How to get ready for work after the New Year holidays: survival instructions. What not to do at work after the holidays

New Year's holidays are a real paradise at the beginning of a new year. And the more eventful and carefree your vacation was, the more difficult it is to force yourself to go to work after it and again plunge into the abyss of everyday and work problems.

If you want to start the first working week of the year vigorous, cheerful and ready for any difficulties, then the holidays are the best time to prepare for the upcoming challenges. Moreover, not only and not so much physically, but psychologically.

Psychological techniques that will help you get into a working mood

How to get ready for work after New Year's holidays? The most important thing in preparing for future holidays and the New Year is to complete all urgent matters in the outgoing year.

Lifehack #1. Finish what you started

As a rule, the last weeks of December always turn out to be perhaps the busiest of the year, however, even in this case, every effort must be made to complete what we started. This will help you rest peacefully, and then go to work, since there will be no unsolvable problems or urgent matters hanging over you, thoughts about which will not allow you to rest peacefully.

Lifehack No. 2. Plan things for the first working days

Planning things for the first working days after the holidays is directly related to this. This will make it easier for you to get into work mode and not panic about some accidentally forgotten tasks or obligations.

Lifehack No. 3. Diversify your holiday

An important aspect of “acclimatization,” according to psychologists, is how you spend your weekend. Of course, many people’s only desire is to occupy the sofa and indulge in contemplation while devouring salads. However, in order not to feel overwhelmed and more tired after the holidays than before the holidays, doctors recommend a mandatory change of activity.

Psychologist Oksana Komissarova: It is important how you spend your winter holidays. Our body is designed in such a way that it rests only from a change in activity. And if you spend the entire long weekend lying on the couch, being lazy and doing nothing, then by the time you go back to work you will feel exhausted and have a persistent desire to escape somewhere away from work matters.

A short vacation is a great time to learn something new, go somewhere, meet someone. And no matter what date you need to go to work after the New Year holidays (this year it is from January 1 to January 8 inclusive), make these days (or the day, if you are not very lucky) eventful, and then psychologically you will be satisfied with the time spent, and at the same time get ready for the new working year.

Tune in leisure and prepare mentally for everyday work, this is only part of the preparation. How can you physically prepare your body for the challenges of the new year?

Physiological techniques that will restore your spirits and lift your spirits

As is known, good dream- a guarantee of health. This is especially true for sleep holidays, because many people want to use them 100%, and therefore, as a rule, not much time is devoted to sleep or it is completely neglected.

But sleep is the necessary piece of the puzzle that will help you not fall into depression at the beginning of a new work week.

During the holidays, all doctors recommend maintaining a certain sleep schedule, both for larks and night owls. Don't stay up too late. Best of all, no later than 22.00 hours. You should get up early in the morning. If this is difficult for you, then try to occupy the morning hours with some activities, a walk or take a cold shower.

The question often arises: how much sleep do you need? Scientists analyzed about 300 scientific works, compiled a special table in which they indicated how many hours of sleep each age requires.


Sleep, h

Newborns (0–3 months)

Infants (4–11 months)

Toddlers (1–2 years)

Preschoolers (3–5 years old)

Children school age(6–13 years old)

Teenagers (14–17 years old)

Young adults (18–25 years old)

Adults (26–64 years)

Elderly people (over 65 years old)

As experts note, it is advisable to follow this table even on holidays, since at the end of the holiday week you will feel rested and full of energy.


Moreover, the second important aspect physical health What will also allow you to prepare for the end of the weekend and the beginning of the work week is proper nutrition.

Of course, no one is telling you to go on a diet, but following certain standards will help you avoid extra pounds, bad mood and discomfort.

For all residents of Russia, the New Year is not only a holiday when you can start new life, but also a holiday when the table is crowded with a variety of salads, appetizers and other dishes. Of course, it is very difficult to avoid temptation in such cases.

