How many years do chinchillas live? Life expectancy of a chinchilla How long do chinchillas live on average?

Chinchillas have exclusively long duration life for rodents, which is often an attractive and decisive factor when choosing pet. In their natural environment habitats in the Andes South America they usually live from 8 to 10 years, however, at home many chinchillas live for 15 to 20 years. In order to maximize the lifespan of a chinchilla, proper care is of great importance.

In wild nature

Chinchillas live in the foothills of areas of Peru, Chile, Bolivia and Argentina. IN wildlife they live on average no longer than 10 years. Owls and other birds of prey, as well as foxes and wild cats are the main threats to life in chinchillas, and often prevent them from reaching their biological potential.

Another major threat to the life and population of these rodents is human activity. Chinchilla fur is of great value for clothing, and although hunting for them is illegal, it still continues. In addition, human impact on the natural habitat of animals is reducing their habitat areas and the population as a whole.

At home

Like most other animals, chinchillas live much longer at home, up to 20-25 years. The oldest recorded chinchilla named "Radar" lived 29 years and 229 days and died on September 18, 2014 in Acton, California, USA. She was born in Germany on February 1, 1985, but then moved to America with her owner in 2002.

As pets, chinchillas obviously do not fall prey to predators and hunters, which greatly increases their potential lifespan. And, besides, as pets, they are provided with all the necessary food and no longer have to fight for life in the harsh wild climate. Veterinary care also helps increase their quality of life and life expectancy.

How to increase the lifespan of a chinchilla?

Nutrition is extremely important to keep your chinchilla healthy. Specially formulated foods that are free of nuts, seeds, dried fruits and corn work well for these rodents. Nuts, for example, are a very fatty food for them, which in large quantities can cause a strong blow to the health of the animal. Chinchillas need constant access to timothy hay, clean, fresh water, and toys and other items that are safe to chew on.

It is also important to provide the chinchilla with enough space to move, and at least one companion: these animals are accustomed to nesting in flocks and do not like to live alone. Environmental hygiene will also contribute to longevity. Change dirty bedding and old food to new ones daily. It is recommended to clean the cage on a weekly basis. And, of course, carry out regular inspections and pay attention to any possible changes or problems.

Unlike other rodents such as hamsters, mice and guinea pigs, chinchillas live much longer as pets. And this is important to consider because owning a chinchilla can be a potentially 20-year commitment. This means that all this time you will need to clean the cage, fill the water bowl, and buy food. And a lot of things besides this: bedding, toys, bowls, games, organization of care when you are away. And also remember that ideally chinchillas should be kept in at least pairs, so you may be caring for more than one chinchilla.

Chinchillas are one of the longest-living rodents. They can live up to twenty years (and sometimes even more!). Therefore, when choosing such a pet, you need to understand that this is an “investment” for for a long time. So first we need to think about whether we have the time and desire to take care of the animal for so many years. In addition, you need to know that the answer to the question of how long chinchillas live at home depends very much on the attention and quality of care.

Chinchillas are very sensitive creatures, and a variety of adverse conditions greatly affect their physical and mental health. With age, they, just like people, are characterized by weakened health. Having decided to buy a chinchilla, we take responsibility for it, so we should not make such a decision spontaneously, succumbing to excitement and “wants”.

How long do chinchillas live at home?

Good genes are the basis

Most common cause premature deaths among these rodents are precisely genetic problems. In turn, the irresponsible and often simply thoughtless behavior of breeders is to blame for this. They mate with each other individuals who are closely related, which is why in each next generation animals arrive with genetic diseases. Such chinchillas, as a rule, live in an apartment or house for only a few years.

How to protect yourself from this phenomenon? The only way to do this is to take a pet from a trusted nursery. It is not enough to find out the coordinates on the Internet - you need to get information about how such a nursery actually works. It is best to contact people who have already purchased from pet breeders and learn as much as possible from them. No one can guarantee long years of life for an animal from a dubious source about which we really know nothing.

What affects the lifespan of chinchillas?

