Fifth lunar day in October. Nutritious salad with spicy chicken and grapes

The cold that heralds the onset of winter is felt already in October, but every day can be made warm thanks to your personal attitude. To protect yourself from unpleasant situations that you may find yourself in, take a look at moon calendar as of October 2016. Knowing the critical points of the month and the most dangerous days, you will easily endure all the surprises prepared by fate.

The lunar calendar for October 2016 is represented by the following periods:

October 1– new moon phase;
28 of October– phase of the waxing moon;
October 9– first quarter phase;
October 10 – 15– phase of the waxing moon;
October 16– full moon phase;
October 17 – 21– phase of the waning moon;
22 of October– third quarter phase;
October 23 – 29– phase of the waning moon;
October 30– new moon phase;
October 31– the period of the waxing moon begins.

General forecast for October 2016

October differs from previous months in its intensity and rapid change in the influence of the moon phases. Because this month is a lot critical points, then you should be careful and prudent during the entire period of the lunar calendar.

The beginning of the month generally does not require vigorous activity or labor-intensive work. This is, first of all, a time for healing the body and strengthening one’s own health. By paying a little more attention to this issue, you can get an unexpected result that will undoubtedly please you.

Until the middle of the month, the lunar calendar for October 2016 involves planning, making appointments, and distributing tasks. On at this stage it is necessary to save energy and vitality for the upcoming work, which will begin by the middle of the month.

After the full moon, on the contrary, you need to conserve vital energy and try to restore lost strength and health. According to the lunar calendar, this is a period of self-development. You need to carefully monitor your physical fitness and, if possible, try not to overexert yourself.

The end of the month again passes in the waxing moon phase, so you can not only have time to plan some things or take stock, analyze the work done, but also start working on new projects.

In general, the lunar calendar for October 2016 creates a picture of saturation and active activity. During of this period there is an opportunity to strengthen relationships, get a good position or promotion up the career ladder.

In order to better understand the lunar calendar of this month for each day, a detailed table is provided below.

Lunar calendar for October 2016

Besides general forecast and tables, you can also use more detailed description on certain dates of the month.

October 1– Due to the new moon on this day, it is extremely undesirable to engage in planning, vigorous activity, or deal with documents, papers or financial matters. It’s better to postpone all this until later. late dates. Wellness treatments, household chores, communication with loved ones and friends are favorable for today.

2 October– Today the lunar calendar shows a favorable day for cutting and styling, so you can safely go to the hairdresser and get your hair in order. You can also do martial arts, yoga, Pilates, and generally get in shape. The day is unfavorable for large purchases. You should not take decisive action; it is better to wait for a more opportune moment.

October 3“Perhaps today some missing items will be found, and some questions will be answered.” The lunar calendar indicates a favorable day for study and communication with nature. Don't be afraid of change - you can safely dye your hair, get a haircut, change your image. The main color of today is green, use it in your wardrobe.

The 4th of October– From this moment you can start planning, distributing tasks for the coming days. On will benefit exchange of experience, advanced training, or simply self-education, which will definitely be useful in the future. A new trip couldn't hurt. However, from this day of the lunar calendar you should not visit hairdressers, as this is fraught with consequences.

October 5– Very useful today brainwork, and to make it more productive, you can use yellow colors. The lunar calendar favors scheduling dates or meetings on this day; they will also be successful, especially if you choose stylish accessories.

October 6– A day for new trips or journeys, major acquisitions and decisive actions. If suddenly on this day there is a desire to lighten or completely discolor, then it is better to postpone such an event to another date, since it can cause enormous damage to the hair.

October 7th– The lunar calendar shows time for teamwork, active communication, and planning. It is important to focus on the main tasks without overloading yourself with additional work that does not require immediate completion. For today's wardrobe, it is better to use basic classics in muted colors.

October 8– New trips and travel will have a huge impact. At this time, it is better to avoid quarrels or conflict situations, and prevent attacks of melancholy and laziness. Red shades in clothes will especially help with this. They will give you confidence and fill you with energy.

October 9– Today is intended both for relaxation at home and with your family, and for big bold undertakings (a big project, your own business, business or building your own home).

October 10– The lunar calendar is again favorable to fashionistas. Arrived good period for a haircut or change of hairstyle that will have a beneficial effect on appearance and hair condition. Today you should not start any important or serious business, as you may end up at a loss. The right time for moving. It is not advisable to wear shoes on high heels or stilettos, because today is a dangerous day.

October 11– In the lunar calendar there is a day for charity and mutual assistance. Today it is important not to forget about family and friends, to give them Special attention. You need to be careful and not lose sight of anything - you can see signs of fate. Changing your image, updating your wardrobe or new haircut will only be beneficial.

