How to deal with the problem of sputum discharge during a cough in adults. Causes of poor sputum discharge and principles of treatment

If a patient has a dull cough for a long time without expectoration, it is quite possible that sputum stagnation has formed in his bronchi. It occurs when the mucus produced by the bronchial glands becomes too viscous and difficult to remove from the respiratory tract, even with a strong cough. This condition is extremely dangerous, as it contributes to the spread of infection, the expansion of the area of ​​​​inflammation and leads to unpredictable complications in the organs of the respiratory system.

If you have problems with coughing, then you need to look for a drug for treatment

It is possible to improve the expectoration of sputum when coughing by avoiding unpleasant consequences for the body. Exist effective drugs, which contribute to the liquefaction of already formed mucus and stabilize its production in the respiratory tract.

Phlegm and its effect on the expectoration process

During illness, coughing is most often caused by such an irritant as excessive sputum. Its stagnation in the respiratory tract leads to a prolonged unproductive cough, which can subsequently cause the development of chronic bronchitis, and in some cases even pneumonia.

In general, sputum is a special secretion of bronchial cells. They are used to protect the respiratory tract from external irritants such as dust, fine particles or gases that enter them when inhaled. This mucus is constantly produced by the body in moderation and excreted in the process of life.

When coughing, sputum is always produced in the lungs.

However, due to some reasons (for example, during illness or allergy attacks), the sputum secretion mechanism is disturbed, and it may become too viscous - in this case the only way her excretion becomes cough. Reflex contractions of the bronchial muscles should help transport mucus to the trachea before pathogens begin to develop in it.

If this doesn't happen, given fact indicates that the disease has progressed to chronic stage- then you need to urgently start therapy, otherwise it will be much more difficult to get rid of the cough later.

How to diagnose sputum congestion in yourself

As a rule, a patient with stagnation of mucous masses in the respiratory tract often coughs for a long time. In this case, the nature of the symptom is barking, hysterical. Examination of the upper respiratory tract is not always indicative, however, even with it, accumulations of thick sputum can be found on the tissues of the throat.

If you are observed discomfort in the throat, this may be a sign of sputum stagnation

Signs of congestion of mucous masses in the respiratory tract:

  • persistent unproductive cough;
  • sensation of a "stone in the throat";
  • discomfort, tickling or scratching of the throat;
  • wheezing when breathing.

If the patient shows all these signs or most of them, then the disease begins to progress, deepening into the bowels of the respiratory system - the bronchi. In this case, you should immediately begin combined treatment, which includes various procedures, as well as the use of mucolytic drugs.

Attention! If sputum does not come out well when coughing, it is dry, causes discomfort or pain, then it is imperative to call a health worker who will establish the causes of these symptoms and prescribe an effective treatment.

If you experience a sore throat and difficulty breathing, you need to consult a doctor

Causes of poor expectoration

If sputum does not come out when coughing, this may occur for the following reasons:

  • infectious diseases;
  • allergic reactions;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol.

Pathogenic microorganisms, getting into the sections of the trachea and bronchi, multiply precisely in the mucous masses, which are an ideal environment for this. The more the disease progresses, the more the physical properties of the mucus change - it becomes more sticky, elastic and hardly passes through the bronchial channels during breathing, causing irritation and, as a result, coughing. However, the latter in this case is no longer able to cope with the transportation and excretion of sputum.

Allergies can also cause thickening of mucus in the bronchi. When the body gives an immune response to the appearance of an irritant (dust, pollen, sand, wool particles, etc.), the secretory cells of the respiratory tract receive a command to actively secrete sputum. As a result, it does not have time to be removed from the bronchi and accumulates in their cavity.

At allergic cough Difficulty passing sputum is also common.

Bad habits, such as drinking and smoking, adversely affect the health of the whole body, including the respiratory system. Soot from smoke, constantly settling in the cavity of the bronchi and lungs, changes the physical properties of the mucus, literally "welding" it to the tissues. The mucus begins to form clots that stick to the bronchi - this causes a severe cough. Alcohol acts no less gently, but its negative effect extends to the trachea.

Unfortunately, without the use of medicines, it is almost impossible to get rid of stagnant mucus in the throat. However, in order to minimize the duration of treatment, it is worth adhering to some rules in the process of therapy.

Tips for patients who have difficulty coughing up sputum:

  • You need to drink water as often as possible. During illness, severe dehydration of the body is observed, which must be compensated. Often, mucus thickens precisely because the cells in the process of its production simply do not have enough fluid. At least 2-2.5 liters of warm water should be consumed per day (not tea, soda or juices, but pure drinking water - bottled or boiled).

  • Avoid salty and spicy food. These seasonings have a negative effect on the environment of the stomach, which can also provoke poor expectoration. In addition, salt interferes with the normal circulation of fluid in the body.
  • Observe bed rest. Peace and relaxation is the key successful treatment. Permanent loads, being in dusty rooms or on a cool street contribute to the entry of small particles into the lungs and Airways which will only make the mucus more viscous.
  • Fulfill breathing exercises. This simple procedure helps to remove stagnant sputum and reduce coughing. To perform it, it is necessary to draw full lungs of air through the nose, hold your breath for a short while, and then gradually exhale - and so on 5-7 times.