  1. In addition to the genetic factor, proper nutrition . Do not give your pet anything to eat: his body is very sensitive and delicate! Avoid fats and sugars. Fresh foods, which the pet’s gastrointestinal tract may not be able to handle, are also not suitable. What then should you give your furry pets? Need a rich diet nutrients, including vitamins and macro- and microelements. The food must be of a good brand, well balanced and have the required calorie content. You should buy it in good pet stores and always read the composition of such food first.
  2. The second one is very important factor, answering the question of how long chinchillas live in an apartment or house, and influencing proper development our pet are visits to the veterinarian. Unfortunately, there is still a shortage of highly qualified small animal doctors. The problem occurs primarily in small cities and towns. If possible, provide your pet with preventive examination and treatment by a specialist. In large cities, the situation with veterinarians is getting better and better, and fortunately, the general level of knowledge of veterinarians about these delicate rodents is increasing. Regular visits are mandatory. The veterinarian will check the condition of the teeth, claws, fur, and detect in time developing disease. Sometimes changes in diet are also required - this should also be done by a specialist; never radically change your diet at your own discretion.
  3. The third thing is as important as the rest is our attitude towards chinchilla. Do we spend a lot of time with her, play with her, hug her? Remember that these rodents need a lot of exercise and must be let out of their cage often (and not left unattended!). Chinchillas are creatures with a lot of energy and curiosity. Care must be taken to ensure that they can grow up peacefully and be happy. Never leave animals without company for a long time.

Chinchillas are difficult to learn (initially they are very distrustful) and just as easily run wild when no one cares for them (especially if the owner is almost never at home). Rarely does loneliness make them aggressive - rather, they will become sad, lethargic, devoid of any desire and energy for an active life. They are just very unhappy, but no owner wants that, right? It is also worth considering whether to buy a companion for your pet. Two chinchillas (preferably of the opposite sex) feel safer and are much less bored. However, this does not mean that we can then afford to neglect our pet. The second rodent is great companion, but he will never replace a loving owner.

Symptoms of aging in chinchillas

All animals age, and this also applies to chinchillas. What are the symptoms? First of all, the energy level drops, the pet prefers to lie down and doze, sleeping most of the day. He still needs daily exercise, but it should be calm, slow walks, not crazy fun activities. You also need to take care of soft, more easily digestible foods, because the digestive system does not work as well as it used to.

There may be problems with the senses - smell, vision, hearing. We must take extra care of our pet during walks so that it does not cause harm or pain to itself. If any injuries occur, you will need to consult a veterinarian because wounds in older patients are much more difficult to heal. An aging chinchilla's whiskers may break. Moreover, now she has much more weak immunity, so we must be careful to ensure that the house is at the right temperature and there are no drafts. It is necessary to visit the veterinarian more often because cardiovascular diseases, neoplasms, problems with urinary tract. Remember also that an old pet often means much more expense. possible treatment. If we are not able to accept and provide this, it is better not to get an animal at all.

A chinchilla needs a lot of care and love at any age, but in old age it will need us, its owners, more than ever before. In gratitude for the time spent together, the tenderness and pleasure that she gave us with her pretty appearance and behavior, it is worth devoting as many warm feelings to her as possible. How many years chinchillas live at home is, of course, important. But it is also important that the time allotted to them is spent in love and attention.

How to prepare for buying a chinchilla?

A chinchilla can win the heart of any rodent lover. No wonder - after all, this pet is so interesting that keeping it can give a lot of impressions. What should you do to ensure that communication with your new pet goes well from the first day?

What should you know before buying a pet?

So we know the answer to the question , how long chinchillas can theoretically live in captivity, that is, at home - up to 20 years. Therefore, we must prepare for their long presence in our lives. In nature, they live in colonies, so it would be best to keep at least a few in a house or apartment. Thanks to this, we will be able to observe their relationships, which in the case of such rodents can be very interesting.

There is nothing unusual in the fact that this furry creature dozes throughout the day: chinchillas usually sleep and rest while we go about our daily activities. Rodents are especially active at night, but this does not mean that they cannot adapt to the lifestyle of their owners. A large amount of movement during the day will cause most animals to eventually limit their nighttime forays and activities.

What accessories does the animal need?