It’s no secret that many of us on December 31, and not only, don’t eat for the whole day, so that later, as they say, “more will come in.” This is a fundamentally wrong approach, which can subsequently lead to the appearance of extra pounds. One of the rules of nutrition during the holidays is regular consumption of food, preferably at regular intervals. Then, sitting down at festive table, you won’t die of hunger, which means you’ll eat much less. On December 31, it is recommended to have dinner at 7 or 8 o’clock, so that at the New Year’s table you don’t want to eat everything that the hospitable hosts have put out for the guests.

If you sit down at a festive table, where there is everything your soul has dreamed of: fried meat or chicken, salads generously seasoned with mayonnaise, a large a delicious cake and carbonated drinks, then try not to mix these products, and preferably avoid them altogether, since they are the main source of calories.

Also on holidays it is better to eat more greens, vegetables and fruits to give the body rest after intense work. New Year's Eve.

Experts do not advise taking various digestive tablets without consulting with specialists.


The last element that will prepare your body for new challenges will, of course, be physical exercise and various procedures.

Holidays best time to start doing fitness, because there is a lot of free time. You shouldn’t start right away with heavy loads when trying to lose weight. excess weight, start with the light ones and only gradually increase their intensity. Thus, the body will enter a new mode.

If you don't want to exercise or go to Gym(which may be closed), then outdoor activities can easily replace your workouts. Fortunately, winter is very diverse in this regard. Go skiing with friends in a pine forest or conquer mountain peaks while practicing alpine skiing. An excellent option would be to go to a skating rink, hockey, or even just ride on cheesecakes. In any of these cases, the extra calories will quickly disappear. In addition, it lifts your mood and allows your body to rest (we mentioned a change in activity above).

If you are persistent enough, then take a cold shower in the morning or, conversely, go to the bathhouse in the evening. For women, beauty salons offer many interesting procedures that will help the body recover.

To summarize all of the above, it can be noted that in order to go to work after the holidays and be ready for workdays, you must follow several rules that relate to both psychological health, and physical. They should be carried out in combination, since partial measures, for example, if you spend the whole day in the fresh air, but when you get home you immediately start eating a rich and fatty dinner, will lead only to partial results. As a result, going to work will turn into a real test.

After the holidays: adaptation to work

In 10 days, the body gets used to the new way of life and at the end of the holidays, another stress awaits you - going to work. To survive both of these stresses without consequences for physical health and psychological state, you need to follow some recommendations.

Doctor, nutritionist, psychologist Natalya Rozina :

  • Dedicate your first days at work to quiet work: sort through your mail, delete spam, clean up unnecessary files on your computer; reinstall programs if they require it; wipe the dust, take apart the desk drawers. This will help you get back to work calmly.
  • In your first days at work, make plans for the month, quarter, half year and year. Make sure they are realistic, achievable and you have necessary resources to achieve them. Set priorities, set goals.
  • If you are a boss, do not hold meetings on the first working days. Give all employees the opportunity to adjust after the long holiday weekend.
  • During the first weeks, don’t stay at work late, don’t try to “catch up.” Calm and consistent actions are more effective than hasty and erratic ones.

The salads have been eaten, the champagne has been drunk, you don’t want to look at the tangerines anymore... In a word, the holidays are over - everyday life has come again. A new working year is ahead. It would seem that working people who have rested during the holidays should get down to business with renewed energy. But it was not there! It turns out that jumping into the production process right away after a long period of “relaxation” is not at all easy. On the morning of the first working day, exactly one thought fits in my cast-iron head: “I don’t want to get up and go to work.”

Gathering their will into a fist, the workers deliver their rest-weary bodies to their workplaces, but are no longer capable of more. My mood is at zero, I have no strength, my appetite is gone. Popularly this condition is called post-holiday depression; experts call it work maladaptation syndrome.

The main signs of this scourge are lethargy, fast fatiguability, irritability, blues. In fact, there are more than enough reasons to mope: the weather is not sunny, the state of health after overeating and libations also leaves much to be desired, late parties, staying up until the morning in front of the TV and sleep after lunch have managed to disrupt The biological clock, your wallet is empty, and your January salary is still far away...

