Smear for oncocytology. Cytological tests: methodology and interpretation of research results How long can a smear for oncocytology be stored?

Oncocytology - microscopic examination of cellular material (smear) of the cervix and cervical canal for the purpose of timely detection of oncological pathologies.

Purposes of a smear for oncocytology of the cervix

Carrying out a smear for oncocytology is a necessary measure used for the early diagnosis of cancer. Cervical cancer ranks third in the structure oncological diseases among women, it takes the lives of thousands of women every year. Detecting the disease at an early stage, that is, when it does not yet manifest itself symptomatically, significantly increases the chances of recovery.

Another advantage of oncocytology is that, through a well-conducted study, precancerous conditions can be successfully identified:

  • leukoplakia (keratinization of the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the cervix);
  • erythroplakia (atrophy of the cervical mucosa);
  • cervical polyps (benign growths on the lining of the cervix);
  • dysplasia varying degrees gravity ( pathological change cervical epithelium).

Preparation for the procedure and the sequence of its implementation

A smear for oncocytology of the cervix is ​​a simple, virtually painless procedure that takes a maximum of 10 seconds of a woman’s time.

Two days before oncocytology, you need to abstain from sexual intercourse, do not use tampons, various vaginal creams, and douching. The smear is performed on any day of the menstrual cycle, except, of course, the days of menstruation. Otherwise, the research results will be distorted. It is not recommended to perform oncocytology in case of inflammatory processes of the reproductive system.

A smear for oncocytology is taken using a special cervical brush or gynecological spatula during examination on a gynecological chair. A brush (or spatula) is inserted into the vagina and a woman touches the epithelium of the cervical canal, almost imperceptibly ( inner surface cervix) and external uterine os (outer surface of the cervix). In this way, the biomaterial is taken for further examination under a microscope.

From the gynecological instrument, the biomaterial is transferred to a prepared glass slide.

The doctor’s further actions depend on the chosen method of oncocytology. In our country, in particular in public antenatal clinics, cytological smears are examined using the Leishman method; in world practice and in private laboratories of the Russian Federation, cervical oncocytology is most often carried out using the Papanicolaou method (Pap test). The difference between the Leishman method and the Papanicolaou method is a more complex mechanism for staining the biomaterial taken. The second study is considered more informative, but only a doctor can choose required method depending on each specific case.

After the manipulations, the finished smear preparation is sent to the laboratory for research, where the characteristics of the cells (their composition, size, shape) are studied. 10-14 days after collection of the biomaterial, the results of oncocytology will be ready.

Indications for the study

Every woman over 18 years of age, especially if she is sexually active, is recommended to undergo oncocytology of the cervix at least once a year. Women over 30, who have a significantly higher risk of developing cervical cancer, should have a smear test once a year. mandatory. Pregnant women are recommended to undergo oncocytology three times during pregnancy.

Direct indications for periodic (every six months) smears for oncocytology of the cervix are menstrual irregularities, erosion or any other pathologies of the cervix, highly carcinogenic risk papillomavirus, and the presence of cancer in the family.

Women who have the following risk factors for developing cervical cancer in their lives should be extremely attentive to their health and take a smear for oncocytology, strictly adhering to the doctor’s recommendations:

  • smoking;
  • deficiency of vitamins A and C;
  • various immunodeficiencies (including HIV infection);
  • the presence of chlamydial and/or herpes infection;
  • chronic inflammation of the reproductive system;
  • infection with oncogenic types of human papillomavirus;
  • long-term use of contraceptives;
  • early onset of sexual activity;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • several births.

Oncocytology results usually indicate “positive” or “negative.” A negative result means that no atypical cells were found in the smear, which indicates complete health of the cervix.

Do not be alarmed if the results of oncocytology indicate a positive result. Yes, the “positive” mark indicates the presence of atypical (atypical) cells on the cervix, but this does not mean at all that they are cancerous or that they will become so over time. Atypical cells on the cervix are present, for example, in sexually transmitted infectious diseases (most common reason positive results during oncocytology), as well as in inflammatory and other diseases. In any case, if there are deviations, the doctor will prescribe additional studies to determine their cause.

