Vision hygiene prevention of eye diseases eye diseases. Presentation on visual hygiene presentation for a biology lesson (8th grade) on the topic Lesson on visual hygiene and prevention of eye diseases

Lesson on the topic: “Visual hygiene. Prevention of eye diseases"

Target: continue to formulate the concept of “analyzer”; based on repetition of the concepts of the structure and functions of the eye, develop basic rules of visual hygiene, reverse Special attention for the prevention of common eye diseases.


Educational: Summarize and systematize previously acquired knowledge about the causes of visual acuity impairment, methods of its correction, and ways to preserve vision; expand knowledge about the causes of visual impairment, ways to protect the eyes from injury, and first aid for eye injury.

Educational: develop mental operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison; develop the ability to draw conclusions and work with models in groups; develop communication skills, the ability to work independently, and the ability to strive for success; develop self-confidence.

Educators: to develop hygienic skills in caring for the organs of vision, the need to wear glasses to correct myopia and farsightedness; cultivate a caring attitude towards your health and the health of others; master eye gymnastics techniques.

Lesson type: combined:

Methods: verbal (heuristic conversation with elements independent work, teacher's explanation); partially search, research - working with text (carrying out independent research, comparing facts), visual-figurative (studying resources for the lesson and illustrations), practical (training exercises)

Forms of student work : frontal, individual, group

Equipment: information sheets, multimedia projector, presentation.

During the classes

    Organizing time

Teacher: What is it about

Two brothers live nearby
But they don't see each other


Teacher: Guys, now I ask you to close your eyelids tightly and not open them until my command. Imagine for a few seconds that you find yourself in a kingdom of eternal darkness. How to live, how to survive in this black abyss?

How to explain to a blind person
Blind as the night from birth

A riot of spring beauty

Rainbow obsession

Yu. Drunina

Now open your eyes…..Isn’t it true how beautiful the world we can see is!
But do we always appreciate and understand this?

Why do many people have vision problems, and how to prevent them?

We will talk about all this today in class.

So, the topic of the lesson:Visual hygiene. Warning eye diseases

Let's try to formulate the purpose of the lesson:

Purpose today's lesson isstudy of the causes and measures to prevent eye diseases and damage.

II. Examination homework

Now let's remember the most important thing

Frontal conversation.

    What topic are we studying? (Analyzers. Sense organs.)

    What is an analyzer? (This is a system consisting of receptors, pathways and a special zone in the cortex cerebral hemispheres)

    What parts does the analyzer have? (1 link – peripheral, 2 link – conductive, 3 link – central – processing)

    What analyzers do you know? (Visual, auditory, smell, taste, touch, musculocutaneous)

    What analyzer did we study in the previous lesson? (Visual)

    Name and show parts visual analyzer. (1st link - the eye, in which the receptors are located, 2nd link - the optic nerve, 3rd link - the visual zone in the cerebral cortex)

What structure the eye has, will remind us... Diana Tsyganko


The organ of vision is the eye

It has three shells

The one that is white on the outside

Let's call it squirrel.

That one is transparent in front -

Compare with glass

We call this part

Just a cornea.

Layer two - it contains vessels

Ahead he is the iris

There is a hole in it for the pupil

And the pigments are different.

Behind the pupil we have a lens

It changes the curvature

And so we see

Both close and a mile away.

Light penetrates the eye easily

I can see everything in the area

After all, there is an apple in the eyeball

The body is vitreous.

Deep within lies the retina

This layer is necessary

If the receptors are fine

That's fine, we see.

(Conclusions from the slide)

Now let’s do a test, with the help of which we will find out how you have learned and remembered the material about the structure of the eye and the functions of its parts.

Task 1. Which parts of the eye are indicated by the numbers.

Sclera (tunica albuginea) – 1

Cornea - 2

Lens - 3
Iris with pupil - 4
Ciliary body - 5

Choroid - 6
Vitreous body - 7
Retina - 8
Cones – 9

Sticks - 10

Optic nerve - 11

Task 2. Solve the test (for each correct answer – 1 point)

1. Protects eyes from wind and dust

    eyelids and eyelashes

    eye sockets

    tear fluid.

