When should you start brushing your child's teeth? Is it the right decision to start brushing your baby’s teeth as early as possible? When to start brushing your child's teeth How to brush your one-year-old child's teeth with toothpaste

Teeth are necessary for humans to grind food, they participate in the correct formation of sounds, ensure intelligibility of speech, and form the oval of the face.

Healthy baby teeth are a guarantee natural development permanent teeth. Therefore, there is no doubt about when to start brushing your child’s teeth: as soon as they erupt, they immediately organize regular care for them.

The appearance of the first incisors signals the need to begin preventive measures against caries, accustoming and gradually teaching the child the basics of hygiene oral cavity.

When should you start brushing your child's teeth with toothpaste?

Manufacturers of hygiene products develop toothpastes for children from the first year of life, inviting consumers to use them for children from birth.

First toothpaste must be gentle: gel-like, without fluorine, harmful ballast substances, pronounced flavoring additives, safe if swallowed.

By postponing the use of toothpastes, dentists recommend that parents begin caring for their infant’s oral cavity much earlier.

How to properly care for the oral cavity of a small child?

Dentists believe that you should start from the moment the first tooth appears or even 1-2 months earlier - from the third to fifth month of life.

The absence of teeth in an infant does not guarantee the health of the oral mucosa, on the surface of which colonies form pathogenic microorganisms, capable of provoking bacterial or fungal diseases under unfavorable conditions.

A positive aspect of early initiation of hygiene procedures is that the child gets used to manipulations in the oral cavity, and the subsequent use of a brush with paste does not cause hostility or protest on his part.

The purpose of treating the oral cavity before teeth appear is to remove any remaining milk or formula from the mucous membrane of the child’s gums, tongue, and cheeks, which will not allow the development of a nutrient medium for pathogenic microbes.

The delicate massage effect activates blood circulation in the oral mucosa, improves its trophism, and increases local immunity. During teething, such a gentle massage of the gums relieves the itching sensation and calms the child.

The hygienic procedure is carried out twice a day, forty minutes after feeding, so as not to provoke the gag reflex.

Homemade and industrial products are used to cleanse the baby's mouth.

  • A gauze swab moistened with lightly salted water. Cotton wool and cotton pads are not used: their texture is too smooth, and they also leave behind small fibers.
  • Toothpicks With Xylitol - disposable moistened fingertip napkins with a neutral taste, recommended for use by children from birth to 6 years.
  • Disposable dental hygienic napkins Spiffies - impregnated with xylitol, approved for use by children of the first year of life.

At first, such gentle cleaning is recommended due to the peculiarities of the baby’s oral-motor development. Until six months, his sucking reflex is active, allowing him to swallow only liquid food. When a foreign solid object (for example, a spoon) gets into the oral cavity, the child reflexively begins to make sucking movements, pushing it out.

Subsequently, the innate reflex fades away, the chewing reflex develops, and expulsion no longer occurs. From this period, you can accustom your child to a toothbrush.

  • From six months of age to one year, it is recommended to use a silicone finger brush. An adult puts it on the finger and delicately carries out a cleansing procedure for the child, at the same time gently massaging the gums.
  • An alternative option during this period may be teething toothbrushes. They are equipped with rubber bristles and stops that prevent the brush from being pushed through and causing injury to the mouth and throat.
  • We recommend brushes with an ergonomic handle of an attractive design and a small rounded working part (head) that covers no more than two teeth.

Toothbrushes for children with temporary and mixed dentition are chosen with very soft (marking: extra soft) or soft (soft), preferably artificial, bristles.

Change toothbrushes every two to three months or after each child’s illness.

Manufacturers of electric toothbrushes theoretically allow children from two to three years of age to use their products under the supervision of an adult. However, most dentists agree that the optimal age for their use is starting from 6 years old, the procedure is also carried out in the presence of elders.

At what age should a child be taught to brush their teeth on their own?

In infants and toddlers in the first two to three years of life, motor skills, including fine motor skills, are still imperfect, so they are not yet able to properly manipulate a toothbrush in their mouth.

Parents take on this function: they brush the child’s teeth twice a day, gradually teaching the rules and involving him in the process.

By the age of four to five years, the development of motor activity reaches the necessary coordination; children already remember the sequence of movements with a brush and independently carry out hygiene procedure. An adult observes the child’s manipulations, makes adjustments, and carries out final cleaning to complete removal soft coating.

Active assistance in brushing teeth from elders lasts for one to two years, and according to some experts, it should be provided to a child until he is eight or nine years old.

In adolescence, parental control consists only of initiating the child to carry out the procedure and reminding him about it. This can last until the teenager develops an internal need for brushing his teeth.

