A small ball on the labia. A ball on the labia: why did it appear and what to do? Benign formations on the labia

Doctors emphasize that women experience pimples quite often. In most cases, this situation indicates that there has been a malfunction in the functioning of the female body, but this is not the only reason for the occurrence of such trouble. It happens that such rashes are just a cosmetic defect.

To accurately determine the cause, you will need to find out the following points:

  • What size is it?
  • What color is it?
  • Does it come out with pus or not?
Having clarified these points, you can determine the type of pimple and the reason for its appearance.

White pimples on the labia

Already from the name it is clear that rashes of this type are visually white in color. They are bumps the size of a poppy seed, which fill with pus over time (the pimple reaches the stage of full maturity).

As a rule, after the head, which contains pus, reaches its peak growth, the pimples go away. Purulent pimples on the labia also fall into the category of white pimples.

Common manifestation factors include:

  • Minor injury to the intimate area and bacteria entering the wound, for example, when removing hair in the bikini area with a razor.
  • Wearing underwear made of synthetic materials or rarely changing pads.
  • Hypothermia of the body - this leads to the fact that blood circulation is disrupted, and the pathogens of purulent pimples receive all the favorable conditions for their activity and reproduction.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases. If white pimples are localized near the mucous membrane, this may indicate the presence of a sexually transmitted infection.

If pimples with liquid inside and begin to burst with the release of this liquid (clear or cloudy), then it is likely that they are caused by them. This is a lifelong disease that cannot be eliminated, but its manifestations can be suppressed for a while. You need to monitor your diet, lifestyle, and also improve your immunity. And when herpetic rashes Immediately begin treatment with local antiherpetic agents and avoid sexual relations until complete deliverance from acne. Read more about the treatment of herpes.

Genital herpes is transmitted exclusively through sexual contact, so there is a risk of infecting your sexual partner.

In what situations should you immediately consult a doctor?

Some of the formations in the intimate area do not pose a threat to health, while others become a symptom of a more serious disease, so it is important to know in which situations you should immediately consult a doctor. So, consultation with a gynecologist or dermatovenerologist is necessary if:
  • Pimples do not go away in more than 7 days. It doesn’t matter whether the pimple becomes inflamed or nothing happens to it.
  • Pimples not only cause cosmetic discomfort, but also begin to itch and burn, which leads to swelling of the labia.
  • If, in addition to a red pimple, peeling of the epidermis also appears.
  • If intimacy without using a condom provokes the appearance of acne.
  • In addition to acne on the labia, other ailments are also troubling: high fever, weakness in the body, enlarged lymph nodes.
  • At the site of the pimple a open wound, which does not heal for a long time (from 14 days).
In this case, the doctor will determine the exact cause of the problem and prescribe the correct treatment.

5 rules for treating acne on the labia

There are a number of measures that you need to take to alleviate your condition, and they do not depend on what etymology the education has:
  • Make sure you wear underwear made from natural material. If the fabric contains at least some amount of synthetics, you should avoid such underwear for a while. It is also important that the underwear fits in size - it should not press anywhere.
  • Don't forget about genital hygiene. An intimate shower should be taken both in the morning and in the evening, and every day. In this process, it is imperative to use products intended specifically for intimate hygiene, since they are also antibacterial. In addition, they have soft action and do not disturb the pH balance of the mucous membranes of the genitals. If there is no suitable product, regular soap made specifically for children will do.
  • Pimples that do not cause any discomfort, but are still of concern from an aesthetic point of view, can be treated with disinfectant solutions. One of the options is this.
  • For any pimples, regardless of their type and cause of appearance, it will be useful to drink a vitamin-mineral complex. Vitamins are sold without a doctor's prescription, so if you feel unwell, you can immediately buy yourself a vitamin complex and begin therapy. This will help strengthen the body and quickly cope with the pathogens that led to the appearance of pimples in the area of ​​a woman’s external genitalia.
  • Avoid shaving your bikini area with tools that have a blade. The blade not only irritates the delicate skin of the intimate area, but also causes microtraumas through which infection can penetrate, and then all treatment will simply be pointless. If you need depilation in such situations, it is best to use a depilatory cream that is suitable for sensitive skin.
While observing these measures, do not forget about the need to visit a doctor, who can prescribe treatment with complex measures, which include folk remedies, vitamins and other medications. Only an experienced specialist can choose the right drug, the regimen for its use and dosage.

Lack of proper treatment prescribed by a doctor can lead to sepsis or infertility, provoke chronic inflammation internal genital organs.

Video: Treatment of internal acne on the labia

In the video, the girl talks about what remedy helped her get rid of 100% internal acne on the labia:
The problem described in the text is very intimate and individual. To cope with it, it is important to choose the right treatment, and this is impossible if you do not know the cause and type of pimple. Therefore, it is important to closely monitor your symptoms and see a doctor as soon as possible. Then the problem may turn out to be just a small nuisance that you can get rid of quickly and painlessly.

Any skin rashes cause us a lot of inconvenience: they are not aesthetically pleasing, often painful and do not go away quickly. What can we say about pimples on the labia?

Many women are even afraid to tell a specialist about such problems: most often this is due to prejudices about the attitude of doctors towards sexually transmitted diseases. This is a myth and it should be dispelled: not all pimples in the groin area and genitals indicate an STD, and even more so professional doctor in a good clinic he will never put his patient in awkward situation, so feel free to go to the doctors!