The results of cervical oncocytology also indicate the stage of development of the pathology or complete absence pathology (stage I).

At stage II there are some deviations from the norm, which are usually associated with the inflammatory process of the reproductive system. The doctor will prescribe an additional examination and the necessary treatment regimen.4.29

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According to statistics, cervical cancer ranks third among cancer diseases in women.

To identify it at an early stage, a smear is taken for oncocytology.

Analysis can recognize cancer cells even in the first initial stage development when the disease is still asymptomatic.

And one of medical rules reads: than earlier illness will be recognized, the greater the chances of a full recovery.

An oncocytology smear is a test that a gynecologist takes from a woman’s vagina and cervix. After this, the biomaterial is subject to examination.

There are several types of screening:

  1. Leishman method - traditionally used in public clinics and antenatal clinics.
  2. The Papanicolaou method (Pap test) is common in private and foreign clinics. It is considered more reliable than the first method.
  3. Liquid cytology is the most modern diagnostic method, which is not yet used in all clinics. It is the most informative and has greater accuracy of the result.

In the first two smear screening methods for oncocytology, the epithelium taken for analysis is smeared onto a glass slide and then sent to a specialist for examination. In the laboratory, the size, shape and composition of cells are studied, after which a conclusion is made. The difference between the Leishman and Pap test methods lies only in the complexity of the mechanism of pigmentation of the biomaterial. The cytogram can be ready in 10-14 days.

In the third method of examining a smear for oncocytology, the material taken is placed in a specific liquid medium. Cyto-preparations (cells) purified using special equipment are concentrated in one place, forming an even layer. The collected epithelium does not dry out during transportation to the laboratory, so the reliability of the analysis increases several times. The result of the analysis will be known in 5-10 days.

A smear for oncocytology can be taken on any day of the menstrual cycle, except for the period itself.

The cost of analysis in different cities and clinics of the country may vary significantly, but on average the price will be within 1,500 rubles. This is only the actual cost of the sample. But usually private clinics provide a range of services, which includes a consultation with a gynecologist and taking a smear for oncocytology with examination of biomaterial. After which it is carried out repeat consultation doctor with a transcript of the analysis and colposcopy. This comprehensive examination will cost about 3,000 rubles.

Smear for oncocytology - what is it, preparation and technique

It is recommended that every woman over 18 years of age undergo a smear for oncocytology annually.

In case of presence of risk factors - 2 times a year.

This is due to the fact that cervical cancer does not develop quickly, over several years.

Therefore, by taking an analysis once a year, you can “catch” the disease at an early stage of development and get rid of it with a high percentage of probability.

The following women are at risk:

  • over 30 years old;
  • smokers;
  • taking contraceptives for a long time;
  • those who began to be sexually active early;
  • do not have a regular sexual partner;
  • have given birth several times;
  • with detected HPV, as well as herpes and chlamydial infections;
  • with cervical erosion;
  • with menstrual irregularities;
  • who has had cases of cancer in the family.

Women who can attribute at least a few items from this list to themselves should take special care of their health and be well informed about such an analysis as a cytology smear - what it is, when it is necessary to visit the doctor next time, what preparation is needed before research.

Two days before screening you should abstain from sexual activity.

You cannot use vaginal creams and suppositories, as well as tampons. Douching and vaginal douches should not be performed. You should avoid going to the toilet 2-3 hours before the test. All these factors can affect the results of the study. In addition, those who know about smears for oncocytology also know that they should be taken in case of inflammatory processes of the cervix (cervicitis) and vagina (colpitis).

Analysis technique

The procedure of taking a smear is absolutely painless. It is carried out by a doctor during an examination of a woman in a gynecological chair. First, the doctor inserts special speculums into the vagina, then uses a small spatula or a special cytobrush to remove part of the epithelium from the surface of the cervix.

A cell sample is then collected from the cervical canal using a small cotton swab. The collected biomaterial is either applied to a special laboratory glass for microscopic examination (Pap test), or placed in a special solution for liquid cytology. Some women who do not know what it is, a smear for oncocytology, how the biomaterial is taken and other nuances are very afraid of this procedure. This comes from ignorance. In fact, the analysis is absolutely not painful and does not damage the walls internal organs. For those who do it for the first time, it can only cause slight discomfort - nothing more.

