Plastic surgeon Sergei Blokhin is a true professional in his field. Plastic surgeon Sergey Nikolaevich Blokhin: patient reviews Sergey Blokhin plastic surgeon personal

Have you ever wondered what the companions of famous plastic surgeons look like? Surely their appearance should correspond to the ideal. Do surgeons operate on their wives? And for what purpose do the masters' wives plastic surgery go under the knife?.

Anna and Philip and Kraft

Philip and Anna Kraft have been together for more than 20 years. During this time, the woman underwent 3 operations. In addition to breast augmentation, Philip performed buttock replacement on Anna, as well as tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) and liposuction. Now the girl is 43 years old, and how can you say that she looks her age! Cosmetologists are also actively working on her appearance - contour plastic surgery fillers based on hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin injections can eliminate wrinkles, as well as perform volumetric modeling of the face.

Philip himself is proud of his work and at every appointment he tells his patients: “Do you want to know how good I am? Then just look at my wife."

Muffy Potter and Sharyl Aston

Muffy Potter is now 66 years old! She does not hide the fact that she has had multiple surgeries with her husband. Sharyl performed breast augmentation on his wife and also performed anti-age facelift surgery several times.

“I openly declare that my breasts and face are the result of the good work of my husband. We don’t hide the fact that we do a manicure or, for example, dye our hair. For me, plastic surgery is the same thing. I weigh 57 kilograms, I have a ripped body, I am active and healthy image life and resort to various beauty interventions. It would be stupid of me to pretend that I look great without putting much effort into it,” says Muffy.

Lisa and Leni Hochstein

It seems that the story of how this couple met should be truly Hollywood, but their meeting is more like a classic plot, when the patient in the future becomes the doctor’s wife. In sunny Miami, Leni Hochstein is one of the most sought-after breast augmentation surgeons. At one time, Lisa already turned to plastic surgeons: the girl’s nose was changed and her breasts were enlarged, but the last operation was not entirely successful. That's how the couple met, initial appointment. But the most interesting thing is that Leni did not agree for a long time to perform a second operation on his future wife. This happened only after the wedding ceremony. With a new bust, 34-year-old Lisa Hochstein appeared on the cover of PlayBoy magazine.

Plastic surgery is an artistic workshop of medicine, where the talented hands of a surgeon “paint” on a living canvas human body. As in the great art of painting, there are Raphaels and Michelangelos here, sculpting their unique masterpieces. One of these high masters, Blokhin Sergey Nikolaevich, devoted more than 30 years of his life to surgical plastic surgery of the body.

Rhinoplasty at the Blokhin Clinic

Rhinoplasty is considered one of the most popular areas at the Blokhin Clinic, which is performed by several Frau Clinic surgeons. Professor Wulff, leading surgeons Abrahamyan and Tumakov have extensive experience in performing various types rhinoplasty. Specialists perform the following operations:


Plastic surgeon, Pavlov E.A.:

Hello, my name is Pavlov Evgeniy Anatolyevich, and I am a leading plastic surgeon at a famous Moscow clinic.

My medical experience is more than 15 years. Every year I perform hundreds of operations, for which people are willing to pay HUGE money. Unfortunately, many people do not even suspect that in 90% of cases surgical intervention not required! Modern medicine has long allowed us to correct most appearance flaws without help plastic surgery .

Plastic surgery carefully hides many non-surgical methods of appearance correction. I talked about one of them, check out this method

  • septoplasty (correction of nasal septum deformity);
  • correction of the tip of the nose;
  • reduction in the width or length of the nose.

At the clinic of Sergei Nikolaevich Blokhin, prices for rhinoplasty depend on the complexity of the operation. An approximate price line looks like this:

The cost indicated in the table includes anesthesia, hospital stay at the clinic (ward with meals), postoperative management patient.

Regarding other plastic surgeries, the cost at Frau Clinic looks like this:

  • plastic intimate areas– 75 thousand rubles;
  • eyelid surgery – from 80 thousand rubles;
  • liposuction – from 25 thousand rubles (depending on the volume);
  • plastic surgery on the chest, buttocks, face and abdomen - from 100 thousand rubles.

If there is a need for revision rhinoplasty, again prepare 320 thousand. Explaining such an impressive cost of operations, the doctor rightly notes their high technical complexity. It turns out that you pay not only for the operation, you pay for the professionalism and high qualifications of Frau Klinik surgeons.

Reviews from patients about the work of Blokhin and his colleagues

No matter what praises are voiced in the direction of the famous doctor, the patients’ reviews speak best about the work of his clinic. Among them there are both positive and negative opinions.

Our readers write

Topic: Fixed my nose

From: Ekaterina S. (ekary*** [email protected])

To: Site Administration

Hello! My name is Ekaterina S., I want to express my gratitude to you and your site.

Finally, I was able to change the shape of my nose. Now I am very happy with my face and no longer have complexes.

And here is my story

From the age of 15, I began to notice that my nose was not what I would like, there was not a large hump and wide wings. By the age of 30, my nose had grown even more and had become quite a “potato”, I was terribly complex about this and even wanted to have surgery, but the prices for this procedure are simply astronomical.

Everything changed when a friend gave me one to read. You can’t imagine how grateful I am to her for this. This article literally gave me a second life. After just a few months, my nose became almost perfect: the wings noticeably narrowed, the hump smoothed out, and the tip even rose slightly.

