Why is there an unpleasant sensation in the mouth? Heat in the mouth causes

Quite often you can hear complaints about a feeling of viscosity in the mouth.

This condition is often accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • formation of cracks on the lips;
  • (at the same time it turns red);
  • hoarseness of voice after waking up;
  • unpleasant smell from oral cavity;
  • difficulty swallowing food;
  • thirst, feeling of dry mouth and throat.

To eliminate the discomfort once and for all, you must find out why your mouth feels sticky.

Constant viscosity

If viscosity in the mouth has arisen for a long time and long time does not disappear, then it may indicate that a person has the following diseases or pathological conditions:

  • diabetes;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • Hodgkin's disease (oncological process occurring in the lymphatic system);
  • parkinsonism;
  • chronic lack of iron in the blood caused by poor diet or diseases of the digestive system;
  • high blood pressure;
  • diarrhea;
  • hormonal fluctuations (this is why pregnant women often complain that they have a sticky mouth);
  • breathing problems (occurs in patients who snore or constantly breathe through their mouth);
  • weakening of the muscle strength of the palate;
  • inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity;
  • age-related changes (with aging, the amount of saliva produced sharply decreases);
  • damage nerve fibers located in the neck and head area.

In more rare cases, the cause of persistent viscosity is previous surgery to remove salivary glands or severe head injury.

Temporary viscosity

As for the situation when a patient periodically has a sticky mouth, the reasons for this may be the following:

  • eating salty foods;
  • presence of a runny nose;
  • too much heat in the house and/or low air humidity;
  • long and intense sports training;
  • smoking cigarettes or hookah (smoke dries out the mucous membranes).

In addition, discomfort may appear if the person consumed narcotic or toxic substances the day before. This symptom indicates severe intoxication of the body. For the same reason, viscosity develops during the course. radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

Viscosity due to drugs

Sometimes there is a sticky feeling in the mouth while taking certain medications.

The most often unpleasant symptoms are provoked by medications of the following groups:

  • anxiolytics (anti-anxiety);
  • antidepressants;
  • laxatives;
  • analgesics;
  • antihistamines (against allergies);
  • antifungal tablets.

It is worth saying that some dietary supplements for weight loss also cause a feeling of viscosity in the mouth. If discomfort develops during treatment of any disease, the patient is advised to carefully study the instructions for the drug. If it has such an effect, it will definitely be written about.

Viscosity after eating persimmon

Persimmon contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements, making it not only tasty, but also extremely healthy.

However, sometimes, after coming home from the store and tasting the purchased fruits, the buyer is disappointed. Persimmon turns out to be absolutely not sweet, there is unpleasant feeling- knits in the mouth. It has this property due to its high tannin content. It is also often called tannic acid. It forms various chemical bonds with polysaccharides of natural origin, resulting in a tanning effect.

Tannin, which is contained not only in the fruits, but also in the leaves, as well as the bark of the plant, protects them from being eaten by various animals.

It is worth noting that tannic acid in small dosages does not harm the body. Moreover, it has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs and calms the nervous system.

Patients who have recently undergone surgery on the abdominal organs should be careful in this case.

If a person does not like tart persimmons, then he can easily change its properties by putting the fruits in the freezer for several hours. Also, if desired, they can be placed in the same bag with apples. The latter produce ethylene, a substance that accelerates the ripening process of persimmons.

You can also get rid of astringency by heat treating the fruits or drying them. The same rules apply to sloe berries.

Diagnosis of causes

If a patient has a sticky mouth, the symptoms that accompany this condition must be taken into account.

So, if the discomfort is accompanied by weakness and nausea (which can result in vomiting), it means that he has a stomach pathology (usually gastritis). If all this is accompanied by a high temperature, the patient has probably “caught” a viral or bacterial infection.

Viscosity in the mouth combined with a bitter taste and pain in the side right side indicates the presence of gallstones.

Sometimes unpleasant sensations are accompanied by the presence metallic taste in the oral cavity. This indicates gum disease.

In addition, if the patient has a sticky mouth, the reasons for this can be identified by

  • examination of the oral cavity;
  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • hormonal research;
  • blood tests for vitamins and minerals;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • endoscopic examination of the stomach;
  • analysis for infections;
  • analysis for tumor markers, etc.

In addition, during diagnosis, it is imperative to measure the patient’s blood pressure.


Treatment in this case consists of eliminating the underlying pathology that causes the mouth to stick.

