When is it better to give Milgamma injections in the morning or evening. Is it necessary to take Mexidol injections in the morning? When is it better to give injections in the morning or evening?

B vitamins are responsible for the processes of hematopoiesis, the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and the normal functioning of nerve fibers in the human body. In order to compensate for their deficiency, Milgamma is used: intramuscularly or orally (Milgamma is not administered intravenously). Intramuscular administration of Milgamma allows you to quickly eliminate painful sensations, since when this method After administration of the drug, the required therapeutic concentrations are achieved within 10-15 minutes after the manipulation.

Despite the harmlessness of the drug, there are some recommendations on how to inject Milgamma correctly. Therefore, before starting use, you must contact a qualified specialist at the Yusupov Hospital, who will answer all questions, the most common of which are: “How many times a year can you inject Milgamma?”, “What time of day is it better to inject Milgamma - when is it better to inject Milgamma: in the morning or in the evening?”, “What syringe should I use to inject Milgamma?”, “How often can Milgamma be injected intramuscularly?” etc.

Why is Milgamma injected?

The described drug is used to treat large quantity syndromes and diseases of the musculoskeletal system and nervous system:

  • plexopathies;
  • neuralgia;
  • paresis facial nerve;
  • ganglionitis;
  • neuritis;
  • herpes zoster;
  • neuropathies;
  • retrobulbar neuritis;
  • diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • night convulsive muscle contractions;
  • radiculopathy;
  • muscular-tonic syndrome;
  • alcoholic polyneuropathy;
  • lumboischialgia;
  • myalgia;
  • herpes virus infections that affect joints;
  • polyneuropathy.

It is necessary to understand that Milgamma can only be used while taking other, more potent drugs; this must be taken into account before injecting Milgamma intramuscularly. The use of this vitamin solution helps improve blood microcirculation, activate hematopoietic processes, stabilize the functions and conductive abilities of the nervous system.

In addition, Milgamma is excellent tonic, which is prescribed to individuals with a deficiency of B vitamins.

Who should not use Milgamma?

The drug Milgamma is contraindicated in persons with high sensitivity to its constituent components, as well as to those suffering from decompensated heart failure.

Advantages of intravenous administration of Milgamma

Both the oral form and the solution for intramuscular administration have the same composition and mode of action. Intramuscular injections of the drug are used most often for patients with severe pain syndrome, because thanks to the introduction medicine directly into the muscle, a more accelerated effect is achieved.

Pharmacological studies have shown that the maximum level of therapeutic concentration active ingredients Milgamma's drug is observed within 15 minutes after intramuscular administration.

Milgamma, released in the form for oral administration, begins to exert its effect only half an hour after administration. In addition, for maintenance therapy one injection every two to three days is sufficient, whereas taking tablets should be daily.

Taking into account the above, we can conclude that the advantages of using Milgamma intramuscularly are the faster achievement of the effect, which is especially important in case of severe pain, since Milgamma injection is most often prescribed in these cases.

Milgamma (injections): how many days should Milgamma be injected?

Before starting therapy with this drug, it is necessary to consult with a neurologist, who will decide how often Milgamma injections can be given, when to inject - in the morning or evening, and select the required dosage. To receive qualified advice, you can contact one of the leading centers in Moscow - the Yusupov Hospital.

The duration of the therapeutic course of Milgamma for persons with severe pain syndrome can be from five to ten days. Injections are given daily, the daily dosage is 2 ml. After the acute inflammatory process subsides and the intensity of pain decreases, Milgamma Compositum is prescribed orally. However, in some cases, your doctor may recommend continuing intramuscular injection the drug, but not more than two or three times a week.

Milgamma (injections): how to properly inject the drug?

Milgamma injections are quite painful, so there are special rules carrying out procedures, compliance with which will significantly reduce the patient’s discomfort:

  • for intramuscular administration of Milgamma, the thinnest needles should be used, since the oily consistency of the solution makes manipulation difficult;
  • to reduce the risk of needle damage to nerve bundles and blood vessels, it should be inserted into the muscle as deeply as possible. Therefore, the choice should be made on the longest needle;
  • Slow and smooth pressure must be applied to the syringe plunger. The drug should be administered for about one and a half minutes, which will significantly reduce pain;
  • After the injection, the patient is recommended to give a light massage at the injection site, due to which the solution will be more quickly distributed into the area. muscle tissue and the likelihood of hematoma formation will decrease;
  • If a lump appears in the injection area, you can apply a warm compress or magnesium-based lotions.

Is it possible to inject Milgamma for oncology?

The opinion that Milgamma injections can be given when cancer– deeply incorrect. This drug can only worsen the patient's condition. This is explained by the fact that the main components of Milgamma are B vitamins, which can help accelerate the growth of malignant cells and significantly aggravate the problem.

In order to eliminate pain caused by the development of a malignant neoplasm, the use of completely different drugs is prescribed.

The benefit of Milgamma for cancer patients is minimal, while the harm caused by the drug in this situation can be quite significant.

Is it possible to inject Milgamma during menstruation and pregnancy?

Milgamma can be used any day menstrual cycle women, without exerting absolutely any influence on him.

Due to the fact that there is currently no sufficient information about the effect of Milgamma components on the intrauterine development of the fetus, the drug is not prescribed to pregnant women.

Is it possible to inject Milgamma with endometriosis?

The drug Milgamma is often part of the treatment of endometriosis and is often used in gynecological practice. How much Milgamma can be injected for endometriosis and in what dosages is decided by the gynecologist, in accordance with the severity of the disease and individual characteristics patients.

Is it possible to inject Milgamma in the evening?

Many patients wonder what time of day is best to inject Milgamma - morning or evening? Since the drug is inherently vitamin complex, from a therapeutic point of view, it is more logical to give the injection in the morning, when the intensity of metabolic processes is higher. However, in cases where Milgamma is part of complex treatment along with other drugs for intramuscular administration, the sequence of their administration is determined by the attending physician.

special instructions

If Milgamma was accidentally administered intravenously, the patient should be under the supervision of a doctor who will prescribe symptomatic treatment for side symptoms.

