Why does a puppy urinate frequently and how to treat a dog at home? The dog urinates frequently: causes and methods of solving the problem The dog urinates for a long time

01/16/2017 by Eugene

Urinary incontinence in dogs can indicate the presence of various types of diseases. Such unpleasant moment, by the way, can be observed not only in elderly dogs, but also in small puppies. It should be remembered that any dog ​​is a living being. It is guided by instincts and various emotions. And for sexually mature males, the smell of urine is a sign of their own dignity and superiority, and therefore they can begin to mark their own territory.

Practice shows that most often a dog urinates for the following reasons:

  • fright;
  • stress;
  • fear resulting from contact with other, more aggressive animals;
  • painful sensations.

None therapeutic actions if the dog urinated for the reasons stated above, it is not required. The only thing that is necessary is to make some adjustments to your own actions.

But it also happens that urination is caused by, for example, urolithiasis. In this case, it is simply impossible to do without the intervention of doctors.

Features of behavior

Urinary incontinence in pets may also be due to behavioral characteristics. Believe me, in this case, you should not scold and punish your dog, since this will not bring any expected effect. Even if the animal urinates, the owner only has to be patient and persevering in order to wean the animal from this action.

If a male dog pees because he wants to mark his own territory, it will simply be impossible to wean him off this. Bitches, in turn, try to go to the toilet in a small way somewhere in the corner.

The best way to treat this type of incontinence is to sterilize or castrate the animal, since after this procedure their sexual instincts disappear.

Age characteristics

Urinary incontinence can also be caused by age-related changes that occurred in the dog’s body. The fact is that as an animal ages, its smooth muscles weaken. In this case, you simply cannot do without the help of a veterinarian. The dog will need to be given special drugs, on which she will exist until the end of her days.

It should be remembered that in case of weakening of smooth muscles, the dog experiences nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which can be gotten rid of only by emptying the bladder.

It is also not worth scolding the dog, since the previously obedient, but now sick, dog already understands perfectly well that it is impossible to act in this way, but cannot do anything about it. Treat a pet who has started peeing due to old age with understanding and respect.

A pet may also go to the toilet unscheduled because it drinks too much water. Then you should take him out for a walk more often, and also deal with the problems that result in overuse liquids.
Incontinence due to illness

Incontinence in a dog can also be caused by incontinence associated with inflammatory processes in its body. The most common diseases causing incontinence are:

  1. Cystitis. It is most often possible to identify such a problem by simply passing general analysis urine. Cystitis is directly related to hypothermia, as well as the presence of microbes in the dog’s body. This disease can be overcome with a course of antibiotics. You should not delay starting treatment, as soon there may come a time when blood appears in the animal’s urine. In this case, the treatment process will drag on for quite a long time.
  2. Polydipsia. If the animal consumes twice or even three times more water more than he needs per day, and at the same time he experiences incontinence, this may be due to a disease called “polydipsia.” Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after preliminary ultrasound examination. Unfortunately, it is unrealistic to cure this disease using conservative methods.

Among other things, the manifestation of this disease indicates that the dog has a predisposition to diabetes mellitus, as well as some other serious diseases. Therefore, for the dog that was assigned this diagnosis, constant care is required.

  1. Ectopia. This disease is not acquired, but congenital. Most often it affects representatives of the fair canine sex. Ectopia is usually diagnosed in a dog in puppyhood or adolescence. The disease can be cured only by surgery.

Incontinence in a puppy

But incontinence in a puppy is absolutely normal and natural. Veterinarians say that by about four months of age, puppies should learn to control their own urges to go to the toilet. However, do not forget about the features various breeds, due to which the period of the puppy’s awareness of the need to go to the toilet can drag on for much longer.

06/01/2017 by Eugene

This problem quite common among our smaller brothers. And not only among those who are of a respectable age, but also among young individuals, both male and female. There are many reasons why a dog began to pee frequently, and many solutions to this problem. We should also not forget that a dog is an emotional creature and is completely dependent on its instincts. For example, male dogs constantly mark their territory, showing their status. If this is not your case, it is worth understanding the problem deeper.

Causes of frequent urination

So, why does a dog urinate frequently, and how can it be treated? The most common causes of urinary incontinence in pets include:

  • fear;
  • pain;
  • stress tension;
  • feeling threatened;
  • behavioral features.