Another thing is that not all pimples on the labia are a reason to consult a specialist. Some of them are purely cosmetic. Let's look at the most common cases.

Types of rashes on the genitals

Black pimples or black spots on the labia do not indicate any special problems. These blackheads are open comedones that form as a result of a blocked duct. sebaceous gland dead epithelial cells and sebum. Considering the fact that the groin area is actively supplied with blood and, as a result, sweating in this area is also increased, the appearance of black spots on the genitals is a direct result of non-compliance with personal hygiene rules.

Be sure to wash your external genitalia at least twice a day using a special product. If you use pads, including daily ones, please note that they need to be changed at least once every three hours.

Do not overuse synthetic underwear; limit yourself to natural materials until the problems disappear.

Approximately the same reasons underlie the formation of white pimples on the labia. You can only add unsuccessful hair removal, which provokes hyperkeratosis - the formation of an excessive number of horny epithelial cells and their desquamation - as a defensive reaction. You can often notice that white pimples and ingrown hairs accompany each other. To prevent their appearance, use soft scrubs and peels for three days after depilation.

It is very important that white pimples do not develop due to infection and that the inflammatory process does not begin. If this happens, a purulent pimple will form. There are only two reasons for the appearance of purulent acne:

  • Bacterial infection;
  • Human papillomavirus.

The first reason is much more common. The human body contains a huge number of microorganisms, and the surface of the body is no exception. Among all this variety there are so-called conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. They do not pose a danger under normal conditions of strong immunity, absence of overheating and hypothermia, etc., but when they multiply rapidly, they become dangerous.

It’s a rare woman who doesn’t take care of hygiene in her intimate area. But zeal in this matter is just as detrimental: by constantly washing your genitals, especially with soap, and not with special products, you damage the mucous membrane and wash away the microflora that provides protection against infections.

As a result, inflammation appears in the form of purulent pimples.

If you use a razor to epilate, you also risk getting ingrown hairs. We have already said that the skin is protected from damage and therefore hyperkeratosis is likely. Dead cells clog the hair follicle, the hair turns its growth direction inward, and if an infection also occurs, then you will get a huge, painful pimple on the labia.

The second cause of purulent pimple is the human papillomavirus - one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. It has been proven that HPV is directly related to cervical cancer. However, there is reason not to be discouraged here: after 24 years, people of both sexes develop immunity to this virus. And if you don’t get sick before you turn 24, you won’t get sick again.

Subcutaneous pimples on the labia majora are palpable skin formations without obvious signs of inflammation. If this is exactly the case for you, don’t worry, such acne is a common individual feature of the skin of the genitals.

But if subcutaneous acne turn red, become painful and cause you discomfort, there are two options:

  • Are you dealing with initial stage purulent pimple;
  • The inflammation has gone inside and requires surgical treatment.

If you experience pain, consult a doctor. The specialist will conduct an examination, take necessary tests and will accurately determine the cause of anxiety and how to get rid of it.

A hard spot on the labia may turn out to be a boil or an abscess. Both options are extremely unpleasant, since they heal only through scarring, and if not treated in a timely manner, they can even lead to sepsis.

Photo – 8 Inflammations and abscesses in the genital area require special attention and immediate medical examination

If not treated promptly, it can lead to sepsis. The most common cause of the appearance of a red pimple inside the labia is microtrauma to the skin, for example, during depilation, as well as overheating followed by hypothermia.

Itchy, watery pimples on the labia may be a sign of herpes virus type 2. As a rule, such pimples are painful and cause a lot of inconvenience; moreover, during the period of exacerbation, a patient with the herpes virus risks infecting not only his partner, but also household members - through using the toilet, towels, etc.

Be sure to use only individual toiletries! This will help you avoid spreading the infection to other family members and not getting infected yourself.

Treatment of herpes of the second type is carried out using antiviral drugs such as Zovirax, Acyclovir, etc.

To prescribe ointments, consult your doctor. Also, be sure to visit a specialist if you discover herpes during pregnancy: this disease can be dangerous for the fetus. Antiviral drugs can also cross the placenta, so their effect versus the risk to the baby must be assessed by a doctor.

Herpes on the genitals must be treated according to the recommendations of a specialist, since painful pimples on the labia gradually burst, spreading the infection, becoming itchy and may even begin to bleed. Don't let the disease reach a critical level.

A pimple on the labia minora can have several causes:

  • Herpes;
  • Allergy to intimate hygiene products, lubricants, latex, etc.;
  • Hypothermia and/or overheating;
  • Allergy to fragrances used in pads;
  • Human papillomavirus;
  • Benign neoplasm;
  • Having an STD (sexually transmitted disease);
  • Insufficient or excessive personal hygiene;
  • Tight and uncomfortable underwear;
  • Skin injuries, for example, when using tampons, sexual intercourse, etc.;
  • Hormonal disorders.

If a pimple on the small lips festers, becomes painful, and causes discomfort when urinating, be sure to consult a doctor. But before that:

  • Ensure sexual rest.
  • Stop using pads containing fragrances.
  • Do not use intimate hygiene gels with fragrances and dyes; liquid soap is also not suitable. It is better to purchase a special intimate hygiene product from the pharmacy with an acidic pH and the minimum required composition.
  • It is also better not to use herbal decoctions without a doctor’s prescription: if the problem is an allergy, then you risk only aggravating the situation.
  • Avoid intimate hygiene wipes: after first opening the package, they become breeding grounds for bacteria, and mechanical impact on the skin will intensify the inflammatory process.
  • Don't use tampons because purulent inflammation are caused by streptococci and staphylococci, and tampons serve as one of the first catalysts for their reproduction and, moreover, injure the skin.

