The most powerful bite in the world. The most dangerous dogs in the world Which dog has the most powerful jaw

A dog is an animal that can please its owners, touch passers-by and lead complete stupor because of fear strangers. For example, children may be afraid of small breeds and calmly treat large ones, while adults often avoid large dogs, not paying attention to the miniature ones. However, danger lurks in unexpected places. Dog handlers have tried to compile a list of breeds that are considered dangerous to humans under certain circumstances.

Attention: TOP 13 dangerous dog breeds does not mean the list is indisputable! Only the increased risk of danger from the dog was taken into account, nothing more. A particular dog may be harmless. The peculiarities of genetics, upbringing, training and the psychotype of a particular representative of four-legged animals are combined. There is no need to argue or challenge the following: the TOP 13 was compiled taking into account recorded incidents of dog attacks, only emphasizing the potential for danger.

Caucasian wolfhound

The Sheepdog is known as the best defense livestock from outside attacks. A powerful dog does not trust strangers and requires competent and persistent training. The breed is distinguished by the following qualities:

  1. Fearlessness and assertiveness.
  2. Height at withers – from 66 cm.
  3. There is no maximum weight limit. Minimum – 45 kg for females.
  4. The image of a wolfhound is on the 2015 Russian postage stamp.
  5. Originally from the Caucasus. Brought out by breeding works in the USSR.
  6. Known names – aboriginal and simply Caucasian Shepherd Dog, North Caucasian wolfhound.


It's about American pit bull terrier and about breeds:

  • The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is considered a companion, but was previously used for brutal fighting and baiting rats. It is important that the pet does not have aggressive qualities. Otherwise, the dog is dangerous to family members.
  • The American Bulldog in America is considered especially dangerous. Used as a working breed, boar hunter, often dealing with large cattle. Due to their developed guard qualities, dogs show superiority by force. We need to work on obedience.
  • The American Staffordshire Terrier is suitable for a person who has already dealt with dogs. Representatives of pit bulls strive for independence and can be aggressive. It is advisable to focus on varied loads and work with a dog handler.

German Shepherd

The breed is known for its "biting" character. If you show patience and devote enough time to education and training lessons, nothing bad will happen. If you let the dog’s development take its course, don’t be surprised that one day the “German” will bite a passerby or owner. To the breeder German Shepherd good to know:

  • the attack of the “Germans” was recorded on relatives and people;
  • lack of education can result in aggressive behavior dog;
  • the bite force of the breed is equated to 1060 N (newton);
  • There are known cases of dogs attacking their owners after several years of friendly life;
  • the victim may die from the bites received within a couple of days;
  • the danger can be zero at home and at the limit - on the street with low socialization.


The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has already advocated for the danger of the breed. Rottweiler attacks are the cause of death every year. Cases are known in Russia and abroad. The bite force of a Rottweiler is higher than that of a German shepherd, reaching 1460 N. It is important to train the dog, otherwise the pile of power will turn into a huge danger for the owners and others.

Rottweiler breeders should take into account the dogs’ unmotivated aggression, which is not recognized as the norm. They try to prevent aggressive representatives of the breed from breeding so that this property is not passed on to new puppies. At the same time, dogs often become pets and calmly tolerate children's antics.

Consider the incredible endurance of the breed described. This is considered a virtue, but when attacked it turns a person sideways. The same applies to strength. It is important not to skip canine training courses when raising your dog regularly.

Huskies and Malamutes

Surprisingly, representatives of the most beautiful breeds are included in the list of dangerous ones! Malamutes and Huskies are often seen together. These are excellent sled dogs, distinguished by:

  • increased energy,
  • attractive appearance,
  • working qualities - the predator instinct is active.

Pet attacks on people are rare and therefore dangerous. We don’t expect any tricks from friendly breeds, but we should understand: as long as a living creature has claws and teeth, the animal is a priori dangerous! It is important to carefully approach the content and education, reducing the risk of such an attack.

If we compare huskies and malamutes, the first ones are more dangerous. Huskies are working animals, socialization is not developed as the main quality. Alaskan Malamutesled breed, showing character by hunting small animals. Be careful when choosing your pet and nursery.