Data on how taking Milgamma affects the ability to drive Vehicle and work with precision mechanisms are absent.

Milgamma should only be prescribed by a qualified specialist who is familiar with the characteristics of the patient’s body, his diagnosis, and his history of diseases. He selects the required dosage and decides how much Milgamma to inject.

At the Yusupov Hospital you can get advice from a competent specialist who will tell you how often to inject Milgamma and also prescribe comprehensive examination to identify contraindications to the drug. Diagnostic tests are performed on modern high-precision equipment, which is equipped at the Yusupov Hospital.


  • ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases)
  • Yusupov Hospital
  • Badalyan L. O. Neuropathology. - M.: Education, 1982. - P.307-308.
  • Bogolyubov, Medical rehabilitation(manual, in 3 volumes). // Moscow - Perm. - 1998.
  • Popov S. N. Physical rehabilitation. 2005. - P.608.

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*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, defined by the provisions of Art. 437 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For accurate information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic. List of services provided paid services indicated in the price list of the Yusupov Hospital.

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, defined by the provisions of Art. 437 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For accurate information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic.

There is a separate dosage form for each method of application.

Characteristics of the medicine

For the production of Actovegin, the blood of dairy calves is used, from which a deproteinized hemoderivative is obtained through dialysis and ultrafiltration. It contains amino acids, macroelements, microelements, fatty acid, oligopeptides and other important physiological components.

Having received a doctor’s prescription for therapy with the ampoule form of the drug, many wonder whether Actovegin can be injected intramuscularly or whether an intravenous infusion will be required. The answer can be obtained either from a doctor or pharmacist, or by reading the package insert for the medicine - the drug is used for intramuscular use.

Actovegin is produced in several dosage forms: solution for injection, ointment, tablets, cream, solution for infusion and gel. This allows each patient to choose the ideal product.

In particular, Actovegin injections are carried out intramuscularly using injection solution. This clear liquid, having a yellowish color or completely colorless. The drug is sold in ampoules of 2, 5 and 10 ml. The active component is included in the solution in an amount of 40 mg per ml. Thus, 2 ml contains 80 mg of hemoderivat, 5 ml - 200 mg, and 10 ml - 400 mg. Excipients water for injection and sodium chloride are used.

Indications of the medicine

The drug has a complex mechanism of action that provides a variety of its pharmacological effects, therefore it is used in the treatment of many diseases in different fields of medicine. Its purpose is justified when it is necessary to improve the nutrition of body tissues, increase their resistance to hypoxia, which ensures a minimum amount of damage to the structures of the body’s cells in conditions of oxygen deficiency.

Actovegin according to instructions for intramuscular injections used for:

  • abnormal dilatation of cerebral vessels;
  • retinal damage;
  • dyscirculatory encephalopathy;
  • ischemia and oxygen starvation of organs;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • ischemic strokes;
  • vascular angiopathy;
  • extensive burns of chemical and thermal nature;
  • cerebral insufficiency;
  • wounds and bedsores;
  • diabetic polyneuropathies;
  • frostbite;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • radiation and radiation damage skin and mucous membranes.

How to use

Depending on the severity of the disease, intramuscular or infusion medication is prescribed. The decision about this, as well as about the dosage of the drug, is made by the doctor.

Instructions for administering injections intramuscularly:

  • Before carrying out the manipulation, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap and treat them with an antiseptic;
  • The ampoule needs to be slightly warmed in your hand before administration;
  • Holding the ampoule vertically and lightly tapping it so that all the solution is in the lower part, break off its tip along the line with the red dot;
  • Take the medicine with a sterile syringe, then turn it upside down and release a drop of the solution to make sure that all the air has come out;
  • Visually divide the buttock into 4 parts and insert a needle into the upper outer square, having previously treated the skin with a cotton swab and alcohol;
  • The drug is administered slowly;
  • After the injection, clamp the injection site with cotton wool or a napkin moistened with alcohol.

In injections, according to the instructions for use, Actovegin is used at 2-5 milliliters per day. Administration can be carried out from 1 to 3 times a day.

The attending physician, based on the presence of indications, the severity of the disease and the effectiveness of the treatment, may change the recommended doses in one direction or another. If it is necessary to administer the drug in doses exceeding 5 ml, it is recommended to use Actovegin intravenously.

The following doses of the drug are usually prescribed:

  • In case of cerebral circulatory insufficiency, 5 ml of medication is used for 14 days. Next, a tablet form is prescribed to support the effect;
  • To speed up the process of tissue regeneration in case of wounds, frostbite and other damage to the epidermis, daily injections of 5 ml of Actovegin solution are indicated. Additionally, local forms of the drug are used - ointment, cream or gel.

Intramuscular administration is used for mild and moderate severity course of diseases, while in more complex cases, infusions into a vein are required.

Precautionary measures

To ensure maximum effectiveness and safety when treating with Actovegin injections, you must adhere to the rules for its use.

Before starting full therapy, the presence of individual intolerance should be determined. To do this, 2 ml of medication is injected intramuscularly over 1-2 minutes. Long-term administration allows you to observe the body's response to the drug and, if anaphylaxis develops, you can stop the injection in time and begin resuscitation of the patient.

From the above, the following rule of administration follows: injections must be given in conditions medical institution, where emergency assistance can be obtained if necessary. If it is still assumed home treatment, then at least the first dose must be administered in the hospital under the supervision of medical staff.

Actovegin can be administered intramuscularly in a dose not exceeding 5 ml, since the solution is hypertonic and can provoke sudden jump blood pressure.

It is important to create the most sterile conditions possible when administering the drug. Opened ampoule must be used immediately, since the medicine does not contain preservatives that would provide more long-term storage. Therefore, the drug should be purchased in ampoules of the volume that needs to be injected at a time. After all, storing an opened ampoule is prohibited.

Actovegin should be stored in the refrigerator, so before use, the ampoule should be slightly warmed in your hands to ensure more comfortable administration.

A solution with visible sediment or if it is cloudy must not be used. The contents of the ampoule must have yellowish color and transparency.