Before buying a chinchilla, you need to collect everything you need for it. Of course, the base is a large cage or enclosure. The next step is to select the appropriate accessories. Along with the cage you need to purchase a tray, a drinking bowl and a container for hay. In order for our curious pet to never be bored, we must make him various toys. It is also necessary to provide the animal with branches of fruit trees, which will help maintain good dental condition. Before buying a rodent, you need to invest in balanced food and sand for bathing in dust baths.

In the cage you need to arrange a variety of places for rest. A hammock for a chinchilla is very important element equipment in which she can stretch out and truly relax. In order for our pet to feel safe, we must provide him with a sufficient number of hiding places. They can serve, in particular, as houses and tunnels. Chinchillas love to jump, so it is necessary to secure at least several shelves in the cage at different heights.

Where to put the chinchilla cage?

It is worth knowing that a chinchilla, despite its small size, requires a large cage. It is especially important that it be high: this will allow our pet to engage in a variety of activities. In our plans, we must find a place suitable for our rodent to live - away from heat sources and TV. The cage cannot be placed in the kitchen or in rooms exposed to drafts. It is good to attach it so that it is adjacent to the wall. It is also necessary to take care of the desired temperature in the chinchilla’s room: it should be about 16-18°C. It is imperative to protect our pet from life-threatening overheating. Maintaining indoor humidity at 50-70% also contributes to the health of the rodent.

How to prepare an apartment for the arrival of a new inhabitant?

If we are going to let our pet go for walks around the apartment (which is necessary to provide him with the necessary dose of exercise), we will need to secure the room intended for “promenades”. We remove poisonous plants, we hide electrical cables and all objects that can lead to injuries and accidents to our ward. If we want to avoid unpleasant surprises, then we limit the rodent’s access to books and wooden furniture in advance.

How to plan a purchase?

When we already have everything necessary equipment and the apartment is properly prepared for the chinchilla to live at home for many years, all we can do is buy our dream. Don't rush into purchasing one - observe the behavior of rodents in the store: this will certainly make it easier to choose the ideal pet. Once the final decision has been made, it is best to place the new resident in a carrier that will provide him with a safe and comfortable ride. The animal must not create unnecessary stress on the day of purchase: the new tenant must settle into his apartment and get used to our presence.

In practice, the answer to the question of how many years chinchillas live in a house or apartment directly depends on the attention the owners pay to them. Nature has built into these cute animals a serious potential for longevity - about two decades. However, to what extent it will be implemented will determine the degree of responsibility of the people who undertake their reproduction and maintenance.

Chinchillas, these fluffy rodents, are becoming increasingly popular among pets. from South America appeared in Russia relatively recently, but there are already many nurseries where you can buy this exotic animal.

A chinchilla can become an excellent friend for the whole family for many years if you follow all the rules and recommendations for keeping it at home.

One of the main advantages of chinchillas over other rodents is their life expectancy; at home they can survive up to 25 years, are found in professional nurseries in America and chinchillas that are already 28 years old.

The life expectancy of a chinchilla directly depends on how competently its owner will comply with the conditions of keeping his exotic animal.

It is quite difficult to determine the exact age of a chinchilla unless you are a ratologist, but even a layman will be able to distinguish a puppy from an adult.

The puppy has a more rounded muzzle, small ears and round shape, the neck is shortened.

Also, if in front of you there is a puppy with white teeth, this means that he is still feeding on milk, therefore, his age is less than two months. As chinchillas age, their teeth darken and acquire their natural orange color.

TO seven months chinchillas have fully formed genitals, which will also help you approximately determine the age of a young chinchilla.

However, it is already quite difficult to distinguish a two-year-old chinchilla from a five-year-old one, for example.

To begin with, you should pay attention to the weight of the chinchilla - the normal weight of an adult rodent ranges from 500 gr. before 900 gr. As a rule, the older the rodent, the higher its weight with proper care.

It’s worth looking at the skin on a chinchilla’s paws – in young chinchillas it is smooth, but with age it becomes rougher. Chinchillas also become less active as they get older.

WITH sex determination For chinchillas, everything is much simpler - even in puppies, sexual characteristics are clearly visible.

Gently grasp the chinchilla by the base of its tail, with its belly facing you, and carefully examine its genitals. An adult male chinchilla has a clearly defined penis, and it is quite difficult to confuse him with a female.