Rules for choosing children's oral care products

Temporary (baby) teeth differ significantly from permanent teeth, which is why hygiene products to care for them have significant differences.

High-quality children's oral hygiene products should not include:

  • carcinogenic and toxic compounds:
    • Na benzoate, propylene glycol (PEG or PEG) are preservatives, present in products with a long (more than a year) shelf life;
    • Na lauryl sulfate (SLS, E-487) - foaming agent;
    • parabens;
    • benzyl alcohol;
  • antiseptic substances - chlorhexidine, metronidazole, triclosan - destroying not only pathogenic, but also natural microorganisms in the oral cavity;
  • chemical thickeners - derivatives of acrylic acid, cellulose;
  • artificial flavoring ingredients, even identical to natural ones;
  • sugars - glucose, sorbitol, sucrose - creating favorable conditions for the development of caries.

The ingredients present in both children's and adult toothpastes differ significantly in concentration and intensity of impact.

  • Abrasives- provide a cleansing and polishing effect, there are two groups:
    • aggressive - chalk (Ca carbonate), soda (Na bicarbonate), their abrasiveness index (RDA) is high: more than 70;
    • gentle - silicon dioxide or titanium dioxide, have a low RDA.
  • Fluorine- element that prevents the occurrence carious cavities, strengthening the enamel of growing and already formed teeth. However, it is highly toxic if it enters the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Fluoride-free toothpastes are intended for children under three years of age: a large number of Children swallow pastes, there is a high risk of intoxication;
    • pastes containing aminofluoride (olaflur) - the organic form of the element - are recommended for older children, especially indicated for use by residents of areas with low level water fluoridation.

Within their group, children's toothpastes are divided into segments for different ages, which have their own characteristic features.

  • Pastes intended for children under three years of age - for temporary teeth, low-abrasive: RDA within 20, without fluoride or fluoridated no more than 200 ppm.
  • From three to seven years - the period of replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones, low abrasive aggression of pastes: RDA< 50, содержание фтора ≤ 500 ppm.
  • From 7 to 14 years - children predominate permanent teeth, in pastes the abrasiveness is low: RDA up to 50, but fluorine ≤ 1200 ppm.

Healthy toothpastes can be further enriched with:

  • natural thickeners - vegetable pectins (for example, algae extract), resins, permitted food additives(xanthan gum);
  • microelements - calcium, aminophosphates, fluorides - they are actively involved in the formation of healthy and strong enamel;
  • milk enzymes - lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, lysozyme - stimulating local immunity, increasing protective properties saliva;
  • natural protein - casein - which promotes the accumulation of calcium in the enamel.

In cases where children's toothpaste is not available, adults do not use the product: the child's teeth are simply cleaned with a brush dipped in water.

He emphasizes that the choice of toothpaste is a secondary issue: high-quality cleansing is achieved not so much by using some special toothpaste, but by competently performing the cleaning technique. He admits that a common mistake is the insufficient amount of time that the child spends on hygiene procedures.

The doctor advises choosing toothpastes with a small amount of ingredients, mostly natural, and purchasing baby hygiene products in pharmacies or specialized stores.

The health of an adult’s oral cavity depends on caring for it as early as early age. Thorough cleansing helps to properly eliminate soft coating and prevent the formation of solid deposits. Correct hygiene serves as a good prevention of caries, bacterial and fungal diseases of the oral mucosa.

Does my child need to brush his teeth?

Milk enamel is very thin and sensitive, it is easily destroyed, especially in the presence of small cracks. There are a number of good reasons why children should brush their teeth:

  • provide correct height jaws;
  • prevent the occurrence of;
  • eliminate sources of infection, which can spread throughout the body and cause damage to internal systems.

Children's primary teeth are important for chewing and bite formation. If you do not remove plaque from them correctly and wait until caries develops, this can provoke:

  • damage to nerve roots;
  • curvature of the permanent dentition;
  • internal suppuration of the gums;
  • chronic;
  • pyelonephritis and other pathologies.

When should you start brushing your child's teeth?

Dentists advise practicing oral hygiene even in infancy. The standard option at what age to brush a child’s teeth correctly is 5-6 months, when they begin to erupt. Some babies experience accelerated development, and they require care for the oral mucous membranes from 12-16 weeks of life. Progressive hygienists call more early dates At what age should a child brush his teeth? Such experts recommend removing plaque and food debris even from the baby’s gums. This ensures proper eruption and prevents tooth decay.

If the baby still has nothing to chew, use a sterile piece of gauze or a fingertip (sold in pharmacies). The cloth is wrapped around the finger and moistened with clean boiled water. The baby should be positioned correctly - in a comfortable position, closer to the mother's breast, so that he is not afraid. Using a damp cloth, it is necessary to massage the gums and surface of the tongue as gently but thoroughly (sweeping movements). Instead of water, you can use a special foam or solution to care for the oral cavity of infants.