The use of tampons in the presence of rashes on the genitals of unknown etiology can lead to infection spreading to the internal genital organs. It will also lead to sex life, and infecting your partner will not be very pleasant.

A gynecologist must conduct an initial visual examination, take a smear for analysis and culture of microflora. It is likely that you will be asked to donate blood to determine antibodies to herpes viruses and paraherpes (Epstein-Barr, cytomegalovirus, etc.). Don't take virus tests lightly: many of them have serious consequences, up to and including failure to carry the pregnancy to term.

Why do acne appear on the labia, how to avoid it and how to treat it?

There are many reasons for the appearance of a rash on the labia, and some of them lie in our behavioral habits.

To prevent genital rashes:

  • Follow the rules of personal hygiene:
    • Wash your genitals at least twice a day, morning and evening. Remember: you can only wash the outer part of the genital organs! Under no circumstances should you try to clean your vagina with water, much less detergents. Thus, you deprive yourself of natural immunity by killing beneficial microflora, or directly introduce an infection into the vagina. By the way, douching with special means will also be unnecessary, and frequent douching will be simply dangerous.
    • Use special means for intimate hygiene. Toilet soap dries out the skin, and liquid cream soaps contain many substances harmful to sensitive genitals.
    • If you use panty liners, change them at least once every three hours.
    • Tampons and pads used to absorb menstrual fluid should also be changed every four hours.
    • Use only your own towel and washcloth to wash your body! Let intimacy with your spouse remain at other levels; sharing hygiene items will not bring anything but illness to both of you.
    • Wash your hands before using the toilet in public places. Suddenly? Just imagine how many bacteria there are on the handrails of public transport, through whose hands the bills could pass and who else is pulling door handle V mall. Do you want to “invite all this” into such an intimate space? If not, wash your hands both before and after using the toilet.

  • Don’t wear tight underwear, and avoid the “thong” model altogether: such seemingly attractive panties injure the skin, promote hypothermia and, most importantly, transfer bacteria from the anus to the vagina and labia minora. In addition to pimples on the labia, you will also develop cystitis with pyelonephritis if you do not leave “thongs” to beach fashion models.
  • It is difficult to avoid synthetic underwear altogether, but it is important that it has a cotton insert at the point of contact with the skin of the genitals. However, in hot weather and severe frosts, it is better to choose cotton panties.
  • Don’t overcool: the ability to put on nylon tights in 30-degree frost is a dubious achievement that will only be appreciated by coccus bacteria.
  • Eat right. Avoid fast food and any food of dubious origin. Eat as much fresh vegetables and fish as possible - the latter contains fatty acids that improve the quality of skin secretions.
  • Quit smoking: cigarettes contain a huge amount of toxins, to which the body reacts with rashes. Smoking reduces the blood's ability to accept and carry oxygen, the smoker's tissues starve, and local and general immunity is reduced. The list can be continued endlessly, so just drop it.

  • Take vitamin complexes during the off-season and visit an antenatal clinic at least twice a year.

And most importantly, never hesitate to ask for help! Good doctor is a guarantee of a pleasant and long life.

Photo - 19 Never be afraid or hesitate to consult a doctor

Pimples on the labia are a common phenomenon that, for obvious reasons, worries almost all representatives of the fairer sex. Few people attach importance to this formation, but the lesions should be given the closest attention.

The fact is that any changes in the skin in the intimate area indicate that either some kind of infection has appeared in the body, or some negative factor has entered into the woman’s habitual image.

Types of acne in intimate places

Experts identify several types of acne that appear on the genitals:

  • - a fairly large formation that looks like a huge pimple with purulent contents. Causes a lot of pain and discomfort, especially in case of constant contact with underwear;
  • - numerous rashes, small in size and of various shapes;
  • inflammation of the Bartholin gland (otherwise known as bartholinitis) is a pimple that appears in the inner layers of the skin and causes an inflammatory process;
  • and papillomas - watery pimples with a transparent, pointed tip;
  • acne is a very painful foci of inflammation that constantly produces a large number of pus;
  • genital herpes - these pimples on the labia are a consequence of venereal diseases and cause severe itching in the affected areas;
  • sebaceous cysts - a collection of small pimples light color, often not showing themselves at all.

It should be noted that the cause of acne in the intimate area can also be various injuries, cuts and other types of deformation of the skin, in which microbes enter the epidermis. They are the ones who initiate the appearance of rashes, which, by the way, are easy to get rid of.