October 12– Once again the lunar calendar spoils women. Today is a good day for productive shopping. The purchases will be profitable and bring joy. An unfavorable period for travel, starting travel, as well as dramatic changes. In order for the day to be successful, it is advisable to use comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement in your current wardrobe.

October 13– Passivity and attacks of depression should be avoided. According to the lunar calendar, any active physical work is useful on this day. The day promotes important decisions and is favorable for commercial and business activities. To avoid unpleasant situations, it is important to carefully monitor your appearance.

October 14– Perhaps today there will be some obstacles on the way that you need to be prepared for. Need to take control own emotions, keep calm.

October 15– The lunar calendar shows a very productive day for planning, summing up, self-development and self-education. You can get in shape with additional workouts or yoga (meditation). White shades in the wardrobe will be more in demand and necessary than ever.

October 16– The lunar calendar asks you to slow down and take a break. Can't study today important matters, work with papers, documents. This Sunday is intended for a joyful and carefree time with family, loved ones or friends. You can attend public events. Overall the day is meant to be relaxing and fun.

17 October– It is not recommended to start anything new and important. Even planning should be abandoned. It is better to spend the day in a calm, peaceful atmosphere, focusing on current affairs. You can diversify your wardrobe with clothes in soft pastel colors, make it more subtle and romantic.

October 18– The lunar calendar indicates the time that is intended for summing up and assessing one’s own behavior. This is working on your own mistakes, understanding yourself as whole personality. It is better to meditate on this day and work on your character.

October 19– There is no need to waste time and energy today. This may affect your health or mental state, and also lead to loss vital energy. It is advisable to spend this day with your family, surrounded by relatives. You can add a little creativity to your wardrobe and create an original designer item that will undoubtedly become your favorite.

The 20th of October– The lunar calendar promises a day of change. If you are not happy with something in your current job, you can safely move to a new place. It is also a day for active collective activity. Controversial situations today will be resolved faster than expected. A business suit will especially highlight your advantages.

October 21– A good day for gaining additional knowledge and skills, as well as for acquiring some skills and experience. However, all serious matters and negotiations should be postponed until another day, since they will not yield any results.

22 of October– According to the lunar calendar, today it is extremely undesirable to attend mass events, attend meetings or meetings, this may negatively affect nervous system. Stress and loss of strength are possible, so you should especially carefully monitor your health.

October 23– On this day, the lunar calendar does not advise taking decisive and rash actions, or participating in important and significant projects. It’s better to do household chores and arrange your home. Don’t also forget about your loved ones (you can come up with Original gifts or just please with pleasant trinkets).

October 24– Today you should stay on the ground as long as possible. fresh air, communicate with nature, discover something new. The lunar calendar suggests that it is important to focus on your internal state, try to achieve harmony with the world around you. You can visit a cosmetologist, a spa, or watch good films.

the 25th of October– A day for cleansing the body and healing procedures. It will be useful to visit a bathhouse or sauna, use the services of a massage therapist or nutritionist. It is important to monitor your physical fitness as it affects your overall health.

October 26– To preserve vital energy and strength, the lunar calendar advises avoiding heavy loads and overexertion, because there is a risk of exhaustion, both physical and nervous. For an extra boost, you can add orange or yellow tones to your wardrobe.

27th October– A suitable day to visit a cosmetologist. Rejuvenating and restoring masks, aromatherapy, water treatments. Emerald colors today will bring some novelty to your usual wardrobe.

28 of October– It is important to monitor your own health and not succumb to apathy. You should control your emotions and not give up in difficult situations. To feel confident, you can refresh your wardrobe with clothes in rich red shades.

29th of October– The lunar calendar shows the day for solving domestic problems and issues. You should not start new ones; it is advisable to even abandon planning, because it may turn out to be completely useless.

October 30– Summing up, analyzing the work done – this is what needs to be done during the day. It is advisable to avoid quarrels, all kinds of conflicts, and solve problems peacefully.

October 31– The lunar calendar sets you up for ease. The day is perfect for creativity and creativity. This is an opportunity to show your originality and ability to think outside the box, which can be useful in the future. Changing your image will allow you to open up in a new way and use your charm to its full potential.

And yet, no matter what day the lunar calendar shows for October 2016, there is always the opportunity to change the situation or adjust it in the right direction. It is important to understand that the bulk of what happens depends on our actions and decisions made.

