A 4-year-old child was found to have a lump under his arm. Painful lump under the armpit. Photo of a lump in the armpit

Lumps under the armpits are formations that rise above the surface of the skin and are palpable in the armpits. To correctly determine the nature of the occurrence of bumps, it is necessary to take into account many factors, for example, gender, age of the person, color skin, consistency and pain of formations, general state organism and the duration of the disease. All this can help to establish the right reason the appearance of lumps under the arms and choose the right treatment accordingly.

Underarm lumps can typically be associated with three skin structures. These are inflamed sweat glands, clogged sebaceous glands, etc. However, to make an accurate diagnosis, it is often impossible to do without a general medical examination and a general blood test.

The most common cause of armpit lumps is hidradenitis. This is an inflammation of the sweat glands in armpit. This inflammation is caused by various microorganisms, most often staphylococci. However, for the development of inflammation, certain conditions are necessary, for example, in the armpit, poor personal hygiene, injuries (scratches, abrasions), the use of household chemicals that are aggressive in nature (deodorants, creams), and a general decrease in immunity.

Hidradenitis is accompanied by redness, swelling, pain, and often an increase in both local (at the site of compaction) and general body temperature. The color of the lump under the armpits soon becomes bluish and an infiltrate appears, which can resolve with the opening and flow of pus.

Treatment of hidradenitis depends on the stage of the disease, and usually includes the use of topical antiseptics(Chlorhexidine), antibiotics wide range action (Clindamycin), surgical opening and drainage of the inflammation.

Causes of lumps under the arms associated with the sebaceous glands

The lump under the armpit may be a clogged sebaceous gland, which is also called. Non-inflamed atheroma is usually firm to the touch, slightly mobile, painless and located under the skin. Atheroma gradually increases in size and does not go away on its own. Cones of this kind require caution, as they can become inflamed and fester. In this case, you cannot do without antibiotics.

Causes of lumps under the arms associated with lymph nodes

If lumps under the armpits are associated with inflammation of the lymph nodes, then this process is called lymphadenitis, which can be specific or non-specific. It is not specific lymphadenitis that implies that the nature of its occurrence has no connection with either the oncological or tuberculosis process, but the inflammation itself in the axillary region, caused by a banal or common infection (bacteria, viruses, fungi).

Non-specific lymphangitis can be a consequence of both previously suffered diseases, such as influenza, diseases of the ear, nose and throat, and the presence of existing ones (measles, parotitis, AIDS, etc.). In this case, the lymph node under the armpits is usually the size of a pea, mobile, firm to the touch and painful. Body temperature is most often elevated and there are signs of intoxication (malaise, headache, lethargy).

Specific lymphadenitis is most often caused by the pathogens of syphilis and tuberculosis. The lumps are characterized by gradual growth; they are denser, painful and inactive; fistulas rarely form in this case. However, there are almost always signs of intoxication (fever, weakness, etc.). An accurate diagnosis is made based on medical history, laboratory and X-ray results.

Diseases of the hematopoietic system, as well as tumor metastases, can manifest as lumps under the arms. In this case, the skin over the bumps is not changed, the bumps are usually well mobile and painless. Helps in diagnosis histological biopsy, study bone marrow and chest x-ray.

Treatment of lymphangitis depends on the cause, and may involve antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal therapy and antitumor treatment. In any case, you should not self-medicate, as the process can be aggravated, started, or its seriousness can be underestimated.

The appearance of a lump under the armpit is a fairly common phenomenon and probably each of us has encountered this problem at least once in our lives. A lump under the arm, what it could be, and which doctor to contact will be discussed in the article below.

Anatomical background

A lump-shaped swelling in the armpit area forms for a reason in this area. The localization of swelling in the cavity area is observed due to the large accumulation of lymph nodes in this anatomical zone, and the skin of the cavity is rich in sebaceous and sweat glands, as well as hair follicles.