When the baby has already acquired several teeth (from six months), it is better to purchase a silicone fingertip with short and soft fibers at the pharmacy. Some children tend to bite this accessory; in such cases, it is correct to put it on a pencil or a new adult brush. The silicone fingertip is convenient for removing plaque from both the gums and the top of the tongue.

Ways to brush a one-year-old child’s teeth are more familiar. Almost independently, the baby needs to buy a personal brush with soft synthetic bristles. First, parents take care of hygiene, gradually teaching the baby correct use dental devices. How to brush your teeth one year old child:

  1. The chewing surface of the enamel (coronal part) is processed with circular and horizontal movements.
  2. The pressure should be medium so as not to cause discomfort.
  3. The lateral surfaces of the teeth are cleaned from the gums to the crown. The bristles are correctly set at an angle of 45 degrees, the movements are sweeping.
  4. The front incisors are cleaned in a circle.
  5. At the end of the procedure, carefully remove plaque from the tongue.

How to teach a child to brush his teeth?

The best way to instill personal hygiene skills in your child is by example. Children like to imitate their parents, so you should invite your child to “adult” dental procedures in the morning and evening (or after each meal). Before the event, you can discuss with your child how to properly brush children's teeth and why this is important. There are even special songs and cartoons that describe the hygiene process in an interesting and fun way.

From 2-3 years old, the baby almost does not need the help of adults to care for the oral cavity. How to teach your child to brush their teeth independently and correctly:

  1. Together with your baby, purchase a brush and toothpaste for him personally.
  2. Explain with your own example how to hold dental accessories, show the correct movements and positioning of the brush.
  3. Remind you how long to brush your teeth. You can place an hourglass near the washbasin.
  4. Talk about cleaning the tongue and show how it is done.
  5. Make sure your baby practices proper hygiene at least 2 times a day. Some parents create colorful daily routines that highlight this item.

Child won't let you brush your teeth

Many children, especially those who are learning oral hygiene late, are afraid of this procedure and refuse to undergo it, even going hysterical. Another reason why a child does not want to brush his teeth can be any distracting activity. A game, a walk or watching cartoons is much more interesting for a baby than a boring event in the bathroom.

It is impossible to force the baby, this will cause even greater protest and reluctance to care for the oral cavity. How to teach your child to brush their teeth correctly:

  1. Make the procedure interesting, turn it into a game with elements of competition (who takes longer, who is cleaner).
  2. Talk about the consequences of lack of hygiene. You can come up with a fairy tale with appropriate conclusions, in which one character does not brush his teeth, and the other diligently watches them.
  3. Reduce the baby to pediatric dentist, show on models what healthy and diseased teeth look like.
  4. Come up with a story in which the baby will be a superhero. His mission and top-secret task is to save his teeth from evil microbes (caries, spots, holes and any other names).
  5. Involve your favorite toys, let them also practice oral hygiene every day.

How to choose a toothbrush for a child?

Most manufacturers produce brightly shaped accessories with handles in the shape of toys, fairy-tale characters or animals. Dentists do not recommend purchasing these toothbrushes for children. Such textured handles are uncomfortable to hold, which leads to incorrect placement of the bristles and movements, which negatively affects the quality of plaque removal. It’s right to buy a simple accessory with a thick, comfortable handle. To keep the little ones interested, colorful and funny pictures can be depicted on it.

Toothbrush for children up to one year old

Babies do not yet need adult hygiene devices. Dentists provide a silicone toothbrush for children in the form of a fingertip and dental wipes with different flavors, impregnated antiseptic solution(mainly xylitol). The list of ways to properly brush children's teeth includes treating the gums with a simple gauze turunda. The fabric is wrapped around your finger and soaked in boiled water. This method is used as an alternative to pharmaceutical wipes.

Toothbrush for children from 1 year

From 12 months, the baby will need personal dental accessories, which must meet several requirements. The best ones have the following characteristics:

  • comfortable handle with non-slip coating;
  • a small head with a cleaning surface the size of 2-3 children’s teeth;
  • very thin, short and soft bristles;
  • restrictor ring to prevent throat injury.

Toothbrushes for children over 3 years old

By this age, the child has already mastered the basics of oral hygiene and knows how to correctly use dental devices. If he knows why and how to brush children’s teeth correctly, holds the brush confidently and does not forget to remove plaque from the tongue, you can buy a more “advanced” accessory. For children 3 years of age and older, longer, stiffer bristles are recommended to remove debris from between teeth.

