Zhdanov’s method is complete for restoring vision. A set of exercises to restore vision using the Zhdanov method

Modern devices such as televisions, computers, smartphones, tablets and others can very quickly damage a person’s vision. Statistics show that almost every person with vision problems has some kind of modern gadget. Many people get scared and pay a lot of money for procedures that are either not necessary at this stage of the disease, or they can be done independently, at home and for free.

There is a wonderful and effective method of eye gymnastics according to V.G. Zhdanov, which enjoys great success. These exercises can be used both as treatment and as a preventive measure for vision impairment and various diseases.

The professor collected in his methodology research work the famous American ophthalmologist Dr. Bates, and also included some of the developments of Indian yoga experts. Vision correction according to Zhdanov includes not only creating a balance of the eye muscles and relaxing too tense muscles, but also adjusting nutritional rules, playing sports in nature, a normal daily routine and switching to a completely healthy lifestyle.

Eye exercises according to Zhdanov help fight diseases such as farsightedness, astigmatism,. For each of them, Professor Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov has developed entire sets of exercises that will definitely help, you just have to practice systematically and follow the following rules:

  1. Before starting gymnastic exercises, you need to remove your lenses and glasses, if any.
  2. As already mentioned, perform the exercises systematically and three times a day.
  3. It is recommended not to make sudden movements with the eyeballs to avoid any problems.
  4. Perform gymnastics not with the facial muscles, not by turning the head or tilting the neck, but only with the eyeballs.
  5. Perform each gymnastic exercise at least three times.
  6. If myopia is −4 or more, you should perform these exercises with caution.
  7. It would be a plus to visit an ophthalmologist before starting classes for further advice.

It is important to know that gymnastics should not be practiced by those who have undergone eye surgery within six months. Also, in case of retinal detachment, this gymnastics is contraindicated.

Now that all the rules are clear, you can begin to perform the following exercises.

In order to start studying, it’s worth making two tables with inscriptions, like in an ophthalmologist’s office. The text can be anything, for example: “soon I will be able to cure my eyes,” “it’s very easy to treat my eyes.” The main rule is that each line below should be smaller than the previous one. One table should be large in size (A2 format can be used), and the second should be like a regular sheet used for printing on a printer (A4).

The algorithm for execution is as follows:

  1. Stand at such a distance that only the first (top large) line is clearly visible. You should see the second one weaker.
  2. Cover one eye with your hand.
  3. Pick up a small sheet of paper with a table of inscriptions.
  4. Focus your gaze on the very top line of the large table, and then look at the top line of the small sheet. Repeat the exercise 3 times.
  5. Do the same exercise, looking at the second line. Since you see her worse, you will have to strain your eyes, this is how it should be. Repeat this part of the exercise three times.
  6. Close the first eye with your hand and open the second.
  7. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the second eye.
  8. Over time, master all the rows of the table.

The professor explains that this algorithm will be able to restore normal focusing, which will have a beneficial effect on restoring visual acuity.

The following exercises are used to strengthen the eye muscles. I remind you that you cannot move your head and neck, only do it with your eyes.

  1. Blinking. Blinking is the basis of all exercises and will be found in all subsequent paragraphs. You should blink easily and without squeezing your eyes to achieve maximum muscle relaxation.
  2. Look up and down, up and down. You should perform this for five seconds, then blink.
  3. Look left and right, left and right. Also perform for five seconds, then blink.
  4. Left and up, left and down. This turns out to be a diagonal. Draw 5 lines with your eyes on each of the two sides, blink.
  5. Right and up, right and down. 5 times on each side, then blink.
  6. Draw a rectangle with your eyes, starting from the upper right corner. Then draw a rectangle in the opposite direction. We repeat several times and blink.
  7. The bridge of the nose is the base of the clock hands. We draw a circle, like a clock dial. We blink. We carry it out in the opposite direction. We blink again.
  8. We draw a snake with our eyes. First from top to bottom, then from bottom to top. We blink.

The exercises will be effective if you perform them according to the requirements specified above. It is worth remembering that abuse of the technique can not only cause harm, but also aggravate the situation.

Exercises for farsightedness

With the help of the following exercises, the oblique muscles of the eye are strengthened by alternating tension and relaxation of the muscles.

Lesson 1
. You will need a pencil, pen or art brush. You can also use a large or forefinger hands.

  1. Extend your arm straight in front of you and hold the brush. Look first into the distance, then at the brush, but before that, blink.
  2. Without taking your eyes off the brush, bring it closer to your eyes so that the distance between the brush and your eyes is approximately 15 cm.
  3. Slowly extend your arm again.
  4. Blink and look into the distance.

Perform the first lesson five to ten times, remembering to blink.

Lesson 2.

  1. The gaze on completing this entire task looks into the distance.
  2. Bring the pencil to your eyes and begin to quickly swing it left and right.
  3. Next, you should move the pencil to the left 20 cm, continuing to hold it at eye level. Then return it back.
  4. Move the pencil 20 cm to the right and repeat the end of step 3.

The duration of the lesson is three minutes.

