What can cause disruption of the uterine flora? Methods for restoring vaginal microflora. The main symptoms of vaginal dysbiosis in women

Composition of the vaginal microflora, what functions does it perform? What is vaginal dysbiosis, why does it develop and what symptoms does it cause? Recovery methods local immunity.

The content of the article:

The microflora of the vagina is a symbiosis of microorganisms that are constantly located and multiplying on the mucous membrane of this gynecological organ. The vaginal biocenosis contains lactobacilli - 95-97%, as well as opportunistic microorganisms - anaerobic and gram-positive bacilli, enterobacteria, cocci - 3-5%, respectively. Lactobacilli (Dederlein bacilli), producing lactic acid, normalize local immunity and suppress the activity of opportunistic bacteria.

Features of vaginal microflora disorders

Thanks to the symbiosis of beneficial and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms Stable acidity is maintained in the vagina, so pathogenic bacteria and fungi, entering from the outside, are neutralized in an acidic environment. Due to physiological hormonal changes - the monthly menstrual cycle - minor deviations in acidity occur.

Girls are born with a sterile vagina. But from the first second after birth, the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs are colonized by bacteria that do not need oxygen, that is, cocci and anaerobes. Dederlein's rods are present in vaginal secretions, but in small quantities. Until menstruation begins, the acidity level remains neutral. As we get older, estrogen begins to be produced, the vaginal walls thicken, and the pH drops to normal due to increased activity.

The acidity (pH) of the vagina in girls during the prestrual period is 7.0. In the future, the indicator depends on the condition of the outer part of the mucous membrane of the reproductive organ.

Vaginal conditionAcidity, pH
Normal, lactobacilli3,8-4,5
Cytolytic vaginosis< 3,8
Candidal vaginitis4,0-4,5
Trichomonas colpitis5,0-6,0
Aerobic vaginitis> 6,5
Atrophic vaginitis6,0-6,5
Bacterial vaginosis, cocci and enterobacteria4,5-5,3

An imbalance of microflora is called dysbiosis or vaginal dysbiosis. That is, the activity of lactobacilli is suppressed, due to which opportunistic or pathogenic microflora begins to multiply uncontrollably. arise favorable conditions for the development of inflammatory processes reproductive organs.

In a healthy adult woman live in the vagina various bacteria- more than 40 types. Most of them are Dederlein bacilli, beneficial microflora. The microecological system is responsible for the condition of the reproductive organs.

Pathogenic microorganisms themselves - causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases and fungi - are not the cause of dysbiosis. But they cause acute inflammatory processes, which provoke a decrease in local immunity.

The main causes of vaginal microflora disturbances

Dysbacteriosis can be considered not as a disease, but as a condition.

The reasons for the imbalance of beneficial and opportunistic microorganisms are:

  • Hormonal changes - can be provoked by external factors or appear when organic metabolism is disrupted and diseases of the endocrine system. External factors include: growing up, pregnancy, abortion, entering menopause.
  • Congenital anomalies reproductive system.
  • Treatment with certain medications - antibiotics, corticosteroids, antidepressants.
  • Intestinal dysbiosis caused by poor nutrition, malnutrition, and infectious diseases.
  • Formation of neoplasms in the gynecological system - polyps, cysts, leiomyomas.
  • Indiscriminate change of sexual partners, use of spermicides to prevent pregnancy, irregular sex life.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Neglect of hygiene of the intimate area or frequent douching, use of detergents unsuitable for caring for the genitals.

Factors causing the development of dysbiosis: chronic stress and frequent hypothermia, emotional and physical fatigue, unbalanced nutrition, emotional overload.

General signs of vaginal dysbiosis

Manifestations of bacterial dysbiosis are purely individual.

Possible symptoms:

  1. Qualitative and quantitative changes in secretions. The volume of vaginal secretion may increase or decrease, and the color, smell and consistency may change. The color becomes grayish, greenish, yellowish, the smell is ammonia, fishy, ​​sweetish. The consistency is too liquid or cheesy. A thick secretion sticks to the vaginal walls.
  2. There may be itching, burning, painful sensations. The mucous membrane becomes thinner and hyperemic. For some women, signs of discomfort appear only during menstrual cycle.
  3. During coitus, unpleasant and sometimes painful sensations appear.
  4. IN at a young age and during the transition to menopause, sticking of the labia minora occurs.
  5. Burning and pain when urinating.
Signs of an inflammatory process when a woman’s vaginal microflora changes do not always appear. In some cases bacterial vaginosis is detected during a routine examination, or when the patient consults a doctor with complaints of frequent inflammatory processes, infertility, and early termination of pregnancy.

