How is calcium tablets best absorbed? Which calcium is better: quality testing

The modern rhythm of human life affects his nutrition and rest. In order to be on time everywhere, he is satisfied with snacks on the go, monotonous and poor-quality food. Such running in circles usually ends very badly. As a result of improper nutrition, a person develops vitamin deficiency and is impaired metabolic processes in organism. Very often the cause of such disorders is calcium deficiency. When trying to make up for the lack of this vital important element, a person resorts to a variety of synthetic analogues, not knowing that not every form of this macronutrient can be absorbed in the body.

Before listing calcium supplements, let's take a look at the reason for the deficiency important mineral. What causes its lack in the body? First of all, this happens due to age-related changes or as a result of metabolic pathologies. It is very important to understand that the problem of its removal in itself is not as pressing as the problem that causes the loss of this mineral. Even when receiving it in sufficient quantities, it is not absorbed due to digestive problems and hormonal imbalance.

Reasons preventing absorption:

  • diseases digestive system;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • disruptions in the regulation of metabolic reactions for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus;
  • poor nutrition;
  • vitamin D deficiency;
  • excessive salt intake;
  • anorexia and bulimia;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • consumption of large quantities of alcohol and nicotine.

Forms of calcium preparations

Before answering the question of which calcium is better, let’s find out what forms it exists:

So, the following forms are known:

  • calcium chelate;
  • calcium carbonate;
  • calcium citrate;
  • calcium gluconate;

Calcium chelate

Currently this form is the best product in the pharmaceutical market. Sometimes it is also found under another name: “ionic calcium”. Despite the high price, the product is in great demand among patients because it has high level digestibility. In addition, it prevents the formation of oxalates in gallbladder and kidneys. Chelate preparations are completely absorbed in the body and have virtually no adverse reactions. Moreover, there is no need for additional intake vitamin D. These drugs do not affect the functioning of the digestive system and do not require hydrochloric acid for their absorption. They are easily broken down in water and quickly release calcium ions, which prevents their excessive accumulation in the blood. The latter fact eliminates the likelihood of blood clots forming as a result of increased blood clotting.

Calcium carbonate

This product is also known as calcium carbonate. Its percentage of digestibility is not as high as compared to that described above. It is absorbed in the body at normal acidity by only 22%. If there is reduced acidity of the stomach, then its digestibility is virtually zero. Also, taking this drug can lead to the formation of oxalates in the kidneys. It has significant side effects: it causes nausea and vomiting, constipation, abdominal pain, reduces stomach acidity, and promotes the development of allergies. However, this form of calcium is in great demand due to the availability of the price factor.

Calcium citrate

It has a second name - calcium citrate. It is absorbed by the body two and a half times better than the previous form. However, he needs additional vitamin D3. Its digestibility percentage is about 45%. It has two significant and significant advantages. Firstly, drugs in this group do not require gastric juice, so it can be taken on an empty stomach. Secondly, do not form oxalates (stones) in the kidneys. We can say that this form has practically no contraindications. This group of drugs is suitable for older people (over 50) and those who have low stomach acidity. Also beneficial for diseases genitourinary system, because it changes the acidity of the environment to the alkaline side, which does not allow microorganisms to multiply.

Calcium gluconate

This form has the lowest degree of digestibility - about 3-4%. Also has a number side effects and needs to be taken together with vitamin D. The most unpleasant consequence with prolonged use of this drug - deposition of oxalic acid salts (oxalates) in the gallbladder and kidneys.

The product has a low price factor, but even in this case it is not popular because it is ineffective and has a number of negative effects.

Calcium in modern preparations

So which calcium is best? Let's look at the best calcium supplements available in different forms.


Designed to nourish joints and cartilage tissue. It has an excellent formulation and is made in powder form, which makes it easy to take. IN this remedy includes:

  • collagen;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • vitamin D3, etc.

Calcium magnesium chelate

The best calcium supplement because it is contained in chelated form. Contains:

  • vitamin D3;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus.

Vitamask (calcium complex)

This product includes two calcium forms: hydroxyapatite and citrate, as well as other minerals (zinc, phosphorus, boron, etc.) that improve its absorption. The product also contains a chondroitite sulfate complex, which prevents the destruction of cartilage tissue.

Ortho calcium magnesium

Contains a complex of essential minerals. Release form: powder, taken 1 spoon per day. Contains:

  • manganese;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • vitamin D3
  • vitamin K1;
  • vitamin B6, etc.

