Symptoms of intestinal obstruction in dogs and methods of treatment. Intestinal obstruction in dogs and its symptoms

“She woke up one day and realized that something was wrong with her dog. From a constantly cheerful and playful dog, Gerda turned into an embittered ball of fur. Having offered her favorite delicacy, Lisa did not expect a refusal. But the dog did not eat, and its stomach looked like a rubber ball. In addition, for several days during her walk Lisa had not seen Gerda digging a hole to bury her excrement as before. The pet’s mouth stank like a garbage pit.”

If you are faced with the same situation, your pet may have an intestinal obstruction and urgently needs veterinary help . Let's try to understand the main symptoms of the disease, and also give some recommendations for treating your pet at home.

Causes of intestinal obstruction in dogs

The picture shows foreign body which caused intestinal obstruction in the dog.

Dogs are like little children, they strive to test everything. Very often, obstruction is caused by foreign objects that have entered the dog's intestines and become stuck there.

According to veterinarians, they found a wide variety of things in the stomachs of their patients: parts of toys, pieces of wooden sticks, clothespins, New Year's rain, stones, large bones. By the way, not only dogs really like New Year's tinsel, cats actively eat it, and the owners have to pay when, due to the pet's pranks, they have to surgically remove the ill-fated rain.

A piece of stick may end up in the dog's stomach during play.

Sometimes dog owners themselves are to blame for the animal’s food obstruction.. For example, to perform the “fetch” command, they select objects that are too small. The dog, overjoyed that he was able to catch this thing, accidentally swallows it. Feeding bones also leads to accidental ingestion.

Risk group

Absolutely any dog ​​can suffer from obstruction. If they say that certain breeds are susceptible to this disease, you can safely object. There is no genetic predisposition, there is only bad manners of some dogs, who, like small children, put everything in their mouths and accidentally swallow.

There is no specific breed of dog that is most susceptible to obstruction.


Sometimes blockage occurs due to helminthiasis. A ball of worms simply blocks the intestinal lumen and interferes with the digestion process.

Helminths are one of the causes of blockage.


There are pathological causes of obstruction. Maybe, in the intestines polyp or tumor prevent food from moving forward. Sometimes the intestinal walls cease to perform their contractile function, and food begins to linger in intestinal tract. Pushing through digested food occurs in an unnatural way - with a new portion of nutrition. The absence of peristalsis refers to pathological reasons obstruction.

Polyps in the intestines contribute to obstruction.

Physiological reasons

There is also physiological reasons. For example, volvulus or overlap of the intestinal loop. Labor activity may cause obstruction. The dog may have an injury or fracture that is putting pressure on the intestines.

Trauma to a dog can cause obstruction.

Classification of the disease

There are 2 types of obstruction based on severity:

  1. Complete when the owner notices that no fecal discharge occurs. This means that the intestinal lumen is completely blocked, and feces, mucus and gases remain inside. Most often, this situation leads to intestinal rupture. Therefore the animal needs urgent assistance veterinarian
  2. Partial obstruction usually occurs against the background of pathological processes in the body. At the same time, feces and gases are partially removed from the body.

With complete obstruction, no feces are released.

The disease can be acute, when the life of the animal depends on the speed of contacting a specialist. Obstruction occurs in the form of a painful attack.

If there is a pathology in the body (for example, a polyp), the obstruction becomes chronic. In this case, the dog requires constant monitoring.

Characteristic symptoms of intestinal obstruction

Chronic obstruction manifests itself unpleasant smell from the mouth.

Is it possible to recognize obstruction in a pet at home? An x-ray or ultrasound will help you reliably verify this, but a preliminary diagnosis can be made independently based on the following symptoms:

  • If feces do not appear for more than a day , while the dog smells rotting from the mouth, it may be constipation or the pet suffers from chronic obstruction;
  • food refusal not an indicator of obstruction, but in combination with other symptoms it may indicate this particular disease. The dog may even refuse water;
  • the dog is trying to relieve himself, does this often and unsuccessfully, while moaning unnaturally;
  • When palpating the peritoneum, you may notice pain and muscle tension . The dog may whine and thrash around in pain, causing itself even more suffering and confusing the owner;
  • the animal's body reacts with decay products by vomiting . If feces are seen in the vomit, the situation is critical, the intestines are completely clogged and there is a risk of rupture;
  • general depressed state of the pet . When examining the mucous membranes, a particular pallor or even cyanosis is noted;
  • body temperature may drop below 37 ºC ;
  • hematomas appear due to internal bleeding caused by rupture of the intestinal wall.