2. Where are the light-sensitive receptors in the eyes located?

    in the retina

    in the lens

    in the iris

3. What are the protective membranes of the eye called?

    lens and pupil

    tunica albuginea and cornea


4. Eye color is determined by pigments




5. Place of projection of the object in the eyeball.




6. Hole in the center of the iris




7. Conductive part of the visual analyzer.



    optic nerve

8. The visual zone of the cerebral cortex is located in.. lobe:




Key: 1 –1; 2 – 1 ; 3 – 2; 4 – 3; 5 – 3; 6 – 1; 7 – 3; 8 – 3.

III. Learning new material

Teacher. I propose that the motto of our lesson be taken from the words of the American writer Elena Keller: “Use your eyes! Live every day as if you might go blind. And you will discover a wonderful world that you have never seen!” These words could have been said by a person who himself experienced great grief. Elena Keller suffered from scarlet fever in early childhood and lost her sight and hearing. But, despite great difficulties, she received higher education and became a famous writer.

Pace modern life Such is that every day we receive a huge amount of information, primarily thanks to the organs of vision, without thinking about how the environment in which we find ourselves affects our eyes. Meanwhile, such unfavorable factors, such as insufficient lighting, the presence of dust and microorganisms in the room, long stay at the computer, excessive use mobile phone, watching TV, prolonged visual stress at school, poor nutrition, nicotine and alcohol, injuries and bruises lead to weakened vision and the development of a number of diseases. Therefore, issues related to preserving vision and preventing the development of eye diseases are more relevant today than ever.

First of all, we must familiarize ourselves with the main eye diseases: myopia and farsightedness, we will learn what color blindness is, and we will also try to cover other issues.

1. Myopia

Myopia has the scientific name myopia (from the Greek “myo” - squinting and “opsis” - gaze, vision). This term captures the characteristic manner of myopic people to squint when looking at distant objects. Myopia is very common. According to World Organization health care, 800 million people on our planet suffer from this disease. It can be either congenital, inherited from parents, or acquired. Acquired myopia develops already in childhood and becomes quite noticeable during school years. Children begin to see distant objects worse and have difficulty distinguishing letters and numbers. When trying to look at distant objects, nearsighted people often squint their eyes. By the way, myopia is translated from Greek. - squinting eye.

So, myopia is a visual impairment in which a person sees objects located nearby well, but distant objects poorly. In myopia, the image is focused in front of the retina.(Fig. 104, A on p. 250) This may be due to the elongated shape eyeball, or due to increased curvature of the lens. For myopia, glasses with biconcave lenses are prescribed..

2. Farsightedness

The state of vision when objects at a distance are better visible than near objects is calledfarsightedness. U A farsighted person has a shortened eyeball and the image is focused behind the retina.(Fig. 104, B on p. 250)

This defect can be eliminated by wearing glasses with biconvex lenses..

Develops over the years age-related farsightedness(usually after 40 years). It becomes difficult for a person to distinguish small objects and read. This occurs because the lens of the eye becomes denser and less elastic over time.

Teacher: In order to initially consolidate the material that is new to you, we will fill out the table “ Visual impairment

Table "Visual impairment"


Up close


Up close

In children and adolescents

In older people

In children and adolescents

In older people

The rays are focused

In front of the retina

Behind the retina

In front of the retina

Behind the retina

Need glasses with lenses





Key to table


Up close

At what age does it most often occur?

In children and adolescents

In older people

The rays are focused

In front of the retina

Behind the retina

Need glasses with lenses




Teacher: It's good that we live in a colorful world. Color surrounds and accompanies us everywhere. Nature is very rich in a variety of colors and this makes our life joyful. Let's imagine the world in black and white for a moment. What would our life be like then? Boring, monotonous, monotonous, joyless. Color is “vitamin of the soul”, “caress of beauty”. The meaning of color for us is enormous, but we are not always aware of it.

For the first time, a visual defect associated with impaired color perception was described by the English scientist John Dalton in 1794. The scientist himself had such a lack of color vision, so the disease began to be called color blindness. With color blindness, people cannot distinguish between colors, mainly red and green (both colors are perceived as gray).

Color vision deficiency first came to public attention in 1875, when a train crash occurred in Sweden, causing great casualties. It turned out that the driver did not distinguish the color red. After this incident, color vision testing became mandatory for drivers of all types of transport. The cause of color blindness is changes in sexual X – chromosome, but there may be age-related changes and eye injuries. Color blindness is 20 times more common in men: it affects 8% of men and only 0.5% of women. With this disease, color perception is corrected using special glasses.

There are many eye diseases and we will not be able to consider them in detail. Here’s a brief introduction to some more diseases...

