Ringworm in dogs. How and with what to treat lichen in a dog: ringworm and wet type, at home? Unconventional methods of treatment

Ringworm (trichophytosis) is one of the most common diseases in dogs, affecting skin animal. The causative agents of lichen are pathogenic viruses and fungi, the spores of which pose a threat not only to the health of the dog, but also to humans. Therefore, at the first signs of infection pet deprived, you should immediately begin treatment.

The main signs of lichen in a dog

After infection, ringworm does not manifest itself immediately, but only after two weeks, which is how long the incubation period of the disease takes. After its completion, the lichen manifests itself quite clearly, it is impossible not to notice it:

  • At the first stage of the disease, a slight rash appears on the animal's skin. Mainly in the head area or on the tail. Over time, the rash grows, increasing the area on the skin, and redness appears. The dog becomes lethargic or restless and refuses to eat.
  • The second stage is characterized by the appearance of flaky spots on the skin and partial loss hair follicles in the affected areas. The spots cause dryness and severe itching, the animal begins to actively itch, sometimes scratching the wounds until they bleed.
  • The third stage of the disease is the formation of crusts and baldness in the area of ​​the spots. In advanced forms, pus forms under the crust. To prevent complications, it is necessary to begin treatment for lichen as soon as possible.

Causes and sources of infection in dogs

The main cause of lichen infection is contact of a dog with a sick animal. Sources of infection can be:

  • infection through care items: bowls, brushes, rugs;
  • infection through environment: fungal-infected soil, grass;
  • fur of a sick animal.

Provoking factors that increase the risk of infection of an animal can be:

  • recently suffered by a dog viral infection, as a result of which her body weakened;
  • weak immunity;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • age of the dog (dogs over 8 years of age or puppies are most often affected by the disease);
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • presence of cancer.

How to treat lichen in a dog: drug treatment

As soon as you suspect your dog has lichen, you should immediately consult a veterinarian, who will clarify the diagnosis and prescribe comprehensive treatment.

Since lichen - infection caused by a fungus, antifungal drugs are prescribed to treat it. These ointments include:

  • Exoderil.
  • Zoomikol.
  • Dermatol.
  • Juglone.
  • Fungin.

Before applying the product externally, it is necessary to cut the hair around the lesion, rinse the area of ​​skin with warm water and treat it with iodine, and only then apply antifungal ointment.

It is very important to ensure that the animal does not lick the ointment. It is recommended to apply bandage or use a special collar to prevent licking of the drug.

Along with the external use of an antifungal drug, the veterinarian can also prescribe it orally, in the form of tablets (Flucanazole or Intraconazole), as well as immunomodulators to improve immunity, vitamins, and probiotics. It is effective to use a therapeutic and prophylactic vaccine, such as Microderm or Vakderm, to treat the disease. For advanced forms of the disease and for dogs large breeds special shampoos Imaverol and Nizoral are used.

Conditions for keeping a dog with ringworm at home: regime and hygiene

  • Walk your pet only on a leash, away from places where there are many dogs. Do not allow a sick dog to come into contact with other animals and people, especially children and pregnant women.
  • If possible, allocate a separate room for the sick pet, such as a balcony. Clean and disinfect it thoroughly.
  • It is also necessary to disinfect all household appliances and animal care products (bowls, leash, collar).
  • After contact with a sick pet, be sure to wash your hands.

How to treat lichen in a dog: folk remedies

As additional treatment You can use folk recipes:

  • Apply to affected areas Fresh Juice cranberries or viburnum berries.
  • Calendula juice is a wonderful remedy in the fight against lichen. Wipe the affected areas several times a day.
  • Cauterization is effective fir oil and vodka (1:1). Soak a cotton pad in this solution and apply to the site of infection for about 2 minutes.
  • Compresses with apple cider vinegar promote rapid healing of wounds.

Prevention of lichen in dogs

  • It is recommended to carry out timely vaccination of the animal.
  • Provide your pet balanced diet and proper care.
  • Limit your dog's interaction with stray animals during walks.
  • After walking, be sure to wash your dog's paws using antiseptics, for example "Citeala".

If you discover lichen in your dog, you should not delay treatment, but take him to the veterinarian as soon as possible to establish a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. Remember that lichen is dangerous not only for the health of your pet, but also for the whole family!