The human body is designed in such a way that it always tries to limit and localize the inflammatory process. When an inflammatory process occurs in the armpit area or upper limb The axillary lymph nodes react first. In response to inflammation, they increase - this is one of the most common causes of the formation of swelling and infiltrates in the cavity.

It so happens that the armpit is a kind of depression that forms skin fold. In the armpit, the temperature of the outer skin is higher than in other places; it is also in this anatomical area that the most humid environment is observed, which, if there is insufficient hygiene in this area, leads to the development of infectious process.

More than 90% of palpable formations in the axillary region belong to purulent-inflammatory diseases in a local form. In other cases it is necessary to carry out differential diagnosis with more serious illnesses.

What could it be

Do you have a lump under your arm and it hurts?
Now let’s try to understand the options for the origin of this formation and why it is painful.

Most of these diseases are associated with the development of purulent-inflammatory lesions of the sebaceous or sweat glands of the skin in this area.
Slightly less common are purulent-inflammatory diseases localized on the upper limb and causing lymphangitis and lymphadenitis, i.e. inflammation in the axillary lymph nodes.

  1. Hidradenitis
    Inflammation of the sweat gland, localized in the armpit. Popularly, hidradenitis is called bitch udder, as it has a characteristic appearance. The sweat gland becomes clogged, its secretion accumulates in it along with bacteria located on the skin, then a local inflammatory process occurs, the gland increases in size and begins to rise above the general skin. The inflammatory process intensifies. Local edema occurs, hyperemia - redness of the skin in the area of ​​inflammation, then due to the development of bacterial flora in this area, suppuration of the gland occurs. Appearance resembles a cow's udder, which is why people have such a specific name. Hidradenitis is a very painful inflammation, with which general manifestations of intoxication of the body are possible in the form elevated temperature, general weakness, headache and other nonspecific symptoms of inflammation. In the case of hidradenitis, a red lump usually forms under the armpit.
  2. Lymphadenitis
    The second most common cause of lumps is lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph nodes localized in the armpit, while the lump under the arm hurts when pressed. The disease is the same as hidradenitis of a purulent-inflammatory nature. Lumps under the arm in women are a frequent manifestation of careless shaving of this area. As a result of microcracks and microtrauma caused by the razor, bacteria enter the thickness of the skin of the axillary area, which can lead to enlargement of the lymph nodes. Such formation can be either painful or painless - it all depends on individual characteristics body functioning and activity immune system.
  3. Furuncle
    Given pathological condition very similar to hidradenitis. However, in this case inflammation occurs sebaceous gland.Clogging of the sebaceous gland can occur due to the peculiarities of the body’s hormonal system, for example when diabetes mellitus or during puberty, as well as due to insufficient personal hygiene. The pathogenetic mechanism of the formation of the purulent-inflammatory process is practically no different from hidradenitis, with the exception of the size of the inflammatory infiltrate. When a boil occurs, it is small in size, painful, with a local increase in skin temperature.
  4. Lipoma
    Popularly, a lipoma is often called a lipoma, and such a neoplasm occurs more often in women young, such a formation is absolutely painless, easy to palpate and quite mobile. Lipoma occurs due to excessive development of adipose tissue in the area of ​​the sebaceous gland, which leads to the formation of a kind of lump. This formation is clearly visible hereditary predisposition, and the course of the disease is characterized by slow growth and the absence of any other symptoms. Often, lumps under the armpits after childbirth occur in women with a hereditary predisposition, and the trigger in such a situation is significant hormonal changes female body during pregnancy and lactation. A lipoma or wen is purely aesthetic in nature and is not capable of causing harm to the body.

Serious reasons

Unfortunately, in some cases, this condition can become a symptom of a serious pathology, ranging from any generalized inflammation, for example: ARVI or influenza, and ending with diseases such as damage by the human immunodeficiency virus and oncology.

In the presence of risk factors such as:

  • Age over 40 years;
  • Family history oncological diseases;
  • Bad habits or living in environmentally unfavorable areas;
  • Unprotected sexual intercourse with different partners;
  • Problems with the immune system.