Due to the fact that there are a great many types of acne, there are, accordingly, many reasons for their appearance. That is why the most reasonable option is to contact a gynecologist, who, based on clinical picture and additional examinations will be able to identify the nature of their formation and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Causes of rashes on the genitals

The main reasons may be the following:

  1. Transitional age. Teenage girls can often develop a pimple on the labia majora, which looks like a small lump. It should not be considered a reason for panic, since it is a simple blockage of the sebaceous glands, which actively develop during puberty. After hair growth, the rashes will disappear on their own.
  2. Inflammation of the hair follicle. It is characterized by the appearance of a small compaction with purulent contents. The skin around it begins to turn red, and the pimple itself gradually increases in size.
  3. Wearing uncomfortable underwear. Tight and uncomfortable clothing means that the skin stops receiving fresh oxygen, and this inevitably leads to clogged pores. Also, this underwear can cause microtraumas through which infection can enter the skin. This also includes wearing synthetic underwear.
  4. Sexually transmitted diseases. Perhaps the most common reason why a pimple may appear on the small lip. These rashes appear on the inside and look like small red dots. In most cases they form in the form of clusters, although single forms are also possible.
  5. Skin Features. Certain types of acne may appear not due to infection or anything else, but as a consequence individual characteristics skin. These include, for example, .
  6. Hormonal disbalance. The resulting imbalance of hormones will lead to the fact that throughout groin area Small pimples will spread, which are usually not painful, but cause severe itching.
  7. Human papillomavirus. Due to the impact of this virus, condylomas and papillomas are formed. Pimples appear in the most inconvenient places, where they can easily be injured. Certain types of papillomas may simply be cosmetic defect, but some cause cervical cancer. Pointed papillomas are a serious reason to consult a gynecologist.

Unfortunately, the most common causes of most rashes on the labia remain poor personal hygiene and synthetic underwear.

When to go to the doctor?

A visit to a specialist should be made when there are signs of the disease. These are severe pain, itching or burning, the presence of a red rash and the watery nature of acne. Also of concern should be the fact that acne does not go away after 5-7 days.

It is possible and necessary to eliminate acne on the labia only after you have been examined by an appropriate specialist. Without knowing the reasons and using treatment methods chosen at random, you can seriously harm your body.

Changes in the external genitalia are a reason to visit a doctor. There are a number of signs that you need to carefully study and contact a specialist. These include balls that appear on the labia.

By a ball on the labia majora or minora we mean a dense neoplasm round shape. It can be localized under the skin or deep in the tissue. The reasons for its appearance are very diverse. In any case, it is necessary to determine the provoking factor in order to select an effective treatment.

During the diagnostic process, parameters such as location, mobility, size, and pain of the lump are taken into account. To exclude malignancy, carry out histological examination tissues taken from the patient.

Why did a ball appear on the labia: possible reasons

There are several options for the appearance of compaction:

  1. Inflammation or cyst of the Bartholin gland. In this case, the lump is localized on the labia majora or two are formed at once, located symmetrically;
  2. Blockage and, as a result, inflammation of the sebaceous glands. In this case, small hard pimples form inside the labia minora;
  3. Inflammation of the hair follicle. Sometimes with inflammation it increases significantly;
  4. Infection. Neoplasms can appear when the body becomes infected, especially the urinary system. The disease can also appear in the presence of a sexually transmitted infection (eg chlamydia, gonococcus, human papillomavirus);
  5. Congenital developmental pathologies urethra or external genitalia. In this case, problems will appear in childhood;
  6. Benign or malignant tumor. Tissue compaction may be cancerous tumor, therefore it is very important to contact a specialist in a timely manner.

Inflammation of the hair follicle and blockage of the glands

Most often, this happens when the rules of intimate hygiene are not followed. As a result, the glands and follicles become dirty and inflamed. Inflammation very often develops due to ingrown hairs, for example, after depilation and epilation of the intimate area.

Blocked sebaceous glands can also occur due to hormonal imbalance. For this reason, acne also forms on the face, forearms, and back. There may be a disruption in the endocrine system.

If the ball appears for the reasons stated above, you need to start observing the rules of intimate hygiene, as well as treating the skin antiseptics. You can use zinc ointment, and even baby powder will alleviate the condition. Underwear should be made from natural fabrics and be comfortable, as abrasions aggravate the situation.

It is worth noting that in advanced cases surgical intervention is required. But in no case should you open/squeeze out the seal yourself - this can introduce an infection into the wound, thereby aggravating the course of the disease.

Tumors inside the labia

In the intimate area, benign neoplasms are more common. They appear due to excessively rapid proliferation of connective tissue cells.

What could a ball on the labia be like?:

  • fibroma/fibromyoma- formations consisting of muscles. These most often grow on the labia majora. Treatment of fibroids/fibromyomas is only surgical;
  • Lipoma is a formation consisting of adipose tissue. Lipoma can be felt as several small nodules or a large single ball. The danger is that lipoma is prone to rapid growth, as a result of which complications develop. The tumor can provoke tissue necrosis. Like the previous ones, it can only be removed surgically;
  • hidradenoma is a tumor consisting of glandular tissue. Hydradenomas are rare, but very dangerous - there is a high risk of their degeneration into a malignant formation;
  • vulvar cancer. Malignant tumors They differ from benign ones in that they can fester and bleed.

Bartholinitis and Bartholin gland cyst

Bartholin's glands are located at the entrance to the vagina. These are paired glands that are located in the subcutaneous fat layer, in the lower part of the labia majora. They produce a secretion that is released onto the inner surface of the labia minora, moisturizing them. This function is especially important during childbirth and sexual intercourse.

Bartholinitis is an inflammation of the Bartholin glands, which is provoked by pathogenic microorganisms.

The penetration of the latter is facilitated by the following factors:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • decline immune defense, for example, during pregnancy, after a cold, against the background of chronic diseases; immunodeficiency states;
  • diseases of the gynecological sphere and urinary system;
  • ignoring the rules of intimate hygiene, in particular during menstruation;
  • damage to the perineum, for example, when rubbing underwear.

