Which stone is suitable for Cancer women. Rock crystal and London Blue topaz. What to give up

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will continue the topic of protecting stones according to the signs of the zodiac. Here we will talk about people of the astrological sign Cancer. To understand what stones Cancers should wear against damage, as well as what amulets will protect them from the evil eye, envy and energetic negativity of others, and will attract money and love into your life, you need to understand what the character of the representatives of this sign of the zodiac circle is.

Talismans according to the Cancer horoscope - the right choice of stone is important

There are a huge number of natural semi-precious stones-talismans according to the signs of the zodiac. Each stone has its own unique character and magical, as well as medicinal and practical properties. Any stone that you bring close to you will, in one way or another, have an effect on you. It is necessary to ensure that the impact is positive.

And this requires information, you need to find out everything about the gem that you want to make your amulet. In the context of this article, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will say that you should understand what stone can become an amulet for Cancer, because the amulet carries a clearly defined program, and it will not be good if Magic force the stone will turn against its bearer.
Among other protective stones against the evil eye according to the zodiac signs, there are such natural minerals that are ideal:

  • sensitive,
  • calm,
  • homemade.

They are very patient and purposeful. These people can wait in the wings for years. But they are not waiting idlely, but are doing everything possible actions. When Cancer reaches its intended goal, it will definitely not let go. This applies to both personal relationships and exclusively professional and business goals. Ambition helps representatives of the Cancer horoscope sign to reach heights in their activity profile.

However, betting on ambition alone is risky. It’s worth trusting in magic and putting protection against negativity on the stone based on your date of birth. Magical protections that cover a person through any object, the so-called protective or amulet protections, are among the powerful rituals. And if you decide to buy and set up a stone that protects against damage, you must understand that this is very serious.

Magic stones - talismans for the Cancer horoscope

As I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, already said, and I will repeat, you need to find out everything about the stone that you have chosen for your protection, evaluate its character, understand whether you need this particular gem, or whether it is better to buy another stone according to the Cancer zodiac sign. So, what stones are suitable for them?

What natural stones, talismans based on date of birth, will help people of the Cancer horoscope open financial channels and ensure a constant flow of funds? Which of them will stand up to defend the home? What stones do Cancers use as amulets against the evil eye?

And finally, what stones will help a person born under the horoscope sign of Cancer become successful, not move backward, but boldly move forward and get what they want?

Here is a list of amulets stones for the Cancer zodiac sign:

  • amethyst
  • Moonstone
  • rhinestone
  • cornelian
  • hematite
  • sardonyx
  • pearl
  • turquoise
  • chalcedony
  • chrysoprase
  • heliotrope
  • tourmaline
  • emerald
  • ruby
  • aquamarine

Stones for Cancers by date of birth - protection from negativity and help in business

Cancers born in different decades are patronized different planets influencing the character of people. And, as it is not difficult to understand, those born in different decades will have different natural stones-amulets that protect against the evil eye and other negativity, as well as bringing good luck in different areas of activity.

For Cancers born in the first decade (21.06 – 01.07), the Moon is the protector planet. Under the influence of the Moon, these people develop a soft, calm, homely character. They are kind, sympathetic, perhaps overly sensitive, but they enjoy the love of others and, I must say, deservedly so. Clear, transparent ones are suitable for them stones are strong talismans against the evil eye, protectors from negativity of any nature:
  • amethyst
  • Moonstone
  • some types of jasper
  • cornelian
  • rhinestone

Cancers of the second decade (02.07-11.07) have a character trait that is commonly called cynicism. However, a cynical attitude towards life is not evil in itself, but, for example, for business people a certain amount of cynicism. The world for Cancers of the second decade it is a mystery, and these people are trying to solve it. They are recommended to wear stones as amulets against the evil eye, as well as for other purposes, to attract money, for example, or for success in business:

  • turquoise
  • pearl
  • sardonyx
  • heliotrope
  • chalcedony
  • chrysoprase

Cancers of the third decade (12.07-22.07) are patronized by the Moon and Neptune. Those talismans stones by date of birth, which are suitable for these people, protect their carriers from damage and energy attacks, while at the same time being guides in the world of magic and witchcraft. Many of those born in the third decade are looking for magical knowledge. Professions chosen are creative or those related to science. These are romantics, very emotional, striving to experience sublime feelings. For them, the following are suitable as amulets protecting against damage:

  • ruby
  • emerald
  • beryl
  • aquamarine
  • tourmaline

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

How to charge a stone against the evil eye and magical damage

Having decided which stone of the evil eye amulet you need, you must attune it to yourself and activate it. It is first necessary to cleanse it of foreign energy. What does that require? Just a simple procedure of washing the stone in running water with a spell.

