Brief description of typical treatment regimens

Even a young and generally healthy person, having lain in bed for 2-3 weeks due to an illness, feels lethargic and gets tired quickly.

After all, a long bed rest, forced muscle inactivity leads to that the nerve centers that regulate blood circulation, respiration and other vital processes cease to receive the signals necessary for their normal functioning from muscle receptors.

Recovery impaired functions should be given Special attention systematic implementation of various complexes physiotherapy exercises including recovery walking. Such walking has a positive effect on the nervous system and its regulatory function, on the activity of the heart and blood vessels. At the same time, muscle tone is restored, their strength increases, and bowel function is normalized.

Recovery walking exercises contribute to the improvement of blood supply to the lungs and their ventilation, so they are especially recommended for those who have had bronchitis, pneumonia, and acute respiratory disease.

You need to do it regularly, gradually increasing the load, which should be adequate to the human condition. Too slow and short walking will not give desired result, and too fast and prolonged can cause harm. You should not start exercising without consulting your doctor.

Especially careful should be people who have undergone surgery or exacerbation chronic diseases, in particular of cardio-vascular system. They can start a course of recovery walking only after a thorough examination. Such an examination is carried out by specialists of the dispensary or doctors of medical control rooms, who will decide whether to prescribe the patient immediately for rehabilitation walking or, first, a complex of physiotherapy exercises under the supervision of a doctor. Those who are friends with physical education, as a rule, are more resilient, recover their strength faster.

Before you start walking, you need to conduct a simple test. During the week, every day you need to walk a distance of 100 meters on a flat area at the usual pace and note the number of steps per minute, the time of the distance, the heart rate before the start of the walk and 5-10 minutes after its completion.

If 5 minutes after After the end of walking, the heart rate reaches the initial one, then recovery walking can be started by moving at the same usual pace for a distance of 300-500 meters. Walk at any convenient time, but not earlier than 1-1.5 hours after eating. The main thing is that classes are regular.

After two weeks (provided that the heart rate becomes equal to the original 5-10 minutes after the load), you can increase the distance by 250-400 meters weekly to 2000 meters in one session. It is necessary to go at a pace of 75-80 steps per minute, gradually accelerating it to 90-100 steps. One to two months such activities will help restore the previous performance. And if you continue to walk, then you can start training sessions.

Self control - important condition the effectiveness of classes. It should be remembered that well-being largely depends on the work of the heart, the state of the central nervous system and the neuromuscular apparatus. In the diary of self-control, it is imperative to register well-being, sleep, reaction to stress.

Do not ignore the increased heart rate, interruptions in the work of the heart, pain behind the sternum, if they occur while walking or during the day. Counting the heart rate before walking and 5-10 minutes after it gives an idea of ​​the nature of the impact of the load on the cardiovascular system. Usually, as training increases with the same volume of load intensity, the pulse after the end of the session recovers to the original data faster.

For example, if he began to recover not after 8-10 minutes, but after 4-6, this means that the activity of the cardiovascular system has improved, the load is well tolerated. Meteorological conditions should also be recorded in the self-control diary, since high humidity, strong wind, too high or low temperature air can significantly affect the response to the load. Such a diary of self-control is necessary for everyone involved in recovery walking. It must be shown to the doctor every time.

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, keeping the ward and bed of the patient clean create conditions for the speedy recovery of patients and prevent the development of many complications.

Great role proper care. Adequate care is the key to the success of treatment even in the most difficult cases. The more severe the patient, the more difficult it is to care for him. Patient care is a direct responsibility nurse. However, the doctor also takes part not only in the treatment, but also in the care of the sick.

The main location of the patient in the hospital is the bed, depending on general condition, the patient takes this or that position in bed (active, passive and forced).

active position: patients can independently turn in bed, sit down, get up, move around, serve themselves.

Passive position: patients are inactive, cannot independently turn around, raise their head, arm, change the position of the body. Most often, these patients unconscious, neurological patients with motor paralysis, patients with trauma of one or another department of the musculoskeletal system or sharply weakened patients (patients with prolonged intoxication, after surgery, after blood loss, etc.).

forced position: the patient takes this position to alleviate his condition. For example, during an attack of suffocation, the patient takes the position of orthopnea - he sits with his legs down, with inflammation of the pleura (pleurisy) and the presence of pain - lies on his sore side, etc.

By the position of the patient in bed, to a certain extent, one can judge the condition of the patient.

However, often a patient with a satisfactory state of health is forced to comply with the motor regimen prescribed by the doctor.

A doctor may define a physical activity regimen (motor regimen) as:

    strict bed rest;

    bed rest;

    mode with limited motor activity;

    free (general) mode.

Strict bed rest prevents the patient from getting out of bed. Eating and taking medicines, medical manipulations, changing underwear and bed linen, physiological administration should be carried out with the help of medical personnel and, only in the horizontal position of the patient.

Bed rest allows the patient to move within the bed. In this case, for feeding or performing procedures, the patient can be turned on his side, planted.

Restricted mode(ward mode) implies the possibility of movement of the patient within the ward.

Free (general) mode allows free movement of the patient in the department. These patients, in most cases, can take care of themselves.

An important condition for the well-being of the patient, to speed up his recovery and reduce the likelihood of complications is bed comfort.

