowing.

Advantages and disadvantages of gastric capsule endoscopy

Gastroscopy of the stomach without swallowing the probe has clear advantages over conventional FGS (fibrogastroduodenoscopy):

  • There is no need to give the patient painkillers. The procedure is non-invasive, painless, and well tolerated by all patients.
  • The procedure is informative; after it, the doctor can accurately say about the nature and degree of development of the disease.
  • No discomfort during the manipulation. The capsule moves along the esophagus easily, without touching anything, without bringing any discomfort to the patient.
  • Thanks to a special capsule, doctors can easily examine even the most inaccessible areas of the small intestine, where a conventional probe cannot penetrate.
  • Doctors can promptly detect pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • After receiving images from the camera, the doctor can slowly examine any image, if necessary, stop the frame, return it, enlarge the image, and examine it as much as necessary.
  • The procedure does not cause fear or anxiety in the patient.
  • Safety of manipulation. If with conventional gastroscopy there is a risk of injury to the walls of the stomach, then with capsule endoscopy injury and infection are excluded internal organs Gastrointestinal tract.

For all its advantages, capsule gastroscopy also has disadvantages:

  • Biopsy material cannot be taken.
  • It is impossible to remove polyps.
  • You cannot view a part from different angles or look at it from a different angle.
  • The high cost of the disposable capsule, as well as all other equipment, is the main problem for people.

Contraindications to capsule gastroscopy

It is prohibited to use this method of diagnosing gastrointestinal diseases in the following patients:

  • pregnant women;
  • people with epilepsy in the acute phase;
  • children under 12 years old;
  • patients using a pacemaker;
  • people with intestinal obstruction.

Where can I get tested and what is the cost?

Capsule gastroscopy can be performed in private clinics. This is a rather expensive diagnostic method. Its price, together with the doctor’s work, can be 50 thousand rubles.

But this research method cannot always replace conventional gastroscopy. In some situations, doctors insist on the old diagnostic method. Therefore, before signing up for this procedure, you must consult with a gastroenterologist and, if necessary, undergo a series of laboratory tests, get recommendations from your doctor about the advisability of using capsule endoscopy for the stomach and intestines.

After the patient swallows the capsule, he can stay in the hospital or go home and ask the doctor what time he should come to hand over the recording device for further examination.

Preparation for the procedure

In order for the examination of the stomach and intestines using a capsule camera to be as effective and efficient as possible, the patient must prepare for this type of gastroscopy:

  1. 1 day before the procedure you should not smoke or drink alcohol.
  2. 2 days before the procedure, the person must adhere to a diet: it is forbidden to eat cereals and fruits. Acceptable dishes: boiled lean meat, broths.
  3. On the day of capsule gastroscopy, you cannot eat anything, otherwise food will interfere with the camera and distort the image.
  4. During the procedure, you can and should drink water every hour. One light snack is allowed after 4 hours from the moment of swallowing the capsule, as well as one full meal after 8 hours, that is, after the end of the manipulation.
  5. The night before, you need to drink a special solution (Fortrans or another), which will prepare the stomach and intestines for the insertion of the camera.
  6. Half an hour before swallowing the capsule, a person should drink Espumisan solution.
  7. 3 days before gastroscopy using a capsule, some patients need to undergo X-ray examination to identify intestinal obstruction.


Since capsule gastroscopy is a new procedure, many patients are eager to know what people who have already undergone it think about it. Some people write on forums, in social groups that the procedure is uninformative and expensive. But very often the result of the study depends not on the gastroscopy method itself, but on how the patient relates to it. After all, capsule gastroscopy is intended mostly for the small intestine, and not for the stomach. Getting into it, the camera may not catch all pathological foci. But people, by their mistake, still insist on this research method. As a result, the doctor carries out a manipulation and if he still doesn’t find anything, then patients begin to write bad reviews that tubeless gastroscopy is ineffective. But such people forget about the warnings and doctor’s recommendations at this moment.

It is also difficult to perform a probeless gastroscopy if a person neglected the recommendations regarding preparation for the procedure - he ate before the examination, smoked or drank. In this case, it is difficult for the video device to find pathological foci in the stomach or intestines, since visibility will be limited due to floating contents.

Irina, 33 years old:

“I underwent this procedure in the capital. I only had good impressions from her. There was no pain or discomfort, the doctor who conducted the study clearly explained everything about how to behave, what you can and cannot do. The next day after undergoing capsule gastroscopy, the professor issued a conclusion in which he was diagnosed with “ ulcerative colitis" Now at least I know what’s wrong with my intestines and how to treat it.”

Svetlana, 29 years old:

“In our city, a tubeless study is not yet carried out, so I went to Moscow for capsule gastroscopy. The examination took about 7 hours. During this time I drank water, tea, and ate a little. I didn't feel any discomfort. Before the examination, the doctor installed a device on my stomach to read information, and I swallowed the capsule itself. Everything that was suspected on the ultrasound was confirmed here. The cost of capsule gastroscopy is quite high for me, but the examination is worth the money.”

Common misconceptions people have about tubeless gastroscopy

Having carried out a capsule diagnosis of the intestines and stomach, without finding any pathologies in these organs, can we say with confidence that they are healthy?

No you can not. Probeless gastroscopy shows only superficial lesions. But there are tumors located inside the walls of the stomach and intestines. In this case, this type of diagnosis will not show results. The patient will need to undergo computed tomography. It is she who shows pathological foci in the retroperitoneal space.

  • Can capsule endoscopy completely replace FGS?

No, this research method cannot yet completely replace conventional probe gastroscopy. After all, the video capsule moves arbitrarily through the gastrointestinal tract; it cannot be stopped or directed to Right place. Therefore, it often does not stay in the stomach, but moves through the small intestine. In addition, it cannot always cover all areas of the stomach and intestines, because it moves unevenly, does not straighten out folds, and therefore cannot always notice pathology. With this diagnostic method, it is not possible to take tissue for examination, but with conventional gastroscopy this can be done. Therefore, today it is impossible to completely replace probe gastroscopy with capsule gastroscopy.”

  • FGS is a very painful procedure; it is better to go for capsule gastroscopy.

A probeless examination of the stomach and intestines is indeed painless, however, if a person has not done FGS, then how can he know that this procedure causes pain? Discomfortable sensations are yes, but we are not talking about pain here. Many people simply exaggerate when they say that FGS is a painful procedure. If the doctor recommends a standard examination, then there is no need to try to convince him that capsule gastroscopy will be better for the patient. The doctor knows which research method is best to use in a particular case.

Capsule gastroscopy is unique method studies of the stomach and small intestine. It allows you to conduct a comfortable, painless examination and determine the presence of pathological foci in the gastrointestinal tract. Tubeless gastroscopy has its advantages and disadvantages, which a person should be aware of before signing up for the study. If you decide to undergo a capsule study of the stomach and intestines, you should first discuss this with your doctor.