Who is a mammologist? Mammologist. What does this specialist do, what research does he do, what pathologies does he treat?

Mammologist deals with the diagnosis, as well as the prevention and treatment of the most various diseases associated with female mammary glands.

If a woman has problems such as swelling of the mammary glands or the appearance of pain in this area before menstruation, then she should consult a doctor of this specialty.

The mammologist warns that systematic preventive examination, is the main method early diagnosis pathological processes in the chest. All questions and problems can be discussed at an appointment with a qualified doctor, get all the information about prevention, possible risks and complications.

What diseases does a mammologist treat?

Obviously, a mammologist is a highly specialized doctor, so his competence includes most diseases of the mammary glands, namely:

When should you contact a mammologist?

You need advice if you:

  • pain in the mammary glands or armpits;
  • lumps, nipple discharge;
  • change of size;
  • asymmetry of the mammary glands;
  • redness;
  • retraction/bulging of the skin in the nipple area.
You have some unusual, even minor, sensations of discomfort in the mammary glands: a feeling of engorgement, fullness and pain in the mammary gland, some discharge from the nipple, lumps.
You have concomitant or previous diseases of the genital organs.
You have suffered breast injuries.
You had some unfavorable moments during your pregnancy.
In case of liver dysfunction.
You suffer from various hormonal disorders (as you know, the mammary gland reacts in a certain way to hormonal changes).
You have suffered long-term and severe psycho-traumatic situations (i.e. stress).
You have a hereditary predisposition to tumor processes (that is, if your family had direct relatives who suffered from breast cancer).

How does an appointment with a mammologist work?

This specialist’s appointment involves palpation (that is, palpation of the mammary glands), as well as identifying specific complaints that are relevant to the patient. The following options can be assigned as research methods through which subsequent diagnosis of pathology can be made:

  • mammography;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
  • biopsy.

Additionally, they can be used following methods:

  • scintigraphy;
  • CT and MRI of the chest;
  • ductography (method x-ray examination mammary ducts).

The option of carrying out analyzes cannot be excluded; they include the following:

Every mammologist warns about risk factors that may lead to problems in the mammary glands in the future.

Breast injury

The main danger is that the site of injury may later form malignant tumors. Therefore, you need to try to protect your chest from blows, bruises, etc. If injury could not be avoided, you should definitely consult with a mammologist; perhaps he will consider it necessary to undergo a more complete examination.


Frequent inflammatory processes female reproductive system lead to disruption hormonal balance. The breasts react immediately to any hormonal changes. Soreness, swelling mammary glands before menstruation, the appearance of nodules - this all occurs as a result of hormonal imbalance. Ultimately, this leads to mastopathy.

Pathology in the mammary gland occurs from an infection that is transmitted from the genital organs; it can remain in the body in a “dormant” state until it occurs favorable time for its development. Great danger present chronic inflammation in the mammary gland, which tend to acquire a malignant form.

Late labor

The first pregnancy, which occurs after 30 years, contributes to the development of cancerous tumors in the mammary gland. Most likely, the reason for this is poor ecology and exposure to toxic substances contained in city air. As a result external factors in cells the ability to respond normally to hormonal surge, which invariably accompanies pregnancy.

Oral contraception

Much research has been done in this area and it has been proven that oral contraceptives don't provoke cancerous tumors in the mammary gland. However, it has also been proven that long-term use birth control pills(more than four years) nulliparous women may lead to the development of malignant tumors. Therefore, girls who have not yet given birth should find another method of contraception and not abuse oral contraception.


According to doctors, radiation, to which a woman under 30 is exposed, provokes a cancerous process in the mammary gland. An X-ray examination, which is usually prescribed no more than once a year, has a dose that is safe for humans, but still the doctor must record the radiation dose in the medical record each time so that the maximum threshold is not exceeded in the future.


The skin in the chest area is very delicate, thin, and easily vulnerable. The mammologist recommends sunbathing (sunbathing) in the morning (before 1000) or in the evening (after 1600). If it happens that you find yourself in the sun at noon, then you need to protect your chest special means sunscreen with high filter.


The main cause of problems in the mammary gland is primarily hormonal disbalance in organism. There are some foods that increase estrogen levels. You should avoid smoked, fatty foods, replacing them with vegetables, cereals, and citrus fruits. There is data according to which painful condition breasts before menstruation is caused by products with high content methylxanthine (coffee). Replacing your morning coffee with a cup of tea (preferably green) will reduce breast soreness.

For what symptoms should you contact a mammologist?

A mammologist is a specialist who diagnoses certain diseases related to the mammary glands, as well as their treatment and the development of subsequent preventive measures to prevent diseases in this area. Thus, answering the question, who is a mammologist, you can supplement the answer with the fact that it is this specialist who should be contacted if a number of problems arise various problems, ranging from such manifestations as engorgement of the mammary glands, which occurs before the onset of menstruation, to mastitis (and this is the problem with which patients most often turn to a mammologist), mastopathy or tumor formation.

The competence of a mammologist presupposes the possibility of treatment specified type problems within outpatient treatment, as well as the possibility of treatment in a hospital setting ( surgery, drug therapy). Directions indicated Activities can be combined or implemented only separately, it all depends on the specific specialist.

It should be noted that in the conditions of the CIS countries, as well as in neighboring countries, such a specialization as “mammologist” does not exist in principle. Basically, the functions that are assigned to mammologists are performed by doctors whose activities are related to the treatment of cancer, related conditions and conditions of similar types. The mammary glands, accordingly, are also among the areas of their profile, and the specialists themselves in this case are oncologists.

