How long can Otipax be administered to a child? Instructions for the use of otipax ear drops for children and adults, composition and analogues. Is it possible to drip Otipax into the nose?

Young children suffer from otitis media, which can occur with the slightest cold. How to properly cure developing otitis media?

The most common drug for the treatment of otitis media in children is ear drops Otipax, which are sold in any pharmacy. Otipax drops can be used by children of any age.


The drug contains phenazone and lidocaine. The first is responsible for eliminating inflammation, and the second is for pain relief.

This balanced composition eliminates the symptoms of otitis media as quickly as possible and treats the inner ear. The drug "Otipax" is not an antibiotic, is not addictive, non-toxic and is suitable for children under one year of age.

How to use?

The drops are a yellowish liquid enclosed in a bottle with a total weight of 16 g. Instructions for use suggest dripping these ear drops 2-3 times a day, 3-4 drops into the outer ear canal. It is important to remember that the drops must be warm before instilling them. Therapists recommend using the drug for a course lasting no more than 10 days. From side effects are noted allergic reactions and irritation.

To use Otipax drops more effectively for both children and adults, you can first drip them onto a cotton ball and then insert them into the child’s ear. The instructions assume horizontal position head when administering the drug.

The instructions for use also state that the drug should not be used if the eardrum is damaged or if there is hypersensitivity to the components. Remember, only a doctor can determine whether the eardrum is broken or not! Under no circumstances should you prescribe Otipax ear drops yourself. The doctor also determines how many days you can drip, how many drops, and how many times a day will be optimal for curing otitis media.

"Otipax" is approved for use during pregnancy and lactation, but is prohibited for use by athletes, as it gives positive result during a doping test. The instructions suggest consulting a doctor on the use of such drops.

The average price for the drug is about 200 rubles.

Indications and contraindications

The drug can be used in the following cases:

  • otitis media or external;
  • inflammation of the middle ear in young children and pain associated with it;
  • ear congestion;
  • damage to the hearing organs due to barotrauma.

Contraindications for use are:

  • damage to the eardrum;
  • individual intolerance.

Among side effects possible irritation of the ear canal and allergic reactions.


There are both positive and negative reviews for ear drops "Otipax"

Positive reviews of the drops contain the following statements:

  • relieves ear congestion and sharp pain from the first use;
  • a convenient nozzle allows you to drop an exact dose;
  • low price;
  • quickly cures otitis media.

Negative reviews contain the following opinion:

  • causes allergies and rashes;
  • short shelf life after opening - only six months;
  • eliminates only the symptoms, and not the source of otitis media.


The first analogue of Otipax is Sofradex drops. They contain 3 antibiotics, but they do not contain an analgesic component. In addition, they are not suitable for small children due to their hormone content. Also, Sofradex drops have many side effects, and the doses are cumulative, which can lead to allergies. Sofradex can be used for 4 days.

The second analogue is Anauran ear drops. It contains 2 antibiotics and 2 painkillers. But the fundamental difference between these two drugs is that Otipax is intended to relieve pain and inflammation, and its analog Anauran kills microorganisms that cause otitis media or inflammation. "Anauran" has an ototoxic effect, that is, it cannot be used constantly. Application can be expected for 5 days.

The third analogue is the drug "Otinum" based on an antibiotic. It is weaker in strength than Otipax. Some therapists suggest using these drugs in combination, that is, you can drip one drop in the evening and another in the morning. The Otinum analogue can be used for 10 days.

The drug "Otofa" is the fourth analogue ear drops"Otipax". It is cheaper than the comparable drug and is intended for the treatment of the outer and middle ear. It is usually prescribed for lidocaine intolerance. Plus "Otofa" in use for damaged eardrum, when all other drops are contraindicated.

In general, any analogue of ear drops can be used instead of Otipax drops, but in any case, consult your doctor before using this or that drug.

Be healthy!

100 g of ear drops contain phenazone 4 g and lidocaine hydrochloride 1 g, as well as sodium thiosulfate, 95% alcohol, glycerin in equal parts up to 100 g; in bottles of 16 g, in cardboard box 1 bottle.

Description of the dosage form

A clear, colorless or yellowish solution with the odor of alcohol.

pharmachologic effect

Phenazone blocks cyclooxygenase and inhibits the biosynthesis of “anti-inflammatory” PGs. Lidocaine due to antagonism with sodium and calcium ions at the membrane level nerve fiber disrupts the perception and conduction of pain impulses.

