Side effects after vaccination. How complications appear after DTP vaccination. What is the schedule for DTP immunization?

Good day, dear readers. In this article, we will look at what are possible side effects and complications after DPT vaccination. You will also find out which preventive measures you can observe and how to behave in cases of atypical reactions.

Typical symptoms after a vaccine

With the introduction of this vaccine, in almost all cases, signs may appear that indicate that the body responds normally to the vaccine. Parents should be prepared for such manifestations and not be afraid of them. As a rule, the doctor warns about such reactions and emphasizes that you should not worry, everything will pass in a day or two.

These symptoms include:

  1. Capriciousness.
  2. Inhibited behavior.
  3. Loss of appetite.
  4. Sleep disturbance.
  5. Temperature up to 37.6 degrees.
  6. Redness and/or induration at the injection site.

Reaction to DTP vaccination

The response of the body to the introduction of the vaccine may be different. It is not excluded the appearance of specific reactions. At the same time, some of them will indicate that the body is fighting, which means that active production of antibodies has begun. In addition, some reactions will not be to the vaccination itself, but to mechanical damage. skin when inserting a needle.

You need to know that these reactions are divided into local and general.

As a rule, all side effects appear on the first day. And, if the baby has symptoms of a viral infection later than two days after the vaccine is administered, then this is the virus, and not a reaction to the vaccine.

It is important to know that in cases of serious side effects, you need to seek the help of a doctor. These include:

  1. Hyperthermia from 39 degrees and above.
  2. Prolonged and non-stop crying for more than three hours. The kid sheds tears because of the strong pain.
  3. Edema at the injection site greater than 8 cm.


Manifestations of a local nature, as a rule, are represented by the following conditions:

  1. Redness at the injection site.
  2. Seal, lump formation.
  3. Edema.
  4. Cough, inflammation of the tonsils.
  5. The child cannot walk due to pain at the injection site.

In the event of a seal, doctors do not recommend doing anything. As a rule, it resolves in a maximum of 14 days. This is a physiological process triggered by the occurrence of an inflammatory reaction at the injection site. The induration will decrease as the vaccine is absorbed.

A bump appears if the doctor, during the injection, does not enter the muscle fiber, but into the subcutaneous adipose tissue. There are significantly fewer vessels, which significantly slows down the absorption process. In addition, a bump can occur in cases of an inflammatory process due to violations of asepsis rules. In such a bump, pus will begin to develop. Be sure to open and clean such an education.

Redness is also a response to the introduction of foreign bodies and the penetration of the needle into the skin of the crumbs. As a rule, it passes very quickly, without additional help.

When manifested severe pain, and this may be due to the individual characteristics of each child, it is necessary to give painkillers, but only as directed by a doctor. If it does not go away for a long time, contact a specialist for help.

The appearance of a cough on the first day after the introduction of the vaccine occurs if deviations in the performance of the organs of the respiratory system have already been diagnosed. This is a reaction to the introduction of the pertussis component. Usually, special treatment does not require. It often happens due to contact with a carrier of the virus for the first time after vaccination.


Such reactions include:

  1. Hyperthermia.
  2. Capriciousness.
  3. Lethargy.
  4. Anxiety.
  5. Indigestion, vomiting. As a rule, in cases of accession of an intestinal infection.
  6. Loss of appetite.
  7. Sleep disturbance.

Parents should understand that a slight increase in temperature will necessarily be present after vaccination, but this is the body's natural response to the vaccination, and not some kind of deviation from the norm. That is why doctors recommend taking antipyretics on the day of vaccination and especially at bedtime. Of course, if hyperthermia rises above 39, then this is a reason to sound the alarm and call an ambulance.

My son did not have any symptoms at all after the first vaccination. negative reactions. After the second, the baby developed moodiness and a deterioration in appetite, although I did not attribute this to the vaccination itself. And after the third injection of DTP, local reactions already appeared, in particular, redness and induration. But it cleared up by itself and the redness went away. So this vaccine did not bring us any serious changes in the body.

DPT vaccination, consequences in children

Such manifestations are extremely rare. For every 100,000 children who have been vaccinated with DTP, two have complications. They can be represented by the following deviations:

  1. Anaphylactic shock.
  2. Hives.
  3. Angioedema.
  4. Encephalitis.
  5. Shock state.
  6. Meningitis.
  7. Quincke's edema.
  8. encephalopathy.
  9. Convulsions (in the absence of hyperthermia).

It is worth noting that complications, as a rule, occur against the background of deviations in the work of the central nervous system or if the child is allergic. It is important to tell the doctor the diagnoses of the peanut in time. In addition, all recommendations for preparing for vaccination must be followed.

Precautionary measures

To exclude possible side effects after the introduction of the vaccine, it is necessary to follow all the rules for preparing for this vaccination:

  1. If the toddler has already begun to introduce complementary foods, do not add new foods a week before and after vaccination. The same applies to women who are breastfeeding.
  2. Bring only a completely healthy baby to the appointment.
  3. Do not forget to visit a pediatrician, and if you wish, you can take clinical blood and urine tests to avoid the likelihood of onset colds or other deviations.
  4. If you are aware of any chronic pathologies or serious deviations in the development of your little one, be sure to notify the specialist before starting vaccination. This also applies to negative reactions with the previous introduction of DTP.
  5. Make sure aseptic precautions are followed to reduce the risk of infection. It is also necessary that your little one was bought before vaccination.
  6. Start giving in a couple of days antihistamine, especially if the child has previously had known cases of an allergic reaction.
  7. Be sure to give an antipyretic after vaccination and at night. It is also recommended to give something against allergies. If the next day the temperature still rises, it is also recommended to bring it down. Antihistamines are given up to three days after vaccination.
  8. Before vaccination, the child should not be overfed. It is better if, on the contrary, he is slightly hungry. In the first three days after vaccination, it is also not recommended to strongly overfeed the baby, it is better to focus on plentiful drink and frequent walks in the fresh air.