For a while, leave your talisman stone against envy and the evil eye in clean running water, setting it to cleanse. With good visualization, the matter will be accomplished quickly and efficiently. You can read an independent plot for magical flushing, but you can leave the work to the elements. The water will wash everything away. The same can be done with the help of a great one, holding the stone over the flame of a candle or fire.

After the cleansing ritual, it is necessary to activate the stone to protect against the evil eye, magical damage and to help with earthly everyday affairs. Activation is done via magical ritual, revive the amulet with breath, saliva or blood.

All amulets of protection and active defense must be in the field of the person wearing them amulets stones according to zodiac signs. It is advisable to wear natural stones on the body, but you can carry them in your pocket or bag. The main thing is that the magical object is in close proximity to the person. The further the stone is from the wearer, if it is intended not to protect the house, but to preserve the person himself, the more and more its power weakens.

Amulet stones are suitable for people born in the Cancer horoscope

  1. Cat's eye. This mineral is less suitable for the title of a talisman, but as a talisman it is very effective. He will preserve the love of Cancer and keep him from casual relationships. The energy of this stone improves personal relationships and protects against the influences of others. And the stone will help lonely Cancers find a partner and love. In addition, this stone is suitable for children against the evil eye.
  2. Moon rock. A wonderful amulet for Cancers suffering from nervous tension and emotional overload. Has the ability to absorb the energy of the Moon, thus helping the wearer avoid mood swings, melancholy and severe depressive states associated with change lunar phases. In addition, the moonstone can be considered a love talisman according to the Cancer horoscope, because it is capable of attracting love into life.
  3. Emerald gives hope, wisdom and peace. Those born under the zodiac sign Cancer are, in a sense, characterized by timidity, suspiciousness, superstition and melancholy. Emerald, with its powerful energy, can completely relieve such mental illnesses. This stone protects Cancer from the evil eye and envy, and also attracts good money and strengthens the well-being of its owner.
  4. Pearls are a talisman of success for family Cancers. Closes you from the negativity of the past, leaving it in the past. Pearls are very effective as a women's amulet for protection against the evil eye. In general, this expensive stone has feminine energy, like chalcedony and amethyst.

Talisman stone for women of the Cancer sign - amulets and talismans by date of birth

Chalcedony is a natural stone suitable for women of the Cancer sign. It will protect a woman from melancholy and help restrain negative emotions. A powerful and lucky talisman for unmarried Cancer girls, it will attract

It is not difficult to guess that for these representatives of the water element, pebbles of various shades related to water are suitable as a talisman. In addition, amulets symbolizing the moon are considered one of the best talismans for this zodiac sign. According to the horoscope, the Cancer talisman should have various characteristics. And first of all, he must have the ability to calm the negative emotions that so easily arise in representatives of this zodiac sign. The fact is that the Cancer woman gets depressed very easily and is prone to sentimentality. Therefore, the balancing principle that this amulet will give her will come in handy.

No less useful property there will be the ability to neutralize the influence of the ruling planet - the Moon, which is not always favorable. And in general, any person needs protection in the broad sense of the word. Taking into account all of the above, our website offers you to familiarize yourself with a wide range of precious stones for representatives of the water element, which can not only protect from negative influences, but also attract everything positive.

In order to choose a talisman for Cancer, it is important to highlight some individual characteristics this sign. Many representatives of this sign are quiet, susceptible to influence environment people who care home comfort. Cancer is a sign of the water element, ruling the Sun and Moon. Those born under this sign are very sensitive to the past, so they always keep past events in their memory.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are emotional, although they carefully hide their feelings, which is why they are often melancholic. However, they are distinguished by their ability to listen and sympathize with others, and provide support in difficult times.

Cancers are wonderful parents who dream of a happy family, which, moreover, they are able to provide financially. Such people are prone to hoarding, which in their case is a consequence of pessimism: they are constantly waiting for something negative. Developed intuition and perseverance are mixed with low self-esteem and constant self-flagellation, so the opinions of others are very important to them.