Effect on the body

Local anesthetic

Component Properties

Active ingredients: lidocaine hydrochloride 10 mg, phenazone 40 mg.



Clinical pharmacology

Phenazone has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Lidocaine has a local anesthetic effect.

The drug does not penetrate the body if the eardrum is intact.

Indications for use Otipax

Local symptomatic treatment and pain relief in children from birth and adults with:

  • otitis media in acute period at the time of inflammation;
  • otitis media as a complication after influenza;
  • barotraumatic edema.

Contraindications for the use of Otipax

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug; Perforation of the eardrum.

Otipax Use during pregnancy and children

There are no restrictions on the use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding, provided the eardrum is intact.

Otipax Side effects

There is a risk of allergic reactions, irritation and hyperemia of the ear canal.

Drug interactions

Currently, information about interactions with others medicines absent.

Otipax dosage

Instill 4 drops into the external auditory canal 2-3 times a day for 10 days (no more).

Precautionary measures

It is necessary to ensure the integrity of the eardrum before starting to use the drug. If the drug is used with a perforated eardrum, the drug may come into contact with the organs of the middle ear and lead to complications.

Information for athletes: the drug contains an active ingredient that can give positive reaction during doping control.

80% of children experience otitis media early age at least once. Therefore in home medicine cabinet It is advisable for parents to keep ear drops. Pediatricians often advise buying Otipax. But if used incorrectly remedy will not do any good. Let's consider how in what cases does the medicine help, how to use it, and when is it dangerous for the child?

Otipax are ear drops that have a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Composition and effect of the drug

Otipax drops have two active substances(in brackets - their content in 1 gram of the product):

  • phenazone (40 mg) with anti-inflammatory effect;
  • lidocaine (10 mg) with analgesic properties.

Thanks to these components after instillation, ear pain is relieved within a few minutes, inflammation decreases. The effect of application lasts at least 1.5 hours.

Also includes Excipients for getting convenient form drug. These are purified water, ethyl alcohol, glycerin and sodium sulphate.

Attention! Otipax is not an antibiotic because it does not have an antibacterial effect.


The drug is prescribed for pain relief and inflammation relief in otitis media:

  • external (boils, ulcers);
  • average (if the integrity of the eardrum is not compromised);

Otitis media is the most common form of the disease in children.

Drops begin to be used if:

Important! There are no age restrictions. Even newborn children can be instilled with Otipax. The drug is also suitable for women during pregnancy and lactation.

Manufacturers, prices, release forms

Otipax is available in the form of ear drops. It is a transparent and colorless (yellow tint is allowed) liquid with the odor of alcohol. Sold in 16 g bottles made of light-proof glass. The container is packed in a box, which additionally includes a dropper in a paper-plastic blister and instructions for use ().

Otipax is manufactured by the French company Laboratories Biocodex. The average price of drops in Russian pharmacies is 250 rubles.

Dosage and administration

To administer Otipax to a child:

  1. Clamp the bottle in your fist and warm its contents.
  2. Place the baby on his side, with the affected ear facing up.
  3. Straighten the ear canal by pulling the pinna back (for older children and adults, you need to pull it forward).
  4. Instill the medicine in the dosage selected according to age and leave the child in this position for several minutes.
  5. To treat the second ear, place the baby on the other side and repeat steps 3-4.

The sooner treatment begins, the faster recovery will occur.

You need to drip Otipax 2-3 times a day for 6-10 days:

  • newborns and up to 1 year - 1 drop;
  • from 1 to 2 years - 2;
  • from 3 and older - 3 or 4.

Important! Komarovsky draws the attention of mothers to the fact that any medicine can be instilled, unless the eardrum is damaged (not perforated).

You can check it with an ENT specialist. Without examining the child by a doctor, do not warm the ear or drop anything into it. Otherwise, the fluid will penetrate into the middle ear, which may cause complications: middle or internal otitis, hearing loss.

Julia writes in her review:

“We tried Otipax for the first time about 5 years ago. Since then, the drug has always been in the home medicine cabinet. I use it for my son. He goes to the pool and sometimes gets ear pain after diving. I use it for just one day: during this time I instill 3 drops three times. The next day nothing bothers me. Only I noticed that if the disease starts, the drug does not help. Have to take more strong remedies. Therefore, I try not to miss the first signs of otitis media.”

The effect of the drops is observed after 5 minutes of taking the medicine.

Contraindications and side effects

Otipax is contraindicated for children with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. For medication use children's body may respond with an allergic reaction in the form of swelling, redness and itching in the ear canal.