If you think your dog is urinating frequently at home is one of the reasons listed above, here drug treatment- not your help.

It is necessary to either train the dog and work with the pet, accustoming it to the tray.

If the reason for this behavior of the animal is fear or stress, create an atmosphere that is comfortable and favorable for its existence. Make sure that the dog does not feel tension and pressure from the owners.

If the cause is pain in your pet, you need to consult a doctor who will find the source of the pain and relieve your pet of it.

Also, a dog may pee frequently due to its age, as mentioned earlier. This is due to weakening of smooth muscle Bladder. If your dog is already quite old, then frequent urination– this is natural, as it happens to almost every pet in the world. old age– wear and tear occurs muscle tissue. In order to control this process, the doctor may prescribe special medications for your pet that will maintain its condition.

It should be noted that a dog may urinate more often during heat, especially the first. The bitch sometimes tries to get rid of the additional pressure due to nagging pain by emptying her bladder. In this case, there is no need to scold your dog, since he understands that the situation does not bring you much pleasure, but he cannot help himself. The solution to the problem is quite simple: go for a walk with your girl more often.

Another reason that the dog began to pee often may be that it drinks a lot. It is worth adding that excessive thirst, like everything unnecessary, can be an indicator of some kind of disease.

When it's about health

Considering that this problem may be due to a health issue in your pet, let's take a look at the health-related causes of frequent urination. They are:

  1. Cystitis. This is a widespread inflammation of the bladder, in which urine leaks almost constantly. It happens because the dog has a cold. Such hypothermia requires treatment with antibiotics. If treatment is not carried out on time, the pet may begin to urinate blood, and subsequently will not be able to relieve itself at all.
  2. Polydipsia. IN similar situation your dog drinks a lot, much more daily value fluids, accordingly, she is forced to empty her bladder more often. An ultrasound will be required here, as polydipsia can lead to diabetes mellitus, renal failure and other even more serious diseases. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately.
  3. Serious injuries. Damage spinal cord and nerve endings - most often found in dogs with an elongated spine. Also, during or after childbirth, a dog can experience pinched nerves, which sometimes leads to many problems, including frequent urination. Observe your pet's behavior; the animal may whine and worry.
  4. Ectopia. A congenital disease that is characterized by the affected dog urinating more often. You can get rid of this problem only through surgery.

It should also be added that the dog may begin to urinate more often after sterilization, since this is side effect this procedure. Naturally, this does not happen all the time and not with every dog, but only with those that have any relapses or predisposition to bladder diseases.

Many people refuse to live with animals for only one reason - “a puppy is like a child”; after buying it, part of the house (or even the whole house) will not look quite appropriate. These, as they say, are production costs and nothing more, when proper education, from the age of 4 months, the puppy will relieve its needs only on the street, but exceptions happen. Your pet is over 4 months old and you still step into puddles on the floor? Has the presence of a dog become a problem and annoys your household? Are you trying to stop your dog from peeing at home, but your efforts are getting nowhere? Apparently, you are doing something wrong or do not understand the reasons for the incorrect behavior. Let's figure it out.

Trying to solve the problem, owners resort to extremes, get offended by the pet, consider it stupid... in most “dead-end problems” it is the dog’s owner who is wrong - this is an axiom. The first thing to do is stop getting angry, even if your pet has already peed on the carpet or bed - start with a clean slate! Approach the issue from a physiological point of view and everything will work out - 100% guarantee.

Important! The methods below do not involve physical punishment, but are based on the methodology of working with mentally healthy dogs!

Puppies up to 4 months old

So, until 4 months, your puppy is a “baby”, he does not feel the urge to urinate, so there is no use in being offended by puddles! The optimal solution for this period is to train the dog to a certain place in the house. The toilet is covered with oilcloth and newspaper, a moisture-absorbing diaper (expensive, but convenient), and a piece of natural fabric. The method is viable, since before receiving basic vaccination, it is not advisable to bring the puppy to public walking areas, and it is necessary to maintain cleanliness in the house. Perhaps the baby will make mistakes if he gets too excited. However, by accustoming your puppy to a diaper, you can be sure that the apartment will not turn into an “ocean” when no one is home. The training algorithm is quite simple and will take no more than 2 days:

  • From the moment of drinking water, the puppy will want to pee within 15–20 minutes (provided that the dog actually drank and did not wet its throat).
  • Observe your pet as soon as he moves away from the bowl.
  • As soon as the baby begins to pee and squat (males pee like bitches in puppyhood), carefully pick him up and move him to the approved place.