What to do when negative reactions appear

But what should parents do if there is some kind of negative reaction?

  1. In cases of an increase in temperature, and this is likely to happen, give the baby an antipyretic, preferably in candles, so the absorption process will be accelerated. As a rule, on the third day the temperature does not rise any more. The exception is hyperthermia under 39 and above. In this case, you must urgently call ambulance.
  2. If redness, swelling, compaction and bumps appear, you should not take any special measures. As a rule, everything goes away in the coming days, some symptoms can last up to 14 days, no more. But in cases of severe edema, more than 8 cm, urgently see a doctor. In case of painful bump- Same. Its cause could be infectious process and, as a result, the accumulation of pus under the skin. In such cases, the baby, at least, will be prescribed antibiotics, as a maximum, they will open the bump to pump out the pus.
  3. If a cough appears no later than a day after vaccination, this is the body's reaction to the pertussis component and does not require any treatment. But if it lasts a week, contact a specialist. And if the appearance of a cough came a few days after the vaccination, then it has nothing to do with DTP. Perhaps, after vaccination, the baby's immunity weakened for a short period and the child managed to become infected.

Of course, the occurrence of any reactions after the introduction of the vaccine is likely to be observed. But do not immediately panic strongly or rush to refuse the introduction of the vaccine. Remember that serious complications occur in very rare cases, and side effects are incomparable to how infection with whooping cough, tetanus or diphtheria can affect the body of a toddler. So, carefully consider whether it is necessary to refuse to carry out the DTP vaccination or whether it is still worth it to make a little one. I wish health to you and your children!

The DTP vaccine, which can cause unwanted side effects in children, is a concern for many parents.

It happens that refusal of vaccination or medical rejection without good reason does not benefit the baby at all. The fact is that the task of medicine is to create powerful protection against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus until the moment of physical and social "activity" of the crumbs. Tetanus is a “soil disease”, its pathogen is in the ground, any open wound is an opportunity for it to penetrate the body.

Young mothers and fathers may refuse the DPT vaccine, based not only on the risk possible complications. Concomitant factors are rumors about the quality of the vaccine, propaganda of opponents of early immunization of children.

Normal reaction to DTP in a child

Side effects after DPT vaccination in a child can be observed after 4-5 hours. The most characteristic is the pronounced pain syndrome, induration at the injection site, hyperthermia, intestinal upset. The pain can be so pronounced that the baby is not able to stand up for a day.

It is normal that the first few shots of the immunization course pass without significant complications, while the third and fourth injections - with more severe reactions. The reaction to the vaccine does not depend on the violation of the vaccination schedule.

low temperature

Under normal conditions, a slight increase in temperature is noted after DTP vaccination. It depends on the individual characteristics child. If the baby usually has a "quick run" fever, you need to be on the lookout. Instead of waiting for the temperature to rise, apply one of the two antipyretic drugs suitable for the baby: paracetamol or ibuprofen.

What to do if you can not bring down the temperature yourself? Often this problem occurs if the child consumes little fluid or is under the influence of external adverse factors: hot room, dry air in the room. The ineffectiveness of antipyretics is due to poor absorption into the blood due to vasospasm. In this case, it is advisable to give 0.5 tablets of No-Shpa.

If you cannot manage hyperthermia on your own, you should seek emergency medical attention.


If a child’s leg hurts after DTP vaccination, he can be helped with ibuprofen or paracetamol, which have an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect on the body. The reddened injection site should not be heated and rubbed. The appearance of these signs should be reported to the attending doctor.

This is a manifestation of an allergic reaction. Helps to cope with its manifestations antihistamine prescribed by the doctor. It could be Suprastin, El-Zet, Eden.


Manifestations of cough after vaccination, accompanied by high fever and general intoxication, are, in most cases, manifestations of an acute respiratory viral infection. With these symptoms, you need to call a doctor at home to examine the child, to establish an adequate diagnosis.

A reaction to the pertussis component of the vaccine, in particular, accompanied by a slight cough, is not cause for concern. If the cough is paroxysmal in nature, there is an inability to take a breath, you should immediately seek emergency medical help.


Not always, but still, after the DPT vaccination, diarrhea appears in babies. The reasons can be both an individual reaction to the vaccine, and a feature of the immune system.

It is impossible to independently find an explanation for the reasons that cause the manifestation of side effects. In each individual case, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Tetanus vaccine reaction in adults

Adverse reactions to DPT vaccination in adults are similar. It manifests itself in the form of general malaise, hyperthermia, pain syndrome. In adulthood, revaccination is done with the help of the ADS vaccine. It is less reactive. An adult is able to perform his labor duties, in the absence of excessive physical exertion.

A reaction to the pertussis component of DTP is considered severe. But in adulthood, whooping cough does not pose the same danger as for babies, so another ADS drug is used for revaccination.

Dangerous Complications

The state of the body at the time of immunization plays a significant role in terms of the individual reactogenic effects of the vaccine. Before the introduction of the vaccine, each child must be examined by a qualified doctor. To exclude hidden inflammatory processes, it is necessary to do a clinical analysis of blood and urine.

Why is DTP vaccination dangerous?

An individual reaction to some of the components of the vaccine can indeed cause severe complications in rare cases. The pertussis component of the domestic DTP creates a great burden on the immune system. It is he who provokes the pain syndrome with a high temperature. Hyperthermia causes the development of subfebrile seizures in children with neurological disorders or in those who have a history of seizures.

To prevent unwanted effects on the child, give the child an antipyretic and antihistamine immediately upon returning home, monitor body temperature and the injection site.

In what cases is an emergency called?