Considering the fact that breast cancer is practically the leader in terms of cancer diseases in various countries, including Russia, an appointment with a mammologist is available in almost any serious clinic. The mammologist also works in the clinic, so finding a mammologist, regardless of the situation, is not so difficult.

Mammologist: what does this specialist treat?

The main areas of activity of a mammologist regarding specific diseases are the following:

  • dishormonal pathologies of the mammary glands - in this case fibrocystic disease or mastopathy, as well as gynecomastia are considered;
  • tumor pathologies of the mammary glands - this includes breast cancer, lipoma, fibroadenoma, sarcoma, etc.;
  • pathology inflammatory in nature mammary glands - here mastitis is considered in particular; in general inflammatory diseases glands also fall under the competence of surgeons, whose area of ​​specialization relates to purulent surgery.

When to go to a mammologist: preventive, first and urgent examination

As preventative measure You should visit a mammologist twice a year. You should take into account a certain feature, taking into account which a mammologist can see you - the days of your cycle. Taking this into account, you can go to him after the end of menstruation, before ovulation occurs (about 5-6 days).

It is better if the first consultation with this specialist is carried out in youth, because precisely due to early diagnosis in the presence of any pathology and the need for treatment, the doctor, accordingly, will be able to prescribe it, thereby minimizing as much as possible the possible threat of it development.

As for urgent consultation, it is necessary regardless of age or other factors; the fundamental reason for going to this specialist is the appearance of symptoms (discharge from the nipple, chest pain, etc.). In the absence of complaints, aggravating heredity and other predisposing factors, a visit to a mammologist after 30 years of age can be considered a necessity, implemented within a period of once every one and a half years. Accordingly, with aggravating factors and with hereditary predisposition, visiting a doctor should occur twice a year.
It is also important for women to understand that breast cancer in the initial form of its course is visible and painful symptoms does not show. Moreover, the traditional measure (independent palpation of the glands) may also be ineffective during this period of the disease. Thus, identifying pathology in the latent (initial) form of its existence is possible only when visiting a mammologist’s office.

Examination by a mammologist: when does it become necessary?

There are a number of breast conditions that are mandatory require an appropriate approach to them, namely, consultation with a mammologist. These are specific symptoms on the basis of which, even without this recommendation, a woman may have serious concerns about her own condition and actual disease. In order for the reader to understand what exactly is meant by such states, let us highlight them in detail:

  • redness of the mammary glands;
  • change in the size of the mammary glands (both larger and smaller);
  • the appearance of a lump in the chest;
  • the appearance of discharge from the nipples;
  • pain in armpits and in their surrounding areas;
  • pain in the mammary glands (or in one of the glands);
  • bulging or retraction of the skin noted in the area near the nipple;
  • asymmetry of the mammary glands.

In addition, there are also a number of predisposing factors, against the backdrop of the influence of which attention should also be paid to the need to visit a mammologist; we will highlight them below.

  • the presence of diseases of the genital organs (current in this moment or previously transferred);
  • the presence of specific sensations, which may even be insignificant in the nature of their manifestation (a feeling of fullness, pain in the mammary gland, a palpable lump, various types discharge from the nipples/nipple, feeling of engorgement of the glands, etc.);
  • the course of pregnancy was accompanied by the occurrence of certain unpleasant moments in it;
  • trauma to the mammary gland/glands occurred in the past, relatively recently or in the present;
  • there is a pressing problem in the form of liver dysfunction;
  • heavy and long stay in a state provoked by a psychotraumatic situation, in other words, in this case, stress is considered as a predisposing factor;
  • the relevance of a hereditary predisposition in which breast cancer occurred in one of the closest relatives.

Basically, the appointment of the specialist we are considering is outpatient, which means consulting a mammologist and performing the necessary diagnostic procedures. In parallel, as already noted, they undergo surgery in a hospital setting, as well as the required treatment.

Mammologist appointment: how does it go?

This specialist’s appointment involves palpation (that is, palpation of the mammary glands), as well as identifying specific complaints that are relevant to the patient. The following options can be assigned as research methods through which subsequent diagnosis of pathology can be made:

  • mammography (within this study mammary glands are studied using x-rays);
  • ultrasonography(ultrasound) of the mammary glands;
  • examination of tissues removed by biopsy for subsequent oncological analysis of the material.

Additionally, the following methods can be used:

  • scintigraphy;
  • CT and MRI of the chest;
  • ductography (a method of x-ray examination of the ducts of the mammary glands).

Tests prescribed by a mammologist

The option of carrying out analyzes cannot be excluded; they include the following:

  • taking a smear (the procedure is carried out with the removal of material from one nipple), conducting a cytological examination (the removed material is examined);
  • taking a smear from both nipple glands, cytological examination of the removed material;
  • puncture for one of the palpable formations, carried out as diagnostic method using an ultrasound machine during this procedure.

Pediatric mammologist

We have already highlighted the need to visit a mammologist in early age above, a pediatric mammologist is a specialist whose visit is necessary for a child or adolescent to treat certain conditions and diseases. These include pseudotumor formations, asymmetry of the glands, injury to the glands or their hypertrophy (enlargement). This is also age-related mastopathy, fibroadenoma, etc. Let us repeat that with a timely visit to a mammologist, the possibility of a complete cure is possible with the implementation of adequate therapy measures.