Actovegin may be included in complex treatment regimens for diseases, since no negative interaction reactions with other medications have been established. It should be borne in mind that mixing it with other drugs in one bottle or syringe is strictly prohibited. An exception is solutions of sodium chloride and glucose, which are recommended for the preparation of infusion solutions. It is also prohibited to drink alcohol during treatment with the drug.

Side effects

Actovegin is well tolerated. The most common negative effect during its treatment is allergic reactions, including angioedema. Much less common are:

  • redness or paleness of the skin;
  • dizziness;
  • chest pain;
  • indigestion;
  • increased frequency and difficulty breathing;
  • general weakness;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • muscle and joint soreness;
  • increased heart rate;
  • fever;
  • paresthesia;
  • attacks of suffocation.

If any adverse reactions body to use the medicine, Actovegin therapy should be discontinued and symptomatic treatment should be prescribed.

When using Actovegin injections intramuscularly, you need to take into account that this is a rather unpleasant and painful procedure. Therefore, it is preferable to administer it intravenously along with a solution of glucose or sodium chloride.


Actovegin has a high safety profile, which allows it to be used in a wide range of patients. However, there are exceptions. Intramuscular injections of Actovegin are prohibited for:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the product;
  • heart failure;
  • disturbances in the outflow of urine;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • kidney diseases.

Use of the drug in special groups of patients

According to the instructions, the drug should not be prescribed in pediatrics due to the lack of a sufficient number of relevant studies. But in practice, many doctors use Actovegin to treat infants and children.

Intramuscular injections of the drug are practically not used in this category of patients due to the painfulness of the procedure. The exception is infants with consequences of intrauterine hypoxia. But such injections are administered only in a hospital setting under constant medical supervision.

Actovegin is prescribed to pregnant women with caution, after assessing the possible consequences for the fetus. If it is necessary to administer the drug to such patients, preference is given intravenous administration at the beginning of treatment with a further transition when the condition improves to intramuscular administration or taking tablets.

Indications for use include: threat of miscarriage, feto-placental insufficiency, placental abruption, Rh conflict, slow fetal weight gain or low motor activity.

The use of the drug during lactation is also allowed, but only if its therapeutic effect on the mother’s body exceeds the potential risk for the baby.

In geriatrics, the drug is used quite often. At the same time, judging by the reviews, it is in the elderly and old age positive influence Actovegin works best.

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IMPORTANT. The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.

All about Actovegin

All about unique drug- actovegin


Actovegin - injections. Video. Instructions for injections

So why is sometimes an injection better than a pill?

The injection has a sister - this is a dropper, which is used when a lot of medicine needs to be administered and it should be administered only gradually.

Using a syringe, draw the solution from the ampoule (to avoid air getting in, you need to release a drop of the solution, holding the syringe with the needle up).

Naturally, everything should be sterile ( Here you can see video).

Or: five ml of IV medication solution - between therapy sessions.

Therefore, in such a situation, treatment with Actovegin is suspended and antihistamine (and, if necessary, corticosteroid) treatment is carried out.

Actovegin injections intramuscularly: administer slowly no more than 5 ml (since this drug is hypertonic).

Injections can be given both in the morning and in the evening.

This is extremely undesirable for children, but in practice (in exceptional cases) give Actovegin injections. In this case, the doctor evaluates all risks.

After opening the bottle or ampoule, Actovegin solution cannot be stored and then reused for injections: this will not only not give any effect, but is simply dangerous to health.

With frequent use of Actovegin injections in patient therapy, it is necessary to check the electrolyte composition of the serum (K, Na, Ca, Cl, Mg.), as well as water balance the patient's body.

Treatment with Actovegin can only be carried out after consulting a doctor.- a specialist and only after examining the patient. Neither self-medication nor consultations given in absentia are recommended, because this can lead to complications.

Nevertheless, you can read reviews about Actovegin injections.

Actovegin also comes in the form of tablets, gel, and ointment.

Keep ampoules should be in a dark place at room temperature (not higher than 25 ° C), in packaging, out of reach of children.

You might be interested in general instructions on the use of Actovegin, the compatibility of Actovegin with other medications, reviews of Actovegin from our readers, the price and manufacturers of the drug (and also its analogue Solcoseryl), the use of Actovegin in sports and in veterinary medicine (for the treatment of our pets).

You will find answers to these and many other questions on our website.

What time of day is it better to give an Actovegin injection?

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Hello, I am very worried, I live abroad, I have 5.5 weeks, severe cramps, the doctor said there is a threat of miscarriage, and they prescribed me 3 progesterone injections, progesterone suppositories and spasmalgon (2 tablets 3 times a day). In almost 2 days I was given 3 injections of progesterone. After the third progesterone shot, I fainted and my cramping pain became much worse. I have questions: could there be an overdose of progesterone? What made the spasms more painful? During the ultrasound, the doctor said that the fetus was well attached.

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It’s very strange, but for some reason none of my friends know that you can make a wonderful thing from apples—marshmallow. Which is incredibly pleasant to chew in winter and remember summer and childhood :)) For me, this is exactly the taste of childhood. My grandmother always prepared this delicacy for the winter. In general, if you have uneatable apples or just extra apples, I recommend making marshmallows. The cooking process is indecently simple. Peel and core the apples, cut into pieces and.

Just pour the puree onto the parchment and smooth it out with a spatula?

what thickness should this puree be initially? :)))))

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Good day to all! The other day I tried new Lamerel cosmetics from Israel - a cream with a lifting effect. I was pleasantly surprised - the effect was quick and pleasant (the oval of the face was somehow tightened, the color was fresher, the skin looked like it was on vacation). I’m sitting here racking my brains - what to do when I run out - where can I buy Lamerel cosmetics in St. Petersburg? Should I fly to Eilat again to pick her up? Write, who knows what and who else has tried this cosmetics?

If necessary, I'll inject myself. Vaccination (vaccinations) | How are vaccinations done?

