The lump near the eye went away after rhinoplasty. Is callus dangerous after rhinoplasty? What bad consequences could there be?

Now the operation is done. There is a small thermoplastic splint on the nose, slight swelling of the eyes and cheeks, and tampons in the nasal cavity. What to expect next?

1-2 days:

Swelling on the face increases slightly. The size of the dark circles under the eyes depends on individual characteristics patient. It is extremely rare that operations take place without bruising and minor swelling, and it is also rare opposite option- large hematomas, significant swelling.

What to do? Lotions, compresses, ointments, physiotherapy? How to speed up the rehabilitation process? Or maybe limit salt intake, water or apply cold?

According to our observations, none of the above speeds up the process, and sometimes even worsens it. Calm, I would say “philosophical” attitude towards the process, hiking and by the third day postoperative swelling decreases towards the lower third of the face, and by the fifth day only slight swelling remains upper lip and cheeks.

7-8 days:

The splint can be removed; traces of yellow intradermal hemorrhages remain.

After removing the splint, looking at yourself in the mirror, the reaction can be different - from stormy delight to wariness. The nose is unevenly swollen, the skin under the splint is more compressed, and the skin around it is more swollen (especially the tip of the nose). The nostrils may be asymmetrical, their lumen is somewhat narrowed. Already during the examination and removal of the sutures, the swelling levels out. The size of the swelling depends on the patient’s skin (thick, porous skin is more prone to swelling) and on the size of the “new” nose.

If the shape of the nose is significantly changed, reduced in size, then the swelling is somewhat greater. It takes time for the skin to shrink from the size of the previous nose to the new size.

For a few more days, the entire skin of the nose is strengthened with a bandage made of special adhesive strips in order to contain swelling.

10th day:

The stitches and strips have been removed. The patient returns to ordinary life, and our inspections are becoming less frequent.

What should you pay attention to?

The operated nose is moderately swollen and this swelling, except for the patient and the surgeon, remains invisible to others.

None additional methods, physiotherapy, massage, etc., cannot speed up the process. The thick tip of the nose and the wide and swollen bony part of the nose are preserved. The bridge of the nose in the bone department “loses weight” only by 3-4 months. The main contours of the new nose are already visible, but there is still no elegance and “chiseness”, no contouring of the cartilage of the tip of the nose. All these details will begin to appear gradually, closer to a year and a half after the operation.

Second month after surgery:

Scarring processes begin. They last six months, and only after this period the scar tissue begins to shrink, and the skin of the nose rarely swells. Thus, only the first 6 months after surgery the nose swells. Some have more, some have less. The nose swells more in the second half of the cycle and on “critical” days.

From the second month, due to scarring processes, and until the fourth month, occasionally, the shape of the nose may resemble the nose before surgery, especially during periods of swelling: hints of a hump may be visible or there may still be no “deflection” of the nasal bridge, if there was one in the project. This period can be especially exciting for the patient; it may seem that the “magic” has ended and the shape of the “old” nose has returned.

This is not true, this is a period of scar tissue activity and the skin may swell “for old times’ sake.”

The described processes do not occur in all patients, but they are possible and should not be scary.

About diprospan and strips:

How necessary are all these manipulations? Is it possible to do nothing?

Of course available. The skin will shrink in any case and “fit” the new shape of the nose. This is all it takes from 8-10 months to a year. Few people have the patience to wait that long. Therefore, you can use strips as a pressure bandage on “bulging” areas of the skin of the nose.

You can use diprospan injections into the scar tissue under the “bulging” skin at the tip of the nose. This injection will help slightly reduce the scar tissue and give the nose a more slender shape.

To speed up the recovery of your nose after rhinoplasty, you should follow medical recommendations, and also know what you can and cannot do during this period.

The first days, month, year, life after rhinoplasty

Of course after this surgical intervention Just like rhinoplasty, life in general changes. This is explained by the fact that a person loses complexes regarding his appearance, he becomes more self-confident and remains satisfied when looking at himself in the mirror.

However, to achieve beautiful noses after rhinoplasty, patients must go a long way towards an ideal appearance.

Since the operation is accompanied unpleasant sensations and has a long recovery period. Frequently asked questions after or before the operation, the following are considered: does the tip of the nose droop after rhinoplasty, does it hurt, how long does rehabilitation last, and much more.