After the procedure, slight bleeding may appear. They last no more than 2 days and do not require a special approach. Many ladies are sure that reaching the limit of childbearing age automatically eliminates problems in the sexual sphere. Nothing like this! Unfortunately, it is during this period that women go to the doctor too late, when the process is irreversible and the cancerous tumors are very advanced.

Pregnancy is a lot of stress for the body. This and also increased level hormones, can trigger the progression of various diseases, including cancer. Therefore, in the antenatal clinic, when registering for pregnancy, the doctor will definitely take a smear for oncocytology. The doctor will explain what this is during the consultation.

In the normal course of pregnancy, tests will be repeated in the second and third trimesters - at 30 and 36-37 weeks. But it is best to carry out this study at the stage of pregnancy planning - this way you can prevent harm to the unborn baby with 100% accuracy.

During inflammatory processes, it is not recommended to take a smear for oncocytology - this may distort the results of the study. In this case, a smear is first taken to check for infectious diseases and sexually transmitted diseases. After this, a course of treatment should be carried out. And only then the oncocytology analysis is repeated.

Smear for oncocytology - interpretation of the analysis and normal level

The Pap test is very informative for the doctor. But not every gynecologist will spend time explaining to each patient the meaning of this or that symbol. Therefore, many ladies have to independently search for information about the results of a smear for oncocytology, the interpretation and norm of which will tell a specialist so much and so little to an ordinary person.

The interpretation of the analysis using the Papanicolaou method implies 5 degrees of condition of the epithelial cells:

  1. Class 1 - there are no changes in the structure of cells, no deviations. This condition is normal for healthy women.
  2. Class 2 - the structure of individual cellular elements is changed. Most likely, a smear for oncocytology showed inflammatory process. This may indicate the presence of some infectious diseases. This stage is also considered normal, but to clarify the diagnosis it is prescribed additional tests- for example, biopsy or colposcopy. 3 months after the completed course of treatment, a repeat smear for oncocytology is prescribed, the interpretation and norm of which will inform the doctor about the woman’s health.
  3. Class 3 - a small number of individual cells have a pathology of the nuclear structure (dysplasia or hyperplasia). In such cases, the patient is recommended to undergo detailed microbiological and histological examinations. The final diagnosis is made based on the data obtained and a smear done 3 months after the first.
  4. Class 4 - malignant cell DNA abnormalities were detected. In this case, a precancerous condition is diagnosed and prescribed full examination And urgent treatment.
  5. Grade 5 - contained in the smear a large number of cancer cells.

The result of a cytology smear, the interpretation and norms of which are given below, may contain the following data:

  • degree of vaginal cleanliness: degrees 1 and 2 mean normal microflora, 3 and 4 indicate inflammation of the vagina, which requires additional research and treatment;
  • Latin symbols C, U, V - place of biomaterial collection: from the cervical or urethral canals and vagina, respectively;
  • number of cells squamous epithelium- norm up to 10 units;
  • leukocytes;
  • the presence of gonococci, trichomonas, gardnerella or other fungi indicates the presence of infection and requires treatment;
  • the presence of mucus - a moderate amount of it should be contained in a normal vaginal environment;
  • a large amount of columnar, flat or glandular epithelium with an abnormal cell structure is a signal of possible oncology. Atypical cells are designated by various abbreviations indicating their number and degree of atrophy.

Cytological examination has shown excellent diagnostic results for more than 50 years cancerous tumors. Once a year, every woman is able to choose the time for a preventative visit to the gynecologist - such a visit will help preserve health, and in some cases, life.

A smear for oncocytology is performed for early diagnosis of cancer. Using this technique, it is possible to identify a precancerous condition, including cervical polyps.

In pregnant women, it is important to promptly diagnose changes in the cervical epithelium various stages. Otherwise, the disease will progress. Everyone should take a smear for oncocytology future mom before registration. Repeated examination is carried out in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. During the collection of material, the patient feels slight discomfort. To do this, the gynecologist uses a spatula. The material is applied to 2 glasses. The samples are sent to the laboratory. The transcript of the analysis will be ready in 5-10 days.