By following these simple rules, the patient will get rid of the obsessive cough caused by a violation of mucus production much earlier.

Ways to deal with mucus stagnation

Difficult expectoration when coughing is bad symptom however, it is treatable. Troubleshooting modern medicine provides for the application special preparations- mucolytic and expectorant. The former make the mucus more liquid, and the latter contribute to its speedy removal from the respiratory tract. However, drug therapy should be accompanied by other recreational activities.

In the case when sputum is in no hurry to separate when coughing, it is prescribed complex treatment. It includes:

  • the use of drugs;
  • carrying out physiotherapy;
  • recovery in folk ways.

Together with medicines, it is very useful to carry out inhalations - to breathe over hot liquids, inhaling steam. This will simultaneously soften the throat and moisturize the mucous membrane, helping the outgoing sputum to be more actively separated from the tissues.

Inhalation is recommended to relieve cough and improve sputum discharge.

For the procedure, special inhalers are used. If there are none, at home, you can simply cover yourself with a towel over a saucepan with hot water(folk methods also allow the replacement of liquid with boiled potatoes). Essential oils will be very useful - for example, before inhalation, you can drip eucalyptus or mint, lemon.

Home treatments can also help with poor sputum production. Most often, they involve treatment with medicinal plants. Also, honey, onions and garlic, milk and butter are actively used to combat cough and mucus stagnation.

Effective drugs

Medicines are the main tool that allows you to quickly normalize the functioning of the respiratory system and remove mucus stagnation. The most effective drugs to improve sputum separation are:

  • Mukaltin;
  • Ambrobene;

One of the drugs that is prescribed in this case is ACC.

  • Stoptussin;
  • Herbion;
  • Ambroxol.

To improve the patency of mucus in the respiratory tract, you can take pills or purchase products based on syrups, solutions - they have a similar effect, but do not harm the stomach.

Folk methods of treatment

The basis of such therapy is a variety of decoctions and compresses. With sputum that is difficult to separate, alcohol is not recommended, so the use of tinctures internally is in question - the decision should be made with the participation of specialists. In addition, alcohol should not be given to children.

The most effective folk recipes for decoctions:

  • Milk with honey and butter. Boil the milk on the stove, then let it cool to a warm state. Add 1-2 teaspoons of honey, mix well. Also, to soften the throat, you can lower into the mixture not a large number of butter. Give to the patient at bedtime.

A decoction of pine cones can help improve the condition

  • Broth on pine cones. Effective remedy, which helps to disperse mucus in the respiratory tract and stabilize its production. For cooking, you need 4-6 cones. Water (500 ml) is poured into a container, brought to a boil, and then lowered there Pine cones for 5 to 7 minutes. After that, the liquid is decanted and divided into 3-5 portions, giving to the patient during the day.
  • Mother-and-stepmother, oregano and raspberry. One tablespoon of each plant is poured into a medium Turk or a small saucepan, then water is boiled (about 0.5 liters) and the mixture is immediately poured into it. The broth is considered ready for use after 7-9 minutes and is served hot twice - in the morning and in the evening.

You can also apply compresses based on various decoctions of herbs (thyme, sage, coltsfoot, mint, wild rosemary, calendula, etc.), honey or boiled potatoes. For the procedure, you need to soak the gauze in a liquid or coat it with an ingredient, then apply it on the chest (but not on the heart) and wrap it with a towel overnight.

A decoction of coltsfoot is also a good expectorant.

If sputum does not come out well when coughing in a child or an adult, the first thing to do is to see a doctor or at least call a specialist at home for an examination. Only after a correct diagnosis can you confidently begin a course of treatment that will certainly help to cope with the disease.

You can learn about how to treat a cough with sputum from the following video:

There is nothing more debilitating than a non-productive cough. Almost everyone who has encountered such a phenomenon at least once agrees with this statement. Initial stages of the flow respiratory diseases characterized by dry, which within 2-3 days is transformed into a productive reflex act with a slight withdrawal of the mucous substance. If time is running, but this does not happen, you should consult a doctor.

What diseases can badly discharged sputum in an adult and a child talk about, what to do to get rid of unpleasant symptom? This will be discussed further.

The respiratory system, in the process of performing its main function, encounters various stimuli that can have a negative impact.

By inhaling various particles such as dust or gases, mucus is produced by the large bronchi and glands of the trachea, which protects the tracheobronchial tree.

It is a transparent liquid substance that accumulates irritants and removes them from the respiratory organs through the ciliated epithelium. The normal daily volume of secretions does not exceed 100 ml and is not noticed by a person in the process of life, because without a trace, when it enters the esophagus, it is swallowed and excreted naturally.

The appearance of pathological processes provokes an increased separation of exudate, the volume of which can reach one and a half liters. This changes not only the quantity, but also the consistency.

That is why the mechanisms of natural purification fail, and the body is left with nothing but how to expectorate mucus by activating cough reflexes. Muscle contractions allow you to remove excess mucus and prevent deep damage to the tissues of the bronchi and lungs by pathogens. But sometimes even coughing does not contribute to its departure. Such a phenomenon can be considered a stagnant process, provoked by the formation of a difficult-to-separate secret.