  • The first day after rhinoplasty is determined by quite striking symptoms, at this time there is severe swelling, soreness of the nose, and difficulty breathing as a result of the introduction of cotton wool into the nasal cavities. In addition, in the first days after rhinoplasty, bruises and bruises are often present on the face, which gradually subside over time.
  • The demand for rhinoplasty is determined by the positive final result; complications arise in rare cases. In addition to modeling the nose itself, during the procedure they can correct the deformation of the septum and change the tip and wings of the nose.
  • Scarring of tissue after rhinoplasty of the nose occurs, as a rule, during rehabilitation or at the end of it. It all depends on the care of the operated area and the regenerative abilities of the body.

From everything described, we can conclude that the life of a person who decides to undergo surgery changes greatly in better side.

What symptoms and complications are observed in the patient during the rehabilitation period?

As a result of rhinoplasty of the nose, patients often experience symptoms of complications, which are determined various conditions, can be short or long, that is, not self-correctable.

  • Swelling of the tip of the nose after rhinoplasty

Swelling of the nose, including the tip, very often occurs after surgical intervention, since the operation causes damage to soft tissues and blood vessels. For some people, minor swelling after rhinoplasty may persist for a year.

  1. To eliminate swelling after rhinoplasty, the patient may be prescribed diprospan or other medications.
  2. The duration of swelling after surgery may vary, mainly this symptom starts to subside after the first week rehabilitation period or at a later date.
  • Callus after rhinoplasty

Often, as a result of surgery, patients can
detect an inert callus on the nose area, which occurs due to swelling and is a bulging cartilage tissue.

  • No breathing and stuffy nose after rhinoplasty

The main and most common complication after rhinoplasty nose is a violation of respiratory activity, which is associated with high swelling, pain and the presence of nasal turundas.

The respiratory function of the nose after the operation is restored, as a rule, after swelling is reduced and cotton wool is removed. In terms of time, this can be 1-2 or more weeks from the moment of rhinoplasty.

  • After rhinoplasty, a hump appeared on the bridge of the nose

The appearance of a hump after surgery appears rare, but possible. This state is determined wrong actions medical specialist. Most often, such a defect will need to be corrected only after at least 6 months. reoperation.

If, after the swelling has gone down, a hump has formed on the nose, you should contact your attending surgeon.

  • Subcutaneous scar after rhinoplasty

If the surgeon applied it incorrectly cosmetic stitches, on the soft tissue area can form subcutaneous scar, which can be easily felt by palpation and can cause some inconvenience.

  • Temperature after rhinoplasty

An increase in temperature after surgery occurs rarely and may be accompanied by individual characteristics of the body or an infectious lesion.

  • Hard nasal tip after rhinoplasty

Due to a violation of the integrity of the cartilage and soft tissues, in addition to swelling, a phenomenon such as a hard tip of the nose may be observed. Basically, this condition is not long-lasting and goes away towards the end of rehabilitation.

  • Crooked nose tip after rhinoplasty

The development of a crooked tip is quite frequent complications rhinoplasty and cannot be resolved on its own. This will require a second operation in most cases.

  • Lump on nose after rhinoplasty

The appearance of a lump in the nasal area after surgery can be attributed to tissue swelling and after its reduction, the lump, as a rule, decreases.

  • Unpleasant smell in the nose after rhinoplasty

The appearance of a specific odor after nasal surgery may be associated with the use of medications and the healing processes of soft tissues.

  • After removing the rhinoplasty turunda, my nose did not breathe

As a rule, the respiratory function of the nose after rhinoplasty resumes when swelling decreases and the turunda is removed. If after such actions the condition does not change, you should consult a doctor.

  • Different nostrils after rhinoplasty

A complication like different shape nostrils - does not occur often and depends on incorrect calculations by the surgeon and planning of the operation. To eliminate the defect, revision rhinoplasty is prescribed.

  • Bruises after rhinoplasty

Bruises after surgery are common and last for quite a long time, so patients are often interested in: how to get rid of bruises after rhinoplasty? To do this you need to use local remedies, which have blood thinning properties.

  • After rhinoplasty, the nose will turn up strongly

If the doctor did not plan the operation correctly, then the final result of rhinoplasty may be an upturned nose.

  • Headaches after rhinoplasty

Because of pain As a result of the operation, it can spread to neighboring areas, so the patient also often complains of a headache.