The development of an individual allergic reaction occurs within 20-30 minutes after the injection. This time must be spent near a medical facility.

reason to call emergency care, without trying to independently understand the reasons for this condition, is:

  • an allergy attack is a rash of any nature, suffocation, redness of certain areas of the skin;
  • high body temperature in a child after DPT vaccination, which you try to bring down within 2 hours to no avail;
  • bowel disorder, which is characterized as "water";
  • convulsions;
  • coughing fits;
  • violations of the activity of the central nervous system: "frozen" or "wandering" look, lack of reaction when referring to it, knocked down speech.

The symptoms described in the instructions for the drug are not a pathology. Having studied which in advance you know what you may encounter during the post-vaccination period. It is important! It would be useful to call your doctor if you are concerned about the condition of the child after vaccination.

The situation with vaccination in the country is quite complicated, and various myths about the dangers of vaccination add fuel to the fire. In this article, we will tell you about such a vaccine as DTP and the possible reactions of the baby to its introduction.

What is DTP vaccination

The DTP vaccine (adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine) was first used in the 40s of the last century. This is a vaccine that allows you to avoid contracting three serious diseases at once - diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough. As you know, these diseases are very difficult in children, so it is important to prevent their occurrence in childhood. If earlier quite a lot of children died from these diseases, today, thanks to vaccination, the situation has changed dramatically. In this regard World Organization Health recommends that all children be vaccinated with the DTP vaccine.

Currently, there are DTP vaccines with different compositions. Some contain neutralized pathogens in small quantities. The action of other DTP vaccines is based on the effect of immunological memory. In the second case, the components of the vaccine carry certain information about the pathogens, which is why the immune system responds properly. At the same time, such components are not capable of causing an infectious process.

Is it possible to have a reaction to the DTP vaccine?

DTP vaccination is usually given to children aged 2-4 months. The baby is given three vaccinations with a maximum interval of 45 days. Then a year later, re-vaccination is carried out. If there are the slightest signs of the disease, then the vaccination is postponed, since this is fraught with the development of serious consequences.

Previously, such a vaccination was done in the buttock, but according to modern recommendations, the vaccine is given in the thigh, because due to the large layer of fat in the buttocks, sepsis may develop.

After DTP vaccination, mothers often notice that the baby began to act up, cry, and the injection site turned red and even a bump formed. However, you should not worry about such reactions, since it is quite normal and indicates that the vaccine has begun to work.

The doctor tells the parents in detail about how the baby will tolerate the vaccine. As a rule, reactions at the injection site last from 1 to 3 days, after which they disappear. If the baby develops after a week disease state, for example, body temperature rises, then there is no connection with the DPT vaccine, since all the components of the vaccine have long since fulfilled their functions and cannot have an adverse reaction in any way.

Normal reactions after DTP vaccination

Vaccination is the introduction of foreign material into the body, to which the immune system must respond appropriately. Therefore, some reactions after the vaccine are quite normal and should not disturb parents. Let's look at the normal reactions of the baby's body to the DPT vaccination:

  • Redness of the injection site. This typical reaction for an injection, when the skin along with the introduction of the needle becomes reddened and compacted. This reaction occurs due to a violation of the integrity of the skin, muscle and fat layer. There is a slight deformation of the tissues at the puncture site. In addition to this, at the injection site, an active collision of lymphocytes with foreign elements occurs, which leads to visible changes on the skin in the form of redness and thickening. It is noteworthy that the induration and redness can be quite large and reach 8 centimeters in diameter. However, after a week everything is back to normal. It is noteworthy that if the vaccine is nevertheless given in the buttock, then the local reaction can be more pronounced up to the appearance of suppuration.
  • Painful injection site. It is also quite normal reaction, since when the needle is inserted, the nerve endings that send pain signals to the baby's brain are squeezed.
  • . The pertussis component of the DTP vaccine contributes to an increase in the baby's body temperature. It should be noted that the increase can be quite serious, up to 40 degrees. This is a normal reaction of the body to the vaccine. The fever persists for up to 3 days. If the temperature bothers the child for more than three days, then you need to see a doctor.
  • lethargy. After vaccination, the behavior of the child may change somewhat. He becomes lethargic, drowsy and moody.
  • Runny nose. This is another normal reaction of the body to the introduction of the DTP vaccine. In addition to a runny nose, a cough may also occur. In this case, the doctor may prescribe the child special preparations so that the baby does not get sick at this time.

Abnormal reactions to DTP vaccination

If the baby is healthy and there are no contraindications, then the DTP vaccination should not cause any serious side effects. However, the doctor may not take into account some circumstances for various reasons. In this case, it is possible to develop some pathological reactions, among which:

  • Seizures. This is an atypical reaction to the administration of the DTP vaccine. Such a symptom is possible with a high body temperature of the baby, and also when the baby has a serious violation of the nervous system. Depending on the specific case, convulsions can be single, frequent, short-term or long-term. Whatever the cramps, you should immediately consult a doctor!
  • Sharp deterioration baby's condition. If, after the introduction of the DPT vaccination, you notice a sharp and impressive deterioration in the condition of the child, then you should consult a doctor. Perhaps, when prescribing the vaccine, the doctor did not notice any disease, because of which the baby's immunity could not properly respond to the vaccine.
  • Allergy. The child may be allergic to any of the components of the vaccine. In such cases, reactions such as rash, diarrhea and vomiting are possible. More often allergic symptoms pass quickly, but sometimes the reaction is so strong that there is a threat of anaphylactic shock. Usually, after vaccination, the baby should be in the medical institution, and in case of allergic reactions, doctors take the necessary measures.

What to do if you have a reaction to a vaccine

If after DTP vaccination you notice certain reactions, then it is recommended to adopt the following recommendations:

  • If the body temperature has risen. If, after vaccination, the baby's temperature rises to 38.5 degrees or more, then in this case he needs to be given. In this case, the baby can not be wrapped up. If the temperature does not decrease, then the baby should be undressed and rubbed with cool water, which will reduce the temperature of the skin and the body as a whole. If the temperature still does not decrease, then in this case you need to call an ambulance. In addition, keep in mind that if the body temperature has risen after vaccination, then bathing the baby is undesirable. If the temperature has not risen, then you can bathe the baby, just do not need to rub the injection site with a washcloth and treat it with soap.
  • Redness and swelling. If redness and swelling appear at the injection site, then nothing needs to be done! If you start smearing a swollen and reddened place with various ointments and creams, you will only make it worse! Thus, you clog the puncture site with ointment, and this contributes to the growth of bacteria. Therefore, try not to touch the injection site so as not to harm the baby.
  • pathological reactions. If the pathological reactions mentioned above appear, it is recommended to immediately call a doctor.

After vaccination, new foods should also not be introduced into the diet. Walking with a child is not recommended for at least one day after vaccination. Also, you should not invite guests after vaccination, because that way the baby can catch the infection.

The doctor informs the parents in detail about all reactions (normal and pathological). You will definitely be told how to act in certain situations, and where to turn for help and recommendations.

Currently, there are practically no contraindications to the introduction of the DTP vaccine. Children who have had acute respiratory infections can be vaccinated immediately after recovering from the illness. In the case of mild forms of acute respiratory diseases, vaccination is allowed under the condition of residual effects of respiratory diseases (for example, slight runny nose or slight redness of the pharynx). If a child has neurological diseases, then it can be vaccinated with the exclusion of the progression of the pathological process in the nervous system.

temporary or absolute contraindication to vaccination with DPT vaccination is possible with seizures against the background of low temperature and progressive neurological pathologies. In such cases, the child is usually vaccinated without the pertussis component, which most often causes some reactions (for example, high temperature).

A temporary contraindication to DTP vaccination may be an exacerbation allergic disease. Wherein stable symptoms diseases are not grounds for refusing a vaccine.

As for children suffering from such severe chronic diseases as polycystic, neurological conditions, chronic diseases kidneys and liver, then such babies need to be vaccinated in the first place, since the diseases that DPT protects against lead to serious consequences in children with chronic diseases.

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Children and adults need vaccinations, how in effective means fight dangerous infectious diseases. One of the very first vaccinations given to a child is DPT, which represents vaccine against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. All three infectious diseases are serious and potentially dangerous to humans, because, even with the most modern and highly effective antibacterial drugs, the percentage of deaths is very high. In addition, severe forms of infections can lead to developmental disorders and disability of a person from childhood.

Deciphering the DTP vaccination and the types of vaccines used

The DTP vaccine passes in the international nomenclature as DTP. The abbreviation is simply deciphered - adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine. This drug is combined, and is used to combat, respectively, diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus. To date, there is a choice of these vaccines - the domestic drug DTP or Infanrix. There are also combination vaccines that contain more than just DTP, such as:
  • Pentaxim - DTP + against polio + hemophilic infection;
  • Bubo - M - diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B;
  • Tetracoccus - DTP + against polio;
  • Tritanrix-HB - DTP + against hepatitis B.
The DPT vaccine is the basis of immunoprophylaxis for tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough. However, the pertussis component can cause severe reactions, or revaccination is required only against diphtheria and tetanus - then the appropriate vaccines are used, which in Russia include the following:
  • ADS (according to the international nomenclature DT) is a vaccine against tetanus and diphtheria. Today, domestic ADS and imported D.T.Vax are used in our country;
  • ADT-m (dT) is a tetanus and diphtheria vaccine given to children over 6 years of age and adults. In Russia, domestic ADS-m and imported Imovax D.T.Adyult are used;
  • AC (international nomenclature T) - tetanus vaccine;
  • AD–m (d) – diphtheria vaccine.
These types of vaccines are used to vaccinate children and adults against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus.

Should I get vaccinated with DTP?

To date, the DTP vaccine is given to children in all developed countries, thanks to which many thousands of children's lives have been saved. In the past five years, some developing countries have abandoned the pertussis component, as a result, the incidence of infection and mortality from it have increased significantly. As a result of this experiment, governments decided to revert to pertussis vaccination.

Of course, the question "should I get vaccinated with DTP?" can be set in different ways. Someone believes that vaccinations are not needed in principle, someone believes that this particular vaccine is very dangerous, and causes severe consequences in the form of neurological pathologies in a child, and someone wants to know if it is possible to vaccinate a baby at this particular point in time.

If a person has decided not to vaccinate at all, then naturally he does not need DTP. If you think that the DPT vaccine is harmful, and contains a lot of components that put too much stress on the child's body, then this is not so. The human body is able to safely transfer several components of the vaccine directed against various infections. What matters here is not their quantity, but compatibility. Therefore, the DTP vaccine, developed in the 40s of the XX century, became a kind of revolutionary achievement when it was possible to place the vaccine against three infections in one vial. And from this point of view, such a combined drug means a decrease in the number of trips to the clinic, and only one injection instead of three.

It is certainly necessary to be vaccinated with DTP, but you need to carefully examine the child and obtain admission to vaccination - then the risk of complications is minimal. According to a report from the World Health Organization, the most common causes of DTP vaccination complications are ignoring medical contraindications, improper administration, and spoiled drug. All these reasons are quite capable of being eliminated, and you can safely make an important vaccination.

Parents who doubt the advisability of immunization can be reminded of the statistics of Russia before the start of vaccination (until the 1950s). Approximately 20% of children suffered from diphtheria, of which half died. Tetanus - even more dangerous infection, infant mortality from which is almost 85% of cases. In the world today, approximately 250,000 people die from tetanus every year in countries where they are not vaccinated. And absolutely all children had whooping cough before the start of mass immunization. However, you should be aware that the DPT vaccine is the most difficult to tolerate of all those included in national calendar. Therefore, vaccination, of course, is not a gift from God, but it is necessary.

DPT vaccination - preparation, procedure, side effects, complications - Video

DPT vaccination for adults

The last immunization of children with a DTP vaccine is done at the age of 14, then adults should be revaccinated every 10 years, that is, the next vaccination must be done at 24 years of age. Adults are vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus (DT) because whooping cough no longer poses a threat to them. Revaccination is necessary in order to maintain the level of antibodies in the human body, which is sufficient to ensure immunity to infections. If an adult does not get revaccinated, antibodies will remain in the body, but their number is not enough to ensure immunity, so there is a risk of getting sick. If a vaccinated person who has not undergone revaccination after 10 years becomes ill, then the infection will proceed in more mild form compared to those who were not vaccinated at all.

How many DTP vaccinations are there, and when are they given?

For the formation of a sufficient amount of antibodies that provide immunity to whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria, a child is given 4 doses of the DTP vaccine - the first at the age of 3 months, the second after 30–45 days (that is, at 4–5 months), the third at six months ( at 6 months). The fourth dose of the DPT vaccine is given at 1.5 years. These four doses are necessary for the formation of immunity, and all subsequent DTP vaccinations will be carried out only in order to maintain the required concentration of antibodies, and they are called revaccinations.

Then children are revaccinated at 6 - 7 years old, and at 14. Thus, each child receives 6 DTP vaccinations. After the last immunization at the age of 14, it is necessary to revaccinate every 10 years, that is, at 24, 34, 44, 54, 64, etc.

Vaccination Schedule

In the absence of contraindications and admission to vaccinations, the introduction of the DPT vaccine to children and adults is carried out according to the following schedule:
1. 3 months.
2. 4 - 5 months.
3. 6 months.
4. 1.5 years (18 months).
5. 6 - 7 years old.
6. 14 years old.
7. 24 years.
8. 34 years.
9. 44 years old.
10. 54 years old.
11. 64 years old.
12. 74 years old.

Interval between vaccinations

The first three doses of the DTP vaccine (at 3, 4.5 and 6 months) should be administered with an interval between them of 30 to 45 days. The introduction of subsequent doses is not allowed earlier than after an interval of 4 weeks. That is, between the previous and next DPT vaccinations, at least 4 weeks must pass.

If the time has come for another DPT vaccination, and the child is sick, or there are any other reasons why vaccination cannot be done, then it is postponed. You can postpone vaccination for a fairly long period of time, if necessary. But the vaccine should be given as soon as it can be done (for example, the child will recover, etc.).

If one or two doses of DTP were delivered, and the next vaccination had to be postponed, then when returning to vaccination, it is not necessary to start it again - you just need to continue the interrupted chain. In other words, if there is one DPT vaccination, then two more doses must be delivered at an interval of 30 to 45 days, and one a year from the last. If there are two DTP vaccinations, then simply put the last, third, and a year later from it - the fourth. Then vaccinations are given according to the schedule, that is, at 6-7 years old, and at 14.

First DPT at 3 months

According to the vaccination calendar, the first DTP is given to a child at the age of 3 months. This is due to the fact that maternal antibodies received from her by the child through the umbilical cord remain only 60 days after birth. That is why it was decided to start immunization from 3 months, and some countries do it from 2 months. If for some reason DTP was not given at 3 months, then the first vaccination can be done at any age up to 4 years. Children over 4 years of age who have not previously been vaccinated with DTP are vaccinated only against tetanus and diphtheria - that is, with DTP preparations.

To minimize the risk of reactions, the child must be healthy at the time of the vaccine. Great danger represents the presence of thymomegaly (enlargement of the thymus), in which DPT can cause severe reactions and complications.

The first DTP shot can be given with any vaccine. You can use domestic, or imported - Tetrakok and Infanrix. DTP and Tetracoccus cause post-vaccination reactions (not complications!) in about 1/3 of children, while Infanrix, on the contrary, is very easily tolerated. Therefore, if possible, it is better to put Infanrix.

Second DPT

The second DPT vaccination is done 30 to 45 days after the first, that is, at 4.5 months. It is best to vaccinate the child with the same drug as the first time. However, if for some reason it is impossible to deliver the same vaccine as for the first time, then it can be replaced with any other. Remember that according to the requirements of the World Health Organization, all types of DTP are interchangeable.

The reaction to the second DPT can be much stronger than the first. This should not be afraid, but be mentally prepared. Such a reaction of the child's body is not a sign of pathology. The fact is that the body, already as a result of the first vaccination, met with the components of microbes, for which it developed a certain amount of antibodies, and the second "date" with the same microorganisms causes a stronger response. In most children, the strongest reaction is observed precisely on the second DPT.

If the child missed the second DPT for any reason, then it should be delivered as soon as possible, as soon as possible. In this case, it will be considered the second, and not the first, because, even with a delay and violation of the vaccination schedule, there is no need to cross out everything done and start over.

If the child had a strong reaction to the first DPT vaccination, then it is better to make the second one with another vaccine with less reactogenicity - Infanrix, or just administer DTP. The main component of the DTP vaccination that causes reactions is pertussis microbe cells, and diphtheria and tetanus toxins are easily tolerated. That is why, in the presence of a strong reaction to DTP, it is recommended to administer only ADS containing antitetanus and antidiphtheria components.

Third DPT

The third DTP vaccine is administered 30 to 45 days after the second. If at this time the vaccine was not given, then the vaccination is carried out as soon as possible. In this case, the vaccine is considered exactly the third.

Some children react most strongly to the third rather than the second DTP vaccine. A strong reaction is not a pathology, as is the case with the second vaccination. If the previous two injections of DTP were delivered with one vaccine, and for the third one for some reason it is impossible to get it, but there is another drug, then it is better to get vaccinated rather than postpone.

Where are they vaccinated?

The DTP vaccine preparation must be administered intramuscularly, since it is this method that ensures the release of the components of the drug at the desired rate, which allows the formation of immunity. Injection under the skin can lead to a very long release of the drug, which makes the injection simply useless. That is why it is recommended to inject DTP into the child's thigh, since even the smallest muscles are well developed on the leg. Older children or adults can inject DTP into the upper arm if muscle layer there is well developed.

Do not administer the DTP vaccine in the buttock, as there is a high risk of getting into blood vessel or sciatic nerve. In addition, there is a rather large layer of subcutaneous fat on the buttocks, and the needle may not reach the muscles, then the drug will be injected incorrectly, and the drug will not have the desired effect. In other words, DTP vaccination in the buttock should not be done. In addition, international studies have shown that the best production of antibodies by the body develops precisely when the vaccine is injected into the thigh. Based on all these data, the World Health Organization recommends administering the DTP vaccine in the thigh.


To date, stand out general contraindications to DTP, such as:
1. Any pathology in the acute period.
2. Allergic reaction to the components of the vaccine.
3. Immunodeficiency.

In this case, the child cannot be vaccinated in principle.

If there are neurological symptoms or seizures due to fever, children can be vaccinated with a vaccine that does not contain a pertussis component, that is, ATP. Until recovery, children with leukemia, as well as pregnant and lactating women, are not vaccinated. A temporary medical exemption from vaccination is given to children against the background of an exacerbation of diathesis, who are vaccinated after achieving remission of the disease and normalizing the condition.

False contraindications for DPT vaccination are as follows:

  • perinatal encephalopathy;
  • prematurity;
  • allergies in relatives;
  • convulsions in relatives;
  • severe reactions to the introduction of DTP in relatives.
This means that in the presence of these factors, vaccinations can be carried out, but it is necessary to examine the child, obtain permission from a neurologist and use purified vaccines with minimal reactogenicity (for example, Infanrix).

The introduction of the DTP vaccine is contraindicated only in people who have had an allergic or neurological reaction in the past to this drug.

Before DTP vaccination - preparation methods

DTP vaccination has the highest reactogenicity among all vaccines included in the national calendar. That is why, in addition to observing general rules, it is necessary to carry out drug preparation and support for DPT vaccination. General rules include:
  • the child must be completely healthy at the time of vaccination;
  • the child must be hungry;
  • the child must poop;
  • the child should not be dressed too hot.
The DPT vaccine must be administered against the background of the use of antipyretic, analgesic and antiallergic drugs. Children's antipyretics based on paracetamol and ibuprofen also have a moderate analgesic effect, which allows you to eliminate discomfort in the area of ​​injection. Keep on hand analgin, which can be given to a child in the presence of severe pain.

A bump after DPT can form when the vaccine does not get into the muscle, but into the subcutaneous fatty tissue. There are much fewer vessels in the fatty layer, the rate of absorption of the vaccine is also sharply reduced, and as a result, a long-lasting lump is formed. You can try Troxevasin or Aescusan ointments to increase blood circulation and speed up the absorption of the drug, which will lead to the resorption of the bump. Can a bump also form if the vaccine was administered without observing the rules of asepsis? and dirt got into the injection site. In this case, the bump is inflammatory process, pus forms inside it, which must be released and the wound treated.

Redness after DPT. This is also normal, since a mild inflammatory reaction develops at the injection site, which is always characterized by the formation of redness. If the child is no longer bothered, do nothing. As the drug dissolves, the inflammation will go away by itself, and the redness will also go away.
Pain after DPT. Pain at the injection site is also due to inflammatory reaction, which can be expressed stronger or weaker, depending on the individual characteristics of the child. Do not force the baby to endure pain, give him analgin, apply ice to the injection site. If the pain does not go away for a long time, see a doctor.

Cough after DPT. Some children may develop a cough during the day in response to the DTP vaccine if they have chronic diseases respiratory tract. This is due to the body's reaction to the pertussis component. However, this condition does not require special treatment, and goes away on its own within a few days. If the cough develops a day or several days after vaccination, then there is a typical situation when healthy child"caught" an infection in the clinic.


Vaccine complications include serious health problems that require treatment and can have adverse consequences. So, DTP vaccination can cause the following complications:
  • severe allergies (anaphylactic shock, urticaria, angioedema, etc.);
  • convulsions on the background normal temperature;
  • encephalopathy (neurological symptoms);
To date, the frequency of these complications is extremely low - from 1 to 3 cases per 100,000 vaccinated children.

At present, the relationship between the development of encephalopathies and DPT vaccination is not considered scientifically proven, since no specific properties of vaccines that can cause such phenomena have been identified. The conducted experiments on animals also did not reveal a connection between DTP vaccination and the formation neurological disorders. Scientists and vaccinologists believe that DPT is a kind of provocation, during which an increase in temperature simply leads to a clear manifestation of hitherto hidden disorders.

The development of short-term encephalopathy in children after DTP vaccination causes a pertussis component, which has a strong irritating effect on the meninges. However, the presence of convulsions against the background of normal temperature, twitching, nodding, or impaired consciousness is a contraindication to further administration of the DTP vaccine.

The question of the need for vaccination of children today is particularly relevant. Many parents simply refuse to put their kids at risk. On the other hand, those pathologies from which vaccines are designed to protect are no less dangerous. The greatest worries of moms and dads causes possible reaction for DTP vaccination, which is included in the list of mandatory. Although combination vaccine designed to strengthen protective function organism, it is classified as reactogenic, capable of causing serious allergic manifestations.

DPT: interpreting the name

The abbreviation stands for adsorbed (purified) pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus combined vaccine, aimed at protecting the body from three serious diseases at once. For its manufacture, toxoids of diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough are used. In the last component, only some cell fragments (DPT vaccine) can be used, which is much safer, unlike whole cell preparations.

Acellular vaccines are prescribed if the child's reaction to the DPT vaccination (previous) was severe, as well as in case of weakened immunity in the baby. There is a variety of the drug, in which the pertussis component is completely absent.

All known pathologies in medicine have their own personal code. International classification diseases allows you to record information about the state of health of the population and contains all the names of diseases in alphabetical order. The last revision was carried out in 2010, so it is customary to use the abbreviation ICD-10. The reaction to DTP vaccination is also included in this list (T88.0).

How does the DPT vaccine work?

Vaccinations can prevent the development of serious and sometimes even fatal diseases. The vaccine against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus, entering the body, begins to release weakened components. This stimulates the defense system to produce immune cells (antibodies and T-lymphocytes) and fight off foreign microorganisms. Atoxins are not dangerous for the body, they only stimulate it to resist diseases.

What reaction to the DPT vaccination is considered the norm?

In medical practice, it is customary to divide reactions into weak, moderate and strong. The immune response of the system to the introduction of the drug components can be quite pronounced. This is a normal reaction of the body, indicating that the vaccine has begun to act. The standard manifestations are fever, excitability, capriciousness in children. infancy, drowsiness, vomiting (rare).

Symptoms are characterized by sudden onset and disappearance. Normally, they occur in the first 24 hours after the injection. If a similar reaction of the body to the DPT vaccination is observed for more than 48 hours, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.

Types of DPT vaccine

The considered vaccine of domestic production is quite well tolerated by children. In polyclinics, it is provided for free of charge. If desired, parents can purchase imported analogues. Some of these drugs contain additional components to fight other diseases. Backlash for vaccination with DTP of foreign production is reduced to a minimum. These vaccines include:

  • "Pentaxim" (manufactured in France) - a popular analogue of domestic vaccination, contains 5 components of dangerous childhood pathologies at once: tetanus, whooping cough, diphtheria, poliomyelitis, hemophilic infection.
  • "Infanrix" (manufactured in England) - is a cell-free vaccine with minimal side effects. It is produced in several forms and may additionally contain components of poliomyelitis (“Infanrix IVP”) or hepatitis B, as well as hemophilic infection (“Infanrix Hexa”).
  • "Tetrakok" (manufactured in France) - the vaccine contains components of KDS and polio. Introduced to children with immune disorders.
  • "Tritanrix HB-HIB" (manufactured in Belgium) - the vaccination dose contains diphtheria and tetanus toxin, inactivated pertussis fragments, hepatitis B surface antigen, capsular polysaccharide of hemophilic infection.

A reaction to DPT vaccination can occur regardless of the manufacturer. Of course, foreign vaccine companies are trying to reduce the risk of complications and offer only the latest developments in the field of drugs for routine vaccination.

Local reaction

The injection site may be slightly swollen, reddened, painful. The swelling goes down within 3 days after vaccination. In severe cases, suppuration may begin. This is more often caused by non-compliance with the technique for performing this kind of injection. Also, the reasons for the development include a tendency to allergies.

According to statistics, every fifth baby has a local reaction to the DPT vaccination. At 3 months, when the primary vaccination is to be done according to the schedule, the manifestation of such signs practically does not occur. Symptoms increase with each subsequent administration of the drug.

Possible Complications

Cases of complications after DTP vaccination have indeed been recorded. Experts, trying to persuade parents to vaccinate, insist that the benefits far outweigh the risks.

Allergic manifestations increase depending on the predisposition of the child's body. This means that the danger still exists, and therefore it is not surprising that mothers and fathers refuse to administer such drugs to children.

A child's reaction to DPT and polio vaccination may manifest itself in the following form:

  • Anaphylactic shock - a sharp decline pressure, breach heart rate. In children, it often manifests as fainting and loss of consciousness. Occurs 30-60 minutes after injection. Requires immediate resuscitation.
  • Afebrile seizures - occur without an increase in temperature against the background of irritation of areas of the brain. This serious lesion of the nervous system needs long-term drug treatment. The cause of the occurrence is the components of whooping cough in the vaccine.
  • Encephalopathy is a severe pathological brain lesion that often becomes lifelong. It develops within 1 month under the influence of a vaccine containing pertussis cells.
  • Quincke's edema - such a reaction to DTP vaccination and polio is characterized by swelling of the neck, face, larynx, nose. It is important to provide the baby with urgent medical care.

Parents' opinion

Now you will not surprise anyone with the refusal of DTP vaccination. Parents do not agree to expose their babies to the threat of severe neurological abnormalities that most often accompany children after vaccination for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, doctors do not prescribe a preliminary examination for various specialists who give their opinion on the permission or prohibition of vaccinations. Some mothers and fathers simply do not have information that such a study is mandatory.

In children's clinics, before vaccination, the child is simply examined by a pediatrician. What is the reaction to DTP vaccination? Most often, you can hear that normally the temperature may rise slightly, a seal appears at the injection site. About more serious consequences Doctors prefer to remain silent. Moms and dads, in turn, trusting professionals, sign the permission and thereby shift all responsibility onto themselves.

Nevertheless, most parents are sure that vaccination against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough and polio should be done in without fail. Some completely trust the drug of domestic production, while others (their minority) purchase imported analogues, in which the risk of developing severe complications is much lower.

What to look for after DTP vaccination?

A slight increase in temperature, lethargy and lack of appetite in the first days after vaccination is a normal child's reaction to DTP vaccination and polio. The role of parents is to control further development situations.

The following symptoms should be alert:

  • prolonged fever;
  • body temperature exceeds 39 ° C and cannot be reduced with antipyretic drugs;
  • the appearance of seizures;
  • crying of a child with an uncharacteristic shrill cry;
  • pallor (sometimes blue) of the skin;
  • the child stopped responding to the treatment.

Such signs should not go unnoticed, and parents should seek medical help. If there is only a moderate local reaction to the DPT vaccination, then there is no reason to worry. These symptoms quickly pass and do not cause serious consequences.

How does the body react to each stage of vaccination?

It should be borne in mind that the reaction to the 2nd DPT vaccination, which is scheduled for 4.5 months, may differ from the first injection. Despite such a small age, children tolerate the introduction of atoxin pertussis, tetanus and diphtheria well. The World Health Organization recommends that you do not violate the established vaccination dates in order to avoid complications.

The next injection is given at six months, if the baby normally had the first and second vaccinations. Otherwise, it is necessary to replace the drug with one that does not contain a pertussis reactogenic fragment. It is considered the most dangerous component capable of provoking irreversible changes in the brain (severe complications). The reaction to the 3rd DTP vaccination often frightens parents and sometimes fears are justified. At this time, an enhanced formation of a protective mechanism is taking place, and therefore the consequences can be quite serious.

After the third vaccination, the child's temperature rises, which is sometimes difficult to bring down. May cause diarrhea, vomiting, sharp drops moods. The injection site looks swollen, reddened. For better transfer of a painful vaccine, it is done exclusively in the thigh. So the components enter the vessels faster and do not cause violent local reaction. Only in rare cases, the pain syndrome develops to such an extent that for several days the child hardly steps on the leg. The baby must be carefully monitored after each vaccination and, if necessary, seek medical advice.

How to alleviate the condition of the child after DTP vaccination?

If a child has a fever in response to the DTP vaccine, first of all, it is necessary to give an antipyretic. For greater efficiency, it is recommended simultaneous reception with 1/4 tablet "No-shpy".

Compresses with magnesia (or simple rubbing) will help reduce pain at the injection site. It is also allowed to make an iodine grid, which contributes to the speedy reduction of swelling and puffiness. Eliminate the manifestations of allergies will help antihistamines.

DPT revaccination

The last vaccination against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough is given at the age of 18 months. It is called revaccination, which completes the DPT vaccination complex and consolidates the effect. There are special requirements for its implementation: the child must be absolutely healthy. Therefore, it is mandatory to undergo an examination by highly specialized specialists (neuropathologist, cardiologist, ENT) and pass lab tests. This is the only way to be sure that the vaccine will not harm the baby.

A negative reaction to the DTP vaccination, which was administered before revaccination, is an indication for discontinuation of the injection or replacement of the drug. If the child has had an illness (including a simple ARVI), revaccination is postponed for 12 months. The period must be counted from the day of the third vaccination.

Consequences of revaccination

The reaction to DTP vaccination and polio in each case may be different. Revaccination is no exception, which some children tolerate well, while others suffer from high fever, severe pain in the injection area, and lack of appetite. With normal tolerability of previous vaccine injections, there should be no serious complications.

How long does a reaction to a DTP vaccine last? Normally, the symptoms should disappear three days after the injection. If the child feels well, does not act up, does not complain about pain in the leg, then the body tolerated the drug well.

Do I need to prepare for vaccination?

Proper preparation of the child for routine vaccination is the key to good tolerance and the absence of complications. DTP vaccination should be taken with special responsibility, since it is it that most often causes various kinds of complications. In order to avoid disturbances in the work of the nervous system and kidneys, you must first pass medical examination to get information about your baby's health.

District pediatricians often neglect this prerequisite, on which the child's admission to vaccination depends. As a result of such negligence, a child may have a severe reaction to the DPT vaccination. Parents should understand that one examination of the child immediately before the injection is not enough. It is necessary to require from the pediatrician a referral for laboratory tests. You also need to go through other specialists, in particular, a neurologist.

Before vaccination, doctors advise preparing the child's body for a "meeting" with the components of the vaccine. To do this, they begin to give antiallergic (antihistamine) drugs in a few days. They will help smooth out the manifestation of some of the system's reactions to the introduction of foreign viruses (even if weakened). In turn, the doctor should be aware of the baby's tendency to allergies.

It is not recommended to introduce new types of products into the child's menu that can provoke an organism reaction in the form of dermatitis. On the day of vaccination, many experts advise giving an antipyretic even before possible uplift temperature. All medications are canceled 3-5 days after DTP vaccination.

When should vaccination be delayed?

There are temporary indications that allow you to postpone the introduction of the vaccine for a certain period. It should be noted that a few decades ago this list was more impressive. Modern scientific developments allowed to shorten it. Currently, a withdrawal from the DTP vaccine is given for the following indications:

  • History of recent infectious and viral diseases. It is allowed to vaccinate a child only a month after full recovery.
  • Exacerbation of chronic ailments - a delay of at least 3 months from DPT vaccination.
  • Intestinal dysbacteriosis - causes a decrease in immunity, which can complicate the child's reaction to the injected atoxin. Babies with this diagnosis are not recommended to be vaccinated with DTP.
  • Premature birth - underdeveloped various systems of a fragile organism should not suffer from a vaccine. Children born ahead of time, it is necessary to gain weight before the first DPT vaccination.
  • Severe reaction to DPT and polio or other vaccines. Subsequent administration of the drug is allowed only after complete examination. The most commonly used drug without pertussis cells (ADS).

The district doctor, sending the child for a routine vaccination, must make sure that there are no diseases and contraindications. Without fail, the temperature is measured, breathing is heard. If there is the slightest suspicion of the poor health of the baby, injections are contraindicated.

You should refrain from vaccination if the child has to go on a long journey. This increases the chance of catching a virus that will negatively affect a weakened immune system.

In what cases is it forbidden to vaccinate DTP?

TO complete contraindications relate:

  • a history of pathologies of the nervous system;
  • a fixed reaction in the form of convulsions with an increase in body temperature;
  • an allergic reaction to a previous injection;
  • infantile spasms;
  • brain disorders, pathologies;
  • an epidemic of any other disease;
  • the presence in the family history of patients with neurological abnormalities, mental disorders;
  • birth trauma of the skull.

During the initial administration of the vaccine, it is necessary to especially monitor children whose close relatives are prone to allergies.