Now I don’t have any complexes about my appearance. And I’m not even shy about meeting new men, you know))

Positive reviews

Despite the high cost of plastic surgery, the number of Blokhin’s patients is only increasing. Many leave rave reviews about the work of the professor himself and his staff, especially noting their professionalism and deep understanding of the problem with which they are approached. Here are just a few of them:

“I had my breasts corrected by Blokhin. Intelligent, attentive, a true professional. When I came for a consultation, I discussed all the pros and cons with the doctor. They told me about the details of the operation and prepared me mentally for it. Everything went wonderfully, I’m happy with the result. Thanks to the talented surgeon. Dimaletha."

“I contacted Frau Klinik. I can say that the level of professionalism here is high, and the prices are reasonable. I received detailed answers to all my questions, even those that were clearly inconvenient for the doctor and affected my self-esteem. I had rhinoplasty done by Professor Wolf, I was more than pleased with the result, my nose became very beautiful. If only everyone worked so, as they say, conscientiously. Natalia."

“I decided to fix my nose while still studying at the university. I decided to go to Frau Klinik after a classmate came in on September 1 with a new and very cute nose. The operation was carried out by Tumakov. Everything turned out the way I wanted. By the way, the food at the clinic is very tasty. For those who are still thinking, look at my photos. Janine"

Negative reviews

Most of the negative reviews about plastic surgeon Sergei Nikolaevich Blokhin are not related to his professional preparedness, but rather to his character traits. Direct and sharp, he can bluntly tell you that the operation will not help if you do not stop eating excessively. The doctor is not shy in his expressions; he can dishonor and shame for a bad attitude towards himself, causing anger in the patient:

“I was operated on by a “so-called doctor” in early March. Instead of the promised 1 month of rehabilitation, I recovered within 3 months. The scars are visible, and they are not done carefully at all. Communication with Blokhin did not bring joy; he speaks rudely, without respect for the woman. Just a nightmare. Carolita."

Stories from our readers

Fixed my nose shape at home! It's been half a year since I forgot what a hump of the nose is. Although it is generally accepted in society that appearance is not the most important thing for a man, I really didn’t like my nose. In addition, I also work in a field where appearance matters, I work as a wedding host.

Oh, how many consultations I attended - all the doctors quoted exorbitant prices and talked about long rehabilitation, but for me this is in no way suitable because weddings happen all the time, especially during the season. One day I had an appointment with Dr. E. A. Pavlov. He told me that in my case it was quite possible to do without surgery, it was enough to wear a special corrector every day. Here is an article in which he describes this method in detail. I obediently wore the concealer every day for several months and was amazed at the results, judge for yourself. In the end, I’m very glad that I was able to get by with “little blood”

If you have the same problems with finances or don’t want to go under the knife, then I recommend reading this article

And here’s what one of Tumakov’s patients wrote:

“I am surprised at the flattering reviews of Tumakov’s work. Not only does he absolutely not know how to talk to people, he is also a half-educated surgeon. I wanted to fix my nose, but after his manipulations I can’t look at myself without tears. The most annoying thing is that none of the other specialists undertakes to correct what he screwed up. Mary"

For Sergei Nikolaevich Blokhin, negative reviews associated with result of operations, serve as a reason for a thorough analysis of the situation. In addition, the surgeon himself said in one of his interviews that mistakes, even with his extensive experience, are not excluded. As for the manner of communication, it all depends on a person’s perception of the unpleasant truth. The doctor will not persuade you, he looks at the problem professionally and talks about it in a strict manner. Surgeon Tumakov’s opinion about his work:

What is Sergei Nikolaevich Blokhin famous for?

The surgeon has been involved in plastic surgery since the late 80s, but he became famous only at the beginning of the 21st century, thanks to television projects in which he took part. As he himself admits, in the first years of work in the field of plastics and reconstruction of the human body, the number of requests for help was small. The surgeon's main clients were film, theater, and television stars. People who needed to preserve the ideal appearance and had the means to support it.

Today, when a person’s attitude towards his appearance has changed significantly, the services of plastic surgeons are used everywhere, and not only famous personalities. The fashion for transforming the body and bringing it to perfection also played a major role in the popularization of this area of ​​medicine.

Numerous operations, many years of practice and constant improvement of skills allowed Blokhin to become one of the recognized masters of plastic surgery in Russia. In addition, he constantly conducts operations in Germany and responds to invitations from other countries.

Frau Clinic Blokhin

The main brainchild of Professor Blokhin was the Frau Klinik, which he created together with Doctor of Medicine. Two talented and experienced surgeons opened a clinic in Moscow, where everything is organized according to the highest world standards.

The latest innovative equipment, a professional team of doctors, from leading surgeons of the clinic to junior medical personnel. A careful approach to the selection of drugs and instruments for plastic surgery, the use best practices, and constant monitoring of patients is the working style of the institution. detailed information about the clinic is presented here:

Clinic doctors deal with issues maxillofacial surgery, mammoplasty, aesthetic gynecology, cosmetology. They decide complex tasks, take on the most serious cases in terms of correction and restoration of the face and other areas of the human body. The leaders of the Frau Clinic themselves also actively practice, performing complex and delicate operations.

Brief biography of Blokhin

Dr. Blokhin was born in 1960, in the capital of Karelia, Petrozavodsk. The parents of the future talented plastic surgeon were also doctors. Mother, Nina Stepanovna, worked as an otolaryngologist, father, Nikolai Zakharovich, served as a military doctor. The son successfully continued the family dynasty in a difficult field, achieving world fame and high results in his field.