The most progressive parents acquire battery-powered devices by this period. for children over 3 years old must meet the above requirements. Kids love these accessories due to their similarity to battery-powered toys, interesting designs and bright colors. WITH electric brush Oral hygiene becomes less boring and routine, especially if done in the form of a game.

Which toothpaste should I use to brush my child's teeth?

When choosing the product in question, it is important not to fall victim to marketing techniques, for example, the imaginary advantage of the absence of fluoride. This component is beneficial for enamel, strengthens it and protects it from the development of caries. Only toothpaste for children under one year old should not contain fluoride. It is optimal to replace it with hydroxyapatite or calcium glycerophosphate. The enamel of infants contains very few minerals, so it is necessary to replenish the deficiency.

In matters of child care, the topic of dental and oral care occupies a special place. Parents always have a lot of questions: do they need to brush their baby teeth? When to start brushing your teeth? Which hygiene products are suitable for little ones and which ones are suitable for older children? So that mothers do not have to wait for a dentist’s consultation at the clinic, we will try to give answers to the most important questions.

Why should a baby brush his teeth?

Among parents, you can come across the opinion that there is no need to take care of baby teeth - they will change anyway. This opinion is erroneous, and brush your teeth to a small child still necessary. The fact is that the enamel of baby teeth is very weak, so caries affects it very easily. The risk of caries development is also not associated with the type of diet: even if the child does not yet receive complementary foods, his teeth may suffer, since the mother’s breast milk, and formula contain sugar.

Teeth affected by caries can become a source of infection, which can spread downward throughout the body and cause serious illnesses from tonsillitis to pyelonephritis. Meeting dentists at an early age is unlikely to make a child happy, and advanced caries is toothache, exclusion of the diseased tooth from the chewing process (which means the child will not be able to chew food properly), and in the worst case, tooth extraction. By the way, it is highly undesirable to remove baby teeth before their natural replacement. This can disrupt the process of bite formation, lead to speech defects or curvature permanent teeth. To prevent such serious consequences, it is imperative to take care of baby teeth.

Video tips for parents on how to teach their child to brush their teeth

When to start taking care of your teeth?

It is difficult to name a specific age at which you should start caring for your teeth. The fact is that you need to brush your teeth from the moment they appear, and this is a very individual process. On average, the first tooth appears in the mouth at the age of 6 months, but some children acquire teeth earlier, and some only delight their parents with this event at one year of age. A tooth is considered to have erupted if at least one tip has emerged from the gum. True, caring for it during this period is twofold: on the one hand, during the period of teething, the local immunity of the oral cavity decreases, and the risk of contracting an infection is high. On the other hand, the gums are inflamed and a real wound forms around the cutting tooth, so brushing can be very painful for the child.

Some dentists are of the opinion that oral care should begin without waiting for the first teeth. Firstly, even in the absence of teeth in the mouth and complementary foods in the diet, microorganisms accumulate on the mucous membrane that can cause such unpleasant diseases as stomatitis, gingivitis, and candidiasis. Secondly, early initiation of oral care helps develop hygiene habits, and a toothbrush no longer causes such protest in the child. According to this approach, gum care should begin 2-3 months before the appearance of the first teeth, that is, at the age of 3-4 months.

Children's oral care products

Before baby teeth emerge, child oral hygiene involves wiping the gums and tongue. In this way, you can easily remove harmful plaque and cleanse your baby’s mouth of bacteria. You can also wipe the very first teeth, which will be unpleasant to clean even with a soft brush. The following products can be used for wiping:

  • Gauze swab or bandage soaked boiled water(water can be slightly salted) . Cotton wool cannot be used for these purposes: it does not suit the texture (has no roughness) and can leave fibers behind;
  • Toothpicker finger wipes with xylitol. Serve to cleanse the mouth and teeth, relieve pain from cutting teeth, prevent children's teeth, protect gums, and prevent caries. Available in mint and banana flavors. eat without taste. They are used to clean not only teeth, but the entire oral cavity. Designed for children from birth to 6 years;
  • Dental wipes. Oral wipes "spiffies" with grape or apple flavor. They are impregnated with special safe antiseptic– xylitol, so they disinfect the oral cavity well. They are used to clean not only teeth, but the entire oral cavity. The only negative is that this option will be expensive for the family budget, since the napkins are disposable and are not cheap.

After about six months, the child’s ejection reflex disappears. From now on, you can use other means to clean your teeth:

  • A silicone finger brush will be needed from 6 months to 1 year. At this age, the child cannot yet hold a toothbrush on his own and make the necessary movements, so it will be more convenient to brush his teeth with the help of such a brush;
  • Classic children's toothbrush. Such a brush should have soft bristles, a short comfortable handle and a cleaning surface with an area of ​​about 2 children's teeth.