The nurse must constantly ensure that the position of the patient is functional (improves the function of a particular organ or system) and comfortable.

For this purpose, a functional bed is used, consisting of three movable sections. Using the handles located at the foot end of the bed, you can arrange the sections under different angle relative to each other. This way you can change the position separate parts the patient's body. For example, bend your knees, provide a semi-sitting position, etc. In the absence of a functional bed, an elevated position of the head end can be created using a headrest or several pillows, the leg end can be raised using a roller or a pillow placed under the shins, etc.

The mattress on the bunk should be thick enough with a smooth elastic surface, without bumps and depressions.

The sheet should completely cover the mattress from above, from the ends and sides, its edges should be tucked under the mattress, and not hang down. To prevent the sheet from rolling and gathering into folds, it can be fixed along the edges to the mattress with safety pins.

For a seriously ill patient, you can put an oilcloth on the sheet, covering it with a diaper or other sheet folded in half, which is also fixed in a straightened form. (photo) A pillow in a pillowcase or two is placed at the head end. The patient is given a blanket with a duvet cover, preferably flannelette or woolen (depending on the time of year). Sheets or pillowcases on the bed of seriously ill patients should not have seams, scars, fasteners on the side facing the patient. Bed sheets- sheets, pillowcases, duvet covers - should be clean and changed weekly, or as they get dirty. Usually, bed linen is changed simultaneously with the hygiene procedure - bath, shower, wiping.

Depending on the patient's condition, there are various ways change of bed linen. If the patient is allowed to walk, then he himself can change bed linen with the help of a nurse or a nurse. If the patient is allowed to sit, then during the change of bed linen, the nurse puts him on a chair next to the bed. It is much more difficult to change bed linen for bedridden patients. This manipulation must be performed by two people. Changing the sheet, with all the dexterity and skill of the caring staff, inevitably causes anxiety to the patient, therefore, it is sometimes advisable to transfer the patient to a gurney and re-lay the bed, then laying him on clean linen.


Change of linen for a bedridden patient who is allowed to turn in bed


    Roll up a clean sheet to half in the longitudinal direction;

    Remove pillow;

    Turn the patient on his side, moving him to the edge of the bed (the assistant holds the patient so that he does not fall);

    Roll up the free edge of the dirty sheet towards the patient;

    Turn the patient on his back, and then on the other side, on a clean sheet (covering and holding the patient change roles);

    Remove the dirty sheet and straighten a clean one in its place;

    Put a pillow under your head, changing the pillowcase on it;

    It is convenient to put the patient on the bed, cover with a blanket, after changing the duvet cover;

    Remove dirty linen;

    Wash the hands.

(photo series)

Change of linen for a bedridden patient who is forbidden to turn in bed


    Roll up a clean sheet to half in the transverse direction;

    Raise the upper half of the patient's torso, remove the pillow;

    Roll up a dirty sheet from the side of the head of the bed to the waist;

    Spread a clean sheet on the freed part of the mattress;

    Put a pillow, changing the pillowcase on it, lower the patient on it;

    Raising the pelvis and then patient's legs, remove the dirty sheet, spreading a clean one in its place;

    Tuck the edges of the sheet under the mattress;

    Remove dirty linen;

    Wash the hands.



    Raise the upper half of the patient's body;

    Carefully roll up the dirty shirt to the back of the head;

    Raise both hands of the patient and transfer the shirt rolled up at the neck over the patient's head;

    Then take off the sleeves. If the patient's arm is injured, then first remove the shirt from the healthy arm, and then from the patient.

The patient is dressed in the reverse order: first, put on the sleeves (first on the sore arm, then on the healthy arm if one arm is damaged), then throw the shirt over the head and straighten it under the patient's body.

Bedridden patients perform all physiological functions in bed, they need to be helped without causing disturbance and without polluting the bed. If necessary, the patient is given a ship to bed. The vessel can be metal with enamel coating or inflatable rubber. (photo series)

Delivery of the vessel to a bedridden patient


    Before serving the vessel, rinse it with warm water and leave some warm water in it;

    Bring the left hand under the sacrum, helping the patient raise the pelvis (the patient's legs should be bent at the knees);

    With your right hand, bring the vessel under the buttocks of the patient so that the perineum is above the hole;

    Wash the patient after defecation and urination;

    Pour the contents of the vessel into the toilet, rinse the vessel hot water, disinfect it with a 10% solution of chloramine;

    Wash the hands.

In patients with urinary incontinence, permanent urinals are used (photo series)

For bedridden patients, bed urinals (glass or plastic) are used - ducks - with a capacity of 1 - 2 liters.

The bed of a patient with involuntary urination and excretion of feces should have special adaptations. The mattress and pillow are lined with oilcloth. In addition, for such patients, special mattresses are used, consisting of 3 parts; the middle part has a fixture (niche) for the vessel. Bed linen for such patients is changed more often than usual - as it gets dirty. If a sick woman has abundant vaginal discharge, then to keep the bed clean, an oilcloth and a small soft lining are placed under the patient. In the care of bedridden patients, diapers are widely used. (photo series)

Unfortunately, not every future mom can lead an active lifestyle throughout pregnancy. Sometimes a pregnant woman has to limit physical activity, up to the observance of bed rest, the duration and "rigor" of which is determined by the complications that led to its appointment.

Rumors and reality

With minor deviations in the state of health of the mother or fetus, it is possible to stay at home, and in cases of more pronounced violations, the pregnant woman is hospitalized in a hospital.

Often, recalling their pregnancy, women who had any complications during its course tell how the doctor prescribed them strict bed rest due to certain problems (threatened abortion, etc.) and how they had to whether not to spend the entire pregnancy in bed, getting up only for the most necessary needs.

“Creepy” pictures immediately appear in my head, as a woman spends her entire pregnancy bedridden. In fact, if the expectant mother is allowed to at least sit in bed, then bed rest is considered not strict, but extended. Situations when a pregnant woman is forced to comply with bed rest long time, not so much, and if it is prescribed, then, as a rule, for several hours (for example, after operations) or days (pregnancy, bloody discharge from the genital tract in other conditions). In most cases, we are talking about more frequent rest and occasional rest in horizontal position during the day. Therefore, it makes sense to tell what kind and in what cases it is possible to restrict the movements of a pregnant woman.

Bed rest is different.

The restricted mode of activity can be quite variable. It could be:

  • strict bed rest in which the patient cannot sit down and get out of bed;
  • extended bed rest, which is prescribed for general satisfactory condition. With it, they are allowed to move into a sitting position in bed from 5 to 40 minutes several times a day;
  • ward regime, in which a sitting position is acceptable up to 50% of the time during the day, movement at a slow pace at a distance of up to 100-150 m;
  • free mode in addition to the ward one, it includes moving up the stairs from the 1st to the 3rd floor, walking for a distance of up to 1 km with a rest every 150-200 m.
  • gentle mode corresponds basically to a free mode, with the permission of walking up to 3 km with a rest every 20-30 minutes, games, swimming (if prepared and hardened);
  • gentle training mode allows average physical exercise: walking up to 4 km in 1 hour is widely used, skiing at an air temperature of at least 10-12 ° C, sports games with facilitated conditions for their conduct;
  • training mode used in cases where there are no pronounced deviations in the functions of various organs and systems. Running, sports games are allowed according to the general rules.

This classification shows how different physical activity restriction can be during pregnancy. Most often, if the expectant mother has complications that require restriction of the activity regimen, a ward and free regimen is prescribed.

Strict bed rest is prescribed quite rarely, usually for seriously ill patients or patients immediately after surgery (within a few hours), since prolonged bed rest, in turn, is fraught with health complications. The lack of muscle activity, the so-called hypokinesia, is harmful both for healthy person, and sick. The consequences of prolonged bed rest can be muscle atrophy, contracture (immobility) of the joints, loss of calcium in the bones, which leads to osteoporosis and, as a result, to fractures. As a result, these and other effects of a long stay in bed will require additional treatment.

Indications for bed rest

There are many reasons leading to the limitation of physical activity and more than usual stay of a pregnant woman in bed. They may be associated with complications during the pregnancy itself or with common diseases that occurred during pregnancy.

Of course, not in all cases, a pregnant woman should always be in bed - in some situations, it is enough to rest in a lying position several times a day and reduce physical activity. At the same time, the position in bed itself, as a rule, should also be “therapeutic”.

Threat of abortion

In this case, bed rest avoids mechanical impact to the fruit. The fact is that when moving (whether it be ordinary Homework, walking, and even more so running) the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are tensed, intra-abdominal pressure is constantly changing, which contributes to an increase in the tone of the muscles of the uterus. This, in turn, can lead to detachment of the fetal egg from the walls of the uterus (manifested by bloody discharge from the genital tract and cramping pains in the lower abdomen) and spontaneous miscarriage at short stages of pregnancy, and at long periods - to premature onset labor activity. When the expectant mother lies in bed, the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are relaxed, which contributes to the relaxation of the muscles of the uterus, and the vibration that occurs when performing any work does not affect the fetal egg.

placenta previa

Bed rest protects against bleeding and placenta previa. In this condition, the placenta blocks the exit from the uterus partially or completely, it is not tightly attached to the wall of the uterus, but lies above the internal opening of the cervical canal. The lower part of the uterus at the end of the second and third trimester undergoes more pronounced changes (stretching and contraction) compared to the upper part, it is involved in the formation of the so-called lower segment. Since the placenta does not have the ability to contract, there is a displacement relative to each other of two surfaces - lower section uterus and placenta attached in this place. As a result, they break blood vessels connecting them, and bleeding occurs. Even with a slight physical exertion, the placenta can exfoliate from the walls of the uterus (the longer the gestational age, the higher the risk of placental abruption) and bleeding will occur, which can lead to a deterioration in the condition of the mother and baby.

Premature placental abruption

Also, bed rest is prescribed for premature detachment of a normally located placenta, if the detachment occurred in a small area and the pregnancy can be saved. With this complication of pregnancy due to a number of reasons (preeclampsia, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, overstretching of the uterus with polyhydramnios, etc.), there is also a rupture of blood vessels between the placenta and the wall of the uterus and bleeding occurs. Blood can accumulate between the wall of the uterus and the placenta or pour out through the genital tract. Any physical activity in this case can increase the tone of the muscles of the uterus, and it, contracting, will contribute to an even greater detachment of the placenta.

Toxicosis of pregnant women

Of considerable importance is the motor mode in toxicosis of pregnant women - pregnancy complications that manifest themselves in the first half of pregnancy and are characterized by dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting, salivation) and disorders of all types of metabolism. With toxicosis mild degree special restrictions in the regimen are not required, and toxicosis of moderate and severe severity is treated, as a rule, in a hospital, limiting the activity of a woman, creating a calm psychological and physical environment.


This is a complication of the second half of pregnancy, in which the work of many systems and organs of a woman is disrupted due to the fact that blood vessels narrow in them, blood circulation and water-salt metabolism are disturbed. In this case, both the mother and the fetus suffer. The complication is manifested by an increase blood pressure in a pregnant woman, the appearance of edema and protein in the urine. In addition, preeclampsia can lead to impaired uteroplacental circulation (), as a result of which the fetus will be less supplied with oxygen and nutrients. And this can lead to a delay in its development. It is believed that when in a horizontal position, when a woman is comfortable, blood circulation in the kidneys improves, blood pressure decreases, and swelling decreases. The blood supply to the uterus improves and, accordingly, the uteroplacental circulation, which means that the fetus will receive more oxygen and nutrients.

Leakage of amniotic fluid

Bed rest is prescribed for such a complication of pregnancy as. At break membranes possible infection of the uterine cavity and its contents, i.e., fruit membranes and the fetus. However, when pouring out a large number amniotic fluid, in the absence of violations in the state of the fetus and mother, they try to save the pregnancy until the fetus reaches a viable state. If at the same time the woman gets up even for a short time, there is a possibility that the water under own pressure will pour out of the hole, which will become larger. And with the loss of a large amount of amniotic fluid, it is impossible to maintain a pregnancy. Therefore, when amniotic fluid leaks, a woman must strictly observe bed rest: food, hygiene procedures, bowel movements - all in the bed. In this case, it is necessary to change bed and underwear daily to reduce the likelihood of infection of the fetus. In this case, treatment is carried out in a hospital for the possibility of constant monitoring of the condition of the mother and fetus and carrying out preventive measures to prevent infectious and other complications.


Another complication of pregnancy that may require the appointment of bed rest is symphysiopathy - excessive softening of the pubic joint. During pregnancy, there is a moderate softening, loosening of the tissues of the joints of the pelvis and sprain due to changes in metabolism, the work of the endocrine glands, and increased blood supply. The width of the articular pubic fissure increases to 5-6 mm, which proceeds without any manifestations and refers to physiological changes during pregnancy. But sometimes, for a number of reasons, the stretching of the musculoskeletal apparatus of the pubic joint progresses (symphysitis), and the pubic bones diverge. Manifested this complication pain in the womb and legs, aggravated by movement, a change in gait (the so-called "duck gait" appears). In the complex treatment of symphysitis, one of the prerequisites is bed rest for several weeks.

Bed rest is usually recommended until all symptoms of a complication disappear or a significant improvement in the condition occurs. For example, in the presence of spotting, the criterion for expanding motor activity will be the disappearance of secretions, with leakage of amniotic fluid - a dry pad for several days, with preeclampsia - normalization of blood pressure, laboratory parameters, etc.

However, the appointment of bed rest by a doctor, especially strict and extended, does not mean that a woman should not even move in bed. Prolonged immobilization leads to a decrease in the functions of the cardiovascular system, muscle weakness, discomfort and stress. In addition, it can lead to a significant increase in weight for both the mother and, in some cases, the baby; the result will be the birth of a fetus with a large weight.

How to lie down correctly?

If I'm carried away by something, it's almost impossible to stop me :) It's all the fault of the Bread Maker website, with crazy hands of girls. Now homemade ham is next, help yourself! Recipe for reference helpful tips took here: [link-1] and here: [link-2] and a little here: [link-3] Ingredients: I had about 400 grams of turkey, and 700 grams of pork. Ice 40 gr., spices - nutmeg, salt - 8 gr., sugar-4 gr., cognac. I will say right away that after the test, they unanimously decided that they needed three times more salt and ...


and here I saw a ham with a thermometer already. But it's plastic - can't you put it in the oven?

And yet, I thought that if the minced chicken breast, I chop the thigh fillet - after all, the recipient should also be tasty? :)

Thank you) pickled)
Bought Redmond, have been going for a long time)

Almost all mothers know what ARVI is in a child. Most often, this disease affects babies of the first three years, as well as schoolchildren. This disease is not as dangerous as the flu, but it should not be left unattended. Treatment of SARS in children should be timely. Otherwise, a cough can very quickly join, which is much more difficult to treat. Every mother should know that ARVI is caused by numerous viruses, and antibiotic treatment is unacceptable here. As a rule, the treatment of SARS in children is ...

Hi all! I'm talking about something sore again ... I don't know what we should do to improve sleep. Maybe, of course, the heat still works, but at night we wake up 5-6 times, we rock. I put it under my chest ... falls asleep for a short time and wakes up again: (we are already completely exhausted: (In the afternoon, she also sleeps for half an hour and then sleepy, but she can’t fall asleep. Now I’m reading a lot about baby dream and I think that maybe it's time to wean from motion sickness and falling asleep under the chest and teach to fall asleep on your own to a lullaby. But it's theoretically...


of course have!!! if hCG is growing, then the baby is developing !!! I had a detachment not a joke this time, for 4 weeks I aged it and now everything is fine

I already have 2 successful pregnancies - the heartbeat is only from 8 weeks, and the embryos were small, IMHO wait until 8 weeks - then do an ultrasound and drink utrozhestan + noshpu and the mode is lying down :)

Only lying down! What is bed rest. This, in turn, can lead to detachment of the fetal egg from the walls of the uterus (manifested by bloody discharge from the genital tract and cramping pains ...


how much is a fertilized egg? the doctor just told me that the size of the detachment itself is not so important, but rather in relation to the fetal egg, that is, it is important that the detachment is not larger than the egg itself, and then it will grow and the detachment will no longer be important, here so explained to me

It seems to me that this is from one edge to the other edge of the placenta.

Pollsik... Poll from user EkZotika How do you sleep or how many blankets do you have? Question for couples. we sleep under one blanket (double/euro) each has our own blanket we sleep in different beds/rooms Current results Other polls Polls on the site


under different. The husband was cold for a month, because. to take away my blanket at night, which I roll up into a cocoon, turned out to be not an easy task. We fall asleep under one, but then we crawl away.

Mine works so much, then at least meet in bed, under the same blanket))))))

And then what ... The first couple of days after giving birth, I no longer remember in such detail. All that remained was the general impression that I ran a lot and did something - make food, drink, run something else tasty to buy, process the navel, change the diaper, diaper, change the diaper, process the seams for my mother and generally take care of her well-being - the first two days bed rest (not at all the same as with a cold :) but a real bed rest). We are trying to apply to the breast - to give colostrum, milk is not yet ...

Only lying down! What is bed rest. Indications for bed rest for pregnant women: abruption, placenta previa, preeclampsia In this case, bed rest avoids mechanical effects on the fetus.


And what's the point of donating progesterone if you're taking utrogestan? About thyroxine is not in the subject, I can only @@@-@

And if you go to in vitro hormones to hand over? Well, just for peace of mind? there estradiol, progic and thyroid hormones? At least if something goes beyond the norm, you can already demand from the doctor, and not ask!

And about ultrasound - as far as it always seemed to me that the embryo is not visible at all until 5.5-6 weeks! And you have only 4 (from menstruation, right?) And you have already seen it!

Well, in addition - I had 4 ultrasounds up to 12 weeks. And each had an error of +/- a few days.

Igor was discharged from the hospital for bed rest at home. Compression fracture of the spine and concussion. I have already agreed with the doctor who put Iga on his feet last time, 10 years ago, he will treat Igor, he is one of the best osteopaths in the country. In general, here is such a story. Everything will be fine. Iga doesn't have any pain. Thank you all for your support thanks a lot!!!

My daughter is 6 years old. strict bed rest. During the week... How to entertain??? Books, audio fairy tales, tic-tac-toe, mastered sea battle ... What can you think of that does not require activity ??? You won’t be able to draw and sculpt lying down, TV is banned.

Only lying down! What is bed rest. Any physical activity in this case can increase the tone of the muscles of the uterus, and it, contracting, will contribute to an even greater detachment of the placenta.

Only lying down! What is bed rest. ... with leakage of amniotic fluid - a dry pad for several days, with preeclampsia - normalization of blood pressure, laboratory parameters, etc.


Thank you all, I wrote it down by order for a consultation tomorrow :-) I hope that they will not be too lazy to go.

I explain - your upper bar is very harmful for the baby (lack of oxygen). Usually already with the standard 140 put in the hospital.
If your blood pressure jumps, then lie down. I, too, was a hero:(. Now the good boy: I drink and do everything that the doctors say.
Your doctor is taking care of you. because if it happens, it will be her fault. but she doesn't need it.

Only lying down! What is bed rest. Indications for bed rest for pregnant women: abruption, placenta previa, preeclampsia In this case, bed rest avoids mechanical effects on the fetus.

Only lying down! What is bed rest. This, in turn, can lead to detachment of the fetal egg from the walls of the uterus (manifested by bloody discharge from the genital tract and cramping pains ...


I already wrote here. I had heavy (VERY) bleeding at 11 weeks. Also a detachment, and a significant one, a large hematoma. They didn’t inject me with hormones, I didn’t drink duphaston. They put one injection of decinon, then a week - vikasol (such a sore bastard - oh-oh) and papaverine - all in injections. Well, to support glucose and cocarboxylase intravenously for two weeks. The rest is usual for pregnant women - vit.E, folic, vitamins, sedative. Three days at complete rest (neither to the toilet, nor to the dining room - all lying down), then just a sparing regimen. Got out in two weeks. We were already two years old a week ago. Hang in there and everything will be fine.

I don't know if there is such a drug in Russia that consists of Fenoterolhydrobromid called Partusisten Is it some kind of hormone?

I'm posting again..
The basic principle of exercise therapy is a set of exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles, combining them with
breathing, spinal stretching exercises,
improvement of the general tone of the cardiovascular system, exercises for the pelvic floor,
chest exercises.

The method of I.F. Dikan is used with a high tone of the uterus and a gestational age of 29-37 weeks.
A pregnant woman, lying on a bed, turns 3-4 times alternately to the left or to the right
side and lies on each of them for 10 minutes. Such classes are carried out 3-4 times a day in
within 7-10 days.

Methodology of V.V. Fomicheva: Introductory part: normal walking, on toes, on heels, walking
back and forth with the rotation of the arms bent at the joints, walking with high knees
on the side of the abdomen.
Main part:

I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered. Tilt to the side - exhale, i.p. - breath.
Repeat 5-6 times on each side. I.p - standing, hands on the belt. Tilt back - inhale,
slow forward bend lumbar- exhale.
I.p - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Spread your arms to the sides - inhale, with
turn the torso to the side to bring the legs together - exhale. (3-4 times). I.p - standing face
to the gymnastic wall, holding outstretched hands on the rail at waist level. Raise
leg bent at the knee and hip joint on the side of the abdomen with knee reaching
hands lying on the rail - inhale; lowering the leg, bend in the lumbar spine
- exhale. Repeat 4-5 times with each leg.
I.p - standing sideways to the anthem. Wall, leg on the 2nd crossbar from below, hands on the belt. Dilute
arms to the sides - inhale, turn the torso and pelvis outward, slowly tilt the torso with
lowering the hand down in front of you - exhale. Repeat 2-3 times on each side.
I.p. - kneeling, leaning on the elbows. Alternately raising the straight leg up.
5-6 times with each leg.
I.p - lying on the right side. Flexion of the left leg at the knee and hip joints
inhale. I.p - exhale. 4-5 times.
I.p. Same. Circular movements of the left leg 4 times in each direction.
I.p. On knees. "angry cat" 10 times
On the left side, ex. 6, 7.
I.p - on all fours, legs resting on the forefoot. Straighten your legs 4-5 times
knee joints, lifting the pelvis up.
I.p. - lying on your back, resting on your heels and back of your head. Raise the pelvis up - inhale, ip - exhale.
3-4 times. The final part is 3-5 slow exercises sitting and lying down.
Technique Bryukhina, I.I. Grishchenko and A.E. Shuleshova:
Exercises are performed before meals 4-5 times a day.
Lie on the side opposite the fetal position. Legs bent at the hip and knee
joints. Lie down 5 min. straighten upper leg, then with an inhalation, press it to the stomach and
straighten with exhalation, bending slightly forward and giving a slight push towards the back
child. Repeat this movement slowly for 10 minutes.
Lie down for 10 minutes without moving.
Take the knee - elbow position and stay in it for 5-10 minutes.
Additional exercises to the Fomicheva complex:
I.p. - on your knees, leaning on your elbows. Spread your knees wider to the sides. Touch
chin of the hands - exhale, ip - inhale. 5-6 times
I.p. - Same. Raise right leg up, move aside, touch the floor, return to
i.p. 3-4 times in both directions.
Exercises for the muscles of the perineum.
I.p. - lying on your back. Legs shoulder width apart bent at the knees. Lower the knee of one leg
to the heel of the other. We do not tear off the buttocks.
I.p. - lying on your back, legs straight, shoulder width apart. We bring straight feet inward, outward,
trying to put them on the floor. 10 times
I.p. - On knees. We walk with our palms on the carpet to the left, to the right. 6 times.
I.p. - sitting on the floor, hands in support behind. Walk 3 steps with your palms back, raise your pelvis,
lower it and go palms forward until the stomach does not interfere.
Diaphragmatic breathing while lying on the stomach.
Exercises for the chest and shoulder girdle.

How to turn a baby
I had a breech presentation at 32 weeks. Did both options, the baby turned over
days for 2-3.

Option 1. "Indian bridge"
Can be performed from the 30th week. For this exercise, you need to lie on the floor, raise your legs and
put a few pillows under the pelvis so that the pelvis becomes 30-40 centimeters higher than the shoulders. At
Shoulders, pelvis and knees should form a straight line. Through this exercise
some babies roll over the first time. If the child is still stubborn,
repeat the exercise 2-3 times a day.
Another version of this exercise: You can seat your husband or girlfriend opposite and put your feet
on their shoulders so that your popliteal fossae are on their shoulders.

Option 2. Consists of 2 exercises.
The main thing: it must be performed lying on the couch.
Lie on the side that the baby's back is facing in a breech presentation or
opposite of the one the head is facing in a transverse presentation Bend
knees and legs hip joints and lie still for 5 minutes. Then do
deep breath, turn over your back to the other side and again lie quietly for 5 minutes.
Then straighten the leg that is located on top of you - with breech presentation or
the one on which you lie, with a transverse. The second leg must remain bent.
Take a deep breath and again bend the straightened leg at the knee and hip.
joints, grab your knee with your hands and take it towards the back with pelvic
presentation or towards the buttocks with a transverse presentation of the fetus. The trunk at the same time
lean forward, and the bent leg will describe a semicircle inward, touching the front wall
belly. Take a deep breath, relax, straighten and lower your leg. Then again
take a deep breath and repeat the exercise again.
This exercise should be done daily 5-6 times and seen by a doctor every other day.
Final exercise: you need to perform lying on your back.
Bend your legs at the knees and hip joints, with your feet shoulder-width apart, rest on the floor,
stretch your arms along the body. On the count of "one", inhale and lift the pelvis, resting
on the feet and shoulder girdle. On the count of two, lower your pelvis and exhale. Then straighten
legs, tighten the muscles of the buttocks, pull in the stomach and perineum while inhaling.
Relax all muscles - exhale. Repeat the exercise 7 times.

Our pregnancy does not always go smoothly, and not all expectant mothers will be lucky enough to spend all nine months at home or in vigorous activity. During my pregnancy, I had to lie on conservation three times, observing bed rest. Many of the expectant mothers also visited the hospital during pregnancy, where they were assigned strict bed rest, which could be different in duration and severity. The type of regimen and the degree of its severity is usually determined by the pathologies that lead to its appointment, but in order to know exactly what is meant by the word "bed rest" and how to properly organize it, let's talk about it today.

What's next for a woman.

Usually hospitalization in maternity hospital offer to those expectant mothers in whom the threat of miscarriage is quite real or significant complications develop during pregnancy that can affect the growth and development of the baby, can adversely affect his future health. If the state of health is relatively satisfactory, and the deviations during pregnancy are not very pronounced, the doctor can issue a sick leave to the woman and send her to a home regime with a lot of rest, without overloading with housework.

Many women are very afraid of the word “hospitalization”, believing that they will have to stay in the hospital for the remaining months before giving birth, without leaving home at all. But such situations are very rare when it is necessary to constantly lie down until the end of the entire pregnancy in order to save the child. In the vast majority of cases, only a temporary restriction of the movements and activity of a woman is necessary so that the threat of termination of pregnancy is over.

As a rule, those women who have already been in a hospital for conservation, talk about the fact that the main indications for putting them in the hospital were: the threat of termination of pregnancy with high uterine tone and abdominal pain, bleeding or bloody discharge from the genital tract , insufficiency of the cervix (isthmic-cervical insufficiency) or the threat of placental abruption, placenta previa. With such indications, one can spend quite a long time in the hospital, although the threat, if it has passed, allows the woman to lead a more free regimen.

Often women talk about the fact that the regimen can differ significantly even in the concept of bedding - “some women in the ward were allowed to get up and even take a short walk, while others were not even allowed to get up to the toilet.” Of course, the prospect of spending the entire pregnancy in the hospital, bedridden, does not please. But in fact, the regimen during pregnancy during hospitalization may be different. There may not be so many situations with the appointment of strict bed rest, and such a regimen is prescribed either for several hours after various operations, or with threats of abortion, or spotting, the threat of pregnancy detachment (may be prescribed for several days or a couple of weeks). Then doctors, as the threat decreases, will allow you to sit up in bed and get up for a while. Let's talk in more detail about the types of regimes and the methodology for their observance.

Bed rest options.

The mode of activity restriction can also be very different. At the same time, there may be various options mode:
- strict adherence to bed rest, in which a woman can neither sit in bed nor get up from it;
- extended bed rest, in which you can sit several times a day, ranging from five to fifteen minutes;
- ward mode, which means being in bed half the time, and the second half you can be half-sitting or sitting, you can also move at a slow pace no more than one hundred or two hundred meters a day;
- free mode of stay in the hospital - this is an acceptable movement on the stairs, walking up to one kilometer with periodic rest every two hundred meters;
- sparing mode, it can match ordinary life, but with more frequent periods of rest - this is the most common regimen among pregnant women, even quite healthy ones. It also comes with a free training mode, which also means medium physical activity, it is acceptable for women who went in for sports before pregnancy and were physically trained.

It immediately becomes clear that the hospital does not always mean strict bed rest for all nine months, because as soon as the threat to health passes, the regime expands and the woman will be allowed to move around, to behave quite actively. This is understandable, long-term strict bed rest is not very useful and is fraught with health complications, they try to prescribe it after operations, after serious interventions, or when really severe conditions in the fetus and expectant mother. Bed rest, if it is very strict, leads to a lack of movement in a pregnant woman and a decrease in muscle tone, which leads to their atrophy, impaired joint mobility, leaching of calcium from bones and the development of osteoporosis, and this is already fraught with fractures. Therefore, doctors will not keep you motionless for a long time and will allow you to move as soon as it becomes possible without endangering the baby.

Proper lying techniques.

Lying in bed during pregnancy is also a whole science. The entire first trimester, up to 12-14 weeks, with a small size of the uterus and a low standing of its bottom, any position of a woman in bed can be allowed. The uterus will not disturb the blood circulation of other organs and will not squeeze them. In terms of 14 to 28 weeks, when the uterus already occupies a sufficient part abdominal cavity, you can afford positions on the back, with a raised head end, or on the side (right or left).

From a gestational age of more than 28 weeks, when the uterus reaches its maximum size and occupies a significant part of the abdominal cavity, women should not lie on their backs - a large uterus squeezes the vessels and can cause inferior vena cava syndrome - a violation of blood flow to the heart and brain. As a result of the development of this syndrome, the blood flow in the uterus itself, the kidneys and the placenta also suffers, and the blood circulation of the fetus is disturbed. In addition, there may be a decrease in blood pressure, dizziness may develop, and even loss of consciousness. In such cases, it is necessary to lie on the left side, or on the right, alternating position. So you can normalize blood flow and ensure blood flow to the uterus and the baby receives nutrients and oxygen.

Doctors will recommend that pregnant women take a special position in bed if the baby is in the wrong position. For example, if the fetus is in a transverse position in the uterus, in order to influence the change in its position, it is necessary to lie on its side, where the baby's head is turned. If the presentation is breech, you need to toss and turn from side to side at least three to four times every ten minutes at least three times a day. If a woman is shown bed rest with limited movement, it is necessary to perform special exercises in bed to keep her muscles in good shape. In addition, it is worth consulting with your doctor about how long you need to lie down.

Indications for bed rest.

There are many reasons that force a woman to drastically limit physical activity. They can be divided into two groups:
- reasons that are associated with difficulties during pregnancy itself;
- causes associated with the exacerbation of general or chronic diseases of the woman herself, provoked by pregnancy.

And then not in all cases it is necessary to stay in bed strictly all the time, in many cases you just need to rest more and be under the supervision of doctors, while you can both lie down and recline and sit in bed. In case of incorrect positions of the fetus, doctors will put you in special positions and send you to special training.

Bed rest will be indicated if there is a threat of miscarriage, especially with bloody discharge from the uterine cavity. Any movement and walking, housework change intra-abdominal pressure and can contribute to detachment. Over longer periods, these same actions can provoke premature birth. When lying in bed, the muscles are relaxed and the contractions of neighboring organs and vibration from movements do not affect the fetus.

It is shown to lie with presentation and abruption of the placenta. Then it is necessary to create complete rest so as not to provoke placental abruption - this will lead to the death of the child and bleeding, and the very possible death of the mother. You will also need bed rest for severe toxicosis and gestosis, with leakage of amniotic fluid and the threat of infection of the fetus, with pathologies of the pubic symphysis.

In any case, doctors will monitor the condition of the woman and the question will be decided - how long the woman will lie down, whether it is already possible to decide on the issue of delivery, or what drugs should be used to treat her condition. But as the woman's condition improves, the regimen will be expanded so that she does not stale, because without movement, the fetus receives less oxygen and nutrition.

Bed rest are words from the deep past. But going to work with a cough and snot is also stupid. So what is the right way to get sick?

Even 50 years ago, it was necessary to lie down until complete recovery from bronchitis, flu and even the common cold, not to mention more serious illnesses. And today they get out of bed in a couple of days even after surgical interventions. Some even get up on the day of the operation and go home. Even bed rest after a heart attack was reduced from six weeks to several days.

This is because scientists have proven that no drugs can replace useful action movement. Only with the help of it self-adjust and strengthen all body systems.

Bed analogues

The first serious work that questioned the need for long-term bed rest appeared 50 years ago. An article written by the eminent physician Richard Asher, "The Danger of Staying in Bed," in medicine, created a mini-revolution. Escher reasonably presented that after a couple of days of lying down, blood clots can occur in the vessels of the legs, pneumonia can begin, constipation, kidney stones, depression occurs, bones begin to lose calcium.

But this regime has not yet been canceled. Indeed, in addition to bedding, there is home and even free.

So we lie in bed only in the most acute period disease - if present high temperature, and if seriously grabbed. But not for long.

When the crisis passes, bed rest should go to home.

It is not necessary to get sick lying down, but the main thing is to get sick at rest. This means that you do not need to perform heavy physical exercise, solve work problems and run around the city.

Of course, it is very difficult to force yourself to stay at home if nothing seems to hurt or bother you. Well, you need to try to convince yourself that it is simply necessary for the following reasons.

You will speed up your recovery. A scarf around the throat, woolen socks, rinsing, rubbing, the ability to inhale, and the absence of drafts can only be ensured at home.

You will sleep off. As we know, extra hours of sleep are good for healing.

You give rest nervous system. A couple of three days away from the office will be downgraded usual dose stress.

You, by transferring your body to a sparing mode, will avoid complications.

Save work time. It is better to skip a couple of working days than to work at half strength for a month because the body is not strong enough after an illness.

Good remedy for chronic fatigue And cardiovascular diseases. The q10 drug is an achievement modern medicine, it is easily absorbed by the body and helps to improve the patient's well-being. It is available to everyone - contact your doctor for a more detailed consultation.

3 good arguments for workaholics

Argument #1. People who, despite SARS, go to work, significantly shorten their lives. This conclusion was reached by scientists at University College London, who over the course of 10 years observed 10,000 civil servants. It turns out that 35-40% of those who almost never take sick leave, after a couple of years, are almost 2 times more likely to end up in hospitals with serious diseases of blood vessels, kidneys, heart and other critical organs.

Argument #2. Have pity on your colleagues, on whom you bring down your pathogenic bacteria. This is inhumane.

Argument #3. It is unlikely that the authorities will appreciate your sacrifice. This will not affect the bonuses and salaries in any way.

To each his own time

The duration of "house arrest" usually depends on the nature of the disease and your genetic features. It can be:

2-3 days after a high temperature and if there are no other clinical manifestations;

7-10 days for SARS, influenza, acute respiratory infections without complications;

10-12 days with angina, of which the first 2 days must be spent in bed.

12-15 days of home regimen are needed for bronchitis (you can and should get out of bed as soon as the temperature drops).

It is important to remember that if you endure untreated tonsillitis on your legs, then you are on the way to diseases of the joints and heart.