Belmo clouding of the cornea, which loses the ability to transmit light. This can lead to: bruises, wounds, burns. The thorn is treated surgically.

Conjunctivitis acute inflammation mucous membrane of the eyes.

The reasons are the ingress of microbes, viruses, as well as irritation from toxic substances, dust, and harsh light.

A characteristic feature is sticking of the eyes from pus in the morning.

Sometimes conjunctivitis is also called "rabbit conjunctivitis"eyes ".

Barley purulent inflammation sebaceous gland edge of the eyelid.

Caused by pyogenic bacteria.

Occurs more often in weakened children, with metabolic disorders

Cataract clouding of the lens, most often manifests itself in people over 55 years of age. The reasons may be: metabolic disorders, injuries, poisoning with toxic substances, radiation exposure. A patient with cataracts is prescribed special glasses or the lens is replaced with an artificial one.

Glaucoma This is a disease associated with increased intraocular pressure. More often occurs in older people. Leads to decreased vision and even blindness. Treatment may include use eye drops, laser, microsurgery.

During the lessons of technology, physics, chemistry, biology, on excursions, community work days, and vacations, we always give you safety instructions and warn you: be careful not to injure yourself. But, alas, accidents do happen. Read the paragraph “Eye Injuries” in §50.Iseries - What eye injuries happen and their causes.IIrow – First aid for injuries.


If you want to become smart, like a “nerd,”

I advise you, my friend, not to read books at all!

Sit and sit at the computer for hours day and night!

Don't miss anything on your monitor screen!

And then run, skip, fly to the TV,

And at his cold screen, without breathing, look, look!

Well, if a hand suddenly reaches out for a book,

Read it in the dark! Strain your eyes!

And then everyone will specifically say: “Look, ah!

This boy is obviously smart, he already wears glasses!”

Well? Did you like these tips?

What should we know to preserve our vision?

IV. "Rules for preserving vision"

    Read and write only in good lighting, but remember that bright light should not enter your eyes.

    Make sure that the book and notebook are at a distance of 30-35 cm from your eyes.

    When reading, it is better to place a book on an inclined stand.

    When writing, the light should fall from the left.

    Do not read while lying down or in moving vehicles.

    If you read or write for a long time, give your eyes a rest every 30 minutes.

    Never three eyes with dirty hands. Use a clean handkerchief.

    Don't watch TV for a long time.

    Work at the computer no more than 1.5-2 hours a day.

    Do eye exercises.

    Feel free to wear glasses if your doctor prescribes them.

    To eat herbal products, containing vitamins A, E, C.

    The color background of the workroom and workplace should be calm (green or yellow).

V. Homework §50, create a memo “Take care of your eyesight.”

And at the end of the lesson I want to read an excerpt from a fairy tale

“The greatest wealth” and try to grasp its main idea.

One young man kept complaining about his poverty:

- How nice it would be if I had great wealth. How poor I am, I have nothing!

One day an old stonecutter heard these words of a young man and asked:

- Why are you complaining? After all, you own great wealth.

- Do I own a lot of wealth? - the young man was surprised, - Where is it?

- Your eyes. What would you like to get for your eyes? A lot of gold?

- What you! – the young man answered in fear, “I won’t give my eyes for any gold!”

“Okay,” said the stonecutter, “then let me cut off your hands, and for them you will receive great treasures.”

- No! I will not give my hands for any treasure! - the young man cried.

“Now you see that you are very rich,” said the old stonemason, “So why are you complaining?”

A person’s greatest wealth is health, and it cannot be bought for any amount of money. Guys, I also wish you good health.

Thank you for the lesson!

Green and yellow colors lower intraocular pressure, make it stable; Red has the opposite effect. Therefore, it is recommended to paint workplaces in calm tones that stimulate productivity, and avoid irritating ones that reduce it. call Causes sadness Creates fatigue Calms Cheers and invigorates

Scientists have proven that repeated identical geometric patterns negatively affect people's well-being. The same tiles of sidewalks, corrugated metal fences, rows of benches in stadiums and cinema halls flash before the eyes of citizens. and flat roofs. In the city there are more cars, people, colorful, changing advertisements, etc. In addition, city dwellers watch TV more often and work on the computer, so the most common visual impairment is myopia; it occurs 1.5 - 2 times more often in city dwellers. Why is myopia 1.5–2 times more common among city dwellers?