Diagnosis and treatment methods

If you suspect an obstruction, self-medication is dangerous.

A urine test will show the degree of intoxication in the body.

You can cause intestinal rupture and sharp deterioration state of the animal. It is highly undesirable to feed or force water a dog. But you need to visit a veterinarian. Even if you decide that your dog is constipated, do not reach for laxatives. If the intestines are blocked, taking laxatives will lead to unnecessary spasms and increased pain, and what is most dangerous is that intestinal tissue may rupture.

  1. The pet will undergo treatment at the clinic initial examination . The doctor will palpate the peritoneum to see if there is an obstruction. and blood to identify the degree of intoxication of the body and the condition of the kidneys.
  2. To make an accurate diagnosis, an x-ray is prescribed. It is performed using a contrast agent, which is given to the dog to drink before the procedure. If the x-ray does not show the problem, an ultrasound is performed.
  3. If the problem cannot be identified, they resort to the help of a surgeon . The operation is performed under general anesthesia. The abdominal cavity is opened and the doctor, seeing the necrotic process, cuts out part of the damaged intestine.

Conservative treatment at home

You can give your dog antibiotics at home.

Conservative treatment is also possible:

  1. Antibiotic therapy.
  2. At severe pain– novocaine or any painkiller.
  3. Prescription of drugs that stimulate intestinal contractions.
  4. Enemas for removing feces using herbal decoctions or medical solutions.
  5. To improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract - a course of probiotics.
  6. Immunostimulants.

Nutrition for intestinal obstruction

In addition to treatment, the dog needs nutrition. The diet is selected so that it consists of liquid products. In addition, taking flaxseed oil may be recommended.

Conservative treatment can be carried out at home. The dog needs rest during this period; it can be taken out for a walk occasionally. If your vet recommends physical exercise, it is necessary to engage in their implementation with your pet.

Danger of disease

Complete obstruction if not contacted in a timely manner leads to intestinal rupture and death of the animal from blood poisoning.

Partial obstruction is also dangerous. The animal constantly suffers from intoxication with decay products; in addition, partial obstruction can become a complete blockage at any time, and this is already a deadly condition.

Partial obstruction can develop into complete blockage.

Photo gallery of pictures with intestinal obstruction

Video about intestinal obstruction in dogs

Intestinal obstruction in dogs or Ileus (from the Greek Eileo I push in, twist, remove, obstruct) is a mechanical intestinal obstruction.

Intestinal obstruction is a serious problem, life-threatening animal, in many cases it is guaranteed to be fatal if the operation is not performed on time.

Causes of intestinal obstruction in dogs

There are several various reasons occurrence of intestinal obstruction:

Symptoms of intestinal obstruction are not always pronounced and depend on the specific case and the characteristics of the animal’s body.

As a rule, the most striking symptoms occur with problems associated with the stomach and duodenum. In such cases, there is usually repeated vomiting, severe pain, and rapid deterioration. general condition patient. On the one side acute illness With severe course- this is bad for the patient and leads to rapid exhaustion vitality body, but on the other hand, this condition forces owners and doctors to act quickly, efficiently, and this is good, because diagnostics do not extend over time.

In the absence of obvious symptoms of intestinal obstruction, one can usually observe lethargy of the animal, refusal to feed, and periodically vomiting, which does not seem to be the main symptom, and may not exist at all.

In such cases, X-ray examination is a very valuable diagnostic method.