Don't rush to quit

Many people at this time experience the peak of dissatisfaction with their work, especially if it did not bring much joy before. Particularly sensitive people even begin to look at job advertisements. It is no coincidence that most resignation letters are written after holidays and vacations. But it’s better to wait a bit with fateful decisions.

According to statistics, every second employee has a painful time going back to work after a long rest, and among office workers in big cities this figure is up to 80%. And the more actively a person walked and had fun, the more difficult it was for him to return to the working rhythm. Some bosses and workaholics, however, consider such complaints to be an excuse for the lazy and careless. However, there is an indisputable fact: every year companies suffer real losses due to the low performance of their employees in the post-New Year period. We were not very lucky in the coming year: the first working day of 2017 fell on Monday, and a whole working week at once was a severe test. How to get yourself ready for work after a long weekend?

Do without labor feats

In such a state, the most important thing is not to rush headlong into the pool, but to give yourself a few days to “unwind.” The increase in production load should occur gradually. Otherwise, you risk a decrease in immunity, which is fraught with colds and infectious diseases. Start the new working year by arranging your workspace: throw away everything unnecessary (if you didn’t get around to it in the pre-holiday bustle), hang up a fresh calendar, update the wallpaper on your computer desktop. And don’t forget to discuss past holidays with your colleagues! Despite the “non-work” nature of these activities, they, according to psychologists, significantly facilitate the process of returning to work. And to get involved in your work, experts advise... playing computer games, requiring concentration and speed of reaction. This will “wake up” the brain, which, during periods of forced idleness, reduces the speed of its work by almost 25%.

Now is the time to make a plan (or even a schedule) for the coming week: the goals you set will help you mobilize and focus on work. In the first days, try to do mostly routine things. Firstly, you will be less likely to fail an important task (40% more mistakes are made on post-holiday days than on regular days), and, secondly, performing everyday duties will allow you to get involved in the process faster. When getting started, start with the simplest things - checking mail, sorting documents. This way you will slowly “accelerate” and prepare yourself for more serious achievements. Every hour and a half, take 5-10 minute breaks for something pleasant, for example, looking at photos from the holidays or chatting with colleagues. Also, during the adaptation period, you should not stay in the office in the evenings (no matter how much the backlog of work requires) and take work home.

On this topic

On the American portal Reddit, one of the users shared a story about a friend of hers who, on the eve of her own wedding, decided to put all her friends on a diet and wanted to refuse an invitation to the celebration of a girl who, in her opinion, was too fat.

However, you shouldn’t relax too much and work carelessly, otherwise you will then have to literally force yourself to fulfill your direct responsibilities. If after three to five working days nothing has changed and you still don’t want to work, it’s time to pull yourself together so that your “relaxation” does not become the norm.

Restore your daily routine and move more

To help yourself return to your usual rhythm, you need to restore your previous daily routine. During the holidays, many people get used to going to bed after midnight and getting up after noon. It is not surprising that after a week and a half of this regime, the body rebels against getting up at 7 am and refuses to fall asleep at 10–11 pm. As a result, we suffer from insomnia, walk around the office with a sore head, and get tired quickly. The best way wake up in the morning cheerful and rested - go to bed on time. Don’t sit too long watching TV or on social networks, give up a heavy dinner, take a warm bath, adding 5-7 drops to the water essential oil lavender (none of the citrus scents are suitable, otherwise you will get reverse effect). And you yourself will not notice how you will plunge into the arms of Morpheus. Decoctions of chronobiotic plants - valerian, will also help cope with insomnia. peppermint, hops, oregano.

Moderate physical activity will also be useful, especially if you spent the holidays mostly at the table. Doctors advise starting with regular walking after work: Fresh air calms and invigorates healthy sleep, restoring physical and mental strength. The New Year is a good reason to introduce at least a little morning exercise into your schedule or cold and hot shower. Such disciplinary rituals will help you get into a working mood from the very morning. If in Everyday life you went to the pool or gym, but because of the holidays you abandoned this activity, do not start exercising with the same intensity. This is fraught with health problems, including heart attack. You need to increase your sports loads very slowly.