Color blindness is the inability to correctly identify certain colors; it may be hereditary or caused by a disease. optic nerve or retina. Three types of “cones” that exhibit the greatest sensitivity to the three primary colors of the visible spectrum (RGB): red-orange green blue Color blindness can be: acquired hereditary. 8% of the male population cannot distinguish between any of the three primary colors. With partial color blindness, problems occur: 1. distinguishing between red and green colors most often 2. blue and green colors less often In severe forms, all objects appear to have a gray tint Color blindness cannot be cured

The desire to bring the object in question too close to myopic eyes in order to make it clearer requires a significant load on the muscular system of the eye. Often the muscles cannot cope with such intense work, and one eye deviates towards the temple or nose - strabismus develops.

Conjunctivitis is an acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes. 1. Reasons: ingress of microbes, viruses, as well as irritation from toxic substances, 2.dust, harsh light. Sometimes conjunctivitis is also called “rabbit eyes”.

Bruises, wounds, thermal and chemical burns are very dangerous for the eye, as they can cause clouding of the cornea - the formation of a cataract, which leads to loss of vision. Protect your eyes from injury - this is the most common reason corneal opacities and blindness. The cause of eye injuries in children is most often pranks and fights. Children throw sticks and stones. In school workshops, students must strictly follow safety rules (use safety glasses, etc.). You cannot blow away sawdust or shavings, because... they may get into your eyes. Careless hammering of nails or the use of wounding objects can result in eye injury. Eye injuries

GYMNASTICS for the eyes 1. “Rotation” Without moving your head, begin to rotate your eyes, first clockwise, then reverse side. 5 times there and back. It turns out? And now the same thing, only with eyes closed. Rotate your eyes, trying to see as much as possible around you. The eyes will quickly “relieve” fatigue.

3. “In all directions” Without turning your head, move your eyes up and down, left and right. One at a time. This exercise strengthens the eyelid muscles, improves blood circulation and relaxes the eye muscles.

1. Homework must be done in a specially equipped place. 2. The light should come from the left side. 3. The light source should only illuminate the work surface, and the lampshade should hide the filament from view. 4. The power of the light bulb in the lamp must be at least 60 watts. 5. The distance from the eyes to the book should be 40 cm. This is possible! " General rules educational work" How to make reading harmless to the eyes?

Protect your eyes from too bright light. Protect your eyes from sunlight sunglasses, from artificial - lampshades, tinted glass. Too bright lighting irritates the retina and leads to rapid fatigue. Sun protection for eyes

In younger schoolchildren, the ability to clearly distinguish objects is impaired after 20 minutes, and in older students, after 45 minutes of working with a computer. To avoid visual impairment, it is necessary to follow hygiene rules when working on a computer: the diagonal size of the monitor screen must be at least 31 cm; the screen must have a filter to reduce radiation; a dark image on a light background should be clear; optimal distance to the monitor – cm; not too bright lighting; duration of work on the computer: in 6-7 classes - 20 minutes; in 8-9 classes - 25 minutes; in class – 30 min Rules for working on a computer Can working at a computer have an impact? Negative influence on vision? Failure to comply with the rules for using a computer leads to a deterioration in visual acuity, tearfulness, and a decrease in mental activity.

A person receives 85% of information through the organ of vision. The cranial nerves in the brain include nerve fibers, of which – visual. About half of the outgoing fibers carry “orders” to the muscles of the eyeball, controlling rapid and complex eye movements. Therefore, during prolonged work, the eyes need increased blood supply and nutrition. If your eyes are tired, you should rest and do eye exercises. Long reading or writing should be interrupted every minute to rest the eyes. During these breaks, it is recommended to look into the distance (out the window, at the sky).

Don't over-watch TV. After 60 minutes of continuous viewing, a decrease in visual acuity and the ability to distinguish colors occurs. The duration of watching TV programs should be: for younger schoolchildren - no more than 60 minutes 2-3 times a week, for older students - no more than 1.5 hours with breaks. The TV should be located at a distance of at least 2-3 m from the audience and at eye level. You can't watch TV in complete darkness. Rules for watching TV How to make your favorite TV safe for the eyes?