IN adolescence consultation with a mammologist is necessary during the period of the so-called “hormonal storm”, because diseases of the mammary glands often begin to develop precisely from this period, and their manifestation can be noted already during pregnancy or lactation (breastfeeding).

It should be noted that pediatrician A mammologist must partly also be a psychologist, taking into account the characteristics of the child’s psyche and the psyche of adolescents. The ability to establish contact and inspire trust on the part of patients is important. Taking this into account, a mammologist, reviews of whom are often the best confirmation of compliance with the requirements regarding professionalism and treatment, must be selected carefully, that is, again, taking into account qualifications, the effectiveness of treatment, and attitude towards patients.

Breast cancer: symptoms

Considering that breast cancer is perhaps one of those major diseases that women are especially afraid of, it is important to know what symptoms appear with it at the obvious stages of its relevance, that is, when, in general, any phenomena have already otherwise, but they make themselves felt.

So, first of all, this pain. An important fact is that from time to time women, one way or another, encounter pain in this area. If chest pain occurs frequently, it can be assumed that hormonal changes are the cause of this phenomenon (in up to 90% of cases this is exactly the case). With pain in only one of the mammary glands, as well as with the appearance of discharge in the same gland, with engorgement of the skin and with the detection of a tumor formation during palpation, we can say that the symptoms manifested in a particular case look somewhat more serious than just pain in the breast. breasts

Pain in the armpits, pain in the nipple area – these manifestations occur in approximately 10% of cases in women during the premenstrual period. The pain that appears in this case is characterized as dull. To relieve pain, you should reduce the amount of salt in your diet a few days before your period begins, and you should also avoid drinks that contain caffeine during this period. Due to this, fluid removal from the body will occur unhindered; breast tissue is also no exception.

If you have undergone a previous biopsy procedure or previous injury, painful sensations have a slightly different character. Thus, the concentration of pain is noted in a specific area, without connection with the menstrual cycle. The nature of the pain is cutting or shooting. It should be noted that after a biopsy, pain can persist for up to two years, the pain is concentrated mainly in the chest, although the main focus of pain is concentrated in the ribs. With increased pain with deep sharp breath or when pressing on the ribs, there is reason to believe that the patient has nothing more than arthritis.

Stress in pain also has its own position in terms of the manifestation of symptoms. So, if the level of stress hormone in the body is increased, then the pain in it also increases, regardless of the area of ​​their localization; accordingly, this is also true for the mammary glands. If you add this to the influence of alcohol, coffee and poor diet in combination with your daily routine, you will soon notice that pain in the chest increases.

The next symptom, which in context of this disease What you should pay attention to is the appearance of discharge. Discharge although they may alarm, in reality they have nothing to do with cancer in most cases. Mainly normal phenomenon, relevant for the second part menstrual cycle, the cause of their occurrence is the accumulation of a certain amount of fluid in the area of ​​the milk ducts. If pregnancy does not occur, this fluid disappears over time. It should be noted that the excited state of the nipples can lead to the release of a small amount of this fluid; it is mostly either transparent or slightly cloudy. Sometimes such discharge occurs against the background of undergoing significant physical activity.

Despite the fact that discharge is not a direct indication of actual breast cancer, certain features of it should nevertheless raise suspicion:

  • the constant nature of the discharge (that is, it appears not only in the period of several days preceding menstruation);
  • accompanying discharge external changes mammary glands (palpation of compactions, engorgement of the skin is noted);
  • the appearance of a spontaneous type of discharge (that is, discharge appears without prior compression of the chest, without previous physical activity or friction);
  • the liquid released from the nipples has a certain color (that is, it is not cloudy or transparent, but reddish, greenish, etc.);
  • the nipple skin itches and is generally inflamed;
  • discharge is noted from only one breast or discharge is noted from 1-2 pores in the nipple.

Seals, which we have already noted, in many cases are not malignant, but this is not a reason to exclude them as a serious symptom indicating possible breast cancer, quite the contrary. In particular, an appeal to a mammologist may be the appearance the following symptoms associated with breast lumps:

  • when palpated, the hardness of the seal is noted;
  • the edges of the seal are uneven;
  • it is characterized by pain;
  • there are no similar lumps in the other breast;
  • the movement of the compaction occurs only with the tissues adjacent to it;
  • the features inherent in compaction do not change in accordance with the menstrual cycle.

The number of women suffering from breast diseases increases every year. Such diseases are dealt with by a mammologist and oncologist-mammologist.

Many people believe that these professions are one and the same, but this opinion is not entirely true.

A mammologist is a doctor involved in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of various diseases of the mammary glands, in most cases not of an oncological nature. It is this doctor who should be contacted if any problems with the breasts occur or if they are suspected.

A mammologist can treat diseases on an outpatient basis or in a hospital setting (drug therapy or surgical intervention). These two areas can be combined by one doctor, or they can be handled by different specialists.

In many countries there is still no such specialization as a mammologist. And these specialists are oncologist surgeons, plastic surgeons, chemotherapists.


This is a doctor who specializes in breast cancer. He diagnoses diseases and also provides treatment. Often, in addition to his main task - the fight against cancer, he also performs the tasks of an ordinary mammologist: he diagnoses and treats mastopathy and other diseases of the mammary glands.

Regular examinations by oncologists-mammologists allow you to notice the disease in time and begin its treatment.