Post-vaccination reactions occur much more often, but they do not cause harm to health and, as a rule, do not require treatment. These include: An increase in temperature to °C in the first three days after vaccination. In this case, suppositories, tablets or syrup with paracetamol or ibuprofen help well. Attention! It is not recommended to use aspirin to reduce fever! Also, you should not take this drug for a month after vaccination against chickenpox- this threatens severe liver damage. In the case of using live vaccines, 7-14 days after vaccination, the development of a “miniature disease” is possible (a rash appears, the joint swells.

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Drugs for placental insufficiency. Vitamins.

Based on a comprehensive examination, a conclusion is made not only about the presence or absence of placental insufficiency, but also about the severity of such a disorder. The tactics of pregnancy management for different degrees of severity of placental insufficiency are different. Prevention and treatment Currently, unfortunately, it is not possible to completely relieve a pregnant woman from the resulting placental insufficiency using any therapeutic effects. The therapy used can only help stabilize the existing pathological process and maintaining compensatory and adaptive mechanisms at a level that allows for the continuation of pregnancy until the optimal date of delivery. Therefore, it is very important to carry out prevention in women who have risk factors for developing platonic syndrome.

Actovegin increases the resistance of the brain and fetal tissues to hypoxia, activates metabolism, increases glucose consumption, and stimulates the renewal of fetal cells. In addition, the drug increases blood circulation in the mother-placenta-fetus system and promotes better tolerance of the birth act to the fetus. Treatment with Actovegin has a pronounced effect on the condition of the fetus. This is reflected in improved blood flow and improved fetal growth, which reduces the incidence of forced early delivery. The drug is obtained from the blood of calves and has a minimum side effects, a fairly rare occurrence has been noted allergic reactions. Contraindications to the use of the drug are heart failure.

Mom is giving injections - I need help. We need your experience and knowledge.

Who has experience in this matter? I need your help, otherwise my brain is about to boil :) We prescribed a course of treatment for the child, prescribed a bunch of medications, incl. you need to give injections: 1. Cerebrolysin 1.0 ml intramuscularly 2. Actovegin 2.0 ml intramuscularly 3. Neuromidin 5 mg 0.5 ml intramuscularly The injections will have to be given to the mother, i.e. to myself. I’m terribly afraid, and I’ve never given injections myself in my life. I only have experience in diluting Cortexin injections and, accordingly, I knew where to inject and how to administer. Those. With.

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You can minimize your mother’s time of “lack of sleep” with the help of rational organization of joint sleep and night feedings. Very often, children sleep better next to their mothers. Rocking motion can also be replaced by breastfeeding before bed. When I found out that it was “possible” to do this, the time of motion sickness decreased significantly. Often children wake up after sleep in a bad mood, you can also offer the breast, and the world will make the baby happy again! Secondly, this is the classification as pathological of a number of adaptive, passing phenomena on the part of the newborn’s nervous system (for example, shuddering or throwing up of arms and legs, trembling of the chin with strong crying, etc.).

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Actovegin - instructions for use (injections, tablets, ointment, gel, cream). Why is Actovegin prescribed?

Varieties, names, composition and release forms

Currently, Actovegin is available in the following dosage forms (which are also sometimes called varieties):

  • Gel for external use;
  • Ointment for external use;
  • Cream for external use;
  • Solution for infusion (“droppers”) on dextrose in 250 ml bottles;
  • Solution for infusion with 0.9% sodium chloride (saline) in 250 ml bottles;
  • Solution for injection in ampoules of 2 ml, 5 ml and 10 ml;
  • Tablets for oral administration.

Actovegin gel, cream, ointment and tablets do not have any other common simplified name. But forms for injection are often called simplified names in everyday life. Thus, the injection solution is often called “Actovegin ampoules”, “Actovegin injections”, as well as “Actovegin 5”, “Actovegin 10”. In the names “Actovegin 5” and “Actovegin 10” the numbers indicate the number of milliliters in an ampoule with a solution ready for administration.

  • Actovegin gel - contains 20 ml of hemoderivate (0.8 g in dried form) in 100 ml of gel, which corresponds to a 20% concentration of the active component.
  • Actovegin ointment and cream - contain 5 ml of hemoderivative (0.2 g in dried form) in 100 ml of ointment or cream, which corresponds to 5% concentration of the active component.
  • Solution for infusion in dextrose - contains 25 ml of hemoderivate (1 g in dried form) per 250 ml of ready-to-use solution, which corresponds to a concentration of the active component of 4 mg/ml or 10%.
  • Solution for infusion in 0.9% sodium chloride - contains 25 ml (1 g dried) or 50 ml (2 g dried) hemoderivate per 250 ml ready-to-use solution, which corresponds to a concentration of the active component of 4 mg/ml ( 10%) or 8 mg/ml (20%).
  • Solution for injection – contains 40 mg of dry hemoderivate per 1 ml (40 mg/ml). The solution is available in ampoules of 2 ml, 5 ml and 10 ml. Accordingly, ampoules with 2 ml of solution contain 80 mg of the active component, with 5 ml of solution - 200 mg and with 10 ml of solution - 400 mg.
  • Tablets for oral administration contain 200 mg of dry hemoderivate.

All dosage forms of Actovegin (ointment, cream, gel, solutions for infusion, solutions for injection and tablets) are ready for use and do not require any preparation before use. This means that the ointment, gel or cream can be applied immediately after opening the package; the tablets can be taken without preparation. Solutions for infusion are administered intravenously (“dropper”) without prior dilution and preparation, simply by placing the bottle in the system. And solutions for injection are also administered intramuscularly, intravenously or intraarterially without prior dilution, simply by selecting an ampoule with the required number of milliliters.

  • Mountain wax glycolate;
  • Titanium dioxide;
  • Diethyl phthalate;
  • Dried gum arabic;
  • Macrogol 6000;
  • Microcrystalline cellulose;
  • Povidone K90 and K30;
  • Sucrose;
  • Magnesium stearate;
  • Talc;
  • Dye quinoline yellow aluminum varnish (E104);
  • Hypromellose phthalate.