Don't starve, but eat right

Will speed up the transition to the everyday rhythm of life and correct mode nutrition. Don't skip your lunch break: a timely supply of energy and vitamins will support the body during forced restructuring. During the New Year holidays, we usually switch to single meals: we eat once a day - from morning to evening. After such a test, the body requires rest and unloading. But not a new stress. Even if you have gained a couple of extra pounds over the holidays, under no circumstances should you go on a strict diet immediately after overeating. Fasting is even more dangerous. Such sharp changes may disrupt organ function gastrointestinal tract, and then you will need to not only lose weight, but also undergo treatment. So just exclude from your diet everything that formed its basis during the holidays: fatty, spicy, smoked and salty food. Give preference to porridges with water, salads made from fresh vegetables (of course, without mayonnaise), fruits, lean meat and fish, and fermented milk products. Alcohol and soda dehydrate the body, so everyone knows the daily 2 liters clean water after a series of feasts they will come in handy. Other drinks include herbal and green tea, rosehip decoction, homemade sour juice and dried fruit compote.


To determine the most depressing day of the year, British psychologist Cliff Arnal derived the formula (W+(D-d))xTQ/MxNA, where W is the weather, D is debts, d is monthly salary, T is time since Christmas, Q is time, elapsed time since the unsuccessful attempt to refuse bad habits, M – level of motivation, NA – need to act. Calculations have shown that the peak of despondency occurs on the third Monday of January, when the cold weather is superimposed with post-holiday blues and a difficult financial situation after New Year's shopping, as well as a lack of enthusiasm and remorse due to unfulfilled plans. Although the formula is not very scientific, practice and suicide statistics have confirmed it for several years.

And further

Be positive

In contrast to the joyful holidays, workdays seem even more gray and joyless than usual. And if you managed to go somewhere to relax, then upon your return your affairs will be completely bad. By the way, scientists have found that after the New Year holidays, many actively celebrating experience so-called endorphin starvation: a stable injection of pleasure hormones into the body is replaced by “severe withdrawal syndrome.” Oddly enough, psychologists recommend getting rid of holiday “addiction” using a method denounced modern medicine: treat like with like. Namely, arrange another holiday at the workplace. For example, in therapeutic purposes celebrate the old New Year. And the most important thing is to set yourself up to expect something positive: spring, vacation, the next holidays...


Did you wake up in the morning and realize that the holidays are over and it’s time to go to work? And my head is foggy and it’s difficult to concentrate on work problems after long feasts and a free schedule of pastimes. What should a working person do in such situations? How to set yourself up for work? What needs to be done to immediately “get into the groove” and not make careless mistakes? Listen to our advice - and the “vacation syndrome” will not affect you and your employees.

A story about the reasons as parting words for the future

The reason for the “suffering” of workers after long holidays is a violation of the usual diet, sleep and wakefulness. Therefore, doctors advise not to be led by your own passions and not to radically change your usual way of life. Of course, it is unlikely that anyone will follow such advice, so we have to admit the obvious fact: we will still celebrate “to the fullest”, and then be tormented by the question of how to come to our senses and get out.

Let's construct an answer to the question as follows: we will list the reasons for difficulties after the holidays and ways to overcome them.

Reason 1. “I won’t do it today”

This is a global cause of many difficulties for workers. “Procrastination” is a way that people resort to to avoid routine problems, to pretend that they are very busy with work, or to hide from others. the real reason- lack of knowledge on how to solve a given problem.

Following these trends, employees are in no hurry to complete all tasks to the maximum before the New Year holidays and put them off “for later.” As a result, in January they are overloaded and carry out orders extremely slowly.

- firstly, plan the work of employees (make plans indicating exact dates to carry out work and motivate staff to comply specified deadlines);

- secondly, compile reports on the work done at the end of the year (this will encourage staff to complete tasks by the end of the year).