For puppies, pay attention to the location anus and urinary organs. In males there is a gap of 3-4 mm between them, while in females there is practically no distance between them.

Character and habits of chinchillas

A chinchilla’s character can be almost anything – from uncooperative and aggressive to affectionate and friendly, it all depends on how much effort the owner will put in to taming a pet.

However, all chinchillas have common features – curiosity, territoriality and remarkable intelligence for such a small animal, which is often supplemented by natural timidity.

In the first few days of moving to a new place, the chinchilla experiences stress due to the change in environment, especially if it is not transported with its usual cage and things.

Afterwards, you can begin to slowly accustom him to your hands.

The correct thing to do is to simply open the cage and place your hands with your palms up as you exit. But you can put your palm delicacy– dried rose hips, hibiscus, a small piece of dried apple.

If the chinchilla does not approach your hands, try again the next day.

Gradually, the rodent will get used to you, will not feel danger and will allow you to take him in your arms.

It is very important that he jumps on his own in the palm of his hand; it is extremely undesirable to try to catch a chinchilla in the cage if it is trying to hide.

Remember that for these shy animals, any strong stress can cause illness, and simply having received such a negative experience, a chinchilla can become unsociable for a long time and will be afraid of hands, considering them a source of danger.

A tamed chinchilla allows itself to be picked up, may love to sit on its owner’s shoulder and will happily respond to your every appearance in the room.

Chinchillas – nocturnal animals, their peak activity occurs during dark time days, and during the day they prefer to sleep, so it will not be easy for “larks” to get along with a rodent that actively jumps and makes noise in its cage at night.

Despite the fact that they themselves make a lot of noise, they do not like extraneous sharp sounds, so it is better not to place a cage with a chinchilla in a room where the TV is playing loudly, for example.

How to properly feed a small kitten:

You should also remember that chinchillas are animals “ talkative».

Their usual “speech” is a quiet cooing, grumbling or hooting, in which the owner, having become accustomed to the chinchilla’s manner of communication, can easily discern the emotional direction of the “conversation.”

But one more group of sounds should be especially highlighted.

If a chinchilla makes an angry sound, similar to the loud chirping of a grasshopper, this is a sign that he is scared and ready to defend himself - this is most often how they react to someone trying to forcefully pick them up.

Two more sounds serve as alarm signals: a short, repeated bark, with which the chinchilla expresses its surprise at something unusual and unusual (in the wild, this is a warning signal to the flock about possible danger), and a loud, piercing cry with which a chinchilla signals that it is in danger or that it is in great pain.

If you hear the latter sound from a chinchilla, it is better to carefully examine it and, if necessary, consult a specialist.

Nicknames for chinchillas

Chinchillas have a good memory and respond to their names if you often repeat them in communication with the animal.

Many owners give their pets nicknames derived from the word “chinchilla” - Shunya, Shush, Shusha, Shin.

Also for boys often use names such as Pretzel, Poufik, Funtik, Albert, Rocky, Jerry.

Among chinchilla girls The most popular nicknames are Businka, Buffy, Cleopatra (Klepatra), Mouse, and Sherry.

Selection and arrangement of the cage

Chinchilla – active animal, they need space, so cages for hamsters and guinea pigs they are not suitable.

Minimum dimensions cages - 60 cm by 50 cm wide and height from 60 cm for one chinchilla. Otherwise, the rodent will be oppressed by the small space, there will not be enough space for them to be active, and a sedentary lifestyle has a bad effect on them.

In a cage Necessarily must be:

  1. house for privacy in which the chinchilla can hide;
  2. shelves wooden, chinchillas “test” almost everything, and therefore it is undesirable to leave them plastic, which usually comes with the cage;
  3. drinking bowl hinged, which must be attached to the outside of the cage; it must be checked for leaks;
  4. feeder hanging or heavy ceramic, mounted on a shelf so that the chinchilla cannot knock it over;
  5. salt and mineral stones, which serve the chinchilla both as a source of vitamins and salts and for sharpening teeth;
  6. sennitsa;
  7. filler on the floor(woody, does not stick to the chinchilla’s paws).