Exercises for astigmatism

Lack of focusing of vision is associated with a violation of the sphericity of the cornea or lens of the eye. Astigmatism can be congenital or acquired, for example, in the case of any injury, improper surgery, etc. If you don't do treatment of this disease, then this may lead to serious consequences, such as decreased vision or even strabismus. The exercises are famous for the many grateful responses from people who have improved their vision.

The following procedures must be carried out:

  1. Look with your eyeballs from top to bottom and from right to left.
  2. Draw a circle with your eyes and then a square.
  3. Draw a figure eight and then an inverted figure eight (in other words, an infinity sign)


  1. Warm your palms by rubbing them together.
  2. Place warm palms on your face so that your eyes are closed and your nose can breathe freely.
  3. Close your fingers. The light can't get through.
  4. Close your eyes and sit, relaxing and thinking about something good. The latter is very important.
  5. In order to get out of palming, you need to straighten your back. Close your eyes slightly under your palms. Remove your hands from your face. WITH eyes closed smoothly lift your head up and then lower it down. Then make smooth bends from side to side (from right to left). Rub your eyes lightly, open and blink frequently. The exercise is completed.


The exercise is done under any light source (sun, lamps, candles, lanterns), excluding only fluorescent lamps.

  1. Face the light. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, relax your body and close your eyes.
  2. You need to turn your body to the right, raising the heel of your left foot.
  3. Turn to the left, lifting the heel of your right foot.

Repeat the turns 20 times until you begin to notice sunbeams under your closed eyelids.
After this, you need to do palming while standing. This will get rid of sunbeams and relax tense eye muscles.

Palming and solarization for strabismus

The help of gymnastics with strabismus is necessary, since this disease not only spoils vision, but is also not particularly pleasant cosmetic defect, capable of ruining the lives of both adults and children.

The professor claims that these two exercises give good results for strabismus. Dr. Zhdanov also emphasizes that it is simply necessary to think about something pleasant and good while performing all these exercises, since morale and good mood are also very important for achieving good results. If you believe in positive result techniques, it will definitely appear soon.

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov – scientist, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. He is also a practicing psychologist, having received higher education in this specialty. Currently he is an employee of the public organization “International Slavic Academy”. He is the author of a unique self-instructional complex that restores vision and gets rid of. The complex is a course of exercises and gymnastics for the eyes, with the help of which the strength of the eyes is completely restored.

Many people are already practicing this method and confirm that eye sharpness really becomes the same as before. Let's try to find out what this method is and talk today about the technique proposed by Professor Zhdanov VG - natural vision restoration + watch a video with a speech by the author himself.

Natural and proven eye treatment

If you have vision problems, this does not mean that you have to accept it and wear boring glasses all your life. They will, of course, help you now, but in the future, you will still see worse and worse. After all, our vision depends on how the longitudinal and transverse ocular motor muscles work. And as soon as you put on the glasses, they stop working.

Therefore, the main cause of strabismus, astigmatism, and myopia is dysfunction of the six eye muscles. With the help of Professor Zhdanov’s technique, anyone can completely get rid of these disorders. To do this, you need to use special eye training. The exercises in them are very simple, but quite effective.

This technique is radically different from what modern ophthalmology offers today. Every year the number of people with serious visual impairments increases significantly. Their age is getting younger. Ophthalmologists, in fact, are powerless and can only suggest wearing glasses. Or, as an alternative - surgery before our eyes.

Zhdanov's proposed course is based on a theoretical course developed by the American ophthalmologist William Horatio Bates. Research conducted by this scientist showed that all the main eye problems, one or another violation of the clarity of perception of the world, are associated with the condition of the eye muscles. If you have good vision, that means they are in perfect order - trained and free. But if you have poor vision and wear glasses, the eye muscles are either compressed, stretched, relaxed or atrophied.

Professor Zhdanov V.G. carefully studied this theory, and on its basis developed a unique practical course of exercises. Moreover, vision begins to improve after the first lessons. But the most important thing is that you need to immediately stop wearing glasses as much as possible. Moreover, the effectiveness of the technique has been proven both by Dr. Bates himself and his many followers.

The set of measures to restore lost vision, developed by Professor Zhdanov, also includes the technique of the famous psychotherapist Gennady Andreevich Shichko, which greatly enhances its effectiveness. According to expert observations, replenishment using the Shichko method speeds up the process of vision restoration by 8-10 times!

Exercises for natural recovery vision

Before you begin training using this method, you should understand that the most important thing here is not their quantity. On the contrary, too intense and frequent repetition of classes. May lead to overstrain of the eye muscles. The main thing is the regularity of execution and frequency. Eye movements should be performed at least 3 times a day, preferably before meals.

It must be said that this complex exercise should not be considered a panacea. This rather a means restoration of vision, which requires great effort and patience. Positive effect depends on individual characteristics patient and may occur in a week, or maybe in a month or even a year.

Basic exercises of the complex

It must be remembered that all eye movements should be performed without straining them too much. On the contrary, you need to relax them as much as possible. Start exercises with 4-5 repetitions. Every few days, increase the number of approaches.

1st. Sit in a chair, relax. Looking straight ahead, start moving your eyes - up and down, and then left and right;

2nd. Try drawing a large rectangle in the air with your eyes. When performing the exercise, be sure to direct your gaze into the distance. Draw the rectangle first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

3rd. After completing the first two exercises, draw a snake with your eyes. First draw it in one direction, then in the other.

