Can postinor cause bleeding in a girl? Emergency contraception Postinor: reasons for delay and discharge after taking

If there is no bleeding after postinor

Characteristics of Postinor

As an alternative, they also write that it is better to take a COC in emergency cases - Marvelon or Mercilon. Is it better to take something else (Marvelon or Mercilon) in emergency cases - or is it actually the same thing? Or should I never do this again?

Is taking Postinor an abortion? I believed that this was still a method of contraception in case other methods had failed, and that it still had a contraceptive effect (i.e., prevent pregnancy), and not a “killer” one (i.e., destroy an existing pregnancy).

This high dose hormone - very large, several times more than your body produces - in one tablet (in two tablets with a 12-hour interval - even more). The next day you don’t take the pill, and it turns out that the body first receives a huge dose, and then it is taken away from it. Premature menstruation occurs due to this difference. Must happen.

Then everything depends on your initial hormonal status and the day of the cycle when you take the pill. If initially your body produces a lot of progesterone and you drink in the second phase, then there may be no reaction at all, and the body does not see anything special in excess progesterone, and its withdrawal is insensitive to it, because you yourself have a lot of progesterone. This also happens - then, on the contrary, it is not premature menstruation that occurs, but a delay. Then postinor does not work - neither as emergency contraception, nor as a means harmful to the body.

When it works, it is a hormonal disruption that the body does not expect. It may be fraught with temporary impairment hormonal levels. Then of course he recovers. If there is no negative reaction in the coming days or weeks after using postinor, then it will not happen. You must understand that it is useless to take it more than once a cycle, because its effect is the rejection of the endometrium in this cycle.

The main harm of postinor is that it is a method of postcoital contraception, which means, in essence, medical abortion, in that it is not very effective, in that the pregnancy may continue and you will have to have a real abortion. More social harm than physiological. But it's a big secret :)

18.05.2007 | Medical Center"INTELmed"
The question is answered by a gynecologist, Ph.D. Golitsyna Elena Valerievna. Hello, Anna! Taking postinor and mifepristone could lead to serious hormonal changes in the body. In addition, if after taking Postinor there were bloody issues, then the mucous membrane in the uterine cavity has not yet had time to grow again, therefore, in response to taking mifepristone, it is not rejected, and therefore there is no bleeding. But all this does not exclude the possibility of pregnancy. Therefore, undergo a transvaginal ultrasound and consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist. In addition, you should choose more reliable method contraception.
Make an appointment

I heard that you can use Mifepristone as a “firefighter” contraceptive. And on the 27th day of the cycle. This is true? If yes, where can I get it?

Mifepristone is not a contraceptive, but a means for terminating short-term pregnancies. It is only allowed to be used in hospitals.

Is the harm to the body the same if conception occurred and Postinor destroyed the embryo (medical abortion) and if Postinor was taken empty, i.e. conception did not occur during intercourse. And one more question: is it really necessary to take a second tablet 12 hours after taking the first Postinor tablet. Or is this just an additional degree of protection that pharmacologists adhere to. Tell me, does bleeding occur after a few days in any case after taking it, or only if there was a pregnancy and Postinor interrupted it?

In any case, Postinor is drunk for 3 days, when there is no conception. Conception occurs a few days after intercourse, and Postinor is taken before this. So it does not destroy the embryo, but only causes premature menstruation.

You need to take a second tablet, otherwise the dose is small and there will be no effect, then why take the first? and two are often missing.

Withdrawal bleeding does not depend on pregnancy; moreover, once again, it occurs after the action or inaction of the postinor, and not before. If it has come before, he cannot act on it.