If this is not done, insufficient saliva will increase the risk of oral diseases. In addition, a malfunction of the salivary glands will sooner or later negatively affect protective functions mucous membranes. The result of this can be candidiasis, stomatitis, sore throat, caries and many other diseases.

Also, do not forget that the underlying disease is getting worse every day. That is why it is so important not to delay time, but to go to the doctor. In this case - to a therapist, and he, in turn, will refer you to another, more to a specialist. As a rule, see a neurologist, gastroenterologist or dentist.

If burning of the tongue, discomfort and unpleasant sensations are not associated with eating spicy, salty or hot food, then it is better not to delay a visit to the doctor. Our language is a kind of detector of the state of the body.

According to statistics, “burning tongue” syndrome is observed in women seven times more often than in men.

Causes of burning tongue

  • Mechanical damage. This can happen as a result of dental procedures, friction of the tongue on the crown of the tooth, accidental biting of the tongue while eating or sleeping, etc. You just need to rinse your mouth with a decoction of herbs with an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.
  • Disorders in the gastrointestinal tract(stomach ulcer, pancreatitis, cholecystitis). The burning sensation in this case is associated with the release of bile into the esophagus. This may cause belching, nausea, and heartburn.
  • Liver diseases. Liver disease often results in a bitter taste in the mouth, bleeding gums, and a burning, tingling sensation on the tongue.
  • Stomatitis It can also cause a burning tongue. In the area where the ulcer forms, there is redness and swelling. The temperature may rise and worsen general state. Full list you can find on the website.
  • Menopause in women it is also often accompanied by discomfort in the mouth. Hormonal changes cause dryness and irritation of mucous tissues.
  • Glossalgia– vegetative-vascular disease. Causes tongue tingling. If you feel like this is glossalgia. It is more often observed in people after 45 years of age. Frequent depression, nervous shock and stress can lead to glossalgia.
  • Diabetes. The first signs of diabetes are most often found in the oral area. The viscosity of saliva increases, it becomes thicker, its quantity decreases, which entails a persistent feeling of dryness in the mouth. The tongue becomes inflamed, especially susceptible to spicy, salty and sour foods. Periodontitis develops, difficult to treat. Neurogenic disorders are also associated - a burning sensation of the tongue. There are cases when competent dentists are the first to diagnose diabetes based on its manifestations in the oral cavity.
  • Cardiovascular diseases cause disturbances in sensitivity: tactile, taste, pain. Unpleasant sensations in the form of tingling and burning begin at the tip of the tongue, then spread to the entire oral cavity.
  • Chronic renal failure causes changes in the entire oral mucosa. Patients often complain of a burning sensation of the tongue, swelling, and impaired taste.
  • Allergy on medications may result in burning and swelling of the tongue. There may also be a reaction to a removable denture.
  • Candidiasisfungal disease, which is activated as a result of decreased immunity, a white cheesy coating appears on the oral mucosa, redness, itching and burning. In fact, Candida fungi are part of the oral microflora. But with a decrease in immunity, they begin to actively multiply, which leads to the development of the disease.
  • Cervical osteochondrosis may also cause discomfort in the tongue area. This is due to a pinched occipital nerve. The pain may worsen when turning the head.
  • May be increased nervous excitability.
  • Anemia caused by a deficiency folic acid, iron. Often, even before the development of the disease, a burning sensation of the tongue and the entire oral mucosa appears.
  • Drying of the oral mucosa. Insufficient hydration of the mucous membrane can lead to the formation of many small cracks. If you suspect a decrease in saliva production, you should consult a doctor. This may be a sign of Sjögren's disease.
  • Lichen planus. This disease is not contagious and most often affects skin, but can sometimes spread into the oral cavity, causing discomfort and burning.
  • Tartar. Sediments on inside tooth enamel can also cause discomfort and discomfort. The tip of the tongue, in contact with plaque bacteria, becomes irritated, which leads to an inflammatory process.
  • may cause tongue pain. Unconscious clenching of the jaw, grinding of teeth during sleep or stressful situations, can lead to accidental injury to a muscular organ.
  • - disease infectious nature. Accompanied by redness and swelling of the tongue. Subsequently, the discomfort intensifies, up to difficulty speaking. An abscess may occur. Most often, the peak of burning occurs in the evening. At the same time, patients experience dry lips and tingling of the tongue. In some cases, a metallic taste appears in the mouth. This situation can last for months and even years.