Opinion. Alla Surkova, employee of OJSC Soglasie:

“We always have a lot of work at the end of the year. This includes interaction with customers and annual certification with its reports and examination procedures. I have been working in the company for a long time, I know about this order of things, so I prepare everything in advance. In addition, the personnel department always notifies, and the boss also advises on all necessary issues with reports and certification. In general, I am ready for such a development of events; I don’t see anything unusual in it. It’s another matter for newcomers to the organization. But they are helped by an adaptation manager who tells them what and how.”

Reason 2. “Having a blast”

During the New Year holidays, many Russians overeat, drink a lot of alcoholic beverages, disrupt their sleep and wakefulness patterns, undermining their health. Therefore, when I go back to work, things don’t go well, plans are implemented extremely poorly. This phenomenon is very difficult to combat. After all, in modern Russia The population (including the working population) was captured by the philosophy of “living one day at a time”, which did not imply plans for the future.

What should a manager and HR officer do:

— create a culture of a healthy lifestyle in the organization (welcome and encourage sports, instill habits healthy eating and drinking culture, for example, by publishing such information and useful tips in the corporate newspaper, sending out mailings to employees’ email addresses, including fitness club passes, etc., in the compensation package);

— disseminate the philosophy expressed in the following phrase: “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today” (follow established plans, prepare plan “B”, etc.).

Thus, the work of a personnel officer in this direction should be reduced to the following stages:

— preliminary (actions to prevent situations with absenteeism, illness, decreased performance);

— current (search and replacement of employees, increasing staff efficiency).

Practical situations and solutions

To ensure that words do not diverge from practice, we will look at typical situations (cases) that company HR officers encounter and give an example of a solution, which, of course, can be specified taking into account the circumstances that have arisen in the company.

Case 1. “Employee Absenteeism”

In the transport company “M...”, as a rule, some employees do not go out back to work after the holidays. The reason is excessive consumption alcohol by some drivers. HR employees face this problem every year. How to prevent it?


1. Carefully approach the selection of employees and screen applicants for alcoholism. To do this, require job applicants to undergo a medical examination.

2. Tighten the policy against those who abused alcohol and did not show up for work or went out drunk. For example, dismissal for a one-time gross violation of labor duties by an employee (absenteeism), clause 6 of Art. 81 Labor Code Russian Federation. This procedure should be brought to the attention of all personnel.

3. Predict the absenteeism of some employees, prepare a reserve staff. Introduce the practice of notifying the employee about the start of work and observing the conditions of absolute sobriety under the threat of dismissal (after all, employees know in advance about the consequences of absenteeism or non-compliance with the rules established by law).

Conclusion: do not wait for problems to arise with staff, warn them, prepare in advance for such a development of events.

Table 1

Preliminary work of the HR officer with staff (before the holidays)

Case 2. “Employee Illness”

Company "O..." is a large financial holding company. As a rule, during the New Year holidays, some employees get sick and do not go to work. And then they bring sick leave certificates. This situation greatly reduces the performance of the company. The head of the personnel department was tasked with rectifying the situation. What actions does he need to take?


1. Create a culture of healthy lifestyle throughout the year. For example, involve employees in sporting events, provide the opportunity to visit fitness clubs, swimming pools, etc. Notify employees about the results of sports competitions, honor the winners, show own example. Involve partners and clients in such events.

2. Introduce incentives for those employees who did not take a sick leave certificate during the year. Indirectly, this will encourage staff to think about their own health and begin to take all measures to ensure that holidays do not negatively affect their work discipline.

3. Conduct preventive vaccinations(in October of each year), inform staff about ways to increase immunity and performance.

4. Prepare reminders on ways to get out of the “graduate syndrome”.

Conclusion: connect prevention with ongoing work to improve staff performance.

table 2

Current work of the HR officer with staff (after the holidays)

Case 3. “I can’t get into the mood for work”

Anna O. is a promising HR employee. As a rule, she spends the New Year with friends at parties. Then, to recover, she plays a lot of sports. The weather is conducive to this: skating and skiing are what you need to get in shape. Anna pays great attention to her own health. However, having come to the office after a short “vacation”, Anna says that she has no particular desire to work at full capacity. The girl tries to put off difficult things, doing what she likes most now. How can she overcome herself and get back to work as quickly as possible?


