How to start the morning. The right start to the day. How to start the morning correctly? Whoever you are, thank you for everything

For many people, morning is associated with some kind of nightmare. The damn alarm clock rings again in your sleep and your still sluggish brain understands that it’s already morning. You lie in bed, realizing that you need to get up, but you can’t bring yourself to move even a little. Somehow tearing your head off the pillow, you go like a zombie to wash up and prepare breakfast for yourself. After some time, you realize that you are already late and start rushing around the entire apartment like a broom. Heavy thoughts about going again simply depress you and even the brightly shining sun is not a joy for you...

You can do everything differently. You can just take it and spend every minute consciously, without spending on unnecessary things. And then the morning will become a very good bonus that will help you take off to a new step in your development and achieve success and happiness in personal life. Everyone needs to use this time for their own benefit. I'll give you some effective advice which I apply in my life. They will help you start your morning correctly so that it is as effective as possible and does not turn into another unwanted nightmare for you.

People don't appreciate mornings. They forcefully wake up to the ringing of an alarm clock, which breaks their sleep like an ax blow, and immediately indulge in sad vanity. Tell me what a day can be like that begins with such a violent act! What should happen to people who get a small electric shock every day using an alarm clock! Day by day they become accustomed to violence and day by day wean themselves from pleasure.

Milan Kundera

Early rise

Successful people tend to be early birds. This peaceful period until the whole world awakens is the most important, inspiring and peaceful part of the day. Those who discovered this habit for themselves claim that they did not live full life until we started waking up at 5am every day. When I started waking up at 5 am, my life really changed.

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Learn to go to bed at least at 11 pm. Then you won't have to constantly reset your alarm clock to sleep for another 5 minutes. You will jump up before him, feeling that your night pit stop was successful. In addition, the rays of the morning sun will add more energy and joy to your life. Yes, I don’t argue, it’s very difficult, but believe me, it’s worth it!


After getting up early, I begin to thank the Universe for a wonderful new day, for the health I have, for harmonious relationships with people, for the opportunity to do what you love, for the opportunity to travel and see the beauty of this world, for the opportunity to know yourself and fulfill your destiny. Understand with what thoughts and feelings you get up in the morning, this is how your whole day will go.

– this is a great opportunity to start your morning right. Give your love to this world and receive it back tenfold. What we emit is what we receive. The law of attraction in this case will instantly begin to work for you. Thank, thank and thank again.

Glass of water with lemon

Before you start breakfast, you need to digestive tract also woke up and launched all the main functions. So, lemon juice with water is a wonderful invigorating drink that will revive you and your body. In addition, it will help in the benefits of losing weight and cleansing the body. Water and lemon cleanse the liver very well and remove waste and toxins.

Cold and hot shower

It is very good for your body in the morning. Under the influence hot water The pores of the skin open and the blood vessels begin to dilate. As a result, toxins are removed from the body. And the alternating effects of heat and cold strengthen blood vessels, increasing blood circulation, and blood stagnation resolves.

The most important thing is that this procedure for healing the body is completely free, unlike pills in pharmacies. Start your morning right with contrast shower because this will allow you to wake up faster and activate all your energy reserves in order to do your work more efficiently.

Morning work-out

Next, you need to do a set of physical exercises chosen by you after sleep, or simply say morning exercises, which will affect the main muscle groups. Its goal is to awaken the basic processes of life and increase the overall tone of the body, thereby ensuring a smooth transition of the body from a state of rest to combat readiness. Complexes morning exercises there are so many, I don’t want to choose. I chose the “Surya Namaskar” yoga complex for myself. The selected asanas have an excellent effect on my body.

Proper breakfast

And then you can start your breakfast. – the key to an energetic day. Unfortunately, 80% of people eat breakfast completely wrong. Some people even have breakfast and only drink coffee at work, while others, on the contrary, start stuffing everything in a row because they were told that tomorrow should be the most important thing in their meal schedule.

And these are the extremes that prevent you from starting the morning correctly, because you will not have energy from undereating or overeating. There should always be a sense of proportion in everything. The best breakfast is fruit. Bananas, kiwi, oranges, apples. You can also add greens and make a green smoothie in a blender. This is the right breakfast to start your morning with.

Look at your goal diary

And now you are finally cheerful, fresh, cheerful and energetic to move towards success. And a lot important point is to review your goals in the morning. You should already have them written down from the evening in your . Yeah, that's how I planned my affairs. This will be the most important thing for me. I’ll do it right away, and then there will be secondary matters. If you still work for your uncle, then after work there are always important and not so important things to do. Things should always be prioritized; nothing should be forgotten or left for later.


Once upon a time I didn’t like the morning either and made a very big mistake. Getting up in the morning and realizing that you have one more day to love, to inspire - it’s so wonderful. Learn to get up in the morning with good thoughts and smile to the rising sun, slowly get ready for work, consciously live every minute of the beginning of the day and you will see how your life will change, turn to face you and help you in all your endeavors.

We don’t know how our day will turn out: whether it will be fruitful and positive or, on the contrary, gloomy and inhospitable. However, we can help this - after all, a lot, according to doctors and psychologists, depends on what and how we do in the morning. Do you want your day to be a success, and you to feel cheerful and look your best? Then listen to our advice and find out how to start your day right.

  • 1
    Let more light into the room!

Did you know that natural light affects a person's body weight? This unexpected conclusion was reached by scientists from the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University in Chicago (USA). Doctors don’t yet know exactly why this happens, but they assume that the light synchronizes The biological clock person.

The best time for sunbathing, according to researchers, is from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. If there is no sun in the morning or very little of it, a malfunction occurs in the body, which, alas, can negatively affect the metabolism and provoke the appearance of excess weight.

To ensure your biological clock is set correctly, expose your face and body to light for at least 20 minutes in the morning. Experts advise drinking your morning cup of coffee outside; if you don’t have this opportunity, try to at least have breakfast in front of the window. And don’t forget to ventilate the room before doing this - let Fresh air will penetrate into all corners of your apartment!

If there is a catastrophic lack of sun in the morning (and this happens often in our country), vitamin D will help regulate biochemical processes in the body.

In its “natural” form, it is formed in the skin under the influence sun rays. When they are not enough, doctors advise taking vitamin D in capsules (there are other forms: drops, solutions, tablets) or increasing the consumption of foods that contain it - eggs, dairy products, fish fat. Frequent use of vitamin D supplements can lead to an overdose, so it is better to consult a specialist before taking them.

  • 2 Don't forget a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach!

At night, when our body rests and its systems and organs work with minimal energy load, digestive wastes, in other words, toxins and wastes, settle on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. In order to wash them off and prepare the gastrointestinal tract for new daily stress, you need to drink a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach. In addition, simple clean food gives a person vigor and gives strength for an active working day, says Leslie Bonzi, director of the department sports nutrition Treatment center sports medicine at the University of Pittsburgh (USA).

If the body does not have enough fluid, it causes fatigue, increases sweating and even contributes to headaches.

Drink at least one glass in the morning clean water. It is optimal if after this your breakfast starts in 20–30 minutes. Raw water with honey on an empty stomach will strengthen the body's defenses and calm nervous system. And also, if you do not suffer from stomach diseases, you can add lemon to the water - lemon water on an empty stomach will charge you with energy for the whole day and, in addition, will help cleanse blood vessels and arteries.

  • 3 Exercise on an empty stomach has little benefit

How to start the day right? Of course, with charging! But this should not be done on an empty stomach. Firstly, you simply cannot, being hungry, do well in the morning those exercises that require maximum dedication. Secondly, at this time fat reserves are not consumed, but the muscles are subjected to destructive stress. This can lead to loss of energy and feelings of chronic fatigue.

Before starting your workout (or better yet, 15–20 minutes before you start exercising), “supply” your body with simple carbohydrates, which will give him strength and energy.

Simple carbohydrates are easily absorbed by the body, and you will not feel heavy in your stomach during exercise. So you can easily eat half an avocado or banana with a cracker before exercising.

  • 4 A proper breakfast is the key to a successful day

In the morning, the human body must receive the required portion of calories. And if before playing sports you have already had a little snack, after them (preferably 30 minutes later, unless, of course, you are in a hurry to get to work and you have time for this) you need to eat more thoroughly. If morning exercises are not your thing, start not with a snack, but right away with.

It is advisable that the amount of protein in breakfast be at least 30 g, according to scientists from the University of Texas at Austin (USA). This will give you the opportunity for a long time not feel hungry, which is especially important for those who want to lose weight.

However, it is undesirable to consume more than 30 g - at once, in one sitting, protein in large quantities is absorbed worse by the body. According to other studies, the metabolism of those people who get enough protein at breakfast (but not Furthermore what we called) occurs on average 4% more intensely than the average, which also has a good effect on well-being and weight.

Want to know if you ate enough for breakfast? The best way do it - cook for yourself oatmeal. What are the benefits of oatmeal for breakfast? Oat groats is rich in protein, so when consumed in the morning, you will get one of the healthiest and most satisfying meals. In oatmeal (to prepare it, half a cup is enough oatmeal) you can add cinnamon, honey, apples or walnuts.

Eggs for breakfast too great idea. Previously it was believed that chicken eggs- the product is harmful because they contribute to the accumulation of “bad” cholesterol in the body, however modern research show that this is not the case; on the contrary, when consumed in moderation, eggs are very useful (they contain about twelve essential vitamins and a huge amount of microelements). In addition, according to recent studies, they reduce the risk of obesity. Doctors recommend eating no more than 2-3 eggs in the morning.

  • 5 Smile!

Psychologists advise starting your day with a smile. And even if you got up on the wrong foot, still try to “squeeze out” a smile - after this, according to experts, you will feel better and, perhaps, your mood will improve.

Start by simply smiling at your reflection, and then at breakfast, choose dishes in the brightest, rainbow colors - this will set you up in an optimistic mood.

If nothing makes you happy, think about something pleasant, turn on your favorite music and think that everything will work out great for you today, and the new day will give you a lot interesting meetings and events.

This article will cover such a popular and important topic for many people as the right start to the day. After all, productivity and work mood, level of energy and self-motivation depend on how we get up in the morning. After studying this material, you will know how to start the morning correctly, what you need to do and what is not recommended. So, let's go!

Psychologists have long proven that starting the work day correctly is very important for getting in the mood for the whole day. There is even a saying: “I got off on the wrong foot,” which reflects this rule. Statistics show that most people start their day wrong, so they end up dragging their feet. Exist certain rules, how to start the morning correctly, which we will consider.

Plan your bedtime

To start your working day fruitfully, you need to go to bed on time. A working adult needs 7-9 sleeps to fully recover. Moreover, there is one interesting point: the sooner you go to bed, the less time it will take to recover. Optimal time going to bed - between 22-00 and 23-00.

In this case, you can wake up from 5 to 6 in the morning and feel great. If you go to bed at twelve or one in the morning, it will take not 7 hours, but 8 or nine, to restore energy. That is, when you get up at 7-00 you will feel sleepy and not enough sleep.

For healthy sleep you need an optimal microclimate in the bedroom. Comfortable air temperature - plus 20 degrees Celsius, the room should be ventilated, the bed should be clean and fresh.

Start your morning with activity

A person’s behavior in the first hour after waking up sets the tone for the whole day. For this reason, you need to take time after sleep active actions, both physical and mental.

The right start to the day in my opinion

  • Morning exercises and jogging.
  • Contrast shower, hygiene procedures.
  • Stretching.
  • Checking working documents.
  • Meditation.

How not to start your morning

  • To drink coffee.
  • Watch TV or read social media(unless it is work related).
  • Watch TV while lying in bed.

Take time to plan in the morning

Take 15 minutes of your time to write down a list of things you want to do and prioritize it. This will allow you not to be distracted by pointless activities, as you will have a clear plan of action. When compiling it, take into account biological rhythms These are the periods when a person is most efficient and productive. Everyone has their own. My first period is from about 9-00 am to 12-00, the second from 14-00 to 15-30. It is during these intervals that I try to cram the most important things to do for the day.

Compliance with these three simple rules will help you increase your productivity. Start your day right so that your energy levels are at their highest throughout.

How do I start my morning? I wake up between 5-00 and 5-30, and I do this absolutely without an alarm clock. To get up early, I go to bed at 22-00. I wake up cheerful and rested. After getting up, I drink a glass of water, turn on the computer to check the status of the site, traffic, possible problems, checking email, etc. At 6-00 I go for a morning run and warm-up.

I run for about 40 minutes (5 kilometers), after 15 minutes I do some stretching. At 7:00 I’m already at home, brushing my teeth, taking a contrast shower, and changing clothes. Afterwards, I always have breakfast with some porridge with meat, salad, and drink green tea or pu-erh. At 8-00 I sit down at the computer to work on my websites and writing custom content.

In my understanding, this is exactly what the right start to a man’s working day should look like. I still want to lose weight, so I’m putting serious emphasis on the sports component. Of course, on weekends you can relax, lie in bed with your significant other, but to be honest, after a run and a contrast shower you feel best - energetic and cheerful, good mood And so on.

There are quite old proverb, which says: how you start your morning is how you will spend your day. There are quite a few ways to start the morning correctly, thereby preparing the psyche and body to solve problems and affairs in the coming day.

It’s rare that any representative of the fair sex can boast of having the right start to the morning; most often, the first hours after getting up are nervous, fussy, and not very pleasant. Women need to wake up the family, get the children ready for school or kindergarten, and prepare breakfast. There is very little positivity in such a bustle. And I have absolutely no time for myself.

In order for the morning to be not only pleasant, but also fruitful, where there is no place for laziness and drowsiness, you need to take time for yourself. To do this, you should wake up a little early so that you can get yourself in order without haste and fuss, drink coffee in the kitchen or loggia, and think through your plans for the whole day.

You should never snooze your alarm, allowing yourself to sleep for another 10-15 minutes. This habit is not only harmful, but also useless. A person experiences stress, subconsciously expecting the alarm to ring again, which will interrupt sweet Dreams. Ideally, it is desirable to accustom the body to rise on its own, without being forced by a loud bell. To instill such a habit in yourself, it is advisable to properly organize your sleep and wakefulness. If you fall asleep and wake up at the same time for several weeks, your body will soon adjust itself to the desired mood.

After a woman wakes up, she should not immediately get out of bed and begin to move actively. Despite the fact that sleep has already passed, it is recommended to luxuriate in bed a little, to set yourself up for positive mood. You can remember something good and joyful, which will allow you to greet the new day with pleasure.

There is no need to ignore slow stretching in bed. Slow movements lying or sitting on the bed allow the body to adjust to activity, disperse blood in the muscles, and prepare the body for movement. If you jump out of bed too quickly, you can experience not only dizziness, but also the well-known condition when the brain has not yet woken up, and the body acts on autopilot. Morning yawning is a very important process for the body that does not need to be suppressed. During yawning, forced ventilation of the lungs occurs and all organs are enriched with oxygen.

A morning shower using your favorite aromatic cosmetics will lift your spirits and charge you with positivity. Water always invigorates and drives away sleep, which is especially important if a representative of the fair sex feels the morning blues.

If a woman needs to go to work in the morning, after a shower it’s definitely time for “beauty.” Don't ignore decorative cosmetics. Light makeup and hairstyle lift your spirits and allow you to feel confident in your beauty.

After hygiene procedures Don't forget about breakfast. In the first 30 minutes after waking up, a person’s stomach is still asleep; it is best to wake it up with a glass of clean water. This habit is very useful, as the liquid starts digestion processes, helps cleanse the intestines and remove toxins.

You should definitely have a small snack in the morning. Don't ignore your morning meal. A sandwich, tea bread, fruits, vegetables - these are wonderful and light foods that will give you strength and energy. A full breakfast is best eaten 2-3 hours after waking up.

Now we can talk about sports. You can recharge your batteries with regular and not too complicated exercises. A simple set of stretching exercises, a few squats, and swinging your legs and arms will do wonders, banish muscle fatigue and invigorate you. It is best to do exercises before your morning shower. It's worth knowing that physical exercise in the morning before work you need to spend 10-15 minutes, but no more. A 30-40 minute exercise is already considered a workout, after which a person will feel tired. Therefore, it is advisable not to overdo it and save strength for the coming day.

It’s another matter if a representative of the fair sex is free in the morning and has a desire to go for morning jogging. In this case, you need to know how to start running in the morning correctly so as not to overload your muscles and spine and get impressive results.

First of all, you should find out whether a woman has contraindications to running, since with intense movement the entire load falls on the heart and blood vessels. Proper clothing and shoes also contribute to comfortable exercise. Well, for the positive, it is advisable to choose a pleasant place for jogging.

The right start to the morning is the key to a successful and have a positive day. A person’s habits are formed within 3 weeks, so you can a short time Accustom yourself to greet the coming day correctly. In this case, the person will be less stressed.

In this article we will talk about how to start the morning correctly so that the whole next day is calm and productive. These tips are suitable for both men and women, and you can even teach this to a child.

It has long been noticed that how you spent the morning, the rest of the day will pass in the same way. In order for each of us to be satisfied, happy, kind and joyful, we need to try to learn how to start the morning correctly and usefully.

What is morning for you?

Every morning, at least a weekday in the world, begins with the ringing of alarm clocks, which pull people out of a blissful sleep, returning them to harsh reality.

While still lying in bed, many people mentally scroll through the coming day... Take a quick shower, although not everyone does this, grab something to eat on the go, hastily get dressed. You also need to get your children to kindergarten or school. Then work, where a lot of things have accumulated.

And then evening imperceptibly comes. Someone else has to get to the gym, someone is rushing home to cook dinner.

Such monotony and monotony puts a lot of pressure on people, they have less mental and physical strength, hence stress and depression.

But the problem is not even this monotony, but the fact that people do not know how to start the morning correctly and where to get the strength for such a life, because changing the usual order of things is not always possible.

I have a question for you: Is your morning the same or is it different in some way from the one described?

If the lines above describe exactly your situation, then something needs to be changed, right? But even if the situation is not like that, but you still don’t have the strength or energy, then this article is for you.

One small test will help you finally understand what is happening in life:

If you hate the morning, then you have serious problems and you need to study the article in depth. If you love the morning, then the situation is better, but read this post to the end, maybe you need to implement something into your morning schedule.

So, now you will learn tips on morning rituals, if you can call them that. They are simple, well-known and necessary.

You should be happy, full of strength and energetic. Those around you will become infected with this from you. So try to understand these tips and gradually implement them into your life.

I never tire of talking about it. The benefits and necessity of getting up early in the morning have already been said many times on the blog. And now I’ll say it again. Getting up early is the first thing you need to learn about how to start your morning right.

There are quite a few examples of successful rich people, also great sages and thinkers, lecturers and psychologists who woke up early. And believe me, they did it for a reason.

A person cannot understand the difference between early and late rises until he tests it in practice. Early morning is a very valuable time in life, perhaps the most important. Therefore, it is unfavorable to wake him up.

The time period for a favorable rise is 5-6 am, maximum until 7 am every day, both on weekdays and on weekends.

Early morning is the time when you can influence your destiny in the literal sense of the word. One of large number The benefits you get from waking up early:

  • You will become healthier;
  • There will be more vigor and energy;
  • Even luck will become more favorable to you;
  • You will become more strong-willed and purposeful;
  • Digestion will improve;
  • Mental activity and much more will improve significantly.

It would also be a good idea to find out everything about correct mode of the day and the influence of time on a person in the article:

Clean raw water

When I wake up, the first thing I do is drink a glass raw water. I can no longer imagine the morning without a glass of water. Many people do this every morning and for good reason. The benefits of this habit, and drinking water throughout the day, are talked about a lot and often.

Why drink water immediately after waking up??

According to scientific research, 1-2 glasses of raw water in the morning have a very beneficial effect on our body. Here are a few of them:

  • Prepares gastrointestinal tract to work;
  • Restores water balance body (our body is approximately 70% water);
  • Has a cleansing effect on the body;
  • Speeds up metabolism and more.

Scientists also say that water also has healing effect and even helps in the fight against many serious diseases. Therefore, do not be lazy and immediately drink a glass of raw, clean water upon awakening.

By the way, it is now common to drink a glass of water with lemon juice. Read more about the benefits of water in the morning in the article.

Morning toilet and shower

How to start the morning correctly without morning ablution? No way.

It is imperative to wash in the morning, since the body is cleansed overnight, and toxins and dirt remain on the surface of our skin, which must be washed off, since after 9 am the reverse process of absorption from the environment begins in the body.

Also, a cool morning shower helps you wake up faster and wash away mental or, in other words, subtle psychic dirt. Before the shower you need to go to the toilet, and not after it. Also don't forget to brush your teeth.

When you get used to taking a shower every morning, then you can no longer imagine your morning without it.


Any physical exercise is a great way to replenish energy and develop discipline. Especially recommended for men.

Even before breakfast, it is better to stretch your body. At the same time, there is no need to give yourself any hard physical exercise, since early morning is least suitable for this (although there are exceptions).

This could be just exercise, or a short run with a warm-up, or a swimming pool, or any other moderate exercise to develop endurance. Thanks to morning exercises, we fully awaken our body and prepare it for the working day.

Regarding heavy loads in the morning, I repeat that the morning is definitely not for this, you can do it later. But remember that training your body should not be the main goal of life in any case.


A proper breakfast can also start your morning off right. Of course, we are all individual people; some may not have breakfast at all, while others definitely need a snack.

The main thing in this matter is not to overeat and not to eat what you shouldn’t eat in the morning.

There is an article on the blog about which rule is best to use when it comes to nutrition. Read it and find out how to start your morning right with the right breakfast and about other meals in general:

I talk a lot about self-development on this blog, and this article will be no exception.

Morning time is the best best time for self-education, training, personal growth. From about 6-00 to 12-00 it is important to find time for this.

You may say that you don't have time for this. But this is a misconception. You probably waste time on the way to work (subway, bus, etc.). This is the time when you can put headphones in your ears and listen to some educational program.

Now imagine that you will devote 1 hour a day to self-development, for example, half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the evening. Total 20 hours.

It seems like small numbers, but in a year, when you have already devoted at least 240 hours to self-education, you will change a lot. And I am absolutely convinced that 1 hour a day for self-development will not be enough for you. You will become a different person. IN in a good way words.

Materials on moral and evolutionary development, leadership, goal setting, motivation, and others are suitable for this. To help, I recommend studying what I post on the Audio and Recommend pages.

Conclusion on how to start your morning right

You've learned 6 tips on how to make your morning perfect and mega productive. You must understand that without your efforts the morning will not be the same.

You need to decide whether you are ready to do something, and do a lot for your own happiness. These are not empty words, since our future depends on us.

We have freedom of choice, and in this case, to do it or not to do it. But think about it, if you start implementing 1 piece of advice per week (even per month), will anything change in a year? There is no need for doubt here.

Here are some more tips on how to start your morning right:

  1. Water;
  2. Morning toilet and shower;
  3. Charger;
  4. Breakfast;
  5. Self-development.

Use this in your life, you will definitely succeed. By the way, be sure to read the articles to which I provided links in the article, you will receive even more useful practical information.