If any formation occurs in the armpit area, you should first rule out the following diseases:

  1. Cancer mammary gland– the first metastases appear in the axillary lymph nodes.
  2. HIV infection is characterized by lymphadenopathy (enlarged lymph nodes).
  3. Lymphomas are malignant neoplasms of an immune nature.

Which specialist should I contact?

Which doctor should I contact?
Logical question!
All purulent-inflammatory diseases are dealt with by a specialist purulent surgeon.
However, you should not immediately rush into panic. If you are a sensitive person and are not used to enduring to the bitter end, when surgical intervention is required, and promptly contact a qualified medical care, then treatment is possible without the use of surgery.

Any inflammation on early stages can be regressed by using external anti-inflammatory drugs. If a small, painless lump has formed under the armpit, then it’s worth thinking about systemic diseases.

In this case, you should consult an infectious disease doctor to conduct a differential diagnostic study and exclude serious infectious diseases, which may be accompanied by lymphadenopathy - enlarged lymph nodes.

How to treat

If you have a question: a lump under the armpit hurts inside, how to treat it - you should contact a qualified specialist, and not self-medicate. Only a competent and timely approach to the problem will help solve it as quickly and efficiently as possible.

No independent lotions or application of various folk remedies can replace the competent approach of a doctor, especially when it comes to a serious inflammatory process.

If the lump under the arm does not hurt, without redness, be sure to contact an infectious disease specialist or oncologist, since self-medication in this case can be very expensive and, first of all, for health.

If there is a painful lump under the armpit, go to the surgeon, who, after assessing the condition, will prescribe treatment.
Treatment can be conservative or surgical, everything will depend on how quickly you seek advice.

When the inflammatory process is in the infiltration stage, you can often get by with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, local antiseptic solutions and immunomodulatory therapy.

If enough has passed long time and already available purulent process, then it is necessary to open the abscess and drain it for complete discharge of necrotic purulent masses. It’s not for nothing that purulent surgeons have a postulate: where there is pus, open it up!

Surgery for hidradenitis or boils is performed under local anesthesia and does not require serious impacts.

The inflammatory process in the abscessation stage is opened, the cavity is cleaned with hydrogen peroxide, which has a bactericidal effect, and rubber drainage is left in the cavity for several days so that the purulent contents no longer accumulate in the wound, but flow out.

Only after the cessation of pus formation is it possible to heal the wound itself. The recovery process takes on average 7 to 14 days and depends on individual characteristics.

If the inflammatory process is serious

In case of a pronounced purulent-inflammatory focus, surgical intervention must be supplemented antibacterial therapy. For treatment, broad-spectrum cephalosporin antibiotics, such as Ceftriaxone, are most often used.

A prerequisite for antibiotic therapy is to carry out the full course from start to finish, otherwise the bacteria may become resistant to this antibiotic and the treatment will become ineffective.


  • Improper or insufficient nutrition.
  • Insufficient hygiene.
  • All these factors significantly increase the risk of the formation of not only swelling in the axillary area, but also other inflammatory and other diseases. To avoid recurrence of formation inflammatory diseases including in the armpit area, often just a revision of your lifestyle is enough. Take good care of yourself and your own health, live happily.

    Lymph nodes are located in the armpit, big number sweat and sebaceous glands. Inflammation of any duct can cause lumps to appear. The lump under the arm is one of the common reasons contacting surgeons. On initial stages The disease can be treated with conservative methods.

    The formation can be resolved with anti-inflammatory ointments. Patients are prescribed immunomodulators and antibiotics. If the situation is advanced, then surgical intervention is used.

    Anatomical structure

    The armpit is a depression; it forms a fold of skin. The temperature in the armpit is higher than in other parts of the body. In addition, the humidity here is high. All this creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of bacteria and microbes under the skin.

    There are lymph nodes in the armpits, the skin is rich in sebaceous glands and sweat glands, and hair follicles. Any inflammation under conditions of high humidity and constant friction forms the appearance of balls.

    In most cases (more than 90%), the lump under the arm is purulent inflammation local form. More serious diseases, expressed by cones, are much less common.

    Why do bumps form?

    Reasons influencing the appearance of lumps under the arms:

    • increased sweating - in this case, there is constantly high humidity under the armpit. She creates good conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria;
    • failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene - with any microtrauma, bacteria enter the body and the inflammatory process begins;
    • improper use of body hygiene products - many deodorants clog the ducts, they do not reduce sweating. If you use them before playing sports, the sweat will have nowhere to go. After some time, hidradenitis or other inflammations may appear;
    • microtraumas and cuts during shaving can cause boils or hidradenitis. Any injuries must be treated with antiseptics;
    • if a lump appears under your armpit and it hurts, this may be a consequence infectious pathologies(measles, sore throats). The seal is associated with inflammation of the lymph nodes and is often diagnosed in a child;
    • lymphadenitis may indicate serious illnesses - cancer, blood diseases, syphilis or tuberculosis.

    When lumps appear, some people do not know which doctor to contact. If you have questions about lumps and other neoplasms, you must make an appointment with a surgeon.

    Types of diseases

    Doctors identify several main types of lumps inside the armpit.

    Among them are the following reasons:

    • clogging of the sebaceous glands - this leads to the formation of lipids;
    • inflammatory process in the sweat glands - the condition ends with hidradenitis;
    • inflammation of the hair follicle causes a boil;
    • inflammation of the lymph nodes leads to lymphadenitis.

    All types of neoplasms can be viewed in photos posted online. But only a surgeon can make a final diagnosis.

    Problems with the sebaceous glands

    Lumps under the armpit in women and men are caused by blocked sebaceous ducts. Fat begins to accumulate and cannot come out because the ducts are closed. As a result, a lipoma is formed. Patients develop a dense and hard ball. It can be easily felt and has a round shape.

    Usually the lump is not painful and does not bother the person in any way. The disease occurs without redness. But it needs to be treated, since an inflammatory process is possible. In this case, the infection can penetrate into the lymphatic angle, which is fraught with more serious consequences.


    If a lump under the armpit hurts when pressed, then the patient may be diagnosed with inflammation of the sweat glands or hidradenitis. Previously, people called the disease “bitch udder.” The disease develops as follows: the sweat gland becomes clogged.

    A secretion begins to accumulate in it, and bacteria located on the skin join it. The result is severe swelling and redness. The painful lump greatly interferes with moving your arms. In some cases, it is even difficult and painful for the patient to raise his arm due to, or.

    Additionally, hidradenitis causes a deterioration in general health, fever, fatigue and weakness. Pus accumulates inside the ball. The disease is subject to mandatory treatment.


    Lumps under the armpit in men and women can be caused by inflammation of the hair follicle. The ball hurts when pressed, the symptoms are similar to hidradenitis. A boil is a red solid seal. It breaks out, and pus accumulates inside.

    But the size of the inflamed follicle is smaller than that of hidradenitis. At the epicenter of the boil there is a purulent core. The disease is caused by bacteria. They enter the follicle through microtrauma and multiply. Then the purulent process begins.

    The lump needs to be treated. Large boils burst open surgically. small ball treated with anti-inflammatory ointments.


    Inflamed lymph nodes present as a lump in the armpit area. It is easily palpable and mobile. When pressed, the seal hurts, but may not cause discomfort.

    The nature of the disease is purulent-inflammatory. Usually bacteria get under the skin through microtraumas or cuts. They begin to multiply, to which the lymph nodes actively react.

    Inflammation occurs, and a lump forms in the armpit, interfering with a normal lifestyle.

    Other diseases

    In some cases, when a ball has formed under the armpit and it hurts, this indicates serious illness.

    Inflamed lymph nodes indicate suppression of the immune system. A person may have cancer. Most often it is breast cancer in women.

    If a lump appears, this may indicate diseases of the hematopoietic system (leukemia), syphilis, tuberculosis, even the immunodeficiency virus.

    At serious illnesses doctors prescribe complex therapy to destroy the pathogen. In case of oncology, the lump is cut out and chemotherapy or radiation therapy is performed.


    Therapy directly depends on the type of lump. Most often, surgeons resort to surgical intervention. Inflammations under the armpit cannot be treated on your own or opened at home. This can lead to serious complications.

    When a ball appears under your arm, you need to go to see a surgeon. The doctor will conduct a visual examination, interview the patient and make a diagnosis. After which treatment will be prescribed.

    All operations are performed under local anesthesia; they are considered simple and take 15–20 minutes. After surgical intervention the patient is always prescribed a course of antibiotics (if the infection is caused by bacteria). It is possible to take immunomodulatory drugs and vitamins.


    Lumps under the armpit have appeared in many people. When a strange lump is discovered, most patients wonder what it could be and which doctor to go to.

    In 9 out of 10 cases, the disease is purulent in nature and can be treated surgical treatment. The lump can be caused by inflammation of the sweat or sebaceous glands, hair follicles or lymph nodes.

    This is a fairly common problem. We've all probably noticed lumps under our arms at some point in our lives, and it's not something you should worry too much about. Here we will explain what should be done in such cases.

    What can cause a lump to form under the armpits?

    Eighty percent of cases are normal and should not cause any problems. The first thing you should do when you find a lump is not to panic because it is probably a type of furunculosis. You may ask: what is furunculosis? Here are some basic explanations:

    The most common cause of lump formation under the armpit is furunculosis. This is normal inflammation hair follicle, can be painful, and discovering it can be scary. It usually occurs due to infection of the sweat glands as a result of ingrown hairs. When sweat cannot escape from the follicle, bacteria accumulate quite quickly. As a result, larger or smaller bumps may appear.

    Although this is fairly harmless, it can be very annoying. Sometimes the lump goes away on its own, and sometimes very serious cysts form that require appropriate treatment. Your doctor will usually prescribe antibiotics to protect against staphylococcal infection. But if this does not solve the problem, the cyst must be removed.

    What can you do to prevent armpit cysts from forming? Unfortunately, some people are simply more prone to them than others, and if you've had them before, there's a good chance you'll get them again.

    There are some antiseptic creams that can slow down their formation, but The best decision- be very careful with hair removal methods, including shaving. Every time you shave, these little bumps can occur as hair can become trapped in the follicle.

    Try washing and exfoliating the skin under your arms first to open up the pores. And don't use harsh chemical deodorants, as they can damage the sensitive area. In general, this is the most common cause of bumps.

    The second common cause of swollen lymph nodes

    Don't be alarmed. Inflammation of the lymph nodes is called lymphadenitis. As you probably know, there is a lot at hand lymphatic vessels, which move lymph fluid through the bloodstream, performing cleansing and filtering functions. They help the body fight infections.

    But sometimes, when the immune system is weakened or a virus has attacked, the lymph nodes can become inflamed or swollen. Hence the lump in the armpit. Lymphadenitis can occur after skin infections or other bacterial infections.

    So what to do when the lymph nodes are swollen? First, a lymph fluid test should be done to determine the cause of the inflammation and the presence of any bacteria. To do this, they will take some fluid from your gland. The area may be slightly numb, so this procedure is not painful.
    The results will show what is causing the inflammation and indicate what treatment should be used to resolve the problem.

    Reason number three: lymphoma

    This is also possible. When you find a lump under your arm, there is a small chance that it may be due to an inflamed lymph node caused by lymphoma. Among the types of lymphoma are "non-Hodgkin's lymphoma" and "Hodgkin's lymphoma". Both are types of cancer and their treatments are very effective. The survival rate is 90% and 70% respectively. Both types of lymphoma generate types of white blood cells called lymphocytes, which is how doctors detect the disease.