Ringworm is one of the most serious and annoying scourges of pets. The worst thing is that you cannot be completely protected from it, since fungi are transmitted by spores flying in the air. In order to become infected, it is enough for such spores to get on the body, and the immune system cannot cope with the danger that has arisen. This is how ringworm develops.

Culprit ringworm- fungi of the genus Trichophyton and Microsporum, respectively, the diseases they cause are called trichophytosis and microsporia. The difference between them is not fundamental; they are both characterized by certain symptoms and require the same treatment.

Fungi reproduce using very tenacious spores - they can withstand temperature fluctuations and other environmental influences. If the spores get on the skin or hair, infection occurs. The waste products of fungi destroy the epidermis, damage the follicles and the hair itself. As a result, the latter fall out and look as if broken off, hence the name of the disease.

Types of lichen in dogs

Fungal infection manifests itself in different ways, in the form of several subtypes of lichen:

  • pink - has a viral nature, the most harmless. It goes away on its own in a maximum of five days. Does not require treatment);
  • ringworm (this is the name given to both microsporia and trichophytosis). Characteristic sign- oval spots on the four-legged friend’s fur coat, bald spots;
  • pityriasis - the cause of its appearance is fungi. First, a bright spot appears on the skin. Pink colour, which soon turns yellow or brown;
  • eczema (tinea versicolor). In fact, the name “lichen” is inappropriate here, since it does not correspond in nature to other subtypes of lichen. Eczema is caused by allergens, not fungi. The disease manifests itself as follows: first, an area of ​​skin is covered with a thick rash, then this area turns red and swells, cracks and nodules with liquid also appear.

Table 1. Types of lichen in dogs

Type of lichenSource of infectionThe danger of human infection from a dog
PityriasisYeast-like fungi Malasseziafurfur, Pityrosporumorbiculare, PityrosporumovaleNo
PinkInfection, allergensNo

It is better to entrust it to a specialist to find out which subtype of lichen is bothering a particular dog. Self-diagnosis and self-medication can cause irreparable harm to the body.

How does infection occur?

Most often, infection occurs through contact with a sick animal - a cat or another dog. This risk is especially great if the pet has in one way or another communicated with stray dogs. The fungus gets on healthy tissue and begins to multiply.

There is also a high risk of infection through indirect contact - through toys, dishes, combs, beds of a sick dog. The spores of the fungus of a sick dog end up on objects immediately surrounding it, on a collar, muzzle, leash, or anything that the dog came close to. This item becomes a potential source of danger to other pets. This also applies to soil, sand, construction waste or rodents - fungal spores of a sick animal can be found anywhere.

A huge role in this mechanism is played by the degree immune defense dogs. Dogs with low immunity are at greater risk. The greatest danger is faced by puppies and very young dogs, or vice versa - by very old and weakened by diseases. Most often they become infected in the fall and spring - this is due not only to the seasonal drop in the body's resistance, but also to a deficiency of ultraviolet rays, which are destructive to fungi.

Attention! High risk of getting fungal infection(and not only the dog) in poorly ventilated, damp areas where due attention is not paid to sanitation.

Signs of ringworm

Incubation period ranges from eight to forty days. Usually, even before external symptoms appear, the dog makes it known that its health is far from satisfactory. The animal may become sad for no reason, refuse to eat, or not communicate with its owners. Then they begin external manifestations- spots appear on the tail, head, especially in the area behind the ear, and at the bottom of the paws. The spots are round, small, clearly outlined. The hairs completely fall out of them, then the skin begins to peel and itch, and the color of the integument changes.

Then nodules filled with liquid appear, the skin becomes uneven and becomes covered with a crust. Another obligatory companion of any ringworm is severe itching, sometimes reaching unbearable. A person and a dog, when sick, experience constant discomfort and scratch the affected areas, which then change color and bleed.

Attention! The disease can ruin not only the dog’s fur coat, but also the dog’s claws. This is indicated by a change in shape and separation of the claws.


With timely treatment, the prognosis is quite favorable. Adequate measures usually guarantee a complete cure and soon the dog will forget that he ever had lichen. But if left untreated, the prognosis is very serious, since there is a high risk of inflammation spreading and even sepsis.