1. On the first day after the New Year holidays, plan things according to this principle:

— urgent complex;

- urgent, uncomplicated;

- non-urgent complex;

- non-urgent, uncomplicated.

Next, distribute the tasks for the day: first - urgent, simple ones, then (before lunch) - non-urgent ones. After the lunch break - urgent, complex tasks (after all, the person has already tuned in, completed some of the tasks, received the result and is ready for the first difficulties). At the end of the working day - non-urgent matters and planning for the next day.

2. Prepare for unforeseen situations, since it is not always possible to accomplish everything planned. To do this, during the working day:

— plan time for force majeure situations, that is, be able to switch from one type of activity to another. The speed of switching is achieved due to internal readiness for such a development of events. This means that you need to review the department’s plans, your individual plans, highlight tasks by priority and predict the approximate time for their completion and reserve time;

- have on hand necessary instructions and guidelines for action, reminders and algorithms of action, so that in difficult situations you know where to look for the answer.

Conclusion: planning and time management are the key to successful work after the long New Year holidays.

Table 3

What should a HR manager do to get involved in the work?


1 The established abbreviation is “ healthy image life."

There is something that working people look forward to all year long - weekends, holidays and vacations. And this is understandable. This is a great time to relax while chatting with friends and family, the best time to strengthen relationships between household members. Instead of sitting all day at work, we can say goodbye to the stuffy office and go to the mountains, to the sea, to alluring distant lands.

We can run around the shops and look at the colorful windows, or we can stay at home and indulge in blissful idleness in front of the TV. We can gorge ourselves on goodies and sleep until lunchtime. In a word, holidays and vacations give us the opportunity to thoroughly relax and take a break from work.

But... Sooner or later, the rest ends, and now the day comes when you have to go to work. Returning to work after a long break is never easy. Unless you are a notorious workaholic. It’s only them, even lying on the beach, who continue to mentally be in the office, and cannot wait for the end of their vacation or weekend when they can return to work. What about the rest? How to get ready for work after holidays or vacation so that the transition from rest to work is the least painful?

How to cope with stress after the holidays

Returning to work after a long break can be really difficult. Millions of people around the world even suffer from stress, which psychologists call “post-holiday syndrome.” This is a special type of stress that can appear after a particularly pleasant and relaxing period in our lives. Getting rid of this type of stress requires significant effort, and sometimes even seeking help from specialists.

Studies conducted in various institutions have shown that:

  • 66% of workers experience intense stress when returning to work from vacation or after a long weekend;
  • Determining the level of stress among workers before, during and after a long weekend showed that for at least half of them the positive effect of rest disappeared in the first three days after returning to work, and after three weeks they did not feel at all that they had recently had a chance to rest;
  • The level of stress and fatigue felt by 76% of workers in the first week after returning to work was close to the level of fatigue in last days before the holidays.

What are the symptoms of post-holiday stress?

Here are the most characteristic features, the presence of one or more of which most obviously indicates stress:

  • Sadness;
  • Melancholy;
  • Anger;
  • Anxiety;
  • Fast fatiguability;
  • Headache;
  • Muscle pain;
  • Impaired perception, when even simple tasks seem impossible.

How to cope with stress after weekends and holidays

The fight against post-holiday stress will bring quick results if you take care of yourself and don’t let this problem take its course. And it doesn’t take much:

  • Try not to plunge into work headlong in the first days after the weekend, but begin to gradually return to your work schedule;
  • Don't schedule major meetings on your first morning of work;
  • Do at least the simplest ones physical exercise. Sport is very good for coping with stress;
  • Do something nice for yourself, don’t wait for the next holidays or vacation!

Try to maintain a balance between work and personal life. This means that you need to find time every day for four the most important aspects your life: this is work, family, interests of friends and, of course, your own interests and needs. In the first days after rest, it is very important to find as much time as possible exclusively for yourself.