4th. Try to untwist and then twist an invisible spiral in the air with your gaze.

5th. Look in the upper right corner of the room. Moving your eyes diagonally, stop your gaze in the lower left corner. Then repeat everything in reverse.

Of course, these are just some of the trainings included in the complex that helps get rid of myopia. All classes should be carried out without glasses. In general, try to wear them as little as possible if you do eye exercises. Try to take them off when you are at home or walking along a road you know.

According to Professor Zhdanov, the most effective exercise for the eyes is to take off your glasses and try to do without them.

Svetlana, www.site

Relatively recently, Professor Zhdanov developed his own technique, which allows not only to preserve, but also improve vision.

A set of exercises for the eyes

Professor Zhdanov has developed certain exercises for various vision pathologies. They are based on standard ideas about the principles of functioning of the human eye.

They were formulated more than 100 years ago by the famous ophthalmologist Bates. He believed that Most vision problems occur when the eye muscles begin to tire. If they work normally, then the person can see well.

The Bates technique did not receive due recognition in the world, so Zhdanov decided, based on it, to develop and popularize his own method of improving vision. His revolutionary method allows you to get rid of and , as well as .

Exercises for astigmatism

You can improve your vision with astigmatism using relaxation exercises.

With this pathology, it is important to read often and a lot, but in good lighting conditions. If the letters begin to merge or float, then reading is replaced by palming.

The essence of the exercise is to “recognize” letters. If, upon completion of reading, the eyes receive permanent rest in the form of palming, the eyes will be able to “get used” to a relaxed state, so they will not get tired while working at the computer or while reading books.

Exercises for strabismus

To treat this pathology, several proven steps are used:

  • palming;
  • pleasant memory;
  • solarization of the eyes on a candle or other light source.

To perform palming, the patient must fold his palms tightly, as if there were water in them.

One palm is placed on the fingers of the other in a “house” shape. The eyes are closed, and the palms brought together further protect them from light.

It is important to place the eye slits in the central part of the palm, and the nose between them. If the eyes are opened in this position, then the light will not pass through the closed hands. Thus, the eyes will be warmed from the warmth of the hands.

“Pleasant memory” is performed immediately after palming. At this moment, the patient should think about something good, remembering the best moments that happened in life.

This is the only way to completely relax the eye muscles, which will have a positive effect on the effect of this exercise.

After completing the previous stage, you can proceed to solarizing your eyes on the selected light source.

To do this, you need to place a lamp or candle on the table. The overhead lights are turned off during the exercise so that the room is completely dark.

The eyes always look along the nose, and the head turns in different sides one by one. You need to do 20 repetitions. However, it is important not to look at the candle or lamp. Light sources must be felt when making turns.

In addition to the above-mentioned exercises that allow you to relax the eye muscles, you can train weakened muscles that cannot normally hold the eye in place, which causes strabismus.

The patient puts on a frame without lenses, and a dark cloth is wrapped in front of the squinting eye. Then you need to go to the mirror and look weak eye to the reflection in the mirror, turning your head in different directions.

Exercises for myopia

Especially to combat myopia, Zhdanov developed a method of working with tables. The patient needs to stock up on two different printed tables.

It is necessary to write standard text on them: “Give people vision and the opportunity to correct many refractive errors, and so on.”

The first table should be similar to the poster used for routine visual acuity testing in an ophthalmology office. In size, it occupies three standard A4 sheets.

If on the ophthalmologist’s poster the letters of the alphabet are written large in the top row, then on Zhdanov’s table the word “give” is written at the top, and below are the remaining words from the above phrase, etc.

It must be placed on the wall so that a person has the opportunity to move away from it a little.

The second table has the same content as the first, but it is smaller in size - about the size of a small wallet.

The essence of the exercise is this: the patient puts on glasses that do not have lenses. One half is wrapped in dark cloth so that the eye does not see the inscriptions on the table.

After this, you should move away from it at a sufficient distance so that the eye can clearly see the first word from the table, but the second line is not read very well. Then the second table is brought to the subject.

He reads the very top line on the second table several times, and then looks into the distance, at the first, and reads the word “give.” You need to practice exactly the same way with all the lines in order to properly train your eyes.

It is important to remember to move the dark cloth to the half of the glasses that was not working in order to train the other eye in the same way. Professor Zhdanov claims that with frequent repetition of familiar words, they become more recognizable, so the eye can notice them even at a great distance.

Exercises for farsightedness

To improve the condition of patients with such vision pathology, two methods are used:

  • Finger swinging;
  • Thumb.

To make a finger swing, you should clench your right palm into a fist, leaving your index finger in an extended position. The clenched palm is brought to the tip of the nose so that the finger is at the same level as the eyes. After this, the finger is swung in different directions.

Having completed the swing, you should move your hand 20 cm to the right, return to the starting position, and then turn your hand to the left. When performing swings, you need to try to look into the distance, and not at the outstretched finger.

Doing the exercise thumb, the patient should clench his hand into a fist and extend his thumb forward.

Hands stretch forward. The eyes blink a few times and then look at the thumb.