You should use toothpaste along with the brush. Toothpaste is also selected according to the age of the child:

  • Gel toothpaste with a neutral or milky taste is suitable for children who are not yet receiving complementary foods. This paste does not contain abrasive substances, and does not cause a neutral or milky taste in the child. discomfort and rejection;
  • Toothpaste with fruit flavor. Children who are already familiar with complementary feeding respond well to “fruit” paste: banana, raspberry, strawberry.

How to brush your teeth correctly

You need to brush your teeth 2 times a day: morning and evening. Each procedure should last about 2-3 minutes, but you can start cleaning with less time so that the child gets used to it gradually.

It is very important not just to formally follow the procedure, but to brush your teeth correctly. The rules for brushing children's teeth are not much different from those for adults, but it would be a good idea to remind them.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

  • The brush should be applied to the teeth at an angle of 45 degrees and make “sweeping” movements with it from the gums to the cutting edge of the tooth.
  • You need to brush your teeth both from the outside and from the inside.
  • The chewing surface of the teeth should be cleaned using circular, progressive movements.
  • Don’t forget the tongue: it also needs to be cleaned using the back of the brush (almost all brushes have a rough outer side just for this purpose).

How to teach a child to brush their teeth on their own: we learn by playing

A child usually begins brushing their teeth on their own by the age of two, and the first attempts to hold a brush in their hands appear around the age of two. The best way to teach your child how to use a toothbrush is by example. Children tend to imitate adults, because this The best way learn new skills. That’s why it’s best to start by going to the bath together in the mornings and evenings. Of course, the baby’s first attempts will be very far from perfect, but that’s why parents are needed nearby to guide the inept hand.

Another good way- Place a mirror in front of the baby. Children love to look at their reflection. Seeing himself, it is easier for the child to control his movements and it is more interesting to observe where he reaches with the brush.

To make a useful activity also interesting, you can add game elements to it. Some games have particularly proven themselves.

  • It will be interesting for the little ones to brush their teeth to the beat of their favorite counting rhyme, song or poem. Particularly talented mothers can even compose a poem themselves, in which the child’s name will sound;
  • With older children, brushing your teeth can be turned into a secret mission to protect your baby from the evil Caries;
  • It is very effective to involve the child’s favorite toys and go brush his teeth with a bear or doll;
  • To practice brushing skills, you can organize family competitions to see who can brush their teeth the fastest. Parents, of course, should give in and lose the competition.

Video: how to teach a 10-11 month old child to brush his teeth and how to make him like the procedure:

If your baby refuses to brush his teeth

It’s rare that brushing teeth is immediately perceived by a child as a “hurray!” A child may resist a toothbrush because he perceives it as a foreign object (if we are talking about early dental care), or because brushing causes or once caused him discomfort (for example, during the period of active teething). In any case, parents should not give up.

  • Even if the baby refuses, continue trying to involve him in the hygiene procedure, but do not insist too much. It is enough just to offer your child to brush his teeth every day;
  • Try it different means: brushes, fingertips, various pastes. Perhaps the reason lies precisely in the rejection of a particular remedy;
  • Turn dental care into a game. Toys, poems, songs put the baby in the right mood.

Real video of a mother brushing her teeth at 1 year 9 months old (watch for everyone. Pay attention to the child’s reaction):

When do baby teeth change?

The replacement of baby teeth begins at the age of 5-7 years. When permanent teeth begin to form, the roots of the milk teeth begin to dissolve. The teeth become loose and gradually fall out. Baby teeth fall out in the same order as they erupt. To slightly speed up the process of baby teeth falling out, you can let your child chew on fresh vegetables and fruits - this increases the chewing load.

Changing teeth is a long process. It can last for 7-9 years. All permanent teeth finally erupt by the age of 14-16, and “wisdom teeth” can appear only at 20-25 years.

  1. To prevent the toothbrush itself from becoming a breeding ground for infection, it needs to be treated every week, rinsing well. hot water. The brush needs to be changed every 2-3 months, and if the child gets sick, it is better to replace the brush to prevent re-infection.
  2. Children's toothpaste should not contain fluoride. Since children do not yet know how to rinse their mouths, they swallow the paste. Fluoride enters the body through digestive tract, tends to accumulate in the body, and this element is very toxic.
  3. Visit the dentist regularly, even if your child is not worried. Preventive examination allows you to identify problems in the initial stage and eliminate them in time.

School of Health

Topic: How to teach a child to brush his teeth?

Proper care of baby teeth is a guarantee of healthy permanent teeth, so you need to pay attention to this issue literally from the cradle. The health of a child depends very much on the parents, and they have the power not only to keep their teeth healthy, but also to instill in their child good habit: Take good care of your teeth and maintain oral hygiene.