The composition of the auxiliary components of Actovegin gel, ointment and cream is shown in the table below:

Actovegin cream, ointment and gel are available in aluminum tubes of 20 g, 30 g, 50 g and 100 g. The cream and ointment are a homogeneous mass white. Actovegin gel is a transparent yellowish or colorless homogeneous mass.

Volume of Actovegin ampoules in ml

Actovegin solution in ampoules is intended for intravenous, intraarterial and intramuscular injections. The solution in ampoules is ready for use, so to make an injection you just need to open the ampoule and draw the medicine into the syringe.

Therapeutic effect

Actovegin is a universal stimulator of metabolism, which leads to a significant improvement in tissue nutrition and utilization of glucose from the blood for the needs of cells of all organs. In addition, Actovegin increases the resistance of cells of all organs and tissues to hypoxia, as a result of which, even under conditions of oxygen starvation, damage to cellular structures is minimally expressed. The general, cumulative effect of Actovegin is to enhance the production of energy molecules (ATP), necessary for the occurrence of all vital processes in the cells of any organ.

  • The healing of any tissue damage (wounds, cuts, cuts, abrasions, burns, ulcers, etc.) and restoration of their normal structure are accelerated. That is, under the influence of Actovegin, any wounds heal easier and faster, and the scar forms small and unnoticeable.
  • The process of tissue respiration is activated, which leads to a more complete and rational use of oxygen delivered with blood to the cells of all organs and tissues. Due to more complete use of oxygen, they decrease Negative consequences insufficient blood supply to tissues.
  • The process of glucose use by cells in a state of oxygen starvation or metabolic exhaustion is stimulated. This means that, on the one hand, the concentration of glucose in the blood decreases, and on the other, tissue hypoxia decreases due to the active use of glucose for tissue respiration.
  • The synthesis of collagen fibers improves.
  • The process of cell division is stimulated with their subsequent migration to areas where tissue integrity needs to be restored.
  • The growth of blood vessels is stimulated, which leads to improved blood supply to tissues.

The effect of Actovegin in enhancing the utilization of glucose is very important for the brain, since its structures need this substance more than all other organs and tissues of the human body. After all, the brain uses mainly glucose to produce energy. Actovegin contains inositol phosphate oligosaccharides, the effect of which is similar to that of insulin. This means that under the influence of Actovegin, the transport of glucose into the tissues of the brain and other organs improves, and then this substance is quickly captured by cells and utilized for energy production. Thus, Actovegin improves energy exchange in the structures of the brain and meets its needs for glucose, thereby normalizing the functioning of all parts of the central nervous system and reducing the severity of cerebral insufficiency syndrome (dementia).

Indications for use (Why is Actovegin prescribed?)

Various dosage forms of Actovegin are indicated for use when various diseases, therefore, to avoid confusion, we will consider them separately.

  • Acceleration of wound healing and inflammatory processes on the skin and mucous membranes (abrasions, cuts, scratches, burns, cracks);
  • Improving tissue recovery after burns of any origin ( hot water, ferry, solar, etc.);
  • Treatment of weeping ulcers skin of any origin (including varicose ulcers);
  • Prevention and treatment of reactions to radiation exposure (including radiation therapy tumors) from the skin and mucous membranes;
  • Prevention and treatment of bedsores (only for Actovegin ointment and cream);
  • For pre-treatment of wound surfaces before skin grafting during the treatment of extensive and severe burns (only for Actovegin gel).

Solutions for infusions and solution for injections (injections) Actovegin - indications for use. Solutions for infusions (“droppers”) and solutions for injections are indicated for use in the same following cases:

  • Treatment of metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain (for example, ischemic stroke, consequences of traumatic brain injury, impaired blood flow in the structures of the brain, as well as dementia and disorders of memory, attention, ability to analyze due to vascular diseases of the central nervous system, etc.);
  • Treatment of peripheral vascular disorders, as well as their consequences and complications (for example, trophic ulcers, angiopathy, endarteritis, etc.);
  • Treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • Healing of wounds of the skin and mucous membranes of any nature and origin (for example, abrasions, cuts, incisions, burns, bedsores, ulcers, etc.);
  • Prevention and treatment of lesions of the skin and mucous membranes due to exposure to radiation, including radiation therapy of malignant tumors;
  • Treatment of thermal and chemical burns(only for injection solutions);

Actovegin tablets - indications for use. The tablets are indicated for use in the treatment of the following conditions or diseases:

  • Included complex therapy metabolic and vascular diseases of the brain (for example, insufficiency cerebral circulation, traumatic brain injury, as well as dementia due to vascular and metabolic disorders);
  • Treatment of peripheral vascular disorders and their complications ( trophic ulcers, angiopathy);
  • Diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • Hypoxia of organs and tissues of any origin (this indication is approved only in the Republic of Kazakhstan).

Instructions for use

Actovegin ointment, cream and gel - instructions for use

Various dosage forms of Actovegin for external use (gel, cream and ointment) are used for the same conditions, but at different stages of these diseases. This is due to various auxiliary components that give different properties gel, ointment and cream. Therefore, gel, cream and ointment provide scarring of wounds at different stages of healing with different types of wound surfaces.

  • If the wound is wet with copious discharge, then the gel should be used until the wound surface dries. When the wound dries, you need to switch to using a cream or ointment.
  • If the wound is moderately wet, the discharge is scanty or moderate, then you should use a cream, and after the wound surface has completely dried, switch to using an ointment.
  • If the wound is dry, without discharge, then ointment should be used.

Rules for treating wounds with Actovegin gel, cream and ointment

Actovegin tablets - instructions for use (adults, children)

Tablets are intended for use for the same conditions and diseases as solutions for injection. However, the severity of the therapeutic effect with parenteral administration of Actovegin (injections and “droppers”) is stronger than when taking the drug in tablet form. That is why many doctors always recommend starting treatment with parenteral administration of Actovegin, followed by switching to taking tablets as consolidation therapy. That is, at the first stage of therapy, in order to quickly achieve the most pronounced therapeutic effect, it is recommended to administer Actovegin parenterally (injections or “droppers”), and then additionally drink the drug in tablets to consolidate the effect achieved by injections for a long period of time.