Diagnosis of intestinal obstruction in dogs

If intestinal obstruction is suspected, X-rays must be taken after a medical examination. abdominal cavity, preferably in two projections, i.e. photograph in the side position and in the supine position. Since on x-rays we see a two-dimensional picture - a shadow from the three-dimensional (three-dimensional) body of an animal, then the contours different organs overlap each other, and only by taking pictures in two projections is it possible to understand where certain structures visible in the picture are localized. In these photographs you can see radiopaque substances, the density of which significantly exceeds the density of the soft tissues of the body, and radiolucent foci, as a rule, foci of gas formation, the density of which, on the contrary, is significantly lower than the density of the soft tissues.

Balls from the children's magnetic construction set "Neocube" in the stomach of a pug.

In addition, X-ray photographs show signs of peritonitis - inflammation of the serous membranes of the abdominal cavity with fluid effusion. Such a finding, combined with signs of intestinal obstruction, usually indicates a possible intestinal perforation and the need for urgent surgery.

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) can also provide valuable information about the presence of fluid in the abdominal cavity and its quantity, as well as the presence of pendulum-like bowel movements. specific symptom intestinal obstruction.

Detection of contrasting foreign objects, as a rule, makes it possible to quickly and unambiguously make a diagnosis and suggest that animal owners begin to prepare their pet for surgery.

Significant foci of gas formation in the intestines can be indirect signs of intestinal obstruction. However, indirect signs require verification (confirmation) of the diagnosis. Since we are talking about the need for surgery, both the doctor and the owner always want maximum certainty.

In cases where a simple x-ray does not give us a clear understanding of the problem, the next stage of diagnosis is an x-ray with contrast. The contrast agent used is barium sulfate, a white powder without taste or odor (like chalk), which is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, and is visible on x-rays as a bright white (contrasting) spot. Barium sulfate is mixed into kefir and given to the animal. As a rule, this has to be done by force. The patient must first antiemetic injection to ensure that the research does not end before it has begun.

Foam impregnated with barium sulfate in a ferret's stomach

After contrast is given, a series of x-rays are taken at certain time intervals, assessing the passage of contents through the gastrointestinal tract. And if the contents do not pass within a certain time to the rectum, this allows us to diagnose intestinal obstruction and offer as the only effective option treatment surgery.

Treatment of intestinal obstruction in dogs

You need to understand that the treatment of obstruction in dogs and cats is surgery. An exception is some foreign objects located in the stomach, sometimes in duodenum, which can be removed during gastroscopy. We actively use gastroscopy in cases where there is a possibility of solving the problem of obstruction without using a scalpel. However, treatment with this method is not always possible.

When diagnosing “intestinal obstruction,” it is important, without wasting time, to carry out all the standard examinations before anesthesia and operate on the animal.

Emotionally, it is always difficult for the owner to decide to give his animal for surgery, but in the case of intestinal obstruction, this is the only salvation.

The lethality of most cases is one hundred percent, if the animal does not receive surgical care. This is especially important for such a terrible disease as gastric volvulus, which most often develops suddenly and quickly in dogs of large (much less often - medium and small) breeds.

Gastric volvulus in a dog

In case of gastric volvulus, it is fundamentally important to provide assistance as quickly as possible; the loss of even half an hour can cost the animal’s life.

In any case, it is important to contact qualified specialists for any problems with your pet’s health without wasting time.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) are one of the most common reasons why owners of small pets seek veterinary care. Most digestive disorders in dogs go away on their own. Typically, these disorders are caused by improper feeding of animals, and they are well treated with symptomatic therapy. However, sometimes a thorough evaluation of an animal is required because it has not responded to symptomatic therapy or because it has a serious medical condition. One of these diseases is acute intestinal obstruction in dogs and cats.

Intestinal obstruction – an acute disease of the gastrointestinal tract, characterized by a complete or partial cessation of the movement of food masses through the digestive canal due to the presence of a mechanical obstruction or intestinal disorder.

Clinical symptoms intestinal obstruction in cats and dogs upper sections The gastrointestinal tract is more acute and severe than in the lower ones. The most common are frequent, persistent vomiting and lack of stool, which leads to serious disorders electrolyte balance, dehydration and intoxication. The inability to move intestinal contents can lead to the movement of bacteria, the development of inflammation of the intestinal walls and septic shock.