An important indicator is how long the bleeding lasts after postinoration. Often, menstruation lasts one or two days longer than usual after taking this drug. Sometimes they can even last seven or eight days. If after the fourth or fifth day the bleeding becomes light and not causing discomfort, you are probably fine and will stop completely after a few more days. If for six to seven days you continue heavy bleeding, you must definitely apply for medical care. If bleeding lasts more than ten days, you should go to the doctor, regardless of whether it is heavy or not.

and my POSTINOR has been running around the apartment for 6 years now.....that’s 5% ineffectiveness))

In conclusion, it is worth noting that Postinor and other EC means should not be abused. It is not recommended to use the drug more than once during the menstrual cycle due to the increased frequency of acyclic bleeding. It is best to avoid EC products altogether or use them no more than once or twice a year, because sometimes after taking Postinor there are no periods at all or severe bleeding occurs that requires seeing a doctor.

To minimize the chance of pregnancy, women can use the most different drugs, including emergency contraceptives, which include Postinor. It is in great demand, although its use sometimes causes certain difficulties and inconveniences. Women are especially concerned about the delay after Postinor (as during pregnancy) or, conversely, too much bleeding.

Characteristics of the drug

"Postinor" is an oral contraceptive intended for emergency use immediately after completion of sexual intercourse (postcoital). It is available in the form of tablets, packaged in 2 pieces in special blisters, which are placed in cardboard box. The drug also comes with detailed instructions.

The main active ingredient of Postinor is levonorgestrel, contained in each tablet in the amount of 750 mcg. The composition also includes excipients.


It is best if you take the first Postinor tablet immediately after unprotected sexual intercourse. The longest acceptable time interval between these two events is 72 hours. After the first capsule, you need to maintain an interval of 12-16 hours, then take the second tablet.

If the above-described sequence of actions is followed, this emergency contraception shows maximum effectiveness, preventing at least 95% of unwanted pregnancies.

But if the fertilized egg has already been implanted into the intrauterine endometrium, Postinor becomes useless.

The effectiveness of the contraceptive is noticeably reduced if at the same time a woman takes:

  • "Oxcarbazepine";
  • "Ampicillin";
  • "Rifampicin";
  • "Tetracycline";
  • barbiturates;
  • anticoagulants;
  • hypoglycemic agents.

You can use Postinor no more than 2 times a year. If regular protection against possible pregnancy is required, then other means should be used, choosing them together with the gynecologist.

Effect of the drug

"Postinor" begins to work after it dissolves in the intestines. The effect lasts for the next 24 hours. Influenced birth control pills a woman experiences heavy internections menstrual bleeding, which should begin within the first week from the moment the drug was taken.

All this occurs due to the action of levonorgestrel, which provokes a strong hormonal release, inhibiting the motor activity of the uterine muscles. However, the exact nature of the drug's effect will depend on during which stage of the menstrual cycle it is used:

  1. Before ovulation."Postinor" provokes inhibition of the process of egg maturation or affects the walls of the follicle, which leads to their compaction and prevents the oocyte from exiting the fallopian tube.
  1. After ovulation. The use of the drug leads to changes in the structure of the endometrium, due to which the fertilized egg is rejected. The result is an abortion effect.

During any phase of the cycle, the contraceptive produces mucus in cervical canal more viscous, which prevents the sperm from penetrating the egg.

If a woman vomits within 4 hours of taking the drug, she should immediately take another pill, otherwise the level of effectiveness of the contraceptive will noticeably decrease.

It can be used any day, regardless of the phase of the menstrual cycle. But if your periods are irregular, you must first make sure that you are not pregnant.

When the drug completely stops working (this happens within 2-5 days from the date of its use), there is a significant decrease in hormone levels, which leads to severe bleeding. In this case, the beginning of normal menstruation will follow the usual schedule, although there may be minor deviations.

Effect on the body

When using Postinor, you can not only get the desired result in the form of protection from pregnancy, but also experience discomfort from a number of side effects that arise due to the effect of the contraceptive on the body as a whole.

Most often in women using the drug:

  • stomach pain (lower part);
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea occur;
  • the menstrual cycle goes astray (scanty periods or acyclic, i.e. irregular discharge);
  • headache and dizziness;
  • the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted;
  • nipples become more sensitive;
  • bloody uterine discharge appears;
  • Breasts become engorged and sore;
  • observed allergic reactions.