How to restore vaginal microflora?

Vaginal dysbiosis is confirmed using a scraping smear from cervical canal and directly to the vagina. Complex treatment helps restore the balance of microflora and normalize local immunity. Treatment is carried out in 2 stages. They create conditions to increase the activity of lactobacilli and restore immunity, and then use drugs that destroy pathogenic microflora and stopping the reproduction of opportunistic pathogens.

Hygienic measures to restore the balance of vaginal microflora

To restore local immunity, you need to pay attention to sanitary and hygienic measures and personal care. If, due to dysbacteriosis, an STD infection has not occurred or the doctor does not insist on douching, this type of washing should be completely abandoned.

For hygienic washing you need to use special means from pH to 5.5. Even an ordinary one baby soap pH 7. During ablutions, you need to make sure that your hands or the shower head move from front to back so as not to bring E. coli to the surface of the vulvar mucosa.

Underwear and towels should be changed every day, and bedding every 3-4 days. It is advisable to choose products only from hygroscopic natural fabrics that can be washed at high temperatures- 90-100°C to destroy pathogens.

It is necessary to exclude overheating and hypothermia, temporarily avoid baths, visiting a bathhouse, swimming pool, solarium, or swimming in open water.

Normalization of vaginal microflora through nutrition

It is necessary to normalize the diet, abandon strict diets, consumption of foods that contain easily digestible carbohydrates (sweets), high-calorie foods and fatty foods, canned food and alcohol.

Often vaginal dysbiosis develops against the background of intestinal dysbiosis. Therefore, you need to increase the amount in your diet fermented milk products, fresh fruits and vegetables, with the exception of bananas and grapes. Food should not be overheated or overcooled; the temperature of the food should be at 25-50°C. Need to increase drinking regime due to pure or mineral water, compotes, fruit drinks and green teas - from currant leaves or fennel fruits.

It is advisable to avoid whole milk. Adults have practically no bacteria that are responsible for its absorption. The development of intestinal dysbiosis can aggravate the condition vaginal microflora.

Medicines to restore vaginal microflora

Used to treat dysbiosis medical supplies different groups.

Antimicrobial and antibacterial agents

When prescribing medications of this type, preference is given to vaginal suppositories: Clindamycin and analogues - Metronidazole, Tinidazole, Ornidazole, Neo-Penotran. But antibiotics may also be prescribed. various types, taking into account additional symptoms and accompanying illnesses. The course of treatment with suppositories is 5-7 days.

Antifungal agents

When fungal flora is detected, agents that inhibit opportunistic organisms are prescribed. These include antifungal suppositories: Pimafucin, analogues of Clotrimazole, Nystatin.

During treatment vaginal candidiasis proven high efficiency of use complex means- vaginal suppositories Terzhinan or an analogue of Polizhinaks in capsules. In addition to the antifungal component, dosage form includes a hormonal anti-inflammatory agent that accelerates mucosal regeneration.

Preparations to restore the balance of microflora

This group includes vaginal suppositories or swabs soaked in solutions made from dried bacterial cultures. Medicines used: Acylact, analogues Bifolact, Ginolact, Vaginorm or Bifidumbacterin. The multicomponent product Gynoflor is widely used. Contains lactobacilli acidophilus and estriol (synthesized estrogen hormone).

If bacterial vaginosis cannot be eliminated long time, use Solcotrichovac - a vaccine to stimulate the immune system. This remedy prevents relapses and can be used for preventive purposes. The drug is administered only as prescribed by a doctor, accurately timing the injection. Administration three times, once every 2 weeks. A year after the first injection, revaccination may be required. Knowing how to restore the vaginal microflora after multiple relapses, you can avoid inflammatory processes in case of possible hypothermia or the need to be in unfavorable conditions for some time.

The therapeutic course is often supplemented with antihistamines. Trying to use medications latest generation, which are taken once a day.

Improving vaginal microflora with folk remedies

Traditional healers advise carrying out hygiene measures with the help of tar soap , which has antiseptic and antibacterial effects. It is enough to wash the genitals 2 times a week.