To take a smear for oncocytology, patients must abstain from sexual activity for 2 days, not use tampons, vaginal creams and douching. The study is carried out during the menstrual cycle. You should not take a smear if you have inflammation of the reproductive system.

To examine a sample, laboratory technicians use 2 methods:

  1. According to Leishman.
  2. Rar test.

The 2nd method is characterized by complex mechanism staining of biomaterial. The research method is selected by the doctor in each case individually. Oncocytology analysis is performed in the following cases:

  • active sex life;
  • annual examination;
  • if the woman is over 30;
  • during pregnancy;
  • disturbed menstrual cycle;
  • various pathologies of the cervix;
  • manifestation of symptoms of TORCH infection.

Ready results

If there are no atypical cells in the smear, then the cervix is ​​healthy.

A positive result indicates the presence of atypical or atypical cells on the cervix.

Atypical units are observed during the development of infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted.

In this case, the specialist prescribes to the patient additional research. Oncocytology of the cervix indicates the stage of development of the pathology or its complete absence. Stage 2 is characterized by deviations from the norm associated with inflammation of the genital organs female body. With the development of the 3rd stage, single atypical cells are detected. To confirm the diagnosis, the woman undergoes additional examination. At stage 4, several malignant cells are detected in the sample. Stage 5 is characterized by a large number of malignant cells. If the oncocytology result significantly deviates from the norm, colposcopy is prescribed.

With the help of this study it is possible to identify various diseases, including inflammatory processes. In this case, the following changes are detected in the smear:

  • increased number of white cells;
  • fungi;
  • abnormal appearance of epithelial cells of the cervix and cervical canal.

Using a smear for oncocytology, papillomavirus infection can be detected. HPV affects the epithelium of the reproductive system, being the main cause of the appearance of warts in the external genital area. This increases the risk of developing cervical cancer. Koilocytes are smaller cells of the cervix with a light rim. If they are identified by a laboratory technician, then the patient is infected with the papilloma virus.

Identification and development of diseases

If the specialist identified several scales of squamous epithelium in the material being examined, then the result is considered normal. Using the diagnostics in question, it is possible to identify changes in cervical cells that are characteristic of dysplasia, a sign of inflammation. In this case, the patient should undergo anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy. If dysplasia occurs in a moderate or severe form, then the patient must undergo an additional examination - a cervical biopsy. A laboratory technician examines a piece of tissue taken from the affected area. Taking into account the results obtained, treatment is prescribed:

  • cauterization;
  • deletion.

If a pregnant woman needs to undergo a cervical biopsy, the attending physician must first take into account the extent of the pathology and the duration of pregnancy. For dysplasia mild degree anti-inflammatory treatment is carried out. Then a repeat study is scheduled.

If cancer is suspected, colposcopy is prescribed. This procedure involves examining the vagina and cervix using a special microscope. The colposcope allows you to see the changed areas, assessing their size, location and severity. The areas are pre-treated acetic acid or Lugol's solution.

Colposcopy is a painless procedure that can be performed in any trimester of pregnancy. 1-2 days before the study, it is recommended that the patient abstain from sexual activity, douching and vaginal products. Otherwise, you may get a false result.

A smear for oncocytology during diagnosis in gynecology, or in other words, a Pap test, is practically one of the most effective tools. With it you can already early stages detect the onset of a malignant process, and therefore take timely measures for cure.

A cytology smear or Pap test in women is of great diagnostic importance, since it makes it possible to identify a malignant process in the initial stage and prescribe therapy in a timely manner.

What is cytology? in simple words We will try to tell you in this article.

So, the analysis for oncocytology studies cellular material by shape, pattern of cell placement, size in order to identify cancerous, precancerous or background diseases of the cervix - this is cytology in gynecology.

During a cytological examination, tissue samples taken from the cervical canal or vagina are examined under a microscope to determine the typicality of the cells. This diagnostic method began to be used 50 years ago. And until now it can safely be considered one of the most inexpensive and effective. The interpretation of the Pap test given by the attending physician will tell you about the absence or presence of abnormalities. Seeing the results, the cytological picture becomes clear to him. Up to five types of changes in cells can be identified. And the doctor has a chance to find out reliably about the presence of precancerous diseases, cancer female organs, or about inflammatory processes.