What is treated by a mammologist

Breast diseases have become significantly “younger” in the last decade and are found even in very young girls. Their danger lies in the fact that at first they are completely asymptomatic. Therefore, it is very important to undergo regular examinations with mammologists. These specialists deal with any disease related to the breast. Within their competence:

  • tumor diseases of the breast (cancer, fibroadenoma, sarcoma, lipoma, etc.);
  • diseases of the mammary glands associated with hormonal imbalance (mastopathy, gynecomastia);
  • congenital disorders in breast development;
  • inflammatory diseases of the mammary glands (for example, mastitis). Diseases of this type can also be treated by surgeons.

Consultation with a mammologist

For prevention purposes, a consultation with a mammologist should be obtained every six months. It must be remembered that the visit should be planned on days 5-6 of the cycle. This is because during menstruation and ovulation, research results may be erroneous.

Although it is recommended to visit this specialist at a more mature age, young girls You also need to undergo preventive examinations. This will allow you to identify the disease in time and begin timely treatment. Therefore, the first consultation with this doctor must be done in youth.

An urgent unscheduled visit to this specialist should be made if any changes appear in the chest and symptoms characteristic of diseases of this organ appear.

You need to urgently contact a mammologist:

  • with an unexpected increase or decrease in the size of the mammary glands;
  • with redness of the chest;
  • when there is discharge from the nipples;
  • if there are lumps in the chest;
  • with sensations of fullness in the mammary glands;
  • with swelling of the glands;
  • with pain in the armpits;
  • with pain in one or both mammary glands;
  • with retraction or swelling of the skin near the nipple area;
  • with asymmetry of the mammary glands.

In addition to these symptoms, you should regularly visit your doctor if you have the following predisposing factors:

  • previous gynecological diseases;
  • presence of problems with the mammary glands in close relatives;
  • presence of problems during pregnancy;
  • past or present breast injuries;
  • previous abortions or cleansings;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • hereditary predisposition to tumor diseases;
  • constant stress;
  • depression;
  • diseases associated with hormonal disorders;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol.

In the absence of any symptoms, it is recommended to go to a mammologist for a preventive examination in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • before undergoing breast correction surgery;
  • while taking hormonal medications.

A visit to a mammologist should not be put off, hoping that it will “go away on its own.” Breast cancer now occupies a leading place among all cancer diseases. Very often, this disease is initially asymptomatic, which is why women seek help quite late.

Symptoms that are characteristic of breast cancer:

  • severe pain in one or both breasts;
  • dull pain in the area between the nipple and armpit;
  • constant discharge from the nipple, which is not associated with feeding, the onset of menstruation and is not caused by friction;
  • inflammation of the skin of the areola and nipple;
  • nodules and lumps in the chest.

Lumps are not always cancerous. Urgent consultation with a specialist is required:

  • seals that move along with adjacent tissues;
  • solid seals;
  • uneven seal edges;
  • seals are present in only one mammary gland;
  • painful lump.

Factors that can trigger the development of breast cancer:

  • frequent and early abortions;
  • refusal without medical indications, from breastfeeding;
  • early menstruation (up to 11 years);
  • uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs;
  • menopause after 55 years;
  • excessive sunbathing;
  • presence of tumor diseases in relatives.

How is an appointment with a mammologist?

First, the doctor conducts an oral survey for complaints. Then the mammary glands are palpated. To accurately conduct the study, the following methods may be prescribed:

  • mammography (breast x-ray);
  • ultrasonography;
  • tissue biopsy for oncological analysis.

Additionally carried out:

Mammography is a special examination of breast tissue using a low dose of X-ray radiation. The device used to carry out the procedure is called a mammograph. It makes it possible to obtain images of two projections of the breast. Each mammary gland is removed separately.

Today there are several types of mammography: x-ray, digital, ultrasound, optical and magnetic resonance.

Ultrasound of the mammary glands is performed using an ultrasound scanner. Using high frequency sound waves An image of the internal structure of the breast is obtained. Ultrasound helps diagnose abnormalities that were found during palpation or mammography. This procedure makes it possible to evaluate the structure of the compaction, which facilitates diagnosis.

A biopsy is used to determine the nature of lumps or nodules in the breast. Under the control of an ultrasound scanner, a thin puncture needle is inserted into the seal and cells are drawn into it mammary gland. These cells are later used for analysis.

In addition to these diagnostic methods, mammologists can prescribe tests of smears from one or both nipples.

There is no need to be afraid to visit a mammologist. It is much worse not to detect the onset of the disease in time. In addition, it is necessary to regularly engage in self-examination, paying attention to any changes in the breast. And if they appear, be sure to contact a specialist.

A mammologist deals with all diseases that arise in the mammary glands. Their activities are aimed not only at treating pathological processes, but also at their prevention and early diagnosis. Therefore, they must be contacted for all changes. appearance mammary glands: detected lumps or soreness. Periodic visits to mammologists for preventive examinations are also recommended.

Who is a mammologist?

A doctor who treats diseases of the mammary glands is a mammologist (photo: www.old3.zviazda.by)

A mammologist is a doctor who is a specialist in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the mammary glands, both in women, children and men.

Mammologists can conduct conservative treatment pathologies of the mammary glands and perform operations on the mammary gland. Mammology is separated into a separate branch of medicine due to large quantity patients who need treatment and preventive examinations.

A doctor in this field of medicine graduates from a medical university educational institution in the main specialty, but receives the qualification of a mammologist during advanced training courses.