    This type of cancer requires several chemotherapy sessions, but of course, each person is unique, so the number of sessions and recovery time may vary. Today there are many scientific achievements in the field of cancer treatment, and there is hope. This disease requires a lot of personal effort, courage and support from family and friends. You can overcome it.

    How can you tell if a lump is caused by furunculosis or lymphoma?

    The first thing to do is to remain calm and not stress yourself out. As soon as you notice a lump under your armpit, it is better to consult your doctor as soon as possible. Lymphoma also commonly causes fever, trouble sleeping, night sweats, and weight loss.
    But since you may not have these symptoms, see your doctor first. And don't worry—most cases involve normal bone formation.

    It’s better to be sure and make an appointment with a doctor. And don't worry, most cases are due to a simple cyst caused by a hair follicle.

    If a painful lump appears under the armpit, you should treat this with attention. The fact is that various oncological and systemic diseases, in which an enlarged group of lymph nodes is the first symptom. Therefore, first you need to adequately assess your health. Think about whether you have Lately Unreasonable periods of temporary general malaise, chills, muscle weakness or increased body temperature. If these symptoms periodically appear and disappear, then you need to see a therapist for treatment. medical examination and conducting a series of analyses.

    The most reliable of them is the expanded general analysis blood. For chronic inflammatory processes and the development of oncological tumors in the blood test, the doctor will see a shift leukocyte formula with total leukocytosis and increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate. In some forms of tumors, hemoglobin levels decrease and B12-deficiency anemia is diagnosed. What to do if a lump appears under the armpit, we will tell you in this material.

    Causes of lumps under the armpit and shape

    In the vast majority of cases, the causes of a lump under the armpit are associated with an enlarged lymph node. On palpation, a single nodule is felt, which is soft and elastic. It doesn't hurt to touch him. It can be stationary and also move freely within 1-2 cm. The skin over lymph node not changed, not hyperemic. May be a symptom of the following conditions:

    1. presence of cuts and purulent wounds on the skin surfaces of the hand on the side where the lump appeared;
    2. arthritis and arthrosis in a state of exacerbation in the area of ​​the elbow, wrist and shoulder joints;
    3. eczema and psoriatic lesions of the skin of the hand on the affected side;
    4. pulmonary tuberculosis;
    5. pneumonia and chronic obstructive bronchitis;
    6. pericarditis and myocarditis.

    The following forms of lump under the arm are found:

    • small or medium size;
    • soft or compacted;
    • painful or painless on palpation;
    • normal color, hyperemic or pigmented (brown);
    • mobile or fused to surrounding tissues;
    • internal or protruding above the surface of the armpit.

    All these signs are important in establishing the initial diagnosis. As a rule, a combination of factors such as a rapid increase in size and redness of the skin, pain and lack of mobility on palpation, and increased pigmentation of the skin of surrounding tissues make one suspect an oncological lesion. Only a doctor can determine the exact causes of a lump under the arm.

    Remember a simple rule: if the lump under the armpit is painful, then you must avoid any procedures using thermal energy and urgently consult a doctor to exclude malignant neoplasm in the area of ​​the lymph node.

    Not less often, swelling can be a consequence of blockage of the ducts of the sweat glands. Hidradenitis develops against the background of systematic use of deodorants during the hot season. In the future, against this background, atheroma may form, which must be removed surgically. Such conditions do not go away on their own.

    What to do if you have a lump under your armpit?

    It is not recommended to treat any growths on your body on your own. Any careless actions may lead to rapid growth pathogenic tissues. Particular care should be taken when handling various types of heating. Avoid compresses, mustard plasters and heating pads. On the contrary, you should ensure rest in the affected area and sufficient hygiene care behind the skin.

    Contact your doctor immediately. After the diagnosis, the specialist will prescribe the appropriate treatment for you and tell you what to do with the lump under the armpit. You should be especially careful if a lump appears under the child’s armpit. Thus, children often develop leukemia and other malignant diseases of the hematopoietic system.