See forecasts for lunar calendars for other months:

Lunar calendar for 2016

(select the month you are interested in and follow the link)

October 1, 2016, 1 and 2 lunar days(03:11/07:12), Moon in Libra, new moon at 03:11. A wonderful day for registering a marriage, for any serious matters that bring joy. You can do any business aimed at strengthening your material well-being.

October 2, 2016, 3rd lunar day (08/24), waxing Moon in Libra/Scorpio. Today it is necessary to keep our word, fulfill previously reached agreements and promises. A day of active work and clarity in business. It is advisable to talk less and do more.

October 3, 2016, 4th lunar day (09:34), waxing Moon in Scorpio. It is not recommended to start significant new businesses. It is important to be brave and decisive, not to be afraid of anything or anyone. It is good to deal with current affairs that require a quick solution.

October 4, 2016, 5th lunar day (10:44), waxing Moon in Scorpio. A good day for gaining and accumulating knowledge, for sharing knowledge and experience, and mastering new skills. Physical education and sports are useful. You can file a lawsuit if you are sure that you are right.

October 5, 2016, 6th lunar day (11:51), waxing Moon in Scorpio/Sagittarius. Today, individual work works best, and even better if you are a performer. It is not recommended to sign documents and make verbal commitments and promises. If you promised, you will need to keep your word.

October 6, 2016, 7th lunar day (12:54), waxing Moon in Sagittarius. Today it is advisable to get up early and get down to business right away. The day is intended for active, fruitful work. It’s good to pay off your debts today. Avoid overeating.

October 7, 2016, 8th lunar day (13:52), waxing Moon in Sagittarius/Capricorn. Today it is necessary to concentrate on what is really important and do only these things. Working in a group is more successful than working alone. Treatment using extrasensory methods is beneficial.

October 8, 2016, 9th lunar day (14:44), waxing Moon in Capricorn. In the first half of the day it is good to go on trips and travels, make new acquaintances, and make changes in your life. In the afternoon, it is important not to succumb to irritation and not enter into conflicts.

October 9, 2016, 10th lunar day (15:27), waxing Moon in Capricorn. While the 10th lunar day continues, be especially attentive to food - there is a high probability food poisoning. This Sunday is not intended for relaxation, but for active work and for active communication with nature.

October 10, 2016, 11th lunar day (16:02), waxing Moon in Aquarius. A good day to take serious care of your health. Any procedures that help free the physical body from toxins are useful. At the same time, it’s a good idea to clear your head of black and vain thoughts, and your heart of negative emotions.

October 11, 2016, 12th lunar day (16:31), waxing Moon in Aquarius. Day of kindness and mercy, charity and generosity. If you do not refuse the help that is asked of you today, then you yourself will not be left without help in Hard time. It is advisable to spend the evening at home, with your family, and pay more attention to the children.

October 12, 2016, 13th lunar day (16:56), waxing Moon in Aquarius/Pisces. An excellent day for any activities related to strengthening and increasing material well-being. The best day of the month for shopping: all the things bought today will please their owners for a long time. Adventures are contraindicated!

October 13, 2016, 14th lunar day (17:18), waxing Moon in Pisces A good day to start business trips, trips and travel. New acquaintances are favorable. You can invite friends and family to visit, have a calm, pleasant party with loved ones.

October 14, 2016, 15th lunar day (17:38), waxing Moon in Pisces/Aries. Today you shouldn’t start new things or do anything important at all. The day is also unfavorable for starting treatment. Visiting a beauty salon or hairdresser is not recommended.

October 15, 2016, 16th lunar day (17:58), waxing Moon in Aries. A day of fun, joy and laughter. Invite guests and go visit yourself, attend concerts and balls, have fun and play with children, become children yourself at least for one day. It is beneficial to visit a bathhouse or sauna, a beauty salon and a hairdresser.

October 16, 2016, 17th lunar day (18:20), Moon in Aries/Taurus, full moon at 07:24. The energies of the day set us up for peace and reflection. It’s good to visit the temple and pray from the heart. Try to be less in public, dedicate this day to home and family. It is advisable to speak less and be especially attentive to words.

October 17, 2016, 18th lunar day (18:45), waning Moon in Taurus. Today it is important to be confident in yourself and that the undertakings of this day will bring success. Without such confidence, it is better not to start anything new today. It is undesirable to spend this day in solitude, indulge in sadness and instill despondency in other people.

October 18, 2016, 19th lunar day (19:16), waning Moon in Taurus/Gemini. A good day for trade and commercial affairs, for shopping. During this day, the world is a huge mirror and returns to us our attitude towards the world and towards people. If something goes wrong, analyze your actions, think about whether you are living correctly.