This will help you cope with pressure and relieve stress faster. Try to distract yourself from negative thoughts and emotions so that they do not accumulate, otherwise they can lead to destructive consequences.

Returning to work after holidays and vacations

How to get ready for work after the holidays and especially after vacation, in order to avoid all the troubles that we wrote about when talking about post-holiday syndrome? You won’t believe it, but we best get ready for work after rest when we start getting ready for it even before the weekend! Most of us are too impatient for the upcoming holiday to start any new things, and we put off solving the problem until we return.

This is exactly what you can’t do! I need to complete my work before going on vacation. If you want your vacation to be peaceful and your first working day not to be met with a mountain of accumulated tasks, then make sure that you do not leave any unsolved tasks behind. Keep your work and workspace clutter-free, and you won't have to start your work after the weekend with a huge tidy-up.

What else can you do to make it easier to return to work after a break? We have prepared some tips for you:

  1. Don't break your usual daily routine

    Let's agree that from the very first day of vacation we will decide not to allow ourselves to sit in front of the TV until late at night or return from a party at dawn and then sleep for half a day! All this will lead to the fact that instead of rest, your vacation will leave you feeling tired, and you will feel exhausted when it comes time to return to work.

    The best thing you can do to get back into your normal work routine painlessly is to go to bed and get up at your usual time while on vacation. Set an alarm and start your daily activities at the time you always do. Then in the first working days after vacation you will not feel sleepy and tired more than usual.

  2. Don't let your brain sit idle while you're resting

    Usually we tend to neglect the need to make mental efforts when we indulge in rest and bliss. But you can’t let your brain relax, you need to “keep it in good shape” and give it some kind of load all the time. Read books, solve crosswords, play logic games. As a result, your brain will not be confused when it comes to straining your mental abilities to get to work.

  3. Stay connected with your colleagues

    Of course, we would all prefer to completely disconnect from the daily worries and problems of work when we relax. But those people who maintain their invisible presence at work, even being quite far from their home, avoid the sudden collapse of an unexpected burden upon their return. After all, they stay in the know about everything, and it’s easier for them to get ready for work after their vacation. Fortunately, mobile connection and others modern technologies allow us to keep abreast of everything, even when we go very far away.

  4. When your vacation ends, give yourself two to three days to prepare for work.

    It is best to return home a few days before the end of your vacation. This way you will be able to quickly adapt to your home environment, you will be able to calmly clean up your apartment and collect everything you need to get started.

  5. Check your work email the evening before the first day of work

    Spend an hour or two on this in a calm home environment, and it will save you from a headache from the tasks that have befallen you the next day.

  6. If possible, do not return to work on Monday.

    Try to plan your return on Tuesday or Wednesday. This way, you won’t have to deal with the usual Monday chaos of accumulated tasks immediately after a long rest.

  7. Exchange information with employees

    There is a wonderful way to integrate into the work environment: try not only to talk about your impressions of a holiday or after a vacation, but also ask your colleagues what happened in the office during your absence. Find out what happened to the project that was being developed before your departure, and what tasks the team faces today. This will make it clearer to you what will be required of you specifically on your first day of work.

  8. Hurry up slowly

    When you return to work after a few days or weeks off, you may be faced with a very large amount of work. Sometimes you may even feel confused, not knowing where or how to start.

The best thing you can do is to slowly start doing everything in order. Check your voicemails, check your email, make a list of daily tasks. This will make it easier for you to get into work mode, and gradually you will be able to take on larger tasks.

We hope that our tips will help you get better at work and make it easier to return to work. labor activity. And if you still have a desire to run home and hide your head under the blanket from the worries that have fallen on you, then try to calm down and think about why your job is better than everyone else.

She's important to you, isn't she? It has a special meaning for you, and you pursue certain goals in fulfilling it. You earn the money you need to solve pressing problems, you make a career, you realize yourself as a person. After all, you love what you do!

And if returning to work after a good rest turns into a nightmare for you over and over again, then perhaps you should re-evaluate your career? After all, when you like your work, you will look forward to returning from vacation. Especially if you are properly adjusted to the transition from rest to work.