Talisman by date of birth: how to choose a talisman for Cancer

Cancers born from July 21 to July 1 (i.e. in the first decade) are under the protection of the Moon. They are gentle and responsive, for which they constantly deserve the love of others. Therefore, the stones that are ideal for representatives of this sign are clean and transparent. These are, for example, amethyst, rock crystal, hematite, carnelian, moonstone and some varieties of jasper.

The second decade (from July 2 to July 11) gives rise to less modest natures. Their cynicism fits perfectly into the foundation of their professional activity. They are inquisitive, constantly trying to discover more and more secrets of the world around them. Their talismans are pearls, chrysoprase, chalcedony, turquoise, sardonyx, heliotrope.

And finally, crayfish, which entered the third decade (from July 12 to July 22). These dreamy natures are favored by the Moon and Neptune. Therefore, they are wonderful artists, musicians, scientists, and sometimes even have magical abilities. Minerals such as aquamarine, emerald, tourmaline, beryl, and ruby ​​will be excellent amulets for them.

Talisman for Cancer: choosing the best amulet

Now we will look at talisman stones that are suitable for both the Cancer woman and the Cancer man. These talismans are beneficial for Cancer’s well-being, his confidence and peace of mind for his free family. And this, believe me, is extremely important for any representative of this sign.

Talisman stone for Cancer woman: Emerald

This amazing creation of nature is considered one of the most important talismans for people born under the sign of Cancer. Emerald belongs to beryl and symbolizes water, which is why it is suitable for Cancer as a representative of the water element.

One of the most amazing qualities of emerald is its amazing and much-needed ability to clear the mind of its owner from negative emotions and help him concentrate on important things (this is very important for a Cancer woman’s career)

In addition to this valuable property, emerald is also considered a very powerful amulet, especially during long journeys. No less important characteristic The emerald is considered to have the ability to attract material wealth to its owner.

Talisman stone for Cancer woman: Moonstone

For thousands of years, moonstone has been considered the most obvious talisman for this zodiac sign. It will be especially useful for those whose well-being is affected by changing lunar phases. But this is far from the only valuable feature of this stone. No less important property is its magical ability to attract love into the life of its owner. In addition, moonstone perfectly calms nervous system and even promotes a state of some serenity.

Talisman stone for Cancer woman: Pearl

This is another equally valuable lunar talisman. He has a lot general characteristics with moonstone, the main one of which is the ability to calm too strong emotional outbursts. Pearls can be called a women's amulet, because since ancient times they have been considered a symbol of fertility and marriage. One more valuable property pearl is its help in treating eye diseases.

Talisman stone for Cancer woman: Ruby

Another stone suitable for Cancer women is ruby. It relieves its owner from complexes, energizes vital energy and is a good helper V financial affairs. Experts say that this amulet has healing and even magical qualities. A very valuable property of ruby ​​is its ability to resolve any quarrels and disagreements. But this is so important for preserving the family hearth.

In order to better understand which stones are suitable for representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign, you need to understand their personality traits, main goals and life priorities. Cancers themselves are extremely sensual, very calm and home-loving people. The element of the Cancer sign is water. This sign is ruled by the Moon and the Sun.

Cancer lives by emotions and passions. From the outside it is practically not noticeable, but in their soul everything is seething and seething. Due to their hidden emotionality, representatives of this sign are often subject to melancholic thoughts and causeless mood swings.

The distinctive character traits of Cancer are:

  1. Responsiveness;
  2. The ability to empathize and sympathize;
  3. Cancer will never leave you in trouble.

People of the Cancer zodiac sign have an extremely developed parental instinct. Your main life goal they put the creation of a strong and friendly family. Cancers are very bright adherents of family traditions and customs, and it is for this reason that among them there are few people who strive for global changes in their lives. Representatives of the Cancer sign are extremely sensitive to finances and are very careful with money: they are excellent at earning it and are constantly engaged in hoarding. But they save money not to implement any project or achieve a goal, but due to their inherent pessimism and anticipation of problems, they put it off for a rainy day.

The main positive aspects of the Cancer sign include amazing perseverance, a kind heart, the ability to compassion, and the disadvantages include excessive irritability, self-criticism, low self-esteem and secrecy

As already mentioned, Cancers live by feelings, as well as emotions, which is why for every mood they have a separate wardrobe and their own specific set of jewelry. In the case when a representative of the Cancer sign experiences a feeling of falling in love, she wears pink clothes, and if she is in grief and sadness, you can only see a gray wardrobe on her. But despite this, Cancers are always stunningly elegant, regardless of their mood and inner mood.