October 19, 2016, 20 lunar day (19:56), waning Moon in Gemini. Today you should not waste time on empty talk, aimless pastime and visiting guests. This is a day to strengthen family well-being and intra-family relationships. A good day for creative ideas.

October 20, 2016, 21st lunar day (20:46), waning Moon in Gemini/Cancer. A day of active endeavors and risks, the fight for truth and the triumph of justice, the protection of the offended and humiliated. You can file a claim in court and schedule a hearing. A good day for physical education and sports, for sports competitions.

October 21, 2016, 22nd lunar day (21:46), waning Moon in Cancer. Today, idleness and laziness are contraindicated, as they can contribute to deposits in physical body salts and slags. To work well with my own hands, engage in any crafts. Day of peace and forgiveness, mutually beneficial agreements.

October 22, 2016, 23rd lunar day (22:55), waning Moon in Cancer/Leo. A day of rest and relaxation, reflection and contemplation. A good day for receiving guests and going on a visit. Any hydrotherapy procedures and ablutions in running natural water are useful.

October 23, 2016, continuation of the 23rd lunar day, waning Moon in Leo. A good day for cleaning the house and for any repair work. You can fix everything that needs fixing in one day. It is favorable to go on trips and travels. It is advisable to refrain from large purchases.

October 24, 2016, 24 lunar day (00:08), waning Moon in Leo. A good day for communication and new acquaintances, but not at all suitable for starting trips and trips, as well as for real estate transactions. It is useful to visit a bathhouse or sauna, a beauty salon, or a cosmetologist.

October 25, 2016, 25th lunar day (01:22), waning Moon in Leo/Virgo. Today it is advisable to get up early and not overload your stomach with food. It is useful to walk as much as possible, engage in physical exercise and sports. All problems that arise should be solved independently, without resorting to the help of other people.

October 26, 2016, 26th lunar day (02:36), waning Moon in Virgo. It is best to spend this day quietly and calmly, dealing with urgent everyday issues, without starting anything significant and important. Do not give in to provocations and do not enter into conflicts. A quarrel today warns of your vulnerability.

October 27, 2016, 27th lunar day (03:49), waning Moon in Virgo/Libra. Day of active actions. You can start new things. All problems that arise during the day should be solved immediately as they arise, without putting anything off “for later” and especially “for tomorrow.” It's good to invite friends over in the evening.

October 28, 2016, 28th lunar day (05:01), waning Moon in Libra. Today you can do any work, but without fuss and overexertion. Do not disturb your own peace and the peace of other people, observe moderation in everything. Hydrotherapy is useful. Take baths, swim in open springs, douse yourself with cold water.

October 29, 2016, 29th lunar day (06:13), waning Moon in Libra. It's best to spend this Saturday at home, cleaning and putting things in order. You can start a health complex, therapeutic fasting, exemption from excess weight. Watch your words and control your thoughts so that no negative thought becomes reality.

October 30, 2016, 30 and 1 lunar days (07:24/20:38), Moon in Libra/Scorpio, new moon at 20:38. A good day for construction, including making material plans. Plans must be realistic and feasible with the resources you already have. A good day for self-education.

October 31, 2016, 2nd lunar day (08:33), waxing Moon in Scorpio A good day for registering a business, for any work that gives you pleasure. On this day, you can work “for the soul” and not for money. A favorable day to visit a beauty salon.

Moon without a course (idle Moon) in October 2016

  • October 2 8:43 - October 2 22:43.
  • October 5 4:04 - October 5 11:26.
  • October 7 9:26 - October 7 23:40.
  • October 9 19:51 - October 10 9:33.
  • October 12 2:49 - October 12 15:43.
  • October 14 10:13 - October 14 18:08.
  • October 16 7:23 - October 16 18:04.
  • October 17 17:46 - October 18 17:30.
  • October 20 14:16 - October 20 18:28.
  • October 22 22:14 - October 22 22:34.
  • October 24 15:21 - October 25 6:16.
  • October 26 21:33 - October 27 16:51.
  • October 29 13:09 - October 30 5:01.

Read also:

  • Lunar calendar for January 2016. New moon and full moon in January 2016.

The monthly lunar calendar will help you plan your affairs correctly, because every day the mood of the Moon and stars can be different. It can be harmonious or completely incompatible with each other.

It is worth noting that in October 2016 there will be as many as two New Moons, which is a rather rare occurrence. The first will be on October 1st, and the second on October 30th. Astrologers note that, in this regard, rituals for the new moon will be much stronger and more effective than usual. Otherwise, this month will not manifest itself in an unusual way.