If your pet shows at least one or two worrying signs, especially if the dog is lethargic and becomes uncommunicative, this is already a sufficient reason to immediately make an appointment with a veterinarian. For a preliminary diagnosis, a Wood's lamp will be shined on the dog's fur coat. Fungus-affected areas will immediately turn emerald green. But to complete the picture, this measure is often not enough. Therefore, a deep skin scraping is performed on the patient and a culture is performed. Based on laboratory data, we can already talk about treatment.


Lichen requires complex treatment. It includes:

  • ointments (“YAM BK”);
  • tablets (“Griseofulvin”, “Ketoconazole”, “Itraconazole”, “Fluconazole”);
  • antihistamines(“Zodak”, “Febtal”);
  • probiotics to balance work gastrointestinal tract(“Viyo”);
  • immunomodulators (“Fosprenil”, “Ribotan”);
  • vitamin complexes (“Excel Brewers Yeast”, “Gelakan Baby”, “Kanvit”, “Kanvit-Junior”).

A sick dog must be placed in quarantine - a separate room, preventing him from contacting other people and animals. It is also necessary to systematically lubricate the affected areas of the fur coat with ointments. However, external remedies can be limited only at the earliest stage of the disease. In the future they will no longer be enough. Dried crusts from sores are removed before treating the wounds. The dog is given a special protective collar so that she cannot comb or lick the sore spot.

The dog's skin and fur must undergo regular treatment. In such cases, experts recommend using:

  • ointments (“Clotrimazole”, “Sanoderm”, “Termikon”, “Fungin”, “YAM BK”);
  • special shampoos with antifungal action (“Nizoral”);
  • solutions (“Fukortsin”, “Miconazole”).

At the same time, it is still important to show the dog to a veterinarian, since the specifics of treatment depend on the specific type of lichen. In addition, you should be absolutely sure that your pet has lichen and not some other ailment with similar symptoms. And only a veterinarian can make such a conclusion based on the research data obtained.

Treatment at home

Many owners are prejudiced against veterinary clinics, believing that all the necessary manipulations for the dog can be done independently, and veterinarians are only interested in their own profit. Experts are not inclined to call non-drug remedies unambiguously bad. They can cope well with swelling, irritation, and redness. But eliminate main reason ringworm is a fungus, they can't.

So, we can say with confidence that in most cases it is impossible to cure lichen at home without contacting a veterinarian. The only exception is the very beginning of the disease. But even in this case, it is necessary to exercise reasonable caution, since the same alcohol solution can seriously damage your dog's skin.

Popular folk remedies that, according to numerous statements, can cope with lichen in dogs include:

  • iodine (the affected areas are lubricated four times a day. The dog should not be allowed to lick itself!);
  • apple cider vinegar (apply to stains five to six times every 24 hours).

It is best to put a special medical collar on the dog to prevent it from licking itself.

Why is it necessary to see a doctor?

Unfortunately, the number of people who are unreasonably afraid of veterinarians has not decreased much. Some generally believe that a dog’s lichen will definitely go away, you just have to wait. It really can pass - going into the stage of sepsis and ending along with the life of the dog, which could have been cured and not tormented.

In addition, by delaying registration at the clinic, a person is delaying the start of adequate treatment. Meanwhile, the fungi manage to occupy a larger area, and the infection spreads further throughout the body.

Important! Never and under no circumstances should you treat a dog with sulfur ointment, pure alcohol or brilliant green. Let the latter be considered an “original folk remedy.” Such remedies, in fact, are not only absolutely ineffective in combating the disease, but can also be as harmful as the fungi themselves, causing tissue burns.

Another benefit of seeing a veterinarian is that you are more likely to get the correct diagnosis. Ringworm is not always obvious and can be confused with diseases with similar symptoms, such as pyoderma and seborrheic eczema. You can read below about how dermatitis manifests itself and what diagnostic methods will help distinguish it from lichen.

Video - Ringworm in Pets

Caring for a sick dog

The first and most main measure- strict and scrupulous implementation of all the veterinarian’s instructions. It is necessary to regularly undergo tests and ensure that the dog receives good quality dietary food regularly and in sufficient quantities.