Cytology - what is it in gynecology? This is one of the non-invasive diagnostic methods. That is, during the process of taking a smear skin and the mucous membranes are not broken, no substances are introduced into the body, instruments for penetration inside natural ways are not used. This is how a smear for cytology differs, for example, from histology.

To get more accurate results, you need to carefully prepare for the process and follow all the rules. An important factor is the transcript. It is advisable that it be carried out by a gynecologist observing the woman. He will have in mind the data of other tests, as well as the patient’s complaints. This will give a more complete picture in making a diagnosis. Read about the decryption below.

Methods and types of cytology analysis used

There are two main types of diagnostics:

  • Simple cytology
  • Liquid

Currently, cytological analysis is taken by several screening methods to study the epithelium for oncocytology. Free public clinics use the Leishman method. The Papanicolaou method or PAP test, which is widespread in antenatal clinics and private clinics, is considered more reliable.

What is liquid-based cytology? The difference between these two analysis options is the use great friend from other mechanisms of biomaterial pigmentation.

Liquid oncocytology is the third type, which is the most modern method. Unfortunately, not all clinics can provide such a service, although a liquid smear for oncocytology gives the most accurate results.

If with the first two traditional options for preparation and staining, epithelial cells are smeared on the glass, which does not exclude the ingress of mucus and blood elements. This, in turn, can make it difficult to see cancerous and abnormal cells.

In liquid cytology, material from the cervix is ​​immediately placed into a liquid medium. The epithelium has no opportunity to dry out. Therefore, the liquid cytology method is recognized as the most reliable.

Liquid-based cytology is the newest technique for performing cytology analysis. And although the collection of material from the cervix is ​​the same for both traditional and liquid, for liquid, the collected cells are sent for research in a container with a fixative.

Watch a video about what liquid cytology is and how it is performed:

What is a cytology smear?

The technique of taking a smear for cytology is completely simple. A smear is taken during a routine examination in a gynecological chair. The doctor must first insert a speculum into the vagina. Having examined the mucous membrane of the cervix, vagina, and entrance to the cervical canal visually, he uses a sterile special brush to make a slight movement to take scrapings - epithelial cells from areas such as the surface of the cervix, cervical canal, and urethra. Assembled biological material should be applied to a glass slide, distributed evenly and dried, sent to the laboratory for further research using a microscope and specific staining substances.

The doctor’s manipulations take little time, only 7–10 seconds. For a woman they are completely painless.

What laboratory specialists evaluate:

  • Structure and size of seized cells
  • What is their number per unit of a certain area?
  • How are they located relative to each other?
  • What shape is the epithelium
  • Are there any pathological changes?

The results of the study can be found out quite quickly.

The cost of the analysis is moderately low, and it makes it possible to reliably verify whether everything is in order with the patient’s cervix.

  • If the correct structure of the cells is beyond doubt, then everything is normal.
  • If minor distortions are present, then we may be talking about mild dysplasia.
  • Atypical changes in single cells indicate moderate to severe dysplasia.
  • If the nuclei, chromosomes, cytoplasm are changed, then suspect cancer.
  • When there are a lot of pathologically altered cells, then the accuracy of the results indicating cancer is beyond doubt.

Indications for cell testing for oncocytology

What does a cytology test show? It does not matter whether liquid-based cytology is used or traditional method, its main goal is to identify negative changes and pathologies in tissues that in the future may turn into cancer. By regularly visiting a woman's doctor and taking a cervical test, you can detect inflammatory diseases at the earliest stage. This means that there is a possibility of curing them in the most short time without any complications.

There are situations when it is mandatory to be examined for oncocytology:

  • In inflammatory processes (especially chronic) in the cervix, cervical canal;
  • When the menstrual cycle is disrupted;
  • For infertility;
  • In preparation for operations and surgical interventions;
  • During pregnancy planning;
  • Before inserting an intrauterine device
  • When taking hormonal pills;
  • With discharge of unknown etiology;
  • For diabetes;
  • For obesity;
  • If papilloma or genital herpes viruses are present, or benign neoplasms are detected;
  • When leading a promiscuous sex life.