Actovegin injections - instructions for use

Dosages and general rules use of Actovegin solutions

Figure 2 - Correctly breaking off the tip of the ampoule to open it.

  • Metabolic and vascular disorders brain function (traumatic brain injury, cerebrovascular insufficiency) - administer 5-25 ml of solution per day every day for two weeks. After completing the course of Actovegin injections, they switch to taking the drug in tablets in order to maintain and consolidate the achieved therapeutic effect. In addition, instead of switching to maintenance use of the drug in tablets, you can continue injection Actovegin, administered intravenously 5 - 10 ml of solution 3 - 4 times a week for two weeks.
  • Ischemic stroke - Actovegin is administered by infusion (“dropper”), adding 20–50 ml of solution from ampoules to 200–300 ml of saline or 5% dextrose solution. At this dosage, the drug is administered by infusion every day for a week. Then, 10–20 ml of Actovegin solution from ampoules are added to 200–300 ml of infusion solution (saline or dextrose 5%) and administered in this dosage daily in the form of “droppers” for another two weeks. After completing the course of “droppers” with Actovegin, they switch to taking the drug in tablet form.
  • Angiopathy (peripheral vascular disorders and their complications, for example, trophic ulcers) - Actovegin is administered by infusion (“dropper”), adding 20–30 ml of solution from ampoules to 200 ml of saline or 5% dextrose solution. At this dosage, the drug is administered intravenously every day for four weeks.
  • Diabetic polyneuropathy - Actovegin is administered intravenously, 50 ml of solution from ampoules, daily for three weeks. After completing the course of injections, they switch to taking Actovegin in tablet form for 4 to 5 months to maintain the achieved therapeutic effect.
  • Healing of wounds, ulcers, burns and other wound damage to the skin - a solution is administered from ampoules of 10 ml intravenously or 5 ml intramuscularly either daily or 3-4 times a week, depending on the speed of healing of the defect. In addition to injections, Actovegin can be used in the form of ointment, cream or gel to accelerate wound healing.
  • Prevention and treatment of radiation injuries (during radiation therapy of tumors) of the skin and mucous membranes - Actovegin is administered 5 ml of solution from ampoules intravenously daily, in between radiation therapy sessions.
  • Radiation cystitis - 10 ml of solution from ampoules is administered transurethrally (through the urethra) daily. Actovegin in this case is used in combination with antibiotics.

Rules for administering Actovegin intramuscularly

Actovegin solution for infusion - instructions for use

Actovegin infusion solutions are available in two varieties - saline solution or dextrose solution. There is no fundamental difference between them, so you can use any version of the finished solution. Such Actovegin solutions are available in 250 ml bottles in a form ready for infusion administration (“droppers”). Solutions for infusion are administered intravenously (dropper) or intra-arterially by stream (from a syringe, as intramuscularly). Injection into a vein should be carried out at a rate of 2 ml/min.

  • Circulatory and metabolic disorders in the brain (traumatic brain injury, insufficient blood supply to the brain, etc.) - administer 250 - 500 ml (1 - 2 bottles) once a day every day for 2 - 4 weeks. Then, if necessary, in order to consolidate the obtained therapeutic effect, they switch to taking Actovegin tablets, or continue to administer the solution intravenously, 250 ml (1 bottle) 2-3 times a week for another 2 weeks.
  • Acute cerebrovascular accidents (stroke, etc.) – administer 250–500 ml (1–2 bottles) once a day daily, or 3–4 times a week for 2–3 weeks. Next, if necessary, they switch to taking Actovegin tablets in order to consolidate the resulting therapeutic effect.
  • Angiopathy (disorder peripheral circulation and its complications, for example, trophic ulcers) - administer 250 ml (1 bottle) once a day every day, or 3 to 4 times a week for 3 weeks. Simultaneously with the “droppers”, Actovegin can be used externally in the form of an ointment, cream or gel.
  • Diabetic polyneuropathy - administer 250 - 500 ml (1 - 2 bottles) once a day daily, or 3 - 4 times a week for 3 weeks. Next, be sure to switch to taking Actovegin tablets in order to consolidate the resulting therapeutic effect.
  • Trophic and other ulcers, as well as long-term non-healing wounds of any origin - administer 250 ml (1 bottle) once a day every day, or 3-4 times a week, until the wound defect is completely healed. Simultaneously with infusion administration, Actovegin can be used topically in the form of a gel, cream or ointment to accelerate wound healing.
  • Prevention and treatment of radiation damage (during radiation therapy of tumors) of the skin and mucous membranes - administer 250 ml (1 bottle) one day before, and then daily throughout the course of radiation therapy, and also for an additional two weeks after last irradiation session.

special instructions

With repeated intravenous, intramuscular or intra-arterial administration of Actovegin, the level of blood electrolytes (calcium, potassium, sodium, chlorine) and the percentage of water in the body (hematocrit) should be monitored.


In Russian official instructions There are no indications for use regarding the possibility of overdose with any dosage forms of Actovegin. However, the instructions approved by the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan indicate that when using Actovegin tablets and solutions, an overdose may occur, which is manifested by pain in the stomach or increased side effects. In such cases, it is recommended to discontinue use of the drug, perform gastric lavage and carry out symptomatic therapy aimed at maintaining the normal functioning of vital organs and systems.

Impact on the ability to operate machinery

Not a single dosage form of Actovegin (ointment, cream, gel, tablets, solutions for injections and solutions for infusions) affects the ability to control mechanisms, therefore, while using the drug in any form, a person can engage in any type of activity, including those requiring high speed of reactions and concentration of attention.

Interaction with other drugs

Forms of Actovegin for external use (gel, cream and ointment) do not interact with other drugs. Therefore, they can be used in combination with any other means, both for oral administration (tablets, capsules) and for local use (creams, ointments, etc.). Only if Actovegin is used in combination with other external agents (ointments, creams, lotions, etc.), a half-hour interval should be maintained between applications of the two drugs, and not applied immediately after each other.

In medicine, many diseases are similar in etymology, psychosomatics, and symptoms. For example, it is very difficult to distinguish between arthritis, polyarthritis, rheumatism and arthrosis without additional examinations.