The famous doctor does not like to talk about his marital status, but if you look at the photo of the plastic surgeon, Sergei Nikolaevich Blokhin , you will see a charismatic man with a penetrating gaze. It is unlikely that such a representative of the male population of the Earth was not noticed by his female half.

The professor is happily married. His wife became his faithful fighting friend and fully shares his views on the value of plastic surgery. However, the personal life of Sergei Nikolaevich Blokhin remains a page closed to the curious public, and this should be treated with respect.

How did Blokhin's talent develop?

Blokhin took his first steps in the world of medicine by entering the medical faculty of the Sechenov Moscow Medical Institute, and successfully graduated in 1986. Already in 1987, the newly minted specialist became passionately interested in the problems of reconstruction and plastic surgery of the human body, to which he devoted his entire future career and life.

To understand the secrets of a unique profession and improve his skills, the young doctor studied science with Professor Ribeiro for more than a year. Being the President of the Brazilian Society and the Iberolatin American Federation of Plastic Surgery, he happily shared his experience with his Russian colleague. Ribeiro entrusted Blokhin to independently carry out a number of serious plastic surgeries.

In 1992, the accumulated knowledge allowed Blokhin to defend his dissertation, the topic of which he chose the issues of female breast reconstruction.

In 2000, he defended his doctoral dissertation with an expanded topic: “Reconstructive plastic surgery in breast surgery.”

Over 30 years of intense labor activity, long theoretical and practical research, the doctor wrote 4 voluminous books and more than 50 articles, which highlight problems and achievements in the field surgical plastic surgery. Published in Russia and abroad, they were highly appreciated by the colleagues of the outstanding surgeon.

Blokhin's plans and prospects

Over the years that the doctor has been practicing plastic surgery, he honestly admits that approaches to solving problems in plastic surgery have undergone virtually no changes since 1936, when the first official plastic surgeries were performed. Technical equipment changes, the surgeon’s skills are honed, new materials appear, but the essence of plastic surgery remains the same: people want to be beautiful.

As for prospects and new directions, Blokhin was deeply imbued with the topic of reconstructive operations for cancer patients. He performs a real medical feat, carrying out large-scale restoration of appearance to people whose bodies were mercilessly destroyed dangerous illness. The doctor has a patent for an amazing and unique invention; he, together with Portnoy S.M. developed and implemented a method surgical treatment breast cancer All operations take place at the Frau Klinik.

Blokhin Sergey Nikolaevich is a plastic surgeon with more than 30 years of experience in medicine. He has patented effective techniques and the developments that he and his team bring to life at the Frau Klinik.

Despite the high prices for services in the capital medical institution, the flow of people wishing to become Blokhin’s client is not decreasing. What is the secret of the famous plastic surgeon?


S. Blokhin began his life's journey in Petrozavodsk. The future surgeon was born into the family of a military doctor in 1960. Choice future profession did not present any difficulties for the young man. You can read more about professional achievements here:

After graduating from Moscow medical institute, Sergei Nikolaevich almost immediately began to engage in reconstructive and plastic surgery.

In 1992, already having solid experience as a surgeon, he defended his candidate’s dissertation “Breast Reconstruction”, and eight years later – his doctorate “Reconstructive plastic surgery”.

During his professional career, Blokhin worked as a plastic surgeon for two decades. Cancer Center, improved his experience in European clinics and even in Brazil.

In the 90s of the twentieth century, while working in a German clinic, Blokhin, together with another doctor, patented a method of surgical treatment cancer mammary gland.

Since 2010, the professor has been using a progressive method of endoscopic breast enlargement through subsequently invisible micro-incisions. At the same time, the operation became less traumatic and the time it took was reduced.

Note! In addition to breast plastic surgery, clinics successfully perform a whole range of surgical interventions for face and body correction using modern technologies.

In 2011, together with Professor Wulff, he opened the Frau Klinik. Two years later, in 2013, Blokhin developed a method of using laser for eyelid lifting.

Work today

S. Blokhin’s scientific work takes place against the backdrop of operations in the clinic. Patients seeking the help of a plastic surgeon come here to solve their problems:

  • correction of appearance defects;
  • return of youth and attractiveness;
  • corrections of unsuccessful consequences after operations.

The doctor’s experience, the use of innovative techniques and the medical institution’s compliance with international standards bring many people to the clinic who want to improve their appearance. By popularity among clients wide range Frau Klinik's services include the following surgical interventions:

  • liposuction;
  • face lifting;
  • abdominoplasty;
  • reduction and enlargement of mammary glands;
  • blepharoplasty.

Doctors of various specializations work with patients of the clinic: surgeons, dentists, mammologists, gynecologists, anesthesiologists. Clients attend massage sessions and undergo cosmetic procedures.

After surgery, patients must receive good care actually high level and consulting support to achieve speedy rehabilitation.

All this is possible thanks to qualified personnel, headed by specialists in their field, and the most modern equipment.

Personal life

The professor's patients, in addition to his professional achievements, are also interested in his personal life. Sergei Nikolaevich is not only a famous surgeon, but also an attractive man.

He met his wife in his early youth. Famous doctor tries not to talk about the details of his personal life, so even few photos of him and his wife can be found on the World Wide Web.

Prices for services

Significant prices for services in the Frau Klinik network are a guarantee of high-quality plastic surgery operations.