Ideally, of course, it would be better to place the dog in a veterinary hospital, in an inpatient unit, for the duration of treatment for lichen. Of course, such a measure is costly. If you can’t afford it, you should be especially scrupulous about your personal hygiene and that of your pet, and you can only take your dog for a walk and pet it when rubber gloves. It is better not to allow other household members near him during treatment. It’s good if, during treatment, the dog has the opportunity to be given a separate corner in the apartment - for example, arrange it on the loggia. At the same time, general cleaning and disinfection will have to be carried out there up to three times a week. Be sure to disinfect all objects with which the animal has come into contact.

Attention! You can now walk your dog only separately from other groups, outside areas and gathering places for dog lovers.


Like any other disease, it is easier to prevent lichen than to fight it later. It is enough to follow the steps that are feasible for absolutely any person:

  • regularly clean the apartment using disinfectants;
  • wash shoes more often;
  • regularly bathe the dog if necessary, wash his paws after returning from the street;
  • protecting your pet from any other animals, especially strangers or strays;
  • increased attention to personal hygiene - this applies to all inhabitants of the house.

The best way to protect your four-legged friend from harm is to vaccinate him. However, it should be remembered that this measure is by no means so harmless and can lead to health problems. After vaccination, it is necessary to take immunomodulators, hepatoprotectors and vitamins.

Video - Ringworm in a dog


You shouldn't be afraid of lichen. This, albeit very serious, is not fatal disease, where the cure directly depends on the degree of patience of the owner and his attentiveness to the daily routine and hygiene requirements. At the slightest suspicious sign of lichen, the dog should be taken to a veterinary clinic for testing. necessary tests and inspection. It is absolutely painless and will not cause your pet any inconvenience. It is important to remember that a seriously advanced disease can threaten not only the comfort and health, but also the life of the dog.

A dog can become infected with shingles if it eats from the bowl of a sick animal.

Causes of lichen

Ringworm is an infectious disease caused by a fungus known as trichophyton.

Trichophyton is very tenacious, which is why lichen is one of the most common diseases.

The fungus gets along well with different temperatures, is easily transferred from carrier to carrier.

About the reasons for the development of lichen healthy dog you don’t have to think long, infection occurs:

  • If the dog has been in contact with sick and street animals.
  • If the dog ate from the bowl of a sick animal or lay on its rug.
  • If the dog played on contaminated soil, grass, etc.

Important! There is a so-called risk group that is most susceptible to contracting lichen. The risk group includes animals with weakened immune systems, those with any illness, old animals, and puppies.

What does ringworm look like?

After direct infection, lichen does not manifest itself immediately; the incubation period takes about two weeks, during which time the owner cannot in any way notice changes in the dog’s condition.

However, at the end of the incubation period, the symptoms appear quite vivid.

First of all, a rash appears on the animal’s skin.

The rash may be barely noticeable, but gradually it increases in area and begins to turn red.

Growing in the epidermis, the fungus provokes hair loss, so the resulting pigmentation appears in all its glory.

The spots on the skin tend to be flaky and very itchy.

Over time, a crust appears on the spots if you do not notice this stage of the disease and do not start timely treatment, pus will begin to form under the crust, and then it will become much more difficult to cure the disease.

The most vulnerable places for the fungus are the head, ears, base of the tail, as well as the lower parts of the paws; the fungus damages these parts of the body first.

In the absence of proper treatment, the infection spreads to other areas - to the back, paws and stomach.

If an infection is detected in an animal, you must immediately contact veterinarian, he will advise how to treat lichen in a dog.

How to treat lichen in dogs

Before answering the question of how to treat lichen in dogs at home, let’s look at the basic rules for preparing for direct therapy:

  • The animal must be immediately isolated from children, as well as from other animals.
  • All family members must strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  • In the apartment or house where the dog is, it is necessary to regularly carry out wet cleaning and be sure to use disinfectants.
  • All objects that the dog comes into contact with should be disinfected.

Traditional Treatments

The disease is infectious in nature and is caused by a fungus, so it is necessary to treat lichen in a dog at home with the help of antifungal drugs.

Most of these medications include iodine, which fungi simply cannot tolerate.

Such drugs include "Yuglon", "Griseofulfin", "Zoomicol", "Dermatol" and others.