The signs and treatment of arthrosis, arthritis and rheumatism are somewhat similar and pursue the same goal - to stop degenerative processes in joint tissues, maintain mobility, relieve inflammation, and relieve pain. But arthrosis still has differences.

Arthrosis as a joint disease

Arthrosis is a disease associated with degenerative lesions cartilage tissue inside the joint, its destruction, which causes immobility of the two parts of the joint. The joint consists of two parts connected by ligaments, tendons and cartilage tissue, which softens shocks during movement, as if lubricating the surface during movement with the secreted synovial fluid. When the cartilage is damaged, indentations appear on the surface, preventing the normal sliding of the bone along the surface. This difficulty in movement causes acute pain, and the disease itself during the acute stage is called “acute arthrosis.”

Stages of arthrosis

Since arthrosis is the gradual destruction of the cartilage lining, the disease has several stages:

  1. First stage. This is the most painless period, and patients often do not suspect that the disease has already begun. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, the disease can be easily treated. Pain, discomfort appear at the end of the working day or after heavy physical exertion. Very soon at this stage a sharp, piercing pain begins to appear in the area of ​​the affected joint. Usually the first stage of the development of the disease ends with a trip to the doctor with complaints.
  2. Second stage. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner (that is, at the first stage), rapid damage to the cartilage tissue begins. This is evidenced by sharp pain, which bothers a person regardless of whether there was physical activity before or not. Simultaneously with the pain, stiffness in movements actively makes itself felt. At stages 1-2, painkillers help to cope with pain, but this is only a temporary solution to the problem.
  3. The third stage follows immediately after the second and is characterized by such unbearable pain that the patient is ready, as they say, to “climb the wall.” The cartilage has already been completely destroyed or to such a state that modern medicine cannot restore it. At the third stage, the damaged cartilage completely blocks the joint, and the patient has no desire to move it due to fear of another painful attack. The painkillers the patient took for joint pain no longer help.

All stages of arthrosis smoothly flow into one another, not allowing you to come to your senses. Acute arthrosis can become chronic.

Causes of cartilage destruction

What is arthrosis, what are its symptoms, psychosomatics and signs, as well as the question of why the disease develops so quickly, what methods exist to combat the disease - all this worries patients who have encountered such a disease. Despite all the research and the wide variety of diagnostic methods, the causes of its occurrence are still poorly understood.

Main reasons:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Injuries, bruises, sprains.
  3. Hard physical labor.

Psychosomatics of degenerative joint lesions

Infectious arthrosis can also appear from psychological problems: from internal experiences, immunity deteriorates, so that any disease can easily attack a person.

The psychosomatics of the disease have been little studied; disputes about this issue very often arise even among leading specialists. Psychological reasons appearance of the disease:

  • depression;
  • stress;
  • Bad mood;
  • feeling of loneliness;
  • psychical deviations;
  • insomnia.

Symptoms of the disease

Any disease begins to make itself felt, giving regular signals. Pain appears when the pathology has reached a certain pronounced degree. Symptoms of joint diseases manifest themselves in the same way. This:

  1. Unpleasant sensations in the joints after a long day of work (on initial stage course of the disease).
  2. Pain (moderate or acute, severe) is characteristic of stages 2-3 of the disease.
  3. Crunching in the joints during movement, due to wear and tear of the articular cartilage.
  4. Numbness of the limb, stiffness of movement in the morning.
  5. Limited joint flexion/extension.
  6. Joint deformation that occurs due to changes in the structure of the tissue surrounding the joints.

Infectious arthrosis is included in a separate group, since it does not arise due to metabolic disorders affecting intra-articular tissues, but as a complication infectious disease. The presence of symptoms does not mean that the patient has infectious arthrosis; The diagnosis must be confirmed by numerous tests prescribed by the doctor.

The pathology is accompanied by many symptoms indicating that the infection is not localized in the joint, but in another place:

  1. High body temperature.
  2. Fever.
  3. Pain localized not only in the joint.
  4. Chills.
  5. Blood and urine tests are far from standard values.


Treatment of arthrosis should be started immediately after the first signs of pathology appear. It consists of several stages and can take more than one month or even a year.

The course of treatment is determined after receiving test results. If the cartilage tissue is slightly damaged, it is prescribed conservative treatment without surgical intervention.

More details

Treatment of arthrosis with conservative methods

Conservative methods include:

  • long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Usually, at the acute stage, injections are prescribed, which are injected intramuscularly for 7 to 14 days. Further treatment of the pathology continues with tablets;
  • corticosteroids, that is hormonal drugs to help cope with inflammatory process, establish metabolic processes in tissues, facilitate movement, relieve pain. Corticosteroids are prescribed if injections or tablets of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and chondroprotectors do not help. The use of such drugs is limited in time and dose, and medical supervision is strictly required;
  • chondroprotectors, the purpose of which is to restore the nutrition of cartilage and its structure.

Chondroprotectors are drugs that contain structural elements of cartilage itself. When taken, these elements adapt to the structural features of cartilage tissue, increase the production of synovial fluid, and facilitate joint mobility. Chondroprotectors are injected into the affected joints. Injections into the joint normalize the functioning of the damaged joint.

Chondroprotectors are not prescribed to those patients with infectious arthrosis and significant intra-articular cartilage damage.

Treatment of arthrosis with surgical methods

If chondroprotectors, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, injections are powerless, pain and the infectious process continue to plague the sick person, and the damage to the cartilage tissue is so severe that drug treatment does not make sense, then surgical intervention is prescribed.

Surgical methods involve two ways to solve the problem:

  1. Prosthetics.
  2. Arthroscopy.

Arthroscopy is an operation performed on a diseased joint. A special needle is inserted into the cavity of the diseased joint through a puncture, which removes the damaged areas and polishes the affected area.

Prosthetics is a complex operation to remove a damaged joint and install a new one. Modern orthopedics has stepped far forward, releasing new, improved prostheses that are rarely rejected by the body, and wearing them does not cause discomfort.