Oral care is the most important component of dental health and caries prevention. It is necessary to teach dental hygiene from early childhood so that the process of morning and evening brushing becomes a habit for the child. Many parents do not know at what point to start brushing their child’s teeth; they allow a situation to occur that already leads to dental problems by the age of 2-3 years. Let's try to figure out how old a child should be to brush his teeth, how to perform oral hygiene for a child, and what brushes are available for children of different ages.

3 reasons why it is important to care for baby teeth

It is a common belief that children's first baby teeth, even if they are not cared for, have no effect on permanent teeth. Therefore, you can brush your first teeth from the age of 3, when the child is able to hold a brush himself. But this approach is completely wrong and even dangerous - a neglected oral cavity can lead to a wide variety of negative consequences.

1. Rapid spread of caries

The main dental problem for young preschool children is caries. The carious process has a destructive effect on the child’s first teeth and, if tooth enamel is not taken care of, can spread to neighboring teeth. On average, every tenth child 1.5-2 years old has one carious cavity.

2. The influence of bad baby teeth on permanent teeth

Some mothers and fathers are of the opinion that you should not devote special attention and effort for baby teeth, because they will fall out anyway. This is a big mistake. Early destruction of the first teeth negatively affects the permanent ones, which will lead to considerable problems with the teeth and the oral cavity in general in the future.

3. Bad teeth are a source of infection

Carious cavities are accumulations of pathogenic bacteria. These bacteria, when in a child's mouth, can cause endless illnesses respiratory tract. Great danger is that they can spread throughout the body and cause various ailments. Treating teeth in children under 5 years of age is mentally and physically difficult, and it is much easier to prevent the problem by carefully caring for baby teeth.

Dentists agree that caring for baby teeth should begin from the very beginning of their appearance. For most babies, teething begins between 6 and 8 months. Only some babies give their parents their first tooth a couple of months earlier.

During complementary feeding, the baby’s first erupted tooth is “attacked” by carbohydrates, which are deposited on the enamel in the form of plaque. It must be removed to avoid the accumulation of soft deposits with bacteria. You should start caring for your new tooth from the moment it completely erupts.

Important! Bye baby tooth has not fully emerged from the gums, excessive care can be harmful - the inflamed area of ​​​​the gums is very vulnerable and touching it will be quite painful for the baby.

Choosing baby teeth care products

Having started caring for the baby’s oral cavity when he was still infancy, you can easily teach him about hygiene and understanding that brushing his teeth is necessary. To make the process easy and without discomfort, you need to know which method of removing plaque is optimal at a particular age.

Gauze bandage

The most convenient way for infants to clean their first teeth is with a gauze swab or a bandage wrapped around the mother’s finger. You need to moisten the gauze with water and treat each tooth. Gauze is good because it has a rough structure and easily removes sticky plaque.

Soft silicone brush

A transparent silicone brush that fits on your finger makes it easy to brush the teeth of a one-year-old child. The brush has soft teeth that remove plaque. The silicone brush can be used without baby toothpaste.

On a note! Babies at this age love to playfully bite their mother while cleaning. The silicone in the finger brushes is strong and is able to “take the blow”, protecting parents’ fingers from bites.

Children's toothbrush

Starting from 1-1.5 years old, a child will be interested in getting acquainted with a children's brush in the form of a funny little animal. On children’s brushes there is a designation “1+”, for older children – “3+”. They are small in size (with a handle for a child's palm), have soft rubber bristles and a limiter so that the baby does not accidentally choke on the brush. A baby brush should be used together with baby toothpaste.

Electric brush

An electric toothbrush may be considered for children over 4 years of age. It teaches independence and arouses great interest among children. An electric brush has stiffer bristles, cleans the enamel well and allows you not to worry about the result.

Note! Earlier use of an electric brush can damage children's enamel, because the speed of movement of the cleaning head is quite intense.

An important procedure: how to properly brush your child’s teeth

You should brush your baby teeth twice a day using an appropriately sized brush with soft bristles. Until the age of 6-8 years, the process of teeth cleaning should be carried out under parental supervision; until this age, the child is not yet able to thoroughly clean his teeth.

The procedure for caring for baby teeth should include cleaning:

  • internal surfaces of chewing teeth;
  • internal surfaces of the front teeth;
  • external surfaces of teeth;
  • light gum massage reverse side brushes.

The direction of the brush is actually not that important, whether you brush your baby's teeth up and down or in a circular motion. The main thing is to thoroughly clean each tooth inside and out. After 4-5 procedures, you will already know how to properly brush your child’s teeth.

You can find out exactly how many minutes children need to brush their teeth based on the baby’s age - infants need to start with 0.5 minutes, gradually increasing the time. For a child 1 year and a little older, just over a minute. Children over 3 years old will need about 2-3 minutes for the procedure.