These doctors may have such qualification categories in mammology:

  1. Surgeon-mammologist - conducts surgical treatment mammary glands. Works in surgical department a clinical institution that has a department of mammology. Provides treatment purulent processes in the glands, as well as removal of cysts and fistulas.
  2. Oncologist-mammologist - sees at the oncology clinic, as well as at the Oncology Research Institute, deals with the identification and treatment of tumor diseases of the mammary glands.
  3. Gynecologist-mammologist works in outpatient departments, diagnostic centers and provides treatment for inflammatory and dishormonal diseases for which it is not indicated surgery and there is no suspicion of an oncological process. He prescribes rehabilitation therapy and monitors patients after breast surgery.

Diagnosticians in mammology include ultrasound and X-ray specialists. They accept patients upon referral from oncologists, surgeons or gynecologists. The names of their specialties are: “ultrasound specialist-mammologist” and “radiologist-mammologist”.

What diseases does a mammologist treat?

Mammologist doctors carry out prevention, identify and treat the following groups of diseases:

  • Benign and malignant tumors of the mammary glands: sarcoma, cancer, lipoma, fibroadenoma, cyst, intracavitary papilloma.
  • Inflammatory processes - mastitis postpartum, purulent and non-purulent.
  • Hypertrophy (excessive enlargement of the mammary glands in men and women).
  • Hormonal diseases: mastopathy, mastodynia, galactorrhea.
  • Unclassified pathologies: cracks and fistulas, fat necrosis, mammary gland atrophy.

How many times a year should you visit a mammologist?

If a woman over 30 years of age has no complaints about the condition of the mammary glands associated hormonal disorders, she has not suffered from mastopathy or other diseases of the mammary glands in the past, then a visit to the mammologist should be at least once every 1.5 years.

If there was mastopathy, mastitis or benign tumors, then you need to be examined 1 to 3 times a year.

If there are risk factors for tumor development (heredity, hormonal imbalance, age over 40 years, pathologies menopause) the minimum number of visits is twice a year.

On what day of your cycle should you schedule a visit to the mammologist?

For a preventive examination, you need to choose a time when the next menstruation has ended, but ovulation has not yet occurred. This rule can be followed only if there are no complaints and the woman feels well. If there is discharge from the nipple, chest pain or lump, then a visit to the doctor can be any day.

What symptoms should you contact a mammologist for?

You should consult a mammologist if you have the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the mammary gland (or both at once).
  • Pain in the armpit area.
  • Discharge from the nipple.
  • There is a seal that is tightly fused to the tissues.
  • One breast became larger than the other.
  • The skin on your chest or nipples turns red.
  • The nipple is retracted or unnaturally protruded.
  • A feeling of fullness in the mammary glands or any discomfort.
  • Breast injuries.
  • Pathological course of pregnancy.
  • For liver diseases.
  • Hormonal pathologies.

What examination can a mammologist prescribe?

At the appointment, the mammologist must examine the mammary glands and palpate them to detect lumps or other changes. In addition, he conducts a survey about complaints and the time of their occurrence. If necessary, a mammologist may prescribe:

  • X-ray examination - mammography.
  • Taking a piece from a suspicious formation and examining it under a microscope - fine-needle aspiration biopsy.
  • X-ray of the ducts of the mammary glands - ductography.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Scintigraphy (introduction of a contrast agent in the form of radioisotopes).
  • 6. Nipple swab.
  • 7. Blood test.
  • 8. Research hormonal levels.

How to prepare for an appointment with a mammologist

For the visit to be successful, you need to remember when the first complaints appeared, and it is better to first make a short note for yourself so as not to miss anything. It is very important to note all symptoms.

There is no need to take tests before your appointment, as the doctor will write out a referral for them if necessary.

When does a man need to visit a mammologist?

A disease when a man may need a mammologist is called gynecomastia: there is an enlargement of the mammary glands in men. The reason for this increase is usually an imbalance of hormones - the predominance of female sex hormones with a reduced amount of testosterone.

True gynecomastia must be distinguished from false gynecomastia, which occurs against the background of severe obesity.

When to visit a pediatric mammologist

A pediatric mammologist deals with inflammatory and tumor processes in the mammary glands in girls and young women up to the age of sixteen. It is used for congenital disorders of glandular development.

Symptoms that may warrant a visit include:

  • Pain in the armpits or mammary glands.
  • Nipple discharge.
  • Increase in breast size.
  • Protrusion or retraction of the nipple.
  • Seals in the tissues of the glands.
  • Redness of the skin on the mammary glands.
  • Chest injuries.

How to make an appointment with a mammologist

To visit a mammologist you need to either contact private clinic, or first see a local gynecologist, who will refer you for a consultation with a mammologist.

Mammologists are also seen in oncology clinics with appropriate inpatient departments and in multidisciplinary diagnostic centers.

  • The position during the examination needs to be changed: standing, leaning forward, raising your hand up.
  • You need to feel your breasts with three fingers (index, middle and ring) - this makes it easier to detect lumps.
  • Changes in the mammary glands can cause hormonal drugs, contraceptives, antidepressants.

How should you care for your breasts? To do this you need:

  • After showering, lubricate your breasts with moisturizer.
  • To maintain elasticity, a contrast shower is recommended.
  • Should be applied to nipples nutritious cream: nipple cream “Malysh” (Rassvet, Russia), “Lanovit” (Ekobiofarm, Russia), night nourishing cream “Daily Essentials” (Johnson and Johnson, France).

How to choose the right bra is described below.

  • There should be no compression of the breasts or their falling out of the cups.
  • The straps should not cut in.
  • Traumatic underwires should be avoided in everyday underwear.