Then the thumb is slowly brought to the face at a distance of about 15 cm, and then withdrawn again. It is important to blink your fingers several times and look into the distance after moving your finger away.

With the help of such manipulations, the oblique eye muscles are toned, since a person has to look either at near or distant objects. When the finger is close, the muscles tense, and if it is far away, they completely relax.

Zhdanov and his set of exercises for restoring vision is a system for helping those who have lost visual acuity.

In the presence of diseases of the visual apparatus, it is customary to use traditional methods treatments that involve wearing glasses, taking medications, etc.

Many patients, due to contraindications or uncertainty about a favorable outcome, need to look for other treatment options.

Zhdanov - a set of exercises

Treatment ophthalmological diseases with the help of corrective optical means and surgical manipulations are not always effective. It has been proven that wearing glasses for a long time weakens the eye muscles.

Professor Zhdanov is against optical correction, presenting his own method of natural full recovery visual organs. Taking the research of scientists Shichko and Bates as a basis, the doctor created eye gymnastics that helps eliminate visual disturbances.

Features of performing the Palming exercise

If your eyes are tired, it is advisable to perform a light exercise:

  • palms are rubbed until warmth appears;
  • then they are placed on closed eyelids for 5 minutes.

The palms should fit tightly without forming the slightest gaps. A five-minute break is enough to relax the eyeballs. If you have to sit near the computer for 6-8 hours, palming is recommended to be done hourly.

While doing the exercise, think about pleasant things.

Effective gymnastics for the eyes

The scientist advises combining exercises with palming, each of which ends with blinking, which allows you to relax your muscles. Don't make sudden movements.

Move your gaze 5 times:

  • up down;
  • one way and the other;
  • right-up, left-down;
  • clockwise, drawing a rectangle, in the opposite direction;
  • round;
  • zigzag from right to left, and then vice versa.

You should start training three times a day.

Solarization - as a method of restoring vision

To improve the visual system, you will need to turn your face to the sun and close your eyes.

To completely restore vision using the Zhdanov method, body turns are performed:

  • to the left with raising the right heel;
  • to the right, lifting the left heel.

You should turn around until glare appears in your eyes, caused by the penetration of the sun's rays. Thus, the retina is activated. The flickering will disappear thanks to palming.

Therapeutic fixation of a person's gaze

While charging, you need to go to the window and, blinking, focus on an object in the distance. The next stage is when the gaze is transferred to the nearest object. Fix your gaze on a large object and then fixate on small objects.

Continuous blinking is an additional load and increases the tone of the eyeball.

An alternative exercise is to imagine that there is a butterfly sitting on the ceiling, which takes off, lands on your eyebrows and flies to the wall. Upon returning, it ends up on the tip of the nose and moves to the floor. Charging is useful for office workers who spend a long time in front of monitors.

What is the essence of the technique?

Gymnastics for the eyes according to Zhdanov is a method recommended for people of all ages. You can be at home or at work.

The professor believes that glasses are harmful to health, and their use should be abandoned. Wearing glasses every day causes the eye muscles to weaken, and the patient will need to take them off for stronger muscles.

Optical correction and drug therapy The scientist advises replacing it with a specially designed set of exercises.

Zhdanov’s technique is based on the developments of psychoanalyst Shichko and ophthalmologist Bates, improved by Vladimir Georgievich.

He states that for success it is necessary:

  1. Dedicate time to gymnastics every day.
  2. Strictly adhere to technique.

Gymnastics will be appropriate not only for ophthalmological disorders. It will be useful for those whose activities involve excessive stress. visual analyzer. Systematic training will restore the eye muscles and improve blood circulation in the brain.

Before classes, it is worth considering the following points:

  • the gymnastic complex is performed without glasses or lenses;
  • sudden eye movements are not allowed;
  • the involvement of facial muscles in the process is prohibited;
  • if it was carried out on the visual organs surgical intervention, they start gymnastics after 3-6 months;
  • A review of your lifestyle and determination will help you achieve results.

For severe visual disturbances You should get permission from your doctor to perform gymnastics. Patients with retinal detachment are strictly prohibited from practicing using the Zhdanov method.

The difference between eye techniques for myopia and farsightedness

When myopia or hypermetropia develops, the oblique eye muscles weaken, the rectus muscles are in constant voltage. Thanks to the exercises, the oblique muscles are strengthened, and chronic tension is eliminated from the straight muscles. For each type of violation, its own gymnastics has been developed.

Proper exercise for myopic people

The essence of gymnastics is to alternately observe objects located at different distances. You will need to prepare two sheets different formats(whatman paper and regular sheet). They depict tables that are used by ophthalmologists to test visual acuity.

Whatman paper should be attached to the wall at such a distance that only the top line can be clearly distinguished. The smaller piece of paper must be held in your hands. During training, first one eye closes, then the other.

Procedure for myopia:

  • look at the top row of letters depicted on whatman paper;
  • the gaze moves to the letters of the top line of the table in the hand;
  • the exercise is repeated 3-5 times;
  • Then similar actions are carried out with other lines.

Vision training for farsightedness

You can cope with hypermetropia by alternating muscle tension with relaxation. Charging is somewhat different from that intended for the nearsighted; it is performed using a stick.