Military and police breeds must have a balanced temperament. According to the standard, Dobermans have a strong psychotype, exceptions do occur. Due to the direct purpose of the breed, aggression towards strangers is often observed. It is worth understanding that the owner bears responsibility for aggressiveness towards strangers. The owner will have to cope with this difficulty.

Hostility is rare, but it manifests itself even towards family members; ideally, Dobermans have a sharp distinction between good and evil. Adequate and psychologically stable dogs are easily left with small children after an active walk or training lesson.

IN Lately Doberman attacks on humans are difficult to encounter. This is good, but relaxing is wrong. Better stay alert. The dog's dimensions are large:

  • 68 cm at the withers,
  • 39-40 kg weight.

The body is solid muscles, which means that if attacked, it is difficult to escape without being bitten. The breed is wary, but intelligence is highly rated. You shouldn’t shake at the sight of a dog, but it’s also stupid to relax.

Chow chow

The soft and fluffy animal Chow Chow is far from harmless, as pet owners claim. Everyone wants to assure others that their pet is the best, but you need to adequately face the truth. Chow is not a toy for children. The appearance of a cute animal is deceiving.

  1. the breed is distrustful of strangers;
  2. often wary of the human race;
  3. does not like children, screams and displays of affection.

It is worth considering that mistakes could have been made when breeding the animal. Mental disorders are not uncommon, but it’s not written on the dog’s forehead! The owner of the dog must show adequate dominance, engage in education, and strangers must not interfere with the dog’s cute face, so as not to get bitten.


In boxers, aggression is inherent in nature - this is how the breed was formed. Don't be surprised or argue with natural things. The owner can correct it behavioral feature pet, making the dog a favorite of the yard. What you should know when communicating with a dog:

  • Increased aggression manifests itself towards dogs, but rarely towards humans.
  • Characterized by a loud bark that frightens any ill-wisher.
  • They act as a family member and an ideal territory guard.
  • Due to the strong jaws, the bite is powerful and painful.
  • Cases of attacks on people are 2-3 per year around the world.
  • The greatest danger is for the attacker, not the owner.

Akita Inu

The danger from Akita most often comes from males. They are dominant and try to become dominant in all areas of life. But the owner – the man – must act as the head! This is extremely difficult in modern society When an animal is kept in a city apartment, there is rarely contact with it, not to mention rare and short-term walks. It is easier not to re-educate the Akita Inu breed, but to initially protect it from aggressive behavior.

  1. Try not to introduce your dog into an unfamiliar environment.
  2. If you travel with an Akita, support the dog and be there.
  3. Keep your dog and children safe from each other. More often than not, what is said concerns other people's children.
  4. Do not let friends or strangers approach the dog.
  5. Akita's attack is to protect itself, the owner, and food.
  6. Engage in training - let the dog not rush in case of defense, but make a grab.

Dogo Canario and Dogo Argentino

Beautiful and large dogs The Great Dane subspecies can be loyal, gentle and patient, or stubborn and embittered. There are not many cases of attacks by the breed, but dogs never cease to excite people’s minds. Fatal attacks are especially frightening. If you are still alive or you only need health care, this is a reason to rejoice in luck.

  • The Dogo Canario was bred as a fighting dog. The beast developed ruthlessness towards animals and people. Breeding the breed freely is not only dangerous, but is also prohibited in some regions. Why take the risk of purchasing an animal?
  • The Dogo Argentino is strong and muscular. The dog is designed to hunt wild boars. During the removal, aggression towards the person was actively eliminated, which does not always help relieve tension among passers-by. In the UK, for example, owning a Dogo Argentino is prohibited!

Brazilian Mastiff

Otherwise, the dog is called Fila Brasileiro. Wariness and aggression in dogs are in their genes. However, we are talking about strangers, perceived a priori as dangerous. The breed has a sharp temperament, and it is dangerous for such an animal to become suspicious.

Due to their temperament, Brazilian Mastiffs are prohibited for breeding and keeping in some countries. Best protection person – complete restriction of contacts with Fila Brasileiro. Dogs are used as guards, protectors and hunters.

If you like the breed, try to follow the rules:

  1. regularly engage in education, attend training classes;
  2. try not to invite strangers into your home;
  3. if there are often guests in the house, create an enclosure for the mastiff to temporarily stay;
  4. check whether the breed is prohibited for keeping in the country or region.

Danish hound

The German Mastiff (Great Dane) is a breed known for its dimensions:

  • The height of males reaches 90 cm.
  • The height of the bitches varies from 72 to 84 cm.
  • Weight is about 80-90 kg.

Ideally, the dog has a strong disposition and does not provoke provocation by showing aggression. However, the dimensions of the Great Dane indicate its ability to harm a person, especially a child. The beast is so large and massive that it can easily knock down an adult man. There won't be any injuries. What if you meet an unbalanced representative from Germany? Just imagine the dimensions of the largest dogs recorded:

  1. Giant George from Arizona (USA). The dog's height was 110 cm and its weight was 111 kg! The Great Dane died at the age of 7 for reasons unknown to the world.
  2. Zeus from Michigan (USA). Zeus's height was 111 cm and his weight was 75 kg. The dog also died early - at the age of 5. Dogs, in principle, do not live long - 6-7 years.

Saint Bernard

Rescue dogs are known for their gigantic size. The dogs worked as rescuers in the Alps. Besides big picture there are features. Large breeds Dogs for the most part treat strangers with wariness, suspicion, and display aggression. The task of the dog owner is to socialize the animal. It is much easier to accustom your pet to communication with people and animals from puppyhood.

This method will prevent the aggressive behavior of the St. Bernard on his territory - in his place of residence, which the dog carefully guards and protects from uninvited guests. But an uninvited guest could be a neighbor, a relative, or just an acquaintance invited to the house!

This breed dogs were bred in Spain. Dogs of this breed have a very strong and powerful bite. The Dogo Canario looks intimidating and very menacing, however, despite this, dogs of this breed are very kind and friendly. The Dogo Canary gets used to its owner very quickly, it easily remembers new commands and assimilates any information. Animals of this breed become excellent and loyal friends.

Ninth place – Doberman

As you know, the Doberman is a service dog. This dog breed is very fast and strong. The Doberman has an amazing appearance and amazing grace. Animals of this breed will become excellent guards, and thanks to their service history, also amazing bodyguards. Dobermans are very smart and reasonable, in case of danger, they transform in an instant, and from cute pet, turn into an aggressive angry beast. To ensure that dogs of this breed never have problems, they must be trained from puppyhood.

Eighth place – Siberian Husky

Siberian Huskies are very beautiful and strong, they have an amazing mind, but they have difficulty remembering commands. It is very easy to keep such a dog in the house. Husky will make an excellent bodyguard and true friend. Animals of this breed have a very strong and powerful body, so they need to exercise regularly.

Seventh place – Great Dane

This breed of dog was bred for service. That is why Great Danes are very strong and resilient. However, despite this, the Great Dane is absolutely not aggressive. Therefore, if you choose such a dog as a guard, then you need to raise it properly. The Great Dane is an excellent friend and reliable companion; he loves children very much and gets along well with other animals.

Sixth place – Rottweiler

The Rottweiler is an excellent guard and reliable bodyguard. Dogs of this breed are very strong, resilient and have a powerful bite. Rottweilers are fearless and brave animals, they will always be able to protect their family. Pets of this breed are good-natured and affectionate, they quickly get used to new family and to all household members.

Fifth place – Dogo Argentino

Dogs of this breed have very powerful body and terrifying appearance. They are very strong, resilient and resilient. Despite the formidable appearance, the Dogo Argentino has a calm and balanced character. With proper training, such a dog will become an amazing guard for the whole family.

Fourth place – Boerboel

This is a South African dog, it was bred specifically to guard plantations and escort slaves. The Boerboel is very aggressive, and in some countries, breeding dogs of this breed is prohibited. These pets are incredibly strong and have a very powerful bite. It is not recommended to keep such a dog in the house.

Third place – Boxer

This dog breed was bred in Germany and is one of the strongest in the world. The Boxer has a strong grip, a powerful bite and a capricious character. Such a dog must be raised well, and then it will become a faithful and devoted friend for both adults and children. Animals of this breed are very playful and playful; they enjoy running on the lawn and playing with a ball.

Second place – Staffordshire Terrier

Stafford is a devoted dog, for the sake of its owner, it is ready to do anything. Dogs of this breed practically do not feel pain and have absolutely no fear. This is one of the strongest and most strong-willed dogs in the world. Many people think that Staffordshire Terriers are very aggressive, but this is absolutely not the case. A dog will grow up the way its owner raises it.

First place – Bull Terrier

In first place, an amazing bull terrier dog. This breed of dog was bred for dog fighting. The Bull Terrier has an incredible grip and a very strong bite. However, despite this, the pet has a friendly character and calm disposition. The Bull Terrier is the most strong dog in a world that will become great friend and a reliable bodyguard for his master.

A person who owns a strong dog must be able to raise it properly. Otherwise, pet can turn into an aggressive and uncontrollable beast.

We bring to your attention ten animals with the most powerful bites in the animal world. There are animals that would most likely be in this top ten, but the strength of their bites has not yet been measured due to the complexity or high cost of measurements. For example, a white shark, which should have a very strong bite, but there is no exact measurement of it other than theoretical estimates. The Tasmanian devil has the strongest bite relative to its size - 13.6 atmospheres (14 kilogram-force per square centimeter), which is only slightly more than that of hyenas.

10. Leo
42 kgf per sq. cm

An unexpectedly low place for the king of beasts. Lions are the only social felines in the world. They almost always hunt together, which may be why they did not have to develop strong bites during their evolution. Another reason may be that they kill their prey by biting the trachea, which does not require a strong bite. Lions hunt at any time of the day, but most often at night. They can go without water for five days, but prefer to drink daily if possible.

9. Tiger
74 kgf per sq. cm

Tigers, the largest members of the cat family, hunt alone. The size of tigers reaches 3.3 meters and weighs about 300 kilograms. They hunt mainly at night. Like lions, they usually kill their prey by grabbing the throat, thereby cutting off the flow of blood and air. They have a strong bite that is almost twice as strong as a lion's bite. On this moment The number of tigers kept in captivity is greater than the number of wild tigers. They generally avoid people, but in some conditions they can attack people and livestock.

8. Spotted hyena
77 kgf per sq. cm

Hyenas have one of the strongest bites in the animal kingdom - 77 kgf per square centimeter. With their bite they can even bite through the bones of giraffes. Most likely, it is the fact that hyenas are scavengers that causes them strong jaws. To get to bone marrow, which is not of interest to large predators, requires strong jaws.

Although hyenas look like dogs, they are actually closer to cats and belong to the suborder Felidae rather than Canidae. Hyenas can kill a dog with one bite. Despite popular belief, hyenas do hunt themselves, and lions, ironically, often steal their prey. Like lions, hyenas are social animals.

7. Grizzly
84 kgf per sq. cm

This subspecies of brown bear, living mainly in North America, is known for its enormous size and aggression. Despite their size, grizzlies can reach speeds of 56 kilometers per hour. Grizzlies mainly feed on nuts and berries, but sometimes they also hunt. In Yellowstone National Park, for example, they hunt other animals.

Grizzlies are considered more aggressive than other bears. This is due to the fact that due to their size they cannot climb trees, and therefore they have developed such a unique defense mechanism. In addition to aggression, during the course of evolution, grizzly bears have also developed strong jaws, which help them protect themselves from wolves and other predators. Grizzlies weigh between 300 and 500 kilograms. They can be dangerous to humans if they encounter a mother with cubs, but grizzly bears do not view humans as prey.

6. Gorilla
91 kgf per sq. cm

Gorillas eat plant foods, so it’s strange to see them in this top ten. In fact, there is little surprise here. Gorillas feed on tough and durable plants such as bamboo - to do this they had to develop strong jaws and neck muscles.
Gorillas used to be seen as big scary animals, but recently they are increasingly seen as “gentle giants.” They are our closest relatives (only chimpanzees are closer), and their population is rapidly declining (there are only 700 mountain gorillas left in the wild). Gorillas can climb trees, but most often they prefer to be on the ground. They usually live in communities of 30 individuals, led by a dominant old male. Gorillas are predominantly gentle creatures and pose no danger to humans.

5. Hippopotamus
128 kgf per sq. cm

Hippos are large and strong herbivores. They are one of the most feared animals in Africa. Hippos are aggressive and defend their territory by capsizing small boats and attacking people. The bite of a female hippopotamus was measured, since males are too aggressive, but even the force of her bite reached of great importance at 128 kgf per square centimeter. The word "hippopotamus" comes from the Greek language and means "water horse." The closest relatives of hippopotamuses are whales and cows. They belong to the order Artiodactyla, which also includes horses, camels and goats.

4. Jaguar
141 kgf per sq. cm

Jaguars have the strongest bite of all cats and mammals in general. They live mainly in Northern and South America. Jaguars kill by biting the victim's head. Like many others big cats jaguars hunt alone. There are known cases where jaguars killed anacondas and caimans. Jaguar bites are so strong that they can even bite through the shell of a turtle. The word "jaguar" comes from the language American Indians and means “killing with one jump.” Although jaguars are smaller than their African and Asian relatives, they are the largest feline in the Americas.

Jaguars are thought to have disappeared from the southern United States more than 100 years ago, but rumors have recently surfaced that a population may be developing in Arizona. Largest quantity Jaguars live in Belize, on the Cockscomb Basin Reservation.

3. Mississippi alligator
149 kgf per sq. cm

Mississippi alligators are one of two extant species of alligators (the other being the Chinese alligator). Their population currently stands at 5 million, of which 1.2 million live in Florida. Their natural habitats are Florida, Texas, Louisiana, North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. Crocodiles also live in these same areas. They feed mainly on fish, turtles and small mammals. A recent National Geographic study estimated an alligator's bite at 149 kg per square centimeter, but their bites may be stronger since the study did not measure the largest member of the species.

2. Saltwater crocodile
260 kgf per sq. cm

Saltwater (or saltwater) crocodiles have the strongest bite of the specimens in the National Geographic study. True, they didn’t even choose the biggest crocodile. If you estimate the bite force of the largest crocodiles, you will most likely get a bite force of 500 kgf per square centimeter.

The range of saltwater crocodiles extends from eastern India to southeastern Asia and northern Australia. Their “diet” includes buffalo, fish and even sharks. Australians affectionately call these crocodiles “salties,” but there is nothing gentle about these giants. They are responsible for more attacks on humans than any other crocodiles (except the first place in this top ten).

1. Nile crocodile
352 kgf per sq. cm

In a National Geographic experiment, Nile crocodiles' bites were weaker than those of saltwater crocodiles, but most other sources state that Nile crocodiles bite with a force of 352 kg per square centimeter. Nile crocodiles are usually about the same size as saltwater crocodiles and have the same bite force. Both of them can take first or second place on this list, since it is difficult to choose which individuals to test and difficult to figure out how to conduct the experiment correctly.

Nile crocodiles primarily feed on fish, but like their relatives, they will attack any animal that happens to be nearby, such as zebras, birds and small hippos.

The bite force is very important characteristic for any animal, because it is thanks to it that the animal not only seeks food, but also defends itself from enemies. We invite you to get acquainted with the list of the most powerful bites in the animal kingdom.

Who do you think will be in first place?

1. 25th place - Killer whale, PSI: 19000 - unknown
Scientists have still not been able to find out the exact force of a killer whale’s bite. There are only assumptions that the bite force of a killer whale can exceed 19,000 PSI.

2. 24th place – Piranha, PSI: unknown

The bite force of this small fish is 30 times its body weight. Although the exact strength of its bite is also still unknown.

3. 23rd place – Leopard, PSI: 300-310
One of the five big cats The panther species is known for its athleticism and speed. You should avoid meeting a leopard, as it is almost impossible to escape from it.

4. 22nd place – Tiger shark, PSI: 325
This sea creature is considered one of the most dangerous predators in the ocean. In fact, the bite force of a tiger shark is only 325.

5. 21st place – Wild Dog, PSI: 340
Although the appearance of this animal is a little unsightly, in terms of bite it is not much inferior to pumas.

6. 20th place – Puma, PSI: 350
The puma is not only one of the fastest animals, but also has a strong bite. Thanks to their muscular jaws and long fangs, cougars can easily bite into meat, tendons and muscles.

7. 19th place – Wolf, PSI: 406
Wolves are excellent hunters, and their bite force is 406 PSI.

8. 18th place – Mastiff, PSI: 556
It is mastiffs, not pit bulls or Rottweilers, that have the strongest bite among domesticated dogs.

9. 17th place – White shark, PSI: 669
The bite of sharks is not very strong, but they don’t really need it, because they inflict the main damage with their teeth.

10. 16th place – Leo, PSI: 691
The lion's bite is not the strongest and therefore it is only in 16th place on our list.

11. 15th place – Jaguar, PSI: 700

Jaguars have the strongest bite relative to body weight of any cat family.

12. 14th place – Brown bear, PSI: 850
The brown bear has a bite force reaching 850 PSI.

13. 13th place – Kodiak, PSI: 930
Kodiak is the largest subspecies of brown bear and one of the largest representatives of the bear genus.

14. 12th place – Amur tiger, PSI: 950
Amur tigers boast powerful jaws and very sharp teeth.

15. 11th place – Cayman turtle, PSI: 1000
The bite force of a snapping turtle reaches 1000 PSI.

16. 10th place – Bengal tiger, PSI: 1050
The largest representatives of the cat family are famous for their strength and power.

17. 9th place – Hyena, PSI: 1100
This unattractive animal has teeth specially adapted for eating rough food and crushing large bones.

18. 8th place – Polar bear, PSI: 1235
These are one of the strongest and toughest mammals on the planet and have a very powerful bite.

19. 7th place – Grizzly Bear, PSI: 1250
These majestic animals have very strong teeth.

20. 6th place - Blunt shark, PSI: 1250 This predator is considered one of the most vicious and deadly in the world, and its bite is in third place on our list.

Those who get a pet for protection have probably thought about what the strongest dog in the world is. And not without reason, because strong dogs will always be not only good friends, but also reliable bodyguards. Top 10 most powerful dogs, photos, videos and much more useful information you will find here.


Bull Terrier

The Bull Terrier is considered one of the strongest dogs and in our top 10 ranking it takes first place. This strong-jawed breed was originally used to participate in dog fights. The Bull Terrier has the strongest bite and grip of any dog. In principle, this dog is very friendly with its owner, but if you push him to the point of aggression, he will literally become uncontrollable. However, the Bull Terrier is easy to train, so its character can be developed.

This breed has been recognized as the strongest dog in the world. Bull Terriers have a strong, muscular body that is built quite proportionately. In general, dogs are kind, but if the owner is in trouble, then such a dog will easily gnaw the throat of the offender.

Staffordshire Terrier

The dog was bred in the USA and, like the Bull Terrier, for a long time used in underground dog fights. The Stafford is a mix of terrier and bulldog, it has a beautiful muscular and strong body with well-developed limbs. In addition to having a strong grip and a strong bite among other breeds, the Stafford Terrier has an excellent ability to detect scents.

This breed is very loyal to its owner. Moreover, they feel virtually no pain. If a dog is properly trained, then there will never be problems with it, but if there is no upbringing, the pet can bring a lot of trouble to the owners, just like any breed without upbringing is a problem for the owner and others.


The breed was developed in Germany and is the result of crossing a Bulldog and a Bullenbeiser. The boxer is considered one of the strongest dogs ever to participate in dog fighting, which is why he found a place in our ranking of the top 10 most strong breeds. The incredibly strong grip is due to the dog’s powerful jaw.

Whatever the boxer is, as can be seen from the video, he is a fairly balanced representative of the strongest varieties. In addition, Boxers are very playful and love kids, however, if the dog is handled incorrectly, the possibility that he will show his strength cannot be ruled out. The Boxer must be well brought up to understand that the main thing in the house is the person, and the dog is a reliable assistant and friend.


A South African breed bred to guard plantations and escort slaves. The breed is quite large and strong. Among all representatives of the rating, the top 10 have the strongest jaws and the strongest bite. In principle, this breed is characterized by aggression, so it needs to be controlled from childhood. If the pet is not raised, then outbursts of anger can be transferred to the person. In some European countries, for example, Denmark, the breeding of this breed is completely prohibited.

Dogo Argentino

Breeders had to work hard to develop this breed. The Dogo Argentino is the result of crosses between ten different varieties. Dogo Argentinos have an excellent muscular body and a strong bite, as well as a formidable appearance that instills fear not only in the enemy, but also in humans. Therefore, it is not for nothing that this breed is in the top 10 strongest ranking.