In case of exceeding established dosage all manifestations of this list noticeably intensify. Because it's against active substance There is no drug for this, treatment is symptomatic.

When is Postinor prohibited?

The remedy can be used if sexual contact was unprotected or the means of protection used seem unreliable. However, its use is unacceptable when a woman:

  • under 18 years of age;
  • pregnant;
  • have recently consumed alcohol;
  • suffers from:
    • kidney or liver diseases;
    • lactose deficiency;
    • intolerance to lactose or other components of the drug;
  • I previously suffered from jaundice.

Delayed menstruation after Postinor

There is a delay when using this tool usually associated with significant hormonal surge from the use of a synthetic drug. Guarantee safety reproductive function Women will only be able to take the pills if they take them again no earlier than 6 months.

It is also necessary to remember that a delay can be caused not only by the drug, but also by the presence of chronic diseases(especially gynecological).

Bleeding after taking Postinor

Moderate bleeding that appears after taking the drug is considered completely normal. They should begin within a week from the moment the tablets enter the body. More active bleeding may be observed if the duration of action of the drug coincides with the onset of menstruation.

In women who have given birth, bleeding is usually more profuse and lasts 2-3 days longer than in other cases. If after 10 days they do not end, and the girl feels weak, dizzy and short of breath, then she should immediately consult a doctor.

For discharge after Postinor it may be characterized by the presence of a brown color, but there is no need to worry about this.

If the discharge has a pink tint, this may indicate the presence of inflammatory processes, therefore, in such cases, it is recommended to immediately contact a gynecologist.

Postinor and pregnancy

It is prohibited to use Postinor during pregnancy or even if you suspect it. In cases where pregnancy still occurs after taking the drug, you should definitely visit a gynecologist and consult with him regarding further actions. But it must be taken into account that numerous studies have not revealed any teratogenic (affecting embryonic development) effect on the fetus.

If, a week after using Postinor, a woman still has tightness in her lower abdomen and pain occurs (along with this, she may experience a little “smearing” in the middle of the cycle), then she should immediately consult a specialist to rule out an ectopic pregnancy.

It must be taken into account that when this option fetal development, the result of a special test will be negative, so it is not possible to identify the pathology on your own. This situation is considered especially dangerous, since with ectopic conception the only way management of therapy - termination of pregnancy at early. Otherwise, the woman’s life will be in danger.

The drug can be used during lactation, but after taking it you need to interrupt feeding for 24 hours.

Bleeding after taking Postinor is the key to the successful effect of the drug, according to official instructions. The medicine belongs to the means of post-coital contraception; it is the most famous and long-proven remedy in the CIS. To prevent the onset of unwanted conception, you need to take the pill for three days after sexual intercourse. In the future, after the allotted period, taking the drug does not matter. The active contraceptive substance is gestagen - levonorgestrel. Synthetic gestagens and their structurally similar hormones affect changes in the endometrial mucosa, which makes implantation impossible. The embryo cannot attach to the wall of the uterus, as a result of which it dies. Synthetic gestagen transfers the endometrium from the secretory phase to the proliferative phase, which ensures the rapid arrival of menstrual-like periods. bleeding, which last approximately the same duration as normal periods, although there are individual differences, because each body reacts to the substance in its own way. In any case, it arises hormonal disbalance, after which the woman’s sexual functions are restored over time. Many girls are concerned about the following questions: how many days does bleeding begin after taking postinor, and also what should normal bleeding be like after postinor, what is normal, and when should you see a doctor?

Should there be blood after?