Not at all: what to do if a child is against brushing his teeth

Sometimes parents are faced with a situation where a child does not want to brush his teeth. Most often this occurs at the age of 1-2 years. Children are enthusiastically ready to clean only their front teeth, but when it comes to the back teeth, the child does not allow them to brush their teeth and tries in every possible way to interfere with the process. In such a case, try not to force, but to carry out the procedure in a playful way.

  • A fun game “For company” - pretend to brush your baby’s teeth with your favorite toys, and you will see how, in turn, your baby will also open his mouth to brush his teeth.
  • A family teeth brushing competition will encourage your child to win every day. After successful cleaning, you can give your baby a “prize” in the form of a sticker or other surprise.
  • The game “Let’s find the hidden teeth” in front of the mirror will help. The child will look with interest into the corners of his mouth, and meanwhile the mother will brush the distant teeth.

Caring for a child is a crucial moment for every parent. The issue of brushing your baby’s teeth is far from the least important among other parental concerns. Very often, mothers and fathers turn to pediatricians and pediatric dentists for advice,From what age better start brushing a child's teeth. Also, many parents are concerned about the questionhow to teach a child brush your teeth yourself , because small children often simply do not want to brush their teeth and, if done incorrectly, throw tantrums.

In today's article we will talk about from what age brushing a child's teeth, about the aspects of brushing children’s teeth, and we will also provide an effective technique that will help teach a child to perform this procedure necessary for health every day.

What is the optimal age to start brushing your teeth?

Most main question, worrying all moms and dads. Recommendations from pediatric dentists state that it is best to start caring for your baby’s oral cavity from the moment teething symptoms appear. If a child sleeps poorly, cries, puts hands and toys in his mouth, his temperature rises and profuse drooling- There is no doubt that the first teeth will appear soon. Most often, this period occurs 3-6 months after the birth of the baby.

How to care for your mouth during this time and when should it be done? Start brushing your child's teethIt is best 30-40 minutes after breastfeeding or formula feeding. First of all, mom or dad should wash their hands thoroughly. After this, take the baby in your arms, wrap your finger in clean gauze, which must first be moistened in warm boiled water and gently massage the baby’s gums in a circular motion.

This procedure improves blood circulation in the gum mucosa and reduces pain. Instead of gauze, you can use the so-called finger gauze. toothbrush. This brush looks like a rubber cap from a pen with tubercles or rubber bristles, which a mother can put on her finger and also massage her child’s gums.

Another alternative to this procedure is the use of special teething brushes with a safety disc. The child can hold this brush in his hand and chew on it. A special protective disc will protect the baby from injury. This brush will teach your child to early infancy take care of your teeth. In addition, the baby will not have to experience fear from the next “invasion” mother's hand for massaging gums.

At what age can a child brush his teeth?with a toothbrush? The answer is simple - from the moment the first incisors appear (starting from the 8th month). A brush with rubber bristles is ideal for this procedure. It is soft and comfortable and does not damage the baby’s oral mucosa. Despite this, such a brush will allow you to get rid of the remnants of viscous liquid food, which forms the basis of the child’s diet during this period. In the future, when the remaining teeth begin to erupt, parents should switch to full-fledged baby brushes.

They differ from adult brushes in the following parameters:

    Small head (about 1-1.5 cm).

    Soft artificial bristles.

    Comfortable rubber handle.

    Maximum rounded edges.

If you are in doubt about using toothpaste, your pediatric dentist will help you resolve the issue.From what age It’s better to start brushing your child’s teeth, use oral hygiene products. The minimum age before which it is still undesirable to use the paste is 2-2.5 years. Parents should understand that although a two-year-old child can brush his teeth with toothpaste, it must be exclusively specialized. Mom and Dad's paste will not work in this case. It is better to purchase baby gel that will not harm the baby, even if he swallows it.

So the question is “ From which one specifically? age should you brush your child’s teeth?”remains open. Each parent will have to answer it independently, relying on the recommendations of the pediatric dentist and the characteristics of the baby.

How should you brush your child's teeth?

When to start brushing your child's teeth, we sorted it out. Next question - “ How to brush your child's teeth? In addition to the fact that brushing teeth is strictly individual, this process will differ for a 1-year-old and a 2-year-old child. It is worth remembering this and taking into account all the features of the development of the dental-jaw system of children at this age.

How to brush your baby's teeth?

An infant is a child in the first year of life. During this period, the baby's milk teeth are just beginning to emerge. In this regard, as we said earlier, unpleasant painful sensations, the temperature rises, sleep becomes poor and the child refuses to eat. To ease the suffering of their child, mothers massage the gums with gauze tied on their finger or with a finger toothbrush. Gauze can be moistened in ordinary warm boiled water, but dentists recommend using special foams. They are easy to use, have a bactericidal, analgesic (cooling) and anti-inflammatory effect.