How to take calcium correctly

The daily dose of calcium varies for different age categories. For example, for middle-aged men and women (30−45 years old) daily dose should be 800 mg. For older people (55 years and above) - 1200 mg.

The drug is taken once a day, that is, the daily dose is drunk at one time. If a calcium supplement is taken separately from vitamin D, then it is better to take the vitamin two hours before it.

The best means for absorption are the combined forms of calcium and vitamin D3, which we wrote about above. Such drugs have virtually no side effects and are not deposited in the form of kidney stones.

Calcium is essential for the health of any person, and especially for the fair sex. This is due to the fact that sex hormones take an active part in the calcium cycle in the body, and after menopause their quantity decreases. Following this, the density also decreases. bone tissue, there is a tendency to fractures. How do we know if we are getting enough calcium?

Symptoms of calcium deficiency in women

The norm of calcium in a woman’s body depends on age and changes depending on the needs of growth or changes in bone tissue. Experts recommend the following average amounts of calcium per day:

  • 0.7 g at the age of 1-3 years,
  • 1 g at the age of 4-8 years,
  • 1.3 g at the age of 9-18 years,
  • 1 g at the age of 19-50 years,
  • 1.2 g at age 51 and older.

During pregnancy and lactation, the norm increases to 1.5 g.

After 30 years female body gradually begins to lose bone density due to decreased physical activity and hormonal changes, which worsens during menopause. A lack of calcium in a woman’s body can manifest itself in different ways. For example, tingling and numbness in the fingers may indicate a slight degree of hypocalcemia, and with a more serious deficiency of the mineral, involuntary muscle twitching and cramps are possible.

Chronic calcium deficiency can lead to neuropsychiatric symptoms such as depression, bad memory, problems with thinking, insomnia.

Calcium deficiency can negatively affect electrical conductivity hearts. Symptoms may include arrhythmia (the feeling that the heart is skipping beats or beating too quickly), shortness of breath, and swelling.

Lack of calcium in women clearly visible in the condition of the skin, nails and hair. The skin may experience dryness and itching. Brittle nails and deterioration of teeth are also symptoms of calcium deficiency. If calcium absorption is significantly impaired, osteoporosis and a tendency to fractures develop, especially in older women.

5 calcium supplements for women

Preparations: “Calcium Sandoz Forte”, “Calcium-D3 Nycomed”, “Calcium + Vitamin C”, “Ostalon Calcium-D”, “Veprena”

Of course, we should consume the bulk of calcium with food. However, calcium does not always remain in the body even with sufficient consumption. Moreover, it may be eliminated faster than it should. All this suggests that it is important not only to take calcium for women after 50 years, the preparations must also contain additional substances - regulators of its metabolism. Let's look at several popular medications that can compensate for calcium deficiency.

There are contraindications, use after consulting your doctor

  1. Calcium Sandoz Forte

    Calcium in nature exists in the form of salts, which have different bioavailability. Effervescent tablets Calcium Sandoz Forte not only have a pleasant orange taste, they are specially designed chemical composition calcium salts and auxiliary substances so as to ensure high absorption of calcium in the human intestine.

    The drug is produced in France. There are tablets with dosages of calcium equivalent of 0.5 and 1 g, which contain two calcium salts:

    • carbonate (0.875 or 1.75 g),
    • lactogluconate (1.132 or 2.263 g).

    Packing cent 20 pcs. tablets of 0.5 g of calcium - from 311 to 365 rubles.

  2. Calcium-D3 Nycomed

    Popular calcium supplements for women are based on a combination of calcium salt and vitamin D3. This vitamin is called “sunshine” because its synthesis occurs under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Its main function is to maintain optimal levels calcium and phosphorus in the blood. Similar combination active substances contained in Calcium-D3 Nycomed. It allows the body to effectively absorb incoming calcium.

    Calcium carbonate in the preparation is 1.25 g, which is equivalent to 0.5 g of “pure” calcium, cholecalciferol (D3) – 200 IU. The drug is produced by the Norwegian company Nycomed in the form chewable tablets with mint and orange flavor. The cost of a package of 20 tablets is in the range of 222-253 rubles. The company also produces Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte, in which the concentration of vitamin D is doubled.