Diseases in which the discharge of viscous sputum is complicated

A number of pathological processes are characterized by complicated coughing up of the accumulated secret due to excessive viscosity:

  • Acute and chronic bronchitis. It is characterized by an increased secretory function of the bronchi, as a result of which the excretory system cannot cope with a large amount of produced substance. In this case, its color can be white or yellow-green, and the consistency is viscous and difficult to separate.
  • Pneumonia. It is a lesion of the lungs of various origins, in which the mucus gradually acquires a purulent color and is coughed up with difficulty.
  • Pulmonary edema. A pathological condition that poses a real threat to human life. It is characterized by foaming abundant exudate, the volume of which can exceed a liter.
  • Bronchial asthma. The secret in this disease, as a rule, has no color, but the ciliated epithelium does not always cope with its abundance, due to which it stagnates in the bronchi.
  • Tuberculosis. Discharge during infection with Koch's bacillus is purulent, at later stages of the course of the disease, blood impurities are possible due to tissue breakdown.
  • malignant neoplasm. Cough attacks in this case constantly accompany a person, pain occurs when inhaling, mucous secretions rarely come out and may contain bloody streaks.

Smokers may also experience problematic secretion. This is due to the effect on the respiratory system of resins. The smoker experiences the strongest coughing attacks in the morning, as a result of which pieces of a jelly-like mass of gray or beige are released. What does the emergence of brown slime, read in our material.

How to diagnose stagnation of mucus in yourself?

Most people who are faced with these pathological conditions know firsthand how difficult it is to cough up sputum.

An accumulating secret containing a large number of pathogens that does not have an outlet to the outside affects the mucous membranes of the bronchus, causes shortness of breath and shortness of breath.

If you do not help him to leave the respiratory system, the person's condition soon worsens, there is a danger to life.

Congestion in the respiratory system should be a mandatory reason for visiting the hospital. But not everyone knows about its main manifestations. Let's clarify this issue.

Stagnation is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Prolonged, debilitating, unproductive cough.
  • Clearly audible wheezing when inhaling - exhaling.
  • Sensation of a lump and irritation in the throat.

The presence of such manifestations requires immediate drug therapy.

If sputum does not come out, what should I do?

First and most important advice- Seek help from a qualified professional. Do not delay your visit to the hospital. Delay can provoke the transition of the disease from acute to chronic form and cause irreversible processes in the body. Without proper knowledge in the field of medicine, a person is able to harm himself or his own children, because not all drugs are combined with each other, blocking the therapeutic effect of each other.

If the implementation of all medical prescriptions at home does not bring the desired effect and the adult still coughs mucus just as badly when coughing, what to do in this case? Only right decision there will be a transition to a stationary mode, including various physical procedures.

Medical treatment

The basis for therapy for bronchitis and other diseases in which sputum is poorly discharged are medications.

Their selection is carried out exclusively by a specialized medical specialist based on the history of the disease and diagnostic methods research.

Diseases of viral etiology involve taking antiviral drugs (Groprinosin, Amiksin, Interferon), the presence of a bacterial infection is a direct indication for taking antibiotics from a number of macrolides ( Azithromycin, Summamed), 3rd generation cephalosporins ( Ceftriaxone), penicillins ( Ammoxicillin, Augmentin).

In both cases, it will not be superfluous to take immunostimulating agents, such as Bronchomunal. They increase the protective properties of the body by activating specific immunity. Thus, the chances of developing complications are reduced by increasing the self-resistance of the body.

Regardless of the origin of the disease, it is imperative to free the airways from the accumulation of mucous secretions, which will help to cope with expectorant and thinning drugs. Let us consider in more detail the principle of their action.

Thinning medicines

If sputum does not come out well in a child or adult, the attending physician first of all prescribes drugs that have a mulolytic effect. They are aimed at changing the structure of the substance produced by the bronchi in order to more productively move them up the respiratory tract.

A similar effect is possessed by drugs whose active ingredient is ambroxol, acetylcysteine, carbocysteine, bromhexine. There are many tablets, syrups, solutions based on them, both domestic and foreign, on the pharmaceutical market.

In pediatric pulmonology, drugs such as Lazolvan and Ambrobene are most often used in the form of suspensions and solutions. In neonatological practice, these agents are used to relieve respiratory failure in newborns and are administered intravenously or intramuscularly.

Persons over 12 years of age are prescribed therapy in the form of tablets for oral administration or a solution for inhalation, in more advanced cases, in a hospital setting, Ambroxol can be administered intravenously by setting droppers or injections.

Such drugs should not be taken autonomously; health workers prescribe them in combination with expectorants, especially with a weak cough reflex.

Medicines to clear mucus

This pharmacological group has an effect on the physiological activity of the ciliated epithelium, with the help of which the mucous secretion moves up with its subsequent excretion into oral cavity. Some of them also reduce its viscosity and increase the secretory function of the bronchi.