As inflammation progresses, symptoms become more pronounced. The ball, that is, the gland itself, increases and can reach an impressive size. This process is accompanied by pain and discomfort during sex, when moving and walking. Bartholinitis is often accompanied by deterioration general condition and increased body temperature. Sometimes purulent discharge appears.

The excretory duct of this paired gland can become blocked due to infection, excessive secretion production, abnormal narrowing, etc. In such a situation, the secretion is not excreted, but accumulates in the excretory duct and the gland itself. As its volume increases, the walls of the capsule stretch, forming a cystic bladder filled with secretion.

Such cysts are benign and often resolve on their own. However, there is always a risk of complications. If bacteria gets into the cyst, it will cause purulent abscess on the labia.

Treatment of bartholinitis always includes antibiotics (to destroy pathogenic microorganisms). Drug therapy supplemented with folk remedies to support and strengthen the body. Be sure to apply warm compresses and make baths, often with herbal decoctions. But sometimes surgical intervention is required, mainly in case of an abnormally narrow canal: the gland is opened, the accumulated secretion is removed, and plasty of the excretory duct is performed. If bartholinitis often recurs and has severe course, doctors recommend completely removing the gland and its ducts.


If a ball is found in the intimate area, you need to mandatory contact a gynecologist, undergo a gynecological examination and take tests prescribed by the doctor. Perhaps this specialist will refer you to others for consultation. For example, if the reason is hidden in hormonal imbalance, you may need the help of an endocrinologist.

The main tests for detecting a ball are a smear and a biopsy. They can detect infection and malignant cells.

Based on their results, the gynecologist selects a course of therapy:

  1. Since non-compliance with intimate rules is the most common provoking factor of all kinds of ailments, prevention consists of proper care. It is worth recalling that excessive hygiene can lead to problems with the skin and mucous membranes;
  2. Comfortable underwear made of natural material will prevent diaper rash and abrasions in the intimate area, and also maintain normal temperature and humidity in the groin;
  3. Physical activity will help avoid stagnation of blood in the pelvis.

An important component women's health is attention to your body. Women should also undergo a gynecological examination every six months in order to prevent diseases of the genital organs.

Every woman, having discovered a lump on her labia, begins to worry greatly. And first of all, immediately contact a specialist. And this is the right decision.

The lump may be painful. In any case, consulting a doctor is necessary, since the cause of this phenomenon may be different. Most often, a lump on the labia can be a symptom of bartholinitis.

Treatment most often involves surgical removal. After removal, it is mandatory to carry out antibacterial therapy, thereby stopping further development diseases.

Sometimes it happens that a woman completely unexpectedly notices in herself subcutaneous seal on the labia majora or minora, most often painful.

It can be a sign of various gynecological diseases, so if you have the slightest suspicion of discomfort or foreign tumors, you should consult a doctor.

In some cases, a lump that appears on the labia may be an ordinary pimple like local reaction to an external stimulus. Over time, this compaction goes away on its own.

The main causes of seals in the labia

Approximately 8 out of 10 women who consult a gynecologist with a complaint of a lump inside the labia are diagnosed with bartholinitis.

Expert opinion

Knyazev Igor Vladimirovich

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In addition, such a formation may turn out to be a malignant or benign tumor. We will dwell on these diseases in more detail a little later.

However, these are not the only reasons due to which a seal may appear on the labia minora or majora. Also, a similar symptom often occurs in the following cases:

  1. in some situations, nodular fragments indicate the development of human papillomavirus in a woman’s body. HPV itself quite often passes without consequences, but in certain cases it can provoke cervical cancer, so such changes in the body should be treated very carefully;
  2. if such a defect appears with enviable regularity before your period, most likely we are talking about an enlarged sebaceous gland, which, upon palpation, is very often mistaken for a dense pimple. A similar violation in female body is a consequence of a surge in sex hormones. If after a few days, when the hormonal levels return to normal, the bumps and bumps disappear as suddenly as they appeared, there is nothing to worry about. Meanwhile, some women in such a situation note some discomfort in the genital area. In order to get rid of discomfort, try wiping the affected skin with a cotton swab, generously moistened with a soothing and antiseptic tonic. In addition, 1-2 weeks before the start of menstruation, it is useful to give up sweet and fatty foods;
  3. in rare cases, when small seals on the labia have been present for a very long time and do not bother their owner in any way, they may be the result of abnormal development of the genital organs and, in particular, the labia majora and minora, the urethra and others internal organs and systems. Such formations do not have viral or infectious nature and do not pose any danger to the woman;
  4. Finally, even more rarely, compaction in the area of ​​these organs can be noticed in a newborn girl. Almost always, such changes in a baby indicate that both of her parents, or at least one of them, have such a serious disease as syphilis.


It is necessary to exclude the presence of such a serious gynecological disease like bartholinitis.

Bartholinitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in a special Bartholin duct as a result of a sexually transmitted infection, less often in the case of an infection in the tonsils or dental diseases.

If a woman has a lump on her labia, then common cause Such education is caused by insufficient adherence to the rules of personal hygiene, as a result of which pathogenic pathogens invade the body.

Symptoms of bartholinitis

If the disease is advanced, then a hard formation on the labia can be quite painful, and a tingling and burning sensation is also felt in the area of ​​the lump.