Prominent representatives of this sign are Pierre Cardin, Rene Lacoste, and of course Oscar de la Renta. Their elegant, impeccable outfits and luxurious accessories have captivated the whole world. Since Cancers are romantic by nature, they cannot stand simple and inexpressive jewelry. For such people, every piece of jewelry is a huge world filled with deep meaning.

Stones suitable for Cancer sign people have a number of amazing properties. Let's look at some of them:

Belomorite stone

It is usually white or yellow color with a pearlescent yellowish tint. It is mined in the White Sea, in northern Russia, from where it got its name.

Belomorite is very suitable for people undergoing training and seeking knowledge, namely: schoolchildren and students.

Belomorite helps with memorization and analysis necessary information, contributes to correct conclusions.

Belomorite is most suitable for Cancer women. It helps improve women Health, promotes successful conception and childbearing;

Moonstone or selenite

This is mainly a stone for ornamental work. It can be yellow or honey-colored, which is somewhat reminiscent of the cold, diffused light of the moon.

Selenite has a beneficial effect on the state of the psyche; looking at this stone is very calming and takes away negative thoughts and emotional experiences.

Moonstone helps maintain peace and tranquility in the home; selenite jewelry is recommended to be worn if you have eye diseases;

Topaz stone

Topaz consists of transparent and translucent crystals of various shades: golden, brown and blue. The name of the stone itself comes from the Latin word for “fire.”

Topaz makes intuition sharper, helps to see deception and future intrigues, and brings success professionally. These properties of topaz can be enhanced if you wear it on the body in the form of a pendant or pendant. In addition, topaz is extremely effective in various diseases spine and has the ability to enhance the effectiveness of antibiotic treatment.

Topaz is one of the best stones for the Cancer zodiac sign.

Stones talismans for Cancer woman

A Cancer woman who prefers to wear a chalcedony ring as a decoration will be freed from causeless angry and melancholy attacks for a long time. In ancient times, there was a belief that chalcedony could attract the heart of a beloved boy to a girl. The talisman stone Chalcedony is a very powerful amulet for women of this sign, but despite this fact It is not advisable to wear it all the time.

Calm contemplation of a stone like Pearl brings peace and is an excellent antidepressant for a woman. This semiprecious stone, set in silver, can be not only an interesting decoration, but also a talisman for a woman of the Cancer sign. Just this stone can fill the fair sex with peace of mind and a blissful state. But there is one caveat when wearing pearls: it is a talisman only for married women.

Wearing an Amethyst stone can give Cancer women joy and success. It is also called the Stone of purity and purity. Amethyst in gold can be presented as a gift to a woman with a creative nature.

The Turquoise stone will help in career growth and help financially.

For Cancer women, wearing Agate as a decoration can give them courage and self-confidence.

In order to relieve internal discomfort and irritability, Cancer women can be recommended to have Selenite stone in their numerous jewelry.

A stone like Hematite will become a source of wisdom and fearlessness for a Cancer woman.

Undoubtedly, the most powerful Christian amulet is the Heliotrope stone. When worn in earrings or a ring by a Cancer girl, it will become a protector from various obstacles and adversities.

Talisman stones for the Cancer man

As you know, Onyx is considered a stone of strong-willed, assertive and confident people, mainly leaders. It is the most powerful, courageous and decisive stone for the Cancer zodiac sign. It is Onyx that can help a Cancer man get away from the influence of people around him and the eternal pessimistic attitude. Only the influence of Onyx can make a young Cancer man socially adapted, brave, strong in spirit and resistant to negative moments in life.

Agate is one of the varieties of chalcedony. This stone brings Cancer men a cheerful mood and helps them believe in themselves. Agate weakens negative sides of this sign, such as pessimism, low self-esteem, excessive vulnerability and self-doubt. Wearing Agate will help a Cancer man walk bolder life path, become more joyful and happy.

The Emerald stone will be a good helper for Cancer men in overcoming their stiffness and excessive isolation, and will make him more interesting to others. Emerald promotes calm in moments of excessive stress, relieves black melancholy, and brings joy to the life of this zodiac sign.