Important! This kind of service cannot be cheap. For high fees, patients receive highly qualified care, good rehabilitation and consulting support.

The clinic’s current prices are as follows (operation and amount of thousands of rubles):

  1. Blepharoplasty: 90-106.
  2. Abdominoplasty: 360.
  3. Liposuction: 35.
  4. Plastic surgery of one ear: 50.
  5. Rhinoplasty: 300-450.
  6. Breast enlargement: 300-400.
  7. Vaginal plastic surgery: 130.

These prices allow you to use the services of experienced doctors from the Blokhin clinic network. You can find out about the cost of the operation from the professor himself during paid consultation, the cost of which is 3,000 rubles.

The price for the operation includes the following services:

  • insertable implants;
  • consulting support of the anesthesiologist and herself general anesthesia;
  • staying in a hospital hospital;
  • services in the postoperative period.

Additionally, you may need to pay for compression underwear and preoperative complex medical examination, which will be about 7 thousand rubles.

For your information! Regular customers Blokhin's clinic chains have discounts on various services.

Video with Sergei Blokhin, in which he talks about his work:


FULL NAME.: Blokhin Sergey Nikolaevich

Plastic surgeon, professor, doctor medical sciences. Head of the plastic surgery and cosmetology clinic “Frauklinik”, member of the board of directors of the network of clinics of the latest technologies “MedCor”.

The best plastic surgeon in Russia 2018.

Channel One expert - plastic surgeon on the TV show "10 Years Younger".

Information about education and professional activities:

Medical experience: since 1985.

Blokhin Sergey Nikolaevich has been practicing plastic and reconstructive surgery since 1987. At the beginning of his career, he studied and independently operated for more than a year under the guidance of Professor L. Ribeiro, President of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery, President of the Iberolatin American Federation of Plastic Surgery.

Since 1994 he has been consulting and operating in Munich, Germany.

Proficient in the full range of the most modern, effective and least traumatic plastic surgeries in the face and body.

For more than 20 years professional activity performed more than 10,000 plastic and reconstructive surgical interventions.

He was one of the first in the USSR to perform endoprosthetics of the mammary glands and mastopexy.

He was the first in the USSR to reconstruct the mammary gland using a rectoabdominal flap.

Known and recognized as a high-class plastic surgeon not only in Russia, but also abroad. He regularly operates in European clinics in Cyprus and Germany.

In 1992 he defended his PhD thesis on the topic: “Breast reconstruction”.

In 2000, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Reconstructive plastic surgery in breast surgery.”

Head of the plastic surgeon training department and clinic consultant aesthetic medicine"NIKE-MED".

Vice-President of the non-profit partnership “National Scientific Mammological Society”

Leading surgeon of the first Russian TV television project about plastic surgery, “Formula of Beauty,” where he operated on 6 project participants, performing 20 operations, which completely changed their lives.

Unique methods, enormous experience and high professionalism of Professor Blokhin make it possible to minimize rehabilitation period after surgery.

International recognition, training with one of the founders of modern plastic surgery, L. Ribeiro, repeated internships and advanced training professional level in the most progressive clinical centers Europe allows us to say with confidence that at Frauklinik quality and safety medical services at the level the best clinics peace.

Services provided:

Mammoplasty (breast surgery);
- lipofilling;
- body lifting;
- abdominoplasty (tummy tuck);
- liposuction;
- gastric banding;
- gluteoplasty (buttock surgery);
- cruroplasty (plasty of shins);
- face lift;
- neck lift;
- eyelid surgery;
- mentoplasty (chin surgery);
- plastic surgery of cheekbones;
- rhinoplasty (nose job);
- otoplasty (plastic ears);
- brachioplasty (tightening the skin of the arms);
- intimate surgery.

Plastic surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov.

Has been practicing plastic surgery since 1987.

In the 80s worked at the Russian Scientific Research Center named after. N.N. Blokhina. He studied and completed internships in Germany and Brazil (including under the leadership of the President of the Iberolatin American Federation of Plastic Surgery, Liacourt Ribeiro). He regularly operates in European clinics (Germany, Cyprus).

Sergei Nikolaevich Blokhin was one of the first in our country to begin performing and. Performed more than 10,000 plastic and reconstructive surgeries..

Actively engaged scientific activities, is the author of more than 50 papers on current issues in plastic and reconstructive surgery. He developed a patented technique for breast reconstruction after radical mastectomy. Sergei Nikolaevich Blokhin’s candidate and doctoral dissertations are devoted to methods of breast reconstruction (“Breast reconstruction” and “Reconstructive plastic surgery in breast surgery”).

He is the vice-president of the non-profit partnership “National Scientific Mammological Society”, as well as the head of the department of training of plastic surgeons and a consultant at the aesthetic medicine clinic “NIKE-MED”.

Plastic surgeon S.N. Blokhin accepts patients in its own clinic "". Performs a wide range of surgeries on the face and body.


Prices for services:

Plastic surgery
Face-to-face consultation 1.000 rub.
260.000 rub.
80.000 rub.
Bodylifting 600.000 rub.
160.000 rub.
320.000 rub.
75.000 rub.
66.250 rub.
256.250 rub. Implants as a gift!
Scar treatment (surgical) 10.000 rub.
25.000 rub.
20.000 - 30.000 rub.
275.000 rub.
45.000 rub.
260.000 rub.
180.000 - 350.000 rub.
Check-lifting 300.000 rub.
197.500 - 260.000 rub.
235.000 rub.
250.000 rub.
60.000 rub.
Removing Polyacrylamide Gel 40.000 rub.
241.250 - 366.250 rub. Implants as a gift!
600.000 rub.
260.000 rub.
13.000 rub. 2 ml.
13.000 rub. 2 ml.
7.000 - 10.000 rub. 0.6 - 1.1 ml.
ACP 12.000 rub.
WITH 6.600 rub.
R 6.600 rub.
Teosial Redensity 11.500 - 17.500 rub. 1 - 3 ml.
3.000 rub.
Botulinum toxin
250 - 350 rub.
85 - 110 rub.
25.000 rub. Complex treatment underarm hyperhidrosis (all inclusive).
4.000 rub. 1 zone. Spots from 700 to 2500. (ALEXANDRIT)
3.000 - 7.500 rub. Treatment of 1 inflammatory element 600 rub.
Ellanse L 28.000 rub. 1 ml.
18 9.000 rub. 0.8 ml.
24XP 14.000 rub. 0.8 ml.
30XP 15.500 rub. 0.8 ml.
Deep Line 17.500 rub.
First Lines 8.000 rub. 0.7 ml.
Global Action 16.500 rub.
Kiss 16.500 rub. With lidocaine.
Ultra Deep 19.500 - 22.500 rub. 1 ml - 1.2 ml.
Volift 17.500 rub. With lidocaine.
Voluma 24.000 rub. 1 syringe.
Ultra-2 11.000 rub. 0.55 ml.
Ultra-3 16.500 rub. 1 ml.
Ultra-4 17.000 rub.
13.000 rub.
Scar treatment (non-surgical) 300 - 500 rub. For 1 cm2.
1.000 - 3.000 rub. For an ampoule.
1.000 - 1.400 rub. Depending on the number of threads.
5.000 rub.
Mesoline 1.700 - 7.900 rub. 1 ml - 5 ml.
Teosyal Meso 10.500 - 17.500 rub. 1 ml - 3 ml.
15.000 rub. 1.5 ml.
2.300 rub.
1.300 - 3.200 rub. A minimum of 5 sessions is required.
4.000 - 8.800 rub. 1 - 3 zones.
350 - 3.200 rub.
1.000 - 15.000 rub.
Wart removal 350 rub.
2.500 rub.
8.000 - 12.000 rub.
4.000 - 46.500 rub.
3.200 - 4.800 rub.
2.850 - 23.050 rub.
1.750 - 18.400 rub.

Reviews and comments

  • 30 November 2012, 12:31 – Svetlana:

After the consultation, I was 100% confident in Sergei Nikolaevich. A charismatic person, very strong-willed and confident. Gave me a little confidence too. They performed vaginoplasty on me. Sex life has returned to normal. Everything is back). It’s difficult to evaluate visually, but rather by feeling.

  • 16 December 2012, 19:46 - Julia Aleksandrovna:

Before my consultation with Sergei Nikolaevich, I visited 3 other surgeons. Also in Moscow clinics. After consultations, there were always doubts and a bit of uncertainty.
But Sergei Nikolaevich dispelled all my doubts in five minutes of communication. He told me what would happen, what was required of me, and they set a day for the operation.
I dreamed of a facelift, and even more wanted to remove my dark circles under my eyes and the eternal puffiness of my eyelids. I was able to enjoy the results of the operation only a month after the plastic surgery. First postoperative days I looked creepy. But day after day she returned to normal. Fortunately, there were no complications. Sergey Nikolaevich good specialist. Knows how to communicate with patients.

  • 8 January 2013, 18:54 – Angelka:

I visited Sergei Nikolaevich’s clinic in 2012. Blokhin himself operated.
I've been buzzing everyone's ears about blepharoplasty. I knew that I would have this operation, but it was very difficult to decide. Postponed until next year.
I had hernias under my eyelids, the wrinkles went from shallow to quite decent. Blepharoplasty solved several problems at once. The marks after the operation are invisible, the seam above the eyelashes is like a very thin thread.

  • 20 January 2013, 21:02 - Christina:

Blokhin Sergey Nikolaevich performed breast augmentation. Before the surgery, I was practically size zero. And now a good C grade. I had the operation after the birth and feeding of the child. Still, there was hope that after feeding my breasts would grow a little. And when everything became clear, I started looking for a surgeon. Many people write that their lives have changed dramatically. I fell in love with myself and my body more.
Thank you very much to the surgeon for helping me feel more comfortable and confident.

  • 29 April 2014, 04:36 – serova:

Only Sergei Nikolaevich could be trusted with the operation. Maybe if I had a breast augmentation, I would go to a cheaper surgeon. But the face!! I won’t trust anyone in Moscow anymore.
Initially I planned to do only blepharoplasty. I learned about blepharolifting during a consultation with Sergei Nikolaevich. It turns out that this procedure has no analogues and was invented by Prof. Blokhin himself. In order not to rant, I will tell you about the results. Blepharoplasty as an independent operation already provides a certain rejuvenating effect, laser resurfacing gave skin tone. The flabbiness has gone, the small pigments on the face have faded.
I will try to maintain the result with the help of a cosmetologist.

  • 1 May 2014, 07:48 – Sveta Sevastyanova:

  • 1 May 2014, 08:28 - Anna:

Naturally, personally, even such famous plastic surgeons as Sergei Nikolaevich Blokhin perform free operations. Information often slips through, you just need to keep an eye on it and contact it in time. Another project with his participation should be on TV, but I can’t tell you what it’s called and when it’s on, since I haven’t seen it myself yet.

  • 8 May 2014, 18:07 – serova:

Quote: Sveta Sevastyanova

I saw that Blokhin was recruiting patients for free surgery. Tell me, is this promotion still valid? Or have I blown my luck again? How does Sergei Nikolaevich select patients for such operations? Really in person?
Honestly, my savings cannot afford to spend on an operation with Blokhin, and I really want to go to this particular surgeon. I’ve been following his work for the second year, waiting for some significant discounts, but now I’ve overlooked it.

Do you mean the project “10 years younger!” ?? As I understand it, only older participants were recruited. This project was hotly discussed on the forums; many wanted to get involved. The criteria for selecting participants are unclear. No matter how hard I tried to get into it.
Have you thought about seeking advice from Tumakov or Egorova? These are Blokhin's best students, but the operation will cost less than the professor himself.
  • 9 May 2014, 17:28 – Diana Borichevskaya:

The first three days after the operation were the hardest. I was only entertained by watching TV; it was impossible to even read a book. I've been sleeping on my back for a month now. It's still uncomfortable on the side. Painkillers did not help in the first days. Even strange.
Blokhin had his first consultation in 2007. Came back to do beautiful breasts only in 2014. The increase was through the areolas. Sergei Nikolaevich is a virtuoso of his craft. The seams are miniature and during the time after the operation they became invisible.

  • 17 May 2014, 05:04 – Deni:

Girls, I found this quatrain about Sergei Nikolaevich:

You won’t find a second Blokhin in Russia - don’t try
The surgeon and the scalpel are the ruler - with him the years return.
If you need a chest - true to size, or a waist - please,
An artist of the body, a medical expert - life is just beginning with him.

Sergei Nikolaevich had a breast lift in November 2013. The operation was not an easy one, there were complications. I'm glad it's all over and that this surgeon operated on me.

  • 31 May 2014, 15:45 – Galina Bobova:

wonderful lines addressed to this professor S.N. Blokhin. He deserves it)) We bow to people in white coats, they are capable of working miracles! I had a check-lift done by him myself and didn’t expect such a great result. It turns out there are still ways to stop time...

  • 1 June 2014, 09:05 – fakila:

I'm on the Internet Lately I began to find pictures of Blokhin in the image of the devil, they say he has inhuman abilities to make people perfect! And you know, I thought about it. He really works wonders, at least, after studying the information in the media, I can draw such conclusions. What is available to the public. So many kind words and words of gratitude to this professor

  • 20 June 2014, 23:36 – Alesya:

I will say this, “the devil is not as scary as he is painted.” I had a consultation with Sergei Nikolaevich, I was thinking for a long time and still couldn’t make up my mind, but I still signed up and got in. By the way, for those who think as long as I do, keep in mind that the queue is long and everything is scheduled. It turned out that not everything is so scary, he told everything, he communicates politely and culturally, otherwise I had already read a lot and was thinking how to react if there were barbs, but everything was professional and the surgeon does not allow himself such moments in communication. There are only positive emotions I will begin preparations for the operation.

  • 22 June 2014, 18:50 – Elina Kamiren Moscow, Russia:

The first consultation with Sergei Nikolaevich gave me hope that it would be possible to delay old age for another five years. Now I am 39 years old. Like most women who take care of themselves at this age, I was an ardent fan of Botox. But the time has come for plastic surgery. Problems arose that Botox could not cope with.
After the examination, Blokhin suggested doing blepharolifting.
Two weeks after the plastic surgery, the result pleasantly shocked me. The face recovered quickly, but there were no strong pain and severe swelling.
Sergei Nikolaevich’s methods work 150%.

  • 28 June 2014, 04:04 – Elvira K.:

I went for a consultation with S.N. straight from the gynecologist’s office. I had one very delicate problem. The gynecologist advised me to do vaginoplasty, because... were and medical indications.
In order not to jump, I decided to immediately go for a consultation. I thought that it couldn’t get worse for me.
After a consultation with Blokhin, she went through two more good plastic surgeons, but returned to S.N. Two weeks after surgery, I was delighted. The discomfort evaporated, in intimate places everything became very neat and aesthetically pleasing.

  • 30 June 2014, 10:51 – Diana:
  • 13 July 2014, 23:41 – Ksenia V:

Sergei Nikolaevich had blepharoplasty of the lower and upper eyelids, of course, it could be done cheaper, if someone is very concerned about the price issue, I can say that the attitude, service, and most importantly the result after the operation for me personally is priceless. The swelling slowly subsided, but by about 10-11 days I already looked relatively normal, in this case the main thing is to be patient.

  • 14 July 2014, 18:01 - Irina:

Quote: Diana

I had a check-lifting done together with blepharoplasty at Blokhin. Before the operation there were large nasolabial folds and bags, and I completely forgot what cheekbones were and where they were located. Sergei Nikolaevich is a pleasant surgeon, he speaks only to the point. I managed to find him mutual language. I am very pleased with my results, I immediately looked several years younger.

I’m also thinking about check-lifting, but you didn’t do it as part of the project, I recently saw programs with Blokhin on TV, but now they don’t show anything, of course it’s a pity that you can’t attach photos to reviews here, I’d like to see the face after the operation.
  • 4 August 2014, 11:53 - Svetlana:

Before going for a consultation, like everyone else, I read a lot of reviews about various plastic surgeons. But one phrase stuck in my head: “No one will do what Blokhin does.” Of course, I really wanted to get to Sergei Nikolaevich, but it all came down to money. But in the end I had a lift from him when I resolved my material issues. The breast is very natural, I made it so that nothing is visible. Thank you very much!

  • 9 August 2014, 01:45 – Tiana:

The best surgeon in mammoplasty! Gorgeous natural results.
I went to Blokhin after the experience close friend. If it weren’t for her courage, she would still be sitting there with sagging breasts. But she inspired me that breasts can still be sexy after having two kids. Even with the help of a plastic surgeon.
Meeting Sergei Nikolaevich was not so rosy. From the very first words, the doctor warned me about the risks of the operation, that he did not give a 100% guarantee, that there could be complications. The operation was performed in May. Today, the breast has completely recovered, the scars are small and neat.

  • 11 August 2014, 23:32 - Alyona:
  • 17 August 2014, 16:41 – Nadya Dorofeeva:

I didn’t come to breast reduction surgery right away. At first I tried to come to terms with it, waited for pregnancy, maybe something would have changed. But after feeding everything only got worse.
My husband supported me when I spoke about my decision to reduce my breasts. I am incredibly grateful to him for his care and attention. If it weren't for him, I would never have decided.
I made an appointment with Blokhin because... I wanted to be sure that I was getting plastic surgery from the best of the best.
The operation is very complex and there could be complications. It's important to understand this.
After the operation, there was a slight malaise and fever. Literally two days and everything was back to normal.
Thank you to Sergei Nikolaevich and Frau’s medical staff for your warm attitude.

  • 18 August 2014, 10:35 – Ksenya:

Quote: Alena

I had my breasts enlarged by Sergei Nikolaevich and read about him on the forums. I didn't have any difficulty communicating. She listened carefully, did not interrupt, and always had time to ask her questions. His approach is very attentive. I don’t even want to compare with other surgeons I’ve seen. There was an endoscopic breast augmentation, the seam is not visible, the shape is very beautiful.

And I’m just going for a consultation with Sergei Nikolaevich, I’m signed up for next week, but it’s already somehow exciting. I want to enlarge and tighten my breasts.. I saw photographs of girls, on one forum there are a lot of Blokhin’s patients talking, I liked the suture after access through the armpit, it is not visible at all.
  • 20 August 2014, 14:22 – sofya gr:

Girls, has anyone had breast lipofilling done by Sergei Nikolaevich? I really want to make my breasts bigger; it’s difficult to decide on implants.
Has anyone had experience with this operation? Is it true, excess weight no, and I don’t know where to get my fat from. I weigh only 55 kg with a height of 174. Is it realistic to do breast lipo with such parameters?
Or is the only way for me to enter is implants?

  • 24 August 2014, 19:48 –VIVA:

  • 26 August 2014, 22:27 – Elina:

Sergei Nikolaevich is certainly a virtuoso surgeon. I had breast surgery done with him, I didn’t want it to turn out to be “balls”, the result is very natural, the breasts are pleasant to the touch. The rehabilitation was not difficult, I listened carefully to the doctor, if I had any questions, I tried not to panic, but called immediately. In terms of cost (I think this question worries a lot of people), it’s really not cheap, but I am of the opinion that you have to pay for everything and it’s worth it.

  • 4 September 2014, 02:25 - Your name:

I made a terrible mistake! I didn’t go to Sergei Nikolaevich for my first operation. The reduction was carried out by a doctor from St. Petersburg. Unfortunately, he lacked experience in conducting such operations. The breasts never returned to normal. The asymmetry has only intensified. Behind repeated operation turned to Blokhin. He had to correct other people's mistakes and other people's shortcomings.
I am grateful to this doctor for taking on my case.

  • 10 September 2014, 10:01 – Nadezhda:

Good afternoon, does Sergey Nikolaevich Blokhin specialize in breast plastic surgery, if I understand everything correctly? I just came across a program on TV where older women participate, and the surgeon gives them different facelifts, the results were very impressive, I told my husband, I thought that he wouldn’t support, but he doesn’t mind, and the support of my family is the main thing for me, now I want to sign up for consultation, wish me luck.

  • 14 September 2014, 00:50 – Galina:

I had labiaplasty with Prof. Blokhina.
I was very embarrassed about visits to the gynecologist, and intimacy became a test for me. After the operation, I was able to relax and stop having complexes. The discomfort also went away. After labio, recovery was easy, two weeks after surgery everything was fine.

  • 23 September 2014, 22:30 – Ulyana:

I had a breast lift done by Sergei Nikolaevich. Your breast size is a full four. I thought that after the lift my breasts would shrink and that’s why I wanted implants, it turned out that the size would not go away, everything would remain as it was. Therefore, I abandoned the idea of ​​implants. Now I have my own size 4 breasts, only firm and not hanging.

  • 30 September 2014, 18:07 - Julia:

Quote: VIVA

My operation took about an hour. My husband then talked about it, because... was waiting for me at the hospital. He says he counted every minute.
Sergei Nikolaevich operates very quickly. Maybe that’s why I came out of anesthesia smoothly and easily. No pain or migraines. While the painkillers were working there were no particular problems.
Sergei Nikolaevich suggested placing implants under the muscle, volume 230.
When the stitches were removed, it was interesting how the implants felt. So, girls, don’t worry, they are quite soft, but at the same time elastic.

Tell me, before your consultation with Blokhin, did you read what types of implants there are and which ones you want? I just don’t know if it’s worth filling my head with this information, otherwise there are a lot of questions, but this will be my first consultation, so I want to find out everything as much as possible.
  • 13 November 2014, 19:46 – Sofya Gromova:
  • 28 November 2014, 09:40 – Martha:
  • 10 December 2014, 12:22 - Anastasia:

I wish everyone who is planning an operation, first of all, an easy rehabilitation!
I had breast augmentation done by S.N. Blokhin. 2 months have already passed since the operation, the surgeon and I are happy with the result, and for me this is the most important thing. It was difficult during rehabilitation, since I was not from Moscow and had to go by train back home, but with preparation and everything else, the clinic helped me a lot, I initially read all the information on the website and on the forums, but no one will tell or answer A surgeon can answer your questions better, so it’s best to make an appointment for a consultation right away.

  • 12 December 2014, 04:55 – Sofya Gromova:

Quote: Martha

Of course, I don’t really expect to get an answer here, since basically everyone writes reviews, but I’m interested in body lifting from Sergei Nikolaevich, I’m looking for the best surgeon and, most importantly, with extensive experience, there are a lot of positive reviews about Blokhin, I want to sign up for a consultation next year , I doubt that there will still be places before the New Year. If it’s not difficult to answer, who did the body lifting, how did it go and are you happy with the result?

I saw Sergei Nikolaevich when I was waiting for my consultation with the surgeon, he personally made an extremely positive impression on me, he interacted with the patient and the staff in a friendly manner, there was no arrogance as I read somewhere. Those who are going to see him for a consultation, don’t be afraid, not everything is as scary as some make it out to be))

  • 18 December 2014, 04:41 – Viola:

How can I make an appointment with Blokhin? Does anyone know what dates the recording is for now?
I would really like to have plastic surgery done before spring, so that in the summer I can safely fly to the sea to relax with a new bust. After all, three to four months is enough for recovery?

  • 18 December 2014, 22:29 – Martha:

Viola, call the clinic, I was also sitting here wondering how, and what... But I didn’t ask about the dates before the holidays, since first of all I would like to relax, and then deal with questions about plastic surgery, I signed up for the end January to Blokhin. Is it possible to sunbathe after OP?

  • 28 December 2014, 12:19 – Evgenia:

I had a lift with augmentation done by Sergei Nikolaevich, initially I didn’t consider him, although I knew that he was one of the best in mammoplasty, but still the price was high for me. But when I went to consultations, I realized that it was better not to save money and go to a surgeon with more experience. The breasts turned out to be very natural, I had a slight asymmetry, but the surgeon selected the implants so that only I can see them. Thanks for the new breasts.

  • 6 January 2015, 22:38 - Love:
  • 9 January 2015, 18:01 – Alysska:

Quote: Love

I had a consultation with Professor Blokhin on mammoplasty. I made a list of questions, of course, the consultation turned out to be very informative for me, I received detailed answers, but I definitely shouldn’t expect any baby talk. Everything is strictly to the point and as specific as possible, the surgeon was very impressed, I’ll see what others have to say about my breasts and make my decision.

So, does it make sense to write down questions, otherwise I read reviews from other girls, there are entire notebooks filled with questions about how long the consultation lasted, did they really have time to ask everything?
  • 23 January 2015, 12:06 – Maria:

Susana, don’t tell me, when I was preparing and looking for reviews on surgeons, there were a lot of patients who come from the very outback, as you say, and get plastic surgery. I had a breast augmentation with Blokhin last year, access through the armpit. The breasts look very neat and natural, I chose a surgeon based on his work. In my opinion, the reviews are about what is expensive, and who is cheap now? And you shouldn’t pay attention to the rest, just look at the breasts in the reviews before and after. The surgeon's work speaks for itself.

  • 26 January 2015, 03:28 – Alice K.:

She underwent surgery with Blokhin. The surgeon corrected the tubularity of the breast. I had Eurosilicon implants. The swelling after surgery went away slowly and unevenly. But I survived these most difficult and painful days after operation.
Sergei Nikolaevich gave me a new beautiful breast and saved me from eternal complexes.

  • 31 January 2015, 21:33 - Arina:

I had plastic surgery of the shin with Sergei Nikolaevich. I really like the way my legs look after surgery.
I liked working with the doctor, Sergey Nikolaevich interesting person and a true professional. I had minor complications after the operation, so I called the doctor on my mobile phone. He always helped me with advice and told me what to do. Didn't deprive me of attention.

  • 5 February 2015, 21:46 - Anna:

  • 24 March 2015, 10:14 – Nina:

Quote: Anna

The first consultation with the surgeon was controversial; he spent literally 15 minutes and ran off to run errands without explanation.
Because I heard a lot about the surgeon, I decided to go for a follow-up consultation. I liked the second meeting better. It was not possible to particularly look at the photographs of the patients.
I stayed to undergo surgery with Blokhin, because... trusted his experience and professional opinion.
And at the second meeting we found a common language with him.
More than 3 months have passed since the operation. I like the way my breasts look now. And I’m very glad that I came to the second cons.

As for me, there is a lot of Blokhin’s work on the Internet; nevertheless, the surgeon is very experienced and quite popular among those who want to enlarge their breasts. And you just had an increase, tell us more about access and what volume you were given?