In most cases, the active principle of these drugs are herbal ingredients. The most famous are Eucabal, Dr. Mom, Dr. Thais' Plantain Syrup, Prospan.

Available in the form of ointments, tablets and syrups. Reception of many of them is allowed during pregnancy, during lactation and in infancy. However, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Attention! The mucus that comes out when coughing should be spit out, as it contains a huge number of pathogens.

We wrote about the reasons for the appearance of green discharge when coughing in our article.

Inhalation treatment

One of the foundations in the treatment algorithm for a disease such as bronchitis, which is often associated thick secretions, are inhalations with medicines and herbal ingredients.

With the help of inhalations, a number of main therapeutic tasks can be solved:

  • Moisturizing the mucosa
  • Liquefaction of secretions
  • Direct delivery of drugs to the focus of inflammation, which, depending on the type of their action, can have antibacterial, mucolytic, anti-inflammatory, bronchodilatory effects

Note! For sanitation of the respiratory tract using a nebulizer, devices with medium dispersion are used. Models producing larger particles will not have the desired effect on the affected organs.

If in the home arsenal medical devices there is an inhaler, it is worth telling the doctor about it, he, in turn, will recommend effective drugs and dosages, taking into account age and contraindications for a particular case.

Among medicines The most popular among pediatricians, pulmonologists and therapists are:

  • Lazolvan or Ambrobene. Preparations produced in the form of a solution with the same active ingredient - ambroxol, are used for any type of inhalation, with the exception of steam. Inhalation therapy is carried out for a wide range of patients of different age groups, including childhood up to 2 years. To obtain the desired effect, the solution is mixed in a 1: 1 ratio with 9% sodium chloride. The dosage is prescribed exclusively by the doctor. Outpatient procedure is not recommended for children under 2 years of age. When taken together with antibacterial drugs Ambroxol enhances their action.
  • Acetylcysteine, ACC, Fluimucil. Not used in the treatment of infants, the minimum age threshold from which the use of this active substance- 2 years.
  • Berodual, salbutamol- are added to the composition inhalation therapy with the patient's tendency to obstruction, they have a pronounced bronchodilatory effect.

Also, a health worker, depending on the etiology, stage of the disease, the severity of its course, can add antibiotics, antimicrobial, herbal remedies to the above solutions. Their independent, uncontrolled use can significantly complicate the healing process.

To obtain a high-quality therapeutic effect, the basic rules of the procedure should be observed:

  • Do not eat 2 hours before and half an hour after inhalation
  • The duration of its implementation should vary between 5-10 minutes.
  • Breathing should be even, moderately deep.
  • After its completion, for at least half an hour, refrain from exertion, talking, contact with cold air.

We talked about how else to deal with a difficult-to-separate secret in a child in our article.

Treatment with folk remedies

It is known that "grandmother's" recipes, which are based on various healthy foods and herbal ingredients.

And in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, they manifest themselves quite effectively.

Toddlers of preschool and primary school age can use the following recipes, with full confidence in the absence of allergies to any of the components:

  • Mix warm goat or cow's milk with a teaspoon of honey. Drink it right before bed
  • The sweet taste of radish or onion juice with honey will definitely appeal to children and will quickly get rid of an annoying cough.
  • Viburnum tea with honey will saturate the body with vitamin C and give strength to fight infection.
  • Licorice root syrup has been proven over the years and is a reliable assistant in pathological conditions bronchi and lungs.

We talked about it in detail here.

Natural mucolytics in the form of individual herbs and their combinations should be used in therapeutic purposes for senior age category persons suffering from bronchitis and pneumonia. All of the following components are sold in pharmacies both separately and as part of breast fees in filter bags that are convenient to brew:

  • In equal proportions, mix thyme, chamomile, St. John's wort. Pour a tablespoon of herbs with 250 ml of boiling water and insist in a thermos for at least an hour. Take half a glass of infusion after meals three times a day.
  • Pour lingonberry leaves, fennel and pine buds with boiling water, leave to infuse for 2 hours, take according to the same scheme for at least 5 days.
  • Collect plantain, wash and finely chop. A ready-to-eat organic plant can also be purchased at the pharmacy chain. Pour 50 grams of the product with a liter of boiling water and leave overnight. Take a glass 4 times a day.

Vapor inhalation vegetable oils coniferous trees have a beneficial effect on the patient's condition, this is noted by almost all health workers.

Important! DO NOT abandon drug therapy in favor of herbs and decoctions, essential oils, only in combination they are capable of as soon as possible improve the patient's condition.

Treatment at home

For a speedy recovery, it is important to follow some tips that will complement drug therapy:

  • Frequent airing and maintaining high humidity in the room help to alleviate the condition and prevent the developed mucous substance from drying out, clogging the bronchial lumen.
  • The diet of the patient is enriched to the maximum with vitamins and microelements. Preference should be given to fresh vegetables and fruits, freshly squeezed juices, fruit drinks, fermented milk products.
  • Drinking plenty of water prevents dehydration of the body and, as a result, has a positive effect on the density of the expectorated secret.
  • During the period of illness, it is desirable to exclude physical activity as much as possible.
  • It is especially important in the first days of the disease to provide the patient with bed rest.
  • After the temperature normalizes, walks in the fresh air will be useful.
  • If the patient is addicted to nicotine, it is imperative to stop smoking, at least for the duration of the illness.