  • Asymmetry after rhinoplasty

If facial asymmetry occurs, you should consult a doctor. About the appearance this complication It is worth judging only when the swelling has completely disappeared.

  • Eye problems after rhinoplasty

Visual impairment and other eye problems resulting from rhinoplasty are very rare and are characterized by infection, severe swelling, or surgical error. Bloody eyes can occur due to a violation of the integrity of blood vessels and disappear after a few days.

  • Nose droops after rhinoplasty

If during the operation the surgeon incorrectly fixed the tip of the nose, after complete healing there will be a very dark drooping of the tip. To correct this defect, a repeat operation will be required.

What is not allowed and what is possible after rhinoplasty?

What you can and cannot do after rhinoplasty during the recovery and rehabilitation period.

For quick recovery after surgery you need to know certain rules, and know what is possible and what is not possible after surgery.

  • Why you can't sleep on your side after rhinoplasty

It is believed that after this type of plastic surgery, doctors recommend sleeping on your back, since this normalizes breathing and reduces pressure on the nose, which allows you to avoid spoiling the new shape.

  • Alcohol after rhinoplasty

It is believed that alcohol after surgery is harmful because it causes vasodilation, which can lead to opening of the stitches and bleeding.

It is best to abstain from alcohol after surgery for the entire rehabilitation period.

  • Pregnancy after rhinoplasty

How long after rhinoplasty can you get pregnant? This issue should be approached only after a full recovery, and this is not earlier than 6 months or a year.

  • Is it possible to fly on an airplane after rhinoplasty?

When taking off on an airplane, a person’s blood pressure changes greatly and bleeding may occur, so flying in this type vehicle contraindicated after surgery.

  • Sex after rhinoplasty

Is it possible to masturbate during rhinoplasty? This question can be answered in the negative, since tension is contraindicated for the patient during the postoperative period. From intimate life you should abstain for about 3 weeks.

  • Solarium after rhinoplasty

Visiting a solarium after surgery is strictly contraindicated as it can cause bleeding.

  • Glasses after rhinoplasty

In order not to further injure your nose or disrupt its shape, you should refrain from wearing glasses for at least 1-2 weeks. If the quality of vision is poor, it is recommended to use lenses.

  • Is it possible to sunbathe after rhinoplasty?

Both direct and artificial sunlight in a solarium are contraindicated for a person who has had nose surgery. Because high temperatures cause overheating and increase blood pressure.

  • Is it possible to smoke after rhinoplasty?

Hookah after noplasty or regular cigarette contraindicated because they impair blood circulation, increase blood pressure and lower immune status. You should abstain from this habit for about a month.

  • Can I drink coffee after rhinoplasty?

For about a month after surgery, it is advisable to give up coffee, strong hot tea and hot spicy foods.

  • Why you shouldn't blow your nose after rhinoplasty

Since after rhinoplasty the nasal mucosa is very delicate and is just beginning to tighten, it is extremely contraindicated various damages and external influences, so it is recommended not to blow your nose during the rehabilitation period.

  • Sports after rhinoplasty

For approximately 1-2 months, the patient is prescribed complete rest and no tension. Therefore, sports are contraindicated at this time.

  • Is it possible to pick your nose after rhinoplasty?

You should not blow your nose or pick your nose, so as not to disturb the mucous membrane and cause bleeding.

You can speed up the patient’s recovery period after rhinoplasty by following medical recommendations and proper nose care.

  • Plaster after rhinoplasty

To fix the nose after surgery, a plaster splint is applied and worn for at least 2 weeks. Removal of plaster after rhinoplasty takes place in a hospital setting by the attending physician. It is not uncommon for the patient to experience swelling after the cast is removed following rhinoplasty. This occurs due to compression of the soft tissues and after a few days it decreases.

  • Nasal tampons after rhinoplasty

To stop bleeding, after surgery, tampons soaked in the drug are inserted into the patient's nasal passages.

  • Plaster after rhinoplasty

Why put a patch on your nose after rhinoplasty? This is done in order to protect the operated areas from infections and other external influences and contribute to more fast healing fabrics.

  • Correction of keloid scars after rhinoplasty

To eliminate keloid scars after plastic surgery, medications are used - glucocorticosteroids, which are injected into the sites of scar formation.

  • Strips after rhinoplasty

To eliminate swelling and fixation correct form nose strips are used, which are something like an adhesive plaster.

  • Suture after rhinoplasty

On what day are the sutures removed after rhinoplasty and when do the sutures dissolve after rhinoplasty?

As a rule, this is done on the 4th day; they are removed on soft tissues, and on the mucous surface they resolve on their own after 2-3 weeks.

  • How to sneeze after rhinoplasty

To avoid damaging your nose after surgery, you should sneeze with open mouth and nose.

  • Chlorhexidine treatment after rhinoplasty percentage

In order to prevent infectious infection mucous membrane after surgery, it should be regularly lubricated 2-3 times a day with Chlorhexidine solution or another antiseptic.

Effective remedies after rhinoplasty

  • How to properly massage after rhinoplasty

To improve blood circulation and metabolic reactions, after rhinoplasty, doctors recommend massage, which can be performed at home.

When performing it, it is worth remembering that the procedure is done slowly and with light circular movements.

  • Diprospan injection for swelling after rhinoplasty of the nose

The medicine Diprospan has a large number of pharmacological properties and most importantly - helps in reducing swelling. The drug is injected into the area of ​​edema or intramuscularly.

The drug Diprospan contains many active components, so it effectively eliminates swelling after surgery.

  • Dimexide after rhinoplasty

Like Diprospan, Dimexide is determined by a pronounced
has an anti-edematous effect and is widely used to relieve complications during nasal surgery.

  • How to properly rinse your nose after rhinoplasty?

You can reduce swelling, normalize breathing, and also speed up healing by regularly rinsing your nose. After surgery it is allowed to use medicinal herbs- chamomile, sage, calendula, which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

The duration and frequency of rinsing is determined by the doctor.

  • Lyoton after rhinoplasty

To reduce swelling and improve blood circulation
After surgery, the patient is recommended to use Lyoton 1000 gel. It is advisable to use it daily until the swelling completely decreases, 2-3 times a day.

  • Peach oil in the nose after surgery

To remove nasal crusts, soften the mucous membrane and reduce swelling, After surgery, peach oil is prescribed, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

The cost of the medicine is reasonable.

  • Dolobene after rhinoplasty

To avoid complications of the operation in the form of swelling, you should smear your nose with Dolobene gel every day. In addition to this property, such a medicine effectively accelerates blood circulation and metabolic processes.

  • Self-absorbing turundas after rhinoplasty

Currently, ordinary cotton pads are often replaced with self-absorbable ones, which do not require such careful care and are more convenient to use.

  • Physiotherapy after rhinoplasty

To speed up the process of tissue restoration and reduce swelling of the mucous membrane, physiotherapeutic procedures are widely used after surgery. They are used only as prescribed by the attending physician, and if the patient has no contraindications for this.

Physiotherapy may include electrophoresis, ultraphonophoresis, light therapy and darsonvalization.

Kira (34 years old, Nakhabino), 04/09/2018

Good afternoon Tell me, is it normal if after rhinoplasty I have a low temperature for several days? They didn't warn me about this at the hospital!

Hello! A slight increase in temperature after surgery is normal. Typically, in the first two to three days after surgery, the temperature remains at 37-37.5 degrees. The temperature should drop on the third day after rhinoplasty. If this does not happen, we advise you to contact the clinic where you were operated on.

Georgy (36 years old, Moscow), 03/21/2018

Hello! Please tell me, is it possible to return the nose to its previous shape after a bone fracture? Thank you!

Hello! Yes, rhinoplasty allows you to return the nose to the desired shape, but plastic surgeons do not work with bones. Rhinoplasty can only visually improve the shape of the nose, make it smaller or change the shape of the nostrils. ENT surgery will help change the bone.

Vigen (32 years old, Moscow), 03/18/2018

Tell me, how long does it take for the nose to heal after plastic surgery?

After surgery, bruising and swelling may occur, which may spread to the eyes or other parts of the face. Swelling goes away in 7-10 days. Not recommended at this time physical activity, loads. Immediately after the operation, bleeding (from the nose) may occur, but this is only a consequence of soft tissue trauma. Bandages, as well as splints, are removed 14 days after surgery, and tampons are removed during this period. Some patients feel severe pain when removing tampons, so painkillers are often used. Within a month, swelling of the mucous membrane can be observed, so breathing will be difficult. After the swelling goes away, breathing will resume. On average, the result after surgery can be assessed after 6 - 8 months. In rare cases, the result of the operation is assessed after 12 months.

Alevtina (24 years old, Moscow), 09/15/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! I'm very small nose. Is there any way to increase it? Will this affect breathing?? Thanks for your answer, Alevtina.

Hello, Alevtina! Rhinoplasty can help solve your problem. We can enlarge your nose, maintaining its shape or changing it based on your desire. Come to us for a consultation and we will discuss the expected results of the operation. Rhinoplasty will not disrupt the respiratory processes, since the structure of the nasopharynx is taken into account during the operation.

Alexey (30 years old, Moscow), 09/13/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! Is it possible to correct facial asymmetry (due to a strongly curved nose to the right) with rhinoplasty? Thanks for the answer, Alexey.

Hello, Alexey! In practice, rhinoplasty will help you regain symmetry, but it requires face-to-face consultation for an accurate and clear answer to your question. You can make an appointment with us and we will conduct a full examination and discuss the likely outcome of your rhinoplasty. It is also important to understand whether the nose is crooked from birth or due to injury

Lyubov (35 years old, Moscow), 09/06/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! My daughter has a very a big nose, she suffers greatly because of this. Is it possible to have rhinoplasty at 15 years old? How will surgery be different at this age? Thanks in advance, Love.

Hello, Love! Unfortunately, rhinoplasty is performed only from the age of 18. The reason for this is the growing up and formation of the child’s body. The formation of the skeleton is completed, and this process must be completely completed before the moment when surgery. Try working with a psychologist, and then come for a consultation when your daughter turns 18.

Evgenia (25 years old, Moscow), 09/01/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! Is it possible to straighten a displaced septum and remove the hump at the same time? Problems arose after a broken nose. How long will rehabilitation last? Best regards, Evgenia.

Hello, Evgenia! Yes, it is possible to carry out both operations at the same time. Only in rare cases are two stages prescribed, which are carried out at intervals of one month. Postoperative period It takes about two weeks, during which time bruises and swelling should subside. Hospital stay usually takes no more than three days.

Olga (22 years old, Moscow), 08/30/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! I heard that the result of rhinoplasty can be affected by the condition of the skin. This is true? If I have problematic skin, then I can’t have rhinoplasty? Thank you in advance.

Hello! Yes, the condition of the skin is one of the factors that are taken into account before undergoing surgery. The fact is that poor skin condition can lead to unpredictable complications during the rehabilitation period. You can undergo treatment with a dermatologist, and after that make an appointment with us for a consultation, where we will discuss the advisability of surgery.

Hello, Galina! There are two types of rhinoplasty: open and closed. In the first case, there may be barely noticeable mark on the partition, but with proper care they disappear after some time. In the second case, all manipulations are carried out without violating the integrity of the skin. Which type of rhinoplasty is appropriate in a particular case is decided only by a plastic surgeon after reviewing the tests and examination.

I am working plastic surgeon two decades. During this time, I had to do a repeat or, in other words, secondary rhinoplasty more than once. It is sometimes also called revision rhinoplasty. But the essence of the process does not change from changing words.

Revision rhinoplasty solves completely different problems than primary rhinoplasty. During the first nose job, the surgeon solves or tries to solve certain physiological or aesthetic problems associated with the organ. If the first operation was unsuccessful, you cannot hide it; the result is really obvious. Therefore, patients strive to undergo repeat surgery as quickly as possible. They are concerned about the hump on the back of the nose that appears after rhinoplasty, pronounced asymmetry, thickening of the callus at the site, etc.

The desire is understandable, the emotions are explainable - having gone through complex operation rhinoplasty, having gone through an equally difficult and uncomfortable recovery period, they suddenly discover that the aesthetic result is not only far from what was planned at the initial consultation, but is also burdened by breathing problems. Yes, that’s right: often an unsuccessful aesthetic result also entails respiratory dysfunction and changes in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.

And then, during a consultation with another surgeon, patients, on the one hand, really want to get rid of the problem as quickly as possible, but, on the other hand, they feel tired - they are afraid of the second stage, do not believe the doctor, and think with horror about that they will have to go through all the tests again and... get an unknown result from rhinoplasty.

Medical ethics does not allow a surgeon to criticize during a consultation; his task is to examine the patient and understand what can be corrected. Unfortunately, sometimes there are cases when the bare minimum can be corrected - an inexperienced surgeon “frolic” to his heart’s content, leaving virtually no opportunity to restore tissue. I have already said more than once that professional hand solves aesthetic problems, acting within millimeters, carefully preparing tissue layers, trying not to disturb them physiological functions. It is difficult to return what has been excised...

I have observed unfortunate results in my practice: the formation of rough scars, tissue fusion, dysfunction of the skin.

These are the problems that do not allow us to simply proceed with revision rhinoplasty; here we need to understand how to restore what is damaged without removing the damaged tissue, because we will have to form the nose from what is left; we are not given spare parts. Often the only option is to use autografts of cartilage tissue of the ear or ribs.

It is somewhat easier to correct the situation when “extra” appears after surgery. Hump ​​after rhinoplasty - callus- can appear either as a result of excessive trauma to the bone and surrounding tissues, or be the result of the individual characteristics of recovery processes in the body. During secondary rhinoplasty, callus must be removed with extreme care to avoid recurrence of this complication.

In such cases, I tell myself: do not rejoice at the failures of your colleagues; as a result of their mistakes, you end up with the most difficult patient, psychologically not ready to go through the path again. In any case, each time you have to solve a new puzzle - how to eliminate the consequences of the first operation.

And the patient has to explain that now our task is not to make the nose as it was intended before the first rhinoplasty, but one that would allow it to be restored to an acceptable appearance And functional abilities. Here we are not talking about photographs before and after rhinoplasty and not about computer modeling new form nose, but about what can be corrected after unsuccessful rhinoplasty.

True, in my practice there have been patients who evaluate the result of the operation in accordance with their fantastic expectations. They come and say, I don’t like the shape of my nose that was done for me at Clinic N, I want a different one...

I refuse such visitors, citing the fact that I am not able to fulfill their aesthetic order. And in fact, for them, facial features are no more significant than daily makeup; they think that they can be changed like makeup on the face!

It is important to note that when revision rhinoplasty A more serious examination is required to understand where the mistake was made.

And most of all, the question of the timing of secondary rhinoplasty requires the responsibility of the surgeon. Most textbooks recommend repeat rhinoplasty surgery a year after the first, but this is too general a recommendation; each time such a decision is made taking into account the “damage” caused, taking into account anatomical features noses and the ability to regenerate tissue. Here, by definition, there cannot be general typical solutions; each such story is a separate story about what mistakes were made during the primary nose job and how the slightest opportunities were used to improve the situation during the secondary one.

Therefore, my advice as a specialist with many years of work experience is only one thing - carefully choose the clinic and the surgeon to whom you entrust your appearance, do not trust hasty communications and stories about the ease of rhinoplasty surgery, be patient and undergo consultations and examinations, beware of those who is ready to perform an operation on you “even the next day”, talk to your doctor and talk in detail about how exactly you want to change yourself with the help of rhinoplasty. And, of course, save photos before and after rhinoplasty, so that in the unfortunate event of a repeat operation, the doctor has something to base from when making a professional, competent decision.

The rhinoplasty procedure is performed not only to correct the appearance of the nose, but also to restore respiratory functions. With the help of surgery, it is possible to eliminate both congenital defects that prevent breathing and mechanical injuries. But nose surgery always has a temporary side effect in the form of swelling.

Any incisions during surgery are considered injuries. Not only the skin is damaged, but also the smallest blood vessels. For this reason, blood circulation is impaired and fluid is retained in the tissues, resulting in swelling after surgery.

Of course, the professionalism of the doctor during rhinoplasty is important, but it has absolutely no effect on the appearance of edema. The intensity of the reaction is determined by the volume of surgical interventions, as well as individual abilities patient's cells to regenerate. From what was subject to change, skin and cartilage or bone segments, the duration of wound healing and the formation of edema depend. In some cases, due to increased tissue sensitivity, the nose begins to swell during surgery.

Often, rhinoplasty without surgery provokes the formation of nasal swelling. This phenomenon is the body’s reaction to tissue expansion using the gel.

Types of swelling

Based on reviews from patients and observations from doctors, swelling after rhinoplasty always goes away slowly. This takes from 3-4 months to 1 year. In some cases, almost imperceptible nasal swelling may be present for several years. The restoration of the normal state of tissues occurs smoothly and gradually, in the process, swelling of varying intensity is observed:

  • Primary.
  • Secondary.
  • Residual.