Other medications are also used to treat otitis media in children. Short review analogues of Otipax according to the active substance:

  • Folicap (drops in the ear, Russia). Active ingredients: lidocaine (10 mg per 1 g) and phenazone (40 mg per 1 g). Actions: local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory. Suitable for newborns. The bottle contains 15 g of the drug.
  • Otirelax (ear drops, Romania). Active ingredients: lidocaine (10 mg per 1 g), phenazone (40 mg per 1 g). The drug has local analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Can be used for children from birth. Price - about 175 rubles for a 15 ml bottle.

Attention! Otirelax and Folicap are the same as Otipax. Only the drugs are manufactured in different countries.

Otolaryngologists often prescribe medications with other active ingredients for otitis media:

  • Normax (ear drops, India). The main substance is norfloxacin. It has antimicrobial effect, suppressing the activity of bacteria that cause the disease. Not recommended for children under 12 years of age. Cost - from 90 rubles per 5 ml bottle.
  • (ear drops, France). Contains three active components: the hormone dexamethasone, the antibiotics neomycin and polymyxin. Properties: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic. Prohibited for children under 2.5 years old. Price - about 270 rubles for 10.5 ml.

An analogue of Otipax-Polydex is an antibiotic for local use.

  • Sofradex (ear and eye drops, India). The product has similar action with the drug Polydex. It also contains dexamethasone, but gramicidin and framycetin act as antibiotics. Cannot be used for infants. In Russian pharmacies, a 5 ml bottle costs about 300 rubles.
  • . It contains three main components: polymyxin and neomycin with an antibacterial effect, as well as lidocaine - a local anesthetic. Not recommended for babies under 1 year of age. The bottle contains 25 ml of the drug, the average cost is 330 rubles.
  • Otofa (ear drops, France). Active substance- rifamycin with antimicrobial effect. Can be used for newborns. The cost is about 200 rubles per 10 ml of the drug.
  • . The main component is choline salt salicylic acid, which has a local analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Fits for the treatment of otitis in children from birth. Price - 150-200 rubles per 10 ml bottle.
  • Candibiotic (ear drops) wide range action, India). The composition includes four active substances: clotrimazole with antifungal and chloramphenicol with antibacterial actions, as well as lidocaine with a local analgesic effect, beclomethasone dipropionate with anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties. A drug Contraindicated for children under 6 years of age. The average cost in Russia is 250 rubles per 5 ml bottle.
  • Tsipromed (ear drops, India). The main component is ciprofloxacin with an antibacterial effect. Not recommended for use by children under 15 years of age. Price in Russian pharmacies- 150 rubles for 10 ml.

Instead of drops for otitis media, solutions are sometimes prescribed:

  • boric acid 3%(Russia). The remedy provides local antiseptic effect. Cannot be used to treat infants. Cost - about 20 rubles for a 25 ml bottle;
  • dioxidine 0.5% or 1%(Russia). The drug has antimicrobial property. It is not recommended for children under 7 years of age. Available in ampoules of 10 ml. Price for 10 pieces - 300-400 rubles.

Important! The list of medications against otitis media is presented at introductory prices only. Do not choose treatment for your child yourself. After an examination, the doctor will determine which drug will be the most effective and safe in your case.

Be sure to consult a doctor for advice!

Advantages and disadvantages of Otipax

Compared to other drugs used in the treatment of external and otitis media, Otipax has the following advantages:

  • Does not apply to antibiotics (the drug is not hostile to beneficial microflora).
  • Copes well with pain (not all ear drops contain an anesthetic component).
  • Can be used for children from birth (most products cannot be used to treat small children).

But the drops also have a minus - Otipax is unlikely to cure a severe form of bacterial otitis. You will need an antibiotic.

This is confirmed by Oksana’s review:

“At the age of 3 my daughter developed otitis media against the background of a cold. At first I tried to cure him traditional methods, but Sonya’s condition worsened. She completely refused to eat and slept poorly. So we went to the doctor and he prescribed Otipax. We spent 7 days. The pain subsided only for a while after using it and returned within two hours. There were no improvements, and we were recommended to change the drug: we bought drops. The symptoms of the disease disappeared on the fourth day. The doctor said that it was possible to do without antibiotics for initial stage when I tried to treat my ear with warm compresses to no avail.”

And this is what the general practitioner, Sofia Anatolyevna Cherkasova, says about the drug:

“Otipax is a fast-acting remedy widely used to treat children from birth and adults. Relief can be felt within 5 minutes: the pain in the ear subsides, and the child begins to behave calmly. Appetite and sleep come. But it’s bad when mothers believe that they themselves can make a diagnosis and choose treatment, and there is no need to go to a doctor. In this case, it is not enough to only be able to dose the medicine strictly according to the instructions. Otitis is a disease in which no action can be taken until the eardrum is examined by an ENT specialist. In the event of a rupture, liquid will enter the gap. If she reaches auditory ossicles, hearing will be impaired. Sometimes it’s an irreversible process.”

Otipax - drops with a mild anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, the drug is suitable for small children. But it is advisable to use it at the first symptoms of otitis: advanced disease is difficult to treat with these drops. Be attentive to your child’s health and do not neglect visiting the doctor if your child complains of ear pain.

Alisa Nikitina

20362 09/11/2019 7 min.

Many people have experienced ear pain in their lives. This problem is most often caused by otitis media. The disease is most difficult for children, but adults also have a hard time. Fortunately, modern medicine has invented enough remedies that can help with this problem. Among the most advanced and effective drugs Otipax drops are used to eliminate inflammatory processes and pain during otitis. Let's tell you more about this product: find out the composition of the drug, what is indicated in the instructions, indications for use, and how exactly to use it. In addition, we will find out whether there are analogues of Otipax drops, the cost, and read the reviews about the drug.

Description of Otipax ear drops

Otipax is a medicine that is produced in France by the Biocodex company. The combined effect is very effective and is widely used by ENT specialists to eliminate ear diseases. Otipax drops are intended to relieve the main symptoms of otitis media: pain and swelling.

The product is packaged in dark 16 ml bottles.

The medicine has two types of effects:

  • pain reliever;
  • anti-inflammatory.

You will find a list of ear drops for otitis media.

The drug can be purchased over the counter without a prescription. But before using them, it is recommended that you still see a doctor: the fact is that in case of perforation (rupture) of the eardrum, taking drops is strictly prohibited. You need to make sure that Ear ache not caused by any reason other than otitis media.

Externally, the drug is a colorless or yellowish liquid with a slight alcoholic aroma. The medicine comes with a convenient pipette for precise dosage.


What components are included in the drug, ensuring its complex effect:

  • Phenazol. This component in the product is “responsible” for eliminating the inflammatory process and relieving pain.
  • Lidocaine. Famous pain reliever local action. This component enhances the effect of phenazole, thanks to which the drug is able to relieve pain for a long time.

Note that previously phenazole was used as an independent remedy intended to stop bleeding. But with the development of science and medical research it was found that this substance manifests itself much brighter and more multifaceted in combination with other components. Thus, after many years of testing, the ideal combination of phenazole with lidocaine in a certain proportion was selected, intended to quickly eliminate the consequences of otitis media.

In addition to these basic ingredients, the composition also contains the following excipients:

  • water;
  • ethanol with antimicrobial effects;
  • glycerol for softening;
  • sodium thiosulfate for more effective elimination inflammation and destruction of toxins.

Otipax is known for its safe effects. Along with its effectiveness, this makes the product one of the most popular ear drops on the modern pharmaceutical market.


Let's find out in what cases the use of the drug Otipax is justified and recommended.

The drug is prescribed, as a rule, for otitis - inflammation of the middle ear. The product effectively eliminates symptoms of both acute and chronic disease. It helps on initial stage development of the disease and in advanced cases.

Otipax is often used for so-called barotraumatic otitis media. This disease develops in people who often experience pressure changes: pilots, divers, etc.

The drug also helps with inflammatory processes middle ear, which arose as a result of acute respiratory viral infection, sore throat, sinusitis or flu. If the immune system is weak, these diseases often cause otitis media as a complication. Drops are effective for otitis media of the middle and external ear during acute periods.

The drug is also prescribed for abscess (suppuration) outer ear. The medicine also helps with feelings of ear congestion, pain, and decreased level of auditory perception.

In addition to the above, the remedy eliminates the following symptoms:

  • redness;
  • irritation;
  • swelling;
  • swelling;
  • pain.

Read how to properly use hydrogen peroxide in the ear for ear congestion.


Despite the safety of the drug, there are points that become an obstacle to the use of the drug. Let's find out what these moments are.

In case of perforation of the ear (tympanic) membrane, the use of Otipax is prohibited.

In case of hypersensitivity to the components of the product or allergic manifestations Otipax cannot be used either.

Note: if you are involved in professional sports, then it would be useful to know that Otipax gives a positive result in doping tests.

How to use correctly according to the instructions for use

Let's find out exactly how to use this drug.

For adults

In this case, the drug should be instilled three times a day, 3-4 drops in each ear. The course is no more than ten days.

The good thing is that after instillation, literally 5-10 minutes later, you can already feel significant relief and subsidence of pain. And 3-5 days after the start of the course, the pain goes away completely. But, nevertheless, the assigned course must be completed in any case.

To ensure that the medicine gets exactly as intended when administering it, it is recommended to tilt your head to the side and maintain this position for some time after instillation. Drops are also used to treat otitis media.

Before instilling, you need to slightly warm the bottle in your hands so that the liquid can act more effectively.

For children

Thanks to its safe composition, Otipax is approved for use even in treatment infants. The components of the product do not settle in the tissues of the body and are excreted without residue.

The drug can be prescribed to children of any age: this is its advantage and difference from many others ear aids. But, nevertheless, it is not recommended to use the medicine without first consulting a doctor.


If the child is not yet one year old, he is prescribed one or two drops in each ear canal. There should be two or three such sessions per day.

If the baby is already two years old, an “adult” dosage is prescribed: 3-4 drops three times a day.

If the child is very small, then instead of instillation, you can get by with a cotton wool soaked in the product placed in the ear canal.

For pregnant

The safe composition allows the drug to be used by pregnant women, as well as women during breastfeeding.

The dosage in this case is prescribed by the doctor individually, but, as a rule, it is the same as in ordinary cases.

Contraindications for pregnant women: impaired integrity of the eardrum.

Otipax is especially effective when treatment is started early. In this case, it is usually possible to avoid all complications and significantly speed up the recovery process. Yes and painful sensations will not be so pronounced yet. In addition, early initiation of therapy will avoid suppuration, which sometimes even leads to perforation of the eardrum.

The drug does not have a negative effect on simultaneously used drugs, so it can be successfully used in complex treatment. Including allowed when simultaneous administration antibiotics and pain blocking drugs.

As shown clinical trials, a one-time use of the drug does not give a significant long-term result, therefore, in order to accurately cope with the disease, it is necessary to carry out the entire course of treatment to the end.


The cost (price) of the drug today ranges from 219 to 260 rubles. If you wish, you can look for cheaper analogues: they will be discussed below. But it should immediately be noted that among them there will be no equal in safety to Otipax.


Let's find out which drugs have an effect similar to Otipax.

Otirelax. These Romanian ear drops have a similar effect to Otipax, they have an almost identical composition. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

The causes and treatment if the inside of the ears itch are described.

Release form


1 g of solution contains: active ingredients: lidocaine hydrochloride 10 mg, phenazone 40 mg; excipients: sodium thiosulfate 1 mg, ethanol 221.8 mg, glycerol 709 mg, water 18.2 mg.

Pharmacological effect

Combined drug for local application. It has a local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect. Phenazone is an analgesic-antipyretic with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Lidocaine is a local anesthetic. The combination of phenazone and lidocaine promotes a faster onset of anesthesia, and also increases its intensity and duration.


Does not penetrate the body if the eardrum is intact.


Local symptomatic treatment and pain relief in children from birth and adults with: - otitis media in the acute period at the time of inflammation; - otitis media as a complication after influenza; - barotraumatic edema.


Perforation of the eardrum;- increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Precautionary measures

It is necessary to ensure the integrity of the eardrum before starting to use the drug. If the drug is used with a perforated eardrum, the drug may come into contact with the organs of the middle ear and lead to complications. Information for athletes: the drug contains an active component that can give a positive reaction during doping control.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

There are no restrictions on the use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding, provided the eardrum is intact.

Directions for use and doses

Drops are instilled into the external auditory canal, 3-4 drops 2-3 times a day. To avoid contact of the cold solution with auricle The bottle should be warmed in your palms before use. The duration of use of the drug Otipax is no more than 10 days, then the prescribed treatment should be reconsidered.

Side effects

Possible: allergic reactions, irritation and hyperemia of the ear canal.


Data on overdose of the drug Otipax are not provided.

Interaction with other drugs

Currently, there is no data on the interaction of Otipax with other drugs.

special instructions

Before starting to use the drug, you must ensure the integrity of the eardrum. If the drug is used with a perforated eardrum, the drug may come into contact with the organs of the middle ear and lead to complications. Information for athletes The drug contains an active component that can give a positive reaction during doping control.