  • If the puppy tries to run away, return him to the diaper, stroke him and move away again.
  • Repeat the return until the ward relieves himself.
  • Praise your puppy profusely!
  • Cut a piece from the described paper (diaper) and place it on top of the new bedding - now the puppy will also be guided by the smell.

Important! Some puppies are embarrassed by their owner and will not relieve themselves in front of them. The solution is to make walls (without a roof) from cardboard box or cover the toilet with an improvised curtain.

Read also: How and what to feed a Labrador puppy: menu by age

Puppies aged 4 to 10 months

Teenage puppies are comparable to children aged 3-5 years - peeing in their pants is no longer common, but troubles do happen, and there is no need to be ashamed of them. It's time to wean your puppy from peeing at home, but it's too early to remove the diapers. The first difficulty you will encounter is the dog's adaptation to new conditions. For the first few walks, the baby will endure and carry all the “treasures” home, because it’s more familiar and safer. Don’t be upset, this behavior does not indicate the dog’s stupidity; on the contrary, not a single animal will eat or leave its smell where it may be unsafe. The education algorithm is as follows:

  • The puppy needs to be accustomed to the street - games, praise for obedience, maximum positive emotions and goodies will let the baby know that the walk is safe.
  • Try to water and feed your puppy at least 30–40 minutes before your walk. This is approximately the amount of time it takes for the puppy’s kidneys and intestines to “do” 80% of the work.

Remember! When walking after eating, heavy loads and jumping are not recommended. The best way out is to walk in the company of older puppies who are already accustomed to relieving themselves on the street. Dogs learn rules of behavior, including by imitating their relatives.

  • As soon as the puppy is tired, go home and it doesn’t matter whether he went to the toilet or not.
  • By adhering to this tactic and gradually increasing the walking time, you will achieve a miracle - the dog will pee on the street. To speed up the results, take water for a walk and give the puppy a drink after a run or play.
  • Once the goal is achieved, emotionally praise your pet! Pet him and reward him with a treat, but don't let the dog jump on you (otherwise you'll get another problem, not related to puddles).

Important! Puppies aged 4-6 months need to be walked 5-6 times a day, if necessary at night.

Adult dogs – education and behavior correction

Nonsense for many theoretical trainers is, in fact, a common problem for ordinary people. An adult dog peeing in the house is not uncommon. Theorists label the four-legged animal as “stupid,” while trainers look for the cause and eliminate it. The first thing you should do to wean an adult dog from peeing at home is identify the cause of incorrect behavior:

Read also: How much water should a dog drink?

  • Mental disorder- typical for dogs that have experienced violence, hunger, long wandering on the streets, or severe trauma. This is the most difficult case to correct; it requires a purely individual approach, affection, patience and complete disregard for material values ​​on the part of the owner. That is, either you set yourself the goal of stabilizing the dog’s psyche and make any sacrifices (no matter how much a carpet, bed, chair, laminate flooring costs) or you admit defeat in advance.
  • Physical illness– in other words, urinary incontinence. The pathology can be a consequence of a cold, infection in the genitourinary tract, spinal cord injury, or complications after surgery. In this case, the dog requires treatment, during which time you can resort to using diapers.
  • Physiological features– a weak or small bladder is not only a human feature. In addition, it happens that the dog suffers from a hidden kidney ailment, which is why he wants to go to the toilet more often. In this case, “there’s nothing you can do”; you’ll have to adapt to the rhythm of your pet’s life. By the way, “emotional intoxication” refers specifically to the category of problems with weak bladder or urinary tract infection.
  • Bitches first heat– not understanding what is happening, but experiencing nagging pain in the peritoneum, trying to relieve the discomfort, the dog instinctively pees. Urination occurs frequently; sometimes the dog sits down, but does not pee because there is nothing left to urinate with. This behavior will not last long and you will have to endure literally 1 day.