Massage is an effective remedy

Postural massage can be included in the complex therapy aimed at the productive release of mucus. The rules for its implementation in an adult and a minor are slightly different, in particular in the intensity of mechanical action.

Important! Before embarking on massage procedures, it is imperative to measure body temperature. Even a slight excess of the norm is a contraindication to manipulation.

An adult should lie on his stomach on the bed, hang his head and chest from it, turning from side to side, try to cough.

After that, you should ask someone with the side of the palm to tap intensively in the area chest for at least 1 minute, then rest. Repeat the action 3-5 times.

In the event that sputum does not come out well when coughing, the child is also allowed to use massage. Its effectiveness is confirmed by almost all pediatricians, including the famous doctor Komarovsky.

The technique for carrying out the procedure for the baby consists in lightly tapping the chest with your fingers, in the direction from its lower section upwards. The baby should occupy a position in which the buttocks are located above the head. To do this, you can put a pillow under the pelvis or lay it on your lap. Finish the massage with stroking, after which the child must be positioned vertically so that he can cough up the accumulated secret. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it and not cause the baby discomfort or pain.

There are a number of contraindications in which you should not massage the chest:

  • Hypertensive crisis
  • Heart failure
  • Pulmonary embolism

Remember that a timely diagnosis and complex therapy increases the patient's chances of a positive outcome of the disease.

Sputum is one of the symptoms of the development of pathological processes in the organs of the respiratory system. It occurs on the mucous membrane of the bronchial tree. Difficult discharge of sputum is associated with its high level of density. Thick mucus sticks to bronchial tree causing a dry cough. In the presence of chronic diseases mucus accumulates and is not coughed up long time. Mucolytic drugs are used to improve the expectoration process.

Causes of difficulty in sputum discharge

Healthy bronchi produce enough mucus to keep the respiratory system functioning properly. The secretion of mucous membranes increases with the development of pathologies. Active division of harmful bacteria leads to an increase in the density of mucus. Sputum is formed, which consists of microflora, protein breakdown products, toxins, blood and plasma components.

The density and color of sputum depends on the saturation of its components. Depending on the severity of the pathology, mucus will be accompanied by serous and purulent secretions with blood streaks.

Diseases leading to the formation of sputum:

  • acute or chronic bronchitis;
  • lower lobe pneumonia;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • laryngotracheitis;
  • polyps and neoplasms in the bronchi;
  • candidiasis.

The reason can also be a psychosomatic factor.

Difficulty passing sputum high density and density. It is impossible to push it out of the bronchi by coughing. Phlegm sticks to the mucous membranes, provoking the urge to cough. Prolonged and unproductive cough leads to injuries of the bronchi and respiratory system, which aggravates the course of the disease.

The formation of sputum is affected by prolonged, active smoking. Smoker's bronchitis is formed - chronic inflammation bronchi, the development of which is associated with the effects of cigarette smoke on the respiratory tract. The sputum has a brown color, does not come out well and causes bouts of dry cough.

If the sputum does not come out of the child

Cough in children appears due to the presence of viral, fungal or bacterial infections. Due to the insufficient development of the muscles of the chest, the sputum in the child does not go away even if it is present in the bronchi. Attacks of dry cough in a child can last for a long time. In severe cases, the baby loses the ability to breathe normally. Constantly repeated urge to cough does not give the opportunity to inhale air, the general well-being of the child worsens.

Most common causes dry cough in a child:

  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • laryngotracheitis;
  • whooping cough.

Due to the fact that sputum is not coughed up, the child's abdominal cavity is in constant voltage. Strong urge to cough significantly increases the risk of developing umbilical hernia. In addition to colds and respiratory infections, dry cough appears due to ingestion foreign bodies into the respiratory system. Thick sputum is released as a reaction of the body to dry air, dust, city smog and car smoke.

The danger of difficult sputum discharge during pregnancy

Infection of the body during pregnancy is dangerous with complications in the form of premature birth, miscarriage, defects and various malformations of the fetus. In addition, a constant cough reflex is dangerous for a woman. It is able to influence the tone of the muscles of the uterus, leading the organ to an unexpected contraction.

The danger of dry cough depends on the duration of pregnancy:

  1. In the first trimester of pregnancy the immune system women weakens, which causes a rapid infection with the infection. At the moment of coughing, an overstrain of the abdominal wall occurs, as a result of which the uterus is strained. Increased tone uterus complicates the process of attachment of the embryo to the mucous membrane.
  2. In the second trimester, a dry cough is practically not dangerous. The baby is protected by the placenta, which takes the brunt of viruses and bacteria. The threat is the presence of a source of infections in the body, which leads to the development of placental insufficiency. There is a risk of developing various fetal anomalies associated with malnutrition.
  3. In the third trimester, a persistent cough increases the likelihood of preterm labor. This is because viruses and bacteria lead to rapid aging of the placenta, and this process especially accelerates towards the end of pregnancy.