As a rule, when you press on the seal, the pain intensifies.

In addition, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • the seal grows to the size of a chicken egg;
  • at the site of compaction, the skin is red, often has a bluish tint;
  • noted heat body and fever that antipyretics cannot cope with;
  • chills;
  • there is a general loss of strength, lethargy, and apathy.

In especially severe cases, the pain reaches such a degree that the woman cannot walk normally.

If the seal on the labia does not prompt the woman to start treatment and consult a doctor, then over time the abscess may spontaneously open. In this case, the woman temporarily experiences relief. However, the disease itself remains, as a result of which relapses may occur in the future.

The disease itself can become chronic, which is more difficult to treat due to its neglect. If the disease progresses, then the formation of a cyst in the area of ​​the labia minora and majora is possible, which requires surgical intervention.

Often the presence of a cyst can make it difficult to perform physiological functions (urination, defecation).

Diagnosis of the pathological condition

A woman can often detect a lump in the labia on her own, but in order to find out the nature of such a formation, it is still necessary to contact an appropriate specialist, that is, a gynecologist.

During the history taking process, the doctor should conduct gynecological examination external genitalia using a special chair and a magnifying mirror.

During this procedure, the doctor assesses the condition of the pubis, anus, labia minora and labia majora. In addition, the gynecologist pays special attention to the presence of any neoplasms and the structural integrity of the skin in the intimate area.

Expert opinion

Knyazev Igor Vladimirovich

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The examination is based on palpation (feeling) of the following anatomical structures: the clitoris, the external opening of the urethra, the labia minora, the entrance to the vagina, anal passage and large glands of the vestibule.

If the patient has leucorrhoea ( liquid discharge) an additional sample is taken, after which it is examined under a microscope (cytological examination). If necessary, the uterus and its appendages are examined.

Instrumental diagnostics

For diagnostics pathological formation also used in the vagina instrumental methods diagnostics The main ones are:

  1. lymphography (study of the condition of nodes lymphatic system for the purpose of possible detection in their structure cancer cells– metastases, which can enter the lymphatic tissue from other internal organs along with the bloodstream). The procedure is performed using intravenous injection of a contrast agent into the lymphatic vessel. Its movement is then monitored using x-rays;
  2. ultrasound examination of the pelvis. Today, ultrasound is considered the safest diagnostic technique. During its implementation, the condition of the organs is assessed genitourinary system person. This procedure has virtually no contraindications and therefore can be used under any circumstances. However ultrasound scanning It is not recommended to perform it during menstruation, since at this time the indicators are somewhat distorted, which will significantly complicate further diagnosis;
  3. computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvic organs. Such diagnostic techniques represent layer-by-layer scanning of anatomical structures and are non-invasive (that is, they do not require direct penetration into the body of the subject through the skin or mucous membranes) and highly accurate procedures.
    In addition, if the lump on the labia is of a malignant nature, the patient will be prescribed an additional consultation with an oncologist.

Ways to combat the disease

The tactics for treating vaginal lumps completely depend on the factors that triggered the development of the pathological condition.

To establish its etiology, a sick woman needs to seek help from a qualified specialist who, after studying all the results of instrumental and laboratory research will prescribe the most effective treatment plan.

If the reason that caused the formation of a neoplasm in intimate place, lies in the course of various infectious or fungal ailments, then the patient will be prescribed antibacterial and antifungal drugs. In this case, the use of antipyretic, immunomodulatory and analgesic medications is allowed.

Remedies will help relieve inflammation in the perineum traditional medicine, having anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effects (for example, ointments, infusions, baths prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs).

If the factor that provoked the occurrence of compaction is a violation hormonal levels, then the disease will be treated hormone therapy, the main task of which is to normalize the activity of the adrenal glands and ovaries.

To eliminate a neoplasm of allergic origin, a sick woman just needs to exclude from her Everyday life contact with the relevant allergen. This could be wearing underwear made from synthetic materials, using low-quality personal hygiene products, and so on.

If the main reasons for the development of a tumor on the labia lie in the course of malignant processes, then chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery, that is surgical removal malignant formation.

Compaction of any etiology in the area reproductive organs women cannot be left without proper attention; it is important to begin treatment as quickly as possible!

Sources: zdravskin.com; silaledi.ru; aginekolog.ru; womanadvice.ru; mjusli.ru

Every woman should pay attention to new formations on the genitals. The sudden appearance of a ball on the labia deserves special attention, due to the fact that this phenomenon may be a sign of a serious illness.

Ball on the labia: probable causes and methods of treatment

Even in cases where a lump in the labia does not cause a woman any discomfort, it should not be ignored. Usually this pathology requires the intervention of a doctor.

Possible causes of lumps on the labia

So-called bumps or balls can appear on both the labia minora and labia majora. They are a round-shaped compaction located under the skin or directly in the thickness of the tissue. It is very important to establish the reasons for the formation of such formations, since this is the decisive factor in prescribing treatment.

The main parameters used for diagnosis are the size, location, pain and mobility of the formation.

In some cases, to establish an accurate diagnosis, it may be necessary to conduct a histological analysis of tumor tissue samples.