Manufacture tampons, wrapping the cotton wool in gauze. The ends should be left long enough so that the medical accessory can be easily removed. Tampons are soaked in honey sea ​​buckthorn oil, water decoctions calendula, chamomile, whey. When preparing the infusion, 2 tbsp. l. Brew a glass of boiling water, be sure to boil for at least 1 minute, and filter.

Help restore microflora balance sitz baths. Use chamomile, calendula, oak bark, St. John's wort and sage. First, the decoctions are prepared according to the recipe described above, and then diluted in 2 liters boiled water. The procedure lasts 15-20 minutes.

If the gynecologist doesn't mind douching, use decoctions of the above medicinal herbs or whey. A decoction that can be used to soak tampons and also be used for douching and sitz baths: mix equal amounts of chamomile, dried juniper berries, oak bark and leaves walnut. Brew 1 tbsp. l. 0.5 liters of boiling water.

To increase general immunity, medicines are prepared according to the following recipes:

  • Rowan. Dried rowan berries are brewed as tea, boiled for 15 minutes, cooled until room temperature. Pour 2 tbsp into a glass of drink. l. onion juice and liquid honey. A glass is drunk per day, in equal portions, regardless of meals.
  • Currant. Brew blackcurrant leaves - 3 tbsp. l. for 250 ml. When the drink has cooled, add crushed garlic cloves - 5-6 pieces, and the juice of half a lemon. Stir and let sit for 1 hour. Strain. Take similarly to rowan mixture.
Have an effective effect suppositories. Melt cocoa butter - 30 ml, add essential oil lavender - 20 drops, stir until smooth. Then they form cylinders, wrap them in foil and place them in the refrigerator. To form candles it is better to use disposable syringes. Cut off the lower part of the syringe, collect a thick mass, squeeze out a column 1.5-2 cm high. Frequency of use - 2 times a day, morning and evening, duration of the treatment course - 5-7 days.

Prevention of vaginal dysbiosis

Stabilization of local immunity helps prevent inflammatory diseases intimate sphere.
  1. When caring for yourself, use products with lactic acid.
  2. Wear underwear made from natural fabrics.
  3. At sexual contacts with unfamiliar partners, use barrier contraception (condoms).
  4. Change panty liners every 3-4 hours, and sanitary pads every 1.5-2 hours.
  5. You should avoid scented products when caring for your genitals.
  6. Make sure your diet contains a sufficient amount of raw vegetables, fruits, lactic acid products and foods containing high content fiber.
How to restore vaginal microflora - watch the video:

At the first signs indicating a disease of the genital area, you need to choose the time to visit a gynecologist. When treating with antibiotics, introduce probiotics, prebiotics and vaginal suppositories to restore vaginal microflora.

Violation of the vaginal microflora occurs more than once in a woman’s life. Moreover, this trouble can affect not only women who are sexually active, but also virgins. What should be the normal vaginal microflora, what are the symptoms of its negative changes and how to treat it?

Normally, many microorganisms live in the mucous membrane of the female genital organs, but about 95% of them are lactobacilli. These microorganisms are good; they produce lactic acid, which does not allow harmful microorganisms to multiply. The remaining 5% are opportunistic microorganisms - gardnerella, fungi of the genus Candida, etc. Sometimes the number of lactobacilli begins to decrease, and they are replaced by harmful microorganisms. Then a violation of the vaginal microflora gives the following symptoms:

  • copious discharge (gray, green or white), often with a pungent odor;
  • redness and itching of the genitals;
  • pain during sexual intercourse due to vaginal dryness.

If vaginal microflora disorders are not treated, pathogenic microorganisms can infect the urinary system and spread further into the vagina. the fallopian tubes and ovaries. The result is kidney problems, infertility, adhesive process in the tubes, ectopic pregnancy. Great danger this pathology represents for expectant mothers. After all, their risk of premature birth and postpartum endometritis increases several times.

But before we talk about getting rid of this pathology, we will find out what are the causes of disturbances in the vaginal microflora in women, because any disease is easier to prevent than to treat.

Most often, changes in microflora occur due to hormones. More precisely, because hormonal imbalances, which often occur in women during menopause, as well as when taking certain medicines. For example, oral contraceptives.

In addition, there may be a certain influence chronic diseases, For example, diabetes. You will have to think about how to restore the vaginal microflora even after long-term use antibiotics, frequent use of vaginal contraception (spermicides) or douching. By the way, antibiotics are often found in store-bought meat and dairy products, so you can get dysbiosis without directly taking antibacterial agents.

If you have corresponding symptoms, you need to consult a gynecologist. But effective appointment after the first appointment they are unlikely to do it for you, since you will need to examine the microscopy of the smear and the results bacteriological culture. To prescribe tablets or suppositories for vaginal microflora disturbances, the doctor must know which pathogen is the culprit of dysbiosis. It would be useful to get tested for hidden infections sexually transmitted diseases.

If Candida fungus is detected in the smear, you will experience symptoms typical of candidiasis, such as itching and white, curdled discharge- The doctor will prescribe antifungal agents. Suppositories for intravaginal use or tablets for oral administration may be prescribed. In mild cases, a single dose of the drug is sufficient for the complete disappearance of unpleasant symptoms.

If gardnerella is detected in the smear, treatment will be carried out with other drugs, antibacterial and antiseptic. And this disease will be called bacterial vaginosis. After treatment, gynecologists usually recommend taking a course of 7-10 days to normalize the microflora. The choice of drugs for topical use is very wide: “Lactozhinal”, “Acipol”, “Acilact”, etc. “Vagilak” shows good results when taken orally.

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Violation of the vaginal microflora has bothered every woman at least once in her life. Girls who have never been sexually active also face this disease. The disease is asymptomatic, but can cause severe severe consequences accompanied by an inflammatory process. Gynecologists call the pathology dysbiosis or dysbacteriosis.

What is dysbiosis?

Dysbiosis is defined as a violation of the microflora of the vaginal environment. If left untreated, the disease will progress, causing a number of very negative consequences.

Violation of the vaginal microflora does not manifest itself in any way at the first stage. The secretions change only slightly. In a normal state, a woman does not have them, and if they do, they are in small quantities. With a healthy microflora, there are no stings, pain, odor, burning sensation, dryness during sexual intercourse or discomfort.

An unpleasant odor and an increase in quantity indicate the presence of a pathology such as a violation of the vaginal microflora. Why is this happening? This will be discussed further.

Normal microflora consists of 90% lactobacilli and 9% bifidobacteria. The remaining 1% are those that rarely provoke any disease. A woman’s body can easily tolerate minor changes, especially with good immunity. In case of serious disorders, where the number decreases and the percentage of opportunistic microorganisms increases, the reproductive system may fail. As a result, harmful bacteria such as fungus, gardnerella, streptococcus, proteus, coli, chlamydia, etc. Vaginal dysbiosis occurs and, as a consequence, inflammatory process. The immune system continues to fight pathogenic bacteria, but without treatment protective functions the body no longer gives the desired effect.

The most common types of disease include:

  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • candidiasis;
  • thrush

If dysbiosis occurs in a latent form, then pronounced symptoms are rarely observed. Without tests and a doctor’s examination, it can be difficult to recognize a disease of this type. Therefore, women are recommended to visit a gynecologist twice a year.

Causes of vaginal microflora disturbances

There are many factors influencing the appearance of dysbiosis:

  • Single and constant hypothermia, which reduces immunity and contributes to the development of dysbacteriosis.
  • Change hormonal levels. Unsystematic sexual life, menopause, pregnancy, childbirth, abortion, menstrual irregularities, etc.
  • Change of climatic zones.
  • Stressful situations.
  • Chaotic sex life. Frequent change sexual partners. Ignoring contraceptive methods.
  • Inflammatory and pelvic.
  • Infections acquired after sexual intercourse.
  • Long-term treatment with antibiotics.
  • Intestinal diseases.
  • Improper insertion and use of menstrual tampons.

All these and other reasons cause disruption of the vaginal microflora.

Symptoms of the disease

The symptoms of the disease will help to recognize a violation of the vaginal microflora in time. Although in many cases, especially on initial stage diseases, they are simply absent. If bacteriosis begins to progress, the following may occur:

  • white and yellow discharge;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • discomfort in the genital area;
  • dryness during sex;
  • burning, itching and pain in the genital area.

These are the main signs of a violation of the vaginal microflora. If dysbiosis is not treated, endometritis, inflammation of the appendages, cervix or vaginal walls may occur. If infectious process affected genitourinary organs And urethra, then, as a rule, cystitis or urethritis develops.