Can postinor cause bleeding? Yes, levonorgestrel causes effects similar to completion in the female body monthly cycle. After using it, the endometrial layer is rejected, which means that menstruation will begin soon. According to the manufacturer, 3-6 days after use there will be a selection blood clots. In this case, if everything went well, problems arise during this time period. brown discharge after postinor in a small volume, which indicates that artificial menstruation has occurred. If there is no bleeding, then you should wait a little longer, they can start in 7-8 days, deviation from the instructions for a couple of days is not at all critical. If after using the drug at all times specified deadlines bleeding has not started, then this is a serious reason to consult a doctor to check the condition of the body with an ultrasound.

Why is there no bleeding after postinor?

Everything should be considered possible reasons absence of menstruation:

  • Untimely use of the drug, after three days, when the attachment of the embryo has already occurred
  • Severe hormonal imbalance
  • Use of the drug in conjunction with other hormonal agents
  • The medicine didn't work.

Unfortunately, if more than a week has passed and you still haven’t had your period, then most likely the medication did not work, and you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. After visiting a gynecologist, you must donate blood to determine the level human chorionic gonadotropin in organism. High rate hormone and the presence of an attached embryo in the uterus, which is visible on ultrasound, a clear sign that levonorgestrel did not work. This happens due to untimely use of the medicine or due to its invalidity, because not a single manufacturer gives a 100% guarantee of the results of their product. If pregnancy does occur, it is recommended to have a medical abortion or you can leave the child, since levonorgestrel has no significant effect on the body of the developing fetus.

By the way, interesting fact. If brown discharge begins after taking postinor, this also does not guarantee that the woman has not become pregnant, since acyclic vaginal discharge do not guarantee the absence of pregnancy. If gestation has already occurred after using the drug, then spotting or long-term continuous discharge with blood impurities may occur. How long does bleeding last normally? Usually this takes within 3-10 days, but in some cases, menstruation can last up to two weeks inclusive, since a hormonal imbalance occurs, and each body reacts to it in its own way.

How to stop bleeding if it lasts

Spotting menstruation is one thing, because the blood loss in this case is insignificant, but when scarlet blood constantly flows, and the pad has to be changed every 3-4 hours, and there is no hint of stopping, then this indicates metrorrhagia, which needs to be stopped. In any case, you should make an appointment with a gynecologist so that he can prescribe medications to restore hormonal levels (as a rule, oral contraceptives are prescribed), but until the woman gets an appointment, you can try to stop the bleeding at home with the help of hemostatics.

What tools can be used:

  • Aminocaproic acid
  • Dicynone (etamsylate)
  • Tranexam.

What substances should you not resort to:

  • Vikasol
  • Askorutin
  • Water pepper tincture
  • Nettle leaf extract.

Aminocaproic acid, like tranexam, can quickly eliminate metrorrhagia, since both directly affect the blood clotting process. These substances are contraindicated for persons with thrombosis or a tendency to form blood clots.

Dicynone (etamsylate) is the safest hemostatic agent on the pharmacological market and least likely to cause side effects. The product stops bleeding in the capillaries, quickly healing them. Etamsylate does not significantly affect blood clotting parameters, and at the same time, it helps very quickly. After taking the tablets, the effect develops after a few hours, and after injections after 10-15 minutes.

Vikasol is a synthetic water-soluble analogue of fat-soluble vitamin K. In our body, vitamin K is synthesized in sufficient quantities under conditions of normal healthy microflora. Disturbance of intestinal microflora usually occurs due to the abuse of antibiotics. If a woman does not suffer from dysbacteriosis, then a deficiency of vitamin K is unlikely to be detected in her body. If she takes Vicasol, the effect will occur no earlier than in 8-24 hours, and if there is no vitamin deficiency, then the result from using the drug may not be at all occur, but it is quite possible to develop the risk of hypercoagulation or a blood clot.

Ascorutin is a harmless vitamin preparation based on the bioflavonoid rutin and ascorbic acid. Has no side effects, replenishes vitamin C deficiency, strengthens vascular walls, but that's it positive effects are ending. Taking ascorutin, even in very large quantities, will not stop metrorrhagia, although it will not do much harm. In serious situations, use is useless.

Water pepper tincture and nettle leaf extract - herbal hemostatic preparations are good for minor disorders, if pathological condition becomes serious, you can’t do it with herbs alone.

What can a doctor prescribe to normalize the cycle? Reception possible oral contraceptives, which put the ovaries into a dormant state. Depending on the individual characteristics a specific patient may be prescribed fourth-generation antiandrogenic oral contraceptives based on drospirenone, cyproterone or chlormadione acetate (, claira), third-generation COCs without androgenic side effects based on gestodene, desogestrel, dienogest (, regulon, novinet,) or second-generation OCs based on that same as levonorgestrel (, microgynon,).

What should be the normal discharge?

Normal after taking loading dose levonorgestrel discharge is brown, there are few of them, the intensity is moderate, they are thick. Dark Brown color occurs due to a mixture of mucus and small quantity blood. The onset of discharge is accompanied by a moderate malaise of the whole body; weakness is often observed, similar to the onset of real menstruation. Dark clots with scarlet impurities often indicate that levonorgestrel was taken in the second phase of the cycle, and regular periods began. Synthetic gestagens can shift the physiological cycle, affecting the date of menstruation.

A small amount of menstrual-like bleeding is normal. After a week, it is recommended to test the levels of human chorionic gonadotropin to make sure that conception has not occurred. Before taking the pills, it is also recommended to take a pregnancy test first to ensure that the woman is not already pregnant. In some cases, the postcoital type of contraception causes complications in the course of an existing pregnancy. There is a risk of miscarriage, metrorrhagia, placental abruption. If a woman is worried about something after using fire contraceptives, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Side effects and contraindications for use

Taking the medication is contraindicated under the age of 16, as well as in case of individual intolerance to the active substance in the composition.

The most common side effects that occur are vomiting or nausea after use. Others less common side effects– dizziness, migraine, severe headache, diarrhea, pulling or sharp pains lower abdomen, metrorrhagia, decreased performance, increased fatigue, hormonal imbalance.

The least common side effects that may occur are skin: acne, urticaria, various allergic reactions, dysmenorrhea, itchy skin, pelvic pain, facial swelling, metabolic disorders. Metabolic disorders are often reflected in fluctuations in body weight. To minimize the harm from such medications, they should not be used more often than once every 3-4 months.

Bleeding after taking Postinor is a natural phenomenon. After all, this contraceptive is intended for use in exceptional cases, to avoid unwanted pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse. Postinor is effective drug, however, has many side effects that can negatively affect female body.

Effect of the drug

An effective remedy is Postinor, bleeding after it is natural process. However, it is used only in emergency situations, since its composition can disrupt hormonal levels. It is usually used to prevent accidental pregnancy. If you drink the drug within 24 hours after intimate contact, then conceiving a child is 95% impossible. On the second day its effectiveness decreases by 75%, and on the third – 58%.

As a rule, bleeding after Postinor occurs on days 6-7. Usually this heavy discharge than monthly menstruation. A woman loses about 40-75 ml of blood. This condition indicates a change in hormonal levels.

Bleeding after Postinor is considered normal indicator, and you shouldn't worry about it. These days, it is recommended to change hygiene products more often and monitor your condition. After taking Postinor for a month, the menstrual cycle is restored, it can only change the date of menstruation.

A woman should pay attention to the duration of bleeding. It may last two to three days longer than your normal period. If on the fourth day the discharge decreases and does not cause discomfort, then the process of termination of pregnancy was normal, the bleeding will end in a few days.

In some cases, the following pathological processes may be observed:

  1. Excessive hemorrhage during the day, shift hygiene products every half hour.
  2. Large blood clots are released for more than one day.
  3. Prolonged blood loss for more than ten days.
  4. Anemic signs are present: pain, shortness of breath and dizziness.

If these signs are present, you should immediately consult a doctor or call for medical help. Even if the bleeding is not severe, it is prolonged - more than ten days.

Probability of pregnancy

It should be remembered that taking Postinor may not always give 100% results. If after taking the pills a slight hemorrhage lasting one or two days occurs and stops, then a pregnancy test should be performed to check.

Often this condition may indicate pregnancy. Implantation bleeding usually occurs 6-12 days after conception and is sometimes confused with regular menstruation. In contrast, a little blood is released, and the woman gets by on a daily basis.

This is explained by the fact that the embryo enters the uterus a few days after conception, and a slight hemorrhage occurs. At this time, a woman may experience weak pain syndrome. If the test results are positive, you need to go to the hospital, because taking Postinor can negatively affect the unborn baby and cause various defects.

Often, after taking Postinor, an ectopic pregnancy may occur. How this happens has not yet been revealed, but a woman should pay attention to her condition and contact medical institution.

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy:

  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • cramps in the lower abdomen;
  • malaise.

The possibility of an ectopic pregnancy cannot be excluded, so it is necessary to immediately take measures to eliminate pathological process. A timely visit to a medical facility will help clarify the situation.

Side effects and contraindications

Usually bleeding from Postinor indicates that the drug has worked. It blocks a mature egg in the ovary and prevents its release. As a result, conception does not occur, and menstruation begins.

If pregnancy has already occurred, then a large dosage of the hormone in the drug will not terminate the pregnancy in any way, but may negatively affect the development of the embryo.

It should also be remembered that Postinor has side effects, so there are contraindications:

  1. Thrombosis in arteries and veins.
  2. Pathology of the liver and gall bladder.
  3. Allergic reaction.
  4. Bleeding from the vagina due to other ailments.

Young girls under 16 years of age are allowed to take the drug only as prescribed by a doctor, so that they can have children in the future. After all, they are just beginning to develop ovarian function. Side effects may cause infertility. During lactation, it is recommended to take two tablets at once and skip one feeding. Breast milk should be strained into a container and poured out.

Bleeding is dangerous after taking the drug and for women who have ongoing problems with menstrual cycle caused by malfunction ovaries. In this case, even one pill can cause infertility. Postinor is also not recommended for women with liver and kidney problems.

Postinor can cause the following condition:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • swelling of the mammary glands and painful sensations in them;
  • headache;
  • fast fatiguability.
  • brown bleeding.

Before taking Postinor, you should consult your doctor. Side effects from taking the pills can negatively affect the female body, change hormonal levels and lead to severe bleeding.

Instructions for taking the drug

For the drug to work, you need to know how to take it. After all, ignoring the instructions can lead to pregnancy, and the side effects of the drug can negatively affect the development of the fetus, as a result of which the child may be born with defects.

Postinor is taken immediately after unprotected intimate intercourse. It contains the hormone Levonorgestrel. The package contains two tablets, each containing 0.75 mg of this substance. A positive result occurs if a woman takes these pills, observing an interval of 12 hours. If these indications are violated, the drug may not work, and side effects that disrupt the imbalance of hormones are also likely to occur.

Bleeding after taking Postinor may vary. It all depends on the dosage and the individuality of the body. In many cases, bleeding continues for about a week. If it lasts more than 10 days, then you should contact a gynecologist and find out the cause of the pathological process.

At prolonged bleeding drugs are prescribed to ensure blood clotting. Medicines are selected by a doctor taking into account individual characteristics, and they are taken under his supervision.

The following drugs are often prescribed:

  1. Vikasol.
  2. Dicynone.
  3. Ascorutin.

If there is a large loss of blood, a transfusion is required; for this, red blood cells and plasma are used. If using drug treatment unable to stop the bleeding, they resort to surgical method. Curettage of the uterus is performed to clean endometrial fragments.

Thus, bleeding from taking Postinor is possible; it will be profuse, but not more than a week. This means that the drug worked and protected against unwanted pregnancy. However, to ensure a positive result, you should take a pregnancy test and be examined by a doctor.

Many women face the problem of severe bleeding after postinoration. Although such by-effect makes women worry, fortunately, it is not always a sign of health problems.

Postinor is a contraceptive that is not intended to routinely prevent unwanted pregnancy. It can prevent pregnancy if taken within seventy-two hours of unprotected sex. Scientists estimate that postinor generally prevents pregnancy in 80% of cases. If you take the drug on the first day after intercourse, the probability that pregnancy will not occur is 95%. On the third day, its effectiveness decreases to 58%. Although this contraceptive is very effective, it can cause some serious side effects.

Bleeding after postinoration: when to worry

The first menstrual bleeding after taking Postinor is often heavier than usual - this is a fairly common occurrence. The average volume of discharge during a woman's period is 30-35 ml, but any volume in the range from 10 to 80 ml is considered normal. Women who are tall, have given birth, or are going through perimenopause tend to have more than average menstrual bleeding. One of the reasons for excessive heavy bleeding, the volume of which exceeds 80 ml, is a hormonal imbalance. Postinor can cause a temporary imbalance of hormones, which leads to very heavy menstrual bleeding. In most cases, this is not something to worry about. You just need to always have a sufficient number of pads or tampons on hand and change them more often than you usually do. For maximum protection, you can use pads and tampons together. As a rule, after a month, menstrual bleeding returns to normal.

However, in the following cases, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible:

  • You are bleeding so heavily that you have to change pads at least once an hour for hours on end. If this bleeding continues for twelve hours or more, call an ambulance.
  • You have to change pads in the middle of the night.
  • For more than one the day goes by blood with clots.
  • Due to heavy bleeding, you had to give up some activities, such as working out.
  • You have signs of anemia, such as lethargy, weakness, shortness of breath.

An important indicator is how long the bleeding lasts after postinoration. . Often, menstruation lasts one or two days longer than usual after taking this drug. Sometimes they can even last seven or eight days. If after the fourth or fifth day the bleeding becomes light and not causing discomfort, you are probably fine and will stop completely after a few more days. If you continue to experience heavy bleeding for six to seven days, you should definitely seek medical help. If bleeding lasts more than ten days, you should go to the doctor, regardless of whether it is heavy or not.

Possible pregnancy

If a few days after taking Postinor you start to have light bleeding that lasts for a day or two and then stops, take a pregnancy test. Perhaps it was implantation bleeding, which is often the very first sign of pregnancy. It begins six to twelve days after conception , and sometimes it is mistaken for menstruation, although during normal menstruation the bleeding should not be spotting. Implantation bleeding, unlike menstrual bleeding, can be so weak that the patient can get by with simple daytime pads.

Fertilization of the egg occurs in the fallopian tube, through which the egg moves into the uterus after ovulation. The embryo, that is, the fertilized egg, enters the uterus only a few days after conception. Then it penetrates the wall of the uterus, and this can cause slight bleeding. During embryo implantation, a woman may also feel mild cramping in her lower abdomen. There are usually no other signs of pregnancy at this time.

If a pregnancy test shows positive result, make an appointment with your doctor immediately. Be sure to tell him that you took Postinor. There is little chance that this drug will cause any birth defects in the baby, so you will have a good chance of having a successful pregnancy.

In some cases, women develop an ectopic pregnancy after taking Postinor. It is unclear to what extent the use of this medication affects the likelihood of developing an ectopic pregnancy; be that as it may, any woman who decides to take Postinor should know its signs. An ectopic pregnancy may not cause any symptoms at first. A few weeks, and sometimes a couple of months after its onset, signs such as vaginal bleeding, nausea, vomiting, pain and/or severe cramps in the lower abdomen, pain on one side of the body, dizziness, weakness. If a break occurs fallopian tube, begins internal bleeding, which can lead to sharp decline blood pressure and fainting. If you suspect an ectopic pregnancy you should seek medical help as soon as possible.