  3. Calcium+Vitamin C

    To prevent osteoporosis and other age-related disorders, you need more than just calcium. Vitamin C is not synthesized in the human body, so the need for it is great. The drug Calcium + Vitamin C from the Dutch company Natur Product will help replenish the normal balance of vitamins and reduce the risk of calcium deficiency.

    It is available in the form of soluble effervescent tablets with a pleasant orange aroma and contains 0.18 g of vitamin C and 0.5 g of calcium carbonate. Packing of tablets 12 pcs. costs from 141 to 147 rubles.

  4. Ostalon Calcium-D

    According to experts, calcium-containing drugs for women over 50 should be prescribed in combination with bone turnover regulators. In the modern pharmaceutical industry, there are just such combination drugs. One of them is Ostalon Calcium-D, which is produced by Gedeon Richter. The drug contains two types of tablets:

    • calcium carbonate (1.578 g) + Vitamin D3 (400 IU) + Excipients,
    • alendronic acid (70 mg) + excipients.

    Normally, there is a dynamic balance between the processes of bone formation and its resorption (resorption). Alendronic acid is a bisphosphonate, a substance that slows down the rate of bone resorption. The ongoing process of bone formation against this background leads to an increase in its density, therefore Ostalon Calcium-D is prescribed in the treatment of osteoporosis. The cost of packaging is from 789 to 805 rubles.

  5. Veprena

    If we assume that best calcium for women, one that not only enters, but is also absorbed in the body, then another type of antiresorptive drug needs to be considered. These are medications with thyrocalcitonin, which stimulates the uptake of calcium by bone cells.

    Age-related calcitonin deficiency can also cause calcium deficiency in women. The domestic drug Veprena (Nativa LLC) will help replenish its supply. It is available as a nasal spray and contains 200 IU of salmon calcitonin and excipients. The cost of one bottle is from 1050 rubles. Veprena should be taken together with calcium-containing medications.

Calcium preparations - comparison table
A drug Active components: What is it produced in: Manufacturer:
Calcium Sandoz Forte Calcium carbonate, calcium lactogluconate 500 mg or 1000 mg (in terms of pure calcium) Effervescent tablets in a pencil case, 10 or 20 pieces France
Calcium D3 Nycomed Calcium carbonate + Colecalciferol (in 1 tablet 500 mg calcium (pure) + 0.005 mg (200 IU) vitamin D) Chewable tablets (orange or mint) each: 20, 30, 50, 100 pcs per jar Norway
Calcium + Vitamin C Calcium Carbonate + Ascorbic acid(1 tablet contains 500 mg calcium + 180 mg vitamin C) Effervescent tablets in a pencil case, 10 or 12 pieces Netherlands
Ostalon Calcium-D Calcium carbonate + Colecalciferol (in 1 tablet 1500 mg of calcium (pure) + 400 IU of vitamin D) + Alendronic acid (in 1 tablet 70 mg) Tablets of 2 types, 32 or 96 pcs. Hungary
Veprena Calcitonin (200IU) Nasal spray Russia

Of course, this is far from full list medications that can normalize the calcium balance in your body. However, we must remember that despite its importance and necessity, calcium, if overdosed or taken incorrectly, can cause complications. The upper limit of daily calcium intake for people over the age of 50 is considered to be 2 g. Exceeding the dosage increases the risk of kidney stones. Medicines containing calcium metabolism regulators must be taken under the supervision of a physician.

To maintain normal bone density it is necessary to consume calcium, but calcium is very poorly absorbed by the body and this is a whole problem - calcium metabolism, etc. But it is known that in order for calcium to be absorbed, it is best to use it together with magnesium in a two to one ratio, then the absorption of calcium significantly improves. Also, for even more effective absorption, phosphorus and vitamin D are needed.

The effect of more than 90% absorption is ensured simultaneous administration all four components, and now there are preparations containing all elements + calcium in the form of calcium citrate, which is more digestible for the body. Therefore, the question arises which calcium supplements are better absorbed in order to choose the more effective one and quickly cope with the lack of calcium in the body.

Calcium is a macronutrient, 99% of it is found in bone tissue in the form of hydroxyapatite, and about 1% is in the extracellular fluid and soft tissues, where calcium is involved in the regulation of essential physiological processes, which form the basis of the functional activity of cells in the human body.

Calcium balance in the body is maintained and regulated by two main hormones - calcitriol (an active metabolite of vitamin D) and parathyroid hormone (PTH).