To maintain visual acuity, it is necessary to eat foods containing vitamin A. Affects vision Visual acuity is negatively affected by the lack of vitamin A in food, which is part of the visual protein of the rods, as a result of which the eye loses sensitivity in low light. The disease “night blindness” develops. Similar phenomena are observed when using alcoholic drinks, destroying vitamin A. B vitamins have a positive effect directly on nerve cells, that is, to the very “conductors” through which a nerve impulse is transmitted from the retina directly to the cerebral cortex. Vitamin C is necessary not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of eye diseases.

Test 1. Choose one most correct answer: 1. Why farsightedness often develops in old age: A. With age, the lens loses its elasticity; B. It becomes cloudy vitreous; B. Otherwise, light rays are refracted; D. The retina changes. 2. A decrease in the ability to see at dusk occurs due to a lack of: A. vitamin A B. vitamin C C. Calcium D. protein 3. In bright sunlight: A. it is necessary to wear a hat B. it is necessary to wear sun protective glasses C. to hide from the sun D. do not leave the house in bright sunlight.

So that a thing serves us without expiration, It’s not for nothing that people say: “Keep it like the apple of your eye!” And so that your eyes, my friend, Can last for a long time, Remember two dozen lines on the final page: My task is to create a reminder about eye hygiene and I advise you to repeat it more than once.

The work was prepared by: students of grade 11 “a”

Sirotina Svetlana Laskova Aksinya

Volzhsky 2013

importance of compliance

vision hygiene

1) Definition of the concept of visual hygiene

2) Factors affecting vision

3) Proper nutrition as a guarantee good vision

4) Rules for working at the computer

5) 5 golden rules

6) Conclusion

Every person must take care of their eyes

Vision hygiene is a set of measures aimed at preserving and maintaining good vision and preventing many eye diseases.

Vision hygiene

When working with high visual strain, it is necessary to periodically rest your eyes. You can also do an eye massage. Very

useful to look at nature , admiring the greenery and flowers. You can look into the distance, into the endless depths of the sky. This not only gives rest to the eyes, but also soothes nervous system, relieves stress.

Factors affecting vision

1) Balanced nutrition

2) Reading hygiene

3) Compliance with the rules of planting and lighting

4) Compliance with the rules when watching TV and working at the computer

Balanced nutrition: what foods do vitamins “live” in?

Vitamin A – fish, seafood, apricots, carrots, tomatoes, etc.

Vitamin B1 – rice, vegetables, poultry, etc.

Vitamin B2 – milk, apples, wheat grains, etc.

Vitamin C – rosehip, Bell pepper, black currant and so on.

Working rules for


1) Choose correct posture. Namely: directly

opposite the screen, top part monitor at eye level or slightly below.

2) Maintain a distance from your eyes to the monitor -

3) Choose something convenient for working at the computer

4) The seat height of the chair (chair) should be

such that the hands placed on the keyboard are positioned horizontally.

5) Take breaks for 15-20 minutes every hour.

6) Watch your breathing: it should be

smooth, without delays.

7) Do exercises as often as possible for

>>Visual hygiene

§ 50. Visual hygiene.

1. Prevention of eye diseases
2. How to protect yourself from conjunctivitis?
3. How do myopic and farsighted eyes differ from a normal eye?
4. How are glasses selected?
5. What is the cause of strabismus?
6. What to do in case of eye injuries?

Preventing eye infections.

The most vulnerable to infection is the transparent connective layer of the eye - the conjunctiva. She covers back surface eyelids and the front of the eye to the cornea. The conjunctiva secretes mucus, which reduces friction of the eyelids when blinking. If irritated by dust, chemicals she turns red and festeres. Conjunctivitis occurs. The eyes itch, hurt, and water. Sometimes an unpleasant pain is felt. A characteristic sign of conjunctivitis is sticking of the eyes from pus in the morning.

The cause of conjunctivitis can be germs or viruses that are brought into the eye by dirty hands or by airborne droplets, like the flu. There is allergic conjunctivitis.

Prevention of myopia and farsightedness.

Normally, when the muscles of the ciliary body relax, parallel rays of light pass through the lens and enter the retina. In myopic eyes, the image is focused in front of the retina, in farsighted eyes - behind it. In both cases, the image on it turns out to be unclear (Fig. 104). As a result, nearsighted people see details of nearby objects relatively well, but have poor distance vision. On the contrary, farsighted people see well distant objects, but they do not see well what is located close to the eyes. This defect can be corrected with the help of glasses. Near-sighted people are prescribed biconcave glasses lenses that scatter light, while far-sighted people are prescribed biconvex lenses that enhance the refraction of rays.