With difficult sputum discharge, mucolytic drugs are prescribed. They act on the bronchial mucosa, increasing secretion production. Complex mucolytics change the composition of sputum, making it less viscous. Remedies reduce inflammation, speeding up the healing process. Most products are sold without a prescription, but their use may be restricted to children or pregnant women.

Drugs that improve sputum discharge for adults:

A drugDosage and application
Codelac bronchoTake 1 tablet in the morning and evening. Combined drug, each of the components of which has a specific effect on the bronchi. Increases the secretion of mucous membranes, relieves inflammation and thins sputum
AmbrobeneThe drug stimulates the synthesis of surfactant - a substance that prevents the alveoli and small bronchi from sticking together. Increases concentration active ingredient secret antibiotics. Take 1 capsule 2 times a day
FluimucilIt is prescribed in the form of tablets, but the drug is used in the form of injections for seriously ill patients. Contraindicated in exacerbation peptic ulcer GIT. Take 1 tablet 1 time per day

When sputum is not coughed up in a pregnant woman, one should carefully approach the choice of drugs. Most of them contain elecampane root, anise, ivy, violet, oregano, thyme, coltsfoot, plantain, licorice root and pine buds. All these components are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy. They secrete a certain amount of toxins that poison food. In addition, the listed herbs increase the tone of the uterus, increasing the risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

Acceptable mucolytic drugs during pregnancy:

Mucolytic drugs are prohibited for children under 2 years of age. They are used mainly in the form of syrups, since a child can choke on tablets or a capsule.

Acceptable mucolytic drugs for children:

Carrying out inhalations

Inhalations are carried out with the help of a drug dissolved in water. They are prescribed in cases where sputum is not expectorated for a long time. Compared to tablets, this method has the following advantages:

  • the active substance of the drug enters directly on the affected areas of the mucous membrane;
  • sputum is moistened with steam, becomes liquid and easily leaves;
  • there is an accelerated removal of bacteria from the bronchi.

Doctors recommend inhalation with a nebulizer. The device converts the drug into an aerosol, which is delivered into the respiratory tract through a mask. During the procedure, the nasal passages, throat, tonsils and bronchi are treated. Inhalations with a nebulizer are safer because there is no risk of accidental burns of the respiratory tract.

Steam nebulizer with inhalation mask

Rules for inhalation:

  • start the procedure 1 hour after eating or physical activity;
  • clothing should not constrain the chest;
  • you need to be in a clean, ventilated room;
  • inhalation cannot be combined with taking mucolytic drugs in the form of tablets or syrup;
  • after the procedure, do not leave the room for 1 hour;
  • the amount of the drug dissolved in water should not exceed 5 ml.

Time for one procedure:

  • children from 2 years old - no more than 1 minute;
  • adults - up to 5 minutes 2 times a day.

Preparations for inhalation:

  • ACC-100 (10% solution);
  • Bromhexine 4 Berlin-Chemie;
  • Fluimucil;
  • Prospan.

It is forbidden to carry out inhalation in the presence of purulent lesions of the respiratory system. Before the procedure, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction so that complications in the form of bronchospasm do not occur.

Inhalation technique:

  • you can use a nebulizer, or any other sterile container;
  • add 5 ml of the drug to the water, heat it to a state of steam;
  • inhale steam through the nose, slowly and calmly;
  • it is forbidden to talk;
  • it is necessary to close your eyes so that a burn does not occur;
  • after the procedure, bed rest should be observed.

If any discomfort occurs, the procedure must be stopped.

Traditional medicine

You can improve sputum discharge at home with the help of traditional medicine recipes. Such therapy should not replace drug treatment, but is suitable as an auxiliary practice.

Treatment of dry cough folk remedies:

Milk with figsIt is necessary to take 1 fig fruit, cut it into 2 halves. Place the fruit in a gauze container and pour 0.5 liters of milk. Put on a slow fire, cook for 10 minutes. Drink chilled 3 times a day. Milk has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract, and figs promote sputum discharge.
onion juiceIt will take 100 g of honey and several heads of onions. Grind the onions until smooth and add to the honey. Mix everything until smooth. Consume 2 teaspoons 2-3 times a day
Honey with horseradishMix ingredients in proportions 1:1. Take on an empty stomach 1 tablespoon. This tool improves not only sputum discharge, but also sweating
Decoction of licorice rootGrind 20 g of the root, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil for 30 minutes. Cool and strain before taking. Take 2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day
Honey with lemonYou should cut the lemon into 2 parts and squeeze the juice out of it. Add 1 spoon of honey. Mix everything until smooth and put in the refrigerator to freeze. Take a teaspoon before meals

In the presence of candidal lesions of the bronchi, it is highly recommended not to use recipes containing sugar. You should completely abandon confectionery, as well as any products containing yeast. Otherwise, the cough will last a very long time, and the medicines will have little effect.

If an adult does not cough up sputum well, this often indicates the development of such formidable diseases as pneumonia or bronchitis.

The accumulation of thick mucus is very dangerous in bronchitis, as mucus is an ideal environment for the active reproduction of bacteria.