After the operation is completed, a long course of antibiotics is prescribed, which are designed to prevent infection, suppuration, etc.

After drug treatment(corticosteroids, chondroprotectors, NSAIDs, antibiotics, painkillers) the patient will have a long course of rehabilitation, including:

  • special diet;
  • therapeutic exercises;
  • swimming;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • adherence to daily routine;
  • physiotherapy.

It is impossible to cure arthrosis completely and forever, but it is quite possible to suppress the infection, stop the process of cartilage degeneration, and get rid of pain. For this purpose, numerous medications: chondroprotectors, NSAIDs, corticosteroids.

Brief conclusions

The causes, etiology and psychosomatics of the disease are still little known. Diagnosis is complicated by the similarity of symptoms of arthrosis and other joint diseases. But there are methods that help accurately diagnose such a complex disease.

Treatment of arthrosis

This is a disease that is difficult to treat, as it is the result of a concomitant infectious disease that has led to the destruction of cartilage. Those suffering from pain in the joints should consult a doctor for help, and not take painkillers or give injections, which will relieve pain only for a short period of time.

Modern methods make it possible to stop degenerative processes for a long time, and a course of prophylactic use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors, injections, vitamins, a forever changed lifestyle, and therapeutic exercises allow you to forget about pain and stiffness in the joints.

Infectious arthrosis, as it progresses, aggravates the situation by being a complication of an infectious disease.

Treating a disease is long and difficult, the process requires strict compliance with all doctor’s instructions, great strength will, considerable expenses. Prescribing surgeries is the most extreme case; doctors usually try to solve the issue with therapy, prescribing chondroprotective drugs, corticosteroids, and NSAIDs. Rehabilitation period begins when the infectious process is excluded, and the disease is not in an acute progressive form. Surgery indicated if chondroprotectors, anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs, corticosteroids and others conservative methods did not produce results.

That’s all for today, dear readers: leave your opinion about this article in the comments, how you fought or are fighting this disease.

In the sports circle, taking steroid medications is quite popular and relevant. And even if you have made the final choice and decided to take this or that drug, there are still a number of problems that are important and need to be solved.

This is about correct introduction injections into the body. It's no secret that most courses one way or another include injectable drugs. They, unlike oral (tablet) ones, require special “care”.

And today we will try to answer in detail the question that interests everyone: “How to inject steroids correctly?”

So, if we have decided on the drug, then we will move on to choosing the main tool of our work - syringe. The unwritten rule should be to buy a new syringe in a package, this is very important. Make sure that the syringe is sterilely clean. That is why immediately after unpacking it you need to start the procedure. Otherwise, you risk exposing yourself to infection. The syringe should have a volume of no more than 5 cubic meters - this is quite enough to produce a high-quality injection. Before each new injection, you must use an exclusively new syringe, even if you are injecting only yourself. Before administering the drug, you need to make sure that there is no excess air in the syringe. This is standard procedure before introducing all medicines. So, you need to inject steroids with a new 5 cc syringe, which needs to be changed after each injection, while ensuring your own safety and cleanliness.

The next one is very important point- this is the definition of where better to inject anabolic steroids - in the buttock or biceps?

It all depends on where it is more convenient for you to give the injections. There are two main places intended for such procedures:

  • Upper part of the buttock;
  • Delta (biceps).

We invite you to clearly see where and how to inject steroids correctly in the pictures above.

Please note that injecting steroids into a vein is strictly prohibited! This can be fatal.

Many people are tormented by another question: “When is it better to administer drugs - in the morning or late afternoon?. Most drug instructions do not indicate this item for the reason that, in principle, it does not have much significance. What is much more important is what day you will give the injection and whether you have determined your course schedule correctly.

Some argue that if training is done in the evening, steroids should be administered in the morning. But if you plan a workout in the morning, then the drug must be “installed” in the evening. This is what they say about male hormone- testosterone. But everything is individual and in order to determine the time of administration of the drug specifically for you, it is necessary to consult a specialist, as well as study the characteristics of your biological rhythms and training process.

Exists general series rules to follow:

  • Wash your hands with soap;
  • Prepare everything necessary for the procedure - needle, medication, cotton wool, alcohol;
  • Remove the protective film (case) from the syringe;
  • Insert the needle into the bottle;
  • It is necessary to turn the bottle over so that the syringe can fill with liquid;
  • It must be taken into account that the amount of liquid should be slightly more than prescribed;
  • Next, you need to release excess air from the syringe. To do this, you need to tap it (while the needle is still in the bottle) and return it if necessary. excess liquid with air back into the ampoule;
  • Do not touch the needle to your body or foreign objects before the procedure;
  • You need to wipe the injection site with alcohol or vodka (as a last resort);
  • Then you need to insert the syringe at an angle of 90 degrees, inserting the needle deep into the muscle tissue;
  • If blood appears during the injection, you need to remove the needle and choose another place where the injection will be made;
  • If blood does not appear, then you simply need to slowly inject the medicine into the muscle;
  • After administering the drug, you must immediately remove the needle and massage the injection site using a clean swab soaked in alcohol.

So, we have figured out the main points associated with the administration of the drug intramuscularly. You need to realize that this is a very responsible process. It requires a serious approach and compliance with a number of rules.

Hello. The attending physician prescribed Mexidol injections. And she indicated what must be done in the morning. The nurse has been busy since the morning. What to do?

Expert's answer

Hello. The instructions do not indicate any specific time of day for administering this drug.

I think that the attending physician’s recommendation to give injections in the morning is justified by the fact that patients often feel a surge of energy after an injection of Mexidol. This can be explained by the fact that due to the antioxidant and antihypoxic effects of Mexidol, the activity of brain cells increases. Although this is more common in older people, it can also occur in younger patients who are sensitive to the drug.

Based on this effect of Mexidol, it is indeed recommended to use Mexidol in the first half of the day. However, there are no strict guidelines on the time of day.
Therefore, if you cannot give injections in the morning, try to do them at lunchtime and at least do not do them in the evening. After all, it won’t be entirely comfortable if you feel alert and active at night instead of going to bed.