  • Psychological trauma– after being kept in small cages, for example, in a shelter or quarantine site. The dog tolerates it on the street and basically relieves itself at home, because it considers this behavior to be correct. In this case, training begins with the puppy algorithm (in the diaper), after which the dog is gradually accustomed to walking and socialized.
  • Diffidence– fear of the unknown, and in some dogs a feeling of embarrassment, can interfere normal behavior- relieving yourself on the street. There is an unshakable law - an animal does not eat when it feels danger. Teach your dog to eat outside, and then toilet problems will become solvable.
  • Instincts– puddles in the corners and lifting of paws on the curtains indicate a desire to mark territory. Sexual instinct and the desire to protect the territory from invasion are much stronger than ethics and methods of education. If you suppress instincts, it will come to the point that the dog will make a puddle demonstratively, looking into your eyes. In such a situation, the only way out is castration (removal of the testicles in males, the uterus and ovaries in females). After the operation and rehabilitation period, the animal becomes calmer, its sexual instinct “evaporates”, and with it the desire to protect its home from competitors for mating.
  • "To spite"– it is more correct to formulate this reason as “out of a feeling of deprivation,” but this behavior looks like the dog is intentionally mischievous. Puddles appear in the absence of the owner or right before the eyes of the taken aback owner. Dogs pee on the bed, shoes and carpets suffer. A pet can jump on the sofa when you are sitting on it and defiantly make a puddle... and all for the same purpose - discontent, screaming and even punishment. Moral violence is an act of showing attention! If a dog does not receive the communication and affection it needs, it achieves its goal in other ways. This situation resembles a vicious circle: the pet behaves normally for some time, and then problems with puddles return, regardless of age and quality of upbringing. The problem is not the dog or its habits, the problem is you!

Important! An adult dog can tolerate and pee only 2 times a day, but there is no health benefit in this. If you have the opportunity, walk your pet 3-4 times a day. Even going outside for 10-15 minutes will give your dog a chance to relieve himself, which will reduce the strain on his kidneys.

The appearance of a puppy in the house inevitably entails puddles on the floor. Frequent urination is normal when a dog is just a few months old. But when I'm an adult the dog urinates frequently and a lot, it could be sign not only bad upbringing, but also health problems.

Natural Causes of Frequent Urination in Dogs

Every pet owner must remember that his pet has its own emotions, feelings, and character. Dogs, especially purebred ones, are very emotional - they show their joy not only by wagging their tail, but also by circling, jumping in place, etc. Such dogs urinate frequently when experiencing joy or extreme fear. For example, if there is heavy rain outside with thunder and thunder. In such a situation, you just need to patiently explain to the animal that this is not necessary, and over time the problem will go away.

Some male dogs urinate at home, because this is how they mark their territory. Unfortunately, conservative methods There is no treatment or education in this case. Owners of such dogs should contact veterinary clinic for castration of an animal. In addition, in some cases you can call a veterinarian to your home and spend simple operation at home - this way the dog will be less nervous.

Frequent urination in dogs and age

Sometimes age characteristics- this is the only answer to the question, why does a dog urinate often. Young puppies, like little children, urinate frequently due to accelerated kidney function and lack of proper education.

Dogs older and elderly urinate frequently due to weakening muscles. In this case, drug treatment may help, but this measure will be temporary, so you should not count on one course medicines will solve all problems.

If elderly The dog drinks and urinates frequently, then this may be a sign of some disease. Frequent urination in this case will be natural due to large quantity drunk liquid. But constant thirst is a direct symptom of the disease.

Possible diseases in dogs due to frequent urination

If the dog often urinates blood, then this is a sure sign of disease of the kidneys, bladder or reproductive organs. In this case, you need to show the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible, since such urination are accompanied by severe pain and torment the dog.

If you do not have the opportunity to visit a veterinary clinic, then you can call a veterinarian at home, describing all the symptoms of the disease over the phone.

An experienced specialist will conduct an external examination at home and take everything necessary tests and will alleviate the animal’s condition until an accurate diagnosis is determined and the correct treatment is prescribed.

Frequent urination in dogs may indicate problems with the urinary tract. Often this is inflammation, which can occur in combination with severe pain. Constant urge in females and males may have different natures, so the consequences of this symptom are also different.

Inflammation urinary tract does not threaten the dog’s life, but can cause a lot of trouble. If treatment is not started in time, the disease can affect the kidneys. Problems with urinary tract in females they are often fraught with the development of neoplasms. Therefore, if you notice such a deviation in your pet, immediately show it to the veterinarian.

Causes of frequent urination

Natural causes

If your dog begins to urinate frequently, this may be due to the following reasons:

  • frequent stress and fear;
  • nervous state;
  • severe overexcitation.

This is far from full list, however these reasons occur most often. If the reason for the constant urge is fear, nervous tension and overexcitation, then there is no need to worry. This reaction is normal for an animal, as they are guided by their instincts. Male dogs mark with urine to mark an object or territory. yu, which they consider theirs. To prevent such incidents from happening, you should correct your pet’s behavioral instincts.

In a situation where the dog urinates due to behavioral characteristics, reprimand and punishment can only make the situation worse. Treatment for this behavior will be ineffective. Only re-education will help get rid of this problem.

Males love to mark their territory; to cope with this problem, you can sterilize the animal. In this way you will also reduce the manifestations of the animal’s sexual instinct.

Features of age

As dogs age, smooth muscles begin to weaken, so the dog may feel frequent urge to urination. Such a problem cannot be completely eliminate, since this natural process aging. But you can use special supportive medications.

Dogs can often urinate during heat. This phenomenon manifests itself especially often in young females who have not yet had sexual intercourse. During estrus, the animal feels pain in the lower abdomen, which provokes frequent bowel movements. No special treatment is required, just walking the dog as often as possible.


Damage to the spine can cause increased urination. The likelihood of getting a back injury increases in those dog breeds that have a long spine. Dachshunds are at risk.

Childbirth can also provoke the development of such pathology. During this process, nerves can become pinched and the dog will feel weak in the limbs and the sphincter muscles will also weaken.

To determine the cause of the development of pathology, the doctor conducts comprehensive examination. If necessary, surgery may be prescribed.


If a dog often goes to the toilet “smallly”, this may indicate the presence of serious diseases. Before going to the vet watch your pet, since information about the frequency of urges, the quality of walks, the amount of water and food that the dog consumes will help the doctor make a diagnosis.


Frequent urge to defecate may indicate the presence of cystitis. In order to make an accurate diagnosis, you will need to do a urine test. Cystitis is indicated not only by incontinence, but also by the presence of extensive inflammatory process. Sick puppies and adult dogs may urinate even in their sleep.

The cause of the development of cystitis is severe hypothermia. For treatment, your veterinarian may prescribe a course of antibiotics. Within a few days after the start of therapy, the pet will feel better, but this is not a reason to interrupt treatment. A completed therapeutic course will help protect the animal from relapses.


With this disease, the animal drinks a lot of water, so it is not surprising that the urge to urinate also occurs frequently. This disease predominantly develops in females. For diagnosis, your veterinarian may order an ultrasound. Treatment at home can be dangerous, so you should immediately contact a specialist.

A constant desire to drink is not the main problem a dog may face. Polydipsia is just a symptom of developing diabetes or kidney failure.

This congenital disease which can cause frequent urination. The disease is diagnosed in early age and affects females more often than males. The diagnosis is made on the basis of anamnesis. If the information received is not enough, the doctor may prescribe an additional examination. Upon confirmation of the diagnosis, the veterinarian may perform surgery, sometimes urography is used.

Urinating in a dream

A dog pees at night for the following reasons:

  • disease;
  • severe fear;
  • young age - puppies cannot hold urine for a long time;
  • elderly age.

Treatment of pathology

If you notice frequent urination in your dog, you can give the animal a drug that relieves the spasm. This medicine can only remove the symptoms, but not solve the problem. If the animal experiences severe pain, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.

It is prohibited to independently provoke urination by massaging the bladder. Doctors do not recommend giving diuretics to animals.

If the frequency of urges to urination is not critical, then the doctor can prescribe treatment at home. In this case, the animal owner must fully follow the doctor’s instructions, since self-medication can lead to complications.

The dog should be taken to the doctor immediately if there is a blockage in the urethra. First of all, the doctor must restore normal urine flow. During catheterization, sedatives and painkillers are used. If it is impossible to insert a catheter, then the doctor performs an operation, but such situations arise extremely rarely.

Frequent urination may be a symptom of developing serious illness. If your beloved Yorkie or dog of another breed frequently urinates, you should immediately contact a veterinarian, who will determine the cause of this phenomenon and, if necessary, select treatment.

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