The only source of calcium is food. At the same time, the richest foods in it are dairy products, fish (dried, canned), nuts, dried fruits, and herbs. However, less than half of the calcium supplied with food is absorbed in the intestines of an adult. In children during rapid growth, as in women during pregnancy and lactation, calcium absorption increases, but in older people it decreases. This process is completely influenced by the active metabolites of vitamin D.

It should be noted that most studies have shown insufficient dietary calcium intake. All over the world in last years actual dietary calcium intake is declining: for example, in the United States it decreased from 840 mg in 1977 to 634 mg in 1992.

Pharmaceutical companies offer many different calcium supplements. However, there is a problem of choosing the most effective and safe, especially when it comes to their administration to children and pregnant women, as well as during a long course of use. It has been proven that calcium is absorbed only in combination with the active form of vitamin D; therefore, the combination of calcium salts with vitamin D 3 is optimal. Therefore, it is worth understanding which calcium preparations available in pharmacies are best absorbed by the body.

These are all those drugs that contain calcium citrate; it is this salt that ensures its best absorption in the body. IN modern drugs contains calcium citrate in the form of calcium citrate tetrahydrate, also containing calcium carbonate (chalk), vitamin D 3 (colecalciferol), manganese in the form of manganese sulfate. The presence of manganese and vitamin D 3 significantly increases the absorption of calcium by the body.

How to take calcium supplements?

The daily dose of calcium should be no more than 1500 mg and no more than 600 mg at a time, taking into account its content in the food consumed. Calcium supplements with vitamin D are considered more effective and safe, as they improve calcium absorption and reduce the risk of thromboembolism. But if treatment is carried out with single drugs, then vitamin D should be taken 1-2 hours before the calcium supplement for greater effectiveness.

Folk remedy: sprinkle crushed eggshells lemon juice and take it with food. But even at the same time, it is absorbed by 50-60%, so you need to take this “old-fashioned calcium preparation” 2 times a day for 2 months.

Modern calcium preparations

Calcium D3 Nycomed(calcium carbonate + vitamin D 3) - contains 200 IU of vitamin D 3 in one tablet. The most prescribed drug due to its good tolerance. There are virtually no side effects. Available in the form of chewable tablets, with fruit flavor;

Calcium D3 Nycomed Fort e (calcium carbonate + vitamin D 3) - contains 400 IU of vitamin D3 in one tablet. Designed for more intensive therapy;

Complivit Calcium D 3(calcium carbonate + vitamin D 3) - similar drug, but cheaper.

Calcium Sandoz Forte(calcium lactogluconate + calcium carbonate) - effervescent tablets with a pleasant taste. Thanks to the special composition, when dissolved in water, a form that is well absorbed in the body is formed - calcium citrate. Suitable for use by people with low acidity. Additionally, vitamin D 3 is prescribed;

Calcemin Advance(calcium carbonate + calcium citrate + vitamin D 3 + copper, boron, manganese, zinc, magnesium) - has a complex effect in the treatment of osteoporosis due to its optimal composition;

Vitrum-calcium-D 3(oyster shell calcium carbonate + vitamin D 3) - intended for early prevention of calcium deficiency. (Author's notes: more like a publicity stunt, calcium carbonate is chalk, and chalk is already a mineral from the shells of various mollusks)

Calcepan(tricalcium phosphate + vitamin D 3 and C + extracts of St. John's wort, Kuril tea, red rowan fruits + pantohematogen) - due to its composition, it replenishes calcium deficiency and regulates


If you take only calcium supplements, you really risk wasting time and money. And all because this element is absorbed only when the body receives vitamins C, D, E, B vitamins in sufficient quantities, as well as minerals magnesium and phosphorus. They all help absorb the macronutrients you need. Without them, calcium becomes insoluble and accumulates in soft tissues and joints.

To properly compensate for calcium deficiency, you can take vitamins and minerals in addition to calcium supplements. various forms. However, taking many different pills throughout the day is inconvenient and unprofitable. A vitamin complex can solve the problem.

Until the age of 20, our body absorbs calcium from food quite well: a lot gastric juice and it is highly concentrated. And then... no matter how much calcium we put in our mouths, less and less will enter the body over the years, and our need for calcium increases with age.

There is a lot of calcium in milk, cottage cheese, hard cheeses, fish, eggs, green vegetables, nuts, even drinking water, but in food it is in molecular form, and humans need it in ionic form, otherwise it is not absorbed.

In order for calcium to be better absorbed by the body from food in adulthood, the normal state of the intestines, bone tissue and kidneys is necessary. Along with calcium, the following must be present: vitamin D, phosphates, magnesium, fats (and all this in certain proportions, for example, for 1 gram of fat obtained from food you need about 10 mg of calcium, no more and no less).

Calcium requirements may increase with fractures to accelerate callus formation.
In the first 1-3 weeks (depending on the severity of the fracture), your diet should include easily digestible foods, eat frequently (5-6 times a day), in small portions. Avoid foods and dishes that increase intestinal discomfort, as well as strong vegetable, meat and fish broths and gravies.

In case of severe and complicated fractures, during the first 1-3 weeks, they are excluded or sharply limited. salt(so as not to increase swelling) and easily digestible carbohydrates. Bran is consumed in the form of decoctions. The basis of nutrition is dairy products, vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, celery, turnips, beets, potatoes, cabbage, green peas, beans), fruits (apples, citrus fruits), berries (red currants), raisins. This diet is anti-inflammatory, desensitizing and alkalizing.

When the process of active fusion of bones begins and the need arises to strengthen the repair processes, they switch to acidotic diet. It is based on rice, millet or oatmeal porridge in meat broth, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, boiled or stewed fish, meat (beef, veal), lingonberry jelly or lingonberries. Jellied meat is very useful.

Calcium plays an important role in the body's vital functions. However, there are no unimportant microelements in the body at all. But it is calcium that is responsible for the passage of nerve impulses in the heart and skeletal muscles, affects blood clotting, is responsible for the strength of bones, teeth, and normal activity of the nervous system.

With a lack of Ca (calcium), an imbalance begins in the body. For some time he is compensated by work parathyroid glands, which immediately go into action and begin to wash it out of the bones. But this cannot go on for long. Children, pregnant women, and people over 55 years of age are more likely to find themselves in a dangerous situation. Food cannot always fully satisfy the body's needs, then they use medications. But how to drink calcium so that it is absorbed?

What medications are there?

There are three types of calcium-based preparations:

  • calcium salts,
  • combination products with vitamin D,
  • complex, which in addition to Ca and vitamin D contains a number of other vitamins and minerals.

It is important to know the elemental calcium content of salts. For example, most of the microelement is found in combination with carbonate and citrate (400 mg/g and 210 mg/g, respectively). But the well-known calcium gluconate contains a minimal amount of microelement (90 mg/g), so its use, although safe, often does not give the desired clinical result. Among the drugs on the pharmaceutical market are Calcium gluconate and Calcium fruit gluconate. Sometimes doctors prescribe a quotation mixture, which, if prepared, is made in pharmacies with a prescription.

Pharmacists, when asked how to drink calcium so that it is absorbed, responded by creating preparations combined with vitamin D. Since in some cases it is its deficiency that leads to the fact that a sufficient supply of the microelement with food cannot be absorbed in the intestines. Among combined agents Calcium-D3 Nycomed, Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte, Calcium-D3-MIC, Calcium-D3-MIC Forte are known.

Complex products for the treatment of calcium deficiency are represented by the drugs Kalcemin, Kalcemin Advance, Kalcemin Silver, Pharmaton Kiddy, Osteogenon, Vitrum Osteomag

How to drink calcium so that it is absorbed?

To do this, you need to follow the doctor’s instructions, do not violate the regimen and frequency of administration, and also do not change the dosage yourself.

Typically, in therapeutic practice, combination drugs are prescribed, since cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) directly affects the metabolism of the mineral.

If necessary long-term treatment They also give preference to combined rather than complex drugs.

It should be remembered that even dietary supplements are medicine, which cannot be used without indications and consultation with a doctor. Since not only a deficiency of an element is dangerous, but also its excess.

Calcium carbonate-based preparations are prescribed to be taken during or after meals. This is due to the fact that it is better absorbed when increased acidity stomach, and also produces fewer side effects.

At the same time you start taking medications, enrich your diet with foods that are rich in calcium and vitamin D. However, to increase bioavailability, beware of taking them with dairy products.

How to drink calcium so that it is absorbed without changing your diet? Calcium is bound and removed from the body by oxalates and phytin, so foods such as sorrel, spinach and various cereals should not be consumed at the same time as the medicine.

Drink it with plenty of water, this will ensure better dissolution and absorption, and will also reduce the incidence of possible side effects such as constipation.

Concomitant use of certain medications may lead to the formation of inactive or toxic salts. These drugs include: cardiac glycosides, tetracycline, iron, barbiturates, laxatives, thiazide diuretics.

To increase the bioavailability of calcium, its daily dose is divided into several doses.

Traditional methods

Use self-made bone meal mixtures, eggshells, shellfish shells, should be handled with caution. It is generally not recommended for use in children and pregnant women. First, the elemental Ca content and its salt form are unknown. And for children, dosages are important! Secondly, these mixtures may contain toxic impurities, infection (shells), irritate the stomach (lemon juice) or be an allergen.

If you take drugs of this type, make sure that the single dosage is not too large. When taking calcium, no more than 500-600 mg is absorbed in the intestines, which means it makes no sense to take a larger dose. If you require more per day, divide the entire daily norm for several appointments.

It is best to take calcium supplements in the evening, since bone destruction processes actively occur in the body at night. For best absorption, calcium should be consumed between meals with any acidic liquid - cranberry juice, orange juice, etc. In this form, the drug is absorbed much better. Thanks to the additional acidic environment, citrate is formed, which ensures the absorption of calcium regardless of the gastric environment.

What medications are prescribed for a lack of calcium in the body?

WITH therapeutic purpose Calcium preparations (salts) are prescribed: gluconate, lactate, iodide, carbonate, chloride. They are not recommended to be washed down with milk. It is also necessary to exclude from the diet foods containing oxalic and acetic acids.

Prescribing calcium supplements is one thing, but getting desired result- completely different.
That is, for the absorption of calcium carbonate, a huge amount is required of hydrochloric acid secreted by the stomach. IN at a young age this is not a problem, the stomach absorbs heavy calcium carbonate quite freely, but at any chronic diseases(and not only those associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract), the release of hydrochloric acid becomes reduced and calcium carbonate is not absorbed, but is excreted by the body as waste.

Best absorption in gastrointestinal tract The one with the lowest risk of stone formation is calcium citrate (that is, the calcium salt of citric acid). Therefore, it is recommended to drink calcium carbonate with lemon juice. Calcium citrate is part of a number of calcium preparations, consisting of a mixture of several calcium salts.

Preparations with calcium citrate do not require the acidity of gastric juice and are preferable in individuals with hypo- and anacid conditions.

What's happened acid-base balance body?

Most of us remember from school that substances are divided into acidic, alkaline and neutral. Indicators that determine acidity or alkalinity aqueous solutions, are litmus, phenolphthalein, methyl orange. The most commonly used is litmus paper (paper soaked in a litmus solution and then dried), which changes color depending on the environment in which it enters. The unit of measurement of acidity, or alkalinity, of solutions is the pH indicator, determined on a color scale, on which 0 means the most acidic environment (crimson color), 14 - the most alkaline environment (dark blue color), the middle of the scale - 7 - corresponds to a neutral environment ( green color). Distilled hearth is neutral and has a pH value of 7.

The abbreviation pH (potential hydrogen) itself stands for hydrogen potential. Acids are complex substances that, when dissolved in water, always release hydrogen cations. The pH value of any solution is nothing more than the level of concentration of hydrogen cations.

The human body consists of 70% liquids of one kind or another, therefore all substances that change their composition and acidity have a global effect on the body as a whole.

Almost all fluids in the system human body, are either neutral or slightly alkaline, with the exception of gastric juice: the pH of gastric juice is 1.0, healthy blood- 7.4, healthy lymph - 7.5, saliva - 7.4. A shift in balance towards increasing the acidity of the system is one of the main causes of many diseases.

The body has difficulty removing excess acids, and when the acidity of the blood or lymph increases excessively, and this continues long time- arise various diseases. In an acidic environment, many viruses and bacteria multiply intensively, causing various diseases, but in an alkaline environment they, as a rule, die. When the body's system becomes alkalized and the normal acid-base balance returns, the person begins to recover.

Calcium placed in any liquid neutralizes excess acidity, which means it increases the pH value. With daily calcium intake, all fluids in our body become more alkaline, and therefore the entire body as a whole.

The body is constantly looking for a reserve of alkali to neutralize large quantity acids and this reserve is only one - bones. Calcium found in bones. Therefore, when we eat acidic foods and drink acidic drinks, we constantly use up calcium.

A quality calcium supplement must meet the following characteristics:

· no side effects, easy to use;

· in addition to calcium, the supplements should contain nutrients, vitamins and microelements.

There are many types of calcium: calcium carbonate, calcium chloride, calcium citrate, calcium glycerophosphate, calcium lactate, calcium gluconate, calcium phosphate, etc. Preference should be given to hydroxyapatite and calcium citrate.

· Calcium hydroxyapatite is part of bone tissue. Bone tissue consists of organic and mineral parts. The mineral part of the bones and the hard part of our teeth consists of calcium hydroxyapatite. Unlike other, less soluble calcium salts, calcium hydroxyapatite easily dissolves in gastric contents, is well absorbed and does not provoke calcification of arterial walls, the formation of stones in the gall bladder, renal pelvis and tubules.

· Calcium citrate is a salt of citric acid, one of the most effective and safe forms of calcium. The absorption of calcium from calcium citrate is not affected by food intake or the acidity of gastric juice.

It's no secret that some types of calcium long-term use promote the formation of kidney stones. In contrast, calcium citrate is highly soluble in water and is a form of calcium that not only does not increase the risk of developing urolithiasis, but also provides additional protection against the formation of stones from oxalates and uric acid (provided that the calcium preparation contains another calcium salt along with calcium citrate). The only disadvantage of calcium citrate compared to other types of calcium is its slightly higher price.

How to take calcium

Calcium supplements are highly effective as a sleep aid and may provide better night sleep;

· the need for calcium is increased in women during pregnancy and lactation, in all people during the period after illness and during stressful situations;

· calcium (including in vitamins) forms insoluble compounds when combined with spinach, rhubarb, sorrel and other foods rich in oxalic acid. The effectiveness of drugs and vitamins is reduced to almost zero, and in the kidneys and bladder oxalate stones may form;

· the duration of taking a calcium supplement depends on many factors - your diet (the amount of calcium you consume), the quality of calcium supplements you take, lifestyle, age, etc.;

· calcium is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract with difficulty and only in a certain amount - 300-400 mg per dose. Therefore, there is no point in taking more at one time, since excess calcium will still be removed from the body unused. The daily dose should be divided into 2-3 parts;

· Most of the daily dose of calcium should be taken in the evening, because calcium is deposited in bone tissue at night;

· Calcium should be used together with vitamin D3. This is an inactive form of vitamin D, which is necessary so that calcium can be absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.

· When taking calcium supplements, you should take a sufficient amount of fluid (drink at least 1 glass of water at each dose).

Calcium gluconate

This is one of the most common calcium preparations worldwide. Considered as the drug of first choice for intravenous administration when seizures associated with calcium deficiency occur. Available in tablets of 250 and 500 mg, as well as in the form of a 10% solution for injection. Tablets are often produced with fruit additives, as well as cocoa flavor.

Like calcium chloride solutions, calcium gluconate solutions can cause local tissue irritation, although not as severe.

Intramuscular and subcutaneous administration of calcium gluconate is also contraindicated, although some pharmacological guidelines (domestic) allow intramuscular injection calcium gluconate, but exclusively for adults. For children - only intravenously!

Practical use Calcium gluconate is often useless due to improper dosage.


· the average daily dose of calcium gluconate for adults is 15 g, i.e. 30 tablets of 500 mg or 60 tablets of 250 mg!

Average daily doses for children:

o up to a year - 1.5 g (3 tablets of 500 mg);

o 1–4 years - 3 g (6 tablets of 500 mg);

o 5–9 years - 3–6 g (6–12 tablets of 500 mg each);

o 10–14 years - 6–9 g (12–18 tablets of 500 mg each).

It is advisable to divide the daily dose into several doses (2–4). Taking calcium gluconate orally in most cases is not accompanied by any side effects.

Calcium lactate

Available in 500 mg tablets. It contains a larger amount of calcium compared to gluconate, so it is much more convenient to take (the average daily dose is 3-4 times less than that for calcium gluconate).

Gluconate, chloride and lactate are the calcium preparations most commonly used. However, the list of calcium salts prescribed by doctors is not limited to these drugs. Other calcium preparations (carbonate, phosphate, glycerophosphate, acetate, citrate) do not have any special advantages or special indications for use.

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