Disorders of the vaginal microflora during pregnancy and after childbirth

Pregnancy and hormonal changes can provoke an acute stage of vaginal dysbiosis. During pregnancy, the symptoms of the disease worsen. There is an abundance of discharge, an unpleasant odor, itching and burning in the genital area are disturbing, painful sensations during sex.

Many drugs are contraindicated for women during pregnancy, therefore full treatment It is not possible to do this here. All actions are aimed only at temporary elimination of symptoms, and necessary treatment with antibiotics is carried out after delivery.

A microflora disorder may occur. How to treat a patient in this situation? This issue can only be decided by a doctor. Often, young mothers are diagnosed with thrush, which is caused by yeast. This process is influenced by hormonal changes in the body, as well as a number of medicines, which the woman giving birth was forced to take.

In this case, therapy is carried out with antifungal agents in combination with probiotics, which have a positive effect on the vaginal microflora and prevent the secondary appearance of the disease.

Vaginal dysbiosis and sexual partner

Often, an imbalance in the vaginal microflora does not affect sex life women and does not cause any particular problems for the sexual partner. The exception is the advanced stage of dysbiosis. In this case, the man may develop signs of balanoposthitis or nonspecific urethritis, and then only if the stronger sex has a predisposition to the disease.

As a rule, diseases of the sexual partner do not affect the woman’s vaginal environment; of course, we are not talking about sexually transmitted diseases.

Treatment of vaginal dysbiosis is carried out only in women, without the involvement of a partner, unless the pathology is caused by a sexually transmitted infection.

If STDs occur, they are accompanied by severe dysbiosis. Cause an imbalance in the vaginal environment. They provoke the appearance of an inflammatory process and disrupt the microflora of the vagina. However, there are no situations where the causative agent is only a sexually transmitted infection. The disease is always accompanied by negative changes in the body. This should be taken into account in the fight against the disease. Here, taking antibiotics alone is unlikely to help, since it will not restore normal level microflora.

The course of treatment should always end with pribiotics that restore the vaginal environment. Serious problems caused by chlamydia and trichomonas are solved through antibacterial therapy, after which it is necessary to restore the microflora. These courses must be divided and taken one after the other.

In situations where the disease has light form, it is necessary to conduct urogenital diagnostics. And the necessary background can be restored simultaneously with the elimination of sexually transmitted infections.

Dysbacteriosis in girls

Violation of the vaginal microflora occurs even in girls who have never had sexual intercourse. A variety of factors come into play here. These include hormonal changes in the body during puberty, the structure of the hymen, non-compliance with hygiene rules (including improper washing of the genitals), and the use of antibiotics and other drugs. The reasons in this case are similar to the factors contributing to the development of dysbiosis in women who are sexually active. But there are also nuances.

Unlike women, girls rarely experience heavy discharge, since the hymen does not allow it to come out of the vagina in full. A certain part of them accumulates in the pelvis, which causes an inflammatory process. Also, at the beginning of the development of sexual activity in girls, a lot of bacteria enter the urethra from the vagina, which can cause “honeymoon cystitis.”

Therapy for dysbiosis in virgins is quite complicated, since the hymen does not allow for thorough treatment of the vagina. In some cases, even a hymenectomy is indicated, in which the hymen is broken.

Development of dysbiosis and intestinal environment

Often, some diseases of the stomach and intestines lead to disruption of the microflora both in the intestinal walls and in the vagina.

The rectum is in close contact with the vaginal cavity, as a result, bacteria easily pass through the walls of the organs. When intestinal dysbiosis develops and progresses, bacteria (Escherichia coli, enterococci, etc.) that cause this disease easily penetrate the walls of the vagina, where they also disturb the background. What to do in such a situation? Of course, contact a specialist, in no case resorting to “amateur” and the help of folk remedies.

Treatment of vaginal microflora disorders in this case is a complex process, since the likelihood of a new infection is quite high. Should be held here simultaneous therapy both vagina and intestines. This is the most severe form of dysbiosis.

Diagnosis of dysbacteriosis

In order for treatment to produce results, the disease must be correctly diagnosed. First of all, a gynecological examination of the patient is performed. Then tests are ordered. Typically this is:

  • PCR diagnostics, which allows you to verify the absence or presence of sexually transmitted infections;
  • a smear on the flora, indicating the state of the vaginal microflora;
  • culture of vaginal discharge;
  • The patient's sensitivity to antibiotics is determined.

Data received laboratory research allow us to establish the cause of the disease and the degree of its complexity.

Treatment of dysbiosis

Therapeutic measures to restore vaginal microflora are divided into several stages:

  • Destroying pathogenic bacteria that caused this disease.
  • Restoration of vaginal microflora.
  • Boosting immunity.

If dysbiosis occurs due to sexually transmitted infections, then the causative agent of the disease is first eliminated by prescribing a course of antibiotics. If a violation of the vaginal microflora is caused by another reason, then antibiotics may not be used. And if such therapy is prescribed, it is for a period of no more than five days.

It is very important to carry out external procedures in case of dysbiosis. This various baths and tampons. Such measures inhibit the development of pathogenic microorganisms and restore immunity. Treatment of vaginal microflora disorders with antiseptics - in this case they are used topically - is much more more effective than antibiotics, and their zone of influence is much wider. Almost all bacteria are susceptible to their influence. More antiseptics help develop the immunity of the vaginal walls and normalize its microflora. Inhibits the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

An advanced form of dysbiosis is difficult to cure with immunomodulatory therapy alone; in addition, antibiotics are almost always prescribed.

Drugs for the treatment of dysbiosis

Violation of the vaginal microflora (drugs are usually prescribed in the form of ointments, suppositories, vaginal tablets and creams) is a rather complex disease that often requires an integrated approach.

Often, Dalatsin cream is used to treat dysbiosis, which is an antibiotic with wide range actions. Active substance- clindamycin phosphate 2%. It intensively affects the vaginal microflora. Dalatsin suppositories also effectively restore the background in case of pathologies such as disturbances of the vaginal microflora. They contain up to 100 mg of antibiotic.

Flagyl suppositories provide good results for vaginal dysbiosis. The drug is used once a day, at night. Also, to treat the disease, doctors recommend using Hexicon - these are suppositories with chlorhexidine. They are inserted into the vaginal cavity once a day. Course - 10 days.

To treat vaginal dysbiosis, many today choose Betadine and Terzhinan suppositories. Good effect Metronidazole gel also gives.

If the disease is advanced, and only with drugs local action If it cannot be avoided, then tablets are prescribed for oral administration. This:

  • "Ornidazole".
  • "Naxojin."
  • "Meratin".
  • "Tiberal".
  • "Tinidazole."
  • "Trichopol" or "Metronidazole".
  • "Clindamycin."

Medicines are taken for a week. It should be remembered that when using oral medications, alcohol consumption is prohibited. This is especially true for Trichopolum.

In combination with other medications to normalize the microflora, the following are prescribed: “Linex”, “Probifor”, “Bifidumbacterin”, “Bifiform”, “Bifidin” or “Bifiliz”. To increase the number of lactobacilli in the vaginal environment, Acylact, Lactobacterin, Acepol, etc. are prescribed. It is recommended to take the medicine in a course, starting from the second day of taking antibacterial agents. They also prescribe drugs to maintain immunity - “Immunal”, “Cycloferon”, etc.

If the cause of microflora disturbance is sexual intercourse, then the sexual partner should also be examined and treated.

About preventive measures

Treatment of dysbiosis can take up to four weeks. In some cases, it is difficult to prevent this disease, since the real reason, which caused the disease is difficult to determine. The only thing a woman can do is strengthen her immune system and observe necessary rules hygiene.

After restoring the vaginal microflora, you should visit a gynecologist every three months for a year. This is necessary in order to detect a relapse in time and take appropriate measures. In the future, under normal circumstances, you can see a doctor once a year.

Vaginal dysbiosis this is a violation normal microflora. The disease often manifests itself in women and is expressed in varying degrees. Sometimes it can lead to serious problems and inconvenience. Disturbance of the microflora in the vagina can be caused by external or internal reasons. This is often due to a seasonal decrease in immunity, neglect of personal hygiene, or a change in climate zone. Swimming in the pool, infections and others external factors have a negative impact on microflora. Stress, especially chronic stress, can cause vaginal dysbiosis. Of course, these factors do not always affect the body. If it is weakened, especially chronic diseases, the disease will manifest itself much more often.

Disturbance of vaginal microflora

Let's find out more about vaginal microflora disorders. There can actually be quite a lot of reasons. Here are some factors that may influence this process:

    Hypothermia of the body;

    hormonal imbalances;

    time zone change;

    sexually transmitted infections;

    antibiotic treatment;

    improper use of tampons;

    intestinal diseases;

    infectious and inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

The immune system maintains normal microflora, and helps microflora recover in case of minor disturbances. However, if there are many irritating factors and they occur frequently, in most cases vaginal dysbiosis may occur.

Symptoms of vaginal dysbiosis

Normally, normal microflora develops in the vagina. It consists of approximately 90% lactobacilli (the so-called Dederlein rods), slightly less than 10% bifidobacteria, and less than 1% are gardnerella cells, mobiluncus, Candida fungi, leptothrix and some other bacteria. At normal operation the microflora is in balance, preventing the occurrence of infection and changes in the ratio of pathogens living in the vagina.

Immunity has no effect on the natural inhabitants of the vagina, but behaves aggressively towards any other infection. Exactly the immune system helps restore normal vaginal microflora in case of minor disturbances. But sometimes the immune system is not able to cope with this task.

When the vaginal microflora is disturbed, the balance between bacteria changes, the number of lacto- and bifidobacteria decreases and the number of some other pathogen increases. This pathogen can be one of the key cells (gardnerellosis, candidiasis develops), one of the sexually transmitted infections (trichomoniasis, chlamydia), or it can be any saprophytic pathogen (Escherichia coli, Proteus, streptococci, staphylococci).

Bacteria that lead to the development of dysbiosis can cause inflammation of the vagina - vaginitis When this happens depends on the quantity and pathogenicity of the pathogen on the one hand and the strength of the immune system of the vaginal wall on the other. As a rule, at first the immune system copes and does not allow either the progression of the disease or the development of its complications. Without treatment, the development of inflammation is inevitable.

Disturbance of vaginal microflora during pregnancy

Pregnancy may be a catalyst for the development of vaginal dysbiosis. The following symptoms may appear or worsen:


    itching or burning of the genitals;

    pain during sexual intercourse.

This is due to the fact that during pregnancy a woman’s body undergoes serious hormonal changes, which cannot but affect both the immune system and the vaginal microflora. Treatment of vaginal dysbiosis during pregnancy is not possible, since it is associated with the use of antibiotics. Therefore, the doctor’s task during an exacerbation of vaginal dysbiosis in a pregnant woman is only to eliminate the symptoms and prepare the woman for childbirth.

Development of vaginal microflora disorders

Initially, a violation of the vaginal microflora does not manifest itself in anything special. As a rule, the nature of vaginal discharge changes slightly. Normally, a woman should either not have any vaginal discharge, or it may not be a large number of clear discharge no unpleasant odor. In this case, there should be no cutting, burning, itching, pain in the genital area, or discomfort or dryness during sexual intercourse. With the development of vaginal dysbiosis, the following signs are observed:

    The amount of discharge increases;

    acquire a whitish-yellow color;

    an unpleasant odor appears.

Disturbance of the vaginal microflora in a woman does not cause discomfort in her sexual partner, even with regular sexual activity without the use of contraception. In some cases, when there is severe vaginal dysbiosis, a man may develop the phenomena of balanoposthitis and nonspecific urethritis. Treatment of the disease does not involve compulsory treatment sexual partner, unless at least one of them has a sexually transmitted infection.

Violation of the vaginal microflora occurs in girls who have not begun sexual activity with the same frequency as in women who are sexually active. The disease is associated with several other factors, namely:

Dysbiosis rarely occurs heavy discharge, since the openings of the hymen usually do not allow them to be removed from the vagina in the quantities in which they are formed: the likelihood of developing inflammatory diseases higher for virgins.

Vaginal microflora disorders and sexually transmitted infections

Sexual infections may be associated with a violation of the vaginal microflora. The appearance of an STD pathogen in the vagina shifts the pH, causing inflammatory reaction and further contributes to the progression of microflora disorders. Opportunistic microflora is taken into account in the treatment of sexually transmitted infections, since antibiotics can kill the causative agent of STDs, and the number of opportunistic infections will increase.

Treatment of STDs should end with a course of microflora restoration. It is possible to first carry out antibacterial therapy, and then start restoring the vaginal microflora. It makes sense to do it first comprehensive diagnostics all urogenital microflora.

Every disease can have various signs This also applies to intestinal dysbiosis, and it has its own symptoms. Signs of vaginal dysbiosis are not numerous. A woman may not even be aware of its occurrence. Microflora disruption does not occur suddenly. A certain amount of time must pass for one row of bacteria to destroy the second row.

Signs of vaginal dysbiosis do not appear immediately. After some time, a woman may be bothered by the appearance of itching, burning in the perineum, and white discharge. The discharge may be characterized by a sharp, unpleasant smell. Symptoms of dysbiosis may include loss of interest in sex and irritability.

pain in the lower abdomen

This disease is characterized by two stages of development - from the moment of exacerbation to remission. This disease is not going away. It just goes into chronic form diseases. In order to prevent inflammation of the pelvic organs, vagina and urinary tract It is urgent to take action and treat this disease.

Signs of dysbacteriosis in an acute form of the disease:

  • the uterine mucosa and its appendages become inflamed;
  • appear purulent discharge from the vagina;
  • pain in the genitals;
  • the occurrence of colpitis, cystitis or vaginitis;
  • pain when urinating;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • sexual intercourse accompanied by pain

Every fifth woman may have absolutely no signs of vaginal dysbiosis. Only a diagnosis can be made gynecologist field of preventive examination

What is vaginal dysbiosis

Normally, a woman has a large number of lactic acid bacteria in her vagina. With the onset of bacterial vaginosis, the number of lactic acid bacteria decreases and pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria begin to develop. They are the ones who can cause the disease. This applies to women with reduced immunity. As a result, there is a decrease in the level of acidity in the vagina.

In the past, many people believed that only one type of bacteria could cause bacterial vaginosis. Therefore, this disease is still called hemophilic or gardnerella dysbacteriosis. It has been established that this disease can be caused not only by some microbe. This disease occurs as a result of a violation of the ratio various types bacteria. Therefore, vaginal dysbiosis does not apply to infectious diseases and is not sexually transmitted.

This disease is observed mainly in women aged 35-40 years. It is impossible to determine how common this disease is. According to statistics, vaginal dysbiosis affects every third woman throughout her life.

The main causes of vaginal microflora disturbances.

Today there are many causes of dysbiosis. For example, stress contributes to the occurrence of disturbances in the vaginal microflora. The most common causes of dysbiosis include:

When above occurs the listed factors There is a violation of the vaginal microflora. Of course, a woman’s immune system is capable of maintaining normal microflora and restores it when minor disturbances occur.

Preventive actions

To prevent the appearance of this disease the following preventive measures must be taken:

  • carry out activities aimed at general prevention dysbacteriosis. To do this it is necessary to conduct proper nutrition and stick to healthy image life;
  • do not use douches and contraceptives that contain nonoxynol;
  • if you have casual sexual contact with a non-regular sexual partner, you must use condoms;
  • do not take Terzhinan, Polygynax, Betadine tablets. This can lead to vaginal dysbiosis. These drugs contain antibacterial agents, which have a wide spectrum of action. They also help suppress the normal vaginal microflora;
  • during treatment it is necessary to limit yourself from sexual intercourse;
  • For prevention, men also need to take special drugs. The action of these drugs is aimed at improving the microflora.
  • This disease is not a sexually transmitted disease and cannot be transmitted sexually.

Diagnosis of the disease includes:

  1. microscopy - vaginal smear;
  2. determination of vaginal discharge;
  3. test based on potassium hydroxide.

What treatment is prescribed for vaginal dysbiosis

First the woman passes gynecological examination and undergoes a set of tests. Most doctors prescribe only antibiotics. But treatment must be comprehensive. We need to get rid of bad bacteria and restore the number beneficial bacteria. The following treatment is used:

  • use of vaginal suppositories;
  • taking tablets that have an antiseptic effect;
  • the use of physiotherapy;
  • use of bioadditives.

Many people think dysbiosis is not so dangerous disease. The occurrence of this disease is accompanied by miscarriage, termination of pregnancy, and premature birth. Infection occurs in the fetus after childbirth. Dysbacteriosis causes discomfort in personal life, negatively affects mood and much more.

Some patients resort to traditional methods treatment. But folk recipes They only help relieve the symptoms of the disease. Healing herbs They just help strengthen the immune system. In this case it concerns herbal infusions and teas.

To restore the acidic environment of the vagina, douching is used. The solution used boric acid. Douching is carried out daily for a week. Douching using herbal infusions has a good effect.