To improve vision with farsightedness you need:

  1. Holding the wand, put your hand forward.
  2. Blink and look out the window.
  3. Focus on the stick and, without taking your eyes off it, move your hand about 15 cm closer to your face.
  4. Move your hand back to the starting position. The action should be repeated 5-10 times.

Another gymnastics option:

  1. Looking into the distance, you need to bring the wand as close to your face as possible.
  2. You should quickly move the stick in one direction and the other.
  3. The arm is moved to the right 25 cm and returns back.
  4. Next, you need to move your hand to the left and return to the starting position.
  5. The actions are performed within 2-3 minutes.

During training, you can use your thumb or index finger; your hand will need to be clenched into a fist.

The effectiveness of the method for cataracts

Cataracts are often diagnosed in old age. The pathology is dangerous - a person will lose his sight. Doctors offer treatment - surgery. However, the disease can be fought with effective exercises, which can alleviate the course of cataracts and even prevent its occurrence.

Zhdanov offers his own version of gymnastics, the implementation of which will improve the condition of the eyes, the main thing is to do exercises for cataracts 3 times daily.

Training sequence:

  1. Keeping your head still, you should look up and down, and then look left and right. The exercise is done 6 times.
  2. Drawing a plus sign with your eyes.
  3. Move the eyes in such a way as to create a rectangle.
  4. Movement of the gaze in a circle.
  5. Image of a spiral, from the tip of the nose.
  6. Drawing a “snake” from left to right and vice versa.

Regular training will help cope with fatigue of the visual organs, improve their functioning, and help slow down the progression of cataracts.

Useful video on the topic

How to restore vision with astigmatism

Astigmatism is characterized by blurred images. To normalize visual functions, a set of exercises will be useful, which will be especially effective on early stage pathology. Thanks to systematic training, the eye muscles relax and the cornea is restored.

Gymnastics must be combined with other therapeutic methods.

The training will be successful if you prepare for it correctly:

  • nothing should distract from classes;
  • It is necessary to practice in a well-lit room;
  • overvoltage should not be allowed;
  • believe in a favorable outcome.

The scientist’s technique for astigmatism:

  1. Palming is performed for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Before the main warm-up, you should blink intensely.
  3. It is necessary to move your gaze from one side to the other 5 times, from top to bottom and diagonally.
  4. Drawing a rectangle - first clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  5. Image of various figures - snakes, eights.
  6. Circular movements in one direction and the other.
  7. The final stage is blinking and palming.

It is useful for patients with astigmatism to practice with a candle. Having placed the light source in front of you, you need to move your gaze left and right several times. Then the candle should be extinguished and the same steps should be repeated while in the dark.

How does the technique differ from other methods?

When a person goes to the doctor with complaints of visual impairment, he is usually prescribed optical correction. In difficult cases, the patient is referred for surgery. However, traditional methods help fight the symptoms of diseases; the causes are not eliminated.

Professor Vladimir Georgievich is absolutely sure that wearing glasses or lenses makes the muscles lazy. How longer person uses such devices, the more difficult it is to do without them. Moreover, many people’s vision decreases even more, which is why they have to replace the optics they are using with stronger ones.

Gymnastic complexes for the eyes are based on the developments of Bates, who argued that the cause of problems with the visual apparatus lies in mental stress when trying to look at objects.

And if you start training the muscles located around the eyeball, the functions of the visual analyzer will significantly improve.

The professor suggests using a method that will allow you to do without medical care. In particular, the method is relevant for those patients for whom surgery is contraindicated.

Positive aspects of the scientist’s methodology:

  • training helps relax the eye muscles and helps normalize the nutrition of the visual organs;
  • Anyone can do exercises, regardless of age;
  • exercises are universal and available all the time;
  • Gymnastics is used both as therapy and for prevention.

The disadvantages of the method include:

  • need for regular training;
  • there is no guarantee of results;
  • appearance discomfort in the eyes at the initial stage.

Many simply do not have the willpower to devote time to exercise every day and endure painful discomfort. Thus, training stops almost immediately.

Nutrition and its combination with exercise

Zhdanov draws attention to the fact that exercise will not be so effective if the patient does not adjust the nutritional diet. The scientist declares the importance of separate nutrition. His system is based on the work of the famous Dr. Herbert Shelton.

The essence of separate nutrition according to Zhdanov is to consume protein and carbohydrate foods in different time. The professor highlights the products:

  • protein;
  • carbohydrates;
  • neutral (live), which includes fats.

According to the Zhdanov system, it is prohibited:

  • mixing protein and starchy foods;
  • eat two foods at a time high content squirrel;
  • simultaneous consumption of fats with proteins, because due to fat gastric juice released more slowly;
  • combination of sour fruits with proteins;
  • combine dishes that contain carbohydrates and sugar.

Mixed nutrition leads to undesirable consequences. For example, food that is extremely undesirable to combine will not be able to be completely digested. The result is the accumulation of residues in the intestines in the form of fecal stones. Most people do not suspect that for about 15 years, the resulting waste can be present in the body, poisoning it.

According to the scientist, health can be restored on your own. Changing your nutritional diet will help with this. Healthy food promotes the restoration of organs and systems. If you devote time to training, your vision will improve much faster.

Regular vision prevention

Any disease, including ophthalmological, is a consequence of certain causes. If you only fight the manifestations of pathologies, you will not be able to completely cope with them. Having disappeared for a certain time, the disease will reappear.

Professor Zhdanov’s set of eye exercises is useful in that it will not only help slow down the progression of the disorder, but also prevent the development of the disease.

It is useful to do health-improving exercises in the morning:

  1. When you wake up, you need to stretch and then turn in one direction and the other.
  2. Several times you should simultaneously open your eyes and mouth as wide as possible.
  3. Alternately closing your eyes and opening your eyes.
  4. Increased blinking.
  5. While standing, you need to use the tip of your nose to depict words and numbers in the air.
  6. Carrying out palming.
  7. Shake your fingers while mentally counting to 10.

Thanks to a simple warm-up, your muscles will relax and your mood will improve.

The training mentioned above will serve as an excellent prevention of ophthalmological diseases. The professor insists on getting rid of harmful addictions. For example, vision is greatly affected by smoking and drinking junk food. Therefore, nutrition should be healthy and balanced.

Important component preventive measures– maintaining peace of mind. Negative emotions and a depressive state provokes disruptions in the functioning of the body.

Real reviews from people using this method

Gymnastics for the visual apparatus, compiled by Vladimir Georgievich, has followers and active opponents. Scientists have a negative attitude, but it is stupid to deny the effectiveness, because this is a working method. The effectiveness of the technique is confirmed by many positive reviews.

Patients who have been struggling with myopia, astigmatism or hypermetropia for a long period of time note a significant improvement in visual functions. But the effect appears thanks to long and regular training.

A great way to get rid of eye strain while reading or standing in front of a monitor is to use palming. Without it, the elimination of ophthalmological disorders is ineffective.

Significant changes from the use of the technique were noted by patients who adhered to integrated approach. They followed the professor’s instructions, giving up harmful addictions, organizing separate meals and avoiding a sedentary lifestyle. Patients claim that favorable changes occur throughout the body, and vision problems disappear much faster.

The scientist’s method will be effective if a person shows patience and studies systematically. In the presence of severe disorders, patients are required to consult a specialist, otherwise the condition may worsen.

A complete complex for restoring vision using the method of Professor Zhdanov

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Vision problems are a scourge modern society. Daily work at the computer, visual strain, lack of active movements and poor diet – ophthalmologists around the world are concerned sharp decline quality of vision among the world's population. Gymnastics for the eyes according to Zhdanov is a well-developed set of exercises that can help restore vision. Uncomplicated daily practice will prevent the development of myopia and help correct existing vision defects.

Symptoms of eye disease

Many people do not take care of their eyes until they experience discomfort or loss of image sharpness. No one visits an ophthalmologist for a preventative check-up, but some pathological changes possible already at the initial stage of formation.

The first symptoms of visual center disorders are:

  • redness and burning in the eyes;
  • dryness of the mucous membrane of the eyeball;
  • increased headaches and dizziness;
  • noticeable decrease in visual acuity.

If you find yourself with the listed symptoms, immediately begin correcting your vision using simple but effective exercises Professor Zhdanov.

Indications for gymnastics:

  • strabismus;
  • astigmatism;
  • farsightedness;
  • myopia;
  • prevention;
  • just tired.

Gymnastics for the eyes according to the Zhdanov method can be performed at any time. In addition to exercise, you need to take care of recovery general health And correct mode day.

The essence of Zhdanov's method

V.G. Zhdanov, famous popularizer healthy image life, did a lot of practical work on studying vision problems in humans. The professor based his work on the ancient method of Indian yogis and the scientific research of the American scientist Bates. Indian yogis have developed since ancient times effective method increasing visual acuity through relaxation optic nerve.

Restoring vision largely depends on the correct functioning of the optic nerves, which need rest, like any organ of our body. The optic nerve can only be relaxed and calmed by the absence of a light source to which it reacts sensitively. If you regularly rest the eye nerves, vision begins to recover.

Professor Zhdanov developed a valuable set of exercises based on the methods of ancient yogis, supplementing and expanding it with exercises for correcting a wide variety of visual ailments. Let's consider a set of gymnastic exercises for the eyes according to Zhdanov, which help to quickly and freely restore the visual system of your body.

Important notes before exercises:

  • Take off your glasses or ophthalmic lenses- they will interfere.
  • Do not make sudden movements with your eyes.
  • During exercises, do not help yourself with your facial muscles.
  • At serious pathologies eye organs, consult an ophthalmologist about the specifics of the exercises.
  • You cannot perform exercises after eye surgery - wait six months.
  • Give up bad habits that are causing bad influence to the organs of vision.

Important! Zhdanov's eye gymnastics are contraindicated in case of retinal detachment.

Reconsider your attitude towards life, seriously engage in spiritual growth, eat healthy products- only if these conditions are met will you be able to completely restore lost visual acuity.