How to remove the smell of cat urine at home:

Additionally, you can also arrange it in a cage entertainment for chinchilla:

  • running wheel(preferably solid wood, diameter 30 cm or more);
  • wooden toys (preferably made from birch; you should not give your chinchilla toys made from resinous wood);
  • wooden ladders, hollows and rings;
  • a hammock made of coarse fabric that a chinchilla cannot chew through.

Cage locks must be strong– chinchillas are observant and sharp-minded, and they can open mild constipations on their own.

The cage should not be close to the battery, optimal temperature chinchilla content is quite low, its upper value is 20-22 degrees.

The cage should also not be in places with strong drafts; it should not be placed under open sun rays and close to curtains and wires that your pet can reach.

Chinchillas bathe in special sand, contact of liquid with the fur of this animal is unacceptable.

It is not recommended to place bathing suits with sand in cages - the chinchilla may turn the bathing suit over or start using it too often, drying out its skin. It is best to bathe your chinchilla while you are cleaning the cage - this way the rodent will not be stressed from the fact that you are violating its territory and it will not interfere with you cleaning its habitat.

Chinchilla nutrition

The first thing a chinchilla owner should remember regarding nutrition is that there is a deviation from the recommendations unacceptable.

Chinchillas should eat specialized granulated food, to which additional complementary foods containing vitamins and treats are added to make the chinchilla more willing to eat.

Complementary foods are usually mixed into the main granulate, no more than 1/4 of the total mass. Additional recommendations for the ratio of granules and complementary foods depend on specific manufacturers.

Also in the chinchilla's diet you can add treats, which can be easily purchased at pet stores and pharmacies, for example:

  • dried apples;
  • dried pears;
  • dried rose hips;
  • hibiscus;
  • dried cornflower buds;
  • dandelion root;
  • dried carrots.

A chinchilla's daily diet should also include hay. It is not advisable to prepare it yourself; it is better to purchase it at a pet store. The hay should be aromatic, green and unpressed. You can also take hay with additives, for example, rosehip flowers or nettles.

Chinchillas cannot be given They don’t eat fresh food, “from the table.”

You should also not add seeds, nuts, raisins (an exception is made for females in labor), meat, fish and dairy products to the diet.

Everything necessary for the health of a chinchilla is contained in feed and hay, but unusual and unnatural for them gastrointestinal tract food can cause constipation, diarrhea and bloating.

Walking chinchillas

Chinchilla breeders have different opinions on this matter, but the majority still recommends don't release chinchilla can run around the house on its own.

Since walking balls are not suitable for them due to the structure of the spine, wires, varnished wood, houseplants, hot batteries, and sometimes such a walk can end tragically.

If you have a spacious cage with toys, then the chinchilla feels great in it. It is recommended to take her out of there only when you pick her up; you can “walk” her on a table or bed, in a small space, from where all unnecessary things will be removed and where she will be under your constant supervision.

How many years chinchillas live at home depends on the main factors influencing the life expectancy of a rodent, namely: proper care and maintenance, temperature and nutrition. The maximum known lifespan of a chinchilla at home has been recorded at 28 years.

How many years do chinchillas live?

According to various sources, as well as relying on authoritative literary sources, an animal such as a chinchilla can even live up to 28 years at home. But due to ignorance of the peculiarities of keeping these exotic animals and caring for them, some owners have animals that live for a maximum of 5 or 6 years, no more. Why? The reason is this short life, first of all, is the improper maintenance of chinchillas, which entails the development of various diseases, stress in animals, provokes the appearance of physical and nervous exhaustion, sooner or later leading to death.

What is the life expectancy of chinchillas? Factors influencing it

Very often, animals living in captivity die early in the summer, since these animals cannot stand the heat. If you want the chinchilla living in your home to be respectable in age, and for the animal to be vigorous and cheerful, then increased attention should be paid to the temperature in the room where the animal is kept. Suitable temperature environment, at which the animals feel comfortable is +5-25 degrees Celsius. The ideal temperature is +16-18 degrees. The animals' homeland is the highlands of South America, so coolness is vital for these animals.

To increase life expectancy of chinchillas kept at home, it is necessary to give them regular (ideally daily) bathing in special sand. Such procedures cleanse the animal’s fur of excess moisture and insects and are an excellent stress reliever.