Of all the zodiac signs Cancer- the most homely sign. Family comes first in Cancer’s hierarchy of values. They go to the present and future through the past; as a rule, what is new for them is the well-forgotten old. Cancers are sensitive and often suffer from mood swings, and can even get sick from severe shocks. Afraid to show their feelings and tender soul, Cancers hide in a shell of indifference and composure, prefer to be in the shadows and hide themselves from strangers, rarely opening up to anyone. Cancer will always come to the aid of those close and pleasant to him in trouble, however, his instinct of self-preservation keeps him from premature spending - Cancer will help when help is absolutely necessary. These are rather stingy people who know how to save and save, but not because of the ability to earn money and use their income wisely, but because of a pessimistic expectation of problems and failures in the future. The disadvantages of Cancers are irritability, susceptibility to other people's influence and self-criticism. Strengths: Perseverance, intuition, kindness and compassion.
Element of Cancer– water, respectively, and stones are subordinate to the element of water - transparent, blue and green, light and clean, as well as soft sunny stones. The sign is distinguished by its softness and lack of desire for leadership, while at the same time it has high mobility and the desire to achieve everything in the shortest possible way. That's why Cancer stones We recommend primarily calm, light, transparent and beautiful colors. Excessively red and monotonously dark stones are not recommended for Cancers; they can cause great harm by charging their owner with excess “external” energy or even suppressing him. But black opals, pearls and mother-of-pearls are suitable for Cancer only if the Cancer owner really likes them.

BELOMORIT. The name "belomorite" comes from the name of the White Sea, located in North Karelia, where this stone was first found. Technically, it is feldspar (albite) with iridescence in grey-blue, white and violet tones. The stone belongs to the opaque white moonstones. Belomorite has a bluish tint, is a very fragile stone, and breaks easily. It is difficult to make crafts from it because it is soft and flakes like mica. It is recommended for magicians who work in their sleep. This is a clairvoyant stone. Firstly, it is a remedy for insomnia. Secondly, it strengthens dreams, makes them clean, bright, and memorable. Belomorite is a talisman against dark forces, ill-wishers seeking to disrupt the course of life chosen by a person. Belomorite is a neat stone. He does not tolerate disorder, sloppiness, or excess trash in his owner's house. It should be purchased by everyone who does not enjoy household chores. The appearance of belomorite in a house will cause a person to have an irresistible desire to disassemble cabinets and desk drawers, get rid of unnecessary things, do general cleaning (or even repairs), and purchase the necessary things.
Belomorite will also help to restore order in the head of its owner: it will force him to logically comprehend the reasons for which troubles occur in his life; will require that a person urgently take care of his health, begin to improve in his professional field of activity, and do his job conscientiously.
Belomorite does not tolerate disorder and personal life owner. If the owner of the stone is inclined to frequent changes partners, petty affairs, infidelity and a wild lifestyle, the stone will force him to make a choice and abandon his previous habits.
Wear it well in the ring on the little finger , cut - cabochon with processed inner surface, winter and autumn. You can purchase it any day.
The main deposit is located in North Karelia.

RHINESTONE. The term "crystal" is a Russified form of the Greek word "kristallos" - ice; It is in this meaning that it is used in the Iliad and the Odyssey. Later, but back in ancient times, transparent quartz, which was then considered strongly hardened ice, began to be called a crystal due to its external similarity. In Russian terminology until the second quarter of the 19th century. “crystal” and “crystal” were synonymous and were even used together. Only later did natural polyhedrons of minerals begin to be called crystals, and “crystal” with the definition “mountain” was assigned to quartz. Heavy, highly refractive glass is simply called “crystal”. In ancient Greek myths, gods, heroes and kings drink only from crystal goblets. At that time it was believed that this mineral expels diseases from water, that is, speaking modern language, disinfects it. Modern scientists have discovered the secret of this miraculous healing. It turns out that when ultraviolet rays pass through the crystal, they kill bacteria, which contributes to a speedy cure.
Since ancient times, it has been believed that crystal gives its owner the gift of clairvoyance.
As a talisman, crystal brings love and good luck to its owner, filling it with the joy of life and spiritual harmony. Prosperity is attracted to a house where there are products made from rock crystal, and the crystal relieves the owner from awkward situations and incidents, helps to clarify any information. The sympathies of others also turn out to be on the side of the owner of the crystal. Even if you don't like jewelry, a piece of rock crystal (worn by women in the left pocket, by men in the right) will bring you a lot of benefits. The magical meaning of rock crystal makes it a valuable amulet that protects the owner and his family from external evil influences. To do this, the stone (the larger the better) needs to be stored in the place in the house where people, including strangers, most often visit. Energy of stone adapts to the owner, so it is able to heal, and its medicinal properties are quite diverse. He is credited with the ability to film headache, bring down the temperature, restore after stress and serious illnesses.
In Russia, there are large deposits in the Urals. Also Aldan Shield, Transbaikalia, Primorye.