However, despite their formidable appearance, Dogo Argentinos are quite smart dogs, as well as calm, endowed with an easy-going character. They do not belong to fighting breeds, because their main purpose is protection and hunting.,


A well-formed breed of cattle breeding and guarding in the area near the city of Rottweil. Butcher dog. By nature, the dog is quite large and strong, as can be seen in the photos and videos, and is also characterized by intelligence and intelligence. Pets of this breed are included in the top 10 rating, despite the fact that they are quite friendly, however, this breed can experience outbreaks of unmotivated aggression towards children.

Rottweiler is excellent security guard and protector, since these dogs are fearless by nature. They are also very curious, but require good training.

German dog

Like the Rottweiler, the Great Dane was bred by German breeders and is a service breed. No matter how big the dog is, it has an amazingly kind character, which allows it to easily communicate with its owner and other family members. But it didn’t make it into the top 10 for nothing - the dog is one of the strongest with a powerful bite, although at the same time he is quite lazy. Aggression is not typical for this breed. When proper education, which is quite possible with a Great Dane, the dog will delight you with its obedience.

Siberian Husky

Now many people are inclined to say that huskies are not dangerous dogs. This is true, but only if we are not talking about the Siberian variety. It’s not for nothing that these dogs are included in the top 10 strongest breeds. Siberian Huskies are very similar in appearance to wolves. This breed is characterized by eyes different color. It should also be noted that despite the fact that these dogs are very smart, they absolutely do not want to learn - the mental characteristics of this breed require a special approach and great physical exercise. It is almost impossible to train a pet; this can only be done realistically during the game.


The Doberman is not only a strong breed, but also a very fast breed. These dogs from the top 10 were bred by German specialists for use in the service. As you can see from the photos and videos, this pet is quite elegant and strong in appearance, and also very fast. It should also be noted that Dobermans are endowed with incredible reactions. They are one of the most fearless dogs.

Despite their aggression, pets are very easy to train. Give your Doberman enough time and you will be able to fully appreciate all the advantages of this variety.

Dogo Canario

The Dogo Canario closes the top 10 of our rating. This variety was developed in Spain and has a powerful bite. Despite its terrifying appearance, this species is not at all aggressive. Dogo Canarios are quite intelligent and endowed with intelligence. They are loyal to humans and easy to train. But if necessary, they will become good defenders.

Pros and cons of keeping pets

As in any other category, strong dogs have certain advantages and disadvantages of their content.

Let's start with the benefits of content:

  1. As a rule, the dogs of the above varieties are very obedient and kind. They are endowed with a wonderful character, but, of course, this is only true if they are raised correctly.
  2. Dogs of the strongest breeds are excellent protectors, especially for children. Usually such animals treat babies with kindness, but there are also some individuals who are characterized by aggression towards everyone around them.
  3. As a rule, pets of these varieties easily absorb stress and any training. Please take into account that large serious breeds are required to undergo an OKD or UGS training course.
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As for the disadvantages:

  1. A large number of financial costs for maintenance. Basically, the money will be spent on food and pet care. Therefore, if you decide to get such an animal, be prepared for the costs.
  2. Large dogs die earlier than smaller dogs. This is a fact that you cannot argue with.
  3. Such pets can be very aggressive, so the first thing you need to pay attention to is education.

Features of choosing a really strong dog

In principle, there are no special nuances in choosing the strongest pet. You just need to decide on the variety that interests you, and everything else is trifles. In addition to the variety, you can also consider:

  1. The height of the dog. It is desirable that in an adult it be at least 60 cm, preferably more. It will always be better if the dog is not just strong, but also massive. Although 60 cm is not an indicator that the dog will be massive.
  2. Dog's weight. Ideally, a strong pet weighs 50 kilograms or more. The more weight, the more powerful the pet will be.
  3. Character. After reading the descriptions of the varieties, you must decide for yourself the character you need. If you want a well-trained dog and do not want to spend a lot of effort, then a Rottweiler or Doberman is perfect for you. If you prefer a husky, then keep in mind that raising her will not be so easy.

Video “All about Dobermans”

Basic information about Dobermans is presented in the video.