If you do not ensure its discharge, multiple complications may develop and the risk of the disease becoming chronic will increase significantly.

Therefore, it is imperative to find out why sputum is poorly coughed up and begin effective treatment.

Phlegm in the bronchi of a person is constantly formed, even if he is absolutely healthy. This mucus is needed to protect the lungs and other internal organs from microorganisms and dust that enter the respiratory tract along with the air. It does not let in foreign particles and promotes their removal.

But if microbes enter the bronchi, the amount of mucus increases several times, it becomes thick and stagnates in the respiratory organs.

To ensure the discharge of sputum and facilitate breathing, nature in the body provides such a mechanism as coughing.

But if the sputum is too viscous, when coughing, they do not come out, but stick to the walls of the bronchi. The cough becomes more intense severe irritation mucosa, the patient may suffer from chest pains, but still nothing is coughed up, because the sputum is too thick and dense.

Many patients with bronchitis complain that they have a lump in their throat - this is how sputum accumulated in the bronchi feels.

This condition is very dangerous, it is necessary to do special procedures to achieve liquefaction of mucus and its removal. Only a doctor selects and prescribes them.

What to do if sputum does not leave

With bronchitis, which is accompanied by an unproductive cough, medicines of two groups are used:

  • Drugs that help thin sputum;
  • Drugs that contribute to its excretion, that is, stimulating the cough reflex by contracting the muscles of the bronchi.

Usually these are tablets and syrups that can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. But it is important to choose really effective drug the exact action required this moment with bronchitis.

Very often, patients, trusting in advertising or the advice of friends, begin to take with dry, unproductive cough when the sputum is still too viscous, drugs that stimulate expectoration. And as a result, the condition only worsens, the cough becomes stronger, but the sputum does not go away.

Therefore, with a prolonged unproductive cough, you must definitely see a doctor before you start taking any syrups or medicines,

If you are tired of coughing, in which mucus does not leave the bronchi, while all other symptoms of the disease have long since passed, you can try folk recipes.

In this case ethnoscience can really help, while the funds will be much more affordable than pharmacy drugs.

If cough for a long time does not go away, it is very useful to do various inhalations at home. The action of inhalation is as follows:

  • Warming and softening of irritated mucosa;
  • Hydration of the larynx;
  • Deep penetration of the drug along with steam into the lungs and bronchi;
  • Mucus liquefaction.

The simplest one, which can be prepared very quickly at home from improvised ingredients, is boiled potatoes. First, boil the potatoes, then mash them. The patient bends over a pot with a hot mass, covers himself with a towel and breathes deeply, slowly for 15 minutes.

By themselves, evaporation from potatoes does not give any therapeutic effect for bronchitis - the throat simply warms up, because of the hot steam, sputum liquefies and is easier to leave. To enhance the effect of this procedure, traditional medicine advises adding a spoonful of baking soda or mustard to potatoes.

Then inhalation will be not just warming, but also healing. After inhalation, do not throw away the remaining mass. It can be wrapped in gauze or a linen napkin and applied to the throat and chest. This will also help relieve a strong cough and facilitate the discharge of thick bronchial contents.

Inhalations can be done several times a day, provided that the patient does not have a fever. In addition to potatoes, decoctions are used medicinal plants and solutions with essential oils. Will be useful:

  1. Pine buds.
  2. St. John's wort and sage.
  3. Calendula and chamomile.
  4. Oak bark and thyme.
  5. Eucalyptus leaves and needles.

Essential oils can be added to hot water eucalyptus, fir, arborvitae, menthol oil. Well helps to relieve inflammation and make sputum more liquid propolis. It is important not to overdo it with oils - they need to be added just a few drops, at the rate of 1 drop per liter of hot water.

Many have already forgotten about such proven remedies for paroxysmal, painful cough without sputum discharge, like mustard plasters and pepper plaster, and in vain. These funds are penny, but they help quickly and for sure. It is better to put both mustard plasters and a band-aid before going to bed, so that later you can wrap yourself up warmly and lie under the covers.

Such procedures warm up the chest and bronchi well, which means that they also contribute to the rapid and easy discharge of sputum. The only drawback is that pepper plaster can cause allergies, and mustard plasters burn sensitive skin. In this case, you can try to put an iodine grid on the chest, back and calves of the legs.

Another gentle but effective folk remedy for sore throats and persistent coughs - a compress of their fresh cottage cheese. It is better to choose fresh, not very greasy, but not dry cottage cheese. It is well mixed with baking soda, laid on polyethylene in a thick layer and transferred to the chest and throat. From above, the compress must be insulated with a woolen scarf or scarf.

Keep the curd compress for at least three hours. Then the curd mass must be thrown away, the rest washed off with warm water, rubbed with goose or badger fat and lie down under the covers.

To speed up recovery, immediately after inhalation or compress, you need to drink a warm healing drink. Available means are:

  • Warmed milk with a piece of butter, honey and soda;
  • Herbal tea from lingonberry, currant and raspberry leaves with honey;
  • Garlic milk or milk with figs (recipes are identical, take 3-4 cloves of garlic or the same number of figs for two glasses of milk, put on fire and cook for at least half an hour, then drink in small sips while warm);
  • Heated mineral water Borjomi without gas - it can be removed with a teaspoon;
  • Kissel from banana - ripe fruit knead with a fork, pour a glass of boiling water, stir and insist under the lid for a quarter of an hour.