Foams increase the baby's resistance to infections, since they contain lysozyme, glucose oxidase and other immunomodulatory substances. In addition to gauze and a finger toothbrush, you can use dental wipes and finger wipes with xylitol. They also have antibacterial properties and can prevent the development of stomatitis and thrush, which often occur in young children.

Such gentle methods of cleaning the oral cavity in infants are used not only due to the absence of teeth, but also due to the presence of an ejection reflex. This reflex is necessary for feeding from a bottle or mother's breast. What is its essence? The baby presses his tongue on the chest from below and the mixture (milk) enters the back third of the tongue. In this way, the child can automatically swallow a portion of liquid food. This reflex fades away before 6 months.

When the mother introduces the first complementary foods from a spoon (at about 4-5 months of age), the baby pushes out this spoon with his tongue, due to the still present pushing reflex. The same thing will happen with a toothbrush. Therefore, parents should clean the child’s mouth with their own hands using a special napkin or regular gauze.

And here At what age should you brush your teeth?with a brush? After 6 months, you can safely buy a baby toothbrush with rubber bristles.

They come in three types, depending on the age of the child:

    From six months to 8 months

    From 8 months to 1 year

    From one year to 2 years

These children's brushes are very soft, elastic, have a non-slip handle and a stopper.How to brush a child's teeth under one year oldsuch brushes? First, the child needs to get used to the foreign object (toothbrush) in the mouth. To do this, you need to use a brush for babies 6-8 months old. It is very similar in design to a pacifier.

It is enough to give such a toothbrush to your baby twice a day (morning and evening). The next stage is to teach the child the correct movements when brushing his teeth. This is where a brush for children 8-12 months will come to the rescue. It differs from the previous one in having a longer neck. This way, the child will be able to learn how to brush his teeth following the example of his parents. And finally, the last stage is learning how to thoroughly clean. For this you need to use a brush for children 1-2 years old or a regular children's toothbrush, which we wrote about above. Brushing your teeth should follow all the rules.

How to brush your 1 year old baby's teeth?

Questions about how to brush your child's teeth correctlyat this age, parents should no longer experience it. If you follow all the rules for cleaning the oral cavity in infancy, it becomes clear that at this age the child improves his teeth brushing skills and gradually switches to children's toothbrushes with artificial bristles and the use of toothpaste. If mom and dad missed the moment of teaching the child to brush his teeth, then the age of 1 year - good time to develop cleaning skills.

There is no need to use all three types of toothbrushes. You can start using the third type or immediately switch to children's toothbrushes with bristles. If a child has pathologies in the development of the dental-jaw system, it is better to contact a pediatric dentist. He will tell you in detail and show youhow to brush your one year old baby's teethin a certain situation.

How to brush your child's teeth at 2 years old?

From the age of two, according to dentists, you can use a children's toothbrush in combination with toothpaste. If everything is clear with the brush, then how to choose toothpaste for your baby?

First of all, you need to pay attention to the following points:

    Toothpaste should be free of abrasives so as not to damage the delicate mucous membrane of the child’s mouth and tooth enamel.

    It is worth giving preference to toothpastes without taste or with a milky taste. They will not cause discomfort in the child, but they will not become a new delicacy for him.

By the age of two years, the process of brushing teeth should be clear to the child. If the baby still does not understand this procedure or he refuses to do it for some reason, you can by example show,how to brush your teeth. For small childIt will not only be an experience, but also the interaction between parents and child, spending time together and doing an activity together.

How to teach a child to brush his teeth?

The best way, How to teach a child to brush their teeth, is its own example.Turn brushing your teeth into a fun game, gradually (as your child gets older) explaining to him that this procedure is necessary for his own health. Encourage your child after each brushing of his teeth, but not with candies and toys, but with words of approval.

Many parents ask the question “How to get your child to brush their teeth? But this is the wrong approach to solving the problem. The child cannot be forced, otherwise he will completely refuse to fulfill any requests. It’s also not worth persuading and begging your child to brush his teeth. Otherwise, the child will feel his power and will simply be spoiled, which will affect his future upbringing. For children need to explainhow to brush your teeth, why do this and why it is so important. The carrot and stick approach to teaching teeth brushing is not suitable.

We hope that after reading the article it became clear to all parentsAt what age need to start brushing your child's teeth And how to brush children's teeth correctly. If you are interested in other issues related to children's and adult dentistry, contact “Misto Dent”! Our specialists will talk about the features of caring for a child’s teeth and preventing diseases of the dental-jaw system.