The unit of measurement for the refractive power of lenses is called diopter.

Lenses for nearsighted people have negative diopters, and lenses for farsighted people have positive diopters. Glasses are selected for each eye separately and individually for each person. For example, a prescription for glasses OB = -5B, OB = -4B means: glasses for a myopic person, lens for the right eye minus 5 diopters, lens for the left eye minus 4 diopters.

If, when reading with glasses, one of the the following symptoms: the eyes are watery, pain occurs, the head hurts, then one of the reasons for this may be incorrectly selected glasses.

Impaired refractive power of the eye may be a consequence of poor hygiene vision, such as the habit of bending too low over a book, as well as reading in transport or lying down, in insufficient lighting, with a light source located on the right, with a glare on the surface of the desktop.

Children, as a rule, are born farsighted, but the lens compensates for this deficiency for the time being. In old age, the lens cannot change its curvature to the same extent, and farsightedness becomes obvious. Therefore, by old age, most people become farsighted and are forced to use glasses.

Prevention of strabismus.

Lesson content lesson notes and supporting frame lesson presentation acceleration methods and interactive technologies closed exercises (for teacher use only) assessment Practice tasks and exercises, self-test, workshops, laboratories, cases level of difficulty of tasks: normal, high, olympiad homework Illustrations illustrations: video clips, audio, photographs, graphs, tables, comics, multimedia abstracts, tips for the curious, cheat sheets, humor, parables, jokes, sayings, crosswords, quotes Add-ons external independent testing (ETT) textbooks basic and additional thematic holidays, slogans articles national features dictionary of terms other Only for teachers

How does a person perceive the world around him? The eyes are the organ of vision. A person receives the most information about the world around him
using vision.
Vision helps to distinguish
color of objects, their size,
shape, recognize, far
they are either close or moving
or motionless.

Age-related changes in vision

Decreased vision
- 25%

This is how a myopic person sees the world

To improve vision - glasses!

Rules for working with a computer:

1. The workplace must be autonomous, i.e. Not
connect other devices to the computer outlet.
2.The computer should be in a corner, because... exactly
The radiation from behind is higher than from the screen.
3.The monitor should not be exposed to direct sunlight
rays. Working with a computer should not exceed
2 hours a day, every 30 minutes a break for
4.The distance from the screen to the eyes is at least 50 cm.
5.In a room with computer equipment
Wet cleaning should be carried out daily.

My name is Kolya, I am 12 years old and I study at 6
class. I want to introduce you to mine
best friend is the computer. I'm with him
I practically never leave, I play a lot,
watching movies. It takes the most
place of honor in my room - next to
my bed. So that parents don't see
whether it is turned on or not (for some reason they really don’t care
I like my new friend), I put it
monitor to the window, and everyone else to
doors. Only one problem - the sun
interferes with play, but that's okay. The main thing is me
I'm not asking to go outside. For what? After all, football
you can play virtually.

Hygiene rules when doing homework:

1.Homework must be completed
take place in specially equipped
2.The light should come from the left side.
3.The light source should only illuminate
work surface, and the lampshade should
hide the filament from view.
4.The power of the light bulb in the lamp should be
at least 60 watts.
5.The distance from the eyes to the book should be
40 cm.

It is forbidden!

It is forbidden!

It is forbidden!

To relieve fatigue, look into the distance...

Gymnastics for the eyes

1. Without turning your head, look away
in the lower left corner, in the upper right corner, in
lower right, lower left corner.
Repeat 5 – 8 times.
2. With open eyes, slowly, to the beat
breathing, smoothly draw a figure eight in
space horizontally and vertically.
3. C with open eyes without turning
heads, write your name in space,
surname, first in small letters, and
then bigger ones.

Nourishment for eyes

Take care of your eyesight

Read and write only in good lighting, but remember that bright light should not enter your eyes.
Make sure your book and notebook are
at a distance of 30 - 35 cm from the eyes.
When reading, place the book on an inclined stand.
When writing, the light should fall from the left.
Don’t read while lying down, in transport

Take care of your eyesight.

If you read, write, draw for a long time,
every 20 minutes give your eyes
relax: never three eyes with your hands. So
you can introduce specks and dangerous
microbes Use a clean nasal
handkerchief, look out the window, into the distance, until
count to 20. Very harmful to the eyes
watch TV for a long time.
Don't be embarrassed to wear glasses.