In order for the breeding of animals to be successful, and for the chinchillas to be as old as possible, and for them to produce the maximum possible number of healthy offspring, they should be fed properly, avoiding getting into their paws foods that shorten their lives.

  1. Grape(a sweet product with which digestive system chinchillas are very difficult to cope with, because the body of this animal does not produce insulin).
  2. Nuts(a fatty product that negatively affects the functioning of the animal’s liver).
  3. Sunflower seeds(destroys the chinchilla's liver).
  4. Branches and fruits of stone fruit trees(contain hydrocyanic acid, which is poisonous to chinchillas).
  5. Pine branches, spruce, as well as other conifers.
  6. Paper, newspapers, wallpaper(toxic substances contained in the listed materials lead to poisoning and bloating in chinchillas).

Sale of chinchillas – profitable business which will flourish if your farm is well equipped and located in good condition, and the pets are healthy, active and receive proper attention and full competent care.

Famous real case, when the age of the chinchilla, which was kept at home, reached 28 years. So, the answer to the question: “How many years do chinchillas live?” depends entirely on the owner of the farm.

The chinchilla is a very common pet, and its lifespan directly depends on the level of responsibility of its owner.

When buying any pet, especially a long-lived one, you must be prepared to monitor and honestly care for it throughout its life.

What affects life expectancy

Chinchillas are gentle animals, and therefore their life expectancy is affected by a large number of factors:

  1. Temperature. Considered optimal constant temperature+22 degrees. A sharp decrease or increase has a very detrimental effect on the health of the rodent.
  2. Cell size and contents. The cage must be spacious in height, since this animal cannot exist normally without jumping. Several wooden floors are also needed. A mandatory element of the cage is a spacious sleeping house and a running wheel (especially if the animal rarely goes for a walk outside the cage).
  3. Nutrition. In addition to following all feeding rules, chinchillas need fresh hay every day.
  4. Bathing. An animal's fur coat is not only very beautiful, but also an indicator of its health. Chinchillas bathe in fine sand, which must be purchased in trusted stores, because it may contain bacteria, insect larvae and other unpleasant surprises.
  5. Stress. These rodents are quite timid: any sharp sound, draft, careless touch can cause severe stress, which will manifest itself in hair loss. Pets must be protected from any such influence.

How long does a chinchilla live on average?

The lifespan of chinchillas at home and in the wild varies. And everything, oddly enough, depends on the person, since at home the animal is at least not threatened by predators, and when proper care, this rodent can live much longer than in the wild.

Did you know? In 2014, the death of the oldest chinchilla named Radar was recorded. The rodent lived a long 29 and a half years.

In wild nature

In its natural habitat (Peru, Chile, Bolivia and Argentina), the rodent with a luxurious coat can live for about 10 years. Wild animals, namely birds of prey and big cats, do not allow them to die a natural death.

Important!The rodent is a nocturnal animal, so one should not be surprised at its passivity in daytime days. The most active time for them begins after sunset: they jump, energetically chew on everything, which causes discomfort to their sleeping owners.

Also, these animals die prematurely at the hands of poachers, because their beautiful fur is very valuable in the modern world.

At home

As pets, chinchillas live at least twice as long (20–25 years). This is due complete safety from predators, from temperature changes, as well as the absence of the need to independently obtain food and water.

Rodents are now very popular all over the world, so pet stores offer a huge amount of combined food and treats that will help the animal eat properly and balanced.

How to determine the age of a chinchilla

Determining the age of a rodent is quite difficult, but there are certain “tips” that will help you roughly figure out how old your pet is:

  1. Size. The cubs are usually small and very active, but every year the animal gains weight and becomes rounder.
  2. Teeth. The teeth of young animals are white; with age they gradually turn yellow and become coarser.
  3. Ears. Older rodents often have age spots.
  4. Leather. The older the animal, the rougher the skin on the front and hind legs becomes.
  5. Activity. With age, the animal becomes less active, moves less frequently and more slowly.

So, at home, a chinchilla lives much longer and calmer than in the wild, but it all depends on the owner.

Did you know? Chinchillas do not have sweat glands, so they do not emit any odor at all.

It is necessary to create the most comfortable and safe conditions so that the animal lives happily and long in the house and is a friend and beloved family member.