Basic exercise - palming

About the ancient yogic technique The whole world learned about relaxation of the eye muscles and optic nerve thanks to an American scientist. must be performed before each set of eye exercises, as well as at the end of this set. The technique is very simple and effective:

  • Stay in a dark room without a light source.
  • Actively rub your palms together to warm them up.
  • Make a “boat” out of your palms and cover your eyes - place the fingers of one hand on the fingers of the other.
  • Close your eyes and concentrate on the darkness in front of you.

That's all the exercise. However, when performing palming practice, the following points must be taken into account:

  • the body should be absolutely relaxed;
  • extraneous thoughts must be removed from the head - clear the mind of worries and worries;
  • to prevent the body from straining, you need to rest your elbows on some surface;
  • During practice, you can listen to calm music or read a prayer, you can simply count up to 100/200 or more times.

After the exercise, remove your hands, slowly open your eyes and blink several times. You need to blink quickly so that your eyes are moistened with tear fluid. After this, you can begin eye gymnastics using the Zhdanov method.

An important note on the practice of palming - how to achieve darkness before your eyes? When you cover your eyes with your palms, it should become dark. However, in practice, every person sees glare of light instead of darkness, which indicates overexcitation of the optic nerve. The eyes are so tired that even in complete darkness the nerve cannot calm down.

To help your eyes achieve complete peace, you need to try to imagine either a black square or a black curtain in a theater. If you can’t imagine something black, before the exercise, look at a black object for a few minutes and absorb information about the color with your eyes. Then try palming.

Sometimes optic nerve can’t calm down because anxious thoughts about life are floating in my head. Try not to think about problems, it’s better to turn on some nice relaxing music and forget about business for a few minutes.

Important! Keep your fingers pressed tightly together to prevent light from leaking through. Complete darkness is the main requirement for palming.

If you palm while standing (for example, at work), press your elbows close to your body and tilt your head slightly. After completing the exercise, relax your neck muscles by describing a figure with your nose in the air several times.

Addition to palming

Professor Zhdanov recommends that when performing this practice, remember any pleasant moment in your life. Even ancient yogis noticed the beneficial effects of positive emotions on vision. Stress is not only detrimental to hair and general health - it also reduces visual function body.

When leaving palming you need to do the following. Without taking your palms off your eyes, close your eyes tightly several times. Then remove your palms and slightly rotate your head in different directions with your eyes closed to normalize blood flow. After this, you need to rub your eyes with your fists several times, as small children do. You need to open your eyes by blinking quickly.

Important note! Palm every hour if you work on a computer. This will save you from eye diseases and decreased vision.

Basic exercises

Gymnastics for the eyes according to Zhdanov are seven basic exercises, which are supplemented with other practices to solve various problems with vision.

Basic exercises include:

  • blinking;
  • horizontal lines;
  • vertical lines;
  • diagonal lines;
  • rectangle;
  • zigzag;
  • circle.

The patient must draw the listed geometric shapes with his eyes.

Blinking is the basis of the Zhdanov method of vision restoration. Relaxation of the eye muscle depends on blinking. You need to blink quickly, but without tension. The flutter of your eyelashes should resemble the flapping of the wings of a hummingbird. For clarity, watch the flight of a hummingbird on YouTube. Blinking occurs in all of the professor's exercises as an integral part of practice.

Drawing horizontal lines with your eyes goes like this. First, you draw an imaginary line 5 times from right to left, and then 5 times in the reverse order. The exercise ends with blinking (blink for a few seconds).

Drawing diagonal lines is carried out as follows. First, you draw an imaginary line from left to right (bottom to top) 5 times, and then 5 times from right to left (top to bottom). We end with a blink.

Drawing vertical lines is done like this. First, draw a line up 5 times, then down 5 times. We blink for a few seconds.

How to draw a rectangle: Draw a rectangle from the right side line, and then erase it in reverse order. That is, we draw in a clockwise direction, and erase in a counterclockwise direction. We blink for a few minutes.

We draw a zigzag as follows. First, eye movements draw lines in the right-left direction, and then vice versa. We blink for a few minutes.

This is how we draw a circle. We imagine a dial and move in a circle, noting the imaginary numbers. We start at 12-00 and move clockwise. Then we move in the opposite direction - 12, 11, 10, etc. We blink for several minutes.

Exercises for myopia

A set of exercises to restore vision using the Zhdanov method for myopia is based on alternating observation of distant and near objects. Draw tables on two sheets of letters with letters similar to those used to test vision. At the top of each table write the largest letters, then smaller and smaller. One table is drawn on a sheet of Whatman paper, and the second on a standard sheet of paper. Hang a piece of whatman paper so that you can clearly distinguish the letters only on the first line, written in large font. Hold the second piece of paper in your hand.


  • Look at the first line on the wall sheet.
  • Look at the first line written on a regular piece of paper. Do the exercise 3 or 5 times.
  • Repeat the lesson with the second line. To achieve sharpness when viewing, strain your eyes. Do the exercise 3 or 5 times.
  • Repeat the same with the remaining rows of the tables.

Important note. The text on both sheets must be the same. First, do the exercises with one eye closed. Then repeat with the second eye.

Exercise to strengthen the eye muscles

This eye exercise according to Zhdanov strengthens weakened eye muscles and is suitable for correcting myopia.

  • Blink your eyes for a few seconds without squinting. You can’t squint your eyes; let your eyelashes fall and rise at a fast pace without tension.
  • Lift up eyeballs up and down for about five seconds. Make smooth movements.
  • Move your eyeballs left and right for about five seconds. Do not hurry.
  • Move your eyeballs diagonally in this order: left-up, left-down, blink a little. Then right-up, right-down, blinking. Perform 5 times in each direction.
  • We draw a rectangle with our eyes, first in a clockwise direction, then in the opposite direction. We do it 5 times.
  • We draw the dial with our eyes, first in the direction of movement of the clock hand, and then in the opposite direction. After each lap we blink.
  • Draw a snake and a zigzag with eyes. We direct the snake to the right, the zigzag to the left. We blink frequently between the figures.

Remember that eye exercises should not be done to the point of exhaustion. You cannot speed up the result with more repetitions: this will harm your eyes. Instead of large quantity repetitions require regularity of exercise: do not miss a single day to exercise your eyes.

Exercise "Butterfly"

  • Imagine that a butterfly is sitting on the ceiling.
  • Imagine that a butterfly has taken off and moved to your forehead.
  • Now the butterfly flapped its wings and flew to the wall.
  • The butterfly moved from the wall to the tip of your nose.
  • Flapping its wings, the butterfly flew from the tip of its nose to the floor.
  • After that, she went back to you and sat on your upper lip.

This exercise is also very useful for office workers, as it relaxes the muscles of the orbit well.

Exercises for farsightedness

The problem of farsightedness is the weakening of the oblique muscles of the orbit. To strengthen them, you need to alternate tension with relaxation. You can use a stick to charge.

First exercise

  • Extend your hand with the wand forward, blink and look out the window.
  • Now look at the stick.
  • Look at the stick and bring it closer to your eyes (about 16 cm).
  • Slowly extend your hand forward without taking your eyes off the wand.
  • Blink and look out the window.

Second exercise

This practice is done while looking out the window.

  • Bring the stick closer to your eyes, holding it in a vertical position.
  • Turn the stick left and right at a fast pace.
  • Move your hand with the stick to the left by 22-25 cm.
  • Return the hand with the stick to its original position.
  • Move your hand with the stick to the right by 22-25 cm.

How many times should you do the exercise? Set the timer for 3 minutes. Instead of a stick, you can simply extend your index finger/thumb.

Exercises for astigmatism

This disease differs from myopia in the distortion of the shapes of objects. With severe astigmatism, a person sees an ellipse or oval instead of a circle, as in a distorting mirror. However, eye treatment using the Zhdanov method can also help with astigmatism in combination with medical treatment. The professor offers three types of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscle fibers of the orbit:

  1. solarization;
  2. exercise for muscles.

The practice of palmigas is described above. Let's consider other practices.

First exercise

  • Move your eyes first up and down, and then from right to left.
  • Describe an imaginary circle with your eyes.
  • Describe an imaginary square with your eyes.
  • Describe with your eyes a horizontal figure eight (the infinity symbol).
  • Describe the number 8 in a vertical position with your eyes.

Second exercise - solarization

Professor Zhdanov's eye gymnastics are carried out with a light source - either in the sun or indoors with a fluorescent lamp (not fluorescent). The exercise is performed with eyes closed.

  • Stand in front of the light source, completely relaxing your body.
  • Turn your whole body in left side, raising your right heel.
  • Turn your entire body to the right, lifting your left heel.
  • Do the exercise until glare appears in your eyes - sunbeams.

After this, immediately perform palming practice while remaining in place. Perform palming to get rid of flicker in the eyes.

This exercise can also be done in front of a lit candle, sitting on a chair. Instead of the body, you need to turn your head. The candle stands at a distance of a meter from the head.

This vice visual centers can be corrected through the practice of solarization and palming. The combination of both practices produces good effect. With strabismus, clarity of vision is not impaired, however, patients suffer from a cosmetic defect.

Also, Zhdanov’s eye exercises for strabismus involve performing exercises to alternately relax and tense the muscles of the orbit. However, the emphasis in these exercises should be on the “squinting” eye.

A set of morning exercises

This morning practice will benefit everyone, regardless of their level of vision.

  • Lying in bed, first stretch and then turn over on one side and the other.
  • Open your mouth and eyes wide at the same time. Do it several times in a row.
  • Close your eyes tightly and open them. Repeat 5-6 times.
  • Blink like a hummingbird - several times.
  • Stand up and do exercises to relax your neck muscles. To do this, write your full name nose in the air, you can add your date of birth - write numbers with your nose.
  • Do palming.
  • Count to ten, shaking your fingers at a random pace and movement.

This morning warm-up will help relax your muscles and recharge you with positive energy for the whole day.

Bottom line

Thousands of people got rid of vision problems by performing eye exercises according to Zhdanov. Many of them took off their glasses and looked at the world with pure and clear eyes. The main thing in gymnastics, the professor emphasizes, is regularity. Don't try to achieve instant results - it's impossible. For some, a month of training is enough, while others will feel the results only after a year. Remember that the effectiveness of vision restoration will depend on the right image life. Get rid of bad habits, do exercises, and soon you will forget about glasses and contacts.