When staying on the beach, be sure to apply sunscreen with high degree protection.

A mammologist is a specialist who diagnoses certain diseases related to the mammary glands, as well as their treatment and the development of subsequent preventive measures to prevent diseases in this area. Thus, answering the question, who is a mammologist, you can supplement the answer with the fact that it is this specialist who should be contacted if various diseases mammary glands in women: mastopathy, cysts, adenomas, mastitis, cancer. The competence of a mammologist presupposes the possibility of treating this type of problem within the framework of outpatient treatment, as well as the possibility of treatment in a hospital setting (surgical intervention, drug therapy). These areas of activity can be combined or implemented only separately, it all depends on the specific specialist.

Online Appointment with a Mammologist

Mammologist: what does this specialist treat?

The activity of a mammologist consists of carrying out a number of activities aimed at diagnosing, preventing and treating multiple ailments of the mammary gland, dishormonal pathologies of the mammary glands associated with hormonal imbalances. This category of diseases includes:

  • Fibrocystic disease, or otherwise mastopathy, this type of disease in the form of lumps in the breast is the most common pathology of the mammary gland;
  • Hypomastia – insufficient development of the mammary glands;
  • Hypermastia – swelling of the mammary glands, accompanied by painful sensations;
  • Gynecomastia – enlargement of the breast in men;
  • Galactorrhea is the spontaneous release of milk in nursing women.

Tumor pathologies of the mammary glands. This type includes:

  • Breast cancer;
  • Lipoma;
  • Fibroadenoma;
  • Sarcoma;
  • Echinococcosis.

Inflammatory processes occurring in the mammary glands. This classification includes:

  • Mastitis;
  • Actinomycosis;
  • Tuberculosis and syphilis of the mammary glands.
  • Inflammatory diseases are often accompanied by purulent formations, the treatment of which is also within the competence of doctors specializing in purulent surgery.

When to go to a mammologist: preventive, first and urgent examination

An important rule for maintaining health is a preventive examination by a mammologist twice a year, since pathological processes in the mammary glands in women can begin asymptomatically. For women who have reached the age of thirty, in the absence unpleasant symptoms and predisposing hereditary factors contributing to the development of breast diseases, visits to a mammologist can be reduced to once every year and a half. But every woman should remember that neoplasms of the mammary glands often appear without visible symptoms. Many female representatives spend independent research mammary glands by palpation, believing that they will be able to detect abnormal changes in time. But this opinion is wrong. Only professional approach, including multiple examination methods, will identify the disease at the initial stage.

Also, visiting a mammologist is mandatory for women planning a pregnancy, carrying a child and breastfeeding. Since pregnant and lactating women are among the categories of people most susceptible to developing breast diseases due to hormonal changes.

Not only adult women, but also young girls should undergo regular visits to a mammologist for preventive purposes, since timely diagnosis existing abnormalities of the mammary gland will allow you to start treatment at an early stage and, accordingly, avoid the development of complications that pose a threat to health and life. Therefore, the first visit to a specialist should be done at a young age.

If suspicious signs appear in the form of redness, discharge, pain, lumps and other unpleasant symptoms in the chest area, examination and consultation with a specialist should be carried out urgently.

A visit to a mammologist has some peculiarity - you need to go to see him after the end of menstruation or five to six days before the start of ovulation. This is because data from studies conducted during the menstrual cycle may show erroneous results.

Examination by a mammologist: when does it become necessary?

There are many pathological conditions mammary glands, the presence of which should be treated with caution and seek mandatory consultation with a doctor.

These are specific symptoms whose presence should cause serious concern, namely:

  • Redness of the skin in the chest area;
  • A sharp increase or decrease in breast size;
  • Asymmetry of the mammary glands;
  • Feeling of fullness and swelling of the mammary gland;
  • Lumps in the chest;
  • Cracked nipples;
  • Pain syndrome in the armpit area;
  • Painful sensations in the chest;
  • Swelling or retraction of the skin near the nipples.

In addition to the listed signs, there are a number of predisposing factors, in the presence of which one should not neglect the consulting assistance of a mammologist:

  • Diseases genitourinary system(both present at the moment and transferred in the past);
  • Pregnancy, especially when accompanied by certain unpleasant sensations in the chest area;
  • Breastfeeding, refusal to breastfeed, or holding the baby to the breast for too long;
  • Difficult childbirth, resulting in multiple complications;
  • Frequent abortions and miscarriages;
  • Early puberty, in particular, menstruation that began before 11 years of age;
  • Menstrual irregularities, which also include menopause;
  • Previous injuries to the mammary gland (impacts, burns, etc.);
  • Liver diseases;
  • Increased nervousness, psycho-emotional states, prolonged stress and depression;
  • Hereditary factors, that is, the presence of breast diseases in close relatives;
  • Disruption endocrine system(diabetes, thyroid diseases);
  • Taking hormonal drugs;
  • Sexual dissatisfaction or lack of sex life;
  • Abuse alcoholic drinks and smoking.

The presence of the considered risk factors requires a thorough examination, including various methods diagnostics, based on the results of which the mammologist will prescribe appropriate preventive measures or treatment.

Mammologist appointment: how does it happen?

This specialist’s appointment involves palpation (that is, palpation of the mammary glands), as well as identifying specific complaints that are relevant to the patient. The following options can be assigned as research methods through which subsequent diagnosis of pathology can be made:

  • mammography (as part of this study, the mammary glands are examined using x-rays);
  • ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the mammary glands;
  • examination of tissues removed by biopsy for subsequent oncological analysis of the material.

Additionally, the following methods can be used:

  • scintigraphy;
  • CT and MRI of the chest;
  • ductography (a method of x-ray examination of the ducts of the mammary glands).

Tests prescribed by a mammologist

When you contact a mammologist, after a mandatory examination and palpation, you will have to undergo some tests that will help in establishing a diagnosis.

First of all, if there is any discharge from the nipple, you will need to take a smear and send it for cytological examination.

Cytological diagnostics consists of a quantitative and qualitative study of cell composition. Atypical (irregular) cells identified in this way may indicate a disease.

You will also need:

  • Clinical blood and urine tests;
  • Blood test for tumor markers;
  • Blood test for changes in the functioning of the endocrine system and deviations in hormonal levels.

If necessary, a diagnostic puncture may be necessary. It is necessary when nodules, lumps or other formations are detected in the mammary gland. If the mammologist, upon examination and palpation, reveals a change in the color and structure of the skin on the chest, discharge that is bloody or yellowish color, then a diagnostic puncture is mandatory, so in this case we can talk about cancer processes. The purpose of the puncture is to determine whether the formation is benign or malignant. The doctor first assesses the size and shape of the tumor, usually using ultrasound or mammography. A week before diagnostic puncture Aspirin and anticoagulants should not be taken.

What diagnostic methods does a mammologist use?

When determining a diagnosis, a mammologist uses the following diagnostic methods:

  • Palpation. As a rule, diagnosis should be carried out in the middle of a woman's menstrual cycle. First of all, the doctor visually assesses the condition of the mammary glands (color, structure). Then he immediately begins to palpate the mammary gland. Diagnosis is carried out in a standing position, and then lying on your back, with your arms thrown back behind your head. During palpation, the condition of the nipples is assessed. The examination begins in a standing position, each breast is palpated in turn, then the condition of both is assessed simultaneously (with both hands). Then the patient lies on her back, since in a supine position it is easier to determine the formation and its mobility than in a vertical position. By palpation of the breast, hypertrophy, cysts, tumors can be detected, but an accurate diagnosis can only be made using this diagnostic method with bright pronounced manifestations diseases (inflammation, lipoma, papilloma). All formations of a different nature in the thickness of the mammary gland require additional diagnostics.
  • Mammography. Diagnosis consists of examining the mammary gland using weak x-rays. The purpose of mammography is to detect cancer in early stage. Like any x-ray test, mammography takes a series of images, which are then analyzed by radiologists. On x-rays pathological formations can be seen.
  • Ultrasonography. How additional method diagnostics, along with mammography, ultrasound is used. Diagnostics are usually prescribed for further research lumps or formations detected on mammography or palpation.
  • Ductography. A method that examines nipple discharge if mammography is insufficient.
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). Enough effective method studies for questionable formations, as well as when examining patients diagnosed with breast cancer immediately before surgery. For cancer patients, this method is necessary to identify new formations that may affect the course of the operation.
  • CT scan. It is prescribed to determine the size of the tumor, whether it should be removed or not due to germination in chest. The research method consists of taking a series of x-rays, which are then processed by a computer.
  • Thermomammography. This modern method research in which a special device detects infrared radiation and tissue temperature in the mammary gland, which is a consequence of pathological cell proliferation. This process makes it possible to examine the cancer process long before the tumor begins to form. The method is absolutely harmless and is intended for the initial examination of women. Such an examination can be carried out once a year, during preventive examinations.

Pediatric mammologist

We have already highlighted the need to visit a mammologist at an early age above; in fact, a pediatric mammologist is a specialist whose visit is necessary for a child or adolescent to treat certain conditions and diseases. These include pseudotumor formations, asymmetry of the glands, injury to the glands or their hypertrophy (enlargement). This is also age-related, fibroadenoma, etc. Let us repeat that with timely contact with a mammologist, the possibility of a complete cure is possible with the implementation of adequate treatment measures.

In adolescence, consultation with a mammologist is necessary during the period of the so-called “hormonal storm”, because diseases of the mammary glands often begin to develop precisely from this period, and their manifestation can be noted already during pregnancy or lactation (breastfeeding).

It should be noted that a pediatric mammologist must partly also be a psychologist, taking into account the characteristics of the child’s psyche and the psyche of adolescents. The ability to establish contact and inspire trust on the part of patients is important. Taking this into account, a mammologist, reviews of whom are often the best confirmation of compliance with the requirements regarding professionalism and treatment, must be selected carefully, that is, again, taking into account qualifications, the effectiveness of treatment, and attitude towards patients.

Breast cancer: symptoms

Considering that breast cancer is perhaps one of those major diseases that women are especially afraid of, it is important to know what symptoms appear with it at the obvious stages of its relevance, that is, when, in general, any phenomena have already otherwise, but they make themselves felt.

So, first of all, it is pain. An important fact is that from time to time women, one way or another, encounter pain in this area. If chest pain occurs frequently, it can be assumed that hormonal changes are the cause of this phenomenon (in up to 90% of cases this is exactly the case). With pain in only one of the mammary glands, as well as with the appearance of discharge in the same gland, with engorgement of the skin and with the detection of a tumor formation during palpation, we can say that the symptoms manifested in a particular case look somewhat more serious than just pain in the breast. breasts

Pain in the armpits, pain in the nipple area - these manifestations occur in approximately 10% of cases in women during the premenstrual period. The pain that appears in this case is characterized as dull. To relieve pain, you should reduce the amount of salt in your diet a few days before your period begins, and you should also avoid drinks that contain caffeine during this period. Due to this, fluid removal from the body will occur unhindered; breast tissue is also no exception.

If you have undergone a previous biopsy procedure or with a previous injury, the pain is of a slightly different nature. Thus, the concentration of pain is noted in a specific area, without connection with the menstrual cycle. The nature of the pain is cutting or shooting. It should be noted that after a biopsy, pain can persist for up to two years, the pain is concentrated mainly in the chest, although the main focus of pain is concentrated in the ribs. If the pain increases with a deep sharp breath or when pressing on the ribs, there is reason to assume that the patient has nothing more than arthritis.

Stress in pain also has its own position in terms of the manifestation of symptoms. So, if the level of stress hormone in the body is increased, then the pain in it also increases, regardless of the area of ​​their localization; accordingly, this is also true for the mammary glands. If you add this to the influence of alcohol, coffee and poor diet in combination with your daily routine, you will soon notice that pain in the chest increases.

The next symptom that you should pay attention to in the context of this disease is the appearance of discharge. Although discharge may be alarming, in reality it has nothing to do with cancer in most cases. Basically, this is a normal phenomenon, relevant for the second part of the menstrual cycle; the reason for their occurrence is the accumulation of a certain amount of fluid in the area of ​​the milk canals. If pregnancy does not occur, this fluid disappears over time. It should be noted that the excited state of the nipples can lead to the release of a small amount of this fluid; it is mostly either transparent or slightly cloudy. Sometimes such discharge occurs against the background of undergoing significant physical activity.

Despite the fact that discharge is not a direct indication of actual breast cancer, certain features of it should nevertheless raise suspicion:

  • the constant nature of the discharge (that is, it appears not only in the period of several days preceding menstruation);
  • the discharge is accompanied by external changes in the mammary glands (palpation of lumps, engorgement of the skin);
  • the appearance of a spontaneous type of discharge (that is, discharge appears without prior compression of the chest, without previous physical activity or friction);
  • the liquid released from the nipples has a certain color (that is, it is not cloudy or transparent, but reddish, greenish, etc.);
  • the nipple skin itches and is generally inflamed;
  • discharge is noted from only one breast or discharge is noted from 1-2 pores in the nipple.

The lumps that we have already noted are in many cases not malignant, but this is not a reason to exclude them as a serious symptom indicating possible breast cancer, quite the contrary. In particular, a visit to a mammologist may include the following symptoms associated with a lump in the breast:

  • when palpated, the hardness of the seal is noted;
  • the edges of the seal are uneven; it is characterized by pain;
  • there are no similar lumps in the other breast;
  • the movement of the compaction occurs only with the tissues adjacent to it;
  • the features inherent in compaction do not change in accordance with the menstrual cycle.

Every mammologist warns about risk factors that may lead to problems in the mammary glands in the future. The main danger is that malignant tumors may later form at the site of injury. Therefore, you need to try to protect your chest from blows, bruises, etc. If injury could not be avoided, you should definitely consult with a mammologist; perhaps he will consider it necessary to undergo a more complete examination.

Infections. Frequent inflammatory processes in the female reproductive system lead to hormonal imbalance. The breasts react immediately to any hormonal changes. Soreness, swelling of the mammary glands before menstruation, the appearance of nodules - all this occurs as a result of hormonal imbalance. Ultimately, this leads to mastopathy.

Pathology in the mammary gland occurs from an infection that is transmitted from the genital organs; it can remain in the body in a “dormant” state until the favorable time comes for its development. Chronic inflammation in the mammary gland, which tends to acquire a malignant form, poses a great danger.

Late birth. The first pregnancy, which occurs after 30 years, contributes to the development of cancerous tumors in the mammary gland. Most likely, the reason for this is poor ecology and exposure to toxic substances contained in city air. As a result of external factors, the cells’ ability to respond normally to the hormonal surge that invariably accompanies pregnancy is weakened.

Oral contraception. Many studies have been conducted in this area and it has been proven that oral contraceptives do not provoke cancerous tumors in the mammary gland. However, it has also been proven that long-term use of birth control pills (more than four years) in nulliparous women can lead to the development of malignant tumors. Therefore, girls who have not yet given birth should find another method of contraception and not abuse oral contraception.

Radiation. According to doctors, radiation to which a woman under 30 is exposed provokes cancer in the mammary gland. An X-ray examination, which is usually prescribed no more than once a year, has a dose that is safe for humans, but still the doctor must record the radiation dose in the medical record each time so that the maximum threshold is not exceeded in the future.

Ultraviolet. The skin in the chest area is very delicate, thin, and easily vulnerable. The mammologist recommends sunbathing (sunbathing) in the morning (before 10.00) or evening (after 16.00). If it so happens that you find yourself in the sun at noon, then you need to protect your chest with a special sunscreen with a high filter.

Diet. The main cause of problems in the mammary gland is primarily a hormonal imbalance in the body. There are some foods that increase estrogen levels. You should avoid smoked, fatty foods, replacing them with vegetables, cereals, and citrus fruits. There is evidence that breast pain before menstruation is caused by foods high in methylxanthine (coffee). Replacing your morning coffee with a cup of tea (preferably green) will reduce breast soreness.

The mammologist warns that a systematic preventive examination is the main method for early diagnosis of pathological processes in the breast. All questions and problems can be discussed at an appointment with a qualified doctor, and you can receive all the information about prevention, possible risks and complications.