It is worth paying special attention to the fact that if the menstrual cycle is disrupted, or there is erosion of the cervix, then a cytology test should be taken regularly twice a year. Another reason for more frequent screening may be cancer in the patient’s relatives.

Contraindications for analysis

It is necessary to postpone cytological examination if there is an acute inflammatory process in the genital area, there is copious discharge, itching, and also until the end of menstruation. The fact is that in these situations it will not be possible to assess the presence of atypical cells, since the collected material will contain leukocytes and erythrocytes and they will “hide” the pathological cells.

Pregnancy is not a contraindication to this procedure.

Taking a smear for oncocytology during pregnancy is carried out once during registration.

Proper preparation to obtain reliable cytology results

It is recommended to take a smear for cytology after the end of menstruation before the 12th day of the cycle - this is ideal. It doesn't really matter what day it is. And in order to get the most reliable results, you need to prepare well for the procedure in advance.

2 days before taking a smear for oncocytology:

  • Abstinence from sexual intercourse is required
  • Do not use vaginal products such as suppositories, lubricants, sprays, etc.
  • Avoid douching and using tampons
  • Stop taking anti-inflammatory medications

And also 2 hours before taking a smear, you should not urinate. Therefore, it is better to reduce the amount of fluid before visiting a doctor.

After the procedure of taking a smear for cytological examination, the woman should feel comfortable and can immediately return to normal life.

The occurrence of discomfort is normally excluded, since the brush should not cause injury to tissues. In isolated cases, a vessel may be affected, in which case a slight discharge streaked with blood is likely. There is no need to worry about this. Within two days everything will return to normal.

How many days does it take for results to be prepared in the laboratory?

How long does it take to perform an oncocytological study? You won’t have to wait long to find out the results of the material collection procedure. The analysis is ready in a maximum of 2 weeks. Usually to receive big picture three to five days is enough. If a change in cells is noticed, they are then examined in several stages. Laboratory technicians at private clinics determine whether there are any deviations after about 5–7 days, in free clinics this procedure will take about 14 days. Examination of a smear taken for the presence of malignant cells either confirms the gynecologist’s fears or refutes them.

When a cytology smear shows a significant number of pathologically changed cells, the doctor prescribes a biopsy. This is a procedure for taking scrapings of the cervix to test for cancer.

If a positive result for oncocytology is obtained, then only after studying additional studies will the patient be referred to undergo special treatment for cancer.

Interpretation and norm of smear for oncocytology of the cervix

The examination of smears for cytology has already given excellent results for more than half a century. early diagnosis cancer and precancerous diseases. A preventive visit to a gynecologist is the responsibility of every woman who takes care of her health. And in some cases it can help save lives.

The gynecologist does not always explain in detail what the smear shows. Sometimes this happens due to a reluctance to go deeper into explanations, sometimes due to lack of time. How to decipher the data obtained as a result of laboratory research?

The Pap test gives a detailed picture of the disease. Reading the designations can indicate whether the condition of the epithelial cells is normal or abnormal.

The result may contain the following data:

  • 1st degree – indicates a negative result. Cytology showed that the woman is absolutely healthy and there are no deviations from the norm.
  • Grade 2 means the smear showed inflammation. A cytogram of inflammation shows that additional tests will be prescribed to identify the nature of the changes and the cause of them. TMV (inflammatory type of smear) can indicate trichomonas, chlamydia, fungi, viruses, and dysplasia. After treatment, approximately 3 months later you need to undergo a cytology test again.
  • 3rd degree - shows single cells in the epithelium with negative pathology– atypical structure of the nucleus. This requires additional microbiological and histological examination. The diagnosis can be made only if there are detailed data from other tests plus a repeat cytology smear taken 3 months later.
  • 4th degree – gives reason to suspect malignant tumor. Urgent examinations such as biopsy and colposcopy are prescribed. Signs of cancer indicate that immediate treatment is required.
  • Grade 5 – indicates that typical cancer cells have been identified. This means that they are present in the epithelium in large quantities. If there are atypical cells in the tissues of the cervix and cervical canal, then it is necessary to undergo urgent treatment from an oncologist. Histology and biopsy are prescribed to determine the nature of cell changes and the extent of the lesion.