Obstruction of the distal (lower) intestine is characterized by a more gradual development of clinical signs - weight loss, vomiting and anorexia (lack of appetite), often accompanied by bloody diarrhea. Sometimes it is possible to palpate neoplasms in the intestines.

When contacting a doctor, the owner must remember and tell in detail the conditions of keeping and feeding, the habits of his cat or dog, as well as symptoms developing disease. Stands in front of the doctor difficult task rule out other diseases similar symptoms and make an accurate diagnosis. It is very important to realize that some intestinal diseases with similar symptoms are caused by infection and do not require surgical treatment.

Many Clinical signs Gastrointestinal diseases do not have a clear manifestation, and without research they cannot be definitely attributed to any specific organ. Visual diagnosis ( and ) is necessary to identify obvious pathology and exclude the presence of a serious problem requiring urgent surgical intervention.

X-ray allows you to obtain a contrast image of the abdominal organs. Using radiography, mechanical obstruction caused by the presence of a neoplasm, foreign body or intestine is diagnosed.

Using a diagnostic operation, we can confirm or exclude diagnoses that we could not exclude using other research methods.

Treatment consists of eliminating the cause of intestinal obstruction: excision of the tumor or removal of a foreign body, elimination of intussusception or volvulus. Dead sections of intestine are also removed.

Bactericidal drugs must be prescribed wide range actions (antibiotics), intravenous nutrition, drips to replenish fluid and electrolytes.

In malnourished animals, a feeding tube may be considered.

The prognosis depends on the cause of intestinal obstruction and the severity of the resulting pathological changes.

Paralytic ileus and false obstruction

False obstruction- a disorder in which there are symptoms of obstruction without the foreign body or neoplasm itself. The cause of this pathology is not fully understood.

Paralytic ileus often occurs after undergoing parvovirus enteritis, surgical intervention, for pancreatitis, peritonitis, endotoxemia, hypokalemia and vegetative dystonia.

If there are no mechanical obstructions in the intestines, and peristalsis is very slow or absent, then we can talk about the diagnosis of “paralytic intestinal obstruction” and try to identify the cause of this condition.

During treatment, symptomatic therapy to stimulate the intestines is indicated. Required antibacterial drugs, special diets. The prognosis depends on the underlying cause of the disease and can be either cautious or unfavorable.

Intestinal obstruction in dogs is one of those diseases in which delay in veterinary care can lead to the death of the pet. Primary symptoms are not always clearly expressed and are very similar to various poisonings. Some owners unknowingly try to help the dog themselves, aggravating the situation and wasting precious time. It is important to know about the causes, symptoms and treatment of intestinal obstruction in dogs. In this case, if you notice signs of illness, you can consult a doctor in time.

Gastrointestinal tract in dogs

The gastrointestinal tract of dogs constantly produces a large number of juices that are responsible for digestion processes. It should be noted that the production of such juices occurs regardless of whether the pet consumes food or water.

A healthy intestine is in constant motion, because it moves the contents of the stomach in the direction from it to anus. And during the promotion of food, juices along with nutrients are absorbed by the dog’s body through the intestinal walls.

Mechanism of disease development

If a dog exhibits symptoms of intestinal obstruction, regardless of the reasons that caused the pathology, the circulatory processes described above stop. Gastric and intestinal juices continue to be produced in the same volumes, but they can no longer be absorbed and promoted.

With every minute the volume of stagnant fluid increases and accumulates in the stomach, as well as in small intestine, causing vomiting and nausea in the dog. In this case, the animal’s body quickly loses large amounts of minerals and water, especially potassium and sodium.

Many owners try to give the dog water at this point in order to avoid dehydration. Unfortunately, this only speeds up these processes. As a result, the pet’s condition worsens, and in places of blockage, necrosis of sections of the intestine occurs.

This process develops quite quickly, because the intestinal walls have a delicate and vulnerable structure. When tissue necrosis occurs, the dog's chances of survival rapidly decrease.