Before using such ointments, the remaining hair on the affected area of ​​the skin is carefully cut off and the area is washed with water.

On a par with antifungal drugs, the veterinarian can prescribe immunomodulatory drugs to the dog, drugs of this kind are no less important, increasing immunity, they thereby eliminate the possibility reinfection.

In addition to the described treatment measures, vitamins and nutritional supplements must be introduced into the animal’s diet.

Vitamins also help strengthen the immune system.

Unconventional methods of treatment

A popular question is how to treat lichen in a dog folk remedies, cannot get a clear answer.

The fact is that traditional medicine recipes are, first of all, selected for people, taking into account their physiological characteristics and needs.

There are methods suitable for dogs, but be sure to consult your veterinarian before using them.

remember, that self-treatment Without medical knowledge, it may not only not help, but even cause harm.

The main concept alternative treatment for ringworm is the use of iodine and vinegar.

Above, we have already described the method of using iodine in combination with antifungal agents, however, iodine can also be used as a complete preparation, lubricating the affected areas of the dog’s skin three to four times a day.

Vet needed

A trip to the veterinarian is not the best have a nice time both for the dog and for its owner, so very often pet owners hope that the disease will go away on its own or that they can cope with it at home.

Such misconceptions are fundamentally wrong.

Only a specialist will be able to determine the nature of the lichen and select the right remedy, considering individual characteristics your dog (age, size, presence of concomitant pathologies, level of immunity, availability, etc.).

From all of the above, it follows that a trip to the veterinarian is mandatory and immediate; in this case, it will be possible to deal with lichen faster and more effectively.


It is much easier to prevent any disease in advance than to cure it; do not forget about the rules of prevention.

An effective measure to prevent lichen in dogs is preliminary.

This procedure can be used not only as a treatment, but also as a method of preventing the disease.

The vaccine is given twice with an interval of approximately ten days.

After vaccination, the dog may become significantly worse general state However, this phenomenon is considered normal, after some time the adverse manifestations disappear, and the animal’s immunity increases significantly.

How to treat lichen in dogs: traditional and non-traditional methods

How to treat lichen in dogs. Ringworm is an infectious disease caused by the fungus trichophyton and can also appear in domestic dogs. Antifungal drugs play a major role in the treatment of lichen.

Ringworm is an unpleasant disease infectious nature, which can affect both humans and domestic dogs. The infection affects the skin; the causative agent of the disease can be pathogenic fungi or viruses. A sick dog poses a danger to all family members and other pets, so it is extremely important to identify lichen in dogs early stages and contact a veterinary clinic.

Photos of lichen in dogs

Fungal spores are one of the most resistant microorganisms to different conditions and can live in a variety of environments, so even outside the body they remain viable for many months and even years. The most favorable weather for fungi is damp weather with high humidity; in this case, they begin to multiply intensively, affecting the upper layers of the skin of animals.

A dog infected with lichen becomes dangerous to its environment. It is capable of infecting not only its relatives, but also humans. Ringworm is transmitted through contact with sick dogs.

Experienced dog breeders know that you should walk your pet with trusted domestic dogs, and by all means you should avoid contact with stray dogs and cats.

A pet can also become infected while lying on someone else’s bed, eating from the plate of a sick animal, or even playing with its toys. The source of the disease can also be the ammunition of a dog with lichen.

Factors that increase the risk of infection

There are a number of conditions that favor the development of infection in an animal’s body. All of them, first of all, affect the body’s immune forces:

  • bearing and subsequent feeding of offspring;
  • poor diet;
  • recent illness caused by viruses;
  • age – young animals and dogs over 8 years of age are more often infected with lichen;
  • diseases caused by oncology.

The main signs of lichen in dogs

First of all, the disease reveals itself by the appearance skin rashes, capable of appearing in any place or part of the body. As the infection develops, the affected area increases significantly, the skin becomes covered with crusts of a reddish hue, and begins to become intense. Absolutely bald patches appear on the body, with clear boundaries. In advanced stages of the disease, purulent exudate flows from under the crusts.