To understand which stones are suitable for Cancers, you must first understand their personality traits, goals and life guidelines. Cancers themselves are sensitive, calm and homely people. The element of Cancer is water, this sign rules the Moon and the Sun. Representatives of this sign do not forget the past, but, on the contrary, find their refuge in it.

Cancer is an extremely emotional sign, although it is unlikely that he will show at least half of his experiences. Representatives of this sign are prone to melancholy and frequent mood swings. Distinctive features Cancer: responsiveness, ability to empathize and sympathize. Cancer will never leave you in trouble.

Cancers are people with extremely developed parental instincts. Affectionate and soft, representatives of this sign see a strong family as their main goal in life. Cancers revere traditions and customs, so there are few people among them who love change. Representatives of this sign are extremely careful with money: they know how to earn and save it, but the latter is due to their pessimism and anticipation of problems.

The main advantages of Cancer can be called perseverance, kindness, compassion and intuition; disadvantages are irritability, self-eating, often low self-esteem, secrecy, lack of faith in one’s own strengths, and susceptibility to the influence of others.

Selecting a stone by date of birth (decades)

Cancers of the second decade, which lasts from July 2 to July 11, are a little cynical - this is a help in their commercial affairs. For these representatives of crayfish, the world seems like a huge mystery that they are trying to solve. The amulets for Cancers of the second decade are:, and.

Talisman stone for cancer

Ruby will strengthen the owner's heart, give mental strength and courage. Ruby will help banish depressive thoughts. It is believed that this particular stone helps concentrate sexual energy. A ruby ​​can inspire the owner - Cancer - to great achievements and good deeds.

The vast majority of jewelry with " cat's eye"are considered amulets. In particular, it was believed that “” protects against betrayal and is able to preserve love. With the help of this stone, Cancer will be able to attract attention, improve relationships with others, and improve mutual understanding.

Moonstone is strongly associated with the Moon, the patroness of Cancers. The stone can absorb lunar energy and free Cancers from mood swings associated with the lunar cycle. Moonstone is worn to attract feelings into your life - this stone attracts love. It is also able to tame the anger of its owner and relieve emotional stress.

Emerald is a stone of composure, wisdom and hope. Jewelry with emerald can dispel empty worries and relieve suspiciousness. These stones attract wealth. Emerald will dispel bad dreams and melancholy of Cancer.

Pearls are considered a talisman for family people. This stone is able to repel negative energy, protect from ghosts of the past, quarrels, repel negative energy and protect from envious people. It is interesting that this stone is a kind of “barometer” of its owner’s mood - when it worsens, the stone darkens.

Cancer woman stones

A Cancer woman wearing chalcedony on her little finger will be free from attacks of melancholy and anger. In the old days, there was a belief that this stone was able to attract the heart of a young man to a girl. Chalcedony – the most powerful amulet for women of this sign, however, wearing it constantly is highly not recommended.

Contemplation of pearls brings peace and calms the psyche. This stone, set in silver, will serve as a wonderful decoration and amulet for a Cancer woman. It is this stone that can give peace of mind to the fair sex. It is worth remembering that this stone is a talisman only for married people; it is not recommended for unmarried people.

Amethyst is considered a stone of purity and purity. It can be presented to a creative and successful Cancer woman in a ring. A pendant with turquoise will help make a career for the fair sex of this zodiac sign.

Agate will give courage and self-confidence to a Cancer woman. You can wear it in the form of beads or an amulet.

Take off internal tension Moonstone will help a receptive Cancer girl.

Hematite will help a Cancer woman become wise and brave.

The most powerful Christian amulet is heliotrope. Being in the earrings of a Cancer girl, it will remove obstacles and give courage to the fair sex.

Stones for a Cancer man

Onyx is a stone of strong, assertive, self-confident people and leaders. This is the strongest, courageous and decisive stone of this zodiac sign. It is he who will help the Cancer man escape from the captivity of the influence of surrounding people and eternal pessimism. Onyx will make a Cancer youth socially successful, brave, strong and persistent.