October 1, 2: The Moon will be under the influence of Libra. October 1st will be the New Moon, which is noted by astrologers as a very favorable day, suitable for any new endeavors, as well as for rethinking your priorities. The second day will be very lazy and sluggish, so on October 2 it is better to rest more.

October 3, 4: the growing Moon will move into the constellation Scorpio, which will give all people a lot of positive energy. Many will feel a surge of strength and vigor. You should not be wary of this, because the feeling that you can move mountains will not be deceptive. This is about love. Works, physical exercise and everything else.

October 5, 6, 7: Sagittarius will be incredibly positive this month, says the lunar calendar. No mood swings - just pure luck and positivity that will help you continue what Scorpio started on the 3rd and 4th. Sagittarius will be strong in both science and love. It will also help solve financial problems and cope with serious purchases.

October 8, 9: The 8th and 9th lunar days will pass as if it were a testing period. Don't give up and don't be afraid of problems, because it will most likely be very difficult to get rid of them during these two days. Capricorn will not be very positive in October.

October 10, 11, 12: Aquarius will go on the rise these days, first uniting with the waxing moon in positive interaction, and then unleashing a barrage on people psychological problems 12th. Communication even with close people can be strained, so do not risk getting into quarrels and conflicts over trifles.

October 13, 14: The moon continues to grow. The 13th will be a rather pleasant day for those who like to delve into their own mistakes. Self-analysis will be very helpful. It is better to devote October 14 to meetings with old friends and distant relatives. On both days, Pisces will interfere with common sense, leading you into the world of abstract thinking.

October 15, 16: Aries will be extremely negative during these two days. The moon will also not remain in the shadows, preventing people from finding peace. On October 16, we will see a Full Moon, the energy of which will be negative. Avoid conflict situations and do not be impulsive, otherwise you may end up in trouble.

October 17, 18: waning Moon and Taurus will create favorable conditions for work. October 18 will be a very difficult day and extremely contrasting, so be patient and be prepared for any turn of events. Use affirmations to boost your energy these two days.

October 19, 20: The 19th will not be remarkable for practically anything, but it is better to devote October 20th entirely to love affairs. Gemini will help you make new acquaintances that can become something more.

October 21, 22: Cancer and the waning Moon are a good and quite strong combination. These two days will be favorable for almost any business. For success to accompany you, keep your loved ones, friends and soul mates close to you.

October 23, 24: When the Moon wanes, Leo is at a loss. This combination will not help you solve problems or change your life, but it will show you your true colors.

October 25, 26, 27: the lunar calendar says that these three days will be good for any kind of work. The combination of the waning Moon and Virgo is one of the most favorable this month. You will always have time to rest, but you can only work properly, and even so effectively, in these three days.

October 28, 29: Libra is back. Now the main task will be to provide you with a pleasant time to relax. The waning moon will help with love and relationships with people in general.

October 30, 31: October 30th will be the second New Moon this month. These two days will pass under the influence of Scorpio. The new moon will not be a very favorable day, but the last day of the month will give you a lot of positive energy and strength to solve any problems.

Read our autumn horoscope for 2016 to know what awaits you according to your Zodiac Sign. WE wish you success in all areas of life. May luck accompany you and do not forget to press the buttons and

26.09.2016 03:20

The lunar money calendar shows the most favorable days and clocks for various financial transactions and decisions. If you want to, ...

Fig, fig, fig tree - these are all names of the same plant, which we firmly associate with Mediterranean life. Anyone who has ever tasted fig fruits knows how delicious they are. But, in addition to their delicate sweet taste, they are also very beneficial for health. And here’s an interesting detail: it turns out that figs are a completely unpretentious plant. In addition, it can be successfully grown on a plot in middle lane or in the house - in a container.

Quite often, difficulties in growing tomato seedlings arise even among experienced summer residents. For some, all the seedlings turn out to be elongated and weak, for others, they suddenly begin to fall and die. The thing is that it is difficult to maintain ideal conditions for growing seedlings in an apartment. Seedlings of any plants need to be provided with plenty of light, sufficient humidity and optimal temperature. What else do you need to know and observe when growing tomato seedlings in an apartment?

When we dreamily sort through bright packets of seeds in our hands, we are sometimes subconsciously convinced that we have a prototype of a future plant. We mentally allocate a place for it in the flower garden and look forward to the cherished day of the appearance of the first bud. However, buying seeds does not always guarantee that you will eventually get the desired flower. I would like to draw attention to the reasons why seeds may not sprout or die at the very beginning of germination.

Spring is coming, and gardeners have more work to do, and with the onset of warmer weather, changes in the garden occur rapidly. The buds are already beginning to swell on plants that were still dormant yesterday, and everything is literally coming to life before our eyes. After a long winter, this is good news. But along with the garden, its problems come to life - insect pests and pathogens. Weevils, flower beetles, aphids, clasterosporiosis, maniliosis, scab, powdery mildew- the list could take a very long time.

Breakfast toast with avocado and egg salad is a great way to start the day. The egg salad in this recipe acts as a thick sauce that is seasoned with fresh vegetables and shrimp. My egg salad is quite unusual, it's... dietary option everyone's favorite snack - with feta cheese, Greek yogurt and red caviar. If you have time in the morning, never deny yourself the pleasure of cooking something tasty and healthy. The day needs to start with positive emotions!

Lush cheesecakes with poppy seeds and raisins prepared according to this recipe are eaten in no time in my family. Moderately sweet, plump, tender, with an appetizing crust, without excess oil, in a word, exactly the same as my mother or grandmother fried in childhood. If the raisins are very sweet, then you don’t need to add granulated sugar at all; without sugar, the cheesecakes will be better fried and will never burn. Cook them in a well-heated frying pan, greased with oil, over low heat and without a lid!

Cherry tomatoes differ from their larger counterparts not only in the small size of their berries. Many cherry varieties are characterized by a unique sweet taste, which is very different from the classic tomato one. Anyone who has never tried such cherry tomatoes, with eyes closed He may well decide that he is tasting some unusual exotic fruits. In this article I will talk about five different cherry tomatoes that have the sweetest fruits with unusual colors.

I started growing annual flowers in the garden and on the balcony more than 20 years ago, but I will never forget my first petunia, which I planted in the country along the path. Only a couple of decades have passed, but you’re amazed at how different the petunias of the past are from the many-sided hybrids of today! In this article, I propose to trace the history of the transformation of this flower from a simpleton into a real queen of annuals, as well as consider modern varieties of unusual colors.

Salad with spicy chicken, mushrooms, cheese and grapes - aromatic and satisfying. This dish can be served as a main dish if you are preparing a cold dinner. Cheese, nuts, mayonnaise are high-calorie foods; in combination with spicy fried chicken and mushrooms, you get a very nutritious snack, which is refreshed by sweet and sour grapes. The chicken fillet in this recipe is marinated in spicy mixture made from ground cinnamon, turmeric and chili powder. If you like food with fire, use hot chili.

All summer residents are concerned about the question of how to grow healthy seedlings in early spring. It seems that there are no secrets here - the main thing for fast and strong seedlings is to provide them with warmth, moisture and light. But in practice, in a city apartment or private house, this is not so easy to do. Of course, every experienced gardener has his own proven method of growing seedlings. But today we will talk about a relatively new assistant in this matter - the propagator.

The Sanka tomato variety is one of the most popular in Russia. Why? The answer is simple. He is the very first to bear fruit in the garden. Tomatoes ripen when other varieties have not even bloomed yet. Of course, if you follow the growing recommendations and make an effort, even a novice grower will receive a rich harvest and joy from the process. And so that your efforts are not in vain, we advise you to plant high-quality seeds. For example, such as seeds from TM “Agrosuccess”.

Task indoor plants in the house - to decorate the home with your own appearance, to create a special atmosphere of comfort. For this reason, we are ready to take care of them regularly. Care is not only about watering on time, although this is important. It is also necessary to create other conditions: suitable lighting, humidity and air temperature, and make a correct and timely transplant. For experienced flower growers there is nothing supernatural about this. But beginners often face certain difficulties.

It’s easy to prepare tender chicken breast cutlets with champignons according to this recipe with step by step photos. There is an opinion that it is difficult to make juicy and tender cutlets from chicken breast, but this is not so! Chicken meat contains virtually no fat, which is why it is a bit dry. But, if you add to chicken fillet cream, White bread and mushrooms with onions, you will get amazingly delicious cutlets that both children and adults will love. During mushroom season, try adding wild mushrooms to the minced meat.

The period of seedling growth is the childhood of the plant. As you know, a lot is laid down in childhood, and maybe everything! And nutritious, comprehensive nutrition is the basis for this. It is important to monitor how your pets develop. If the stems and leaves are pale green and undeveloped, then one of the reasons may be insufficient light. For the same reason, plants can be elongated. But if, in your opinion, the plants are well lit, then it’s time to start feeding the seedlings.

Beautiful garden, blooming throughout the season, it is impossible to imagine without perennials. These flowers do not require as much attention as annuals, they are frost-resistant, and only sometimes need a little shelter for the winter. Different types perennials do not bloom at the same time, and the duration of their flowering can vary from one week to 1.5–2 months. In this article we suggest recalling the most beautiful and unpretentious perennial flowers.

The lunar calendar for October 2016 shows the position of the moon on a daily basis. If you want to find out what lunar day is today in October, as well as favorable lunar days for October 2016 and unfavorable lunar days, then the lunar calendar for October will open all phases of the moon for October 2016. The position of the moon on the day will help you plan your affairs correctly, which, with positive lunar energies can move both easily and with obstacles. Therefore, in order to exclude unnecessary problems, it is best to use the information on the position of the Moon provided by lunar days for October 2016. as of October 2016.

October 1st. 1st and 2nd lunar day. Moon in Libra. New moon. The influence of the new moon on a person lasts for several days. At this time, weakness, emotional instability, and fatigue appear. Therefore, it is preferable to avoid heavy workloads, not make important decisions, and it is best to devote time to rest, meditation and spiritual practices.

2 October. 3rd lunar day. Moon in Scorpio. Waxing moon, first quarter. In the first quarter of the lunar cycle, it is preferable to engage in planning and awareness of what you want to achieve. Feel free to set goals and analyze, find ways to achieve them. TO active actions It’s best not to start during this period.

October 3. 4th lunar day. Moon in Scorpio. Waxing moon, first quarter. In the first quarter of the lunar cycle, it is preferable to engage in planning and awareness of what you want to achieve. Feel free to set goals and analyze, find ways to achieve them. It is best not to start active actions during this period.

The 4th of October. 5th lunar day. Moon in Scorpio. Waxing moon, first quarter. In the first quarter of the lunar cycle, it is preferable to engage in planning and awareness of what you want to achieve. Feel free to set goals and analyze, find ways to achieve them. It is best not to start active actions during this period.

October 5. 6th lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius. Waxing moon, first quarter. In the first quarter of the lunar cycle, it is preferable to engage in planning and awareness of what you want to achieve. Feel free to set goals and analyze, find ways to achieve them. It is best not to start active actions during this period.

October 6. 7th lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius. Waxing moon, first quarter. In the first quarter of the lunar cycle, it is preferable to engage in planning and awareness of what you want to achieve. Feel free to set goals and analyze, find ways to achieve them. It is best not to start active actions during this period.

October 7th. 8th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn. Waxing moon, first quarter. In the first quarter of the lunar cycle, it is preferable to engage in planning and awareness of what you want to achieve. Feel free to set goals and analyze, find ways to achieve them. It is best not to start active actions during this period.

October 8. 9th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. At this time, it is necessary to carry out active actions according to the options planned in the first quarter of the moon. The energy reserve is at its peak of activity, so the possibilities for realization increase many times over and everything is achieved easily.

October 9. 10th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. At this time, it is necessary to carry out active actions according to the options planned in the first quarter of the moon. The energy reserve is at its peak of activity, so the possibilities for realization increase many times over and everything is achieved easily.

October 10. 11th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. At this time, it is necessary to carry out active actions according to the options planned in the first quarter of the moon. The energy reserve is at its peak of activity, so the possibilities for realization increase many times over and everything is achieved easily.

October 11. 12th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. At this time, it is necessary to carry out active actions according to the options planned in the first quarter of the moon. The energy reserve is at its peak of activity, so the possibilities for realization increase many times over and everything is achieved easily.

October 12. 13th lunar day. Moon in Pisces. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. At this time, it is necessary to carry out active actions according to the options planned in the first quarter of the moon. The energy reserve is at its peak of activity, so the possibilities for realization increase many times over and everything is achieved easily.

October 13. 14th lunar day. Moon in Pisces. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. At this time, it is necessary to carry out active actions according to the options planned in the first quarter of the moon. The energy reserve is at its peak of activity, so the possibilities for realization increase many times over and everything is achieved easily.

October 14. 15th lunar day. Moon in Aries. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. At this time, it is necessary to carry out active actions according to the options planned in the first quarter of the moon. The energy reserve is at its peak of activity, so the possibilities for realization increase many times over and everything is achieved easily.

October 15. 16th lunar day. Moon in Aries. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. At this time, it is necessary to carry out active actions according to the options planned in the first quarter of the moon. The energy reserve is at its peak of activity, so the possibilities for realization increase many times over and everything is achieved easily.

October 16. 17th lunar day. Moon in Taurus. Full moon. During the full moon, it is good to define your desires, goals and objectives, both mentally and out loud. Also, full moon days are often marked by important matters and situations taking a new direction. Women are especially sensitive to the full moon. On the full moon, all rituals aimed at increasing financial wealth are shown.

17 October. 18th lunar day. Moon in Taurus. Third quarter, waning moon. It is recommended to complete the things you have started and reflect on your successes and failures. It's good to get rid of everything unnecessary. It’s better not to start new things, especially if you’re not sure you’ll have time to do it before the start of the new lunar month.

October 18. 19th lunar day. Moon in Gemini. Third quarter, waning moon. It is recommended to complete the things you have started and reflect on your successes and failures. It's good to get rid of everything unnecessary. It’s better not to start new things, especially if you’re not sure you’ll have time to do it before the start of the new lunar month.

October 19. 20th lunar day. Moon in Gemini. Third quarter, waning moon. It is recommended to complete the things you have started and reflect on your successes and failures. It's good to get rid of everything unnecessary. It’s better not to start new things, especially if you’re not sure you’ll have time to do it before the start of the new lunar month.

The 20th of October. 21st lunar day. Moon in Cancer. Third quarter, waning moon. It is recommended to complete the things you have started and reflect on your successes and failures. It's good to get rid of everything unnecessary. It’s better not to start new things, especially if you’re not sure you’ll have time to do it before the start of the new lunar month.

October 21. 22nd lunar day. Moon in Cancer. Third quarter, waning moon. It is recommended to complete the things you have started and reflect on your successes and failures. It's good to get rid of everything unnecessary. It’s better not to start new things, especially if you’re not sure you’ll have time to do it before the start of the new lunar month.

22 of October. 23rd lunar day. Moon in Leo. Third quarter, waning moon. It is recommended to complete the things you have started and reflect on your successes and failures. It's good to get rid of everything unnecessary. It’s better not to start new things, especially if you’re not sure you’ll have time to do it before the start of the new lunar month.

October 23. 24th lunar day. Moon in Leo. Third quarter, waning moon. It is recommended to complete the things you have started and reflect on your successes and failures. It's good to get rid of everything unnecessary. It’s better not to start new things, especially if you’re not sure you’ll have time to do it before the start of the new lunar month.

October 24. 24th lunar day. Moon in Leo. Fourth quarter, waning moon. A period of passivity and rest, rethinking. There is very little energy left. You often feel tired and exhausted. It’s better to start analyzing your affairs and plans.

the 25th of October. 25th lunar day. Moon in Virgo. Fourth quarter, waning moon. A period of passivity and rest, rethinking. There is very little energy left. You often feel tired and exhausted. It’s better to start analyzing your affairs and plans.

October 26. 26th lunar day. Moon in Virgo. Fourth quarter, waning moon. A period of passivity and rest, rethinking. There is very little energy left. You often feel tired and exhausted. It’s better to start analyzing your affairs and plans.

27th October. 27th lunar day. Moon in Libra. Fourth quarter, waning moon. A period of passivity and rest, rethinking. There is very little energy left. You often feel tired and exhausted. It’s better to start analyzing your affairs and plans.

28 of October. 28th lunar day. Moon in Libra. Fourth quarter, waning moon. A period of passivity and rest, rethinking. There is very little energy left. You often feel tired and exhausted. It’s better to start analyzing your affairs and plans.

29th of October. 29th lunar day. Moon in Libra. Fourth quarter, waning moon. A period of passivity and rest, rethinking. There is very little energy left. You often feel tired and exhausted. It’s better to start analyzing your affairs and plans.

October 30. 30th and 1-1 lunar day. Moon in Scorpio. New moon. The influence of the new moon on a person lasts for several days. At this time, weakness, emotional instability, and fatigue appear. Therefore, it is preferable to avoid heavy workloads, not make important decisions, and it is best to devote time to rest, meditation and spiritual practices.

October 31. 2nd lunar day. Moon in Scorpio. Waxing moon, first quarter. In the first quarter of the lunar cycle, it is preferable to engage in planning and awareness of what you want to achieve. Feel free to set goals and analyze, find ways to achieve them. It is best not to start active actions during this period.

Favorable days in October 2016:
from October 2 to October 9, 2016 - waxing Moon;
from October 9 to October 15, 2016 - waxing Moon;
from October 17 to October 24, 2016 - waning Moon;
from October 24 to October 30, 2016 - waning moon.

On the days of the new waxing moon comes good time to start new things. You can make plans for the future and make important decisions. This time is favorable for starting weight loss procedures, dieting, and also starting to fight bad habits.

Unfavorable days in October 2016:
October 1, 2016 - New Moon;
until October 9, 2016 - First quarter;
October 16, 2016 - Full Moon;
from October 22, 2016 - Last quarter.

These are conflicting, stressful days, it is important to exercise caution, balance and attentiveness. It is not recommended to start important or new things. Also these days you need to carefully monitor your health.

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.