An unwanted ball that forms in the labia is formed for the following reasons:

  1. As a result of blockage of the sebaceous gland, and its subsequent inflammation.
  2. The lump may be an inflamed hair follicle.
  3. With the development of pathologies of the Bartholin gland.
  4. In case of infection of the body with pathogenic organisms (this list also includes sexually transmitted infections).
  5. The lump may be a tumor.
  6. In isolated cases, a lump on the labia turns out to be a congenital pathology.

Inflammation of the hair follicles or sebaceous glands

Inflammatory processes in sebaceous glands occur, most often, due to insufficient hygiene of the genital organs. Hair follicles in most cases become inflamed for the same reason. As a result, ideal conditions are created for the development of pathogenic bacteria.

Another risk factor is epilation of the bikini area, since inflammation often occurs at the site of ingrown hairs.

However, blockage of the sebaceous ducts can also occur for other reasons, for example, due to hormonal imbalance.

Treatment of seals on the labia in all these cases, as a rule, requires external treatment. The affected areas are treated with antiseptic agents. In particularly severe cases, surgery may be necessary.

Pathologies of the Bartholin gland

The Bartholin gland performs the function of moisturizing the labia minora. It is located at the entrance of the vagina, under the layer of skin, in the lower area of ​​the labia majora. The lubricant produced by the gland is delivered to inner part labia minora through a special long excretory canal.

Doctors call inflammation of the Bartholin gland – bartholinitis. Inflammation occurs as a result of penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the gland. The causes of infection and the formation of lumps on the labia minora and labia majora can be:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • decreased immunity;
  • tissue damage or injury (for example, from wearing low-quality synthetic underwear);
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • ignoring intimate hygiene standards.

The ball formed from inflammation of the Bartholin gland can increase in size. Sometimes it can reach significant volumes. A woman usually feels pain when walking, as well as during sexual intercourse with a partner. The process is accompanied by a noticeable deterioration in general health, increased temperature, and sometimes purulent discharge.

Another common disease of the Bartholin gland is a cyst. This pathology occurs as a result of the formation of obstruction of the excretory duct. Blockage can occur due to a narrowing of the duct, infection, or excess secretion. As a result of this pathology, the fluid produced by the gland is not removed outside, but accumulates in the cavity of the gland or the canal itself. As a result, a bump appears on both small and large lips. Cystic formations, in most cases, do not cause a woman pain, and sometimes they resolve on their own. However, there is a possibility of complications. In particular, when a cyst becomes infected, purulent inflammation may begin to develop.

Treatment of pathologies of the Bartholin gland can be carried out using the method conservative therapy, which includes the mandatory use of antibiotics to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, you can carry out maintenance treatment aimed at overall strengthening of the body using folk remedies. In some cases, it becomes necessary to undergo surgery to remove contents from the ducts and capsule of the gland.

In severe recurrent forms of bartholinitis, it may be necessary to remove the gland, as well as the ducts extending from it.

Types of tumors

Most often found on external organs benign tumors. They are formed as a result of abnormal division of tissue cells. However, sometimes malignant formations also occur. The ball inside the labia can be:

  1. Lipoma. It is one or more nodes formed from adipose tissue. It tends to grow quickly. Lipoma is dangerous possible complications. It can even provoke tissue necrosis. Deleted surgically. You can learn about ways to diagnose lipomas.
  2. Fibroma. Education consists of muscle tissue. It occurs more often on large lips. Treated by surgical removal.
  3. Hidradenoma. This type of tumor is rare. It is dangerous because it can degenerate into a malignant formation.
  4. Vulvar cancer. These are malignant formations. The main difference from benign ones is that they can fester and bleed.

Measures to prevent the appearance of neoplasms

The most important thing a woman should do to prevent various types of formations from appearing on her labia is to carefully and properly care for her genitals. In the vast majority of cases, abnormal processes occur precisely because of poor hygiene.

It is advisable that a woman wear underwear and clothes that are not only beautiful, but also comfortable and of high quality. This is important for maintaining normal temperature and humidity conditions. intimate areas.

The best conditions for creating comfort in intimate areas can only be created by underwear made from natural materials.

A mobile, active lifestyle also helps maintain the health of the genital organs and the entire body as a whole. Indeed, in this case there is no congestion in the pelvis.

A woman should be extremely attentive to the health of her genital organs: observe the rules of hygiene and be sure to undergo regular gynecological examinations with a doctor. In this case, any unwanted formations on the labia can be detected on early stages, and begin treatment immediately.

You can learn more about bartholinitis, Bartholin gland cyst, as well as new methods of treating these diseases, from the video.

Round formations on the female genital organs can become a serious problem for the carrier. Be sure to consult a doctor as soon as necessary.

Rashes on the labia in women are not that uncommon. It’s just that few people immediately consult a doctor when a pimple appears in this delicate area.

In some cases this is really not necessary.

But sometimes small pimple may be a symptom of a significant health problem.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  • Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

How to figure out whether the rash that appears requires immediate consultation with a doctor?

What to do if you find pimples on the labia?

Why do they appear?

The causes of acne on the labia can be different.

  • Some of them may be a completely natural consequence of processes occurring in the body.
  • Others appear due to infection.

Most often, the following factors are involved in the appearance of rashes on the labia:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • violation of hygiene;
  • incorrect underwear;
  • hypothermia;
  • diseases of various etiologies.

It can be transmitted not only through sexual intercourse, but also through the use of other people's hygiene items (underwear, washcloths, towels).

  • Molluscum contagiosum is a pearl-colored hemispherical formation with a small depression in the middle.
  • When pressed, a thick white mass emerges from it.