This is what ringworm looks like in a dog - Photo

Ringworm is usually accompanied by severe itching, forcing the pet to scratch the affected areas until it bleeds. If you do not show your pet to a veterinarian in a timely manner, you should expect the following: alarming symptoms lichen in dogs:

  • the appearance of inflamed colored spots on the skin that flake quite strongly;
  • severe hair loss, which can lead to complete baldness, this symptom appears due to serious damage to the hair follicles;
  • pets infected with lichen become inactive, lethargic, and get sick more often.

Types of lichen in dogs and their signs

There are several main types of lichen that develop in pets:

  • Pityriasis rosea. It is considered one of the most dangerous types of lichen that threatens a dog’s health. The development of the disease begins with the appearance of the first spot, which is called the maternal plaque. Afterwards, other spots branch off from it, which are foci of infection. The plaques are round in shape, about 2 cm in diameter, and the color of the affected tissue is yellowish-pink. This form of lichen is characterized severe itching, so the dog is constantly itching. Self-resolution of scaly lesions is possible 4-6 weeks after the appearance of the first lesion.
  • Ringworm or ringworm in dogs. This type of lichen can affect any part of the pet’s body - the body, paws, paw pads, nose, claws. You can recognize the disease by round or oval spots, intensively affecting the skin of the pet. Foci of infection become covered with scales, which make the animal go bald and bother the animal. unbearable itching. Taking a closer look at the areas affected by the infection, you can see hairs that look like they were cut off with scissors. Because of this symptom, the pathology got its name.
  • Ringworm. It is not a contagious skin disease. Evolving in the background allergic manifestations and wears inflammatory nature. The main signs of the disease are tissue swelling and rashes all over the body. The affected areas cause significant discomfort to the animal in the form of burning and itching. Spots appear on the dog’s body; the shade of the affected tissue varies from pale pink to blue. Also, the weeping appearance of lichen manifests itself in the form of cracking of the skin, blisters, and the damaged areas are subsequently covered with crusts.
  • Pityriasis versicolor. A fairly common reason for dog owners to visit a veterinarian. Initially, the disease manifests itself in the form of a small pink spot. At this stage, the disease occurs without other symptoms. Later, lesions appear on various parts of the body. They acquire a sickly color - yellowish or brown.
  • Shingles. The causative agent of this type of lichen infection is the herpes virus. initial stage The disease is accompanied by itching in the abdomen and ribs. Later, papules with liquid contents appear on the skin. Subsequently, they burst and become covered with crusts. In more late stages the disease also affects other parts of the animal’s body.

As soon as they are discovered primary signs depriving, until the pathogen is determined, the pet should be kept separately. To disinfect, you need to treat the dog’s habitat with chlorine-containing products.

Treatment of lichen in dogs

Only using complex therapy, you can save your four-legged friend from lichen. To facilitate the use of external products, it is necessary to cut the hair around the affected areas.

Standard care for lichen-damaged skin includes the following manipulations:

  • it is necessary to wash the skin with warm water;
  • wipe damaged tissues with iodine;
  • carry out treatment with drugs with antimycotic action - Zoomikol, Mikozolon, etc.

Care should be taken to ensure that your pet does not lick medicines from the skin. You can use a veterinary collar for these purposes.

Veterinary collar for dogs

To cure ringworm in a dog, you need to apply more strong drugs With antifungal effect: Itraconazole, Juglone, Dermatol, etc.

To support liver function it is prescribed simultaneous administration hepatoprotective agents.

Administration of Vakderm, Mentavak, etc. is highly effective in the treatment of dogs with lichen. The drugs are intended for intramuscular injection, the course is calculated individually by the veterinarian. The duration of this therapy varies from 2 to 2.5 months, and the result depends on the degree of development of the disease.

As the disease worsens, the dog begins to experience intense hair loss in clumps. Multiple bald spots may appear on the body, but it is also possible complete absence. In this situation, it is recommended to wash the pet with an antifungal effect - Nizoral, Dermazol, Kenazol, Imaverol, etc. These products have a mild, gentle effect, but they must be used according to the attached instructions.

To avoid manifestation on medical supplies, veterinarians prescribe simultaneous use antihistamine drugs (Tavegil, Suprastin, Diazolin, Diphenhydramine, etc.)

After vaccination, your pet's condition may worsen. However, this is a completely standard condition - the body naturally fights pathogens introduced with the vaccine.

In addition to activating defense mechanisms, special importance is given to supporting the animal’s immunity and improving the general condition. To do this, doctors can prescribe the following groups of drugs:

  • probiotics (normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • immunomodulators (Catozal, Glycopin, Ribotan, Immunofan, etc.);
  • (Aminovit, Gamavit, Placentol, etc.).

To eliminate the causative agent of the disease - the fungus itself, Fungin and Yam spray is used in the form of an ointment. They are applied not only to the affected tissues, but also around the lesion, covering healthy areas. To make application easier, it is recommended to trim the fur in the affected area.

For local treatment, before using external agents, use salicylic acid or iodine. But this can only be done after the recommendation of a specialist, since improper use can cause necrosis of the surface of the dermis.

However, the disease is still treatable; this requires timely contact with a specialist and complete comprehensive examination. An experienced veterinarian will draw up a treatment plan individually, based on the results obtained and the degree of development of the disease. For dog owners, it is important not to miss the first alarm bells. I hope we have told you about how to treat ringworm in a dog.

Our four-legged friends, in the company of happy owners, they feel comfortable and safe.

But sometimes even a tall house and a strong owner cannot protect the animal from harm. How to treat lichen in a dog if such a disease comes knocking on your door? What measures need to be taken so that this, at first glance, small problem does not become a total threat to both the animal and the whole family.

What drugs to use, what methods to resort to, and how to properly use means of combating lichen - today in our article we will answer these and many other questions.

Ringworm is a fairly common skin disease in animals, and dogs are no exception. This problem is caused by some types of pathogenic virus or fungus. The danger of this problem in an apartment or apartment is that this problem can very quickly move from a dog to a person.

Although the main route of infection occurs through contact with an infected animal, lichen can also be picked up through the soil. Its spores remain in working condition in the soil for about 2 years. Hot and humid weather will be favorable for fungal growth.

There are several factors that predispose an animal to infection.

The main factors are:

  • weakened immune system;
  • lactation period;
  • past viral diseases;
  • oncological problems;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • youth, or vice versa, old age of the dog.

And if we draw the line, the general state of weakening of the animal’s body will become a favorable aid for the development of lichen in the animal.

Know the enemy!

Before dealing with the treatment of lichen, you need to understand what types of this disease are distinguished. All types of lichen differ in both signs and degree of danger to the pet.

You can distinguish lichen by external signs, and according to these characteristics, lichen is divided into:

  1. Ringworm.
  2. Shearer.
  3. Pityriasis.
  4. Pink.
  5. Encircling.

Now let's look at each type of lichen separately and in detail.


This type of lichen is also called eczema. This disease can have a varied course. Both chronic and acute inflammatory. The nature of weeping lichen is allergic.

The main manifestations of weeping lichen in a dog will be:

  • rash;
  • itching and burning in the affected areas;
  • swelling;
  • probable appearance of crusts, cracks and bubbles;
  • peeling of the skin.

To fix this problem you need to resort to complex treatment. The first step towards defeating weeping lichen will be to find out the causes of its occurrence.

There can be a variety of causes, ranging from infection to poor nutrition. Contact your veterinarian for advice on this matter. He will also assign you correct treatment for an animal.

Treatment will begin with trimming the fur around the affected areas to allow the damaged tissue to breathe. After this, you need to treat the areas with an anti-inflammatory agent. An infusion of St. John's wort or the drug Dimexide can help with this. After this, you need to use drying agents: powders, zinc-based ointments or just talc.

If the animal suffers from very severe itching, then antihistamines such as Suprastin or Diphenhydramine can be applied to the damaged areas. The drugs Sulfur-3 and Mercurius are prescribed for internal use animal. In rare cases, a diet for allergy sufferers is recommended.

Ringworm in a dog

Ringworm seems to cut off the hair on the affected areas.

This comrade can affect the skin of the dog’s tail, head, ears and limbs, as well as the nose and claws.

Symptoms of this disease in dogs are:

  • not very large, up to 2 cm, round or oval spots;
  • rapid spread;
  • scales appear on the affected areas of the skin. Later they begin to go bald and itch.

Actually, due to the loss of hair in the affected areas, this lichen was called ringworm.

At home, treatment for ringworm is carried out as follows:

  1. You need to trim the hair around the affected area. When cutting, you need to capture 2-3 centimeters of healthy hair. You can distinguish affected fur by color - healthy fur is much paler.
  2. The removed hair must be destroyed.
  3. Before treating the affected areas, the crusts must be removed.

The most simple treatment ringworm is treated with iodine. The affected areas should be lubricated once every two days.

It is important to note that when treated in this way, the dog may experience complications such as necrosis of the skin layers or contact dermatitis.

This type of lichen is also called multi-colored or beach lichen. This is a fairly common type of lichen. The first signs of illness on the dog’s body will be a slight pink spot on the body. At this stage you will not find any more visible signs. This lichen actively develops on the back, paws and neck of the animal.

How to determine that an area of ​​an animal’s skin is already affected by lichen? The affected area will have a different coloration than the dog's normal skin color. The color can vary from yellow to brown. In addition, peeling of the skin will occur.

How to treat lichen in a dog if it has been affected by this type? Pityriasis versicolor needs to be treated using a special method.

For treatment we will need the following drugs:

  • juice onions. They should lubricate the affected areas of the skin once a day.
  • 5-10% sulfur ointment;
  • 3-5% salicylic alcohol;
  • antifungal agent Undecivitis;
  • drug Neotigazon;
  • Wilkinson's ointment.

Before using medications, you should definitely consult a specialist. These drugs have some contraindications for use, which are based on the general physical condition of the animal.

Pityriasis rosea

This species is considered extremely dangerous. Danger pityriasis rosea the fact that it occurs against the background of weakened immunity of the animal. And as a result, scratching the affected areas of the body can cause new infection, which, without feeling resistance immune system, will begin to progress in the animal’s body.

The first sign of pityriasis rosea will be small round spots of yellow-pink color, which will be no more than 2 cm in diameter. However, very soon the dog’s entire body will be covered with such marks. The disease arises and develops very quickly, but it can disappear just as quickly.

To a greater extent, treatment is carried out more for prevention. This disease does not require special medical intervention. In most cases, recovery will take 5-6 weeks.

Before starting the fight and prevention, be sure to consult with a veterinarian so as not to aggravate the condition of the animal, whose body may already have some kind of infection acquired by scratching the skin.

But everyone agrees that during this period the animal cannot be bathed, but you can walk for a long time in the sun. This will make the pet's life a little easier.

The causative agent of shingles is the herpes virus.

This shingles is caused by the herpes virus. Manifestations of this disease begin in the ribs and abdomen. The first sign will be itching, but soon bubbles with liquid will begin to appear in the affected area. They will burst over time, and crusts will be visible in their place.

It should be noted that the disease will not always manifest itself in this area. IN exceptional cases the disease can affect other areas of the body.

Used to treat shingles antiviral drugs. Analgesics, antiseptics and corticosteroid ointments.

Man, watch out. I'm coming!

The danger of this problem is not only that you will have to relieve the animal of itching, discomfort and potential deterioration in physical condition. The main problem is that lichen is a disease that can be easily transmitted from an infected animal to a person. And if you do not ensure good disinfection of your home after eliminating the lichen, the possibility of re-infection will not go away.

Superficial trichophytosis appears on skin covered with hair and on smooth skin. Externally, the disease manifests itself as round-shaped lesions on the skin. They have a clear color distinction with healthy skin. The incubation period lasts about a week, after which clinical signs begin to appear.

Areas of skin begin to take on a grayish-pink color and begin to peel. In the affected areas, the hair is broken off at the level of the skin; sometimes the hair does not fall out, but is bent and twisted in these places.

In some cases, the hair may be covered with a gray-white coating consisting of fungal spores. There is no itching in the affected areas, and purulent nodules, blisters and crusts can be distinguished on the periphery. Symptoms may vary depending on the pathogen, the type of fungus and the person’s health.

If you notice the first hints of trichophytosis, you should urgently see a doctor, and once the diagnosis is confirmed, limit contact with family and friends.

Treatment of trichophytosis

Treatment of trichophytosis of smooth skin without damage to vellus hair is carried out by applying tincture of iodine 2-5% to the lesions, antifungal ointments, 10-20% sulfur or 10% sulfur-tar ointment.

Among modern antifungal ointments we can highlight: