Mammologist: what kind of doctor is this, what does he treat. A mammologist is a doctor who cares about the health of women’s breasts.

When the first alarming symptoms appear, a woman should immediately make an appointment with a good specialist, since the sooner she seeks help from a doctor, the higher the chances of a successful recovery.

Difference from other specialists

Many people wonder whether an oncologist and a mammologist are the same thing, or whether there are differences between these specialists. An oncologist is a doctor with a higher education medical education and specializing in oncology, which is a broad field and includes many areas, including breast cancer. That is, an oncologist can either specialize in breast tumors or treat tumors of a completely different organ.

Mammologist is narrow specialist and its functions can be performed by gynecologists, surgeons and oncologists.

That is, a mammologist is not always an oncologist, although most often it is specialists in malignant neoplasms engaged in oncopathology of the mammary glands. An oncologist differs from a mammologist in that he can treat tumors himself. various localizations, while the work of a mammologist is limited exclusively to the mammary glands.

What are the responsibilities of an oncologist-mammologist?

The main responsibility of this specialist is timely diagnosis and selection of optimal treatment for malignant or benign breast tumors. A breast oncologist treats breast cancer, as well as benign tumors (for example, fibroadenoma). Also An important part of a specialist’s work is the prevention of relapses and complications oncological diseases . That is, he sees not only those patients who need tumor treatment, but also those who have already completed a course of therapy.

Treatment may include surgical removal tumors, a course of chemotherapy, radiation therapy or hormonal therapy. Most often used different combinations basic treatment methods to achieve best result. Because the a mammologist and an oncologist treat very serious pathological conditions , then you need to choose good specialist. Pay attention to the doctor’s category, length of service, rating of the institution where he receives appointments, and patient reviews. You can get a consultation with an oncologist-mammologist in specialized hospitals and private clinics.

When to seek help and features of an appointment with a specialist

A consultation with an oncologist-mammologist is absolutely indicated if a woman has:
  • pain and discomfort in the mammary glands;
  • change in breast shape and size;
  • redness, swelling of breast tissue;
  • nipple deformation;
  • the appearance of discharge from the nipples;
  • weakness, increased fatigue, decreased physical and mental performance;
  • progressive weight loss;
  • loss of appetite, nausea, aversion to food;
  • violations menstrual cycle.
If you have at least one of the above symptoms, contact a specialist immediately. Doctor an oncologist-mammologist will conduct comprehensive examination the patient's body, will prescribe additional laboratory and instrumental methods studies (mammography, ultrasound of the mammary glands, test for tumor markers). After confirming the diagnosis, the doctor will select the optimal treatment for the patient and develop a complex preventive measures to prevent relapses.

The specialization of a mammologist includes: examination of the mammary glands, identification of any disorders, treatment of diseases and advice on further prevention.

Therefore, when asking the question: who is a mammologist, we can answer that he is a specialist in the diagnosis, drug treatment and surgery of various pathologies associated with the mammary glands in women of any age.

What does a mammologist treat?

The main problems that are most often diagnosed in patients can be divided into three main groups. These include:

  • tumor disorders of the mammary glands. This area includes: cancerous growths of the breast, fibroadenoma, sarcoma and lipoma;
  • pathologies associated with disorders hormonal levels. This group includes: mastopathy, gynecomastia and fibrocystic disease;
  • diseases inflammatory in nature, of which mastitis is most often diagnosed.

Various diseases of the mammary glands are quite common today. Statistics show that the age of patients diagnosed various pathologies V Lately, is getting younger. If ten to twenty years ago, mostly women over forty years old made appointments with a mammologist, now mammary gland ailments can be found even in very young, twenty-year-old patients. The reason for this “rejuvenation” of diseases mammary gland becomes, first of all, a reluctance to comply healthy image life and insufficient care of young girls about their own health.

When to go to a mammologist?

It is also necessary to visit this specialist for a preventive examination. It is recommended to do this annually, starting from the age of 9-20.

Many people are interested: on what day of the cycle is it best to go to a mammologist? Most the right time for a visit to the doctor - 5-6 days after the end of menstruation.

For women over 30 years old, an annual visit to a mammologist should become mandatory. And if any disturbances appear (discharge from the nipples, pain and tightness in the chest area), an urgent visit to the doctor is necessary. In this case, it does not matter what period of the cycle is noted, you should go to a mammologist immediately.

If there is a hereditary predisposition or after a history of surgical intervention for the mammary glands - a visit should be carried out at least twice a year. It should also be understood that malignant tumors are quite long time may not manifest themselves in any way, and their detection is possible only at a doctor’s appointment.

Answering the question - when is the best time to go to a mammologist, experts say - it is best to start at at a young age, because this will help to notice in time and prevent the development of any disorders and pathologies.

Symptoms for which a visit to a mammologist is necessary:

  • detection of seals in chest area;
  • the appearance of redness on the mammary glands;
  • noticeable enlargement or reduction of the mammary gland;
  • discharge of fluid from the nipples;
  • pain when palpating the chest, armpits and surrounding tissues;
  • the appearance of breast asymmetry;
  • skin tightness or swelling in the peripapillary area.

In addition to the obvious disorders, there are also a number of factors that predispose to breast problems. These include:

  • the presence of diseases of the reproductive system.
  • some previous operations related to the breast and reproductive system;
  • any discomfort in the mammary glands. A regular feeling of fullness of the chest, its heaviness or hardening of the nipples may be the first signs of the presence of any pathologies;
  • unfavorable course of pregnancy;
  • injury to the mammary glands in the past or present is also a serious reason for a visit to a mammologist.
  • hereditary predisposition to breast cancer and other breast diseases;
  • disturbances in liver function;
  • sudden changes in hormonal levels or endocrine system;
  • long-term presence of the patient in a traumatic situation. It is long-term stressful conditions that often become a provocateur of development various diseases.

How is an appointment with a mammologist?

On initial stage The doctor conducts a survey of the patient, is interested in possible problems and complaints. It also installs general state health, notes accompanying illnesses and genetic predisposition.

  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
  • mammography;
  • tissue analysis for cancer cells by laboratory biopsy.

Additionally, the following may be prescribed:

  • ductography. X-ray analysis of the study of the mammary gland ducts;
  • scintigraphy;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • CT scan chest.

In addition, the patient must undergo a number of mandatory tests, which include:

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • taking a smear from the nipples and further cytological examination of the material;
  • If a lump is detected, the mammologist performs a puncture, with further research tissue on an ultrasound machine.

If malignant tumors are detected, further treatment of the patient is undertaken by a specialist with a broader profile - a surgeon-oncologist-mammologist.

Treatment methods

Breast therapy is selected by a specialist depending on many factors: the main diagnosis, the patient’s age, her general health, concomitant and chronic ailments, hormonal indicators, etc.

There are three main treatment methods.

  1. Drug therapy.
  2. Surgical methods of treatment.
  3. Physiotherapy.

Drug treatment is carried out using: antibiotics, hormonal drugs, antibacterial agents and restorative medications.

Surgical therapy is based on surgery and possible removal affected areas, dissection of splices and some other methods of necessary therapy.

Physiotherapy is most often used as a disease prevention and includes: a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, taking vitamins and homeopathic remedies, psychological relaxation also helps.

What specific course of therapy will be needed for treatment is decided strictly individually in each specific case.

Visit to a mammologist after childbirth

The period when a woman’s breasts experience maximum stress is after childbirth and during lactation. Regardless of whether a woman plans to feed her baby for a long period or not, a visit to a mammologist at this time is necessary.

Visiting this specialist postpartum period will determine how ready the breasts are for lactation, whether the woman will have problems with breastfeeding and how long feeding can continue.

A visit to a mammologist is also necessary if a decision is made to transfer the infant to full artificial feeding. Problems that may arise on at this stage can lead to serious violations.

Often, a sudden refusal to feed leads to a disease such as lactostasis or milk stagnation. When of this disease the following symptoms are noted:

  • pain and severe burning in the chest area;
  • strong compaction of the mammary glands;
  • redness and local fever.

Further development of the disease threatens the following problems:

  • general increase in body temperature;
  • inflammatory process in the mammary glands;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea.

It is the mammologist who will help avoid these conditions, and if necessary, prescribe the necessary drug treatment or physical therapy.

  • take a shower at least once a day;
  • wash your breasts before each feeding;
  • express before and after lactation a small amount of milk to prevent cracking of the nipples and prevent the development of mastitis;
  • In no case should you refuse to feed in order to “burn out the milk” on your own.

If a sudden cessation of lactation is necessary, for example, in the case of treating a nursing mother with potent drugs, the mammologist will prescribe the necessary medicines, which will help you complete this process painlessly.

A doctor who diagnoses, treats and prevents various diseases of the mammary glands.

A mammologist will help you cope with problems ranging from breast engorgement before menstruation to mastitis, mastopathy or tumor.

What is the competence of a Mammologist?

A mammologist is a specialist who deals with the treatment of breast diseases. The mammologist conducts outpatient consultations and operates (performs drug treatment) in the hospital. These two activities can occur separately.

What diseases does a Mammologist deal with?

A mammologist treats the following diseases:

Tumor diseases of the mammary glands (cancer, sarcoma, fibroadenoma, lipoma, etc.).
- dyshormonal diseases of the mammary glands (mastopathy or fibrocystic disease, gynecomastia).
- congenital anomalies development of the mammary glands.
- inflammatory diseases mammary glands (mastitis), which are also the competence of surgeons specializing in purulent surgery.

What organs does a Mammologist deal with?

Breast (mammary gland).

When should you contact a Mammologist?

You need to consult a mammologist if you have:
- pain in the mammary glands or axillary areas;
- seals, discharge from the nipples;
- change of size;
- asymmetry of the mammary glands;
- redness;
- retraction/bulging of the skin in the nipple area.

You have some unusual, even minor, sensations of discomfort in the mammary glands: a feeling of engorgement, fullness and pain in the mammary gland, some discharge from the nipple, lumps.
- You have concomitant or previous diseases of the genital organs.
- You have suffered breast injuries.
- You had some unfavorable moments during your pregnancy.
- In case of liver dysfunction.
- You suffer from various hormonal disorders (as you know, the mammary gland reacts in a certain way to hormonal changes).
- You have suffered long-term and severe psychotraumatic situations (i.e. stress).
- You have a hereditary predisposition to tumor processes (i.e. if your family had direct relatives who suffered from breast cancer).

Warning symptoms of breast cancer.

Fact: The vast majority of women periodically experience breast pain. If you often feel chest pain, then in 90% of cases it is caused by hormonal changes. If only one breast hurts, and in addition you feel engorgement, feel a tumor, or notice discharge from the nipple of the same breast, this can be a very alarming symptom.

If you feel pain between your nipple and armpit.

10% of women experience quite severe pain in this area for several days before menstruation. This is a dull pain that is most strongly felt between the nipple and the armpits. To relieve pain, reduce the amount of salt in your diet a few days before your period and avoid caffeinated drinks. This will help the smooth removal of fluid from the body, including from breast tissue. Wear a supportive bra. If you have undergone an injury or a biopsy, in this case you feel pain of a completely different nature - it hurts in a certain place, and it does not depend in any way on the menstrual cycle. Usually these are shooting or cutting pains.

After a biopsy, pain can last up to 2 years, doctors warn. Pain in the lower chest. As a rule, pain is felt in the chest, but its source is usually outside the breast - in the ribs.

If the pain gets worse when you press on your ribs or do a sharp deep breath, it's most likely arthritis.

Perhaps it's stress?

If in the body high level stress hormones, this can greatly increase pain of any nature, including pain in the chest area.

Stressful situations affect changes in the hormonal status of the body or create tension in pectoral muscles. In addition, under the influence of stress, we begin to drink more coffee and alcoholic drinks, and do not monitor our diet and daily routine. All this can increase chest pain.

2. Discharge

More than 50% of women have discharge that leaves marks on their bra. In most cases, these symptoms have nothing to do with cancer. Most often they occur in the second half of the menstrual cycle, when several milligrams of fluid accumulate in the milk ducts. If pregnancy does not occur, the fluid gradually disappears. However, if the nipples are erect, a small amount of fluid may be released. It is usually a clear or slightly cloudy colorless liquid.

Doctors sometimes call this type of discharge “athlete's milk” because it can be caused by physical activity.

Consult a doctor

Discharge by itself rarely indicates breast cancer, but some symptoms should alert you:
- constant discharge (not only for a few days before the start of menstruation);
- spontaneous discharge (not provoked by compression, friction or physical activity);
- discharge from only one breast or only from one or two nipple pores;
- discharge is accompanied by changes appearance breasts (engorgement or the appearance of lumps);
- the released liquid is colored;
- the skin of the nipple becomes inflamed and itchy.

Dangerous seals - 6 symptoms

Most lumps are not cancerous, but if you notice any of the following signs, see your doctor as soon as possible:
- immobility (the seal moves only together with adjacent tissues);
- seal, hard to the touch;
- the nature of the compaction does not change during the menstrual cycle;
- there is nothing similar on the other breast;
- the seal is painful;
- its edges are uneven.

When and what tests should be done

- a smear from one nipple of the mammary gland;
- cytological examination of the material;
- swab from two nipples of the mammary gland; - cytological examination of the material;
- diagnostic puncture one palpable formation under the control of an ultrasound machine.

What are the main types of diagnostics usually performed by a Mammologist?

- Mammography;
- Ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy of the breast;
trephine biopsy;
- Ductography;
- Pneumocystography;
- MRI of the mammary glands;
- Ultrasound of the mammary glands. In the world, breast cancer has not been considered fatal for several decades. This is due to the development of diagnostic methods that make it possible to detect breast cancer at early stage when you can preserve not only the health, but also the beauty of your breasts. And here the main role is played by the woman’s psychological mood, her attitude towards cooperation with the doctor.

Therefore, the ideal situation is if the woman and the doctor have mutual trust. When it comes to such a diagnosis, life does not end, but changes. And when life changes, it is always a crisis for a person. Therefore, the main thing is to learn to live in a new situation and overcome it.

We must remember that a woman is actually much stronger than she seems. Stress has an effect only at the first moment - within a few days or weeks after diagnosis, since the factor of surprise plays a role. Then, when a woman comprehends the situation, she understands that she needs to fight for life. And remember: the sooner a woman comes to the doctor, the easier it will be will undergo treatment and recovery. When breast cancer is detected at an early stage, the probability of a complete cure is 94%!


1. Take a good look at yourself.
In some cases, malignant tumors are not hard to the touch, and you need to pay attention to any changes in the shape, appearance of the breasts and nipples, as well as the appearance of new vessels and changes in old ones. Pay attention to the fact that the breasts have become more asymmetrical and that the position of the nipples has changed. Conduct the inspection in different positions - standing straight, leaning forward, raising one arm up.

2. Press on your chest with your pads rather than your fingertips - they are more sensitive.

3. Feel your breasts with three middle fingers - this will most likely notice lumps that may slip away if you examine the breast with only one finger.

Be sure to tell your doctor

When examining your breasts, your doctor will likely ask about the medications you are taking. Certain types of contraceptives, pain relievers, antidepressants, and medications prescribed for high blood pressure, a diseased heart, can cause changes in the chest area.

Also, if you take homeopathic medicines, tell us about them too. Some nutritional supplements, such as soy, ginseng, ephedrine, can cause chest pain and nipple discharge.

The skin of your breasts needs to be cared for in the same way as your entire body. But nipples require special care.

There is no need for special soap for the breasts, but thorough cleansing is necessary: ​​there are quite a lot of fat glands in the breast area. If there are scratches or injuries on the chest, use the same medicines that you would apply to an abrasion on the face.

Sun protection
Under the influence of the sun, the skin loses its elasticity and stretch marks appear on the chest first. This means that sunscreen in the hot season is a prerequisite for protection against harmful effects rays.

Hydration. For breasts, a regular body moisturizer will do. If your nipples are very dry, apply nutritious cream, does not contain aromatic fragrances and lanolin.
Dry nipples can be caused by friction, a reaction to washing powders, as well as eczema. See your doctor if you have irritation on your chest that doesn't go away within two weeks. This may be a symptom of cancer.

This is a specialist who conducts examination, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of breast diseases, in most cases not related to oncology: mastopathy, lactostasis, etc. However, today breast cancer is becoming a scourge of society and its treatment is usually carried out by a mammologist.

Since mammology has not yet been identified as a separate specialty in Russia, oncologist surgeons, and less often plastic surgeons, usually become professionals in this field.

What does a mammologist treat?

The diseases that a mammologist treats can be divided into several areas.

Pathologies caused by an inflammatory or stagnant process:

  • mastitis;
  • lactostasis.

Hormonal disorders:

  • mastopathy (fibrocystic disease);
  • cysts;
  • gynecomastia.

Tumor formations:

  • breast cancer;
  • fibroadenoma;
  • lactating adenoma;
  • sarcoma;
  • lipoma

Mastalgia (chest pain):

  • Gynecomastia in men.
  • Hypoplasia (developmental abnormalities).

When is it necessary to go to an appointment with a mmologist?

There are certain symptoms, the appearance of which should alert you and prompt an immediate visit to a doctor. These include:

  • cracked nipples;
  • compaction, unpleasant feeling of pain, presence foreign body in the chest area;
  • discharge from the nipples that is not related to lactation or pregnancy;
  • redness, breast asymmetry;
  • retraction or, conversely, bulging of the skin in the peripapillary area;
  • enlarged axillary lymph nodes;
  • pain in the armpit area;
  • breast enlargement in men along with discharge.

Also, sometimes the patient is at risk due to a history of another disease. In this case, she will receive a recommendation to undergo an unscheduled examination by a mammologist. Here are some typical situations:

  • presence of gynecological diseases;
  • reception is planned in the near future oral contraceptives containing sex hormones estrogens;
  • trauma to the mammary gland, regardless of how much time has passed since it occurred;
  • severe liver disease;
  • hereditary predisposition, when close relatives were previously diagnosed with breast cancer;
  • prolonged exposure to stress;
  • pregnancy was accompanied by pathological conditions;
  • difficult births, miscarriages, abortions.

Preventive examination by a mammologist

Breast diseases are quite dangerous. Cancer on initial stage does not manifest itself in any way visible symptoms. Therefore, for preventive purposes, every woman after 30 years is recommended to see a mammologist 2 times a year. This approach makes it possible to identify the disease as early as possible, and this in 90% of cases is the key to successful treatment.

The first examination should take place in adolescence, when a young girl begins menstruation. During adolescence, it is enough to visit a mammologist once a year. It is recommended to go for examination on the 5-6th day of the menstrual cycle, when the glands are in a calm state, there is no swelling, and ovulation has not yet occurred.

Before the age of 35, it is recommended that a woman have her first mammogram - a kind of X-ray of the breast produced by a special device, a mammograph.

How is the reception going?

At the appointment, the mammologist will carefully listen to the patient’s complaints, study the available medical documentation, and ask about the health of close relatives in order to identify hereditary factors.

After the theoretical part, the mammologist necessarily performs a manual examination: by palpating the breast, he determines whether there are any lumps in the gland. In some cases, when the patient’s condition is in doubt, the doctor may send her for additional examination.

What additional methods does the doctor use?

  • mammography;
  • mammary glands (MG);
  • ductography (study of the breast ducts using X-ray);
  • biopsy (tissue removal for oncological analysis);
  • scintigraphy;
  • MRI and computed tomography of the chest.
  • smears from one or both nipples for cytology;
  • puncture from the formation (can occur during ultrasound examination).

Pediatric mammologist

In the field of this specialist: asymmetry of the glands or their too large enlargement, pseudotumor formations, compactions resulting from injury. Most often, consultation is necessary during the teenage period of a “hormonal storm”, when the formation of hormonal levels and many processes associated with reproductive system female body.

A children's doctor must have the skills of a psychologist, since the teenage psyche is the most vulnerable. It often takes effort to establish a trusting relationship with a young patient.