Most dangerous looking A rash on the labia is a rash that occurs due to sexually transmitted diseases.

  • Condylomas acuminata– are formed on the mucous membranes of both the labia majora and labia minora. They are elastic outgrowths of a pointed shape. Caused by the human papillomavirus and are potential danger degeneration into malignant formations if left untreated.
  • Genital herpes– manifests itself in the form of vesicular rashes on the mucous membranes and on skin. The rash causes burning and itching. Subsequently, the bubbles turn into ulcers and then dry out. But it is impossible to completely recover from the disease; if the immune system is weakened or strong, it recurs.
  • Syphilis- Very dangerous disease, acute period which can proceed unnoticed until it develops into chronic form. The first signs are the appearance of specific ulcers (hard chancre) on the mucous membranes of the labia and. If they are not treated, they will go away on their own, but this does not mean getting rid of the disease, which will progress, expanding its harmful effect on the body.

Video: “Genital herpes”


Rashes of various types may appear on the labia.

Usually, with a visual examination, the doctor can suspect the cause of the pimples, because each of them has specific symptoms.


White pimples on the labia can be of two types: similar to “ goose bumps"and having a purulent white head.

In any case, if a pimple occurs, you need to consult a doctor.

It is dangerous due to the spread of infection throughout the body through the blood and lymph. They are very close inguinal lymph nodes, which increases the risk of unfavorable developments.

And, of course, under no circumstances should you try to squeeze out such pimples, even if they are completely.

There are often situations when a woman squeezed out a purulent pimple, and in return received several more similar ones, because some of the pus remained inside and infected neighboring follicles.


Red bumps can be quite harmless, especially if they appear as a rash.

The reason may be hormonal disbalance or restructuring, for example, during puberty, with the onset of menopause. If such rashes are painless, then there is no need to worry too much.

Stress can also cause pimples.

If, a couple of days after severe stress, you notice such rashes in the genital area or on other parts of the body, then just watch them for a few days. Often such acne goes away quickly when peace of mind is restored.


the rash is usually a symptom of genital herpes.

It should be remembered that this disease is sexually transmitted, so refrain from sexual intercourse until a diagnosis is made.

Should I go to the doctor?

Despite the delicacy of the issue, you should still visit a doctor. The risk of missing a serious disease is too great.

The need to visit a doctor is dictated by the following situations:

  • the rash did not go away within a week;
  • acne causes discomfort (itching, burning, pain);
  • there are additional symptoms (skin peeling, fever, headache, nausea);
  • shortly before the appearance of the rash (within a month), unprotected sexual intercourse took place with a partner about whose health there may be doubts;
  • enlarged inguinal lymph nodes;
  • the rash looks like blisters filled with fluid.


If any rash occurs on the labia, it is important not to self-medicate, but to immediately consult a doctor.

Photo: If a rash appears, you should immediately consult a doctor

  • Firstly, If left uneducated, even harmless rashes can turn into a more serious problem.
  • Secondly, If acne is caused by infection, then lack of professional exposure can lead to advanced forms of the disease.

Towards various rashes The following treatment methods are used on the labia:

  • purulent pimples on the labia majora and near them can be treated before visiting a doctor antiseptic solutions( , dotted with acid or , );
  • at the first rash you can immediately start taking immunostimulating medications, they will support the body regardless of the cause of the rash;
  • bartholinitis it is impossible to cure on your own, the doctor prescribes painkillers, and sometimes surgery is used to remove the cyst;
  • there is no point in waiting for the boil to mature and burst, pus may still remain inside or penetrate deeper, your doctor may prescribe antibacterial drugs, which will help avoid the spread of infection, sometimes the boil must be opened surgically if it increases in size and causes severe pain;
  • are being treated antiviral drugs and deleted;
  • may go away on its own or be removed or by cryodestruction;
  • genital herpes is treated with a complex of drugs, antiviral therapy(, Panavir) is only one of the methods of influence;
  • all painful rashes or those that cause itching, burning, require mandatory consultation with a specialist, most often such symptoms are acne caused by sexually transmitted infections, they are treated based on a specific diagnosis.



Even if the problem of rashes on the labia is left behind, this does not mean that it cannot return again under the influence of the same reasons.

Therefore, one should draw conclusions, especially if acne was the result of some disease, and try to neutralize the effect of this factor in the future.

Regardless of the reasons for the appearance of acne in the labia area, all women can be recommended:

  • carefully observe personal hygiene, use special intimate hygiene products or baby soap;
  • use underwear that is your size, To prevent it from squeezing and rubbing the skin, give preference to cotton and do not use thong panties as everyday underwear;
  • if you use panty liners, change them at least every 4 hours, scented hygiene products can cause diarrhea, so buy unscented pads;
  • If you get rashes after shaving, use a depilatory cream, suitable for sensitive skin;
  • follow all doctor’s recommendations and do not stop treatment at the first signs of improvement, a completely cured disease rarely recurs;
  • healthy lifestyle is directly related to the ability of the immune system to resist infections, so try to take it as the basis of your life.

Pimples on the labia should force a woman to pay attention to her health.

Perhaps they have no basis serious reasons occurrence, but another option is also very likely.

In order not to get lost in guesswork, try to visit a specialist as soon as possible, he will either dispel your worries or diagnose the disease in the early stages.

Video: “Causes of vaginal itching”