Hello, my dear! New Year has passed, Christmas has come. Does everyone remember that they are going to work soon? Is everyone ready? Returning to work after the New Year holidays is not an easy task, unfortunately. This is not for you to come after the weekend... On Monday I got hurt, on Tuesday I thought it was time to get ready for work, on Wednesday I worked a little, on Thursday I have to get ready for the weekend, and on Friday no one really works.

In 2017 Most people were robbed of one day from the holidays, so to speak. Need to go to work January 9. Although, depending on how you look at it, December 31 was a day off. It turns out - the same 9 days of continuous fun!

In today’s article I’ll tell you what to do if you can’t carry your feet to work after the New Year holidays. How to return to work life in a painless way. Do you know that, according to statistics, people most often quit after vacation and New Year? (By the way, I myself did exactly this).

If your plans do not include dismissal, read on.

Of course, no one wants to go back to work after another celebration. But, after all, it is necessary... As a result, our body cannot immediately rebuild itself, as a result of which it is so stressed that the nerves are out of control, and the work somehow does not go into hands, but, my dears, we gathered our thoughts, our spirit and go ahead and change the situation!

Once you start working after the New Year, you will continue to do so throughout the year. That is why I recommend starting to work actively and vigorously. Tell this to yourself before work and forward to the heights of your work.

  1. Enter your office with a smile. It doesn’t matter how hard it will be for you, but make an effort on yourself, smile with all 32 teeth.
  2. Even if your colleagues are sitting with sour expressions, still cheerfully greet them and congratulate them on the past holidays.
  3. To create a friendly, encouraging and pleasant atmosphere in the team, wish everyone a great start to the work week. Believe me, it is difficult not only for you, but also for everyone else.

What will you achieve with this?

Colleagues will reach out to you, and together, as you know, it is much easier to resist the bad, including dull everyday life and routine. Even those who went to work gloomy, overwhelmed, and grouchy will pick up your rhythm and tune in to the desired positive wave. Thanks to your smile, everyone around will smile, which is why everyone will have great mood, which means the start of everyday work after the holidays will be more pleasant.

Delay the holiday a little

No, I don’t recommend continuing to celebrate, especially in the workplace, but here are a few things you can do to help get you back into the holiday spirit.

  1. Stock up on tangerines at work.
  2. Set a ringtone for your call that will remind you of the New Year.
  3. During your lunch break, write or call the friends you spent New Year's Eve with and recreate it.
  4. Constantly remember how fun and friendly you celebrated the New Year.

What will you achieve?

The holiday will continue even on weekdays at the workplace, and with it a great mood.

Do not overdo it

  1. Don't rush into battle right away. It will be ideal if you make an action plan for January and gradually implement it. If you don’t strain yourself during the first working days, you will only benefit.
  2. Every day for a week you should complete a maximum of two major tasks. Even if you can handle a large volume, it’s still not necessary. It’s better to praise yourself for the work done, but if you set big tasks, then there is a risk of not being able to cope with them.
  3. In addition to the primary important tasks, plan several medium-urgency and minor ones. Let it be the delivery of documents, sorting out papers, cleaning the desktop, registering at new retail spaces, etc.
  4. If you have time left, you can complete more tasks, that is, beyond the planned plan. Just write them down after the fact and consider them completed.

What will you achieve with this?

You will feel that you are working very effectively, and this, in turn, will greatly inspire you to new achievements. But if you don’t do what you planned, your performance will decrease.

Time for business - time for fun

Be more lenient on the first weekdays of January. Schedule yourself 3-4 breaks of 20 minutes, or take one hour at once. Dedicate these moments of relaxation to something pleasant and joyful, and not to gatherings in in social networks, unless it's watching a funny video from your New Year's Eve.

These are the tips. It doesn't seem difficult if you follow them. Then, perhaps, there will be no feeling of melancholy and hopelessness in the first days after the New Year holidays.

And now I suggest you unwind a little and take a look cool pictures Regarding going back to work after the holidays: