A powerful remedy for head lice. What remedies are there for head lice for children and adults?

Previously, you had to cut your hair to get rid of lice. Today, anti-lice products for children are sold that can be used on long hair. But many parents still decide to use homemade remedies. They also act on lice and nits, but they have to be used several times to get rid of the pathology.

Before purchasing the best lice and nit treatment for children, you need to understand whether it can be used. Some drugs are created only for adults because they are very toxic. Therefore, to treat a 6-year-old child, we will have to find more mild remedy, which will also be effective, but safe.

A little about pediculosis

The chemical method involves the use of a product against lice and nits for children. Pharmacists offer many different aerosols, shampoos, lotions, and creams for lice. When purchasing a product, it is important to read the instructions, because many of them are very toxic and therefore not suitable for children.

After processing each strand, the comb should be wiped with a towel. The next part of hair should be taken only when all nits have been removed from the treated strands. You need to process your entire hair in this way. If a few eggs remain that have not been removed, all the procedures performed and the most effective remedy for dangerous head lice in children will be useless.

Store-bought anti-pediculosis products

In Russia and Ukraine, many effective remedies for lice and nits are sold that can be used for children. When purchasing, you should take into account the age of the children, because some products cannot be used on a tiny child. You should also monitor for an allergic reaction and wash off the drug at the slightest redness or itching.

"Benzyl benzoazate."

This medicine is available in the form of an emulsion, gel, cream and ointment, which is very convenient because you can choose the most convenient form. This lice remedy for children is quite effective, but toxic, so it should not come into contact with the skin. It needs to be rubbed into the scalp, put a cotton scarf on top and leave for 30 minutes. After the specified time, the product must be washed off the hair and then washed with shampoo. "Benzyl benzoazate" is used on children from 2 years of age.


Nittifor is available in the form of a solution with a conditioning cream. Judging by the reviews, many parents consider it the best way to rid children of lice and nits. But the drug cannot be used as a prophylaxis for head lice, only for its treatment. The product is applied to the hair, and after 40 minutes it is washed off with shampoo. The product can be used on children from 2 years of age.


Paranit is available in the form of shampoo, lotion or aerosol. For children, this is an effective and completely safe remedy for lice and nits. The product should be applied to dry hair, and after 15 minutes, rinse the hair with shampoo. The manufacturer claims that Paranit is best used twice. This will allow you to achieve maximum effect. Disadvantages include difficulty rinsing out of hair. The drug is approved for use from 3 years of age.


"Higia" is an anti-pediculosis shampoo. It effectively fights against lice, which are killed by the insecticide permitrin. Availability acetic acid allows you to soften the sticky shell of nits. First you need to wash your hair with regular shampoo, then apply medicinal product and wash it off after half an hour. This product can be used to prevent lice in children. The shampoo can be used on children from 5 years of age.


"Pedilin" is produced in the form of an emulsion and shampoo. It is effective against nits and has a detrimental effect on lice. The product is also used to prevent head lice. Pedilin should be applied to damp hair, rubbed into the scalp for 5 minutes, then rinsed with warm water and rinsed with shampoo. Pedilin is not used to treat children under 2 years of age.


This shampoo is based on fetotrin. The kit comes with a comb that you can use to comb out poisoned lice. “Parasidosis” must be used twice with a break of a day. It is applied to the head and washed off after 10 minutes. The product is indicated for children over 2.5 years of age.

NOK shampoo contains the insecticide permethrin. This is a good remedy for annoying lice and nits for children. The manufacturer warns that after using the drug, tingling, mild burning or itching may appear on the skin. If the disease has just begun, you need to treat your head with the drug and leave for 10 minutes. For advanced cases, 40 minutes of exposure will be required. Use on children from 1 year.


The product is suitable both for treatment and as a prophylactic agent. It is easily washed off from the hair and has a mild odor. "Anti-Bit" should be applied to the hair, lathered and rinsed. After this, the shampoo is applied again and washed off after 5 minutes. Then the child's hair is washed with shampoo. The next day the manipulations are repeated. Do not use on a child under 2 years of age.

"Nyuda" is available in the form of a spray with a mild toxic effect. The composition contains natural ingredients, so the drug is safe. Apply “Nuda” nano for 45 minutes, and then comb your hair with a comb that goes into the complex. The procedure is repeated twice. The remedy for head lice “Nyuda” can be used for children over 3 years of age. Many people note that in Ukraine the price of the spray is higher than in Russia.

"Pediculen Ultra".

Pediculen Ultra is considered an effective drug that is easy to use. It needs to be rubbed into the scalp, distributed throughout the hair, and after half an hour, washed off with shampoo. The product is toxic, so it is allowed to be used on children over 5 years of age.

"Nix" presents an insecticide cream. It has a low concentration of active components, so it can be used on children. The Knicks cause complete lice paralysis. They need to treat the scalp and rinse off after 10 minutes. Among the disadvantages is a pungent odor, which can be unpleasant. This nit remedy for children can be used from 6 months.


Aerosol "Para-Plus" contains three insecticides, so it can kill lice in just one application. The set includes a fine comb for combing. The drug is highly toxic, so it can cause adverse reactions. "Para-Plus" is applied to dry hair and washed off after 10 minutes. Suitable for children aged 2 years and older.

LiceGuard shampoo contains natural ingredients and is therefore considered safe. It is advisable to combine it with other drugs, since it only affects nits. The components of the product soften the shell of the eggs, as a result they come off easier from the hair. LiceGuard can be used as a lice preventative for children. The product can be used on children from 2 years of age.

Traditional medicines for illness

Despite the abundance pharmaceuticals against lice for adults and small children, many parents prefer to use folk recipes. They have many advantages. The most important thing is that there are no side effects. Typically, herbal decoctions, fruit juices, and essential oils are added to home medicine. These are non-toxic products that cause negative reaction only if the child is allergic to them. In addition, folk remedies for dangerous lice can be used on both long and long short hair in children. Besides therapeutic effect they also have restorative properties.

If you decide to find out how you can remove lice yourself at home using folk remedies from a child, you need to know that you will have to use homemade remedies about 4-5 times, doing the procedures every other day. They do not contain aggressive chemicals, so they cannot act instantly. Treatment requires patience. Many products need to be applied at night so that they remain on the hair for 6-8 hours.

In this case, it is advisable to combine home remedies with effective commercial medicines for head lice. For young children this method will be most effective. All the recipes below can be used on children and adults.

One of the most popular recipes contains kerosene. They were treated with it many years ago, when there were no purchased drugs. Today many remain fans of this method. Take:

  • 1 part kerosene;
  • 10 parts vegetable oil.

It is advisable to use even diluted kerosene on teenagers, not small children. It is safest for older children.

  1. Mix the ingredients well.
  2. In the evening, apply the mixture to dry hair.
  3. Put a plastic bag and a hat on top and go to bed.
  4. Rinse your hair in the morning hot water with shampoo to eliminate the strong smell of kerosene. After this, start combing out lice and nits.

If you have never used this product before, you need to check it for allergenicity. Ready mixture apply to inner part elbow, and after 10 minutes look at the reaction. If the skin does not turn red or begin to itch, then kerosene can be safely used to get rid of insects.

Table or wine vinegar is an effective remedy for nasty head lice in children. In reviews, parents often talk about this product. You will need:

  • 5 g alcohol;
  • 1 glass of vinegar;
  • 40 g of certified salt.

The procedure is time-consuming. It is advisable to carry it out on a day off.

  1. Mix the ingredients.
  2. Soak a gauze bandage in the mixture.
  3. Place it on your head. In this case, the hair should be clean and dry. The bandage should be on the head for a day, it needs to be moistened medicinal composition as it dries.

Vinegar with salt destroys adult lice and removes nits. The compress helps relieve severe itching which causes pediculosis.

For children, one of the effective remedies for head lice is cranberries with honey. Take:

  • a handful of cranberries;
  • 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey.

The mixture not only fights head lice, but also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair. After the procedures they become softer and shiny.

  1. Grind the cranberries in a blender or mortar.
  2. Add honey, stir.
  3. Apply the resulting mixture to the roots and lengths.
  4. After half an hour, rinse your hair.

If your hair is long, it is best to collect it and twist it into a bun so that the juice does not flow onto the skin. It is not necessary to wear an insulating hat.

One of the most best remedy To get rid of small lice and nits in children, use a decoction of pomegranate. Take:

  • 1 glass of pomegranate juice;
  • 2-3 sprigs of mint.

The decoction has several important advantages. It helps with pediculosis, has pleasant aroma and strengthens hair.

  1. Add mint to pomegranate juice.
  2. Boil over low heat for about 10 minutes.
  3. Cool and apply to hair.
  4. After half an hour, wash off the product with shampoo.

Saves from lice healing mask from lemon. Take:

  • 3 lemons.
  • 1 l. water.

The finished mask also has a delicious smell. It will be very pleasant to apply it.

  1. Grate the fruit on a fine grater.
  2. Fill with water, boil for 20 minutes.
  3. Cool the resulting broth and treat your hair with it.
  4. After an hour, rinse off the composition with water.

For decades now, people have been getting rid of lice using a garlic-onion mask. Required:

  • head of garlic;
  • bulb.

The downside of this method is the strong smell that lingers on the hair for a long time. To reduce it, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil to a portion of your hair shampoo.

  1. Grind the ingredients.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to your scalp and hair, put on a plastic bag and a cap.
  3. After an hour, rinse your hair with water and shampoo.

Cinnamon oil can also help protect against lice infestations. It is often used in various homemade formulations for head lice. Take:

  • 50 g water;
  • 50 g alcohol;
  • 5 drops of cinnamon oil.

Instead of cinnamon, you can use clove oil. The effect will be similar.

  1. Combine the ingredients.
  2. Apply the composition to the scalp.
  3. After 30 minutes, rinse your hair with water.

Anise and geranium oil have a repellent effect. But it is not recommended for use in children under 6 years of age. Take:

  • 30 g of any fatty oil;
  • essential oil tea tree, anise, rosemary (2 drops each).

If for some reason it is not possible to use anise oil, you can add eucalyptus oil. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of esters.

  1. Mix the ingredients.
  2. Apply to roots and lengths, put on a cap.
  3. After 1.5 hours, rinse the strands with shampoo.

Very good for children good remedy from annoying lice is hellebore water. Take:

  • 1 part hellebore water;
  • 2 parts plain water.
  1. Mix the ingredients.
  2. Treat your scalp and hair, put on a plastic cap.
  3. After half an hour, rinse your hair with water.

A good remedy for lice and nits is a decoction of wormwood. It can be used for children from 3 years old. Take:

  • 1 tbsp. l. chopped wormwood;
  • 1 cup boiling water.

Wormwood is sold practically in pharmacies. There will be no problems with its acquisition.

  1. Brew wormwood with water, boil for 15 minutes.
  2. Cool and treat hair and scalp.
  3. After half an hour, wash off.

Instead of wormwood, you can use a decoction of tansy. It also works well against head lice. During the procedure, make sure that the product does not get on the mucous membranes.

Prevention of disease occurrence

If you regularly prevent lice and nits at home, you will not have to buy anti-lice products for children. IN kindergarten, school, camps and clubs, children are constantly in contact with peers, and therefore are not protected from lice. There are several ways to avoid a dangerous disease.

First of all, you need to make sure that lice do not get into your hair. To do this, you need to create an environment in which they cannot be. The most in a simple way is the use essential oils. Take:

  • 3-4 drops of essential oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. burdock oil.

The best repellents are essential oils of geranium, clove, rosemary, lavender, eucalyptus, and tea tree. It is very important to observe the dosage, because esters can cause severe burn scalp, if applied to pure form. Only tea tree essential oil can be used undiluted.

  1. Combine essential and burdock oil.
  2. Apply a small amount of product to your temples and the area behind your ears.

The human body can easily tolerate the smell of esters, but insects cannot tolerate it. The product should be poured into a glass jar and stored for no longer than 2 months.

There is another way to use oils. Judging by the reviews, this prophylactic Quite effective against lice and nits for children and adults. You will need:

  • a portion of hair balm;
  • 2-3 drops of essential oil.

You can take any of the above esters. It all depends on your preferences.

  1. Wash your hair with any shampoo.
  2. Apply oil-enriched balm, leave for 10 minutes, rinse.

This procedure will not only repel insects, but will also strengthen your hair. A good way to prevent lice in young children is tar soap. Not everyone likes it because of its unpleasant odor. But regular use of tar soap can repel insects for a long time. You should wash your hair with this product once a week. Dust soap can also be used as a means to prevent head lice in children.

Pediculosis - what is it?

On average, the speed of movement of an adult is up to half a meter per minute, and therefore it is sometimes quite difficult to reduce the risk of infection with lice. There are quite a few ways to get sick by becoming infected from others, which will be discussed in more detail in the following paragraphs.

What to do and how to treat pediculosis?

There is another, more loyal method of treatment, which is practiced in most situations. It represents processing special means hair, as a result of which the glue is destroyed, and the eggs can be combed out. To comb your hair, you need to use a fine-toothed comb, which you need to carefully comb through each strand. Before this procedure, you should treat the curls with a special composition, and after a week, repeat the treatment of the scalp with a medicinal product.

The most effective remedies for treating head lice at home

Store-bought shampoos against lice and nits

Shampoos are mostly applied twice with a break of a week. To use them, you need to apply the composition to damp hair, rubbing it into the scalp, then letting it active substance act. After leaving the product on your head for three minutes, rinse it off with water. Among the most effective shampoos, the following options can be distinguished:

Hellebore water is one of the common therapeutic agents used to combat nits and lice. This tool can be purchased at every pharmacy, since for a long time this product was preferred. The composition of the drug is a mixture alcohol tincture hellebores ( medicinal herb) and water in equal proportions.

How to cure lice with tar soap

Preparations Nuda, Para Plus, Paranit and spray A-Par

A separate class should be allocated to sprays that are sprayed on the hair to get rid of lice and nits. Today, specific drugs are very popular, since they are, for the most part, safe and can be used to treat children. Each product has specific instructions for use, which you should read before use. Thus, it is necessary to note the main sprays against lice:

As already mentioned, it is impossible to get rid of lice without combing your hair, so you can purchase a special comb or use an ordinary flat comb with fine teeth. You need to comb out the strands only after the hair has been treated with a special product that destroys nits and lice, and also destroys the glue with which the eggs are attached to the hair.

One of the most popular combs designed to combat head lice is the AntiV brand tool. The manufacturer reports that this comb may be the only remedy to combat the problem described, and therefore there is no need to use additional compounds and medicated shampoos.

Oddly enough, most of the remedies that allow you to get rid of lice are alternative, that is, drugs related to folk medicine. Many of them can be skeptical, but some products provide unexpectedly effective results, which are described in more detail below.

How to fight lice with vinegar

Vinegar has been used for many years as one of the auxiliary tools in the fight against head lice. Unfortunately, just using vinegar will not be enough for recovery, but it perfectly deactivates the glue with which eggs are attached to the hair.

In order to use the product, you need to thoroughly treat or even soak your hair in vinegar, after which you need to wrap it in film and wrap it in a towel. After a quarter of an hour, the vinegar is washed out of the head with shampoo. It is worth noting that the product described is one of the most safe drugs folk healing.

How to use kerosene and turpentine

How to kill lice with tea tree oil

It is also important to consider and that tea tree oil, when ingested digestive system person, begins to gradually poison him too. In order to carry out medical procedure you need to apply the described one to wet strands vegetable oil with the use of a comb.

Treatment of bed linen for pediculosis

In order to carry out prophylaxis and prevent complications of pediculosis, it is necessary to carry out complete treatment bed linen. To do this, it will be enough to wash the set in a washing machine, choosing the maximum temperature available for the procedure. Also, after the laundry has been washed, it must be dried and then ironed to completely get rid of the unpleasant phenomenon.

How are lice transmitted from person to person?

As already noted, the main and the only way, allowing you to become infected with lice is contact directly, or through any objects, with an infected person. Anyone can get sick, regardless of how high-quality cosmetics a person uses and how often he does it. Lice can jump onto the head in public transport, and infection can also occur by scratching the head with a comb used by the patient. There are widespread cases of infection through jackets with fur inserts and through fur coats left in wardrobes.

Concerning preventive measures, which can reduce the risk of lice infection, the following main points can be distinguished among them:

Lice are something that everyone has encountered at least once in their life. The reasons for the appearance of head lice can be different and socially active children are more predisposed to such an unpleasant phenomenon.

Pharmacies are overflowing with a variety of substances that stop the vital activity of insects, but for those who are faced with the problem for the first time, it is difficult to do right choice. It is not always that what is expensive is more effective than inexpensive drugs.

Classification of anti-pediculosis drugs

Getting rid of annoying insects is a primary task, since lice are quite mobile and can easily change their habitat, jumping onto another person.

In order to choose the right inexpensive active ingredient, you should understand exactly what type of lice you have to fight.

According to the classification, they are:

  1. Head ones.
  2. Clothes.
  3. Pubic.

The process of exterminating insects may differ; accordingly, an incorrectly selected drug may be less effective and will not give a quick result.

  • Insecticidal agents affecting nervous system insects, leading to paralysis and death.

It should be noted: that such drugs have a detrimental effect on adults, but the eggs can thus continue their vital functions. The product destroys lice, but requires additional treatments.

There are contraindications to the use of insecticides. Their use is not permissible for: children under five years of age; women during pregnancy, breastfeeding; for dermatological skin problems.

  • Pediculosis therapy is carried out with products containing oils and dimethicone. The death of insects occurs from suffocation, as the substance creates a cocoon, depriving access to oxygen.

According to the form of release, drugs are divided into:

  • aerosol;
  • sprays;
  • shampoos;
  • ointments, creams;
  • lotions;
  • pills.

Let's celebrate! Each product is used according to the instructions and has some contraindications that should be taken into account. Before using any drug, you should undergo a skin test, as one of the side effects- the body's response to the action of an allergen.

Tired of fighting pests?

Are there cockroaches, mice or other pests in your dacha or apartment? We need to fight them! They are carriers of serious diseases: salmonellosis, rabies.

Many summer residents are faced with pests that destroy crops and damage plants.

It has the following properties:

  • Gets rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
  • Powered by mains, no recharging required
  • There is no addictive effect in pests
  • Large area of ​​operation of the device

Inexpensive remedies for lice and nits

Pharmacy preparations do not require special skills; the instructions usually describe in detail the algorithm of action when using the product. It is also important to pay attention to functional features selected substance.

Some drugs are preventive and are not used for therapy, others are capable of destroying adult insects, bypassing nits, and there are also drugs that act completely.

Shampoos for the treatment of pediculosis

Most convenient form for use - shampoos against lice. Their use requires compliance with certain rules:

  • hair is combed thoroughly;
  • foam is distributed along the entire length, applied more intensively to occipital part and temporal region;
  • hermetically wrapped in polyethylene;
  • maintain the time according to the instructions;
  • wash off with a stream of water;
  • rinse with vinegar solution to wash out nits;
  • Large lice are combed out with a fine comb;
  • Repeat washing your hair with regular shampoo.

Combing out nits is an important step after washing with anti-lice shampoo. If you skip this step, then within a week the result will completely disappear. Lice will hatch from the nits.

You can choose a shampoo to combat insects from the following, using effective, inexpensive but effective means:

Sumetrin The active ingredient is phenothrin, so safety precautions must be observed (handling with gloves). The composition is kept on the hair for 10 minutes. Do not use for children under 2 years of age. It is also prohibited for use by pregnant women and people with dermatological problems. Repeated treatment is possible within 24 hours. 240 — 300
Pedilin An effective product at a reasonable price. The active ingredient is malathion. Has an unpleasant smell. After spreading through the hair, leave for 10 minutes. Children under 2 years of age are prohibited from using. To achieve the result, it is necessary to carry out up to 3 treatments. 250 — 300
Veda 2 Effectively acts on pubic and head insects. The drug softens well skin covering and can be used by children over 5 years old. The procedure is repeated every ten days. Leave for 10 minutes when applying. 170 — 200
Tar shampoo A natural remedy used as unconventional method fight against lice. It has a very unpleasant odor, but does an excellent job of killing adult individuals. It has no effect on nits. It is a prophylactic agent. 95 — 300
The main substance is permethrin. Used from 2 years. Apply for 40 minutes. on washed damp hair. There must be adequate air circulation in the room. 650
Hygia A universal remedy for pubic and head lice. The structure of the drug contains permethrin and additional substances. Leave for up to 20 minutes. Not prescribed for children under 5 years of age. It is economical (5 – 6 uses). Re-use is allowed only after a week. 340

Sprays and aerosols against lice and nits

Sprays are very popular. Their use is not difficult, you just need to spray the product on your hair. Let it sit according to the instructions, then rinse and comb out with a comb. There is a contraindication for this method of treatment: asthmatics and people with pathological diseases respiratory tract.

Couple Plus The French have developed a remedy for all types of lice. Almost odorless and oily to the touch. Spray on dry hair for 10 minutes. Wash off with regular shampoo. Prescribed from 2.5 years. From 700
Lavinal The Ukrainian manufacturer offers a spray based on etherols. One bottle can treat 4 people. The product is non-toxic and safe. Can be used from 2 years of age. Apply to dry hair for half an hour, rinse with shampoo from the same series. 350

Lotions and liquids

Preparations that do not form foam and cannot be sprayed have also occupied a worthy niche in the consumer market:

Medilisbio It has a clove scent due to the essential oil of the plant. Has a detrimental effect on lice and nits. Apply to dry hair (10 minutes). Wash off with shampoo, rinse with vinegar solution. Mechanical combing is a must. 350
Handicap Plus Reasonably priced product. The structure contains permitrin (1.5%), the death of lice occurs instantly. Apply for 10 minutes. Helps get rid of dandruff. 95

How to choose a lice remedy?

To choose the best option for combating annoying insects, first of all, they start from their financial capabilities. Also pay attention to the list of contraindications and side effects.

Each drug acts differently and without reading the instructions, you may not get desired result. Any treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, but if the decision regarding the means is made independently, then the annotation should be studied thoroughly.

Reviews of anti-lice medications

Yes, progress does not stand still. As a child, we were sprinkled with dust and washed with dust soap, dichlorvos and a bag on our heads - that’s generally radical method. Nowadays, entire shelves in pharmacies are filled with anti-lice products.

Ivan, 44 years old

During the holidays in the village, the children got lice. Grandma washed them tar soap and combed it out with a comb. I can’t say that the effect is amazing, since I had to buy Sumetrin anti-head lice shampoo. So far so good. But there were enough impressions.


Marina, 24 years old

I got rid of dandruff with Foroy Plus. A friend recommended it. Previously, there was snow on my shoulders, but now even the quality of my hair has changed for the better.

Rimma, 20 years old

Expensive products do not always give the expected results. It must be remembered that pricing policy is influenced by many factors. Sometimes the cost of the drug depends on the country of manufacture and the travel distance of the product.

Good to know! There is also a markup for the brand and other marketing moves. Selecting products with similar active substance domestic manufacturer, you can get excellent results relatively inexpensively.

Pediculosis is an unpleasant problem for both children and their parents. However, the appearance of lice is not always associated with a lack of hygiene (although this is a very common reason).

Anyone can get lice from other people; More often this happens in public places.

Modern pharmacology offers us a wide selection of drugs that help get rid of these pests.

For treatment to be effective, you must follow the instructions for any product you use.

Chemicals cannot kill nits, so they need to be combed out with a comb.

Live lice are destroyed with some kind of chemical, and then the nits are combed out with a comb or picked out by hand every day for a week.

After a week, you need to carefully examine your head. If live lice are detected, you will have to repeat the procedure for applying the drug with further combing.

List of effective drugs for lice and nits

There are such a wide range of medications for head lice that it is difficult not to get confused among them.

The most popular products among people are:

  • kerosene. People have used kerosene against lice since ancient times. It kills insects at any stage, but can cause scalp burns and even hair loss.

    Kerosene is diluted before use. If heat or tingling is felt, the product should be washed off. This substance is flammable!

  • vinegar and vinegar essence. They are used by diluting with water: vinegar - in proportions 1:2, and essence - 1:16.

    Please note that these products very often cause allergies. And if diluted incorrectly, especially concentrated essence, you can get chemical burns;

    Kerosene, dichlorvos, vinegar, hellebore water, cranberry and other methods of treatment for lice folk remedies for children and adults:


    Concentrates and lotions are alcohol or aqueous solutions strong insecticides. Penetrating into the body of lice, the product paralyzes their nervous system and leads to death.

    Some concentrates are sold ready-made, others need to be diluted:


    Sprays are optimal method for mild infection insects. They rarely cause side effects, are easy to use, and show good results:

    • Pediculen Ultra. This spray is effective against lice and nits. It contains alcohol and effectively fights pests.
    • Para-Plus. A French-made aerosol with three insecticides in its composition gets rid of pests in just one application. It is recommended to use together with the Para-Plus comb.
    • Paranit. Fully natural product based on essential oils. It kills adults and larvae by suffocation, it does not destroy nits, it must be used twice. The downside is that the spray is difficult to wash off from the hair.
    • LiceGuard. An expensive repellent spray that is used as a secondary method, usually in combination with a comb.


    Convenient to use if hair is voluminous and thick. They are in many ways similar to concentrate products, but they are made softer so that they can be used to treat children:

    Lice remedies for children, antiseptics, shampoos for the treatment of lice:


    Creams are cheap, but must be used responsibly: Apply thoroughly to the entire affected area, and then wash it out of your hair no less thoroughly.

    Creams are rarely prescribed by specialists due to the labor-intensive nature of their use, they are still popular:

    Inexpensive and effective means against lice and nits in children - in video consultation:


    Combs attract maximum security, good for lice for children from one to three years old. They are effective, although labor-intensive to use.

    Comb Nit Free (AntiV). A well-known comb that can be used independently or as part of complex therapy.

    According to reviews, there is no difference with a regular comb. The comb does not work in the fight against nits.

    LiceGuard steel comb. A high-quality and effective product against lice and nits. Produced in the USA, you can effectively combine it with other products and lead to side effects, so it is worth observing the following measures Precautions when using anti-lice and nit products for children:

    In some cases, first aid is needed:

    • if the drug accidentally gets on the skin and mucous membranes, rinse them thoroughly with water;
    • if irritation occurs on the skin, you should quickly rinse it and consult a specialist;
    • If the product gets into your eyes, rinse them with plenty of water and a weak soda solution;
    • if the mucous membranes of the eyes are irritated, instill them with 20-30% sodium sulfacyl or 2% novocaine solution if the child feels pain;
    • in case of irritation of the upper respiratory tract, you need to take the person out into the air and rinse his nose and mouth with a solution of baking soda.
    • , which, although not very dangerous, are unpleasant. A specialist should choose how to treat pediculosis.

      Prevention of re-infection

      If you have already managed to get rid of lice, take care of preventive measures for lice in children - reinfection pediculosis.

      Disinfect all hair care products: combs, combs, jewelry. Or get rid of them altogether. For treatment, you can use the same lice remedy or an alcohol solution.

      Items that cannot be washed or processed should be put aside for a couple of weeks, wrapped in a bag.

      Pediculosis is quite unpleasant. But many modern techniques allow you to get rid of harmful insects in just one application. The main thing is to choose the right treatment.

      In contact with

      May 03, 2016 | Written by admin |

      For many mothers, the topical issue is the use of drugs against head lice for young children. This is especially true for concerns about the safety of the product, its toxicity and degree of effectiveness.

      Most products are based on permethrin, but there are also some with other components if the lice have developed immunity to it. We will not consider vinegar, kerosene and other mocking means, but let’s analyze modern chemistry. All data taken from official instructions on the use of these drugs.

      Consider them according to the degree of maturity of the children.

      For children from 1 year


      The drug is based on the substance permethrin, an insecticide that is practically harmless to people.

      • can also be produced in the form of pediculent gel and emulsion of 5% concentration;
      • container, packaging, volume – lotion in 0.1-5 l bottles, cream in a 24 ml bottle, gel in a tube and emulsion in 2 ml ampoules, packed in a box;
      • active substances, their dosage per 100 g. – permethrin (5 g), Castor oil medical grade (7.5 g), butyl acetate (0.25 g), ethanol (96%);
      • direction of action - the drug is effective in the fight against adult lice, mites, as well as their nits, larvae, and works well as an anti-scabies agent;
      • preservation of the effect - lotion is effective for 2 weeks, cream - 2-3 weeks, gel - 2-6 weeks, emulsion in ampoules - up to 4 weeks;
      • degree of toxicity – low;
      • when Medifox series products are contraindicated - hypersensitivity to permethrin and other pyrethroids, plant inclusions, periods of breastfeeding infants, when it is necessary to treat scabies, gel and emulsion should not be used when treating children under 1 year of age;
      • Methods of use should be carefully read in the instructions attached to each type of drug.

      Price: from 125 rubles


      Hello! Oksana, 35 years old, Moscow. I gave birth to a daughter, she is now 4 months old. Recently, a friend, with whom she gave birth together, came to visit us and brought her little one. I don’t know whether it was from her things or from herself, but my baby got lice! I don’t remember anything like this from my mother’s or grandmother’s stories, that babies get lice! Tough! Imagine how difficult it was to find medicine for the baby?! At the pharmacy, the seller recommended buying Medifox lotion. I carefully studied the instructions at the pharmacy, they seem to say that it can be used by newborns. She carefully smeared it, held it on the head just a little, then washed it off. The next day I also did another day. In general, in three days with a minimum exposure of the drug on my daughter’s head, we overcame this infection. Of course, they treated both their heads and their husband’s. The product is very good - it works and is not toxic!


      Price: from 360 rubles


      I don’t know what it is about what the manufacturer writes on the packaging about the total destruction of nits, but I had to smear my son’s head with this cream 2 times, and then treat it with a vinegar solution. We first applied Nyx and noticed dead lice. Everything was combed out. By the way, there is no comb at all; even for the boy’s short hair, it turned out to be ineffective. I had to buy a separate comb. The next day I checked my head - there were no lice, but the nits were alive, bursting between the nails. They treated the head a second time, then with a vinegar solution - and all the remaining nits immediately died. In short, the drug works, but not the first time.

      Veda 2

      • container, packaging - produced in a bottle;
      • the degree of influence of the shampoo - it is very effective in the fight against adult individuals, it has a weaker effect on nits, you need to additionally use a vinegar solution;
      • h It is forbidden for pregnant and nursing mothers to use shampoo, people with acute sensitivity to the components of the drug;
      • Use with great caution in small children who not yet 5 years old;
      • to re-treat, wait a week or 10 days;
      • shelf life – 1.5 years.

      Price: from 180 rubles


      Good afternoon I am the mother of 2 twins, who are now 3.5 years old. They go to the kindergarten from where they brought lice 2 months ago. Having bought Veda 2 on the advice of one of the mothers whom I met when I was picking up my sons from kindergarten, I realized that the shampoo had little effect at once. We did two treatments, although not according to the instructions - after 3 days the soaping was repeated. We combed everything out with a comb and only after the second time did all the lice die. There is a separate conversation about nits - shampoo, in my opinion, has no effect on them at all. A vinegar solution of 9% (1:2 with warm water) was made and then only the nits were more easily detached from the hair.

      For children from 2 years old

      Pedilin shampoo

      • release form of the pediculent product – emulsion and shampoo;
      • the volume of the emulsion in the bottle is 60 ml, and the volume of shampoo is 100 ml;
      • For For severe lice, an emulsion is used, for medium – shampoo;
      • method of use - the emulsion is easier to apply to hair strands and scalp with a cotton swab, and shampoo can simply be lathered;
      • There are no side effects, except for special ones allergic reactions with hypersensitivity to malathion and other substances;
      • keep no more than 2 years.

      Price: from 280 rubles


      Hello! Milan, Ekaterinburg. I am a mother of three children. I often encounter such a problem as lice in children. But you won’t, you so often poison your children with incomprehensible chemicals to rid them of uninvited “guests” on their heads?! So I started looking for a more or less gentle remedy and came across Pedilin. What can I say? The product works, no matter how other mothers criticize it. My children regularly do well.

      For children from 3 years old

      PAIR PLUS aerosol

      • volume in can– 116 mg;
      • effect of the substance – neurotoxic harmful influence for lice and nits;
      • contraindications – cannot be used on children under 2.5 years of age, adults with particular hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as those who have bronchial asthma;
      • sensations during use - tingling and slight burning;
      • method of use – do not rinse for 10 minutes after application, and can be reapplied to the hair only after a week;
      • there are no overdoses;
      • Can be stored for 4 years.

      Price: from 400 rubles


      Dear mothers, do not spray such a product on your children. indoors! I bought it once and realized it. This is an excellent product; it really kills all the creeping things on a child’s head. But you need to cover your face with something, especially the baby’s eyes, go outside, onto the balcony and spray there. Well, at most, at least stand near the window. The product smells unpleasant! And don’t wait 10 minutes, we did it in 6-7 minutes. Because my friend told me that the product caused a slight burn on her delicate scalp. And so - an excellent aerosol!

      Price: from 320 rubles


      Good afternoon Natalya Veniaminovna, Chelyabinsk region. My husband recently discovered lice on his grandson; he brought it home from school! Then they discovered this infection in our country too! We immediately ran to the pharmacy and bought Paranit, the price was right, and they also told us that it lasts a long time and is non-toxic. As soon as we opened the bottle of lotion, we noticed a sour smell, but we could tolerate it. During and after treatment, no irritation or burning was felt, the lotion did not sting the skin, and the child tolerated it calmly. As a result, for us adults, all the adults and nits were killed by the product, and our grandson had a few more running around. We immediately repeated the treatment, although it was not possible according to the instructions, but we decided that if it was a non-toxic product, then it was possible. After secondary processing We didn’t see any running insects, we combed everything out. Oh yes, they also treated it with a vinegar solution, as my mother once taught me. Well, just to be on the safe side, and the nits are easier to comb out this way. In general, Paranit apparently does not affect all people in the same way, but at least it works – and that’s good!

      Price: from 260 rubles


      In short, if you like the sour camphor smell, you can safely use this shampoo. It definitely helped me when I found lice on my daughter. But for some reason the smell of it made her vomit. Moreover, even before spreading. So this is the only drawback of the shampoo. We endured everything, lathered it up, didn’t hold it in for a long time - we washed it off after 3-5 minutes, and then repeated the procedure the next day. Everything worked out!

      Pediculen ultra spray lotion shampoo

      • spray composition – anise oil (6%), ethyl (78% alcohol), natural additives;
      • bottle volume of lotion – 50 ml, shampoo – 200 ml;
      • equipment - lotion (or shampoo), comb and magnifying glass;
      • You can buy it at any pharmacy;
      • can be used by children who are already 5 years old;
      • kills larvae, nits, as well as adult lice of various kinds (head, pubic);
      • toxicity – low, almost zero;
      • storage is permissible for 2 years.

      Price: from 170 rubles


      Hello everyone! My children recently suffered from head lice. The little one brought kindergarten, and my two older schoolchildren also became infected. We used Pediculent lotion (I bought 3 bottles), and for my eldest daughter I also bought shampoo of the same brand - from her long hair Still, I didn’t want to cut it off. In general, the drugs helped us a lot. All the nits and lice were removed in one go! By the way, my daughter didn’t need shampoo - she made do with lotion.

      • volume of blend – 50 ml;
      • allowed for use on children over 3 years of age;
      • Not allowed for use by pregnant and nursing mothers, those who have increased threshold sensitivity to biphasic dimethicone and its dosage in the drug (92%), as well as for those who have worsened skin diseases;
      • application - spray on each strand of hair and scalp, and then leave for 45 minutes, after which everything is washed off with regular shampoo;
      • It should be stored no longer than 4 years.

      Price: from 570 rubles


      Good day! Svetlana, 32 years old, Tver. We decided to try the inexpensive Nyuda anti-lice spray, and we were not mistaken! My two daughters had to go through this most unpleasant event in their lives. After treating the head, all lice die, but not all nits. In addition, they did a vinegar rinse, and only after that the nits were easily combed out with a comb.

      For children from 5 years old

      Full Marx - liquid

      • product packaging – two means that complement each other. Comb and instructions;
      • active effect on nits and lice;
      • toxicity – low;
      • there are no contraindications, it can cause allergies in extremely rare cases;
      • head treatment - complete removal occurs when combing hair with a comb for a week, lice can be baited again only after 3-4 days;
      • Shelf life: 3 years (except for combs).

      Price: from 400 rubles


      Sergey, 40 years old, Cheboksary. My son was diagnosed with lice two weeks ago. He came back from a sports competition, and we immediately noticed how he began to scratch his head. I bought Full Marks. Very convenient product, with a comb, clear instructions And. The main thing is that it works instantly. After one use, all the lice died, the nits had to be combed out for another 5 days. But since our son’s hair is short, we were lucky - combing out was not so tedious. By the way, 3-1 days after combing out, we no longer saw dead nits falling on the sheet. They scratched it this way for prevention. It didn’t cause any irritation, it didn’t sting the skin, it was a normal product. Only the price is a little expensive, in my opinion.

      • volume in one bottle – 115 ml;
      • In addition to 10 ml of permethrin, it also contains cosmetic hair conditioner, making the hair slippery to facilitate combing out dead nits;
      • the effect occurs after 10 minutes of keeping the product on the head;
      • contraindications for pregnant and nursing mothers, as well as those with dermatoses;
      • toxicity – average, for use in children under 5 years prohibited;
      • Can be stored for 2 years.

      Price: from 380 rubles


      In my opinion, the cream is not very convenient to use because it does not lather like shampoo. But when we bought it for our daughter, we immediately noticed that it really works! At first they tried to apply it to the hair with gloved hands, but then I took a cotton swab and began to blot it. It's just inconvenient to smear the cream. It took three more days to comb out the nits, but there was no need to re-treat the child’s head. It worked one time.

      • release form – lotion in the form of a transparent yellowish liquid;
      • volume in the bottle – 50 ml;
      • Directions for use: leave on hair for no longer than 10 minutes, then rinse with shampoo, and then rinse hair with vinegar solution;
      • cannot be used by pregnant and lactating women breastfeeding by mothers;
      • side effects may be itchy sensations and with delicate skin – mild irritation;
      • toxicity – high, use with extreme caution on children;
      • Can be stored for 3 years.

      Price from 200 rubles


      Hello! My name is Daria, I am from St. Petersburg. My daughter got lice from a friend. We bought Foxilon on the advice of a pediatrician. The price, I think, is not expensive. I don’t know where the drug costs 200 rubles, we bought it at our pharmacy for 150 rubles. The lotion is very easy to apply using a cloth or cotton swab, which you can easily make yourself.

      • form of production – concentrated liquid transparent substance with 15% permethrin;
      • type of container - glass or plastic bottles;
      • volumes – 20-500 ml or 1 l;
      • exposure – head and pubic lice, as well as body (linen) lice;
      • method of use - making an emulsion 0.15% - mix 1 ml of concentrate with 99 ml of water, treat the head with the product for 15 minutes, then rinse everything off with regular shampoo and comb out the nits with a comb;
      • toxicity – average;
      • good for 1 year.

      Price: from 1200 rubles


      Hello! Irina, Rostov-on-Don. We bought this product in our kindergarten when we had to kill lice on our children en masse. Although the bottle is expensive (it cost us 1,350 rubles), you don’t need much concentrate for one person. It turns out that according to the instructions, quite a lot of people can be treated with one bottle. The effect is amazing! All lice and nits die. Only for three children the last time something went wrong the first time and the insects did not disappear all at once. I had to re-process it. But overall, together with the vinegar solution, Avicin works just fine.