1. Primary.

Swelling occurs during surgery or immediately after its completion. At the end of the manipulations, tampons soaked in special healing substances are placed in the nose. A fixing plaster cast or splint is applied on top to prevent tissue swelling and deformation. The greatest swelling appears 2-3 days after the nose job.

Tissue swelling after procedures appears on the nose and around the eyes. Often the amount of accumulated fluid is so great that the patient is not able to open them in the first days. After 5 days, the swelling decreases significantly. After this time, the fixing plaster cast is usually removed. As a result, the swelling may increase slightly.

2. Secondary.

Secondary swelling begins from the moment the plaster is removed. Swelling after rhinoplasty is characterized by the appearance of noticeable tissue compactions. The area of ​​the back and the tip of the nose expands. Based on patient feedback, this period lasts 4-6 weeks. Despite the duration of the stage, swelling is much less pronounced than in its initial appearance.

3. Residual.

The duration of the stage ranges from 8 weeks to 1 year. Most often, by the 4th month, the swelling noticeable to others practically disappears. The nose takes on its final appearance. Adjustments, if necessary, can be made six months after the first rhinoplasty.

Prevention of edema

In order for nasal swelling after rhinoplasty to go away faster, it is important to take preventive measures even before surgery. To do this, you need to start adhering to the following recommendations at least one week before the procedure:

  • Refuse admission medicines non-steroidal type with anti-inflammatory effect, acetylsalicylic acid and Ibuprofen.
  • Do not eat salted, smoked or containing a large number of spice dishes.
  • Complete cessation of smoking and drinking alcohol.

These requirements are due to the ability of these products and substances to negatively affect tissue repair and saturate the blood with toxins and cholesterol. Failure to follow the rules of preparation for the procedure and the subsequent long secondary period result in swelling on the nose subsiding unevenly. To improve the condition, the observing doctor may prescribe special drugs, relieving inflammation.

Ancillary measures after surgery

To understand how to deal with swelling on the nose that occurs as a result of rhinoplasty in a particular case, you need to consult with your doctor. However, there are general recommendations, allowing you to significantly speed up the process of disappearance of swelling. After this, the nose will take on the desired shape much faster.

The main conditions for quickly relieving swelling are:

  • lack of large physical activity, especially accompanied by forward bends;
  • avoiding any injuries to the nose;
  • visiting saunas and baths is prohibited, hot bath also not welcome;
  • quitting smoking and alcohol;
  • must be avoided negative emotions, such as anger or tears, as they lead to the onset of nosebleeds;
  • stay away from hotspots of cold infections;
  • use protection from direct sun rays to avoid skin burns. Particular sensitivity is observed in patients after rhinoplasty of the tip of the nose.

The swelling goes away much faster if you follow a diet. It is not recommended to eat foods with a high content of spices. Salted and smoked food only in limited quantities. In an effective way How to remove swelling is to sleep in a semi-sitting position. This position favors the outflow of blood.

After removal plaster cast The attending physician will prescribe auxiliary drugs that accelerate healing and improve general state. In some cases, attending procedures is attributed to:

  • phonophoresis;
  • electrophoresis.

To achieve fast positive effect physiotherapy requires the use of additional medications in the form of specialized ointments and solutions.

Complications after rhinoplasty

Serious side effects after rhinoplasty are quite rare. Their number does not exceed 4% of all those who underwent this operation. However, the nature of the disorders is varied and depends on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. Among the most common side effects can be distinguished:

1. Increase in body temperature to 37.5-38°C. This indicator is natural reaction body for damage. However, if the condition persists for more than 3 days and the temperature exceeds 38°C, this is direct evidence of the presence of infection.

2. Swelling inside, which prevents breathing through the nose. Only a doctor can tell how long this type of edema goes away after performing an examination, but usually the process lasts 3 months.

3. Lack of smell. This complication is quite rare and is associated with the individual susceptibility of the patient. Functional restoration occurs independently.

Among the serious side effects Various curvatures are most common. The nose in this case can be asymmetrical, with depressions or humps, or irregular shape tip. The reason is inaccurate cutting of the cartilage. This problem eliminated with surgical correction.

More are possible serious consequences rhinoplasty, in which the nose completely loses its functions. Inside, pus forms on the mucous membrane, and the cartilaginous septa atrophy. As a result, the nose has a through hole. All this is the result of untreated infections in the patient’s body.