Using these recipes, even without medication, you can make sputum less viscous and get rid of them. To avoid stagnation of sputum, one must not forget about physical activity- Walking, doing exercises, chest massage promotes coughing. The drugs that help to expel sputum will be discussed in the video in this article.

Sputum is an accumulation of saliva and mucous secretions from the nasopharynx, formed in healthy person in a small amount and is excreted from the body unnoticed by the person himself. When bronchitis occurs, secretions are excreted from the body during expectoration and coughing. If sputum does not come out well with bronchitis, and the cough continues for several weeks, this may indicate the inability of the bronchi to cope with the task.

It can have a different character: the volume, color, viscosity, smell of secretions depend on the severity and form of the disease, the duration of its stay, the source of the disease. In order to determine the exact cause of the ailment and get proper treatment, it is necessary to collect the morning portion of sputum and take it for analysis.

In the early stages, a chest, hacking cough with a small amount of sputum is diagnosed. In the acute course of the disease, the symptoms become more pronounced - the cough turns from dry to wet, the volume of secretions increases dramatically.

If the patient is the owner chronic form bronchitis and he has an exacerbation of the disease, then the cough in such a patient is initially wet, with large volumes sputum.

Coughing up blood is a sign serious problems V respiratory system, it is urgent to hand over the selection for analysis.

Discharge color

Depending on the color of sputum, the doctor can diagnose one or another stage of the disease, the source of its occurrence, the severity of bronchitis, etc. The shade of sputum may indicate the following.


A white tint indicates that the patient's condition is diagnosed as normal, but if there is a lot of mucus, this is an indicator of a chronic disease.


Green sputum is an indicator of an old infection that has passed from acute form into chronic. The breakdown of neutrophils and various other cells stain the secretions in green color. With an infectious source of the disease, the mucus may contain a significant amount of purulent masses, if the cause of the disease is not infectious nature, the discharge will be clear or slightly whitish. This color appears during not only bronchitis, but also sinusitis, bacterial pneumonia etc.


Sputum yellow color occurs when there is a presence in the secretions big number Neutrophils are types of white blood cells. A large amount of discharge is present during, as well as during the ingestion of an infectious or allergic source of the disease. In addition, yellowish mucus predominates in people who have been abusing smoking for many years. If such secretions are found, contact the medical institution to find out the cause of the disease, necessary analyzes and receiving appropriate treatment.


brown sputum has a direct relationship with the blood - the color of such secretions is a consequence of the breakdown of red blood cells, in which hemosiderin is released.

Various organic and inorganic substances that enter the body with food can also color mucus brown. Typically, such secretions are present with pneumonia of a different nature, severe tuberculosis, congestive processes in the lungs, and anthrax.


Sputum excreted with blood is red and is an indicator heavy degrees tuberculosis, accompanied by hemoptysis, malignant neoplasms in the lungs, nature, infarction of bronchial tissues, pulmonary edema.

Black or dark gray

Black or dark gray sputum appears if dust from smoking is added to the secretions. In addition, the hue of the mucus may change, depending on whether the kaike medications accepts the patient.


Based on the smell of sputum, it is possible to determine which stage of bronchitis prevails in the patient. If the discharge does not have a pronounced odor, then the patient does not have pathological phenomena in the body.

The unpleasant smell of mucus is a sign of health problems in this person.

In the case of the development of gangrene of bronchial tissues, abscesses, bronchitis, which have a rotting character, the discharge acquires the smell of rot. This smell also indicates the presence of bronchiectasis, oncological diseases lungs, in which the death of lung tissue occurs.

Sputum with blood

If there is blood in the secretions, it is important to pay attention to this without delay, and also to immediately apply for medical assistance. As a rule, in such situations, examinations begin with the following diagnostic procedures:

  • bronchoscopy;
  • computed tomography;
  • chest x-ray;
  • general blood test;
  • coagulograms;
  • electrocardiography;
  • fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy (abbreviated FEGDS);
  • sputum analysis;
  • sweat analysis.

Bronchoscopy reveals various tumors, lung expansion. Radiography determines the condition of the heart and lungs, and CT scan detects changes in the tissues of the lungs, helps to establish the correct diagnosis. It is usually used in acute bronchitis and allows diagnosing abscess and lung cancer, bronchiectasis, etc.

A complete blood count can detect various inflammatory processes flowing in the body. An excess of leukocytes or erythrocytes indicates the presence of any inflammation in the body - acute or chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, lung abscesses, etc.

With the help of electrocardiography, various heart diseases are detected, which are often a sign of sputum with blood. Sweat analysis helps to detect cystic fibrosis, in which there is a violation of chlorine metabolism in the human body.

Through sputum analysis, the doctor diagnoses inflammatory currents in the bronchi, tuberculosis and other ailments that cause discharge with blood. Depending on the nature of the disease, the patient is prescribed a specific treatment.