There are many reasons why signs of intestinal obstruction occur in dogs; they can be roughly divided into three main groups:

  1. Mechanical blockage. The most common type of pathology. Occurs in the following situations: difficult to digest food (bones, sinews, etc.), large portions of food, especially for for a long time a starving dog, accidentally swallowed foreign objects, accumulation of worms in the intestines. Mechanical obstruction most often occurs due to the fault of the owner. After all, when purchasing a dog, you need to know the nutrition rules and become familiar with the fact that you cannot include the pet’s menu. Deworming should be carried out at least once every three months. And for games you need to use only special toys. Small household and interior items should be inaccessible to the dog. During a walk, you need to make sure that your pet does not try to swallow anything. After all, it happens that even trained animals, seeing an object with a seductive smell, forget about all prohibitions and skills and swallow it.
  2. Pathological blockage. Occurs due to neoplasms in the intestines.
  3. Physiological blockage. Occurs in connection with activity immediately after feeding and manifests itself as gastric or intestinal volvulus.


Symptoms of intestinal obstruction in dogs can be chronic or acute. The first ones do not appear immediately and are most often associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Acute symptoms develop rapidly, occur suddenly and are pronounced. With this form of the disease there is a high probability of death, but since the signs are clearly visible, owners most often manage to go to the clinic in time.

How to determine

Symptoms of intestinal obstruction in dogs resemble poisoning:

  • malaise and weakness;
  • refusal of water and food;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • bloating and abdominal pain.

These signs appear first. When walking your dog, you should pay attention to whether there was a bowel movement during the walk. Its absence, combined with refusal to eat, vomiting and abdominal pain, are the main symptoms of intestinal blockage, and if you notice them, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

Without treatment, your pet's condition will worsen:

  • the tone of the abdominal muscles will increase, the dog can stretch hind legs and strain their ends;
  • the owner may notice strong rumbling in the stomach due to accumulated gases;
  • the unpleasant smell of their mouths, severe belching;
  • incessant vomiting.

At this stage, necrosis and rupture of the intestine, intoxication of the body, loss of protein and salts, and severe dehydration occur.

It is worth knowing that partial intestinal obstruction in dogs also occurs. In this case, there is a small lumen in the intestine through which feces and gases can escape. This can be confusing for the animal owner, as a result of which he refuses to visit the veterinarian. It should be remembered that partial blockage is just as dangerous as complete obstruction.

Treatment of intestinal obstruction in dogs at home

If you suspect an intestinal blockage, you cannot treat the animal yourself.

It is forbidden to give antiemetic medications, laxatives for constipation, or force the dog to drink and eat.

To make your pet feel better, you can give him an anesthetic or antispasmodic drug.

The only one the right decision is a visit to the veterinary clinic. If left untreated, the death of an animal can occur 2-3 days after the first symptoms appear, in some cases a little later.


If there are symptoms of intestinal obstruction in dogs, the veterinarian will use following methods:

  • palpation of the abdomen to identify increased tone, compactions and pain;
  • blood and urine tests to determine the degree of poisoning of the body;
  • X-ray;

There are objects that are not visible on x-rays of the intestines. To detect them, the dog is given a special contrast agent.

The veterinarian's main task is to determine whether the foreign object can be removed without surgery. If this occurs, then the following manipulations are carried out:

  • colon lavage with special means or herbal decoctions using an enema;
  • a medicine may be prescribed that will stimulate the intestines, administered in the form of droppers and injections;
  • to restore the water-salt balance, it is necessary to administer saline solutions;
  • at painful sensations painkillers are used.


If a dog has intestinal obstruction, what to do and how to treat it? Assign correct therapy Only a doctor can. Efficiency conservative therapy most often doubtful. If there is partial blockage, you can try using laxatives to relieve constipation and enemas. But if the pet has complete obstruction, then these methods will cause intestinal rupture.

To facilitate the process of defecation, the animal is poured through the mouth. vegetable oils. Laxatives should be used with caution - it is better to use fruit products, such as lactulose, which improve secretion digestive glands. They give enemas good effect when the large intestine is blocked by hard feces or sand.

In most cases, treatment for symptoms of intestinal obstruction in a dog is done with surgical intervention. The exception is objects located in the stomach or duodenum, which can be removed using gastroscopy.

When diagnosing an intestinal blockage, it is important to operate on the animal without wasting time. Very often it is difficult for the owner of a dog to decide to send it for surgery, but in the case of obstruction, this is the only salvation. If the animal does not receive surgical care, the mortality rate in most cases is one hundred percent.


Most often, obstruction is associated with improper feeding of the animal. Most dog owners believe that the best food for a pet is a bone, flour products and food from the table. But the body four-legged friend constructed with significant differences from humans. And the food that is well absorbed by our intestines leads to pathologies or is rejected in the dog’s body.

Bones for dogs cannot be considered normal food, especially boiled ones. They turn into sand in the intestines and clog the lumen. Fresh bones are also considered not the best option for feeding - they are only suitable as a means of combating tartar or as a toy. Small bones with sharp edges are especially dangerous for the gastrointestinal tract.

The owner of the dog must ensure that it cannot eat various household and interior items, as well as children's toys if there are children in the house. The best option It is considered to be training a pet to take food only from the owner and only in a certain place. It is worth noting that even trained dogs can eat a rag, branch or other foreign object during training or play, so it is better to prevent such situations.

The right diet helps provide normal work Gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, after purchasing a dog, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of animal nutrition. In addition, it is worth visiting regularly veterinarian for the prevention of gastrointestinal pathologies.

Treatment of intestinal obstruction in a dog in Moscow

In the capital, as in other cities of Russia, almost every veterinary hospital conducts professional treatment intestinal blockage. Dog owners are advised to select a clinic in advance where the animal will be regularly examined and treated in case of urgent need. After all, animals, like people, are prone to various diseases. And in order to prevent them, it is necessary from the moment you purchase a puppy to consult with a specialist and familiarize yourself with the rules of feeding and caring for the dog.

No emergency medical care A pathology such as intestinal obstruction in dogs is fatal. The disease is characterized by sudden onset and rapid development. Characterized by the inability to move intestinal contents and food through the intestines.

Intestinal obstruction in dogs and signs of pathology

Intestinal obstruction in dogs, the symptoms of which are expressed by a number of specific manifestations, is an extremely dangerous condition that requires immediate assistance from a specialist.

Reasons for a pet owner to be wary are changes in the dog's behavior away from the norm, such as:

  • refusal of water and food;
  • inability to defecate with a clear desire to have a bowel movement;
  • discharge of mucus, mucous masses mixed with blood, scanty loose stool instead of normal feces;
  • retching and vomiting foam or bile;
  • vomiting of intestinal contents, including feces;
  • absence of gases;
  • unusual bloating;
  • painful to touch, tense abdomen;
  • stretching of the toes of the hind limbs (a sign of problems in the gastrointestinal tract);
  • bent hunched posture;
  • general depressed state;
  • possible constipation;
  • low temperature (normal in dogs is 38-38.9 °C).

These signs of intestinal obstruction in dogs should be a signal to visit veterinary clinic, moreover, an immediate visit - lost time can cost the pet’s life.

Causes and general characteristics of the disease

Intestinal obstruction in dogs varies in typologies of occurrence and manifestations. Etiology of mechanical disorders. Mechanical obstruction occurs due to intestinal blockage foreign objects(the dog swallowed something indigestible), intussusception (volvulus), helminthic infestation, torsion of the stomach, narrowing (stenosis) of the intestinal lumen as a result of a neoplasm or external influence.

Dynamic disorders (functional). The nature and causes of functional obstruction have spastic and paralytic forms:

  • dysfunctions of a spastic nature - these are intestinal and internal colic of the abdominal cavity, painful spasms;
  • paralytic manifestations are metabolic disorders, internal inflammation (enteritis) due to exposure to toxins (internal or external).

The complicated form of the disease results in acute circulatory disorders (even necrosis) due to prolonged exposure to a foreign body: thrombosis of the intestinal walls, internal bleeding. The uncomplicated form may be asymptomatic or partially asymptomatic. For example, pain can be localized only at the location of a foreign object. Without the urge to vomit, a blockage occurs remote from the stomach, and with necrosis of the large intestine, the pain is often mild or completely absent.

Diagnostics and research

Primary anamnesis is collected by asking the owner:

  • about the pet’s lifestyle: its food, maintenance, care, daily routine, character and temperament of the animal, the likelihood of swallowing a foreign object;
  • about previous and existing diseases (about their latest manifestations), operations, vaccinations;
  • about behavioral reactions - can the animal eat something on the street, can the pet swallow and then whine.

Further research will be like this:

  • temperature measurement;
  • general blood analysis;
  • biochemical hemoanalysis;
  • for viruses;
  • urine and stool tests (if possible);
  • X-ray or ultrasound.

A sick animal is examined by a veterinarian, general examination mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes, palpates the abdomen.

Next is carried out X-ray examination- this is the main most exact method Diagnosis of intestinal obstruction in a dog. X-rays are taken in a lateral projection, that is, with the sick animal lying on its side. This type research allows you to detect foreign contents in the intestines - toys, rubber balls, metal objects, feces (if the obstruction is caused by coprostasis), gas masses, etc.

If an x-ray is taken, but the picture of the disease has not cleared up, a secondary x-ray is performed with a contrast (coloring) barium-containing substance, which is given to the animal with food or drink. A series of images of the abdominal cavity are recorded at certain intervals. This study clearly shows an obstacle that barium cannot overcome. This will be the desired culprit of the blockage.

If this study does not show anything, and the dog’s condition worsens, then a diagnostic laparotomy is performed. If the cause of the disease is found, it is eliminated; if there was no volvulus or foreign body, a preventive massage of the organs is carried out, and the wound is sutured.


Depending on the severity of intestinal obstruction in dogs, treatment can be conservative or surgical.

Conservative methods

Conservative treatment is used for functional obstruction. This method treats the root cause of the disease, for example, enteritis, poisoning, etc., the attending physician prescribes:


If there is intussusception or a foreign object in the intestine, only emergency surgery will save the animal.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. During it, the peritoneum is opened, a foreign object is removed, or intussusception is eliminated. If organ damage is severe, it is possible to remove part of the intestines or stomach.

After the operation, the dog will not be able to eat and drink on its own for several days - in this case, hospital treatment is indicated, or the pet will have to be brought for the procedure. Further postoperative rehabilitation, among other things, involves adherence to a dietary feeding regimen. It should be remembered that intestinal congestion in a dog in an advanced form leads to fatal outcome, including on the operating table.

Memo for owners

  1. Anatomical feature of the dog's structure - relatively freely suspended internal organs. As a result, with a sudden movement, impact, jump, or simply overeating, overlap of the intestines may occur - intussusception or torsion of the stomach.
  2. For the above reason, it is strictly not recommended to feed your pet before walks, childbirth or other active activities - the intestines, which are not filled with food, are elastic. Overlapping it will not cause such irreversible consequences as an organ in a state of fullness.
  3. Some large breeds dogs (great Danes, shepherd dogs, greyhounds, Dobermans, etc.) are predisposed to volvulus by the special structure of the abdomen and the depth of the chest.
  4. If you suspect a blockage, you should not take independent actions, such as gastric lavage, enemas, or giving your pet laxatives and antiemetics. These actions can make the situation worse.
  5. You can't give him anything to eat or drink.
  6. Can and should be done to a pet injection of painkiller and urgently go to the clinic.


The dog owner should pay attention to the choice of toys for his pet - they should not be too small, and during walks, make sure that no stone or other foreign body is swallowed. Carry out deworming in a timely manner. Walking or dynamic play immediately after feeding increases the risk of volvulus.

Puppies are at particular risk of intussusception when transitioning to adult feeding and old animals. Excessively abundant feeding once a day is a risk of developing pathology. Ideally, an adult healthy animal is fed twice a day, puppies - according to their age. For older dogs, smaller, more frequent feedings are recommended.

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