Forms of glossitis

  1. Geographical(disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, imbalance of vitamins in the body). There are red spots with clear boundaries on the tongue.
  2. Diamond shape(smoking, vitamin C deficiency, gastrointestinal inflammation). With this form, the papillae of the tongue atrophy, and a diamond-shaped lesion appears in the center.
  3. Hairy black tongue(hypervitaminosis, infectious diseases, violation metabolic processes). In the posterior and middle parts of the tongue, there is a proliferation of filiform papillae. This form of glossitis is more common in men.
  4. Ulcerative glossitis(gum inflammation and disease internal organs). Bleeding wounds form, the tongue swells and hurts.
  5. Purulent-phlegmonous. This very severe form of glossitis affects the deep layers of the tongue, the entire oral cavity and even the lymph nodes. A doctor's examination is required!
  6. Gunter's glossitis(lack of folic acid and vitamin B12). The entire surface of the tongue becomes bright red due to atrophy of the papillae.
  7. Candidal glossitis most often occurs after taking antibiotics, manifests itself as a white coating on the tongue, swelling, and itching.



  • Antihistamines, anti-inflammatory drugs, antipsychotics aimed at protecting the oral mucosa, immunomodulators.
  • When the occipital nerve is pinched A massage course may help. If the disease is advanced, then a blockade is prescribed.
  • Anemic conditions are normalized by taking B vitamins, folic acid, and iron.
  • For candidiasis antifungal drugs are prescribed.
  • When there is a burning sensation of the tongue of unknown etiology general oral sanitation and sedatives are prescribed
  • In case of severe irritation On the tongue, anesthetics are used in the form of applications and oral baths.
  • To normalize salivation It is recommended to lubricate the tongue with vitamin A.

Folk remedies

  • Applications with sea buckthorn, wheat germ, rose hip oil. Promotes rapid regeneration of damaged tissues. A piece of gauze is soaked in oil and applied to the damaged area. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.
  • Rinse your mouth with herbal teas with an antibacterial effect (decoction of sage, oak bark, chamomile) at least five times a day.
  • Propolis. You can chew a piece of propolis several times a day.
  • Soda rinses. In the warm soda solution a few drops of iodine are added.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. You can apply a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide to the affected areas of the mucous membrane. This should be done every two hours. But a noticeable improvement occurs already on the third day of treatment.
  • A decoction of echinacea or ginseng can be used internally. They have immunomodulatory properties and restore the body's strength.

It should be remembered that traditional methods Treatments for glossitis can be used as an addition to the main treatment.

Do you want white and healthy teeth?

Even with careful care of your teeth, over time stains appear on them, they darken and turn yellow.

In addition, the enamel becomes thinner and teeth become sensitive to cold, hot, sweet foods or drinks.

In such cases, our readers recommend using the latest remedy- Denta Seal toothpaste with a filling effect.

It has the following properties:

  • Levels damage and fills microcracks on the enamel surface
  • Effectively removes plaque and prevents the formation of caries
  • Returns teeth natural whiteness, smoothness and shine

What should you not do if you have a burning tongue?

  1. Eat sour, spicy, hot foods, chewing gum with sugar, as well as alcoholic drinks;
  2. Brush your teeth with a paste containing sodium lauryl sulfate;
  3. Use mouth fresheners;
  4. Visit places where there is a large accumulation of dust or chemicals;
  5. If your tongue burns, you should never rinse your mouth with a solution of potassium permanganate or lubricate the irritated areas with brilliant green.

Maintaining oral hygiene

  • Balanced diet. Use large quantity fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Active lifestyle, walking fresh air, playing sports in general strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance to various diseases.
  • Many patients complain of excessive sensitivity, discoloration of enamel and caries. Toothpaste with a filling effect does not thin the enamel, but, on the contrary, strengthens it as much as possible.

    Thanks to hydroxyapatite, it firmly plugs microcracks on the enamel surface. The paste prevents early tooth decay. Effectively removes plaque and prevents the formation of caries. I recommend.

    The causes of a burning tongue are numerous, and it’s impossible to figure it out without a specialist. Need to go comprehensive examination to establish causes and treatments.

    First of all, you need to see a dentist and undergo a series of tests. If the doctor rules out stomatitis and others dental diseases, then you will have to visit either a therapist or another specialist.

    Before going to the doctor, you should carefully sanitize the oral cavity and drink plenty of clean water.

    In a healthy oral cavity there is usually no sensation unpleasant symptoms. If there is a burning sensation on the palate, cheeks or gums, then this indicates some kind of disease.

    Causes of burning in the mouth and tongue

    People define the sensations that are characterized by burning in different ways. Some people feel like their tongue is simply burning, while it feels hot in their mouth, while others feel like it’s just a tingling sensation on their tongue. But one way or another, all sensations are similar and are expressed only by the degree of severity.

    Photo 1: One of the common causes of a burning sensation on the tongue and mouth is a runny nose, in which the nose is very stuffy and breathing is through the mouth. Source: flickr (Andrian Jacob).

    Sometimes it is very difficult to establish what factor causes this phenomenon: whether it is associated with food intake, or caused by other reasons, as a result of which the oral mucosa is injured, which causes a burning and tingling feeling. And sometimes it can be dangerous symptom diseases.


    1. Xerostomia is a dysfunction of the salivary glands, as a result of which they produce little saliva (accompanied by a feeling of dryness, the mucous membrane is injured due to drying out).
    2. – infection by fungi, in which the mucous membrane is covered with plaque, hiding the irritated tissue.
    3. Aphthous stomatitis, when ulcers appear on the mucous membrane.
    4. , disruptive V vascular system body, as a result of which the oral mucosa also suffers.
    5. Disorders of the thyroid gland.

    Characteristics of the symptom

    To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to take into account various factors, including the nature of the burning sensation and its location: sometimes a feeling of heat is felt only on the tongue, sometimes patients note a burning sensation on the lips, tongue and throughout the entire oral cavity.

    Burning in the mouth

    A burning sensation in the mouth may be accompanied by a change in the taste of food and drink, numbness of the mucous membrane and decreased salivation.

    Most often the problem occurs for the following reasons:

    • diet poor in vitamins and minerals - the diet does not contain foods containing folic acid, iron, vitamin B;
    • eating spicy or sour foods.

    If, regardless of the intake of spicy or sour foods, your mouth still burns, then you should visit a doctor who will determine why this is happening. This symptom may be caused by:

    • injury to oral tissues from sharp edges of teeth and hard food;
    • tartar containing many pathogenic microorganisms that irritate the mucous membranes;
    • reaction to toothpaste components;
    • reaction to taking medications;
    • hormonal changes due to age or thyroid dysfunction;
    • reaction to dentures and filling materials;
    • diabetes mellitus, disorders gastrointestinal tract, liver diseases;
    • the occurrence of a fungal infection.

    Burning tongue

    The problem of burning, accompanied by dry mouth, can arise due to glossitis - an infection of the tongue. Inflammation changes the tissue surfaces of the organ, the tongue swells and becomes painful. The disease may be accompanied by an abscess or phlegmon.

    Burning of tongue, mouth and lips

    Usually, the problem affects not only one organ of the oral cavity - the disease often spreads from one affected area to another. If the infection progresses, it will immediately manifest itself on all tissues and organs in the oral cavity.

    What measures need to be taken

    To improve your condition, you will have to reconsider your diet, cure bad teeth, give up smoking and drinking alcohol, maybe change toothpaste to a more gentle one.

    To exclude dental problems, you need to visit a specialist who will carry out treatment and sanitation. If the problem has not been resolved, you should contact a therapist, who will refer you to other doctors - a neurologist, gastroenterologist, etc.

    Photo 2: To install the real reason the appearance of a burning sensation in the mouth and tongue, it will be necessary to do general analysis blood test, glucose level test, throat swab. Source: flickr (Renata Pellino-Porter).

    Homeopathic treatment for burning mouth and tongue

    Homeopathic treatment will complement the prescriptions of allopathic medicine, healing a person depending on the symptoms and constitutional type of the patient. The following means homeopathy will help eliminate sources of irritation, soothing the burning sensation on the mucous membrane:

    • (Kalium bichromicum)– cures ulcers, soothes inflamed mucous membranes, is used to treat glossitis, if the tongue is cracked and dry, while shining.
    • a (Apis melifica)- tumor of the tongue, inflammatory processes in the mouth
    • (Berberis) - small rash on the tip of the tongue, a burning sensation, as if burned by boiling water.
    • Osmium (Osmium)- inflammation and soreness in the mouth and tongue.
    • (Lachesis)- in the pathogenesis of the drug - a burning sensation on the tongue

    A burning sensation in the mouth is said to be a chronic pattern of symptoms in which a burning sensation is felt on the lips, tongue, palate, inner cheeks, gums, back of the tongue, or throat. It is still not easy to associate these uncomfortable sensations with any physiological phenomena in the mouth, or with any disease that could be their cause.

    Statistics say that this pathology occurs seven times more often in women than in men, that the disease mainly affects middle-aged people, although young people are also found, but this information does not make the disease simpler or clearer.

    There are other names for burning mouth syndrome, such as burning tongue or burning lips syndrome, stomatalgia, glossodynia, as well as burning mouth syndrome.

    Symptoms of burning mouth

    A number of specific signs, characteristic of burning mouth syndrome. Pain or burning in the morning is most often moderate, but intensifies throughout the day and reaches its maximum in the evening. Everything goes away overnight. Some patients feel pain constantly, but other people experience a burning sensation in the mouth from time to time. This painful phenomenon can last for months and years.

    Symptoms include pain or dryness in the mouth or lips, numbness or tingling on the tip of the tongue or in the mouth, and a bitter or metallic taste may be felt.

    Causes of discomfort

    Even to this day, the exact cause of this phenomenon has not yet been determined. It has been established, to some extent, that such symptoms can manifest themselves as a result of certain diseases, not only of the oral cavity, but also of the body as a whole. However, these phenomena may themselves be symptoms of these diseases. Only after being able to exclude these diseases can the doctor make a diagnosis of “burning mouth syndrome.”

    A burning sensation in the mouth is promoted by a deficiency of certain substances in the diet, including iron, folic acid salts and vitamin B. It has been established that their deficiency very often causes a burning sensation in the mouth. This is the reason why some treatments include vitamin B, zinc and iron supplements.

    Dry mouth, or xerostomia, can be caused by consuming certain medicines, Sjögren's syndrome, in which, due to autoimmune causes, the connective tissue, but many more reasons can be added for which dryness occurs followed by burning. The burning sensation can be reduced or completely disappeared, but for this it is necessary to drink fluids throughout the day and use artificial saliva. It is best, armed with knowledge of the causes of this disease, to patiently eliminate them.

    To the number possible reasons burning in the mouth is attributed to aphthous stomatitis. This appears fungal infection a burning sensation in the mouth, which is more intense when it is acidic, or spicy food. In addition, the disease is characterized by cheesy formations that separate from internal surfaces oral cavity. Aphthous stomatitis is treated using known methods that can be prescribed by a dentist, and the burning sensation disappears.

    Diabetics are also very susceptible to oral infections, and these diseases are characterized by a burning sensation. Additionally, diabetics often vascular changes, affecting the condition of the small vessels of the mouth, which reduces pain threshold. Fighting a burning sensation in the mouth in this case is a fight to lower blood sugar levels.

    Menopause: Hormonal changes cause a burning sensation in the mouth In middle-aged women, a burning mouth sensation may be due to hormonal changes caused by menopause. Hormone therapy helps here.

    Other factors affecting the oral cavity

    Other factors that contribute to a burning sensation in the mouth may be irritation from dentures or an allergy to contact with them. This discomfort may be due to some hygiene products, in particular sodium lauryl sulfite, which is found in toothpastes, gastroesophageal reflux, reduced levels of hormones in thyroid gland, some of the medications that reduce blood pressure, tongue protrusion, changes in saliva, cancer treatment.

    Burning in the mouth is a fairly common complaint of people when visiting a dentist or family doctor, since the causes of such an unpleasant sensation in the mouth can be factors of a completely different etiological nature. Often the symptom goes away on its own within a short time without any further drug therapy, however, other cases require the intervention of a specialist who will need to make an accurate diagnosis for subsequent treatment.

    Burning sensation with stomatitis

    When studying the reasons that caused a burning sensation in the mouth, it is necessary to interview the patient and collect a possible history to exclude external factors like mechanical or chemical irritations of the mucous membrane. The most likely cause of inflammation is stomatitis, a common disease that affects the epithelium that lines the oral cavity.

    Despite the fact that each type of stomatitis can cause a burning sensation in the mouth due to the patient’s subjective perception of his own sensations, some types of this disease are objectively characterized by this symptom:

    • catarrhal stomatitis;
    • ulcerative stomatitis;
    • necrotizing stomatitis;

    A burning sensation in the mouth is one of the symptoms of stomatitis.

    Catarrhal stomatitis is the most common type of this disease, the causes of which can be equally poor hygiene oral cavity, mechanical damage to the mucous membrane or decreased immunity. All listed factors lead to a common consequence - excessive activation pathogenic microflora in the mouth and on the tongue, and its penetration into the epithelial layer of the mucosa.

    Important! In some cases, inflammation may be a secondary symptom of an infectious disease such as measles or scarlet fever.

    The affected mucous membrane turns red and swells with the parallel appearance of white plaque around the area of ​​its damage, if any. There is a general pain syndrome in the oral cavity, gums may begin to bleed, and the temperature rises to subfebrile levels.

    Aphthous stomatitis can also provoke a burning sensation in the mouth, however, unlike the catarrhal type, this type of inflammation provokes the formation of aphthae on the surface of the mucosa - small round erosions. Causes aphthous stomatitis are not precisely clarified, but an excessive reaction of the immune system to a certain chemical irritant is assumed.

    Therefore, the most likely nature of this disease can be considered the patient’s individual allergy to a particular substance. Mechanical injuries and vitamin deficiency only increase the risk of developing the disease, as does genetic inheritance.

    The advanced form of catarrhal stomatitis is its ulcerative type, so the reasons for its development can be considered similar. As a rule, we are talking about infectious lesion body, but in rare cases, ulcerative stomatitis can be caused by one of the following internal pathologies:

    Obvious clinical manifestations In the early stages of ulcerative stomatitis, there are symptoms characteristic of the catarrhal type of inflammation: the patient complains that his mouth is baking, and the mucous membrane swells and turns red. After a short period of time, small painful ulcers form on it, covered with gray coating, whose appearance provokes, bad smell from the mouth and general weakness patient.

    If left untreated, the process can spread to the roof of the mouth, and removal of the ulcerated surface causes bleeding of the mucous membrane. In many cases, there is a thickening of the regional lymph nodes.

    Treatment of all of these types of stomatitis has a common goal: accelerating the healing process of the mucous membrane and alleviating discomfort. For this reason, it is important to use various anesthetics in the form of applications and solutions, as well as antiviral and antibacterial drugs.

    Burning sensation with glossitis

    Glossitis is one of the diseases that is accompanied by a burning sensation in the mouth.

    One type of inflammation in the oral cavity is that of the tongue, and many types can also sting the mucous membrane and cause a burning sensation. This symptom is one of the main possible signs glossitis, which is accompanied by swelling of the tongue and the appearance of plaque on it, changes in taste, as well as difficulties during eating and speaking.

    Advanced glossitis can lead to the development of an abscess or phlegmon, which will worsen the general condition of the patient and cause characteristic features intoxication - in such a case the patient may have to be hospitalized. The causes of burning in the mouth with glossitis are similar to those characteristic of stomatitis: irritation from ulcers, erosions or blistering rashes that appear on the surface of the tongue. The main types of glossitis that can provoke a similar syndrome are the following:

    • desquamative;
    • ulcerative;
    • diamond-shaped;
    • herpetic;
    • villous;
    • allergic.

    To get rid of the burning sensation, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that caused it.

    If glossitis turns out to be a consequence of the development of gastrointestinal diseases, endocrine system or other organs, its complete cure is possible only after eliminating the root cause of the pathology. In other situations it will be necessary symptomatic treatment, which will be based on suppressing microbial activity in the oral cavity, disinfecting and healing the mucous membrane of the tongue, pain relief, and relieving swelling in order to return the patient to the ability to eat and articulate normally.

    Other possible causes of burning

    Burning in the mouth, not requiring specific treatment, in most cases, is a consequence of household damage to the mucous membrane or tongue. As a rule, we are talking about mechanical injuries (solid food, sharp teeth, cutlery, dentures) or thermal injuries– hot food or drinks. Somewhat less frequently, a burning sensation in the oral cavity is caused by contact of the mucous membrane with potent chemicals, which usually happens by mistake.

    Separately, it is necessary to highlight some types of products that can in some sense burn the mouth: we are talking about various plants and seasonings that have a sharp, pungent and burning taste. In this situation, the need for special treatment no, it’s enough just to give up such taste preferences.

    Treatment should be carried out by a doctor; self-medication can aggravate the situation.

    In some cases, a burning sensation occurs due to the presence of various types of tumors in the mouth - both malignant and benign. It is practically typical for them complete absence symptoms in the early stages of the disease, but as the tumors increase, the discomfort they cause to the patient will increase.

    Additional Information. Burning is one of the likely symptoms cancer, given the fact that the location of the tumor in the mouth implies its constant physical irritation during movements of the tongue or teeth.