Note that one cytology test in gynecology may not provide enough information to make a diagnosis. Even if the interpretation of the result shows inflammation (squamous epithelial cells in the smear exceed the norm), you need to undergo additional examination.

In the cytology of a smear from the cervical canal, the first degree indicates normal microflora vagina.

If rod flora is detected, then it is necessary to clarify the types of microorganisms detected. In the normal version, one rod culture should be contained, in pathology - another.

If the flora in the smear is polymorphic-rod, then the state of the microflora of the genital organs can be assessed. This parameter provides information about the presence and number of bacteria in the material delivered for research.

Rod flora can be combined with indicators of other bacteria. By comparing, you can detect or discard suspicion of pathology.

Grades 2, 3 and 4 show deviations, that is, there are signs of disease. This can be either candidiasis or vaginal vaginitis or cervical erosion, or viral diseases: genital herpes, papilloma virus and others.

If the fifth degree of changes in cells is detected, then the type of changes will be indicated in the conclusion without fail.

To determine character traits pathology has manifested itself, the doctor must compare the results of additional tests.

If no special instructions and there are no designations in the decoding, then with a large share chances are the smear for oncocytology is in order.

The result may contain data that is indicated by Latin symbols, for example, C, U, V. They indicate the location of the material collection: cervical canal, urethra, vagina. And information can also be provided about leukocytes (the normal number is up to 15 units), the number of squamous epithelial cells (the norm is up to 10 units, if more, then hyperkeratosis is suspected or an inflammatory process is present), about the detection of gardnerella, trichomonas, gonococci . The presence of infection will require treatment. There should be a moderate amount of mucus in the analysis, then we can talk about a normal environment in the vagina.

But a significant amount of flat, cylindrical or glandular epithelium with signs of atrophy indicates, in most cases, the onset of menopause, and not a bad smear. Such atypical cells will be designated by different abbreviations, which indicate the degree of atrophy and their number.

The designation nilm indicates that the smear is negative for dysplasia or cancer. There are no atypically changed cells.

In custody

remember, that women Health deserves special attention. The same stress, as well as a number of other factors, including small infections, tend to become the cause of cancer. This is a disease that is easier to cure if you start at the initial stage of its development. The chances of a successful recovery are much less if you take an advanced case. Any pathology detected in time can be treated easier and faster. Oncocytology provides real opportunity identify atypical cells at the earliest stages, identify precancerous conditions and help the body cope with them in time, preventing their development and spread.

For the life and health of a woman, the procedure of taking a smear for oncocytology is sometimes decisive. Therefore, monitor your health extremely carefully and follow all doctor’s recommendations.

Oncocytology is a microscopic examination that allows for timely detection.

A smear is taken from the cervix and cervical canal. During the procedure, biomaterial from different layers of tissue that lines the cervix is ​​examined.

Studying the structure of the epithelium makes it possible to determine how healthy the cells are and whether there are any mutated ones among them.

The analysis reveals not only the oncological component, but also various inflammatory processes. Thanks to timely diagnosis, most ailments can be successfully treated.


The study is relevant not only for the manifestations of any disease, but also for preventive purposes.

If the doctor suspects cancer, the test is compulsory. But a woman can always refuse the study.

The indication for the study is planning pregnancy. Must be carried out in the second and third trimester. The results are entered into the exchange card and taken into account when choosing a method of delivery. If the cervix is ​​damaged during childbirth, then it is necessary to carry out diagnostics several times a year.

Oncocytology is one of those procedures that is prescribed to girls and women, regardless of their lifestyle. For people under 30 years of age, it is done once a year. After passing this border, the risk of getting sick is much higher. Therefore, a smear test is required twice a year.

Direct indications for the study are:

  • menstrual irregularities,
  • erosion,
  • presence of cancer patients among close relatives.

Representatives of the fairer sex who smoke, have various immunodeficiencies, and infections of the reproductive system should pay special attention to their health. An indication for diagnosis is a deficiency of vitamins A and C.

Sometimes you may hear that after menopause, diseases of the genital tract may disappear. This opinion is erroneous: women of Balzac age and older need to undergo cytology once every 12 months.

If the requirement is not observed, cancer cells may be discovered that are very difficult or impossible to cure.

Types of cytology

There are two main types of diagnostics:

  • simple,
  • liquid.

They differ in the technique used and the use of special equipment.


This type involves applying biomaterial to glass. In this case, a smear is taken only from a certain area. The disadvantage of the method is that it can show the presence or absence of the disease, but it is not always possible to draw a conclusion about the quantitative characteristics of the virus.

The specificity of the study is that the doctor takes the material and makes a “smear-imprint”. To do this, touch the entire surface of the slide with a brush. It is then dried, placed in packaging and sent to the laboratory.


It differs from the previous version in that the taken material is completely immersed in a container with a special composition. At the same time, the morphological and biological properties of the cell are preserved. You can store such material for any amount of time.

The liquid medium in which the taken material is placed protects the cells from bacteria, premature drying and damage. This material remains resistant to temperature changes. A kind of preservation occurs inside the liquid, so the biomaterial turns into an even layer of washed cells.

Preparing for analysis

The study does not guarantee an accurate result if the study was carried out against the background of an inflammatory process. It is recommended to take it after treatment and not during menstrual bleeding.

For two days you should abstain from sexual relations, the use of tampons, creams and medications. You are allowed to take a vertical shower the day before. It is best to avoid taking a bath. All these factors can lead to incorrect results examinations.

Technique for taking a smear for oncocytology

The gynecologist pinches off a small amount of epithelium from the surface of the cervix. There is no pain or painful sensations.

After collecting the analysis, in rare cases, small red discharge is noted.

Usually they do not require correction and end that day or the next.

The tools used are a special cervical brush or spatula. They are inserted into the vagina, and after taking the analysis, the material is placed on glass or in a container with liquid.

What do oncocytology results show, interpretation and norm

There are five classes of cervical condition:

1 There is not a single atypical cell, all elements are of normal size.Norm.
2 There are cells indicating an inflammatory process, but there are no criteria indicating the presence of tumors.Repeated research and diagnosis using other methods is required.
3 There are a small number of atypical cells.A dynamic study is prescribed.
4 There are malignant cells in the smear.The cells are evidence of cancer; additional research and treatment are required.
5 A large number of malignant cells are noted.The patient is sent to the oncology clinic.

The result of oncocytology can be positive or negative. In the first case, the cells are carefully studied to determine the type of pathology. The final diagnosis is made based on the results of a comprehensive diagnosis.

Cytological studies may contain information about:

  • Smear from the cervical canal. Then, normally, columnar epithelial cells are found unchanged. Sometimes appears in small quantity metaplastic epithelium. It is considered a variant of the norm. Indicate that the analysis was taken from the transition zone.
  • Vaginal smear. In it, stratified squamous epithelial cells are considered the norm.

If any changes are detected, the cytologist must describe them in detail. If atypical cells are detected, colposcopy is performed. This method allows you to study cells under a microscope.

How many days does it take for results to be prepared?

In the laboratory, an oncocytology analysis is prepared from 3 to 5 days to obtain an overall picture. If there is a change in cells, then the study takes place in several stages.

Therefore you will have to wait best case scenario at least a week. Cytological examination in municipal clinics is usually ready within two weeks.

Diagnostic price

The test is carried out in almost all clinics. In municipal and federal ones, you can undergo diagnostics free of charge with a medical policy. To do this, you will first have to make an appointment with a gynecologist.

In private clinics, a standard (simple) test is cheaper than a liquid test. The difference is almost double. Please note that the price lists usually include the cost of the analysis itself, without consulting a gynecologist. Some have a comprehensive cancer screening program. As part of this, a smear is also taken.

Oncocytology allows you to identify cancer cells even at the very beginning of the disease. At positive result a more thorough approach to examining the body is required.

Video about analysis for oncocytology of HPV and PAP test: